Perry Stone - "What Happens When Your Faith Begins to Fail"

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[Music] [Music] [Music] help me welcome my friend dr. Barry stone as he comes to priest today or you can be seated thank you so much for your kind words and yes he was 10 and I was 12 but I hear somebody say I heard you preach when I was a kid and I'm hearing that more and more it's like something's happening we're honored to be here I was looking at the sanctuary you were remodeled this looks fantastic and i want to i want to give honor to pastor and his wife and family and of course the wonderful staff here and i was thinking as he was talking about the converging the ministries and streams it's so wonderful to come up in a time when i was able to live to see that there would be a generation of no competition and what i mean by that is when i was growing up churches stuck to themselves denominations stayed among themselves pastors of the same denominations will not even support somebody else's meeting nor encourage anyone to attend and so i want you to know and i'll say this publicly that not only is kevin Wallace a very dear friend but we have people from OCI fellowship who attend here on Sunday we have people from here that come up every Tuesday and kind of hang out with us and there is no competition no spirit of competition we are we're a kingdom brothers kingdom brothers and I and so I'm so refreshed I've got folks mostly out here today some of them first time brother and I wanted them to check this church out because we love you and appreciate what you're doing if you'll give me two and a half minutes I'll be ready to preach if Robby will come we did not bring a lot of material I asked him to bring what was on manna-fest greatest thing I ever did in 42 years of preaching was produce a DVD called the apocalypse made easy and I've got more comments on this it's studying the book of Revelation but it's it's simplifying the whole thing and more people have said I've never understood it till now thank you hallelujah praise Jesus so you may want to get that this is so new it's not even been offered on our telecast yet ancient symbols and prophetic parables revealing Christ's return this is a two-hour teaching and I want to take you to the four major parable have all kinds of clues and mysteries and word studies in them that most people have never heard taught I think you'll enjoy that this is another one called the discover its discovering the prophetic seasons were in spirits battling your children strange mysteries connected to the rapture when earth day time and prophecy could collides discerning the times and seasons were in that's available and I love this right here this is called experiencing the glory of God the mystery of how your your spirit prays to God and on DVDs I'm CD I'm sorry - I was in Hamilton Ohio and I walked in and turned to Robbie and I said the angel of the Lord is here and Robbie hadn't heard me say that before but it was the first time he felt that angel come in when he comes there's a it's happened about what eight times maybe six to eight times and he the the service shifted I did not use a note and we got into a zone of preaching that I had not gotten to in years and Sid Roth heard this and he actually offered on his television program he said I've never heard anything like this in my life you know I think you know who cities we give God the glory for that but it's talks about experiencing the glory of God and when I left I had to get on the plane hundreds of people were on their face and the glory of God they say it's like they got glued to the floor because oh I felt the Holy Ghost right there come over there gods I have to do something I got a preach are you ready for the word of the Lord Luke Luke chapter 22 and I'm going to look at verse 31 and 32 and as we get ready to go there I'm going to deal with the subject of what happens when your faith begins to fail and faith fails when circumstances are altered done and faith fails or becomes weak when prayers do not go the way we anticipate have you ever prayed for someone sick and they died have you ever prayed for a financial breakthrough and you lost your job have you ever started tithing and you got a cut in your pay have you ever prayed for a someone in an accident and it was a relative and they passed or a child went early I could give you all kinds of examples about these particular type of things and and when it happens listen to me carefully it is easy to change your theology to accommodate the tragedy and by that I mean that now that doesn't heal everybody because I have an experience that shows me counter to what I have been raised God doesn't financially bless everybody because although ten people had pay raises I lost mine therefore my theology must change to answer a question I have concerning why it did not work out we're going to show you a man whose faith failed and we're going to do some word studies on this that I believe are going to help you in Luke chapter 22 verses 31 through 32 and the Lord said Simon Simon indeed Satan has asked for you now the King James what from which I usually read says Satan has desired you that he may sift you as wheat but somebody say thank God for the button cuz every time you get in trouble God will put a buck right in there come on somebody but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when I'm going to show you and it's almost a contradiction in this statement I prayed that your faith wouldn't fail and when you have converted or return to me the King James says converted strengthen your brethren my attention is drawn to the fact that the Lord has gone back to his previous name that he was born with that he had when he was called as a disciple into the ministry as you may know his name was called Simon and Simon is a beautiful name and there's different etymologies as to the root of the word Simon and what it means and it can actually mean a reed by the water that blows as the wind blows and it actually can imply a sense of occasional instability and you see that in Simon's life from time to time he wants to walk on water but he ends up sinking they're fussing about who is the greatest in the kingdom I'll dock deny and he does and so the Lord saw something in him for his future so he changes his name to Peter which is Petros in Greek and Petros actually means a little stone now in the imagery I'm painting before you there is a difference between something which is easily blown but I have never seen a blowing wind overturn a rock now there can be hurricanes and tornadoes don't get me wrong but the average wind does not move even the gravels on the sidewalk up so my point is that Jesus saw something in him and in the Bible the moment he is called and he travels with Jesus in the traveling ministry he's called Peter he's called the little rock he's called the little pebble the little stone he has got some some stability in there but I call your attention to the fact that Jesus sees something about to happen and he does not say Peter Peter he goes back to the previous identity and says Simon Simon Satan has desired you to sift or shake or move you again and the law of Scripture is very unique on God calling your name twice if you've ever paid attention Abraham Abraham Jacob Jacob Saul Saul Simon Simon there's a law or principle I should say in the scripture when God calls your name twice when God calls your name twice there's two things that are evident number one God is getting your attention because by calling it twice he's telling you listen carefully and pay attention because I am about to tell you something but the root of why he calls your name try it twice is a word summed up in Trent every time in the Bible when God called somebody's name twice he was telling them you're about to get a transition from the place that you now are to a place that's going to be different than what you're accustomed to Saul Saul you've been a Pharisee but you're about to become a preacher Abraham Abraham you've been barren but you're about to become a daddy Simon Simon you've been solid but you're about to be shaken again I was somebody in this help in his house will track with me for just a little bit while I lay the foundation now what Jesus knew was coming goes deeper than what we read in the English translation of the Bible for when we read the story of the narrative of Simon Peter who was by the fire warming himself and they realized that he was there in the garden with Jesus and they say we know you he says no you don't the second time they say you're one of his he says I am NOT the third time they say not only are you one of his but you know him and you follow him now the Bible tells you that Simon cursed and said I do not deny the man now in the Western mindset the word curse means to cuss and all my life I could see Simon saying a cuss word and we know that some of the words used today we're not necessarily words used back then so I could never figure out what did he say that would be a cuss word I don't think he would take God's name in vain I don't think you would do that no but then I started looking at the Greek oh you better go him you better help me preach right here when I tell you this and Mark 14 7 of 14 verse 70 and most scholars say that mark was the first gospel writer and the others gained their knowledge from Mark so mark was familiar this is heavy are you ready for something heavy when it says and he cursed and said I do not know him the Greek word used by mark is anathema it's not a word for using a negative statement or we would say profanity so what Peter did and this gets deep is he anathema himself now what does it mean when it you Ana theme yourself it is a vowel I'm quoting from a rabbi a vow under penalty of removal Paul uses this word in first Corinthians chapter 16 in verse 22 and he says this if any man does not love Christ claims to but don't let him be Ana FEMA now that doesn't sound important or significant okay so the guy sort of you know put a little self curse on himself no here's what you don't understand what he actually was said was this and the Jews there knew what he was saying anathema was a form of excommunication meaning that you were to be banished from the congregation so when Simon said let me tell you how I know I don't know him and I'm gonna emphasize this to you may I be banished from the congregation of Israel and may I be banished from the congregation of Almighty God if I know this man and what he actually said was I ask God in heaven to excommunicate me and banished me if I know him now this put a entire different twist on this idea of him cursing and when the rooster crowed he went out and he started weeping because get stay with me now the only person who can put you back in the community is the head rabbi and his head rabbi is headed to the cross you better help me preacher his head rabbi is about to die he can't go to Jesus and say can you put me back in the house of Israel can you put me back in favor with God because he has cursed himself out of the congregation he has cursed himself out of the favor of God he's cursed himself out if you please of the fellowship of the disciples and the only way then he could get back in as if the head rabbi would forgive him of what he said and put him back in the Assembly Peter thought he was done he thought it was over Jesus is God I've got myself in a heap of trouble if Judas committed suicide and hung himself I'm just like Judas I ain't got no hook but what he did not realize his Jesus said but I've already prayed now we know mmm we know it happens gee Jesus solved the plot devised by Satan he desires you that's the plot he saw the purpose the purpose was to sift but then he already prayed because he prayed against the plot and he prayed against the purpose but there is something really weird and strange not in the anathema part but in what Jesus said to him and you must follow me and pay careful attention to this Jesus statement contradicts itself hmm Satan has desired you but I have prayed for you that your faith doesn't fail now watch this now if you put a period there we're fine and when you are converted in order to be converted you have to fall now hold on my question for Jesus is you are the sea woken dead men raise a blind eye opener deaf ear unstop her son of God can't you pray to keep the man from falling it's a contradiction I've prayed that your faith not he did not say I prayed that you do not fall [Applause] he said I'm praying your faith see he knew you better hear this that when Peter said out of thema it would destroy his faith that he would think at that point he's doomed so Jesus had to pray that his Spirit would be undergirded but my question is Jesus this contradictions of I approved for you that your faith can you not pray that I will not fall you tell him you prayed for him then you imply he's gonna fall after you pray for it this puzzles me Jesus can't you pray a failure away you can pray a demon out of somebody you can take a Lazarus who's been dead for days and raised him from the dead and you can take a storm that Nature has on Galilee and you can say peace be still and in three words the waves go back to sleep and the wind goes back across the mountain and the boat makes it to the other side and you're telling me that you can't pray enough to make me not fail and the answer would be this Jesus could say this strength of peter's stupidity exceeds the capacity of my prayers I could pray that you fail not but failure Peter is in you we ask God to deliver us from a failure when the thing is in our heart so we don't need a deliverance from the failure we need a change in the heart jesus knew there was something weak about Peter in his spirit life and he knew there's no sense in me praying that he won't anathema himself because he's stupid at times he says things that shouldn't come out of his mouth he's always arrogant so he's gonna and a thema himself so it does mean now I'm talking to somebody we smoked cigarettes for thirty years and then blame God when we get cancer out we take a little toddy for the body when we should just leave the thing alone and be filled with the Holy Spirit and then we and then we wonder why when our kids get drunk and hit somebody head-on in a hit in jail how come God you didn't stop my boy from doing it cuz your boy saw you doing it growing up on preaching whether you're listening or not and you want to know why your 16 year old daughter got pregnant when you're watching r-rated movies on HBO and Showtime coming into your house where everybody's in bed with everybody and you I just don't understand why God just didn't stop that boy from doing that [Applause] God doesn't stop it because your capacity for stupidity exceeds the ability of God said another way what you choose to do God does not stop your choice God says if you want to God says choose you this day whom you will serve it is Samson's stupidity who brings him to prostitutes on a consistent basis so are we surprised when he gets a hot-looking chick named Delilah who owns a beauty shop and he lays in her lap and she ends up cutting his hair off which cuts his covenant off are we shocked no Samson your stupidity to hang around prostitutes overseas the capacity of your mom and dad's ability to pray for you that you won't I got the first two rows with me I wish I could get the back of the house with me on this thing [Applause] David is a great example now look at this guy man after God's own heart there's a really there's a verse in the Bible that's always intrigued me because it says this it says in everything David obeyed God now let's stop for a moment so there's some weird things David did okay so he kills the giant he kills the bearing line but this is the part that really freaks me out when it says he and everything he obeyed God and I will tell you it was except with the wife of Uriah the Hittite so that's what the Bible says but he cuts off the foreskin of 300 Philistines puts him in a bag and throws in the sauce feet God was in that poo he goes and eats the shewbread from the table of shewbread at the tabernacle which is only reserved for the priest and God didn't kill him are you kidding me no nuh-uh I could talk to you is David David say look this guy's after God's own heart this guy's not ashamed he's a worshiper he's praising God when nobody's watching he's writing songs he's doing all this stuff and then Bathsheba gets pregnant and we look up and saying Oh God how'd you let her get pregnant well how'd you take her to bed it is a law of physical nature that when a man and woman go to bed and do certain things she just might come back pregnant are we praying for God to do things for us that we might should be doing for ourselves [Applause] are we are we asking God to intercede and help us with something that he's saying all you got to do is lay aside the weight or the thing that does so easily beset you all you got to do is just you lay it aside and just give it up and just go on your way but somehow somehow somehow Jesus says okay I know what you're gonna do cuz it's in you you're gonna deny me Peter whether you think you're not because it's in you but what I'm gonna do is not pray God I feel the Holy Ghost in this house not pray that you won't fall because Peter guess what you're gonna fall and the region gonna fall is a Noah tenia but what I'm gonna pray is that faith will stay in your heart you will not quit you'll not give up and can I say it this way and Jesus never said it this way but can I say it this way and when I'm raised from the grave that you'll outrun anybody else to get to the graveyard and see that I am NOT there anybody's tracking with me say I'm still tracking with you preacher many times we're praying against the will of people we're asking God to do something that they choose to do a will to do many times we're praying against the disobedience of people can I just tell all people in this building and I'm a people too can I tell all people in this building that stupidity is in the DNA the day that the medical profession can make a pill to stop stupid I'll buy the first bottle [Applause] cuz there's just times I've made dumb decisions I thought they were the right thing I thought it was better this way I thought it could work out that way you know God told me one thing but I tried to figure it out myself and just got myself in a situation that I thought no this is stupid and then you're asking God what did you let me get in this situation and God would say why were you so dumb am i preaching to anybody that's had some dumb genes coming your family anybody anybody ever had something stupid anybody ever looked back and said it wasn't my wife's fault my kid's father wasn't anybody's fault but mine can I get anybody to confess and admit to me that you've done some things my wife and I seldom fuss but we have gotten in three in 42 that's not been no know 38 years 3 3 bad arguments in 38 years is not bad but a gorilla has different three-strikes-you're-out but we've gotten three and I would look back on the arguments and realize that they would have never happened if I'd have just shut up all I had to do is just shut up his wife is my executive assistant we were in the lobby one day we got into a fuss and I don't try to fuss in front of staff people I was take in a room and fuss in front of but Robbie was standing there me and Tammy are going at it going out I looked at Robbie Robbie would you please take up for me defend me he laughed and said no I have to live with him you understand that's a wise man to talk to me somebody that's a wise man okay sometimes we are praying against the desires of people but let me talk to you for a moment about that your faith would not fail can we look at the Greek word fail can we look at the Greek word when thou art converted cuz you're gonna find something it I have a nugget for you the word fail in Greek is the Greek word a clay PO it's where we get the word eclipse from like a soul or a lunar eclipse now let me explain to you why fail is compared to an eclipse because an eclipse is the result of light being concealed the Sun gives you light to know how were to walk where to step watch out there's a snake don't get near the rattlesnake oh my goodness look there's a poisonous black with a spider hanging on that tree I was in Colorado walking so I know what I'm talking about oh my goodness that that's that looks like a black bear in the corner don't go over there she got some Cubs you better back up slow it's light it's what opens up the vision that you have to danger oh my goodness it's it's a car with no lights on at night look out you might hit it but in the daytime I won't have the accident because I can see when the truck pulled in front of me I can see the guy in front of me so as long as there's light but a clay pole is the Eclipse that comes that blocks the light and when the light in you and the light in this case thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and I've hid the word now wait a minute the light in my heart that I wouldn't sin against God so the lights the key here but the fail fail you Peter I pray that your faith does not fail failure is when we cover the light that we have it is when we hide from the light and we hide in the darkness the Eclipse when the light is concealed when the light is hidden that's when we fail because we start walking in the darkness instead of the light ready but when thou art converted you're ready for the word converted it actually means to come again so what comes again when you're converted the light a backslider will remain a backslider as long as they're in darkness you can preach you shown scripture you shown danger and they won't listen don't listen when my boy was on drugs for nine years I tried everything I could and including scaring him and when you are addicted to drugs nothing scares you I'm serious you are so twisted and the drug affects the reasoning so bad one one night and I'm he's heard me tell this so he's okay with it because I told my boy son I don't ever want to embarrass you but you got a testimony so it's time to use that testimony to help somebody else but one night at 3 in the morning my phone rings and it's two police officers at my yard and they said reverence no we hate to wake you up but we got your boy out here and I thought oh lord what do you do we didn't even know he slipped out of the house what they were doing in Cleveland they had a guy at a Harry's convenience store who would hang out he was an older man and he'd go buy beer for the kids under 7 under 18 and he'd take two beer and give them to others and kids and that's what my son was doing it we didn't know it now my son was drunk now listen this is now this is the stupid gene and a baby deer goes out in front of him and he hits the deer in the neighborhood in my neighborhood he's in the neighborhood parks the car and calls the police now wait a minute son you're 17 you're drunk okay you just hit a deer you wouldn't hit the deer if you were drunk I can't say that cuz I hit one I wasn't drunk I guess I can't say that but then now you're gonna call the police to come to them and the police said we checked his license I went outside they said we checked his license he's underage he's drinking and said we got to do one two things and said we love your brother stoner we know you they were church folks they said we got two one two things we are they gonna find him or take him to jail and I looked and said I'm tired take him to jail do you think that was easy to do and see the people say oh did that embarrass you as a minister no my kids won't mean more to me than me worrying about what some sanctified self-righteous Saint says but I can't believe hers down son went to jail because he was drunk my wife my wife and I laid him to bed and cried because I've never been to jail in my life and I didn't know what he was experiencing and when he was getting that car he told me to blank off and he said I hate you I'll never talk to you again and I said the devil is a liar you'll talk to me next time you need 10 dollars of gas money I know how you are have fun in jail and look it was tough I'm telling you because see people think preachers got we may personally have it together we think we know their family got it all again and they're always blessed and they ain't got no problem are you kidding me you kidding me but I knew when he I'm talking for to some parents here maybe but he would come to me he would come to me from time to time and he would he would make landis statements and I could tell it was he's all off he's a little high it's a spirit and I said that ain't my boy talking I said that's the spirit talking I ain't talking to a devil now let me talk to my boy shut up devil let me talk to my boy and he didn't know what to do with me and I told him one day I said ain't nothing you can do make me love you less so you can custom me and do what you wanna do but I'm still gonna love you I don't care what you do all I'm trying to just keep you from dying and going to hell young first of all you ain't dying and going to hell because God didn't give me a boy to die and go to hell I used to tell him I time God gave me a boy to Carol my name and I kept fighting and kept holding on but I'd pray not that his faith would not fail but I would pray that the enemy would not take him out pretty maturely that the devil would have no power to put him in a hospital I saw him with I saw him one time he confessed to taking 70 pills and I'm in and I'm in an emergency room with his heart beating 200 beats a minute and him looking at me saying daddy you can't let me die tonight nine years of that but when you come again I knew the light I knew the light what no come on the light bulb went on he's walking in darkness but I can't pray and I got a word from God one day when somebody said Perry the Lord spoke to me and said your boy is gonna go to bed one night at one way and wake up different the next morning I said ìokay I receive the head I do not know what happened he won't talk about it but one morning when the Sun was coming up and he'd been up all night long he came down in his shorts and an old beat-up t-shirt he said dad I don't know why but I don't want to live this way the rest of my life I don't want to work in a restaurant cooking and washing dishes the rest of my life I have made some stupid decisions and I said to myself great God the Eclipse is over talk to me somebody the Eclipse is over but the sun's about to shine the darkness is about to lift and the same boy that told me to F alsa a hundred times and said I'll never be a preacher there never work in the ministry sits in the back of OCR and runs the media department does my commercials helps on my Facebook page close to Indy and creatures to orphans send I'm about to have a grandbaby in four weeks hallelujah is she gonna be filled with the Holy Ghost I got her a microphone so when she's a baby she could eat a microphone Nicole I know is she gonna preach to that devil is a liar come on somebody you got a hole only Isaza don't let your face fail don't let your safe give up Jesus two things to tell you I'm almost done I'm almost done cause I know you got a second service I'm almost done see let me talk to you [Music] I'm will talk to you about I'm gonna talk to you about two things ready number one your failure did not shock God you know why cuz he already knows what your weakness is he already knows the anger you deal with he already knows the frustration you live under so God doesn't sit on his stone I had what they did what now imma prove this to you I was in a car with a man who's a counselor that has a PhD in counseling he is can'ts counseled hundreds of transvestite are transvestites homosexuals the gay lifestyle and he's a professional counselor and we got in the conversation about a well-known minister this was years ago and this guy was known all over the world reaching people all over the world and he had a really bad moral failure and then the question arose from a theological perspective why would God cause someone to preach if he knew in his sovereignty that they could fall that far and he replied back to me here's the amazing thing God in His sovereignty knew he would follow that fall and still called him oh my god oh my god because the same man repented publicly now he's not at the same level because the book of Proverbs tells you that will happen he's not similar but he's still reaching people and there's a great has a red ministry now here's my point we've looked at different people and we see their situations and we don't understand that the main thing is this Jesus said it no one what was coming that the main thing is you can't let your faith fail you have to still believe God cares about me despite this God still loves me despite this I'm gonna make it through this despite this am i preaching to somebody in this house that needs this is more I gotta tell you a sad story and then I'm gonna tell I'm almost done gonna tell you I got three quick points on get him through in a minute and a half in just a minute many years ago there was a minister that I did not know him I never met him he started preaching in the thirties and forties and fifties but he was nineteen years of age the Church of God General Assembly let him preach and a pastor told me that as he preached he could quote 300 scriptures on the Holy Ghost and the power of God fell and every preacher in the building fell out under the power at the General Assembly in the 1930s in the 1940s he had a healing revival in ministry in the 1950s he had the biggest Church in the United States at the met in Philadelphia and 10,000 members in Philadelphia were members of his church at the Met in the time when there were no mega churches anywhere in the world but this man had a problem he had a drinking problem and he lived in the back of this church locked up anybody get so depressed he would drink and on Saturdays he would sober up and come out and pray he'd repent every Saturday he'd repent and come out preach and he did this over and over and over and over when they when he got toward the end of his life a dear friend of mine who's an old tent preacher with the scene because he got concerned about him now this is sad but I want to show you that this man had an understanding of faith I'm not saying he made or didn't made it I can't judge you but I will tell you what he said to the preacher he said I know that my entire life mostly because of my depression I had a problem and it was alcohol he said I know that and he said I know God knows that but he said I hope that God in my latter year will hear my prayer as I repent one more time and if I stand before him I will be able to say now listen to this this is so powerful and since of the word I never denied your name I never denied the Holy Ghost I never denied the gifts I never denied the word I never denied the power of God I never denied the healing of God he went down through 25 things that not one thing that I ever denied he understood one thing I struggled my whole life and he did repent by the way at the very end and really came cleanness wanted to make that clear but listen to me he struggled his whole life but he knew I never would let the enemy take my faith now I do I believe you have to struggle all your life no let me make that clear God is able to deliver you from anything at any time any place if you have the will to do it so I don't want you to think I might have to live with my struggle my weakness the rest of my life don't want you to think that because God is a deliverer heat of the Sun sets free is free indeed but he knew one thing no matter how I get here I will not and I refuse to deny the name of Jesus the power of the Holy Ghost in the Word of God and the Spirit of God and the gifts of the Spirit you've got to absolutely hold on to your faith Peter did three things he went through the repentance stage he wept godly sorrow worketh repentance number two he went through the restoration phase now watch this he put a manaphy don't FEMA on himself only the head rabbi can take it off so he gets with the head rabbi the new high priest of heaven who is Jesus Christ at the Sea of Galilee Peter you love me more than these yes Lord feed my lambs Peter you love me more than these feed my sheep Peter do you love me yes Lord I love you he denied him three times and the head rabbi the new High Priest looked at him and asked him three times do you love me he said yes people don't realize what Jesus was doing there the head rabbi the high priest of heaven removed the anathema self curse that Peter had placed on himself and the same man that about a 500 feed away to a thousand feet away did not the Lord near Caiaphas's house stands up on the day of Pentecost and preaches a message that gets three thousand saved as anybody believed in restoration does anybody believe when you convert the light comes back owner does anybody believe that God can take the daughter mm Oh Xhosa yeah yeah neighborhood shake when a man by the name of had lost his covering which was his hair blind bound and going round and round lost it he felt his hair grow back and that wasn't just hair growing back that was seven locks that represent a Nazarite vow coming back and all he said was this remember me one more time just once and the spirit that left him that he never felt for months and months hit him at one time and this man who failed is listed in the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11 because they had a comeback and the light came back on when the thief on the cross who was the center of his life only has probably 30 minutes to live and looks at Jesus and says will you remember me you know this is weird because he didn't say I am a sinner and you just say pray with me her father father I asked you I asked you you know in it weird we pray sinners / which is fine I do that do you have people repeater pray that'll mess up theology but you know he said Lord he recognizes who he is remember me and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise you know what happened faith came into his heart instantly with what he believed we sometimes think we have to go through a different process I saw Jewish businessman we've been watching benefits for years he's a lawyer for the NFL he's he he I see him in white his wife been watching it he said I'm gonna do Christian preachers took him what two years of watching my probably just walks in one day and says I just want you to know that I believe in the Messiah you believe in now that may not mean a lot to you but for a Jewish person he just confessed his faith in Christ he didn't go to a church he didn't go to an altar but out of his met with the heart man believes on the righteous with a mouth confessions made the salvation I'm not minimizing repentance because we're gonna do it here in a minute but I want to make a point then when he said remember me do you know what the opposite of remember is yeah to forget but it also means to dismember ready because to re member not only means to recall it can also mean in its original word to put it back together so the final thing I would say to you is no thief on the cross been a sinner all his life thirty minutes probably from his final moments looks at Jesus realizes who he was perhaps had heard the stories perhaps that heard people testify and looks over and says hey I messed up is it a possibility Lord that you can put this old boy back together again I messed up could you can you can you put me back together he said put you back together what'd you talk about today you'll be with me and the Bible says that Jesus went to the bowels of the earth and preached to the spirits in prison gave gifts unto men and when Jesus gets to talking to the people in paradise who were righteous souls and said I was on the cross there's a man behind him sin I was there and my blood was shed and he said mmm true and David's on the Hammond organ down there I'm just preaching it the way I want to but there was a man to testify that it was all true because that day he went with Jesus to paradise do you need God to put you back together again do you have you had an eclipse spiritually in your life do you have something you battled that you want God to take and restore you into the light stand up if you know what I'm talking about if you know only you didn't know what I'm talking about thank you and thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you praise God hallelujah thank you thank you would you come to the front can we do this come to the front real quick because I believe in altar coughs hallelujah you come on to the front right down here where I've been preaching and if you will I want you to stand up across the front I know the church has a prayer team I'm sure so god bless you certain this precious sister you know you know I know I know a lot of us a lot of us in this first service are gonna be believers which is fine but but you heard the word and God had me by the spirit preach this I had another word he said no I want you to talk about faith I want you to talk about the Eclipse I want you to talk about the restoration what you talk about restoration god bless you god bless you thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody is on the prayer team come on up to the front please and get if you look at I think what we'll do is it's come come across the front and just just the pro team spread out across the front here and I want everybody to stand in the name of the Lord right now in the building if you will please god bless you god bless you god bless you those of you that are down here you lift your hands I'm going to pray a prayer with you and I want you to repeat it after me from your heart repeat it from your heart say it out loud and and then and then the prayer team is going to minister to you say this out loud Heavenly Father in Jesus name thank you for your word Lord today you know my life you know everything about it you've seen the areas or I have failed I could have done better but I failed and I'm asking you God forgive me for those times in my life that I failed in whatever area you see God where I have failed forgive me for that but today in Jesus name bring the light of truth and of the gospel into my heart peel away any hardness that's in my heart and touch me to be sensitive to your voice and to your spirit one more time in Jesus name go lay hands on them right now everybody and everybody in the building would you raise your hands while they're praying I want I want to pray for those in the congregation spirit of God as we raise our hands today I believe that what I have said is important I believe what I have said is from from the Holy Spirit I believe that what you have given me is for somebody in this place many people that are here father in the name of Jesus I pray joy of the Lord to maintain upon the men and women I pray for strength to come in the name of Jesus I pray the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name we'll break the yoke and break the captivity break the bondage of the enemy and let there be life I speak life I speak life in the name of Jesus to every one of these men and women that are in the front god right now men and women that are in the building we speak the life of God we speak the joy of the Lord we speak the power of the Holy Ghost ristic haribol Shalimar Embree Pyramid Air Corps Abbas and odubajo Shah let the Spirit of God break forth in this place let the breakthrough come and the anointing come and the power of God come in Jesus name to bring liberty and bring freedom in the body and in the spirit and in the mind of every man and woman that are here we speak with faith God that by faith it will happen reparation about his sake in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus God protect us from harm and danger disabling accidents God protect the people in this building god we pray the protective prayer of God as they follow you as they're obedient to you Heavenly Father that there'll be supernatural protection that will come to every child the unborn God those that have not made it here yet protect the mothers protect the unborn God give a smooth birth to all the women that are going to have babies in the next three to six months Oh in the name of Jesus we call the blessing in favor of God down in the name of Jesus in the name lay hands on him in the altar begin to pray for him right now if God we believe it right Alamo ho Tata restock our bahasa whoo God that faith come that peace come let the peace surpasses all understanding come in the name in the name peace come Herta pair ohsepr Eko elata Tonga Rica moto tsantas kilo choripán stellitita tre Acela la basura de la creme and la casa la Baba tilaka Surya hallelujah hallelujah in the name of the Lord Jesus in the name of Jesus touch the men and the women now everyone everyone in the congregation would you raise your hands to the Lord one more time let's go ahead go ahead and raise your hand well let's thank him for forgiveness come on lift those hands up right now in blessing thank him for an atmosphere for a promise come on he's a forgiving God a cleansing God can we thank him today sins are forgiven come on thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we worship your Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord Alleluia I read last night I was reading before I went to bed and I know now why the Lord led me to this scripture it's over in 2nd corinthians paul is writing to the church at corinth and he said that he had previously come to the church there was a man there that was engaged in sin paul said that brother repented and returned to god now you restore him and encourage him lest his soul be overcome with grief for we're not ignorant of Satan's devices and here's what Paul says whatever sins he committed I forgive him of those sins and you should forgive him too he doesn't mean that Paul was God and Paul was the one who could actually remove his sin what Paul was saying is I have the power to communicate to that believer that has returned and repented that when he asked God to forgive him I have the power to let him know they are forgiven and I just want to let everyone that come to this altar and everyone that wanted to but didn't I want to let you know when you ask God to forgive you I don't care how you feel your sins are forgiven you your sins are forgiven you every sin you turn from and ask God to forgive somebody ought to get happy today and praise God for that [Music] somebody just taped take a minute tell two or three people next to you your sins are forgiven in Jesus come on just let them know that your sins are forgiven you don't have to walk out of here heavy you don't want to have to walk out of here burden you don't have to walk out of here dealing with something your sins are forgiven you they're forgiven they're forgiven they're forgiven hallelujah listen I want everybody that will they're praying I want them to continue to pray I want everyone that will to help me give today and listen I believe in sowing into good so how many received and thank God for this word Perry stone preached today can we thank God for it and tell brother Perry how grateful we are for his ministry and for the anointing on his life a very powerful word powerful teaching you know this Perry his own television he's all over the world preaching this same kind of truth to people and bringing the the power of God into people's lives three men anybody ever watched manifest how many have ever seen brothers Ferriero me yeah he's doing an amazing work he's doing an amazing work with the young generation warrior fest I've had the privilege of preaching there several times for brother Perry and it's amazing the ministry God's given him he does all of that without charging people he didn't charge anything to come here today he just walks by faith how many want to help me bless him before he leaves say Amen if you believe in sowing good seed I want you to join Devon and I and this family this church family we're gonna give today and I want you if you're giving online you can go to offering there's a sub there's a sub category called special offering or special guests I want you to give to brother Perry everything we give in this offering right now is going to go toward bringing him here and being a part of blessing the the work of voice of evangelism which is literally all over the world and I wanted to leave blessed how many oughta believe he ought to leave bless today say Amen so if you're giving my texts you can prepare to do that if you want to come and give it now just make sure you mark on your envelope Perry stone will make sure it gets to him I want everybody to give generously when you participate in blessing someone like this then every reward and every soul saved that he experiences when he goes across this earth to preach I believe God somehow in His goodness credits that back to your account for sending a man how shall they go how shall they hear except someone preach and how shall they preach except someone be sent how many want to help send him to the next place say Amen so today let's bless him he pours out so much into a younger generation into a older generation getting ready to build a camp up on the north end of Cleveland and we want to be a part I just want to bless him today this is a good house God's been good to this house they men and I believe we ought to bless them with a very generous seed today let's also oh thank you lord someone in this place today is going to sow toward that work of their children the same thing that happened in his I believe the Lord said this to me and he just reminded me of it the same thing that happened for Perry stone with his son and I know him very well it's amazing what God done in his life and turned him around I believe there's some parents in here that he does so amen into this moment and say you know what God you did it for Perry and I'm believing that you're gonna move on my son you're gonna move on my daughter how many believe God I'll answer seed that we put in the ground same in somebody let's get the best seed that we can and give to our friend today father bless this offering we're now going to receive it is above and beyond what we've already given and we give it today to the work of the kingdom of the advancing of the kingdom this anointing on Perry's life we sew into it now and we participate in this and we ask for your blessing on it in Jesus name everybody said amen come on let's bring our offering today and bless this man of God listen tonight at midnight the fast begins and this Wednesday night it's an all generation service for having a revival service Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. don't miss it come and be a part of signs and wonders we'll see you Wednesday night we love you go in the peace of the Lord today [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 57,247
Rating: 4.8498554 out of 5
Id: b7qHV31e0v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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