Midweek Fire Night with Shawn Baker

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good evening everyone how are you it's so good to see you the rsm is in the house i hear you if you would stand with me give each other a high five i'm so grateful to see you here today how many of you excited for the fall weather i know i am and so i am going to start you off some announcements today if you don't know it today is a fire night and we are so excited to welcome pastor sean baker and his wife pastor holly here today i am so excited to hear what they have from the lord but if you're a first time guest um and you're here would you raise your hand so we can say hello to you anybody yet first time okay fine then we're all family everyone give each other a high five and say it's good to see you yes okay guys there is still time to register for the emanate mission summit and is happening this friday and this saturday you can still register it's 35 for anyone who wants to go on a mission trip know about admissions program or just get involved and see what god is doing here in the earth through the nations you guys this is our missions and if you want to get involved or i hear i heard and i know that they release all their new um trips during this conference so if you want to go on a trip this is the time to go and women of fire i want to hear the women in the house today if you are new to redemption and you guys i don't know if you guys are saying i don't know why they keep on going on and on about this woman of fire it's because you need to be here to understand and then that will be you so make sure to register we are almost to the deadline of registration and then it will only be walk up so we want you to get all the extra goodies all the food all the fun stuff so register for that and lastly um house fires and interest groups are launching this sunday for the next two weeks we will have all of our leaders outside in the lobby so you can sign up you can join them house fire is going to someone's house having food and having discussion and fellowship interest groups are that interest based we have a foodie group we have a hiking group we have a bowling group we have a golf we have all of it all right so we want you to get involved all right everybody look at somebody who say get involved all right how many of you are excited to worship the lord today i got those announcements out and about and now we're just going to set our heart our mind and our affection on the lord before we do anything else i know i'm your regular up here but i know that wednesday night sometimes can be a struggle to get here sometimes it's almost like the finish race but this week y'all i don't know if you i hope you have been participating in our fasting and praying that we have been doing because it has been fire on monday night we came on tuesday on tuesday night on wednesday and we just like to set our our month and set our heart to god because he is worthy of it right and so today let's do that let's say god we love you we honor you and we want nothing more than to be with you so i'm going to read from isaiah 40 and it says this sorry you know how how phones are in verse 28 have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the you shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary they shall walk and not faint and i just love that because so many times even i yes pastors are people too can look up to god and say father i just don't get it father i just don't know with everything that's going on but the word of god declares to us have you not known and have you not heard the creator god he never faints and he's never weary and his understanding is unsearchable so all i have to do is say father in you i am strong and father today i give it to you so on this wednesday evening can we do that before we worship can we just say father have your way tonight come on that's right we open up our mouth before we do anything else and we just declare that you are holy we declare that you are worthy we declare that you are lord of lord and king of kings we declare in this brand new year that you are holy that you are worthy that you are our yahweh like it says in the scripture you are creator god creator of the heavens and earth god and in your word it declares that the promise over your children is that we will run and not grow weary and we will walk and we will not thank god so today we hold on to the promises of the lord that are in the word we hold on to the promise of god and it's not just getting by it is standing strong on the word of the lord come on right now can we open up our mouth and can we just declare who he is in this place today we thank you god that you are waymaker we thank you god that you are a miracle worker god you are the provision you are healing you are moving in this place today we love you jesus we love you jesus we set this atmosphere of god for your agenda to prevail we thank you that your holy spirit is in this place and so we ask the wind of god to blow blow blow blow in this place today god from the north to the south to the east to the west we thank you father that you are inundating this atmosphere you are charging it up god we thank you god that we have yelled for freedom we have shouted for liberty god but we want your presence in this place today god the word of god declares that where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom there is liberty god so right now let your freedom reign in this place chains are breaking chains are breaking in the name of jesus we thank you god that those that are heavy-hearted that those that are downcast today we'll find freedom we'll find liberty in this place god you are savior you are redeemer you are healer in this place god we thank you god that your healing oil flows in this place from the front to the back god we thank you god that anyone that can hear us today let your healing flow in the name of jesus we thank you god for you hear us today and we are so ready to run after you like never before if that's your heart today can you just celebrate with me and declare that the lord is in this place today [Music] bless the name of the lord our god bless the name of the lord our god [Music] he's worthy he's worthy bless the name of the lord our god bless the name of the lord our god [Music] he's worthy he's worthy so bless the name of the lord our god yeah yeah he's worthy he's worthy we're gonna bless the name of the lord our god bless the name of the lord our god yeah yeah yeah bless the name of the lord our god [Music] his is [Applause] he's worthy [Applause] lift up the name of jesus lift up the name of the airway somebody shout out he says [Music] there is no shadow that has ever overcome your light there is no rival that could ever sing against your mind you've always been with us [Applause] every battle you've already won know you've already won [Applause] [Music] that has ever left a mark on you there is no army with the power to conquer truth you've always been with us every battle you've already [Music] show me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] advancing at the speed of light and in his kingdom every dead thing is bound to rise [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] show me [Applause] oh is possible it's possible we declare this breakthrough [Music] let's break through in your jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory dance i will dance out and feed i will crush disappointment and break everything you say [Music] [Applause] everything is great is shake off despair as i sing all your names disappointment and break everything you say i will turn it off [Music] is oh [Applause] is [Music] we crush disappointment with our praise we crush spirits [Music] he is [Music] you're the god of the breakthrough when anything is possible show me one thing that's too hard show me waters hickin part he's the god of the breakthrough and anything is possible you're the god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough god of the breakthrough he's the cut of the breakthrough [Music] oh come on just declare that in the room oh you're the god [Music] of the breakers [Music] breakthrough god [Music] god [Music] you're the god of the breakthrough god has of the [Music] all over the breakthrough the king is here the god of the breakthrough is here come on come on come on just lift up your worship right here right here right here just lift up your relationship lift up your soul to the god oh we know you're here jesus always feel your presence here [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] yeah oh yeah come on [Music] god [Music] one more time join us [Music] throughout the breakthrough breakthrough after breakthrough [Music] [Music] you're the god of the breakthrough god of the breaks break throughout the break throughout the breakthrough [Music] [Music] we didn't collaborate through the night somebody lift up a sound of praise your praise is the breakthrough your praise is the breakthrough he's here tonight he's here tonight he's here tonight he's here tonight he's here tonight you're here tonight you're here tonight you're here tonight you're here tonight we just set our heart posture towards you we just surrender our hearts to you tonight you're here tonight you're here tonight you're here tonight he's breaking through he's breaking through he's breaking through if you've got a testimonial breakthrough will you just put a praise on your lips [Music] if god's ever split a seed for you if god's ever melted a mountain for you can you just put a testimony on your lips a testimonial praise whoa cause he's here tonight he's here tonight [Music] can we just seek the face of the one who loves us can we just seek the face of the one who loves [Music] love us in our darkest places you love us in our weakest places cause you're the god of the breakthrough after breakthrough [Music] i dare somebody in the atmosphere tonight to just get radical and praise jesus for all he's done you're breaking through [Music] he's breaking through make way for him make way for him make way for him keep breaking through make way for him make way for him make way for him [Music] somebody just lift up your hands lift up your worship [Music] you heard the revival stories of ancient and old time glory spirit of god come do it again miracle working power [Music] heaven on in your earth [Music] and god we're just getting started a testimonies [Music] we join in the faith of heaven and prophesy your kingdom here on earth [Music] heaven on earth [Music] heaven on earth [Music] and push back the doors [Music] [Music] and push back the doors ready for more and push back the doors i [Music] and push back the doors push [Music] [Music] please let's pray and family come out somebody pray for it we're ready some more oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] break down the walls break down the walls break down the walls break down the walls break down the walls everybody sing break down the walls [Music] oh push back the door push back the door i just feel like the king of glory's in this room right now because somebody's opened up the door and let him in if you've not let him in right now it's the moment in this service to push back the door and to let the king of glory come in this room right now somebody said how do i let back and push back the door if you'll throw your hands up and lose your dignity and just begin to give him sacrifices and praise he'll come through the door of your worship and he'll walk in the halls of your heart and he'll change everything somebody just lift your voice somebody just lift your head because the king of glory's here everybody sing break down the walls come on break down the walls bring down the walls down the road break them down roll some conditioner with the king of glory in this room [Music] push back he's coming soon [Music] if you have a need in this house right now whether it's healing in your body breakthrough in your home and your marriage over your children whatever it is would you just lift your hand all over this place right now lift it high i just want to declare before we ever pray there is already victory in this house before we ever petition the father there is already breakthrough in this house and i declare that breakthrough is available to you right now so just lift that other hand now in faith and as those hands are lifted everyone in this sanctuary if you're near someone with their hand lifted would you just go to them now and touch and agree just stretch your hand their direction go place your hand on their back right now we just declare this body is activated to operate in kingdom authority and right now i just want you to let the holy spirit pray through you over whatever the need may be father right now we just come together and we touch and agree and lord we thank you that we're not begging for answers right now you have already provided the answers and i thank you father that this atmosphere has been saturated with the victory of king jesus we thank you father that there's an anointing of breakthrough in this house right now and father over every hand lifted we declare breakthrough now in the name of jesus we declare breakthrough now in the name of jesus father we release the gift of healing in this house lord may minds be made whole may bodies be made whole may hearts be mended right now just let a wave of healing come over this place father we just declare there's a wave of restoration in this place and what the enemy is stolen we declared the thief has to return it sevenfold in the name of jesus and we decree restoration right now over every hand lifted in the name of jesus restoration and father we just declare your peace and your joy over every need right now because father you have heard and you are answering and right now father we lift our hands in victory even before we see the answer i just dare you right now to shout for victory even before you see the answer because god we know you're able we know you're able in this place right now can we just stop and give a victory shout right now can you just lift your voice like a trumpet in this place and declare he is victorious in the name of jesus we're ready for more [Music] [Music] one more time everybody lift it up [Music] i want us to move into our worship and giving in a moment but before we do the first thing we need to give its praise to our living god i got a text i got a text during worship tonight one of the dear sisters um who helps us with our media department runs camera she had a dear friend in the icu with covid i'm going to make sure i read this right she prayed for her friend on sunday came back prayed with everyone here how many was here on monday or tuesday night come on radical people how many were here on a monday or tuesday night yes it was glorious she came back and prayed on monday night he had been in memorial since august 27th and i see you in memorial hospital he called her today and got sent home today [Music] i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna make a big deal i'm gonna make a big deal out of this i'm gonna track down every person i know that reaches out to this church who needs healing from covet we will not roll over and not pray for the sick and angry and just acquiesce that this is an incurable thing the people in icu and in the hospital tonight watching me in the precious mighty matchless name of jesus rise up out of that bed we command you to come off that ventilator and in the name of jesus may the god of our salvation heal your lord give up a shout all over the church lift up a shout all over the church lift up a shout all over the church [Music] [Music] bart come over here i want you to we're going to pray for marlowe again a leader kerry we're going to pray for marlowe again lord jesus heal their sister i command the life of god to come into her lungs and i command that virus and every bit of inflammation and pneumonia in her lungs to come out lord one touch from your hand makes her whole tonight and while they are in this building praying i'm asking you to go to the hospital room right now and regulate her numbers and bring her off the ventilator and heal her from covet in the mighty name of jesus somebody's shot like we believe it's done jesus how many know that jesus is a god of victory turn around and tell six people i have the victory come on tell six people i have the victory jesus we worship your name hallelujah [Music] yes devin is right we're going to have the victory tonight because we can eat hallelujah all you people been eating well praise god listen we love you how many glad you're in church on wednesday night it's a blessing to be in the house of the lord tonight and i want us to prepare our hearts to give this is one of those special times of year of the year on the jewish calendar i've been talking to you pastor dev has been talking to you about the new year look at someone and tell them what is it we say on happy new year do you remember shana tova shana tova and the man getting ready to preach can tell you what it is because he knows hebrew so look at your neighbors say shana tovah that means happy new year in hebrew and we're tonight we're in the new year this is a new year yeah come on give god praise it's a new year how many glad you lived another year amen listen there were times in the year of the jewish people that they brought a special offering to god and and i want us to do that tonight to give god thanks for another uh another year that he is granting us as i told you for the last few days these 10 days that we are in beginning on monday night at sundown through yom kippur which is the 16th of september next week these are the 10 days of awe and we're just seeking god drawing near to the lord and believing god that as we turn our hearts toward him he is going to in his kindness mercy and grace turn in our direction and bless our lives this new year how many can receive the blessing say amen i want us to prepare tonight to give to the lord and i want us to put god first in all that we do in our worship in our praise in our raising our kids in our families and our marriages and our schools and even in our finances how many don't know he deserves to be first in every place oh come on how many know he he deserves to be first in every place and so tonight i want you to prepare your heart to give i know some of you tithe on wednesday night this is your night where you get to come to church on sunday you're working perhaps perhaps there's other people get paid and they pay their tithes on wednesday night but tonight above and beyond your tithe of what you've given already to the lord that belongs to him i want you to bring a special offering to god tonight and i want you just i know this is a wednesday this is not a bunch of fanfare but i just believe god wants to crown your year with favor i believe i'm talking to about five of y'all the lord wants to crown your year with favor how many know favor is better than money any day of the week now if you're favored he can get money to you but sometimes you don't need money sometimes you need a connection sometimes you need access yes sometimes you need an open door sometimes you need a closed door favor is when god looks at you smiles on your lap and says you don't deserve this but you're mine and i'm getting ready to give you something beyond anything you could ask think or imagine how many want to walk in the favor of god i want to pray over you tonight and here's what i want to pray over anyone who would say pastor i'm going to give an offering to god tonight for this year or i if i had it i would if i had it i would give an offering if that's you i want you to stand to your feet right now i'm gonna give an offering or if i had an offering i would give it to the lord right now and you say pastor i i i don't know if i should say if i had it i would give it well you know the posture of your heart and here's what i believe if you would give an offering if you had it by the next time you come to church you're going to have it because my bible said he gives seed to the sower if you're really and i'm really a sower he'll put seed in the hands of sowing people i need three witnesses in the house so i want to bless you i just want to bless you and i want you to be generous tonight i'm just inviting you into a moment on what is a new year on the jewish calendar rosh hashanah leading up to the high holy day of yom kippur where the atonement was made by the blood of the lamb and i'm not even going to go there because there's such wonderful rich meaning and i know the man of god coming tonight has a word from the lord for you but i want your family to be blessed and if you want your family to be blessed say amen jesus i pray for the people of god tonight as they prepare their hearts to give generously i thank you that you see seeds we sow in this season of holy days and father the seed that we sow tonight lord i'm thanking you that hard-working men and women retired men and women men and women living on fixed income sons and daughters college students all of us are purposing in our heart tonight to be a people of generosity father i thank you for blessing my house for blessing our church you have been abundantly favorable to us and we will say thank you for the rest of our lives in jesus name bless your people and everyone said let's come and give before we get into the word tonight and then we'll get right into the word of god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's stand let's stand for the word of the lord can we do that together and i'd never do this but i cannot i cannot escape it i'm going to introduce our man the man of god coming in just a moment to preach there are two couples i need to obey god and pray for sir in the orange shirt uh-huh is that is that your yes is that your wife right there yes sir would you just take her by the hand i want to bless you i just heard the lord say to me he's going to open doors for both of you and that there's a tremendous blessing coming to your house i don't know what you've come through recently but it seems like there's some things that have shut down but the spirit of god told me to tell you don't lose heart don't lose faith you're about to be glad you did not give up okay you're going to come down and get this okay okay well we'll do it that way then we'll just do it that way and the other couple i want to pray for standing right there you you with your hands like this sweetheart yes ma'am is you yes ma'am is that that guy with you is that your bow your husband that's what i mean your you know your bow can you just lift your hands because i heard restoration for youtube restoration i feel like there's some things lost but god's about to restore them and you're about you're about to see that god is not through with you and he's about to breathe on this and and i just see i just see the lord dealing with something that's been coming against you but it's not too late god's going to restore and you're about to see this in the next six months there's going to be a materialization of some things that were abstract they're about to become concrete because god doesn't want you just to keep hanging on he wants you to taste and see that he is good father i thank you for this couple right now and i bless their lives and i thank you that doors are opening and i thank you that blessing is coming and i i just want the oil i just if i'm going to do this i need to do it right because there's a blessing on this house and i just want to declare over both of you right now you're about to be glad you didn't give up you're about to be glad you didn't quit the spirit of the lord is about to break through in your house that's the holy ghost and it's on you too just receive it right now in the name of jesus somebody give god praise come on here i believe it's in order to obey the lord listen stay standing devin and i have some tremendous tremendous friends with us tonight and i could tell you a ton of stories about how god connected us it's supernatural it happened in the year when covet broke out i had heard about sean and holly baker never met them before i get a text on a friday night and the speaker that he had speaking had canceled and he said can you come i think it was sunday night maybe i got my nights mixed up never met him before i got in the car come down and drove down preach the power of god broke out we broke sticks that night remember that and and it was a sunday night and while i'm down in the altar praying for people he comes up and lays a note on the pulpit and he said i want you to come here for 21 nights i said i can't go anywhere for 21 nights but if you'll get us a place we'll cut it doesn't hurt that he's on miramar beach down in the panhandle come on somebody i wish somebody would help me praise god for that we spent we spent a couple of weeks i came back and forth and did staff meeting and did church here on sunday and then i'd go back down and be with them and it was in all of those meetings that the spirit of god worked you have to know how god aligns things we're in that season right now and had we not connected with him there would be no genesis amaya wallace it was god who spoke through this man of god and woman of god beautiful story there and faith rose in my heart devin already had faith i didn't have any faith for it but i got faith tonight because what i believed him for and what they believed him for is not just a promise in the abstract it's concrete she's in our hands and we give god praise help me welcome holly first of all miss holly tell holly baker you love her this is holly baker and arab she's an amazing woman of god and help me welcome to this pulpit the first time but i do not believe it will be the last time pastor sean baker from florida tell them you love them [Music] thank you appreciate you come on can we just elevate that honor to who it's ultimately due tonight come on let's lift up a shout of praise under the one to whom it's due is there anybody thankful they're saved in the house tonight anybody thankful in the house on yom teruah the feast of trumpets tonight come on somebody i think you can do better than that hallelujah we serve a good god look at your neighbor and tell them favor ain't fair and tonight god's about to favor you [Music] it's my night it's your night you're here on yom teruah you are here on the feast of trumpets that's a powerful powerful appointment that you have kept see these see these appointments they're just not jewish holidays no no that's not what the bible the bible doesn't refer to them as the jewish holidays the bible refers to them as his high holy days these are the lord's feasts and what you got to understand is that word feast is the hebrew word moed in the plural it's moadim it's an appointment it's a celebration that god himself sets and whether you realize it or not you showed up at a party that god is putting on tonight he also referred just remain standing for a moment he also refers to these as as as holy convocations yeah that's the hebrew for mikra which literally means a dress rehearsal so you gotta understand that this could be more than just a dress rehearsal tonight you've got to understand that that god had set seven prophetic celebrations within his calendar and those seven prophetic celebrations would tell his story of what he was going to do in the earth you see god set the first one it's called the feast of passover he said on the 10th of nisan i want you to bring in a lamb and for four days i want you to inspect that lamb if you find no fault in that lamb i want you to sacrifice that lamb i want you to partake of that lamb i want you to take the blood of that lamb put it on the doorpost of your home because this night i'm going to pass through out all of egypt and i'm going to smite the firstborn of the egyptians you're getting ready to leave the place what god was saying you got to understand that it was on the 10th of nisan that jesus came into the holy city and for four days they inspected him and the bible says they found no fault in him and it was on the 14th of the sun that jesus became the passover lamb for you and i oh it doesn't stop there you got to understand that comes on the umbrella of the feast of unleavened bread and when the lamb would come into the home the mother would go throughout the house with a wooden spoon with a feather and with a candle that's symbolic of the cross the spirit and the word that is a light and a lamp under our feet and within our path she would get all the leaven out of the house she would put it on that spoon that's symbolic of what jesus what the father did by the spirit for you and i he moved throughout this earth by his spirit took all of our sin collected all of our sin and he put it on the cross of calvary now listen to this the mother would take that take that leaven and she would wrap it in a linen cloth and she would take it outside the house she would offer it as a sacrifice unto the lord and then we see three days after passover it's the feast of first fruits the bible says in the book of corinthians jesus christ being the being the first fruits of them that slept being raised from the dead 50 days after passover here's what i want you to understand is the is the feast of shavuot the feast of pentecost and what we see is in acts chapter 2 it says when the day of pentecost was fully come in other words when it was fulfilled on its appointed day you have to understand for over a thousand plus years they were doing dress rehearsals but when jesus came it was no longer a dress rehearsal when the day of pentecost came it was no longer a dress rehearsal i'm saying to you tonight that the lord fulfilled the first four spring feasts within their appointed seasons with pinpoint accuracy we have now transitioned listen to me into the fall feasts there are three fall feasts and tonight is yom teruah that is called the day of the trumpet the feast of trumpets what i'm saying to you is that the next greatest event on god's calendar is called the rapture of the church because there's coming a day that he's going to look at gabriel he's going to say they've prayed long enough they have praised long enough they have endured long enough he's going to look at gabriel and say blow that trumpet the bible says that the trump of god the dead in christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up and we shall meet the lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the lord i'm telling you that this could be the season it won't be a dress rehearsal honey we may hear the trumpet sound and i say even so come quickly lord jesus come on somebody oh i'm not even god into my word just remain standing then we see thursday night is going to be young kippur the day of atonement kippur is the same word that comes from the root of kippah when you go to israel you'll see that the yahudim the religious jews will wear a covering on their head you have to understand yom kippur is is the day of atonement it is the day where uh the high priest would go under the holies of holies and he would intercede and he would seek to make atonement for the nation now watch this the word kippur or kippah kapar actually means covering it would only cover their sins for that year in other words it's like a man that has a huge credit card debt and can only make the minimum payment it only buys him time for another 30 days yom kippur was the day that would buy them another year but you got to understand that when jesus came he didn't just make the minimum payment when jesus came he erased all the debt of the past and then he pre-paid it all the way to the future as well oh it doesn't stop there then you see you've got the final in the seventh feast which is the feast of tabernacles sukkot i'm telling you that the lord jesus christ is gonna split that eastern sky they're gonna see him whom they have pierced and the bible says in romans 11 that all of israel will be saved he will walk through the kidron valley he will sit upon the golden throne of his father david he will rule and reign this world for one 000 years hallelujah if he fulfilled the first four speech within their appointed seasons i'm telling you tonight without doubt that he will be faithful to fulfill the final three fall feasts within their seasons now you understand when the apostle paul said in first thessalonians 5 of the time and the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you this church understands the season we are in a season where i believe that the lord could soon return come on somebody do you believe that wow wow wow [Applause] powerful powerful powerful and i believe that this is a midnight hour that we're living in i want you to remain standing for the reading of the word you ready for a great word tonight if you have your bibles i want you to go to the book of matthew with me [Music] you know actually i don't i do in a minute but i gave chris a passage of scripture this being the feast of trumpets i don't have any shofars in here but i'm looking at about i don't know how many hundreds of shofars i've got in the house right now that's all right if you will just put this one verse that i gave you in numbers chapter 10 and verse 9. [Music] listen to this passage here i think this is an appropriate verse for this occasion tonight he said and if you go to war in your land against an enemy that oppresses you do any of you feel like that this land that we live in is being oppressed by the enemy i think he's not just turning the heat up on america he's turning it up globally right now he says if you go to war in your land against an enemy that oppresses you then you shall blow an alarm with trumpets and you shall be remembered before the lord your god and you shall be saved from your enemies now we don't have i don't have a shofar in here to blow and i don't think i've got any shofar blowers in here maybe i do i don't know but here's what i want to say to you right here do we have one in the house we got somebody can blow it oh i'm going to wait on them go get it but you're a shofar tonight whether you realize it or not let me unpack it what i mean by this are you still with me now watch this and in acts chapter 2 there were 120 in the upper room and what you got to understand the bible said in the last days that god would rebuild again the ruins of the tabernacle of david which are falling down in david's tabernacle there were a hundred and twenty trumpeters if there's an upper room there's a lower room in the lower room watch this now is the is the is the tomb of david those 120 that were in that upper room became trumpets i believe right now prophetically as this shofar gets ready to sound whoever's gonna sound it if you will unite your voice with the sound of this shofar in this house you will become a trumpet and the lord says i will remember the sound of the trumpet and i will save the people from their enemies how many of you ready to become a shofar tonight and release the sound unto the lord how many do you want to take this promise by faith right now for you and your household you say i don't know if i believe it you don't believe it you won't receive it if you believe it you'll receive it are you ready on the count of three i want you to let out the loudest shout the loudest praise let your voice become a trumpet unto the lord and let's come in agreement with the sound of the shofar tonight on the feasts of trumpets on yom to rule you ready one two three come on let's lift up a sound [Applause] [Music] i believe glory's in the house come on hallelujah let's get into the word let's get into the word tonight numbers 25 excuse me matthew 25. [Music] let's focus our attention at verse six and the bible reads and at midnight underline that word and at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go you out to meet him [Music] then all those virgins arose and trim their lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there not be enough for us and for you but ye rather go to them that sell and buy for yourself and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they were not ready excuse me and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut afterward there came also the other virgin saying lord lord open to us but he answered and he said verily i say unto you i know you're not verse 13 and he says watch therefore for you neither know that the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh but i would submit to you we do know the season father god may you bless the reading and the teaching of your word tonight in this house in jesus matchless mighty name we pray everybody says amen one last time let's give the lord a handclap of praise i want to talk real briefly tonight on the subject of midnight the bible says in verse six and at midnight a cry was made behold the bridegroom cometh what we see here in this passage is there are ten virgins all are pure all of them are pure five wise and five foolish the five foolish were foolish because they did not they did not keep their vessels filled with oil this is a season i'm telling you that you cannot afford not to have your vessel filled with oil he said the five foolish went to the five wise and they said give us some of your oil i can't give you my anointing you've got to go buy it where i got it and i would submit to you that the currency of the kingdom is time you're going to have to go submit some spend some time with the lord in order to make sure that your vessel is filled with oil come on somebody you got to make sure that your vessel remains full with oil he said behold he said the bridegroom's coming he said the cry shall be made at midnight i would say to you that we are living at 11 59 right now the bible says that when you see the nation of israel restored when you see the jews start coming back to their homeland he said let it be a banner to all the world that the end is near he said when you see the desert begin to blossom like a rose and amos said it like this when the plowman begins to overtake the reaper know that it is near it is at the door jesus told us that we should be looking up when we start to see these things come together for our redemption drawleth nigh when you look at what's happening on a global scale through this pandemic right now and i feel right at home so i'm going to go there when you look at what's going on a global scale with this pandemic with vaccine passports you can't go here you can't go there you and i listen i'm i love what your pastor said don't let the enemy divide us on this deal right here but i just want to say to you there is an antichrist agenda that is sweeping through the entire planet right now and i would submit that there is not another thing in the bible that needs to happen before the rapture of the church i don't care if you're white right wing left wing i care about the bird in this country honey and i'm telling you that we better come together and we better bring in the harvest in this midnight hour come on somebody it's all about souls that's what it's all about it ain't about me it ain't about my wants it ain't about my preferences it's about my neighbor that don't know jesus christ we better bring them in this is the hour of the harvest come on somebody say amen it's midnight we don't have time folks i'm telling you it's midnight right now he said let the cry be made behold the bridegroom cometh i stand here as a prophetic voice to tell you tonight behold the bridegroom cometh the lord is soon to return this is not a season for us to be playing russian roulette it's not a season for us to be playing church this is a season for us to be serious and intentional about the things of god i don't know about you but for me and my house we're gonna serve the lord i'm gonna make sure that my vessel is filled with oil not just filled but running over i want my cup running over with the goodness of god and the power and the glory and the purpose of the lord jesus christ we gotta keep our vessels full it's midnight it's midnight when you study the scripture and you start to look at things that happened at midnight great things happened at midnight you know what happened at midnight in acts chapter 16 when paul and silas were in prison they're in prison and the bible says it was at midnight at verse 25 that they begin to sing praise unto the lord they begin to worship him and the prisoners heard them it's time for chattanooga to hear the praises of god's people it's time for america to hear the praise of the church i'm telling you the church needs to wake up we need to understand that our praise has the potential to shake this land our praise has the potential to to let the captives and the prisoners go free it was at midnight that the prisoners heard them jesus said if i be lifted up all men would be drawn unto me i want some prisoners to hear me i know that my praise is the pathway to their freedom and there's some people living in a prison right now and they need to be set free in jesus name i want you to understand the bible says in verse 26 that the earth began to shake it was at midnight that god rocked that place it was at midnight that god divinely he showed up at that place at 11 30 there was nothing that changed at 11 45 nothing had changed in paul and silas's situation at 11 55 nothing had changed at 11 59 nothing had changed but at midnight somebody shout midnight but at midnight everything changed i'm here to tell you that we're almost at midnight right now and everything is about to change in this nation what the enemies meant for evil my god is about to enter in he's going to work some stuff to the good there's a lot of prisoners and jailers about to be set free and saved in jesus name great things happen at midnight if you believe that give the lord a handclap of praise some of you right now may be at 11 30 moment i want to submit to you better just keep on praying some of you may be at 11 50 moment you need to keep on believing but all of us as the body of christ are at 11 59 moment and the spirit of god is instructing me to tell you to keep on praising don't stop worshiping midnight is almost here good things happen at midnight come on somebody some of god's best plans unfold at midnight divine reversals in scripture happen at midnight suddenlies come at midnight shifts happen at midnight seems like to me that god likes to wait until it's completely dark outside before he turns the light on when you think it's about over and darkness has covered the land and all hope is lost i want to sell you you better hold on because god's about to show up god's about to shift some stuff that's usually when god moves when everybody loses hope and everybody starts to walk away and give up and think the whole thing's over god does great things at midnight i can go all the way back to the book of exodus you look in the 11th chapter in verse 4. the bible says and moses said thus saith the lord about midnight i will go and uh go out into the midst of egypt do you understand that it was at midnight that god showed up in egypt 430 years of egyptian bondage was broken at midnight at 11 59 they were still in bondage but one minute later they were free i'm telling you that freedom comes at midnight there are great things that happen at midnight at 11 59 nothing had changed everything was the same at 11 59 as it had been for 430 years in that land but i want you to hear me the blood of the lamb prevailed at midnight and i'm here to submit to this house that the blood of the lamb will prevail in this nation at midnight hallelujah they had to trust the blood they had to trust the blood even when they couldn't see the blood working even when they thought that the blood was inactive even when they couldn't understand its full potential they had to trust in the blood but i'm here to tell you that you may not see god working right now in your life but he's working in your life the bible says that in romans 8 28 that all things work together for the good to them that love him and who are called according to his purpose that means that god enters into the work of the called and he begins to work his good good things happen at midnight look at your neighbor and tell them the hold on it's almost midnight hold on it's almost midnight god's people went free at midnight deliverance was made manifest at midnight their supernatural walk began at midnight did you catch what i just said i said their supernatural walk began at midnight if this thing was to completely break down it ain't over honey that's the that's the beginning of the breakthrough i'm telling you that listen this world is in a suicidal race for ruin and god we may lose some of our comforts and we may lose some of our luxuries but what we would deem as a breakdown god says no that's a step of breakthrough into the supernatural because i'm going to supply for you in ways that you've never seen me supply for you before in your yester years i'm here to tell you it's almost midnight and your supernatural walk is just about to begin 11 58 nothing had happened 11 59 nothing had changed in samson's life nothing at all had changed he looked hopeless he looked bound he looked defeated it looked like he there was no hope looked like nothing was going to change but the bible says in judges chapter 16 and verse 3 the bible says and simpson laid until midnight and arose at midnight and the doors of the gate of the city and the two posts went away with him bar and all and he put them upon his shoulders and he carried them to the top of the hill that is before hebron the gates are symbolic of the judicial seats of authority listen to me i'm here to serve the devil notice it's 1159 and i would say to the enemy enjoy your last minute buddy because your authority is about to be usurped by the church triumphant of the lord jesus christ i'm saying to you that the rapture of the church is not a rescue mission for a defeated church it is watch this it is a completed celebration of a church that has finished its assignment well done good and faithful servants [Applause] in acts chapter 20 in verse 7 we see where paul was preaching the bible says that it was approaching midnight and we see that a young man had fallen that young man had no idea that and the people in that church had no idea that they were three stories away from a miracle three stories away from a miracle at midnight he preached all night long at midnight this man had fallen out he dies i can imagine the panic that probably came on them the panic that came on them that our cover is blown the underground church is blown the romans will find us the the religious jews that will sown us to death will find us they were they were serving the lord under great persecution and many of us failed to understand that in this hour the early church was birthed the early church thrived under adverse difficulty and circumstances and situations and i can imagine that people were thinking oh my goodness gracious this thing is going to go bad they just died we're having a church service and somebody died it's kind of like today they came to church and they got coved and they died you don't want me to go there right now but i'm telling you but here's what happened paul went down and he raised him up at midnight i come in agreement with what the bishop of this house said it's time for people to come off ventilators it's midnight i'm ready to see the power of the blood of the lamb prevail i'm ready to enforce psalm 91 in this earth to seal it to see a healing movement sweep throughout this land and show this world that jesus christ is not dead he's alive he's living inside of you he's living inside of me we're not looking for a move we are the move of god it's midnight come on somebody 11 59 nothing had changed in ruth's life ruth was lying at the feet of boaz at 11 59. the bible says in ruth chapter 3 and verse 8 and it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid in the hebrew that means he something startled him something moved him he turned he turned himself and behold a woman lay at his feet sometimes you know what you go all you need to do is lay right there where right at your heavenly boaz's feet it's midnight the church needs to remain at the feet of our heavenly boaz until he turns and he begins to favor us and he begins to bless us and he begins to say okay you've endured now i'm about to put you on like a glove like i did gideon and you're going to go out of here as the triumphant people come on somebody i'm preaching better in your amendment tonight i believe that the lord is about to turn himself our direction in a way that we have never experienced before you better make sure that you're ready because if you're only half full of oil you'll miss it you better make sure that you're overflowing with the goodness and the glory of god and this power of his spirit or you'll miss this move i'm telling you don't don't sit here and think that you won't miss it because i'm telling you you can sit on a padded pew and sing nearer thy god to thee and the move of god move right on past you and you not even recognize it if it happened to the jewish people the bible says in john 1 he came unto his own but his own did not receive him they missed their day of visitation if you're not above them i'm going to tell you something we better make sure that we're walking in a measure of the spirit that we're discerning the time that we're living in come on the call always comes right before midnight behold the bridegroom cometh let me tell you what's getting ready to happen to the to the nations of this world let me tell you what's getting ready to happen to the antichrist agenda that's sweeping this planet there's a passage that the lord showed me in job 34 and verse 20. he said in a moment they die and at midnight people are shaken and they pass away and the mighty are taken without a hand you know what he's saying he's saying that god will turn the table on the wicked at midnight [Applause] am i proving the point so far that great things happen at midnight now let me get to my message right here luke chapter 11. great things happen at midnight the team can come make themselves ready great things happen at midnight this is the prophetic word that i believe the lord has given me for this church luke 11 and verse 5 and he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight and say unto him friend lend me three loaves i want you to underline that lend me three loaves for a friend of mine in his journey has come to me and i have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say trouble me not the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed and i cannot arise and give thee verse 8 says and i say unto you though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity he will arise and give him listen to this now as many as he needeth and i say unto you ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find and he said and it he said knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that ask receives and he that seeks findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened when did this story take place at midnight this parable reveals a mystery of the kingdom of god jesus said in matthew 13 he said behold it's given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god this is a parable about midnight this is a parable that was said in the scripture by the wisdom of the lord himself and he reserved this parable for such a time as this he strategically placed this revelation in this particular passage of scripture for a specific time in world history he said there is a revelation that can only be unlocked by the power of my spirit and i'm going to put it right there in luke 11 until it's midnight and about midnight i'm going to begin to bring a spirit of revelation upon the body of christ and i'm going to elevate their thinking to a whole other level are you ready to go to a whole nother level because it's midnight the bible says i hath not seen here hath not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit are you ready for revelation tonight he said this he said call upon me and i'll answer you and show you great mighty things which you've not known seen or even heard he said he would give us the holy spirit that would show us things to come he said that the father would grant unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him and we're about to enter into an understanding that's about to elevate this house to a whole other level are you ready he says right here in verse 5 he says he came to him at midnight and he said i want you to lend me three loaves i want us to look at this first word here lind lend me three loaves understand we're talking about revelation we're talking about loaves the bread we're talking about the anointing he said lend me three loaves understand that what what god gives us is not ours it doesn't belong to us i don't have a ministry i've listened to this i'm participating in his ministry because in a kingdom you don't have anything in a kingdom it all belongs to him everything that you have has been lent to you he said lend me three loaves three loaves he said not only will i give you three loaves in this parable he said but i'll give you as much as you desire at midnight see everybody's been looking for a double anointing everybody's been preaching on the double anointing i want a double portion a double portion and the lord told me showed me this parable here that at midnight he's not going to give a double he's going to give a triple anointing at a minimum this house is about to enter in to a threefold anointing not a double i'm talking about a triple anointing and that's the base right there anybody in the house ready for a threefold come on stand your feet with me tonight threefold anointing when did it come at midnight at midnight i don't want a double portion i want a triple portion and i want the triple to be the base of what god's going to give me matter of fact he said he would exceed your expectation now on him that is able everybody shout he's able he's able to do he could have stopped right there but he didn't stop right there he's able to do exceededly and abundantly above all that you could what ask or he said i will even answer your thought life how many times did jesus perceive their thoughts and he began to speak into their thoughts i'm here to submit to you that this church is about to enter into a level that when you have a thought god's gonna begin to answer it and you're about to enter into a walk of the supernatural it is midnight there is a mantle on this house to take this city and i'm here to say to you you can't do it on yesterday's bread but the good news is this prophetic voice is standing this pulpit tonight to submit to you that heaven has three fresh loaves at a minimum that he's ready to lend to you to bless your friends who are in need that's coming to this house wow midnight i said it's midnight if you want this three-fold anointing i want you to come up here this triple threat anointing come on up here [Music] it don't come for me it's coming from him [Music] i said it's coming from him this is a house of prayer you all pray in this house you're serious about the things of god in this house you've got a pastor that has an anointed on his life as a chamberlain in this city you don't know what a chamberlain is you need to look it up in scripture you need to understand what god is doing i don't i i warned him today if i can pastor i'm going to go here i warned him today i said you got to be careful about the law of familiarity and i want to submit that same word to this house don't you become familiar with the anointing and the call and the mantle that's on this house this is a unique thing that god is doing in the city of chattanooga and chattanooga can become a beacon a city of hope to the nations of this of this or to the nations of this earth not just to the united states but to the nations of this earth can you believe at that level five of you can believe at that level can you believe at that level [Music] [Applause] a chamberlain anointed the lord spoke that word about him to me before i even knew him i didn't even i said who is this man he said he's a chamberlain i looked that up in the scripture said what in the world is the chamber i began to study out of chamberlain i gave him that word prophetically the first night that he was in our house i said the lord told me you're a chamberlain chris stood up and said our offices are located on chamberlain avenue [Music] he said that's a true story i didn't know anything about i didn't know it i didn't even know where this church was was located in chattanooga i'm telling you there's a mantle on this house [Music] and the father is ready to grant a triple fold anointing over this body at a minimum three loaves signs wonders and miracles shall follow them that believe [Applause] [Music] come on just lift up your hands and just begin to pray in the spirit all over this house come on just pray in the holy ghost all over this house [Music] made the anointing of the holy ghost may that triple may that triple fold anointed come upon this body three loaves at a minimum lend us three loaves at midnight father because of our opportunity we're not going anywhere we know that you got it we know that you got what our friends need in this city we know that you got what this city needs we know you've got what this nation needs and god what you need is a radical remnant that'll stand up that'll be stand-up men in a bowel down the world and grant it right here in chattanooga granted right here let this church fulfill its prophetic name redemption to the nations redemption to the nations god i'm asking you to allow that anointing to begin to increase in this house break the yoke break the yoke of inferiority off of every person of the sound of my voice for he's not given you a spirit of timidity but of power love and of a sound mind you can do all things you will do all things the same anointing that raised jesus from the dead is coming upon you right now in this house in this house in your house in this city we will give this city what they're looking for living bread they will partake of the living bread freely you are receiving freely you shall give come on just continue to press in for a moment may the glory fall in this place may the glory fall in this place oh we need we need we need fresh bread we need fresh bread you said if we sink we find you said if we knock it'll be opened shanna [Music] it's midnight behold the bright [Music] yes oh foreign [Music] [Applause] whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like [Applause] whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like lord jesus [Applause] whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is jesus [Music] is [Applause] whatever it looks like [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] feels like [Music] feels is [Music] [Music] heaven on earth again
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,457
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Id: 2dhCR7NRk7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 52sec (6232 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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