Tuesday Night Prayer

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he's been faithful to you [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i'm gonna ask jeremiah to run up here really quick we're just gonna pick off from a pl pick up from a place of victory we left off on today we came in for nude prayer today and this atmosphere was and still is saturated with just a blanket of victory why it is the jewish new year it's rosh hashanah and i believe on this first day of victory i'm going to prophesy again now what we said today the lord is starting the year from a place of victory and so will we we are not going to start today praying from a place of defeat we did not come to pray from a place of defeat we came to pray to a victorious king who has already answered the prayers you have been praying and heaven has sent solutions to the prayers we have been praying jehovah is victorious i don't care what has come against you or your house today we're going to praise him even before we see the solution as a declaration of our faith that no weapon formed against us will prosper no weapon forms will prosper and every time that rises against us shall be condemned so i've asked jeremiah run up here because in rosh hashanah it's just typical to blow the shofar and they do that every feast god instituted that because this is a ram's horn it's a symbol of jesus the realm caught in the thicket in the story of abraham and isaac but this is why we're going to do this again tonight this is a dead horn it's a it's not living it came from an animal that died to give this horn but when we blow on it it produces a loud sound that produces an alertness and an awakening it's why the shofar is blown it gathers people it calls to repentance but this shofar is also a sign and a sound of victory and i'm here to tell you god did not mean to receive praise from this horn all of eternity because he made you a living shofar this is only an old testament symbol of what you are today you are a living trumpet of god's victory you have a diaphragm that fills with air and it passes over your vocal cords and it produces a roar and they sound that if we just understood the power of the shout it shreds the atmosphere it calls heaven to attention and this so far is wonderful to blow but what god really wants to hear is not just the sound of victory from this but a sound of victory from you so for rosh hashanah i'm going to ask jeremiah because i can't do it to blow this shofar i'm gonna ask him to blow it two or three times and this is how we're gonna go into prayer today and probably tomorrow too i want you to turn yourself into an instrument of victory in this place and as jeremiah blows this shofar i want you to make sure your volume either matches that shofar or exceeds that shofar because we are not going to let a dead ram's horn declare victory louder than the living redeemed church of the living god and some of you have never shouted like you're about to shout but i'm here to tell you to praise that's about to break open from your spirit and it's going to break open this atmosphere and it's going to call the angel armies of heaven to attention and so we're going to go into prayer god's already answering kevin's going to testify but we're not going to go crying and begging god to move this shout of declaration is us telling the enemy before we ever start praying that we already have the victory and we know that god has already sent the answers so whatever you are asking god for tonight i want you to get it in your mind in your heart right now that is the victory you are shouting over some of you did this with me at noon and we're going to do it again because we are still believing god for answers how many are believing god for answers from heaven lift those hands all over this place now i want you to keep those hands lifted if you know that god is already victorious in your situation and whatever those circumstances are get them in your mind right now because that is what you're about to shout in faith over this is not an aimless session of making noise this is a targeted declaration of victory over your house over your family whatever you are declaring victory over so right now jeremiah's gonna blow this so far and i want you to turn this place into a group and a remnant of shofars and we're about to sound an alarm of victory on this jewish near at the beginning of prayer so get yourself in a position where you can shout and not worry about what your neighbor thinks and i want those hands lifted and jeremiah i want you to go ahead and blow this shofar and we're gonna lift our voice like a trumpet [Applause] [Applause] all over this house lift your voice like a trumpet lift your voice [Music] shout his [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now i'm gonna count to three and we're about to lift a shot over our families over our houses right now i declare this will be a year of blessing and favor over my house and over your house over our mothers and fathers and our sons and our daughters over our finances over the spiritual growth of our house so i'm gonna count to three i want you to turn your voice up like a trumpet and i want you to shout a shout of victory over your house in the name of jesus one two three shout for your house [Music] so [Music] [Music] we're about to shout in unison a victory shout over covey are you ready we're gonna shout that comet is getting out of our city out of our county and out of this nation one two three shout [Applause] [Music] somebody lift him up somebody is here by jesus we bring glory to your name tonight hallelujah to your great days tonight whoa listen to me listen to me i don't say this for the doubter i don't say it for the skeptic i don't say it for the person that said it can't happen i'm telling you for for you to build your faith so that we can give appropriate praise to god [Music] how many believe that the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy [Applause] i came into the office this morning and i got blown up on messages the first lady that sent it was sarah webb and then i got it all day long oh glory i don't think it's coincidental that on yesterday the day we began praying specifically targeted prayers against covet in the name of jesus that in this city yesterday in this city and it's all over the news today not one new coded case was reported yesterday they said not one new coded case was reported yesterday somebody said what does that mean i don't know if anybody else is going to get coleman or not but on the day we prayed i think god was letting us know i hear your church i hear your church i'm somebody who believes god is able lift up a body praise lift up a mighty shout to the god of our salvation there's no one like jehovah we give you praise o god [Music] hallelujah sing it again jojo somebody put your praise on her make his praise glorious [Music] [Music] yes us [Music] [Music] yes [Music] singing hallelujah [Music] i want to say this to the family tonight as we continue in this it is a big deal when god does anything and we have to we have to learn how to bless them i recognize that there has been so many attempts and the lord spoke this to me this afternoon he said sometimes people in the church create false testimonies not because they want to bring glory to god but they're trying to get glory to themselves and so we say oh this happened and then you go back and it wasn't real but how many know there is a real thing i said how many know there is a real thing and i feel like there's some people in here tonight even when i just testified about no covet cases yesterday you were like yeah but no you go look at the cdc from chattanooga yesterday there were no covet cases yesterday we checked it out today number one number two i think it's a big deal when god does something you go you give him praise for it so we prayed i prayed for this young lady last night and i got an update from nicholas today and this is what it said update on my grandma because she needs a miracle and she was on a vent and and is struggling with covet listen to this her numbers that were 135 were 155 by this morning and now they're at 2 55. that's a miracle they have her on her belly and her oxygen is at 93 on her belly her vent was removed was reduced from 100 down to 50 today i'm telling you why we're doing this we're going to do this in a minute her carbon dioxide reading is just a bit elevated but nowhere near as high as it was her kidneys are not high either this is a miracle keep praying pastor god is moving so i said why did i read that because what we did last night was started and what god's gonna do tonight is finish it and i want us to lift up sue and i want us to lift up every person that we've been praying for that right now god would finish some things that he started i felt faith rise when god told me to pray against covet i want you to know that covet is not king jesus christ is the king and if you believe that he is the king i want you to lift up your voice right now hey we're going to shout for marlowe and we're going to shout for sue and we're going to shout for every other person that we lift lifted up in prayer last night somebody joined me right now father we declare victory over this virus heal the sick in the name of jesus heal the sick foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] why don't we just come into agreement right now and release a wave of healing let's persist about against father release away we don't want to trickle we need a tsunami of your healing in this nation and over these families in our church and in europe for their wave of healing let it be released we prophesied in the name of jesus christ hallelujah yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the glorious [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to do a couple more shots and then we're going to move into a specific time of prayer but our nation has not only been vexed with the physical sickness of covid but how many know our nation is sick in its heart and we want god to send a wave of healing that will heal bodies but we'll also heal hearts pq are you still in here just run up here i don't mean to put you on the spot i just i feel like pastor quantile carries an anointing for healing over this nation and i just want him to stand up here behind by kevin and they're going to lead us in a shout i just want you to shout like a crazy person but right now i want to pray a wave of healing over this nation a wave of restoration from every form of division whether it's because of coven whether it's because of racism whether it's because of politics whatever it is we can be healed in our body and our spirit still be sick and god wants to heal america and what we're going to do is i'm going to pray this prayer and then we're going to seal it with a shout a sound that will start a tsunami of healing over this nation who has faith we can pray from a place of victory so father right now every hand lifted we come into agreement we come into agreement right now that father not only are you going to drive cobit far from this nation but lord you want to heal this nation at the heart you want to heal this nation at the root and father as the ecclesia we will no longer cohabitate with these demons of division and these demons of hate but father we declare america belongs to you and everywhere the soul of our foot touches it belongs to the kingdom of god america does not belong to a political party america does not belong to a people group america belongs to king jesus and we claim that territory pq just come up here with me and stand beside me right now if you believe that waves of awakening and revival are about to sweep this nation i want you to join with pq as he leads us in a shout you can declare whatever you want pq and shout right now when i count to three lift your voice in a sound of victory over this nation one two three [Applause] hey [Applause] the vision comes down when we shout [Applause] when we shout healing in the name of jesus let your voice church lift your voice shout unto god with the voice of christ hey glory hallelujah there's healing in your shell there's breakthrough in your shell somebody give god to praise healing of our nation healing over this city healing over sons and daughters i just declare that there is a shaking taking place in this house and i just heard the lord say there is an oil that is springing forth from redemption to the nation's church an oil for healing of the nations in the name of jesus i declare there is an oil of healing springing forth from this house and it's gonna spring forth in you in the name of jesus pq you're gonna shout one more time and i declare oil is springing forth from this house it's strategy for healing of this nation one two three showers [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift this up we won't stop until we see it everyone say we won't stop come on we won't stop until we [Music] [Applause] in our generation we won't stop blowing [Music] come on we won't stop we won't stop until we see somebody do it again we won't stop hey we won't stop until we see [Music] the enemy will push until he pushes and discovers that we will keep on pushing back the prophet told the king strike the ground till you utterly destroy the enemy and he hit the ground three times and the bible said the prophet got mad because he said if you would have just done it five or six times you would have ultimately destroyed the enemy what's the point the point is somebody said when do we stop praying when do we stop having fast at the beginning of every month when do we stop when do we stop the answer is we do not stop we do not stop until every sick person has been healed every tormented mind has been set free every jacked up family has been delivered every broken marriage has been healed every drug that is born again every lost person is safe we don't stop and what the church in this generation has got to get is that persistence in prayer where we don't give up when we don't feel it and we don't give up when we don't see it just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not going to happen it just hasn't happened yet i'm calling somebody to go back to prayer one more time i want you to find somebody to agree with you right now in this moment we're not going to stop until people start texting messages in during this prayer meeting tonight healed by hill from covet off the ventilator and out of icu that's what i've been praying for it's already happened some i'm asking god for supernatural miracles and how many will covenant with me to give god the glory when we begin to see it happen all the glory to god all the glory to god let's lift up our voice one more time god we praying right now specifically i'm praying for sue heal her body i'm praying for marlo bring her out of icu off the vent off the sedation bring her into a room i pray in the name of jesus she will come home supernaturally expedite the healing i'm asking it in the mighty name of jesus every person that has messaged us today and they've got friends and family in in icu on ventilators they're in hospitals uncovered some were vaccinated some were unvaccinated we're not here tonight to argue over those points we are here because this foul disease from the pit of hell is wreaking havoc in people's lives and we know a god that can stop it and end it and a name that is above it and i need somebody to turn your prayer volume up not because god is deaf but because you refuse to listen to the voice and the report of the enemy somebody declaring your in your faith right now that covet is under the blood that jesus is healing people that the power of god is being loosed all over this nation and we call forth life and we call for healing and we call for breakthrough in the mighty name of jesus now somebody declare we won't stop we won't stop come on jojo we won't stop now [Music] see until we see i was preaching um for pastor christian amy ryan at the athens campus and their son one of their sons were sick and and i didn't know what the what we're going to preach on and god took us to luke 5 and 17 when when the men brought the paralyzed man to jesus and and i want to know when we looked at the text and pastor devin i was in virginia yesterday and god did some healing in that room so it's not a coincidence that you spoke on healing so so what get when you look at luke 5 chapter 7 luke chapter 5 verse 17 when they brought the paralyzed man in bishop what threw me off my seat is that the bible says when jesus saw their faith their faith helped us here not the man that was paralyzed not the man that was sick but when he saw their faith when he saw their faith and i need to know if there's some people in this room by faith that your granny could be saved by the faith that's in you that healing and breakthrough will hit this city by your faith so this next shout if you don't have faith you can sit down but i need just 20 of y'all that say i'm going to step in by faith that kobe will leave somebody's body by the faith that i carry that disease will leave somebody's body come on here by the faith that i carry and i say god i want that type of faith that a paralyzed man can walk by the faith that i have do we have that type of faith in here tonight yes sir come on do we have that type of faith in here tonight and do we have another shout in us tonight and i just want to know by faith by faith can we rush coping out of this city by faith can we move it out of this nation by faith can we put hell out of business by faith can we run racism out by faith by faith the bible says when he saw their faith and i believe here redemption to the nations we have faith amen amen amen so by the count of three on the count of three i want to see some people that have faith believing that all things are possible to those that believe are you ready to shout one by faith two jesus is gonna do it three give god a praise somebody lift your voice somebody's being healed by faith somebody's getting delivered by yourself somebody's coming out better shout out to god healings in the room healings in the room the king of glory is here lift your voice lift your voice get in this river somebody give god a praise in here by faith by faith in jesus name by faith we're coming out by faith you're healed by faith prodigals and sons and daughters are coming home by faith in the name of jesus by faith you're delivered by faith you're made whole there's a praise in your shout there's a praise in your shout whatever you believe in god for start to say it whatever you believe in god for spill it out right now whatever you believe in god for let's petition heaven by faith your son is saved by faith your marriage is healed by faith you're coming out better in the name of jesus this faith moves my face that's what i hear rolling around in my spirit there are mountains moving right now as you pray if you've got to pray in the holy nose open your mouth right now there is mountain moving faith being released in this atmosphere i declare it over you your faith moves the mountains your faith moves the mountains [Applause] my face [Applause] mountains my face [Applause] [Music] [Music] get it in your mind and say get out of my way [Applause] we're gonna lean into the prophetic declaration of yahweh right now if there's a mountain in front of you whether it's coven or it's something else if you say i've got a mountain in front of me and i needed to move would you just raise your hand where you're at right now hi hi if someone near you has that hand lifted even if you have your leg hand lifted why don't you come into agreement and i want you to know when pastor jojo starts not just singing a song on a page but starts prophesying by the spirit there's an authority released in the atmosphere you don't have to do anything but receive what she's singing so why don't you just log faith with someone right now and actually just receive faith from heaven that right now in this prayer meeting at 7 45 your mountain is about to move because the holy ghost said your faith moves back holy ghost so i want you to come into agreement and start praying right now and i don't want you to beg that mountain i want you to speak to it i want you to do like pastor jojo you don't have to sing it but you can tell that mountain you have to get out of my way jojo i want you to prophesy somebody watching online right now needs to join what's happening in this house i don't know what country you're in what state you're watching from but if you'll open up your mouth and declare to the mountain be thou removed god is getting ready to move what you could not move and deal with what you could not deal with i want you to lift your voice against the mountain and speak to the mountain see jojo sing tonight my faith [Music] my faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] right it moves my faith [Music] get out of my way get out of my way [Music] mountains tonight [Music] [Music] he's able [Music] is [Music] tell your neighbors [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the mountains [Applause] [Music] [Music] out of yeah way [Music] [Applause] i want you to do something right now everybody at home and everybody in this room that's baptized in the holy spirit i want you to lift your hands to jesus and we're about to pray in the holy ghost right now because there's some things breaking and and i'm just telling you that god is healing and god is touching but i feel god breaking some things right now the spirit of the breaker is in this house jesus christ is breaking some yokes right now and there are some people in this room that just need to pray in the spirit you're going to unlock something in the heavenlies over your home over your house over your family over yourself if you're baptized in the holy spirit just lift your hands right now spirit of the living god schweitzer [Music] [Music] [Music] fire of god start burning in somebody right now fire of god start burning in somebody's belly right now fire of god start burning in somebody's belly right now jesus your word says you came to set the whole world on fire oh how you wish that we're already burning i pray tonight god that the spirit of these people would be the candle of the lord and i pray you'd say come on throw your hands up and ask god to set your soul on fire father set us on fire tonight set us on fire tonight in the holy spirit i pray the flame of god would begin to burn in every heart the flame of god would begin to burn in every life i thank you right now that every demonic assignment in fact i hear the spirit of god saying every curse is broken every hex is destroyed every yoke of darkness has no match for the power of god somebody take 30 more seconds and pray in the holy spirit i feel like the enemy sent some stuff to test our perseverance tonight but i just got a glimpse in the holy ghost of a mighty breakthrough that's coming in this house and somebody's about to step into a river that is a blazing raging move of god if you need it in your house open up your mouth and begin to let the spirit of the living god carry you into his glory we thank you for the power of the holy spirit get out of my way i'm coming through i'm coming through get out of my way [Music] right now i just want to obey the lord pastor josh can you run up here you're going to shout in just a minute covet has made the body sick and it's taken lives and it's hurt the nation and it's divided but i just hear the lord he's just been speaking to my heart over and over tonight that covet has been a mountain to our young people not only has it made some of them sick but it's produced fear it's produced depression it has stolen moments it's even stealing the education of our children right now it's stolen graduations and senior trips and college experiences and i know that seems frivolous but our children are committing suicide at the highest rate ever in this nation because it has made them sick in their mind and in their heart not so not so i declare where the enemy has come in like a flood the spirit is about to raise a standard against him and this is what we're gonna do first we're gonna shout for victory because i believe the greatest revival that has ever hit young people in this nation is about to sweep our young people like a tsunami depression and suicide will not have them regret and anxiety fear and panic attack and death will not have them we're going to pray from a place of victory but right now let's say if you're 25 and under i'm just throwing a number out there would you raise your hand in this place right now would you just feel so comfortable to come up here like an army and line up side by side down this altar and lift your hands pastor josh is about to let a shout come from his belly a shout of victory but i want you to shout with him because we're not just shouting for you you're shouting for your friends that you know have been fighting for their mental stability and hope for their future how many of you know a friend that's been struggling because of what covett has done raise your hands high we're gonna shout together and then i need some mothers and fathers and prayer warriors and intercessors i hope the whole room responds we're gonna lay hands on these young people and we're gonna pray fresh fire and we're going to pray that everybody they represent will receive a wave of the fire of god on this first day of this new year we will not lose another generation to suicide this year we're going to see a harvest and a revival do you have faith for that right now so on the count of three pastor josh is going to lift his voice young people i want you to raise your hands in this altar and i want you to let out a shout that will move a mountain for an entire generation do you have faith for that right now lift your hands i'm gonna count to three we're gonna shout together and then i want some mothers and fathers to come and minister to our young people ready one two three pastor joshua jesus jesus [Applause] spirit of god come on prayer warriors come on prayer warriors while they shout [Applause] wow keep right there while you're praying this is what i just heard the spirit prophet say to prophesy he said prophesy a seven-fold return of everything the devil has stolen from this generation what the thief has stolen according to the word of god he must restore sevenfold in the name of jesus lay your hands on these young people and prophesy a seven-fold return in the name of [Music] for jesus you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it forward you take what the enemy meant for the evil and you turn it for good you turn it [Applause] what the forward meant you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it forward [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign turn it around foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you turn it [Music] [Music] i want somebody watching me online right now who has sons and daughters teenagers you might be in this house you may be watching online and you say i don't want my sons and daughters to miss what god is doing in that generation i want you to lift your hands whether you're in this room or you're online wherever you are i want you to begin to call your baby's name out to god right now i believe the spirit of the lord is putting a target on the lives of our babies and that the very bull's eye will be their heart and he's going to stab their heart with his goodness and his mercy and the power of his spirit and i hear the holy ghost saying your children will know god your children will know god they will know the where power the lord god of elijah show us that glory reveal your power in the name of jesus i'm gonna see i'm gonna see you hallelujah [Music] you take what the enemy meant foreign [Music] you take you take what [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i want us to get in in revival groups about six people five people for whatever you feel comfortable with i want us to get in revival groups and pray right now for revivality listen very carefully pray for revival to come to this church and let us stay in the middle of the fire of god pray for revival to come to our city pray for revival to come to our nation and pray for revival to come to our generation i want you to get in groups three four five six whatever you got right there in your area and i just want you to get in a circle and i want us to take about five minutes to pray together something happens in these prayer circles i call them revival groups something happens when we start praying and i just want you to pray with people in groups if you're at home i want you to get together if you can with a couple of people at home if you've got somebody there the holy spirit is in this room the holy ghost is in this room right now i'm telling you spirit of god is moving all over this house right now and he's moving on houses he's moving on houses i'm telling you can connect your faith with us right now i'm believing that what god is doing in this city he's going to do it in your city segment we pray for revival we pray for revival awakening awakening awakening awakening let them that are sleep come to life let them hear the alarm let them wake up god i pray for pastors that are sleeping wake them up i pray for apostles and prophets evangelists teachers there is a funk it's like a it's like a dazed and confused thing trying to come on leaders and we don't know what to do next and they don't know what to say and they don't know when to relaunch and they don't know when how to hamper god i pray right now for the fivefold that there would come a quickening from the holy spirit and there would come an awakening in the holy ghost and that people would begin to open church again and that the river of god would overwhelm the plans and the desire and the spiritual warfare of the enemy let revival break out let revival break out we pray for pastors and leaders we pray for evangelists i pray for evangelists to get their bible back in their hand and start preaching the gospel again in the name of jesus set us on fire can i pray i want you to pray for two more minutes for revival [Music] we thank you lord [Music] get ready say i need some agreement right here brothers and sisters listen to me give me a camera listen to me i i want to pray right now and i heard the holy ghost he said there are pastors who are having a difficult time relaunching their church they can't get momentum back i just heard the holy ghost say i want you to ask kevin for a wave of momentum to come i feel like god is about to breathe if i can tell you how i see it i see the lord taking a big deep breath and exhaling on us somebody asking for a wave of momentum right now come on god let the holy spirit break that wall of resistance and let the spirit of god begin to move in churches again i shall call my kisha bye i hear the lord saying prophesy prophesy son of man and call for the wind to blow somebody begin to speak to the ruach of god we call for the ruach of god blow from the north blow from the south blow from the east i feel the lord on me blow from the west let the wind of god begin to blow in the church let the wind of god begin to blow in the church in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus they see dry bones but we see an army and we speak to the bones tonight hear the word of the lord rise up rise up rise up victory now lift up a shadow over this room lift up a shout online we're gonna see [Music] belongs to [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] foreign [Music] i will be so intentional i want to be so intentional in this moment but i keep hearing this the key for breakthrough and there's somebody watching and there's somebody in this room the key for breakthrough it's in prophesying and declaring the word of the lord and i know that people say prophesy this is listen to me it's simply declaring the word of the lord nothing will change until the decree of the word of god goes forth the enemy is empowered in an at it's complicit silence is complicit and we're gonna speak to the silence and maybe you don't feel this because maybe you come to this church and you say you know what pastor we're we're god's blessing we're but listen to me there are a lot of people across this nation right now churches that have shut down pastors that are having a very difficult time getting things off the ground i talk to them every day people who are called by god contemplating going into another career because it's so tough right now and the answer is not in a book it is not in a strategy it is not in looking what's working down the road none of that's working right now there's only one thing that will work it is the word of the lord the word of the lord the holy spirit is going to move and he's just waiting on someone to decree and declare his word and this is why the prophet said this is why the pro the lord asked the prophet a question can these bones live god did not ask the prophet a question because the prophet had an answer that god didn't have god asked the prophet a question to test the faith and the yieldedness and obedience of the prophet can these bones live oh lord you know and god said to the prophet prophesy to the wind and speak to the bones and i don't know who i'm talking to and i stopped all of this for somebody maybe it's just one you're still called by god and the anointing of god is still on your life now open your mouth and begin to speak to the bones that they live and that the breath of god come and breathe on your church there's some pastors right now watching me your family is falling apart why it's a spiritual attack and the enemy will dislocate and try to destroy everything that he can i need some agreement right now that hundreds of churches i said hundreds of churches hundreds of churches are not gonna close and they're not gonna sell their building and they're not gonna you cannot go out of business do you understand that the gifts and callings of god are without repentance and there's somebody whispering in your ear things are changing let me tell you what's not changing the gospel doesn't change the holy ghost doesn't change prayer doesn't change worship doesn't change i need someone to declare with me right now that the wind of god is going to begin to blow on the dead bones and they're coming back to life god what is dead on this tuesday night in this season of new beginnings and new years this night of rosh hashanah on this head of the new year i declare a new beginning for somebody watching me and lord it is not in their charisma it is not in their their their the the volume of their shout it is in their obedience to speak to the dry bones and command them to hear the word of the lord and i say tonight in the name of the lord come to life dry bones come to life dry bones come to life come up i pray for the ruach of god to breathe on what has been slain raise it up god raise them up god raise up the church raise up the people of god in this hour and let a mighty move of god begin to break out all over this nation come on let's just lift our hands and begin to thank you for it right now we praise you lord i'm gonna see come on let's just declare that over this i'm gonna see i'm gonna see your victory cop i'm gonna see your victory [Music] victory belongs to you belongs to you lord we're going to do one more thing tonight and then we'll be done unless god's not done this is going to sound so unusual but the lord woke me up with a specific assignment today we we touched on it at noon prayer and i want to release it to the rest of the congregation this morning the lord spoke to me and he said devin i am focusing on the feet of my people on the first day of this new year never have i ever heard that other than foot washing and i dove into the word of god and there is so much powerful revelation about the symbolism of your feet so this is the first day of the jewish new year so we pretend it's like january 1st for us and today i want kevin and i just to release a blessing over you i want us to end by blessing one another and this sounds so crazy but you can just choose to anoint your own feet if you just want to get down and put your hands on your own feet in just a moment when i pray if you're watching live stream you can do that but i would love if families got together or friends got together and you just bless each other's feet put your hand on each other's feet i know it's crazy just go with me on this and i want to pray a five-fold blessing on your feet on this first day of the new year the holy spirit is anointing your feet in the spirit and i don't want to miss this moment or this blessing [Music] so right now if you'll just get in a position to pray over your own feet number one in just a moment as we pray god is going to release a blessing of cleansing chapter 13 talks about the washing of feet and jesus said if i your lord have washed your feet you should wash each other's feet we're not having foot washing but this is what i heard the spirit of the lord say i will bless my people and i will cleanse them of the residue of a former season and i will cleanse them of the residue of formal paths and i will prepare their feet for the new paths of this year so right now if you'll just lay your hands on your feet father i pray a blessing of cleansing over your people right now father may the spirit wash and cleanse us of the residue of last year the residue of 10 years ago the resident residue of 20 years ago father we are ready for new paths we are ready for the new thing you are doing in our life and we receive a cleansing of yesterday past failures past sins past mistakes and even father we allow you to cleanse us of past victories because new victories are on the way in the name of jesus so just take 60 seconds pray over your neighbor say father i pray a cleansing over her paths over his past dust of yesterday the dust of yesterday coming off their feet the bible said in the book of acts that paul shook the dust off of his feet that's what we're doing right now god is cleansing the dust of a previous season off of your feet you're not carrying that dust into a new season and i declare right now somebody's shedding some shame somebody's getting rid of some condemnation some fear some heaviness is coming off because you're coming into a new season without the dust of a previous season going with you in the name of jesus right now i bless you with that right now in the name of jesus receive it receive it now i'm gonna pray blessing number two the blessing of divine alignment over your feet psalms 37 and 23 says the steps of a good man and woman are ordered by the lord proverbs 16 and 9 says man's heart plans his way but ways but the lord establishes his steps proverbs 4 26 and 27 says to consider the paths of your feet and be steadfast in your ways do not fear to the left or to the right how many are tired of diversion i declare right now as you lay your hands on your feet we release the blessing of alignment for this year we declare we will not be diverted the paths of the lord will not be sabotaged and we declare our steps are being ordered by the lord right now every day of the coming year is coming into alignment where we go who we connect with opportunities we take doors we walk through we declare divine alignment father we thank you right now that our steps are coming into synchronization with the spirit of the lord father you said in the book of romans to walk in the spirit and we would not fulfill the lust of the flesh so tonight god we ask that you order the steps father the steps that these natural feet take will lead us into paths of righteousness because our heart in the spirit has been set on you and tonight god we're not chasing or pursuing anything but you may you become the object of our pursuit and may the steps that we take father lead us in the paths of righteousness i declare divine order and alignment over the steps of your people in this year in the mighty name of jesus and we just release that now by faith into every life in the mighty name of jesus say i receive alignment i receive alignment now number three we're moving forward there are five we're on number three psalms 91 says this he will give his angels charge over you lest you dash your foot against a stone psalms 91 is the promise of covering and protection and the lord said release the blessing of divine protection over my people in this year not only are we going to pray divine protection we are going to invite angelic assistance in our lives for the coming year he will give his angels charge over you and over me meaning i will not come into harm's way and the angels of the lord have been released to assist me in the in the word of the lord over my life so right now pray for your feet father i release the blessing of divine protection angelic intervention the the wings of the lord coming upon his children we declare protection from sudden calamity sickness and disease every pitfall the enemy has laid before your people we release the blessing of divine protection now and we agree and say and declare that no weapon formed against the people of god will prosper i thank you that in 20 20 21 god you are bringing us into a place of being covered under your wings i pray for their families i pray for them that that they would experience the divine protection of god driving on roads at schools at work everywhere they go everywhere they go god i'm asking you that this be a a season of divine protection a a time in their life where they look back and see that you guarded and kept them in the mighty name of jesus lord this is not some good luck charm prayer we are asking you to send angels to escort us everywhere we go i am praying they come and that we father learn how to walk in our honor and in harmony with heaven so that we can experience the protection that heaven will give the people of god if you receive that right now just lift your hands lord i bless their feet to not be to not fall and dash against the stone keep them and protect them in the mighty name of jesus no sudden calamity come near their house no sudden calamity on their children and their grandchildren i'm asking you god to protect your people [Music] and i just hear the word of the lord saying even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me so father this divine protection will keep fear far away even if there are dark days ahead father we will fear no evil for you are with us in the name of jesus are you ready for number four say i receive divine protection i receive the mind number four the blessing of endurance stability and high altitudes in christ psalms 18 and 33 says this he makes my feet like hines feet are like the feet of a deer and he has set me secure and steadfast on the heights right now we're going to pray the anointing of hines feet the anointing of deer's feet upon you what does that mean it means no matter how high the cliffs no matter how steep the path the lord will bless his people with endurance no matter how rocky the path you will be steadfast you will not waver you will not lose your peace but you will be steadfast and established and the blessing of high altitudes in christ dear we're made to climb into altitudes other animals cannot reach and i declare the lord is releasing a higher dimension to his people and he is giving you hein's feet to climb in the spirit so put your hands on your feet father we release the blessing of hind speed over your people right now we will come higher in the spirit than we have ever gone this year and father we will remain steadfast and we will have endurance in the name of jesus father i thank you they're going to run and not grow weary they're going to walk and they're not going to faint they're going to run and they're not going to grow weary they're going to walk and they're not going to faint i'm telling you something right here you're going to run and you're not going to get weary you're going to walk and you're not going the bible said that their shoes did not wear out their clothing didn't wear out god's gonna give you divine endurance and you're not gonna wear out in the name of jesus i bless them with endurance tonight to run the race to finish the course to keep the faith in the mighty name of jesus we thank you lord number five and we're done say i receive endurance i receive endurance the last one i need you to jump to your feet we're not going to anoint our feet we're going to move our feet and i pray the blessing of new territory and i pray the blessing of kingdom dominion in the name of jesus deuteronomy 11 and 24 and joshua 1 3 says this i have given you every place the soul of your foot touches listen carefully to what i'm about to say he did not say if your toes touch it he said the soul of your feet what does that mean pastor devin we're gonna walk heavy this year somebody's gonna start tips stop tiptoeing over your children's bedrooms and tiptoeing over fear and over sickness and we're about to put the soul of our feet on the head of the enemy and take new territory so as pastor kevin gets ready to pray for kingdom expansion i want you to start marching i want you to start moving those feet in place i want you to imagine you are moving around your house your workplace your neighborhood and we are taking new territory go ahead kevin [Music] [Music] we're [Music] it belongs to me it belongs to king jesus my house belongs to king jesus my neighborhood belongs to king jesus my city belongs to king jesus and we will take new territory we're taking new territory i keep hearing this i keep hearing the lord say tell them to ask me and i'll enlarge their territory tell them to ask me and i'll enlarge their territory somebody's been walking around your yard but you need to start walking around your neighborhood god's about to enlarge your territory we've been taking chattanooga but i hear the holy ghost saying i'm about to open up new cities i'm about to open up new cities somebody start walking around just walk around don't walk in place walk around somebody get up out of that chair at home walk around your house walk around your neighborhood take a walk down the street and enlarging your territories ah [Applause] jojo i've taken new territory [Music] i'm so the lord said everywhere you put the soul of your feet that means it's a year of divine partnership where you stop is where you stop because that's where you choose to stop but the lord is saying if you want to put your foot there i'm gonna give it to you how far do you want to march for your family and for this city everywhere you choose to put your foot in kingdom dominion god is going to give it to us in the name of jesus [Music] victory [Music] listen i wanna just keep walking listen to me while you walk because i i kept hearing something and this is what i believe the lord is saying god told joshua everybody say joshua everybody say joshua how many know that the old testament joshua is a picture and a type of the new testament jesus right that's joshua is the same hebrew word for jesus in the new yeshua jesus is our conquering king moses was an administrator joshua was a valiant warrior god told joshua watch this in joshua 1 verse 3 somebody hear the word of the lord i will give you everywhere you set your feet comma as i promised moses here's what i hear the spirit of the lord saying god made a promise to some of our forefathers that we are going to get to live in there is some unfinished prophetic business lord jesus there is some unfinished prophetic business that god has there are some of you that are alive tonight because god is going to fulfill the prophetic word that it gave your grandmother your mama your daddy your aunt your uncle they're dead and they're in heaven but you are getting ready to put your feet in a promised land that god told them they would have and i want us to walk just another minute and testify as we walk i don't care what you do walk in a circle walk in a straight line but walk somewhere and tell i just want you to open your mouth and say this every promise you gave my mama every promise you gave my grandmama every promise you gave my grandpa somebody in here needs to thank god that you're going to be the recipient of promises and territory is going to be released into your life this year singing again joke i've taken i've taken i'm taking new territories [Music] i just got a word of knowledge it's either for this room or someone watching online there's a business person you own a business and you've been thinking about expanding in fact i saw you contemplating a separate office an extension place and you've been putting it before the lord and the lord is saying he's already given it to you just go walk the property go put your feet on the location that you have been praying about and the lord said he's going to give you that expansion i've got a word for some pastors in the middle of coven there's been a burning in your heart to expand whether it's a campus extension a mission work and the lord is saying green light go i have already given you the land you are to go to that land put your foot on the property or the place he told you to go and declare my faith he has given it to you can somebody give god praise in this house in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah father we lift our hands all over this room right now as your spirit sweeps through this place to seal every blessing that has been released every manifestation of your power that has been poured out in our lives tonight lord i thank you tonight for healing our families for moving in powerful ways while we have given you the glory you have moved tonight you have increased our territory i pray god in the name of jesus this blessing over our feet and everywhere they carry us in this year be sealed now by the power of god in the name of jesus and i thank you lord god somebody get just thanks on your lips right now just i feel like we are supposed to end tonight by just giving thanks for the answers that that he is come on thank him just begin to thank him for the answers that have been released some of you prayed for your children they're not here but you prayed for them i want you to praise him like it's already happened because it has it has it has already happened you pray yeah yeah yeah yeah that's in order right there that's in order right there well we're just going to praise you for things that things that haven't happened in the natural but we know they're done in the spirit we thank you for it we thank you for our blessings have been released and we praise you for it seal every promise seal every word seal every move of god just seal every blessing that's been released in the mighty name of jesus look at your neighbor and tell your neighbors don't miss tomorrow night there there is going to be a powerful release of the anointing tomorrow night i'm telling you i sense that in my heart i don't say that all there's going to be a powerful release tomorrow night the word of the lord is going to bring a breakthrough for so many get here tomorrow night 7 p.m those of you watching online join us tomorrow night as well if you can get here get here we love every one of you let's just say good night to each other bless one another fellowship in god and may the lord bless you as he seals his blessing in your heart by his spirit good night [Music] you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 2,418
Rating: 4.9055119 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 27sec (5427 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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