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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for treating you today for subscribing for comity for liking for you support thank you if it's the first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne and please make sure that you subscribe if you're not subscribed so welcome to Monday prayer and today we want to pray for grace to be private I made a post on Saturday on my website on Instagram it on Facebook and the amount of feedback and just reading all those comments and everything that some of you are saying it just made me realize that God is just speaking to so many of us he's calling us to a place of wisdom whereby we learn how to be private in order for us to be very effective in life some of us are called to live a life of privacy to live a life that is private to live a life that is free from oversharing because we live in a world that demands information from us you know especially on platforms like social media they're costly demanding information pictures photos posts they want to know your thoughts they want to know what's going on in your life in fact everywhere on social media it's demanding information and everywhere we look information is being demanded out of us so God is calling us to a realm whereby we don't really fall prey to that because it can become a trap whereby information is constantly being demanded out of you it can become a trap way by your now over sharing your life with people three years ago the Lord said to me build into silence I want you to start building in silence I was somebody that would share so much of my life because I thought everybody's as innocent as me so just so much about my life you know thinking people will be happy as excited as I am as happy as I as a joyful as I am realize that that's not the case we are not all the same we don't have the same mentality x' we don't have the same mindsets we don't have the same hearts we don't have the same way of dealing with things so they've all began to remind me even of my past how I grew up if you know oh if you've watched my salvation video I was attacked heavily as a child by people that I trusted so the Lord began to remind me that some of those things some of those Warfare's that you are having to use because of information shared that I didn't want you to share you said it before conception you said it before birth you know God doesn't want you to not share information or to not you know express your happiness or your joy but there's a time for everything there's a season for everything and he wants us to come to a place whereby we are so mature and we understand his voice Vijay's voice and we know when to share information we know how to share information we know what to share in terms of this information and that takes wisdom he wants us to move with wisdom to understand wisdom to walk in wisdom so the Lord began to reveal to me even people that were fasting against me and I was really shocked that somebody would spend time and fast against someone else's plans you know there are people like that they were fast against your plans people don't think evil against the things that you're planning you know you have people around your life and you're sharing all these good news and all these plans all these things that you want to do but the thoughts that they have and the behavior that they exert around you it becomes like a witchcraft because it's a guest the things that you want to do it's against the goals and the plans and the visions and you find that some people begin to give you the wrong opinions so we have to be very careful and it's not true it's not to say that you should be private because you are afraid it shouldn't come out of fear but it should come out of wisdom so you know three years ago the Lord said building to silence and I believe I made a video about that but for me it was almost coming out of a place of fear like if I share this then this won't happen or if I share this information that maybe to what happened so it was starting to go a little bit into fear and the Lord doesn't want you to be private because you are he wants you to be private because you are wise it's a calling of wisdom it's a calling for you to be very effective in your life because your calling or your purpose or your destiny the things that he wants you to accomplish it demands that privacy it demands areas of your life to be private so that you can be effective in your purpose effective in your calling effective concerning the anointing upon your life so being private is a cool and not everybody is called to do this it's a calling it's a way of life it's a way of living your life and you have to be content with that because if you don't listen to that calling and if you don't answer that calling it's going to affect your life this is where by your attack this is where by things start happening against you because you share things that God doesn't want you to shame God also has things that he wants to speak to you about he has desires in his hearts that you are in his heart that he wants to speak to you about there are people that God gives visions to even revelations of the world and he doesn't want you to share it just yet he wants to just share it with you there's a communication that God wants to do with you but because you always over share things you know God is telling you something about your own life but you go on social media and you start sharing it with everybody but God was just really speaking to you wasn't speaking to your followers you were just speaking to you wasn't speaking to your friends and don't say well I feel that God is saying this so let me share this with everybody God is just speaking to you God desires that fellowship went by it's just you and here the Lord Jesus in you the word of God in you the Holy Spirit in you it's just the two of you and He desires that sort of a relationship but some of us don't have that wisdom or that understanding or even that December to know that this is just between me and God this kind of breakthrough this revelation this vision this dream this thing that God has put inside of me this idea these things that God is speaking to me about this is not for me to share with everybody on social media this is not for me to share with my friends this is not for me to share with my family this is just between me and God you see it takes your millet II to understand that and sometimes we like humility this is why we share so much because we want to be people pleases we want people to clap hands for us we want people to Pat us on the back we want people to say hey well done because when you seek attention from people God's attention is just not enough so sometimes that's all it demands humility not just wisdom it demands a certain level of humility from you a certain level of discernment and understanding and this is where God is calling some of you we want you to release certain kind of wisdom a certain love of wisdom understanding reverence the fear of the Lord the understanding of the things of God perception and decendant you wants to release this grace over your life but you are you going to answer the core of being private I'm going to say yes Lord I would be private I will learn to live my life in a private way in a way that doesn't seek me to please other people because the danger you tried to please people is that you begin to compete with people you find people are always sharing about their lives but really the motive is they're competing with their neighbor they're competing with the Jonases then computing with your sisters in the church this is why you share so much about your life because you're really competing you want attention it's not because you want anything else because you really share you have the goodness of your heart but it's the motive behind your sharing why do you share so much about your life what is the motive behind the information that you share is it because you seek to please other people is it because you would attention from other people is this led of the Spirit or it's led of the flesh you can't spend a day without going on social media and posting a picture or posting something because you demand attention from people you live your life according to the likes and the attention that you get on social media you see it becomes dangerous and the Lord reminds us of the nature that we should take up he says in the book of Philippians the Bible says in the book of Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 to 7 it says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but he made himself of no reputation take it taking the form of a bondservant it coming in the likeness of men the Lord made himself of no reputation and with the Spirit of God began to reveal this word to me I began to understand that sometimes we are sharing this information because we want to keep a reputation there's a reputation and an image that we want to give out to people it is this thing that we want to create when people look at us it's a reputation we want to protect it we want it to shine so we begin to live this life of not being private because we want to keep a reputation but when you begin to let go of that reputation and you allow Christ to be your reputation you love the Spirit of the Lord to build up your reputation you let go of your reputation and you let him take the driver's seat of your reputation then you have no need to compete with everybody you no need to show yourself like you're somebody you have no need to over share your life with anybody you don't give it to that pressure of questions that people give you you don't need to show a picture to your friends at your family you have no need to be a people please anymore there's no more pride you are because you have nothing to prove to anybody you don't live your life try to prove yourself to people because now your reputation is in the hands of the Lord and what better place to keep your reputation you what's safer place and what's safer position to have your reputation in so it's important for us as you seek to live a life of privacy because some of you you want to live that life but you don't have to do it you need grace and this is why we want to pray for grace to live a private life and you know it's just not about warfare the Spirit of the Lord began to reveal to me because I was thinking how can I be private in my day-to-day life the Spirit of the Lord immediately answered me and he gave me a vivid vision and I was in my living room where I live right now I was in the living room and there were people gathered in the living room people standing yet people sitting on the sofa the room was packed with people and some people couldn't even fit so there were people even outside just staring and facing me and looking at me and I was so shocked like what is this what is this what's going on and the Spirit of the Lord is said and the Spirit of the Lord said you have invited these people you have invited all these people every time that you share information you invite people in your house every time that you give out information about a certain aspect of your life set an area of your life you are initially inviting people into your house they have all rights to come into your house you've given the bling all right to come into your house this is what some of you are doing every time you share information people come into your space people invade your space and your privacy every time you share about your love life people begin to invade the privacy of your love life you share about your job people begin to come into your job let what you share work for you don't let it work against you let the information that you share be information that will work for you if you've got to share about your job let it work for you if you've got to share about your love life let it work for you let it be the lead off the spirit be wise the Bible says be as wise as cunning in other versions as serpents but as gentle as doves be as wise as a serpent when you share information so I had to ask myself am I prepared to have people in my house concerning this unsetting that concerning a good setting because cynics see and from then I began to use discretion this is why some of you say why are you so private why you're so secretive regarding that I'm secretive because I have wise I don't need to share information about certain things in my life I don't need to share and invite people in my house code setting certain things that are happening in my life so the Spirit of the Lord was to help you today was to release grace wisdom discretion understanding humility was to teach you to be humble so that you don't live a life to please people because when you please people that means there's pride in your heart but you live your life to please the people is pride in your heart well you cannot enjoy a dinner with your husband or with your fiance or with your boyfriend or your significant other when you cannot even enjoy dinner unless you take a picture unless you post a picture on social media that means there's pride in your heart these insecurities in your heart you cannot live your life unless you get a like you can you cannot live in the moment you cannot enjoy the moment because you're insecure in your heart you need people to pat you on the back every time that means you're insecure that means you're immature that means that there's pride in your heart and the Spirit of the Lord wants to deal with that today because it's a big issue as you go into 2020 you have to go with less insecurities with a bit of humility in your heart with some wisdom and some understanding some discretion because there are things that God wants you to do it they would demand this question they would demand you to be secure in yourself they would demand you to be a bit mature they would demand your ability the things that God wants to do it reveal and he wants to teach you today by being what my big private so we want to pray according to the word of the Lord and I have to say this before we pray because it's important that you understand why we are pray it's important for you to get understanding before we pray and that we come to the same mind of unity and the same mind of faith so we just want to pray according to the word that we've just read camasta Cristo si que esto supporters KKK tissue hasta las galactic masu toss masks and a sticker in the name of Jesus King of Kings Lord of lords ardor and glory belongs to you O God we come before your presence our Father who art in heaven you are all things you hold all things you have created all things the heavens and the earth and everything that is within them even us oh god here we are father what's more coming before your throne in boldness father we have nothing to fear Lord we say we repent we repent we repent we repent on god of not being wise we repent of not using this question we're afraid of not walking in humility we repent of not working in this segment oh god we repaired being disobedient every time asked us gently to be quiet every time you asked us generally to be a little bit more private every time you asked us to waits before we speak to listen before we speak to wait a little bit longer to hide like Elizabeth for six months or was it five months Oh God you asked us certain things but we did not listen we wanted the attention we wanted to be people pleases we wanted to walk your pride we had insecurities inside of us therefore we spoke when we are not there to speak we did things when we're not bet to do them Oh God but Father here we are asking for your grace Lord we need your grace grace to live a life of privacy teachers to be private teachers what it means to be private teachers the joy is all God the secrets Oh God being private help us to enjoy Oh God the life of privacy and to find joy and peace in being private for there is great joy these great peace Oh God these great comfort in living a life of privacy father you said that in your word that the Lord Jesus Christ he made himself of no reputation Lord it is an image that we try and set up before people we want to keep up a reputation we want to keep up with the Jonas's therefore we make the wrong decisions we walk in a way that is not wise even the way that we spend our money it is no longer wise because we compete with other people because we want to look a certain way to our family our friends and those that look up to us but in God we say no more no more of keeping up with the Jonases no more of competing with people no more insecurities normal fear even when we don't share information Lord let it not come out of a place of fear but a place of confidence a place of humility and wisdom o God we say take away the fear of the heart Holy Spirit power of God take away the fear take away the insecurities the thorns that are planted in the hearts of your people Lord pluck them out in the name of Jesus the being that is above every other day let they be purity let the blood begin to wash the hearts that are voided the hearts that are pained the hearts that don't know how to breathe anymore because they are coveted in securities in Pride Oh God in the scales of deception father heal your people today Oh God some of their hearts are dried up or Garland and begin to pop up once more contentment in privacy contentment then they be contentment this question and wisdom in these huts oh god I pray in the name of Jesus the thing that is above every other thing we list this grace Oh God a merited favour to walk in wisdom to be quick to think in wisdom to be quick to walk in that wisdom of being private living a life of privacy we say yes to the call to live a life of privacy for it is a call and Lord we say we are happy to be chosen to walk in such a way so that we be fully effective Oh God as the body of Christ we want to be effective lord let us close the door was Lord the doors that the enemy was coming here to invade areas of our lives shut the doors Holy Spirit power of God no more invaders no more spectators touching and meddling with the people with the lives of your people father no more closed and shut those doors by the power of your spirit today shut those doors Holy Spirit by your power shut those doors the doors of the big eyes that are watching and hoping that something is going to happen Lord shut the doors those that are meddling in the lives of your people shut the doors no more hands no more feet in the lives of your people but Holy Spirit take three eminence in the lives of your people take full residence in their lives Oh God as you shut these doors take over Holy Ghost take over power of God take over wisdom of God console oh take all the Holy Ghost you are the counselor you are the teacher you are the helper we say here we are to be helped to be cut sold to be taught by you to live a life of privacy the secrets of privacy we are happy and content to walk in that posture to live in that life on God and we say no to pressure we say no to questions we say no to the demand of questions we will not listen to the demand and the voices of questions of hard questions oh god we live a life of wisdom we choose to live a life of wisdom Lord Jesus when they asked you questions sometimes you did not answer them because it was not worth answering help you people to know where to answer and when not to answer Oh God let them be not like fools that always speak O God but let them to know let them know where to be quiet and when to speak and that comes from your wisdom Holy Ghost we want to walk in your wisdom thank you for releasing this grace thank you for releasing your wisdom thank you for understanding Oh wonderful counselor thank you for understanding thank you for wisdom thank you for grace that we did not work for but you that you are freely given to us you know these other people watches as those that around us watch us let them also inherit the same wisdom the same grace father let it be imparted into their lives as we walk this life it is we answer this call as you have chosen us to be a people that are private father we give you glory we give you honor to you alone belongs the odd at the glory for ever and ever amen David amen hallelujah god bless you and if you want to know more about why being private is a calling I just made a post on my website so I'll put the link on the description box just so you can read that and get more understanding because there's so much to speak about that and I probably did say everything in this video but I prayed that with this new grace with this new understanding the Spirit of the Lord is going to begin to teach you how to be content by be private he's going to teach you how to don't live a life of trying to prove yourself to people in your quality different aspects of your life is just not a spiritual thing but it's also very physical in your career you don't need to yourself to anybody in your education you don't need to prove yourself to anybody in your love life you don't need to prove yourself to anybody in your finances you find that you don't wanna buy things because you want to show out to people because there are people that spend money on clothes they spend money on shoes because they want to show out but the Lord will begin to give you wisdom in your financial life counsel in understanding wisdom and understanding discretion in the way that you do things even the way that you speak in your day-to-day life the way that you treat people the way they even treat your family your day to day life it comes with a bit of wisdom it'll come with wisdom and the Lord will teach you how to be humble because it takes humility and you begin to pluck out you as plucking out those seeds and those stones of pride and insecurity because sometimes people are not private simply because they are insecure and the Lord will also begin to take away the fear because some of you think I have to be private because if I'm not then certain things aren't going to happen you that's a spirit of fear that is actually speaking to that if you say this then you're not prosper it's a straight of fear and the Lord wants to deal with that the Spirit of the Lord will begin to teach you yesterday's warfare that happens when you over share your life but you shouldn't do it with the posture fear it has to come from wisdom so the Spirit of the Lord will begin to teach you all things so god bless you in a I'm not sure if I'll be here in the next two weeks because I'm just gonna take a break to focus on my spiritual life I'm gonna take a break - yeah to prepare myself for 2020 so I'm not sure if I'll be here this the Lord might say I need to come on and teach something I want to pray about something so as far as I know I might not be here until just before New Year's Eve so hopefully I'll be here if I'm not I'll just let you know so god bless you and I'll see take care bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 39,490
Rating: 4.9659019 out of 5
Id: y1Ai3SuAfm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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