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[Music] hi everyone welcome to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for liking for commenting and for supporting this channel thank you so much and if he's the first time welcome to my channel and today we want to pray against our enemies praying the Word of God you know in a life the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy the enemy is not happy with any progression that we make the enemy also has people that it uses or spirits that it uses to come and still kill and destroy what we are building or what we have or the promises and the inheritance that we have in Christ in this earth in this lifetime so we want to come against the enemy wants to come against these plans we want to come against any fortifications or any throngs that the enemy is all planted or envisioned against our lives against our destiny we want to pray this prayer and if you're somebody that is facing any spiritual attacks in your life maybe through your dreams through people we want to pray this prayer moving on to God to be a Jehovah Nissi God who is our better the one who fights for us the one who banners us and you want to pray according to the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 22 verse 32 to verse 48 so let's just join our faith I'm gonna join my faith to your faith you wanna pray this prayer together in agreement so we're gonna come into agreement right now and pray that God vindicate us that God becomes our banner right now that you over this you want to call upon the name of Jehovah Nissi so let's just pray according to this word in the mighty name of Jesus father we honor you we glorify your name you are the Most High God there is no other you are the highest God you are the creator and the establish the establish on the earth and everything that is within it's God we honor you we glorify you and we thank you that we are your children Oh God father we thank you that you would not leave us or forsake us O God Almighty father we thank you that we are the apples of your eye or God Almighty we thank you that you are in us and therefore you is in us is great then he that is in the world God Almighty you know the things that this person is facing that is watching this video you know the things that I'm facing on God you know the enemy what he has against us our destinies our lives father you know the plans that the enemy is trying to do to still kill and destroy us Oh God but father we pray right now according to your word oh god your word that is right your word that is true God Almighty always like you all God except you Oh Lord you are our rock God Almighty you are God or God God you are our strength and power you make our way perfect God we are praying make our ways perfect by the way there is Error where this distortion Oh God you know our ways Oh God for the clear path so God we pray with enemy has planted seeds of discord seeds of this distortion seeds of air Oh God we pray right now according to your Living Word Father let our way be perfect even as you are perfect here on earth just as it is in heaven Oh God father make our feet to be like the feet of the days or God set us on high places God we pray in the name of Jesus father teach our hands right now to make war against the kingdom of darkness against the enemies o god i guess the spiritual host in the heavenly realms god make our hands o God to be hands that make war and that defeats the kingdom of darkness Oh God teach us give us skills right now supernaturally by the power of your spirit father for this person watching this video for their family for their friends and my family and my friends and myself o God we pray father make us to make our arms to be herbs that can bend a bow of bronze O God according to your word we pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father you have also given us the shield of your salvation we thank you for the shoot of your salvation father we thank you for the gentleness that has made us great today O God according to your grace according to your mercy your compassion father we thank you for that grace in the name of Jesus father enlarge our pad under our feet right now god we pray in the name of Jesus father when there was a limit God you know the places that were limited in our lives you know the territories that were limited for us O God you know the places that have boundaries O God Father we are praying for enlargement right now in the name of Jesus father we are praying for a large weight for this person watching this video we come into agreement for your enlargement in their life in areas of their life that needs a large manner called your wonderful grace and mercy O God we pray in the name of Jesus father do not let our feet slip Oh God father the enemy wants to see our feet slip on God and the enemy wants to see our feet slip in our plans in the things that we want to do in our lives father the things that we want to do even in this month the things that we want to do this year God the things that we are doing in different areas of the other if our lives father put the enemy to shame father for the enemy has designed that our feet may slip on God Almighty we worship you you are the Most High God who knows all things your the Most High God who has created all things God Almighty and do not allow our feet to slip oh god we put our trust in you that you will put our enemies to shame or God we thank you for putting our enemies to shame even now in the name of Jesus oh god we honor you praise your name father pursue our enemies right now you know our enemies that are fighting against us our enemies that are trying to steal kill and destroy us Oh God in our lives in our destinies father Jehovah Nissi we call upon your name we put our trust in your name destroy our enemies Oh God those that are youngest our own destinies those that are fighting against our progress God Almighty put them to shame and destroy their plan destroy their world let them fall down to nothing father the evil words that they're spoken I guessed our lives our destinies and the things that we are doing in our life father let their words fall down to the dust and destroy them all God by the power of your spirit father we pray father neither turned back again until you have completely destroyed the plans of the enemy I guess this presents life watching this video I guess my life oh god we pray the name of Jesus father destroy their plans destroy the enemy's plans against this person's life would their plans Almighty God the enemy's plans I guess their lives father would them and destroy them even the enemy's plans against my life would those and those enemies would their plans or God destroy them let them not rise or God we pray in the name of Jesus do not allow God Almighty our Father how else shall die out Jehovah shadow you over listen you're over roughing do not let the plans of the enemy destroy us but and let the foldout completely to the ground oh god we pray in the name of Jesus do not allow the enemy to rise again so father let your spirit raise us a higher standard against the enemy Oh God let your spirit come down and raise us up all God I guess our enemy's father we pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father let them fall under our feet father you've made the enemies to be under off food right now we trample upon the enemy under our feet in the name of Jesus we trap upon serpents and scorpions father we thank you for the authority that you've given us to trample upon our enemies father now let them fall down under our feet even now oh god we pray and supplicate in the name of Jesus according to thy word in verse 39 father you have opted us with strength for battle we thank you for the strength you have given us in this season o God father we thank you that we shall pursue our enemies and we shall come out out of every difficult season I thank you Father for this person watching this video they shall come out out of every difficult season of their life where you have strengthened them O God even now by the power of your spirit father I thank you that you have strengthened them against those that are rising up against them all God but I think that you've given us the next the next of our enemies o God we praise You Father we thank you that you have destroyed those that have hated us for no reason those that have hated our plans those that have hated your plans God Almighty you know the people that have hate your plans for our lives father I thank you that you have destroyed them completely O God father they looked but there was not to save them O God there is not to save our enemies even you Lord you did not answer them for their ways they are plans in their meditations were of evil o God Almighty father I thank you that you are beating our enemies right now as fine as the dust of the earth father I thank you that you're treating them like the dirt in the streets father let them fall down like dust Oh God Almighty there are meditations of evil there are words of evil father there are plans of evil there parent of evil against our lives father I thank you that they are falling like dust and let the wind Oh God let your worries blow them away Oh God to the pits of hell father we pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name father we thank you that you've delivered us from the stripes the strivings of people and you've kept us as the and of Nations for father your word says that we are the heads another tails Oh God your people for the people shall know us and help us Almighty God and serve us according to your grace according to your compassion how that thank you for if for even foreigners people that you're sending to us O God to be our helpers as soon as those people hear our names but I think that we shall find favor in their hearts favor in their sights Almighty God to help us to accomplish destiny oh god we thank you in the name of Jesus and I thank you that our enemies are fading away right now father I thank you that they have come out from their from their hideouts Oh God by the power of your Street oh god I think that you have exposed our enemies today from whatever that they are hiding under the sea's in the airs Almighty God in holes or whatever that they hide in God Almighty I thank you that you have exposed our enemies that you have put them to shame find the way ever that they are going under the sea's in the trees in the waters in the air Oh God Almighty in the holes wherever that they live oh god I thank you that you have now begun to expose our enemies in this season father and they shall be put to shame because of your wonderful mercy and your compassion that you have won us for father you said that you have compassion on whoever you have compassion and father we thank you that you have compassion on us today Oh God you are on Jehovah Nissi and father we thank you you Oh Lord you live forever blessed be you are a rock Oh God be exalted you are the rock of our salvation you are God and you are the God who avenges us and Father we thank you that our enemies so be subdued under us even now and all the days of our lives in the name of Jesus the name above every name we thank you God in Jesus mighty name hallelujah amen and amen thank you so much for watching this video and God bless you and God loves you so much and God is your Jehovah Nissi and I'll see you on Wednesday love you so much bye read a free chapter of Daphne's latest book incorruptible beauty and pre-order it right now on her website [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 115,033
Rating: 4.9133539 out of 5
Keywords: prayer against enemies, prayer for protection, prayer series, enemies, enemies of progress, dephne madyara, prayer against the enemy, prayer from our enemies, scripture on fightign the enemy, fighting the enemy, prayer against spiritual attack, spiritual attack, put on the full armour of God
Id: sekt1nCbYP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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