Local Solo Flight | Approaching Thunderstorms | POV Cessna 172

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I was already planning to take a flight today some unexpected thunderstorms changed my plans and unfortunately called for a shorter more local flight [Music] check one two check check all right no we didn't have any fuel 20.9 that's within a gallon of what I measured with the dipstick then lean the mixture and we'll get to everything Austin al two or three zero zero one visual approach and use landing in the park is our number 5 6 6 November Delta at my level III Isle is blood path out of service by the way 3 1 and Pappy lights out of service other craft advisory should contact you have India all right we have information in India and I let go the brakes when I turn on the nav lights on your school board here that was very poor information India 104 5zu the weather when estimated zero five zero at one three is building one zero the isolated 3,000 scattered chemica missing two point missing Austin altimeter three zero zero one visual approaching use landing in the party when we ate of the sermon from the 1/3 Isle is flight path out of service only 3 1 and Pattie lights out of service autocrat divisor initial contact you have India all right information India and we're going to turn up ground here so we were going to take across country today but you can see the skies a little dark out that way that's just weather here on the radar all right so maybe about 40 to 50 miles the edge of it there about 40 miles west-southwest out there we were going to take a cross-country but it's moving this way and I just don't want to go too far away from the airport I still wanted to fly today but I don't go too far away from the airport before that stuff gets too close for me to get back in so what we're going to do is we're going to take off we're just going to go over the city of San Marcos which is like about 4 miles that way I can see the buildings to camp it will just circle the city a couple times come back maybe shoot a couple of landing and just a good nice visual flight just do a little bit sightseeing before these storms roll in any word is around very tough later this evening very taubira yeah when everybody's from from your position to very f govt attacks well very typical proceeding on alphabetize reminded same markings ground Skyhawk a zero none another one in certain 101 some runners run a 2-0 tonne and under-17 172 at the white T hangars information India like to taxi how we're going to circle downtown San Marcos 2,000 feet I don't know where the white teenagers are sir at the well the tan T hangars the ones that are just west of the tower west of the tower okay runway 8 tax of the Alpha is a cesta in tow coming down alpha so if he gets close get with you alrighty we're pulling onto alpha now we'll taxi to runway 8 the alpha no no no one I don't know why I had to explain to him where the hangers are I see white t hangers all the time and they never have a problem knowing where that is Oh will and one of the ideas for this slide is I was going to fly out to Kestrel air park which is out that way and maybe 20 miles so it's about actually it's right where that purple stuff is on the radar there and that's right--we're controllers I was going to fly out there and help him film something but I texted him and said I think I'm going to just stay local around here with the with the airplane but uh I'll Drive out there later there's just some nasty storms and see nasty storms by San Antonio so we're barely even going to leave the San Marcos Delta airspace we're going to stay really close to the airport we'll have the airport in sight the entire time all right coming up to runway 8 pull off a little run-up pad here big storms way out there you know they're big because they're I know that they're 40 miles away and they still look huge all right so we're going to kind of lined up at the windsock their point the nose into the wind and we're going to set the parking brake all right went through all that stuff before takeoff cabin doors and windows closed and latched that's closed and latched doors close we're going to leave the window open or else it's going to get really hot my controls free and correct that one's up that one's down that one's up and that one's down elevators up and down rudder left and right well good drop my checklist all right elevator trim set for takeoff on the white arrow finance rinse check to zero neutral that's set to the Austin altimeter because I guess there's is broken here centered centered and going set the bead be here calibrate it and we're going to put our heading bug on runway heading which is zero eight zero all right slide instruments chick then fuel selector is on both make sure goes to rich or below 3,000 feet the parking brake is set now we're going to throw up 1700 rpm check the Magneto's and the carburetor heat I'll check the left mag a little bit of sputtering on that one back to both and a little bit of sputtering on the right so both of them are relatively dirty we need to rotate these plugs if one of the problem we try to taxi a lean and and all that stuff as much as we can so I'm just going to lean the mixture here and just let her run for a minute all right at peak getting it real hot inside those cylinders maintaining 1700 rpm and just get her get a real lean if we had a cylinder head temperature or an exhaust head temperature gauge in here we would be able to see those temperature's rising because we leaned out the mixture [Applause] so we'll just let it sit there and let's set with that lean mixture burn out that crap and car with us in the in the spark plug styling look and I'll give it another try go a little bit lean or go a little bit more rich rather less mag now it's clean back to both right mag sounds clean back to booth next on the checklist is carb rating eat pull the car Pete out we get a slight drop I'm going to leave the car beat out do this stuff check the alternator we get a warning light and a drop an amperage when I turn the alternator off so that's good engine instruments in the green we got flame fuel and suction is sufficient we're going to pull the throttle all the way back to idle all the way till the knob stops we get a vacuum warning light the engines running smoothly with the car peed out and idle which is good push that in and we still got this warning light on the vacuum low suction so we'll pull the standby vacuum warning light goes away and suction comes back up good bring the throttle back up mm righto friction lock is adjusted as I want it and both the flaps are up emergency procedures we got fields and runways that we can deviate to if we need to do all right departure plans or review and he's going to tell us what to do whether it be a left turn or a right turn out most likely be a right turn but we'll see and takeoff checklist review we know what to do radios are set the audio panel set will go to tower stay on tower the whole flyover and we got San Marcos named Austin there we're squawking altitude one two zero zero on the transponder next up is to contact our release the parking brake scooter forward here and we're going to kick the right rudder just six assists it with a little bit of right brake news and contact ground you can see how nice is clear and you know just puppy keep those clouds out there for quantity throw five I'll get it from and a storm about 50 miles out there forty to fifty miles that's nine to five I'm going to make short approach alright looks like that guy's about to make a short approach I'll left our know I'm sitting here Marcus tower skyhawk e0 one hundred under one holding short of runway eight at alpha ready for departure this 99 and I want San Marcos town hold short of runway for landing traffic hold short runway eight eight zero minute under one so the ADA still say something like all aircraft read back hold short instructions and that means that when you're issued an instruction like that so I call basically just saying hey I'm at runway 8 I'm ready for takeoff and he said okay hold short of runway 8 because you got landing traffic it's that Cessna that's right out there landing so for the ATIS that data said all aircraft read back hold short instructions that means I've got to read back that instruction I have to come back be the controller and the controller has to hear me say the words hold short runway eight eight zero nine nine one so he can verify if I didn't read that back if I just said nine nine one Roger knew to come back and said I need you to repeat I need you to read back that instruction or something like that that's Scott making a short approach you really cut it in and banked in their system 5 6 6 November Delta San Marcos ground to express our deliverer why don't over help it I want that all over help if they feel that way just 9 November Delta runway 8 cleared for touch-and-go I want departure party arrival that's probably a beautifully clear so what departure Thank You fine exhibit one contact gram 835 Roger will Agata Bravo contact graphic alright transfer I'll cue carpet cold mixture is rich flaps are up deal selectors on both trips up take off and we're ready to get our light bounces it gets cleared so zero nine or nine and one runway cleared for takeoff make a right downwind departure right downwind departure runway clear for takeoff eight zero nine one all right we already did our flow and the lights are on and we just had assessment exit the runway and we got where to go where to go there he is that guy turning downwind to face we're clear left or clear right iPad just told me I'm approaching runway 8 it's about to tell me that I enter entered runway 8 with 6,200 feet I watch his power through four or five four seven eight to the Dorothy we're both off a little bit of a left crosswind so a tiny bit of left aileron pick the compass with the gyro it looks perfect heels down to the floor so don't hit the brakes and we're going to ease it up to full power oil set the pressure is in the green generating good rpm air speeds and why 45 hot 15 on 55 there 60 knots we're airborne a bit of a crosswind takeoff there I could feel the airplane kind of starting to skip sideways no we're kind of almost bouncing sideways we weren't quite up speed yet but the airplane wanted to fly in some of those cases just make sure you're past for a patient speed and you know just get the airplane off the ground so you know damage the landing gear it full-stop all right we're looking for 1,100 feet on the altimeter here if we 500 feet above the ground and markings town reported a nine left downwind runway and we'll make it right down with the larger left downwind for runway five four so that hundred feet to go just across the runway down there and we're going to lift this wing up just look for any traffic and begin our right we're currently flying the airplane in the region of reverse command is what it's promised however doesn't go around meaning meaning that up controlling my airspeed and you know through it so I pull the nose up my speed goes down I push the nose down my speed goes up and I'm controlling my rate of climb with my power and so on a climb as fast as we can I've just I'm just holding the power all the way in there we're controlling that airspeed we all know it right at City 69 which is the this airplane separating our line to make right close traffic there is traffic on a right cross when they can left our right downwind departure to the rest another system I feel like our traffic we got to see those storms way out there how it just kind of summarize and fades away in the storms and what we're doing is we're just going to that little cityscape right there that's actually Texas State University campus right in the middle of downtown San Marcos we're coming up to 2,000 feet which is what I told him I was going to war with the city at alright easing the power back a little lean the mixture a little bit and just let the airplane level off here at 2,000 feet and he said make a right downwind departure so I'm going to act like I'm still on a right downwind for runway eight I'm not going to turn towards the city yet still well clear the airport the city right up here is that market power is actually right on the edge towards that market there's a left downwind runway so from five or seven or my cleared to land run away clear to land five or seven that it's yet way up there off my eye I might as well just keep you on this direction and I'll put the city on the right side of the airplane just as I would do if I had passengers in here what not which I clearly built empty airplane frequency change approved often does have traffic they're going to sequence into the GPS approach to runway eight so just remain south of the extended Cinna Wanda okay our main South center line at though we're just gonna stay with you off tower we're going to come back and down a couple minutes okay okay so change a plan he doesn't want us to go up towards the up towards the centerline for runway eight so there's six of State University and the center line for runway eight actually cuts through right through the center of campus so we don't wanna go that way so we're just going to here's the interstate 35 it looks like goes this way and stay so never done with you this is yeah so from 9 November Delta you're following traffic on a left down when approaching left base do you have them inside now you to look for traffic ok I call you right base if you don't get them we got every size no listen man November Delta that traffic's a full stop you're number two runway cleared for touch and go I'll just go down here to the alley rawls another circle around and of course with this change of plans now I'm thinking to myself ok power there's where the power's out here where's the rain how high is the terrain now I know that we're good at two thousands of feet here we got a tower right up here on through all right and it's actually that big silo looking thing that's not that it's a concrete plant right up there and it's at 899 feet says this a 2,000 feet so we'll keep that in mind and it will just go right down here to the outlet balls with San Marcos outlet ball yeah we'll just make a loop and maybe go back into San Marcos do a couple landings I thought we could maybe fly over to Lockhart which is that way which would be kind of harmless but I just don't want to go too far away from the airport and you know weather can change on a dime and not own tuan to deal with you know I'm on my way back in and now there's a cell developing over the airport and that kind of stuff what I want to go too far away listen 5:47 turn right a brothel and contact Graham right right down here is within arcus outlive all being out if all people will drive a long way to come here and shop this is the kind of thing that I do with passengers do all kind of explain to them what they're looking at a little bit but I'm also multitasking I'm looking at all the schools in my turn I'm looking for traffic maintaining altitude checking my heading making sure that I'm still aware of where we are and where we're pointed where all the obstacles are got a water tower there a water tower there we got a two thousand foot TV antenna but it's way the hell up there like well past the airport on the way to Austin so that's no big deal San Marcos tower skyhawk secure Oh 3-1 whiskey is alpha short of row I ain't ready to tape Archer to guard system signal three armed with consent Marcus tower ensure the runway age you can do a failure and I have photo parchment you don't have to give me the fix okay Tom and I have higher departure I'll see that's good I like them controllers do that you know the students said something else that was kind of unnecessary to say on the radio and instead of getting pissed off or you know just blowing it on the controller actually pitched in and helped with speed a little bit said you know you know by the way you don't have to say that you can just say you know ready for our departure also helps reinforce you know now the student has not only heard that from their instructor but they've also heard it from from the controller as well all right we got traffic 100 people uh probably coming right over campus right out there so where I can I see on the iPad better feet below us descending in on the GPS runway eight approach this is the traffic he told me about we're just going to stay here at 2002 do a couple of couple more loop-de-loop always be ready to adapt to your situation he told us stay south of this extended center line for runway hey hey you know dick you don't panic just adapt okay change of plans will stay over here and but you gotta keep it find all the other factors now we're in a different area than we anticipated we are going to be in so we're we're like I'm aware that new braunfels airports right down out of there airspace on the our valve and we changed over without octave telling us we could get that BA they were broken and unreadable this is our 5 1 November Delta San Marcos channel Roger continue with the Delta the Great Kills traffic I hope everything I've ever done just 1 November Delta runway cleared to land I remember to make it less prior stuff and up I see what this is over here look for traffic looking for off schools and stuff there's absolutely no obstacles out here that I need to be worried about at this altitude this is the part of town that I've never really explored this far east of the interstate charlie is with you visual for my way it's high schoolers you to 5 on my charge four markers Tower report entering left downwind left downwind for all my aid is that that looks like my charlie [Music] engine instruments looking good hey thank you yeah it looks like it's a high school down there there's the Saint Marcus on football field look like they're well-coached ourself about 1/2 over system 9 November Delta make a left 360 and report back on downwind you're going to follow a citation at center and left downwind from the east now side of it jumping left 360 or cyclist down with a pressure for sedation or make sure the runway cleared align their labeling they're like oh my god everyone risk is going to be just a couple of minutes for landing traffic on foot traffic 3 108 feet no problem [Applause] so now we're going to westbound those thunderstorms are way out there still rule out the purple nasty stuff and 5 1 over Delta you want that your brother I'm motivated brother Conte grimly Bravo got ground by 1 over Delta all right 1603 one whiskey no delay now memory aid cleared for take on five and I got my head in a good way runway quick take off boy runaway heading through one go for backup the outlets all here we're turning southbound along Interstate 35 San Antonio is that way Iowa is this highway goes right through San Antonio and Austin obviously the other way back if I carlier gland correct I'm Charlie from an eclair doing what battle over help it feels out a way that has the landing traffic display now remembered out they were under number two runway clear for catching go that without the power 208 course does ago who approach the use landing in the party when we eat if the weather is remarkably one three hours blood pass out of service runway free one and happy lights out of service or offensive ownership context champion [Applause] that mark is there for information India 145 zulu whether when estimated 0 5 0 & 1 3 is building 1 0 e isolated 3,000 scattered chemically whistling dewpoint missing austin el 203 0 0 on visual approach and use landing in the party when we ate for the sermon where we work 3 i of this blood pass out of service runway 3 100 can't act on certain departure 500 that care we want on hate you we have india and i want to call them and i'll see we can go around the pattern a couple times here but they're pretty busy so I'll just say I'll include the term workload for bidding Marcus tower skyhawk a0 dunno what about five years southwest India like to come back in for a touch-and-go followed by a full stop for clip from it one of my child contact ground zero not an analog San Marcos tower make straight into runway 8 and what type landing did you say look just like a touch ago followed by a full stop again that the men are 901 runway clip or touching go then make left close traffic you're following traffic that's on about a mile final for a touch ago look up at the traffic cleared touch a go to number 2 8 0 no one will make left traffic all right looking for somebody on a mile final which I see him on the iPad that I don't quite have a visual on him and I got the runway obviously it's going that way Texas State University down there all right so we're going to use the power back just a spot of the green maybe 2200 rpm give it a little bit more mixture as we start our descent and we're going to do it's such a go and then we're just going to come around do a full stop to get on nice little slidin today it's nice weather out there nasty looking out there tighten up my shoulder harness a little bit as we descend into the book so from 9 November death resume left close besides I've ever helped the left post [Applause] these on our back a little more maybe 2,000 rpm starting to line up with runway 8 here now but over the interstate there's Bobcat Stadium and there we are turning final actually just for good practice let's pretend let's pretend that last motor failed or the circuit breaker popped or whatever so basically we can't use our flaps let's make this an O flat landing so the only difference with a no flat landing is that at lower speeds we're not quite going to have as much lift as we normally would so we got to come in just a little bit faster just a touch faster come back to car number three one in my uniform all right it was always there ready for takeoff 500 foot warning I definitely uniform San Marcos channeled short runway 29 if I release all right one we have our feet up yes on the full tank other carriages down mixture coming full rich not before for power set trip is that where I want it straps were strapped in and flaps we're not going to use flaps on this approach on this landing rather so we're about 80 knots right now a little bit less than 80 knots and remember we control our speed with our pitch so if we pull the nose up we're going to decrease our speed control our altitude with our power I'm pretty happy with our altitude right now we might be a tad low I'll just give it a touch of power here but I'm going to pull the nose up to keep that speed coming down so we'll get around 70 knots and we start to sink a little bit so I'll add just a little bit of power all right let's close traffic after this landing now I'm a little extra high so I'm going to start pulling that power out I'm going to keep that nose up depending those up right around 70 keep that power coming back right at 70 what's that nose start coming down though it's a little 70 too much all right power idle and now we can begin the flare and just hold the nose here hold the airplane off hold it off get as close to the pavement as possible we touch it gently hold it off hold it off there we go let's wheel and then the right wheel and there's the nose gear all right so the car Pete in flaps we didn't use slaps and ease it into full power I was a pretty decent landing a little bit of left aileron it no three wounding my uniform runway cleared for takeoff fly runway heading home everyone anybody overtake I will fly well we had an exit all right and we just pick up 476 huh it holds the throttle at a full power we're going to make less closed traffic so that wasn't too bad at all landing it approaches are all about speed control you can pass out here for summer but you can sail down your speed you'll be gold the resident evil from Emily a clip of touch-and-go traffic's depart and priority arrival a third 1000 there's 500 feet lift that wake up and begin our right turn sorry lifter I did the right thing I've said the wrong thing 4090 degrees here and 100 feet to go and still pattern altitude we'll begin our left-hand turn on the down list start to ease that throttle back just a little bit as we approach pattern Al's with you and we're going to trim the nose down as we roll out on a left downwind both power back a little more alright guess that Cessna just off runway 8 climbing out there and I should have another airplane up here that was just cleared for a such a go I've had just called that traffic out to me and there he is coming right over the highway tower skyhawk a zero another better one bit field left down with relief they usually like that man and I know one what type landing did you want this time full stop not another one system and another one runway cleared to land runway clear to land you run out of metal walk certainly me uniform contact off from the party we repeat the numbers through our people coming up because they're Kansas pop they are going to throttle back there's a 1500 rpm 1500 give it a couple types of trim as soon as we get at the wide arc which we are we're going to have the throttle at over one thousand two one thousand three one thousand November Dale treasure we're going to make this normal landing start rolling onto our left face a little bit of left rudder there to keep the ball to the center you want to step on the ball and keep that ball in between those two lines on the in kilometer I got a count when I drop the flaps because this is the type of switch that you have to hold it down in order to get the flaps kept out as soon as you let it go the flaps stop moving we're going to keep this nose down about 70 knots only they need to add just a touch more power the final approach looks clear and we're going to begin to turn final keeping it right at 70 knots with my nose I got a little bit slow so I had to drop the nose a little bit let the airplane accelerate we actually look pretty good here and I'm not quite ready to add my second notch of flaps but I may be here in just a few seconds smooth roll out on the final boost pump Cal flaps carb heat gas all the folds tank other carriages down mixture power trip straps flaps we're all set that's just a little memory aid that I've memorized all right 70 knots I added a little bit of power because we were getting a little low and I'm not even going to touch the flaps anymore we'll just land with ten degrees because I feel comfortable with this well across one to the left about 68 knots which sounds pretty good I want to flare too high which is a common problem all right so throttles coming to idle and just hold it off hold it off let the airplane decelerate hold it off there's a left wheel there's the right wheel there's a nose gear perfect and that makes sense because our crosswinds coming from the left all right perfect and not a drop of rain is falling yet you guys a nice little flight system right another one contact ground control and off the runway Bravo contact ground on Bravo when we clear easier not want thanks for help all right get the entire airplane past this hold line and we're good but come to a complete stop open the window before I cook car p10 flaps coming up and the mixture coming out we'll search the ground and contact that teller we're going to that hangar save our trees ground Scott Hawking zero no no no no one clear runway Adolf Bravo go to the T hangars wait remember one is ground taxi to parking thank you to park another one you don't even give me any instructions because you know that I'm just going right there all right a v8 navigate communicate that's the order that thinks should be done in the airplane first you a v8 that means fly the airplane the firt your first line of business is to fly the airplane to keep the airplane under control keep the shiny side up navigate your second line of business is to figure out where the hell you are and make sure that you're not going to run into any obstacles make sure your your situationally aware all that kind of stuff and then the third line of business is to communicate so when I pulled off the runway there I didn't immediately contact ground even though they're waiting on me I didn't immediately contact ground because my first priority is to fly the airplanes that mong-koo threat including a flashback I'll take the car feedback in leading the mixture I'll never make it in the active proactive so no amount of emmafox trust among us rounds a direction of flying ether and the reflection we ate tech-savvy Apple where we happen to be alpha over five all right back here at the hangar and here's the airport diagram here so we're right here and there's that weather that's brewing up just northwest of San Antonio it looks like there's going to be a little bit of a break and then there's going to be some more weather behind it there's even for weather in Mexico and it's all kind of moving that way so it's going to work and get some rain tonight but that's ok because we got to flight it so going to shut er down strobes off landing light off nav lights off avionics off [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 102,128
Rating: 4.9225941 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, cessna, 172, gopro, hero, hd, 4k, skyhawk, n80991, mraviation101, josh, flowers, san, marcos, khyi, texas, state, university, pov, headcam, helmet, cam, head, strap, IFR, thunder, storms, flight vlog
Id: sLleDyiVQIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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