Practicing GRASS Landings (Full Length Flight)

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[Music] [Applause] it's a beautiful sunny spring day here in San Marcos we're pushing 2 p.m. and it is 75 degrees Fahrenheit and clear skies it looks like it's a bit bumpy up there today but we're still gonna go have some fun nonetheless last week I went up to Atlanta with a friend I said while we're here I want to do some pattern work on the grass runway Emma oh there she is that's where you just roll onto the landing gear and I forgot how fun it was to just go play around on a grass runway so I'm gonna do something a little different today and I'm gonna use that camera angle on the head strap gonna hop up to Llano and go do some pattern work on the grass runway plus honestly who doesn't like legit soft field takeoffs and landings so what's the difference between a regular takeoff and landing in a soft field takeoff and landing well you have a soft field that's exactly what it means so when you're landing or taking off on grass we assume that it's gonna be muddy or maybe soft or whatnot and it's different on a nosewheel airplane that it is on a tailwheel airplane many many people prefer a tailwheel airplane if they're gonna be landing off pavement and I agree it's just more practical a Cessna 172 is really a great nosewheel airplane to be able to take on grass we've got regular-sized tires on this airplane but we don't have wheel pants not having wheel pants in my opinion helps the name of the game is keeping the airplane as light as possible on the landing gear you don't want to stop on the soft surface and you want to keep the weight off the nose gear as much as you can that means we're gonna taxi with full back pressure with the elevators all the way up and we're gonna do that all the way through the rollout after we land and when we're taxiing we taxi with the wheel all the way back when we're ready for takeoff we're not gonna stop we're just gonna keep the turn coming around line up with the runway and advance the power steadily to full so I'll explain all of that as we go while we're in the airplane we're good on fuel we're good on oil let's pull this airplane out and head up towards land glare all right avionics come on down one eight five zero Zulu when zero five zero with Niner just one five visibility one zero guy conditions clear below 1 2010 30 revoke you forever dewpoint agree general our visual approach is in East landing and departing runway 8 no destroy now you get reactors ArrayList parachute jumping in progress over Fentress located eight and half miles southeast of San Marcos on the national contact advise you have information hotel market boredom could have been looking at the airport diagram are gonna Centurion coming over there we got information hotel we're gonna taxi down for a northbound via North westbound rather be a far departure st. Marq is ground Skyhawk a zero Niner under one sky 901 san marcos ground zero no one Cessna 172 information hotel over here at the T hangars like to taxi out for Northwest to be a far departure there's another one when we attack so we offer eight the out fades or another one now we're clear right clear left the Prix taxi checklist is complete so today is a tad gusty wind here at San Marcos is reporting zero five zero at Niner gusting up to 15 it should be a good day to practice some landings all right parking brake is set lineup checklist brakes are set and the fuel selector is on both terms have for takeoff my controls free and correct that one goes up that one goes down that one goes up that one goes down elevators up and down right left and right and check for freedom of movement all right my controls are incorrect instruments cross-checking and calibrate and we got the heading but except a runway heading and the HSI and the compass do agree extra set for best now we're going to go full rich the primer is in and locked and throttle up to 1700 rpm I'm going to close the windows here looking for 1700 right here on the engine monitor all right and we're gonna check the right bag there's a drop and left mag out rise in for eg T's back to both it was back up to 1700 enunciation has gone do the left mag right bag out there's a drop rise and for EG t's back to both they stabilize RPM comes back up looks great car beat test I pull the car Pete all the way out carburetor temp comes up drop an RPM push the coffee tin up temp goes back down rpm recovers and vacuum we don't have an amps volts 13.2 that looks normal Oh pressure oil temple both in the green idle check closed in the throttle friction lock set all right idling about 900 rpm that's great restore it back to a thousand the friction lock is set right here by the runway flaps set 0 to 10 flaps her all the way up make sure it's set for best power the carburetor heat is off transponder is squonk and altitude VFR heading bug is set to runway heading is your right zero doors and windows closed and latched closed and latched landing light is on strobes we'll get him on we therefore take off and the time note 1931 the flight timer will start only depart and brakes release abort plan if we're not off by runway 1 3 3 1 something is definitely wrong first takeoff roll should be way shorter than that and an all aboard to take off we're not off by then if anything happens below a thousand feet AGL or before we turn out whichever happens first we will pick somewhere we'll nose down to pick somewhere plus or minus 30 degrees in front of us if we've already turned down or were above a thousand feet we can entertain the thought of turning back to the red line that's our abort plan a pre takeoff checklist is complete I'll switch to tower San Marcos tower Skyhawk 8:09 another one holding short of runway 8 at alpha ready for VFR departure they do another one salmon off this tower holds short the runway 8 hold short runway 8 8 0 9 another one that airplane doing a touch of goers he . his flaps are coming up Marcus to hell I don't think he's accelerating now for me to give it a favor right turn out that gonna - at Babbo go in the ground for the tequila get cleared here not another one runway a cliff take a left turn north with food left turn to the northwest runway one runway eight clear for takeoff a zero got another one things almost set one three all right we're clear left and the runway is clear it's ours entered runway zero eight 6,200 feet remaining blowing thank you report the infield balance aren't heels to the Florida market our health are 3 4 0 5 3 4 0 Papa Mike's and Webster yeah what about us we'll take off the car is 7 airspeed low I don't have to do a proper Mike report about the south west of the airport for the transition nothing like Rafael 2 meter is three zero two it climb it now there's 80 knots and here's 500 feet so we could make our turn out to the northwest [Music] or clear left nice accompany today we are heading bug around and the client checklist feed 70 to 80 we've got it or climbing a foul no formal spiny power is set for mixture is set full instruments cross checked and calibrated altimeter still a good heading buggy the right where it should be in the heading looks good taxi light off and flight plan open or given landing light on full contact Austin approach whenever we're cleared off this frequency climb checklist complete zero no one we have that traffic at our about two o'clock now and then and I don't want write a phase change move it either we'll see you all right yeah it's ability right out there well over a thousand people oh yeah I'm 3307 descend and maintain 5,000 5,000 top 30 through so Austin approach sky hockey zero another car one calling for flight following standby and remain outside of class trailers fan okay all right cruise check plus power is set we've got it 2450 on the RPM mixture is set we just leave it rich of peak and instruments cross checked and calibrated well right on course altimeter is our set cross-checked and the heading looks good the HSI cruise checklist complete it's 52 degrees Fahrenheit up here that's 11 - Celsius I got going for flight following go ahead Skyhawk 8-0 at Niner Niner one we're Cessna 172 approximately one five miles to the northwest of the San Marcos air for 4,500 at the Llano four Niner Niner one squawk four five four five four five four five on the squawk down another one forgot the call on flight following summer right now it's like last Charlier sizes zero market factor one thousand three point four four four thousand that's Niner Niner one radar contact shooter miles northwest of San Marcos airport altitude indicates four thousand 100 awesome seminar 3 0 to 8 maintain VFR over here 0 to 8 helps you check that off in ship looks happy temperatures back up a good product throw one thing can josh is a drop off a mikesblog 0 to 1 0 test the niner-niner one contact Houston Houston center one three four point two one one one three four two eight zero nine another one getting Houston Center Houston center Skyhawk a zero 100 on our one 4500 hey Joan MN one uses center aviation why don't want how you doing good we're rolling cameras alright 3,300 Pentecost approach one one I was like that was a shout out from a fanzine jerk at 3300 high school 40 miles out of land ho icy Lake Buchanan up there got Lake Travis just off to our right and then Lake LBJ is gonna be that way ish I lied that way ish and Lantos beyond that this is just the Colorado River spy so it's gonna be right that way ish yes I got that right Spicewood is right out there Lake Way Lago Vista out that way and like LBJ sub horrible Falls of Kingsland and all that good stuff is gonna be up that way and then Lake Buchanan's out there Lando's on the other side of Lake Buchanan our hottest cylinder is running 350 degrees that's number three and cylinder number one well that number two it's bouncing back and forth the hottest CGT is 13 90 almost 1400 degrees so we're pretty good that's about where I'd like to ride it about 1,400 degrees there I can actually pull the power back just a little bit not approximately two and a half hours of fuel left on board so I'll give us plenty of time to get some land oh and have some fun on the grass runway and then we'll stop and gas up and head back to San Marcos the grass runway is 3,200 feet long so that's a plenty long for this airplane to be able to do a touch-and-go on it however for soft feel takeoff yeah for a soft field takeoff we want flaps to be set to 10 degrees but basically on a touch-and-go it's gonna be too hard for me to get the flaps set to 10 with this hole with the full range flaps which in this airplane so I'll just do a full stop and the turn wrap taxi back is an American 35 with you out of 8700 for 1/3 American 35 uses Center for they tell you follow Keith Reaser crossing over a river here let's see where we just crossed that's the Personalis river that our your SPF are at 2500 break a zero you see senator altimeter for the show three zero three zero three zero reading zero about 18 minutes out just Horseshoe Bay Airport right there this is Lake LBJ Spicewood airport after Leno Municipal Airport automated wither up to the 195 whether wins 1 0-0 visibility down anything further I play altimeter 3:03 widow is one zero zero at six so that's gonna be runaway a13 on the grass runway I don't work and since we will be using runway one three that will be left traffic so from here we'll just kind of make a bit of a right-hand deviation when we cancel with the center and and that will put us on the correct side of the airport to enter the left down one four one three and we're gonna put C tap into standby 122.8 I don't suspect the pattern will be too incredibly crowded today given that it's a weekday it's a Tuesday if it were a Sunday afternoon or Saturday afternoon it would be crowded no.11 go ahead looking great deal flows looking great it says we're gonna have 15.5 gallons for painting when we get to the airport on one Roger standby and that's about a gallon on the conservative side based on my experience with this totalizers that's good good good I got the weather now just looking for the airport which is actually we're still good ways out of 28 94 con maintain flight level 180 zero the old 28 94 up to one eight zero and I see the town of Llano apparently in some of the hills and I believe I see the airport just to the north of the town they invite there's Horseshoe Bay Airport right down there like LBJ seven one one thousand four one thousand across the water way up there is a temple it was working something Houston said I found anything for the whole t30 that's the fun of all three they're different fortunately filling three stand by but you have the airport inside I'm not gonna tell if quite yet though I don't want to cut me loose I'm still 20 miles out like it's a villain one I showed you 300 feet above your synoptic maintain one seven thousand these San Antonio there are three zero to five I get about 15 miles from the airport so about another set of files all what a feeling there just have an idea though in two thousand four one two down exist the seven ninety contact yusin's Center on one to eight point six five 2865 792 Center sky okay zero another one we have the weather Atlanta we got the airport site no Lorraine zero not another one Roger no traffic to bring you in the airport then walk VFR and cases I see well squawk and talk to you Fareed zero no getting yeah Dylan three reset your transponder squawk to four to six he'll announce that we are fourteen to the southeast and then we're gonna enter left down one Iran I want brief will stop Lando traffic sky hockey 0-100 under one system 172 about 14 miles to the southeast of the field 4500 gonna enter the left downwind runway 1 3 . now we got the city of Llano the town of Llano down there and then just to the right of it I see the airport the Europe was kind of a B state it's kind of like this you got the paved runway right here I think got the grass runway right here we're almost lined up with the grass runway we're not gonna go out a little bit enter the left down there's traffic 5 7 golf is now turning down we're on runway 3 5 the lovely frequency of 122.8 on a clear skies day is always chucked full there's just people talking constant we're starting the VFR decent the same checklist mixture and richen your selector is still on both the car PETA's as required yet I've got the ears he wants up the dorsum are set and instruments cross-checking calibrate sent checklist a car cut seventy two three four helicopters seven miles southeast will be in bouncing landing 35 taylor leno traffic sky hockey zero no no no one about five miles to the southeast of the field descending out of 4,000 we're gonna enter the left downwind for runway 1 3 . i know we get down here to the airport will make it four will do for grass landings I think every good port that will be for grass landings and takeoffs our grade on fuel we've got 15 gallons left according to both the gauges and the totalizer and engine looks great watching our shot cool factor there - 30 degrees per minute which is and pattern altitude is 2100 feet Leno traffic sky Hawk a zero Niner Niner 1 is about two miles to the east of the field we're entering the 45 left downwind runway 1 3 . well let's see what the winds are doing against Llano Municipal Airport automated weather observation to zero one two rule of weather wind zero Niner zero at six visibility more than one zero sky condition clear below one mm temperature - 5 Celsius 2.8 Celsius altimeter three zero three zero remark okay wind really hasn't changed much Leno traffic Skyhawk a zero no no no what is on the left downwind for runway one three grass Leno nice good we got a helicopter down there on the ramp other than that there's nobody here looks like somebody out there T hanger and that's the grass runway here Atlanta there's a few dirt patches but it's a pretty smooth uh red light all right so we're abeam pulling the car Pete and back to about 1500 rpm we're pitching the nose up to again in the white arc there it is one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand and the mixtures full rich our lights are on fuel selector on both and we're all good grace travel until accessory cyclic one thing go victor is about three miles put the nose 1 now the field inbound for fuel will be landing direct told you babe terrain ahead the free landing checklist is complete that's four flights and warning terrain all right turn face here leno traffic sky hockey zero none and on our one turning left base runway one three grass will stop leno about seventy knots here in the turn i'm going to add a little bit of power I can feel a wheeze or sinking right here we do not want to pull the nose up and get real slow in the turn you're asking for a stall and potentially a spin if you do that there's five hundred feet AGL according to for flight and our final looks clear speeds good I'm gonna add just a skosh of power here leno traffic Skyhawk 8-0 no no no no one on final runway 1 3 . grass lam short final runway 1 3 alright thank you for flight traffic coming over 6 1 thank Victor call these inbound landing direct print for fuel base and I like to carry a little extra speed on final I come in faster than most people do in a 172 I'd like about 70 knots on final then on short final I bring it back to about 65 60 and let the airplane start slowing down I'm gonna add laps 20 here one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand there's flaps set 20 degrees and power is at idle we just got an updraft there alright runway looks good on the seating obstacles we're gonna execute a soft field procedure here we're going to touch the pavement with a little extra for the touch the grass with a little extra forward momentum we're a trip holder office 275 zeros on a right faith for runway one let's go let's hold her hold her off hold her off a little bumpy down here there little bounce keep that nose gear off to keep that nose gear off there's a lot bumpier down here then I thought it would be as far as the air moving around we were kind of wavering and losing speed there all right there's Lana I can do a heck of a lot better than that one I think at least I have in the past all right so that's one landing at the car Pete's set and I'm gonna announce back taxiing I know traffic Skyhawk a zero a Niner Niner one is back taxiing runway one three grass we're gonna depart and remain in the pattern Lana hey the grass got a little taller here so I was here a few days ago we're gonna drop 10 degrees of flaps one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand there's ten degrees of flaps that's what we used for departure and the pre takeoff checklist flaps are set ten mixture is set for best par the carp eats off transponder I think most doors and windows landing light strobes time brakes release on a board plan I use about half the runway this airplane at 10 degrees of flaps while executing a soft field takeoff technique is gonna get off the ground right about 40 knots that's when you can really feel that the main start to come off the ground so we really their plane really reactive to getting into ground effect only got down here and we got we got some good thermals going one way one 331 for flight we got some really good thermals coming over the highway and coming over the edge of runway one seven so that kind of pushed us up up up up up and I kept keeping the nose down so we could still you know we're not gonna overshoot the runway and and that caused us to be really fast coming over the threshold we were about 70 knots over the threshold but that's okay we have plenty of runway just hold it off and let the speed bleed we got two Triplets of white tires there that's those are basically the end of the ends of the runway the threshold but notice I'm keeping the yoke all the way back while I'm taxiing here all right the pre takeoff checklist is complete we'll announce Lando traffic Skyhawk a0 no.1 departing runway 1 3 grass we're gonna mean in the left traffic lane oh all right so we're not gonna stop holding the Outback 3100 Phoebe lining up on it and start to ease the power to pole takeoff power setting I'm holding the node the cowling right below the horizon that's keeping the nose gear off the ground there's 35 knots we're off the ground and we're gonna level off right here in ground effect let the airplane build up speed there's 65 knots and were able to gently fly right out of ground effect and I'm going to keep those flaps in until I've got at least V Y which is 78 knots and then I can pull the flaps up I also want to have a few hundred feet of alpha teeth a little nose down trim in there alright there's 80 knots flaps coming up there's a little bit of a seat there we go you want to make sure you have sufficient speed when you pull those flaps up because when you pull the flaps up you're actually getting rid of some lift production there on the wings there goes our speed way up so now we can just pitch up and climb up very good there's our shadow way down there that was one grass landing and a mighty bad one at that I came down and kind of touched the grass and bounced but the important thing was I kept the nose gear off the ground don't ever let that knows you're plowing the ground when you're landing on the soft feel well any field for that matter but particularly important a soft field all right Plano traffic sky okay zero then another one is turning on a left crosswind currently 1/3 left close traffic all right is it grass rattling I throw gonna turn down Lee Lee no traffic sky honking zero no no no one is turning on a on the left downwind runway one three will be a full stop taxi back Lenna [Music] Aires 2,100 feet which is pattern altitude that's a thousand feet above the airport well the power back just a little bit little off here about a hundred feet high actually all right so here I'm down when I'm gonna perform a pre landing checklist and then I'll do it Gump so pedal test flights are on autopilot soft seat belts shoulder harnesses the mixture is rich and Karp heat is on we'll do that in the cups and feel selector on both flaps is required it's much easier to do the checklist on downwind instead of a beating the numbers when I'm starting to send in stuff 0 1 a beam the numbers is a good time to do it Gump's and I like a follow up every looks good didn't have kind of a bit of a dip there where that dirt is at the beginning of the runway so I'm a taxi in front of it next time all right so we're a beanie a landing point car Pete's coming out and the throttle is coming back to about 1,500 traffic making them for three opposite miles north and down burn it and we're pitching the nose up just holding our altitude right here with a reduced power setting until we get the wide arc in the air speed there it is first launch of flaps one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand there's 10 degrees of flaps to help us slow down and fly at a slower speed while being able to produce a sufficient amount of lift it allows us to make a steeper approach a steeper approach morning terrain ahead yes I know the terrain right Leno traffic Skyhawk a zero Niner Niner one is turning on a left base for runway 1 3 . on the grassland oh and we're just keep that turn come around a final plan our traffic Scott gate zero no one keeping the turn coming up final runway 1 3 . on the grass lena we are a bit low here let's fix it with power I extended my downwind just a little bit because I did I think I did that subconsciously because last time we were super high now we're a little bit low but when we come over the highway in the edge of the runway in the taxiway there we're probably gonna get some pretty good thermals I bet you there's a good amount of heat kind of blowing this way off the perfect are you know one that what do step 5-0 it turning from nautical knot your flaps down 1,000 to 1,100 to grease flaps or coming down here on short final fancy seven seven four three papa is five miles to the north have bound looking for the fifth element down with on it all right add some nose up trim and we actually look good here we're a little slow so I might add just a touch of power in the flare just to get that four am I going we actually look really good right here we're flaring or flaring yeah we'll be behind he will enter a point one nine burner or hold the nose up nice well does a little better all right Leno traffic's a zero know what back taxing on the grass all right that one was little better a little better I still came down a little bit hard and I think that was partly because I didn't add enough power there at the end I actually didn't even add any power I didn't think I needed it the flaps are coming up I pretty take off flap set 10° mixture is set for best pound of the car beat is off transporter Scoggin altitude 1200 heading buck doors and windows lights are all on the time the brakes release abort plan all right and actually I did say I was gonna pull forward of this turn here because there's a bit of a dip in the dirt all right and there she is she's flying out of ground effect accelerate through 70 and then let it come up through vui and then once we're at V Y or Jack the flaps there's 80 knots Black's coming up decent soft feel take off there the name of the game is to keep the nose off the ground and don't stop you don't want to get stuck on the soft surface now of course this surface is nice and hard it's my only good for three papa training live base runway one burner Leno traffic's cocking zero no one's running I left crosswind runway 1 3 . mate oh let's see if we make this one a little bit better a little bit softer we just we don't really want to come down on the landing gear we don't want to kind of roll onto the landing gear on the grass there got an airplane across midfield right out there alright we're beam and carbine out powers coming back we're gonna maintain altitude here all the speed rolls back anyway let's roll through the pre landing checklist brakes pedal test lights autopilot seatbelts mixture compete is on fuel flaps wheels on both and we're in the light arc one thousand two one thousand three one thousand there's 10 degrees of flaps pre-landing checklist complete land hour traffic sky ok zero and then I know one about to turn left base runway 1 3 . on the grassland alert terrain ahead yes I don't I am approaching earth that is the point of a landing Siri turning on the left face nose down city knots at us coach a power of the turn here it's been don't lose too much energy and I'm gonna go into the house final kind of like turning on your blinker you later like top off two four six - Charlie departing to the salad 2,000 feet way no traffic Skyy okay 0-100 I know one is on final runway 1 3 . way no one mile final runway 1 we paid traffic a super chef knife a farrago is about 4 miles two one thousand three one thousand let's flaps 20 degrees and that's going to cause us to kind of balloon up here a little bit I keep the speed up here about 65 knots here on the mile let's suppose up trim there's a sinker I caused us to sink there a little more power all right about 65 knots my power is coming to idle or get down to the runway and we'll add just just go to power a little bit right rudder to correct that crosswind yeah we are coming down to the runway tiny bit of power not any bit of power Emma oh there she is that's where you just roll onto the landing gear holding that back pressure in there holding that back pressure in there very gently applying the brakes I don't want to apply the brakes too much at all because you don't want to dig that nose gear into the ground at all very light on the brakes just enough to slow it down a little bit then our traffic stockings zero and then another one is back taxiing runway one three Leno not bad huh that was three I can do one more and then we'll uh we'll taxi into the pumps Bri take off flaps set zero to ten we're gonna take ten degrees one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand there's ten degrees make sure to set the best power get the car peed off and we're still squawking altitude VFR the heading bug is set there was no windows lights them all on time no brakes release an abort plan and we're gonna turn short at the end of the runway there again so I don't miss that so I don't hit that little dirt patch there Leno traffic's eight zero nine another one taking off runway one three gonna be left close traffic Lana all right hold the back pressure and lining it up on the runway don't stop don't stop increase power to take off and restart to release the back pressure in upholding the cowling right on the horizon there and she's airborne released the back pressure let it come down by the laughing ground effect let her pick up some speed and we're out of ground effect five and out a little bit of a goofy wind there as we clear the treeline the wind kind of changes direction nose down trim build up speed and 380 knots up yet airspeed is a little unstable there for just second it's stabilized we got a good 80 knots wops going up all right they say we do one more grass landing we'll go to the pumps pre-landing check this brake pedal test flight so we got them all on autopilot off seat belts shoulder harnesses are on fixture ass ffs power I'll get the carpet on here in a second he'll selector on both and flaps is required we'll do that after we are a beat the pre landing checklist is complete halt in booty we're going 110 knots here downwind definitely have a tailwind right now I got a power back there's a left downwind and we're abeam almost to be a touchdown point so the car Pete's coming out we've been flirting a lot like really far now not really far but on that last one particularly I flirted pretty far down the runway and I wasn't a fan of that want to see if I can do that a little better so I'm gonna ease the power back about 1,500 rpm and maintain altitude tour in the wine art there's a wide arc one thousand two one thousand three one thousand I'm counting because I have to hold down the button or hold down the switch about three seconds as ten degrees about another three six seconds is 20 degrees and another three is thirty Llano traffic's eight zero no no I want turning on a left base for runway 1 3 we'll stop on the grassland all right 70 knots keep our speed up here nice and coordinated keeping that ball in the center with the rudder and the turn here super report super report looking for traffic look at the traffic there's are readily Leno traffic's got a zero no no no I'm turning final runway one three on the grass full stop Leno about 70 knots here we do kind of have have a stiff wind from this direction I could see the track vector on the on the HSI or crab alright let's add another notch one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand each time you add flaps you're actually lowering the stall speed of the airplane just a little bit that's why we're able to get the airplane so slow when we're about to touch the runway you're lowering the stall speed by pulling flaps so if you don't drop any flaps I'm actually gonna touch the ground the airplane is going to stall out and touch the ground and a bunch of higher ground speed much higher airspeed to you alright power is on idle and a couple sketches of trim they're about sixty just over sixty knots here get some crosswind correction in there we do have an early crosswind and I don't really need any power we've got common herbals are keeping us up in the air there we go I like that one little bump there and just era using aerodynamic braking by pulling the elevators back pulling them up so they're kind of deflecting up and causing a lot of drag which helps slow us down and I'm lightly very very gently applying the brakes and it's like as soon as you get right down to the dirt it just like picks you up and it just kind of carries you down the runway like four feet above the runway I know traffic sky cake zero no one is back taxiing runway one three we're goin to the Pops Lana I like those I like those landings those last two particularly were good that third one I floated a lot down the runway I just like kept floating kept floating kept floating and even that one I kept floating to like I mean it's hard to see on the GoPro but I don't walk away from the tires I blame that on two things I think the main reason I was floating so far is just because I'm coming in too darn fast and I think the other reason is because it's just it I mean it is a hot day and I'm coming down to the grass and as soon as you get into ground effect over the grass and the ground is hot you're just it's just gonna kind of push you out push you up until you lose enough energy where the thermals aren't holding you up anymore and then you settle down onto the grass all the bluebonnets a state flower of Texas alright good stuff good stuff we'll pick up this line right here under the ramp it'll do a take-off on the grass oh yeah all right we can relax that back pressure another we're on pavement on our traffic scott k0 no nor one clear of all runways lino all right lights off avionics [Music] between all the crazy long trips have been taking lately from one end of the country to the other I can't even begin to explain how refreshing it feels to climb into this airplane and just go back to basics for a change don't get me wrong the epic films that come out of the great trips I've done are so fun to produce and they really satisfy my passion for filmmaking like scratching an itch sort of but doing flights like this are just as good no schedule to meet or plans to stick to just some solo pattern work on a wide-open grass runway under a wide-open blue sky it seriously doesn't get any better than that not to mention that as we advance as pilots we can sometimes forget that we need to brush up on the simple stuff like pattern work and I think this round of grass landing showed me that I need to work on slowing down my final approach and try to not float as far I could use the ground thermals as an excuse but I know they're only partly to blame a lot of the floating down the runway had to do with me carrying too much energy on final you certainly do not want to get too slow on final but I think I was too fast that's another excuse for me to get in the airplane and go out and sharpen my skills I hope you got something out of this video whether you're an aspiring student private or professional pilot we all have something learn from each other at every experience level and if you carry that attitude both in and out of the cockpit you'll never stop improving yourself let me know if you like this video and if you'd like to see more long raw flying videos like this if you liked it then certainly give it a like subscribe if you haven't in turn on notifications by ringing that bell I release videos every week if you'd like to support the channel you can head over to a VA ssin slash store and Shop merch and gear including the flight notes pad I was using on this flight those are on my East Store and new shirts are coming soon as well until next time I encourage you to go out and practice your skills don't be afraid to revisit the simple stuff and go back to basics I want you to stay happy stay healthy stay current and of course stay proficient fly safe and we'll see you in the next one you [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 176,786
Rating: 4.953413 out of 5
Keywords: grass, landing, takeoff, soft field, training, practice, touch and goes, cessna 172, n80991, pov, point of view, headcam, gopro, headstrap, 4k, full length flight, unedited, flying, aviation, atc, air traffic control, atc audio, private pilot, skyhawk, flight vlog, control, vfr, 172, airplane, flight, pilot, airport, flight training, student pilot, cessna, aircraft, plane, runway, learn to fly, faa, ifr, pilot life, vlog, mraviation101, becoming a pilot, josh, flowers, approach, flight school, cockpit, checkride
Id: XwIpy35fzak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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