Low Flying Over Downtown in a Helicopter

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"MrAviation101" seems like a perfectly normal dude in this video.

It's the narration on his videos and often his responses to comments that come across as flippant in my opinion.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 18 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/HighFlyingDog šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

I know /u/Critical_Angle is too professional to criticize his colleague in the other seat, but I found MrAviation101's attitude to be a little arrogant for his first ride in a helicopter, almost as if he was trying to prove his own aviation knowledge. Some of his comments during the preflight and run-up were a little odd and you could tell /u/Critical_Angle was keeping his decorum and humoring him.

/u/Critical_Angle seems like the shit though; I'd love to fly with him one day. Keep that greasy side down and keep making good videos!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 29 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BeatEm1802 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

I for one don't mind this dude, I know this sub has a problem with this guy for some reason

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 20 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/JasonThree šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

I'm sure most of you guys have heard of Josh Flowers aka MrAviation101. He was a pretty nice dude and we had a great flight together. We had been talking for a few months trying to get our schedules together to go on a flight since we both fly out of airports only a few miles apart. I gotta tell you, it made me a little anxious watching footage of myself that I didn't get to edit, but I didn't say anything too stupid and I think the video turned out pretty well. I think it'd be pretty neat to bring him back once I get my CFI/CFII knocked out and teach him how to fly this puppy.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 20 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Critical_Angle šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

That was awesome to watch. You made it look easy! Good descriptions too.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

There's nothing that makes me want to watch a video less than seeing MrAviation101 involved. What a pretentious douche.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 21 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/skidsup šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 11 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

Random question - how is flying with the Gatorz? They break the seal on the headset a lot? Been tempted a few times to buy a pair since I feel like a dork wearing aviators and my old Oakleys are on their last leg.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Kirkland_Sig šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 09 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

I enjoyed the video because I just started flying r22s, getting my add on.

Watched a bit on your channel and I enjoy your stuff.

Used to not like the guy, but now Iā€™m coming around to him.

My school is telling me I need heli renters insurance. Did you have to get that to solo the r22?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BobbyDuPont šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 10 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies
after eight years of flying under my belt and working my way up to now an instrument flight instructor in airplanes I've still never flown in a helicopter that is until today this would be like at that shot a basic shot right here my name's Josh flowers my dad got me into flying and I've been making videos ever since I was a kid I combine the two into a youtube channel where i share my experiences as an aviator both good and bad we're all learning with each day we live and it's important for pilots to stay humble and always learn while enjoying their adventures along the way and that's what this channel aims to show this is mr. aviation 101 so my name's Ian I'm a instrument-rated commercial helicopter pilot and working on my C Fi and C F double I here at for asset aviation so we're probably going I've been talking to you for probably about almost three months trying to get a flight here so weather is pretty beautiful today clear skies pretty much no wind today so we're just gonna hop up out of here head over to Austin do a nice low-level probably a lot lower than you're used to fly to Rost and you know take some cool shots do a couple laps and then and then head on back just kind of you know show you some some basic intro helicopter stuff ian has a YouTube channel called critical angle be sure and go smash that subscribe button much like my channel he documents his experiences as an aviator and shares what it's like to be a helicopter pilot and one of his most viewed videos is him landing at one of my favorite places to eat Salt Lake barbecue which is actually only a few minutes from where I live since we both live in Austin we thought it would be a little silly to not arrange a flight so we met up on this cool fall morning in Huber Air park near Seguin Texas so he could show me the ropes of a helicopter he took me through the walk-around pre-flight inspection we got the bird ready to go and we rigged up five cameras and an audio recorder to document the goofy grin I'm about to get on my face so how is this engine cooled so on an air out an airplane air cooled yeah but so you know this is a similar engine to your ear plane right except it's backwards right so this is where the propeller would would be on your engine so instead the propeller drives this squirrel cage fan and this cools the oil this draws air in and here's the oil cooler right here it cools the oil all cools the engine okay yeah I mean these do run a little bit warmer than you know like your engine just because we don't have all that Ram air coming in the front to go off the engine so yeah it's a little tight you know when you're clear trying to check some of this stuff in there the main rotor transmission cooling hose making sure that's intact there's no holes in it that looks good that's gonna get bring it cool air from the spore cage fan and just blow it on that transmission bolts and mounts there's these big bolts that are hold the transmission on these rubber bushings they kind of anti-shock anti vibration making sure that the rubber is not cracked on their oil level check pass oil that's what you want to see in that gauge right there check the detector that's that chip lighthouse talking about it's gonna be a wires going into the chip detectors bottom of the transmission inter she's no structure you just checking the overall sheet metal rivets connectors fasteners I placed an order for a nice new shotgun microphone for my camera but it hadn't arrived yet so the audio here isn't quite as good as it could be a full walk-around pre-flight inspection can be saved for a later video when I'm more prepared with my equipment for now go ahead and jump to the point where we're climbing into the helicopter cyclic so we got the friction off watching blades turning [Music] [Laughter] so this this is the one really important circuit breaker if we we've got a clutch line on this longer than ten seconds that might have you reach down it and call this one further breakfast engaged supreme Allah you know feel the car rattles in the detents faster own strobe on here on the left here on the right there [Music] [Music] all right clutch lights that we're gonna come up to 75% right now we're just watching that cylinder head temp once we get the green we go through a bank check half lap half up [Applause] all right in the green so we're gonna check the mags we're looking for no more than 7% drop in two seconds right one to fly to recover ever not Sun and the left one - all right max look good right check the car P R P is just back in [Applause] heartbeat song so we're gonna check the sprag clutch so what we're what we're looking for is we're gonna cut the throttle we're looking for this left needle to move independently of the rotor system okay we're gonna do that and three two one and there we go so that means that in the event of an engine failure the rotor system is gonna keep that keep its energy all right 32 degrees click on our power so we always check this chart and this is kind of another D rating it's like a self of the rating thing of the power so we're looking at our temperature and and then with the manifold pressure gauge so to 2.9 22.9 is our max continuous and then we add point nine to that for a five-minute take off the power so twenty three point is oregon limit manifold pressure yeah this is pretty much especially with two people in a 22 I mean we're very cognizant about power because right right there so pretty good little gross II yeah to people and do some fuel you're pretty much always at gross and at 22 on say huh all right everything let's go let's do this that's like he bullet them what's that sound like you spooling up all right here he'll let us know yeah but down here is okay you know to take your hand off the collective and check something but once we're you know anywhere above that that yellow really you need to always have your handle collective because once it once it gets to eighty the governor takes it all the way up to a hundred so okay okay that is the nice thing though is that we do have a governor that'll pretty much keep us because you see how small that right rein area is that it's supposed to stay in some well you know if it's starting to get out of there and then it's a governor problem yeah exactly and I'll show you we're gonna check the RPM horn at 97% al I don't want oh come on okay that is a sweet helicopter very cool give a traffic helicopter six particular mouth is sticking out the center field if you take up three four red traffic you all right ahead and come off the friction up to full power plus the governor takes it at 80% then we're gonna just keep it on up and we're like that looks like it going off and we're gonna roll it down to about 97 let's just click it slightly there's the horn right there let me do it just go gonna stick nice it came out Monaco 3 4 4 red traffic jam in flight I mean if the RPM drops a couple percentage you're probably gonna notice it before the horn comes off but that's kind of a hey dummy wake up yeah something's going on alright I think stuff kind of gently raise the collective and come into a we're going to do what's called a two-part pickup so we're getting light on the skids making sure we're not not snagged on anything making sure we're pointing the right way and then they come up into a nice cover about a 3/5 whatever sort of look important [Applause] all right I got em in sight on the left clear on the right Cuba Kevin Kelly kept their two to three Michael I'd be departing the runway three four to the north we're gonna have to take the runway line up at the center line you're traveling up to six nine six a mouth to turn it right down one two three four all right all our lights are at our pants are top of the grain 1 2 3 gauges at the green fuel door 3/4 carpet up up now the yellow let's go ahead and push it forward on the cyclic slowly raising that collective we're gonna push through ETL a little bit of a ruffle right about here there it is we're gonna keep it here to about 40 knots there's 40 knots for kickoff power that feels more like it yeah feels a little cooler that's Fisher and there's 60 not 60 knots it's a pretty safe speed to be at tiffany daughter if they okay so I'm gonna go ahead and pull that trim and I kind of take some of that pressure off the cyclic okay it feels so damn bra off he's all pretty quick though yeah it's very quick now that was a you know non aggressive takeoff we can get up real bad there's a little more vibration than assessment yeah that's why I was talking about those camera masses right to fight brakes a little bit more now looks like these are handling it just out these are because it's gonna be fine I'm Anthony man there's a perfect day twins call o kidding it was a little warm but man now the record okay you're inside boys get regret I look up to take nine take the mountains right base for your trip it's pretty cool is it weird finding this low yeah it's really weird client this low and it's like 75 knots yeah we're Thomas Lee isn't that slow you know when I'm one-upping this slow that's about how fast we go yeah on finals yeah rough climbing out it's funny you know you spend so much time at the 580 on a helicopter that wants to get up to a couple thousand feet you're like oh this is wrong yeah but you know if you look you don't usually have that kind of view straight down here plane I'm sure it no not at all that dude needs to clean his full goddamn being that close to a tower is like alarming yeah it's so much faster and we have the beauty of being able to stop in the air if we need to right so I guess winter time the doors go back on yeah yeah well chilly and like Ryan on the edge and it's like absurd to notice because you know the instructors hand for the collective is pretty much hanging out at the left side of the house after so you know when I was going up a through training and a jerk back on I can't feel my hands though I'm gonna have to deal with that you know we know see if I said yeah yeah so how they play like golf contact a program 1 to 5 point 3 2 to 5 3 to 4 3 - you are right and also approach helicopter 2 to 3 mind off with you 1000 Safari I like everything like office approach are feeling the left side of my body gotta go now 90 is sniffing the air this morning yeah a little bit starting to feel like fall obviously you fly over Austin a lot what what is your altitude normally 2005 minimal mm to stay up to stay a thousand feet above that fall condominium sure so I'm sure you're familiar with 91 119th and very familiar with the exemption that we have not totally so 19 conduct our one-to-one so helicopters are actually example Privett minimum altitude as the only caveat is that we can't begin to nature versus or property he'll trap right so you know like I was saying earlier that 500 feet or maybe I wouldn't say knit but 500 feet is generally agreed upon a height that if you need to auto-rotate you've got enough time to send yourself a final landing zone and of course we have the ability to land in a small and fine area right now so we're gonna be a bit lower and Rasta that'd be stupid okay I'm okay with that it's gonna be pretty cool yet another reason why I don't like to go on at 500 is because that you know drones are up to 400 if they're being legal or maybe an iron you know so it's like you know even even at 50 knots you come up on a drone pretty quick act looks like somebody had some fun in that parking lot last night nurse avarice doughnuts good part around the light bowls like every three my golf remoter a person that ever seen our course do myself well I'll get my rotorcraft Solaria I got to addicted you just cost me a lot this is a straight level man was here doing autos and oh yeah oh my goodness you know talk about some fun yeah the only bummer about you know Seagal pilot helicopter flight with the 22 is that you know on your mind you can probably just kind of hold it with one hand and there maybe if it's trimmed out right like your hand off it this night if you let go the cyclic I mean it'll yeah III know what Saturday LR 0 0 does it maintain mm advise we had the field inside a little Hawk and one for Mom Wow so in the interest of getting inside of your head if you were to lose the engine where would you put it right now that's pretty nice fire right there we could probably do 180 auto I mean in a pinch since everything so so congested if I was over here probably just go for the water yeah you know we would hit hard but it's one of those things where it's like do I want to take my chances with a wire first I'm good pop it out or I mean that Park would be pretty nice but yeah and it's one of those things you're always looking but you know we can we can plant into pretty small spots I bet it's a thrilling intro weird for you it's starting to get get really weird let's lower back a bit yeah that's gonna be a cool shot really pretty cool obviously we don't hang out here too long just to stop to bug be folded right I also think that's one of the coolest sounds oh yeah I love doing that you start to take the pitch at those blades at the Santa but you know it's like flying over IB downtown's not a huge deal flying over residential areas we try to flip in that police let's again we'll go over by UT Stadium here and screw at drone this is how I want to fill at it yeah I took a friend of mine up and I put my DSLR her hands if I guess a pretty cool cool video like resisting the urge to take my phone out I'm not about to do that yeah because the the tail rotor is on your side oh yeah yeah if it were to get sucked out of that be bad day not a great time that's not really recoverable is it no if its tail rotor failure that's okay I mean it depends on how bad it is if it's shreds of the tail cone that's probably not yeah but you know thirteen kind of Tower one 21.0 yeah highlights or something that I mean yeah if we were to have a tail rotor failure here we could auto rotate down and it would it would be you know canted real hard to the side but it's one of those deals as long as you had that for airspeed it'll kind of generally keep you straight on it's not going to be fought now now I can imagine that flow it it is a lot there in that drum yeah as long as I have a way to tether the camera to me or something I mean what I do is I've got a good little hand strap on my mice and crane and screwed onto the by okay yeah that works pretty good yeah I've been being able to be this slow you just get shots that yeah I mean if you have a big-ass telephoto lens so you could get that but yeah it's nice we don't get the white ain't going at be that close to them yeah and I'm the vibration is I mean the one you get to your hands you know it's pretty minimal yeah that's yeah damn I wish I put my camera with me I should have brought I haven't I'm a wrist strap for it yeah I oughta brought a wrist strap and I totally would have brought it with me if it's me this would be look at that shot amazing shot right here I'll give you a bit of a banker a buckle Wow I didn't kayak once this summer but how about these rooftops did you say we are like 200 maybe maybe about that yeah you did we haven't even bent down to 500 have you been about 600 AGL the whole time yeah still impressive yeah it's a different world down here also poster seven three six our toppers out of 5,000 for 3500 here's some threes he shows up off the throat reading be everybody's dream right to the could be to work in a helicopter yeah surprise he had been awhile yeah man no this is my first flight in a helicopter not even a - or anything there's a lot of people I mean I've taken up a lot of people that have never been and what before but you know generally and you know somebody is like maybe done a green ain't you - or something right right angels not thinking about it yeah cause the Roche helicopter two to three Mike off will be leaving fountain Harry headed south back to humor dream I go here breaking out or say you're leavin downtown area where he headed yes sir we're gonna be headed down to Huber Air Park echo 7:03 myself and whatever work with that man it's a Huber Airport just east of New Braunfels there cuff it is that you're gonna go brother potato yeah but you notice that like we don't really get I mean obviously since there's not a whole lot of thermals cooking up yet but you know to the point you can get really I'm gonna say little you know be low-level through my office right off your clear of the often clash are at least walk a VFR resource or a free change riveting that's Clark is a far thanks good aid remark oh yeah but you know the sense the rotors you know they they flex and everything it's kind of like a suspension like a spring you know we're kind of suspended it yeah yeah I mean you'll get you'll get kicked around and sideways here this really don't get a whole lot of four thousand over traffic arriving I don't they have more pigs I don't for four thousand show Papa will stay here four thousand five months it is kind of cramped in here though you know I don't have much elbow room you have your blamin oh I got a little more left yes the 44 is not too bad it's got to get extra like eight inches wide so yeah you're gonna touch it your copilot right this is actually probably maybe got two or three more inches on this but it's it's not bad so do you have a rhyme or reason as to the direction that you're going or just kind of not really just follow this all of that yeah just head back over to 35 yeah just give it cost enough nice flight white bird there DME client over these dense areas you know it's there's this is exactly something here and deep down that you're looking a little bit more at like you know looking for open fields look like there's plenty but I write you know a residential area but you know those wires you're not gonna see him until you're right up vodka we had a smaller one absolutely right what we look for is really complicated undercover one two hours old and the poles yeah well grind rose beef up what he's doing good here's six try popping the tenure review hard to sit down to maintain a fire below 2500 traffic for you to follow us at your 11:00 movement 12 o'clock and eight miles itself with some thirty seven descending out of 4,000 looking for the traffic especially here here over the IQ of a lake or some like that you know those wires that screen across it's just something that you know within 48 are looking to there's Everclear gonna do that's okay to do and learn to do here you're entitled I read on the right and we're basically for client to the side of it a little bit higher up and we're looking for those polls because and I've seen know if you seen that you that guy paramotoring down a river and then all of a sudden it's a wire so the pine tree or something like that right so uh you know if you look at that red line on the bar peony the reason that helicopters have a peony is for something called recruiting plane stall okay so it was kind of what I was talking about with the symmetry of lift and you know it gets to a point where because right now you know we've got 85 knots going over the advancing side on the right and then that 85 not just going against the rotor on the left so actually gets to a point where the rotor stalls rachel gets so great yeah yeah okay so you know you'll start to sit all on the left and then yeah that's a that's a bad bad deal you start to roll so what you want to do is you want to lower that collective get the pigeon out of the blades and you'll start it'll start to pitch up to and it when it gets close to that via nation and what you don't want to do to slow down is it is go out cycling because then people pick up in the forest all even harder okay yeah the Saint Marcus tower helicopter two-to-three mine off over a thirty five to the north transition north to south of 1,600 copter two three two or three micron summary star transition approved along interstate there in the altimeter is three zero zero three three zero zero three topics I love it when if they smaller airports when you become on the radio you can tell that they really have their mouthful of sandwich or they are calling right here yeah they're leaning back in the seat yeah thank you for traffic helicopter two to three Michael entering a forty five right down look for three four connects and out of it we got that traffic we go directly to veracity what's this guy takes off your external field right now just wonder if we got that pathetic off oh yeah you're gonna go for it straight off all right look up there Julieta taken a runway the instructors there okay he's put it up the photos taken okay they're setting up all the points for the they wanted to do some aerial shots oh yeah that's pretty sweet alright so Carly is lights around RPF top the green one two to three gauges of grateful falsity and half our peplum value that was one of the funny things is that you know early on it and in training is going through that and then just saying it just to say it's not actually stopping at the gauges oh yeah it might start to copy and one thing could be a pull the circuit breaker and oil pressures up that went in I dried out how does my flick right over it yeah all right so we're clear the left center right I wore a head yeah you were traffic after 53 myself turning final three four cubed I'll and a little long so to drug 33 0 right cross runway 3 4 it's probably weird to say picture right that's incredibly I just feel like that led to five we'll talk about it on the ground this variant that we're doing a half cycle slows down or gently raise that collective a little taxi must be a quick sup if we were here taxing right now is somebody pulled out in front of us we would just do the blow quick stop I feel so weird that's crazy I've never put my foot front maybe before put an airplane for an aircraft open Atlantic from that pad again just so I'll have to walk but okay pick it up the phone we're at here too beautiful I just love that what word is will rubber our data 75 that'll keep that score cage fan Bennett enough air to cool us down [Music] [Applause] friction saw again like I was saying that you know always got to leave that handle I collected when you're up in this rpm range oh yeah [Music] to traffic helicopter a30 Julia right face from a tree 40% I mean with the friction on the psychics usually not gonna go anywhere I still like to add a clamp it with my legs just to make sure you know vert that timer but now that it's kind of cool down we'll roll the throttle all the way down and we'll disengage the clutch so now it's that screw gear is loosening the tension on the drive belts and then 30 seconds later we roll over Oh so anyways there are so many things that are different about the helicopter world compared to what I've experienced in the world of airplanes however there's a lot of similarities - Ian showed me and taught me lots of things about this completely new category of aircraft to me and I'm now incredibly intrigued with helicopters I think this opened the door for me having always been an airplane guy this flight showed me just how much a helicopter has to offer based on the mission it's meant for I'm sure I'll get asked which I prefer helicopters or airplanes and that's not a question that I can really answer whether one aircraft is better than another is very subjective and completely depends on your specific mission that you need to accomplish to me I love them both simply leaving the ground is all I need to be satisfied until next time thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 75,973
Rating: 4.9273129 out of 5
Keywords: flying, robinson, r22, beta, ii, helicopter, low, level, n80991, josh, flowers, ian, veracity, aviation, hero, hd, black, 4k, chopper, gopro, flight vlog
Id: R9BeJsJ8XD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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