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god bless everybody this is prophet lovey welcome to this amazing evening in the presence of god and i believe that god is going to do something special for us this evening or this night um it is uh 10 34 p.m in uh los angeles right now but i thank the lord jesus for the gracie has given us to be together at this hour and i believe that by god's mercies uh something amazing will happen i want you to share this because i'm going to speak about something very profound that i believe that is going to shift uh every part of your life in regards to god's mind and god's ability and how the power of god works amen now there are things that i will tell you that i have touched on before but i want to direct it in a different way that will help you to understand especially what the lord spoke to me today so i want you to share this as many times as you can and i believe that god is going to speak to us he's going to move in us and through us and our lives will never be the same again now i i know god is going to change somebody's life amen amen and i am going to read something that i believe is going to be a blessing actually i'm going to ask um who's reading okay anti erica and antibri now i want you to understand something god is really interesting amen hallelujah i thank god okay now i want you to go to isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 amen isaiah chapter 10 and verse 27 and in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be broken because of the fat one more time and in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yolk will be broken because of the fat one more time and in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yolk will be broken because of the fat now the fat is the same thing as anointing it just means wow now i'm going to say something that i'm going to start really rough take it there the anointing does not break the power of satan no say that okay have you ever asked yourself why anointed people can be poor anointed people can be sick anointed people can suffer anointed people can go through this is because there is nowhere in the bible that says the anointing breaks the power of satan zero wow wow that's good okay sorry let me let me maybe i should stop go deeper papa please read the verse again listen to this yes um and in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yolk will be broken because of the fat so the anointing does not break the yolk but because of the anointing the yolk will break hmm i want somebody to understand that the anointing does not break the yolk but the yolk breaks because of the anointing the anointing does not break the yolk wow but the yoke breaks because of the anointing wow it's like saying you have a car but you cannot drive a car without the keys so just because you have a car doesn't mean it will move unless you have the keys then the car moves right man wow so what then changes situations help us i don't think people want me to teach let me go off keep teaching you see you have to understand what the anointing does and what the anointing is anointed people have the power to change situations um anointed people have the power to change situations if they understand how the anointing actually operates yeah yeah that's good you'll find some of the people who are the most anointed they can pray for you something will happen in your life but nothing ever happens in their own life jesus help us now what does anointing mean anointing means it's ointment meaning to be set apart when god anoints you it simply means you have been separated from the rest it simply means you have been separated from the rest but if you don't understand what that separation entails and how the power of god works because you have been separated you remain in the same place whenever god anointed somebody he did not just anoint them he gave them a different name yeah amen you see the power of god or power in general amen power in general yeah is supposed to occupy substance i can take my pocket square and i can transfer the power that is within me into my pocket square that is why the bible says that paul people brought handkerchiefs to paul and they rubbed it upon him and when they took the handkerchief set it on the sick the sickness departed yes so the anointing over paul's life separated him but paul knew something there was something in paul that was the conduit that carried the power of god that the cloth when they laid it on people it was not soul that was touching them but it was poor that was touching them wow the sons of skiva when they were casting out a devil they said in the name of jesus whom paul preaches why did they say paul and not so because paul's name contained the power the anointing created or separated and made a man called paul inside that name paul is where the power is [Music] the power of god on earth can be accessed in full through christ jesus why do we say in the name of jesus is because inside of that name is the power to change situation amen wow that's right wow when jesus was just born and preaching the name was not glorified yet right that's good but jesus carried power yes but when he died and rose again the bible says that we have been now given a name above every name that the name of jesus has been given to us why did god give us that name because in that name there is power to change situations amen so if you are going to change situations it is not just enough to call on the name of jesus because it means the moment you stop calling the name there is no change that comes in your life but abram had no power but when he was anointed by god god changed his name to abraham and he put the power of multiplication in that name amen and god said now you are abraham you will be the father i have made you in fact the scripture says i have made you the father of many nations you see you cannot create something new you cannot start anything new without a label the law of the spirit is whoever names something he can control it amen i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm done we're here papa yeah i was talking about this today i wish somebody would understand that's deep that's good i wish somebody would understand that too much have you ever asked your name why people name drop is because names of certain people can give you access yeah yeah yeah names of certain people will give you protection names of certain people will give you favor i feel like am i talking to myself if your father is the president that name speaks protection no one will mess with you right right if you are associated to a very rich man people will give you favor because of the name you have access to so now when the anointing comes upon a man when god separates a man god cannot call you with your old name [Music] right that's good because your old name had no power over your situations right that's why you had problems when god wanted to elevate jacob when he dealt with him the first time he called him jacob he called him jacob when he went to his father-in-law's house he blessed him under the name jacob but the name jacob could not become a nation but when he met god god now told him now from today you are israel because i have made you a nation so the ability to become the ability to change situations is in names yeah yeah not power yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good that's good papa that's really really good wow if there was no label when you traveled when you travel to mexico how do you know you're in mexico you know you're in mexico because they tell you now you are in mexico and when you cross over you feel a difference the air is different the people are different everything is different but if there was no name it will have no value you go to denmark you know you're in denmark everything in denmark has a danish vibe you go to miami even the dressing of when you hear miami even the dressing how people talk is different but you want elevation without a name wow you want change without naming the the changing your name come on or renaming yourself or renaming your situation for greater heights wow that's really good this one's too much you know i know very uh powerful men of god when god called them he changed their names i'm telling you there's men of god that god called and he changed their names right right amen my last name god changed he removed it um he changed my last name my first name is my first name my middle name is my middle name my last name he changed it completely because where i was going the name i had had never crossed that line so it didn't matter that oil is on my head that's good that's good papa there are places only a name can take you that's good by our name we became close to god we have access to god not by power by our name yeah by a name that is exalted that god has to respect the name when you call that name and god has to answer wow when you say jesus god has to drop everything and listen um [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself no we're here papa we hear you let me show you something go to isaiah go to isaiah isaiah 62 verse 2. isaiah 62 2 and the gentiles shall see thy righteousness and all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name so kings are coming to you and they will call you with a new name the name that god gave you so if you want to be in the place where kings meet you you want to be in the place where i feel like i'm talking to myself if you're going to be at a certain place where you will invoke a certain presence [Music] and steve that is why the bible says if my people who are called by my name what name did god call you wow if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn away from their wicked ways i will hear from heaven notice god is saying if my people who are called by my name so there is a name heaven calls you [Music] there is a name that heaven knows you by yeah amen oh lord jesus yes sir so if you don't know the name that god gave you you will be limited not only limited you'll be stagnant but i will show you how to know the name amen no no no you didn't hear what i just said okay let's finish let's finish no maybe we should finish nope no part two no nothing like that keep going papa you know names are prophecy yeah [Music] every name is a prophecy yeah amen every time people call that name they are prophesying that's good you know one thing about our culture where i come from is this every name has a meaning [Music] every single name actually has a meaning there is no name that doesn't really have a meaning when i was growing up there was a friend of mine called sora because when our mother conceived it was in so much pain that that that child to this day they're suffering they're suffering oh my goodness but that suffering can change with just a name there is another this one is actually like a brother his name is literally troubles to this day that guy has never been settled you meet people doing big deals whatever you just go away jumping from place but when you meet him you flex and everything but the name is destroying everything there's another one i know that is called joy that guy is always happy it doesn't matter what time and you he's always actually his name is not even joy he says it's actually joyful 24 7 is always joyful nothing is moving but you'll never see himself and wherever he is people are joyful names are prophecies wow names are prophecies names are prophecies genesis chapter 1 verse 27 amen i'm about to make a statement that some christians would not like me and then you get genesis one of you get genesis chapter one verse five okay i'm there now genesis chapter five verse one okay genesis chapter 1 verse 27 so god created man in his own image and the image of god created he him male and female created he them stop right there genesis chapter 1 verse 5. genesis chapter one versus genesis 5 1. okay genesis 5 1 this is the book of the generations of adam in the day that god created man and the likeness of god made he him male and female male and female created and blessed them and called their name adam stop right there in the day that they were created that's what he says right yeah when there is wow can i say this sir can i say this yes let me ask you a question is god a man or a female a male or a female it's a it's a real question genuine question is god male or female yes but i'm still asking you is he male of we know god is a spirit is he both yeah he's not he's a man he's not either yeah okay now you have to understand there's a difference between being masculine and feminine yeah that doesn't mean you're male or female because we have masculine females and we are feminine men that doesn't mean that one is the other they're just men who are more tender and they're women who are very rough like mono mono is like against them she really is she's scared she's just tough you know so is this is this what some people are saying both some people are saying one way sit down and collect revelation now listen to this yes are you ready for this yes hadam had no sex oh my god hadam are zero sexual organs wow adam adam no sexual organs zero wow adam was not male or female my god wow help us understand if you are created in the image of god is god a man or a woman none but god put both of them in him yeah he was both male and female but none of it was open it was covered he had no he had no sexual organs zero wow the day that adam became lonely became alone and he noticed that he was alone god took something out of him and created another human being but that human being had no organs either then adam said she's the bone of my bone the flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she will be the mother of all creation immediately organs appeared in in eve and she became a female and adam became somebody that can produce that is why you don't see adam having children until they're outside of the garden i think i think i'm talking to myself because when god created adam in genesis chapter one god is creating a spirit this is too much okay if adam never said she shall be called if because she is the mother he is already he is prophesying motherhood when motherhood never existed he's saying out of her many children who come he is organizing the organs that will produce human beings so by him speaking this word immediately eve became what now if she's going to be a mother she'll need breasts to feed children she'll need ovaries and she will need this so what he was speaking if now those things manifested then eve became mother before she was a mother so for you to be productive you will never be productive unless there is a word that is provoking productivity meaning there has to be a name i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm done no no we're here papa we're here remember the word man simply means human right right in in in hebrew is in in arabic in arabi i grew up with with uh with a lot of arabs and i speak fluent swahili which is an arab it's uh it's a dialect pulled out of arabic and it has a lot of arabic words when you want to say human being it's actually been adam bin adam means human being right because the name adam itself just simply means man it doesn't mean female or male but in order for god to make a creature he had to give it a label adam simply means the first it doesn't mean male or female it just means the first wow and god had to name to name him like that because he was the one who was going to decide the course of the world even though god put everything inside of him so if he never spoke he could never bring out the things that were in him for him to subdue the earth god told him be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself we're here we're here i feel like i'm talking to myself we're still here jesus not going anywhere and and you have to remember this adam also means the soil the earth it means the ground this is this is original uh language remember the bible says and god made man out of the dust of the earth remember that is the forming of man it also means the earth now when god was producing animals he said let every animal that i'm making let it produce after its kind god was deciding what was male what was female but when he made adam he did not decide he just put those things inside of him let's see what he would do interesting god never named eve god never even said woman it was adam that says that interesting so if he never named her eve and he just said you'll be mother of all nations eve will never follow adam and eve adam will have no and when i say power i'm not saying control okay because anyone who controls other people is incompetent is not even that's not power that's just diabolical that's evil that's witchcraft yeah meaning for if to be submitted to adam adam had to have his name produce eve that is why when you get married as wives you get married you take your husband's last name why because it shows that you are joined there i don't know if you remember this prophecy when i went to uh papa's church i prophesied in maryland do you remember there was a woman in the church i called i said listen and her husband was sitting next to her and this woman was a very tough woman i told the woman of god god loves you so much she said amen professor i said but you have one problem and god was i was you know i speak with the tone god he's saying i said but woman and when i say woman it's god speaking it's not that remember i said i'm not the prophetic is a different person that's true i said you are very stubborn and you are blocking the hand of god from helping you oh goodness you are having battles with your husband because you don't want to change your last name you'll be married to this man for this amount of years but you're not able to follow him that's why god has closed everything for you the husband got up and said hallelujah oh my goodness that that my brother my brother bishop always had to come and say he told me prophet surface please it's too sensitive please then when i when when i i stopped because you told me then i looked then uh when service was always said listen what you are saying papa sat down with them and she refused to listen wow that's why sometimes when i say can i prophesy you give me permission if i go somewhere please don't don't be angry you know people have tried to sue me before because of that twice actually tried it i spoke too much information no but you told me i asked you can i you say professor you've given me license right right that's good that is why it took god to say let there be light before he can create light some of you you think it is the words that were forming things now the bible says the universe was created by the hands of god it says do you know the foundations of the earth and where they are fastened it means there was somebody who put things together but god could not create that material or work those materials without naming them for them to be produced out of nothing ah i'm done i think i'm done god says let there be light but there was no light that was created until you read and said then god created uh uh the sun to give light on the earth and the stars in the night but what light are you talking about but remember the same bible tells you that god is is covered in light and him there is no shadow of darkness but he's making light so which light is he making out of that light he created other lights the less that's what the bible does not say he created a a a another light called moon he says he created the sun to give light in the day and he created a lesser light and he called it the moon to give light so all of these things are being created out of something called what light you see everything in the universe is actually created by light and the word light is actually spirit spiritual substance wow okay okay i have a question yes go ahead i'm talking too much let me let me i'm going to show you how to come out of the situation we're not done yet keep sharing if everything is a spirit that doesn't mean inanimate objects have like feelings do they they do say it again so if everything is a spirit and you know how the bible says like they even the rocks cry out and they have ears to hear and like inanimate objects do they have feelings you see the problem is you have to understand this right let me explain to you let me explain something like let's say a tree trees have a spirit hundred percent okay everything is remember the bible says god feels all things everything in creation even a rock that's why they said jesus when he was coming into jerusalem they said listen stop praising him you tell these people to stop praising you said if they stop praising me even the rocks will begin to praise me amen just because you don't think they are alive doesn't mean that they are not [Music] so the bible says this the bible says even hell is a living organism that is what the bible says even hell and death will be thrown in the hell in in the lake of fire the earth itself is alive that's why they call it mother earth because science discovered that this planet is actually alive there is something that is making it alive he actually is alive wow wow that's good that is why jesus could speak to a tree and he commanded it to die and he died right that is why trees have names [Music] there is something my daughter betty told me one day she said you know medical got into plants and stuff and things like that she actually said that you know if you speak to a plant and encourage it it actually grows better it's true wow with that how is it growing better it can hear it's alive wow your plan survivor like it was done yeah i kept on talking to him daily daily and then eventually just started growing again wow that's good and i saw an experiment where one person both plants are being watered both plants are receiving the same thing and one is cursing the plant and another one is speaking positive to the plant the one that was being cast died the one that was being spoken to positively grew yeah yeah they are alive yeah wow deep this is science i'm not talking spirituality this is right i might be taking this a little far okay but like say you take a flower and you take it out of the ground and then you just like pick it apart is that like killing it is it wrong no let me explain to you why because they are created for you to for your enjoyment okay now let me tell you something that even science can prove this if you cut a leaf yeah and you put it under i forget what the machine is called it's not a microscope it's like these things that can read like energy fields and whatever actually you will still see a part of that leaf that was cut off through that thing you can still see it like a phantom length yes that is why somebody even when you cut your hand off when the hand is cut off like let's say your hand is amputated or your feet for a long time they will still feel that hand even though it's not there physically yeah yeah until now in their mind they believe that their hand is no longer there then they stop feeling it wow crazy yo this is a real thing this is why sometimes like i saw this thing that they were doing that a person had a fake hand on the side and a real hand on the side and they told him just look at the hand and they were rubbing the hand that was fake all of a sudden the person started to feel like it was their head being touched with their eyes closed and when they stopped that at the end the person shouted yet it was the other thing being wow because consciously he believed that the other thing was his hand so his spirit had moved in there remember you have two bodies am i talking too much let me stop imagine if you are if your nose was called foot and your foot was your nose it means they were also buried differently yeah yeah all right i'm done imagine one question yes so they're saying like god created all the lights from the first light that he spoke yes when we think a thought say of a water bottle or something that we see in our head and then we see it here is that kind of the same thing it's just a replication of no no that's a different thing that's just having insight that there is a problem and then you come in you'll find that's different i'm talking about creating remember it's a difference between creating and making right right completely two different things but i'm trying to show you how to change situations you man you receive do you realize when a baby is born you call that child like when my son was born god told me his name is andrew so from the time my boy was conceived andrew andrew andrew until he grew up he began to respond to that name right that has become his identity but was he born with that identity so if he never had a name it means that he's cut off from the world of communication no one will be able to speak to him because no one will be able to call him and no one will be able to acknowledge it for somebody to get it to get his attention somebody will have to create a name for him but everyone will create a name for him because he has no name that was given that was going to structure him let me give you an example if you have a best friend that you communicate on a different level that friend will give you a different name because that name invokes your friendship yeah that's true it shows intimacy and they have control of that area so whenever they they want to get into friendship mode as a immediately we begin to laugh changes finish done if if if i look at an example if i look at my son bishop jesus what is the name we gave you do you remember eleki why why are we laughing you hear what i'm saying well we said daddy like it my daughter is called esther rose but do i call her esther rose really no auntie rosa nothing to do with anything overnight nothing but it is it is because it is a different relationship i'm creating by giving her that name i like that when i say antibri bree is not an auntie in that sense are you getting what i'm trying to say i'm teaching good yeah is somebody catching what i'm saying now that is why you find for every movie the actor has to have a different name and that name must embody the act hmm when an artist wants to come out as a movie star or an artist wants to come out as a as an artist like a musician because actors already get different names for different movies but a musician his name may have been franco they will come out and say their name is ego why are they renaming themselves because that name invokes where they are going it creates what people want to see how many artist names did you go through wow so anything imagine a movie came out with no name you wouldn't even know that it came out right right are you getting what i'm saying i remember when uh one of my favorite movies is batman and the best joker ever was a guy called heath ledger but when he pledged i wanted to play i agree the joker the original joker spoke to him jack nicholson jack nicholson yeah told him listen bro this guy when you get into this act he actually makes you go insane be careful wow do you realize some of the things that uh hit ledger did in the movie what not even on the script like the one that is sitting he embodied the act until he could not sleep at night he actually was having like this is this is documented stuff he he would not he could not sleep at night he started that's how he ended up taking too much medication and he took him up because he invoked a spirit of a guy who is chaotic what do you think happened wow yeah yeah yeah wow you see rappers come out they start talking about how they will get shot and whatever that what happens they die exactly the same way wow wow that's too much an amazing young rapper recently pop smoke exactly what and his songs were all about that what happened same way mm-hmm i want to bring you to the place of now understanding what name has actually been given you amen how to tap into that realm um if you're there just that fire so that i know you're there to switch this thing oh jesus [Music] amen oh jesus christ [Music] i feel this in my spirit i want you before i give you this prophetic instruction how to tap into understanding changing the name i want you to go and give an offering to god amen amen and you're going to give anything with the number nine amen new birth amen new birth whether it's uh nine million nine billion nine hundred nine hundred thousand go and do it quickly but do it prayerfully tell god lord anoint me my lord and my god anoint me that as i give this sacrifice and as i understand the ability to change my situation let the power truly come from the anointing that you have given me let it load my name so that my name can change the situation go quickly and do it and we'll be back [Music] i could never get fall enough in love every day with you tell me all your mysteries my quiet [Music] [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to i you want to get closer to you and i'll never i breathe wanna get closer take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] uh [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] with everything [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now every burden [Music] lose my mind i can call [Music] [Applause] [Music] empty i wanna come to um you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] me you're the answer that i need you're the only round you're the truth that makes me free without you god i [Music] am [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] [Music] me [Music] hmm god bless each and every one of you god bless each and every one of you now go to genesis chapter 1 chapter 2. now i want to show you the formula to know the name you see the reason why the names you give yourself don't work unless you have spiritual insight because remember the name has to connect to what god is calling you not what you think you should be called did that make sense yes no god created adam and called adam adam that's the name for humanity that god gave he called them adam meaning even though adam had everything inside him and he had no whatever gender until he crea he he called god pulled eve out of him now understand this and understand this with your spirit did god ever call adam father god never called adam father god simply called adam adam but when adam named eve and said you shall be the mother of all men your name will be you shall be called woman because you'll be the father mother of all people and he gave her the name eve so he gave her two names one was eve but the meaning of eve was mother of all men of all creation of of human beings per se now when adam did this his name now changed because he became a source so he became now a father so when this prophecy will be fulfilled in eve adam will not just be adam the first but he'll also become father the word father means source when you read genesis chapter one he doesn't call god father he calls god god but when god makes creation and he re and he reincarnates himself as a man god could no longer be called god he became what father i don't know if people are catching what i'm trying to say before my son andrew was conceived i was just loving the moment he was born i became a source i became a father to my son even though he knows my name is lovey my son doesn't call me lovey because he has no authority to call that name he can only call me dad or father why i am his source if your child calls you by your first name they have no reverence for you spiritually even though i remember uh when we were kids i young we were at some place and a young child was lost so the the police was asking the little girl what's your mom do you know your mom's name yeah what's your mom's name mom okay what's your dad's name dad because to the child the child cannot relate to that name because they never named their parents it was their parents that conceived them and named them so to them they are the source so if you don't have insight and foresight you will not understand the name you need to give yourself because that name connects to what will happen when the prophecy is fulfilled okay it is not what you just feel like ah prof am i making sense yes yes too much jesus was simply the son of joseph but when he saved humanity humanity actually gave him another name the messiah the savior but when he was born he was not called jesus the savior he was called jesus they're anointed but when he died on the cross he became what and rose again the savior so his name now added another ranking to itself he became what the name that also what saves so before he actually resurrected and he went through what he came to go through his name he could not be called messiah but also he became also lord why did he become lord because what he did made people submit themselves so that they can be rescued and you cannot be rescued by a person unless he's your lord so don't just call yourself billionaire because that's not what people will call you that is what people will perceive of you okay go to the book of proverbs i'm trying to help you to be strategic to open your eyes amen amen proverbs 22 verse amen proverbs 22 1 a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold one more time a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches so a name is better than riches because a name can produce riches amen you see when they check your net worth they are not saying the money that you have in your bank net worth speaks of what your name can produce what your status can produce so when god looks at you your net worth is everything that jesus has amen amen wow but what can you produce if you don't know what you're valued at i feel like i'm good we're learning hi so good remember the command of god genesis 1 i believe 26 20 26 it says let us make money now image let him have dominion let him subdue the earth let it multiply let in this and this and that and that if any of these areas are frustrated your name is connected to that area did i say something say it again the name abram was not barren the name abram produced ishmael the name abraham produced a nation so if you give yourself a certain name you produce small result until you tap into what god's mind for you really is amen that's powerful the bible says that jesus who descended and suffered because of being obedient to death he was given a name that is above every name that at the mention of that name every knee will bow in heaven on the earth and in the earth your process says your name jesus uh prophet i don't know if people are sharp enough to catch what i'm trying to say i'm speaking in plain tongues not english because what i'm still saying is spirituality it's spiritual but i'm speaking it in human language but it's straight from tongues why does the bible not just call you a conqueror why does it say you are more than a conqueror why does the bible say that right help us what is the difference between a conqueror and more than a conqueror what is the difference one still fights because a conqueror is still conquering somebody that is more than a conqueror he retired from conquering because he conquered everything that could be conquered amen but more than a conqueror is not a name right is the actions of a name wow an emperor is more than a conqueror because a king is controlling one domain but an emperor has a collection of empires that he put together that is the sovereign leader that is why we don't call god a king what do we call him the king of kings meaning he has collected all kings and is ruling them and those kings are ruling his empires [Music] so if you got caught if you call god king you are underestimating him because he's way above kings [Music] the yes are the ones that are subject to him kings are the ones that are serving in this palace kings are the ones that are doing what he wants to do am i opening your eyes more pretty much what is your name wow god forgive you hallelujah hallelujah ecclesiastic chapter seven verse one ecclesiastes chapter 7 and verse 1 a good name is better than precious ointment and the day of death than the day of one's birth one more time a good name is better than precious ointment what is ointment the word ointment there is also anointing yes okay wow that is why the bible says this listen to this mantle of god the bible says this do not touch my anointed and do no harm to my prophets so there are prophets that are higher than anointing [Music] wow because it is a name that produces the anointing come on wow that's deep who anointed samuel samuel was never anointed by anybody nobody anointed simon but samuel anointed so many people david so many prophets were anointed by samuel but yet him himself he was never anointed wow who anointed moses a prophet i asked again who anointed moses a prophet but when he came down he's the only one who entered the the the the levites and all that is the one who did all him himself he was never anointed by any who appointed elijah a prophet nobody but elijah came and anointed people anointed elisha i know some of you don't understand what you're listening to right now that is why the bible says this wow if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet hey come on you will receive the prophet reward he did not say if you receive a prophet in the name of god no okay wow professor i want people to hear this if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you will receive the prophet's reward amen amen wow not if you receive prophet love in the name of god no come on come on it means that what you receive is the product of a name not a title wow say that again god is saying if you receive a prophet meaning is telling you who this guy's spiritual identity is in the name of a prophet now you have to understand that lovey elias is a name of a prophet amen so if you call him just prophet and you don't receive him by that name that name is the prophetic not then you see if you meet me and i never say i'm a prophet when i begin to prophesy you will be like the woman at the world saying i perceive that you are a prophet because it is my name that is producing the prophet i wish people could understand this is why people who fight for titles never produce anything because they don't understand it's the other way round god looks at jeremiah he says before you are born i knew you i anointed you a prophet to the nation meaning jeremiah was not prophet he was i anointed you not i anointed the prophet you a prophet meaning the name jeremiah is the prophet yes so some of you have not received certain people yeah come on come on that's why you're still where you are you can pray to god as much as you want nothing is happening because if that answer was with god he would have given you already there's one thing god told me one day he said he said it like this if i could give mankind anything they asked for i can but i cannot without the name jesus so if you don't receive it i can't even though i want to i can't right but fools will say no he's hyping up because his prophet they don't understand because they are foolish that is why there is a difference between prophet jeremiah and prophet elijah they are different why because their power is in the name not in the spirit because they all have the same spirit the same lord the same god so they are let me show you this daddy this is what the name of our prophet has i want to show them something are you ready for this i'm i'm about to finish acts chapter 22 chapter 2 verse 22 acts 2 2 2 acts 2 22. please i want you to read with every charismatic you can and and slow and sweet okay chapter 2 22 right ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man approved of god stop right there there are men that are approved by god not anointed by god approved amen they function beyond your approval they function beyond your jurisdiction because they have been approved amen period read it again listen ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did by him in the midst of you god did by who by him not by himself god did this sign through a man approved of him amen you're missing there's a reason why the bible is telling you a man jesus he did not say the lord jesus amen this is peter speaking there is a reason why he's not saying the messiah the king of glory the lord jesus they are not saying that he's saying jesus christ jesus the anointed a man approved meaning his humanity was approved by god [Music] there are people's humanity that has been approved by god my goodness i'm sorry i think i want to get up maybe maybe i should i don't know what to do that name has been approved what name do you have that has been approved amen fire just fire papa what name did you give situations according to the name that you have say that that's good jesus there is a reason why before the lord jesus was born god gave him the name he did not allow his family to name it because that name was approved yeah wow yeah there's a reason why john was named by god because that name was approved that's good wow there's a name that god has for you that has been approved but you have to be wise to be able to see so many times when people come and ask me about my spiritual name i usually don't like to say because you need to be you need to know it by conviction because that's where the power is amen amen that is why when somebody is sick you don't pray recover you say be healed because you are changing the name of it's like sickness is going this way but when you start saying be healed the sickness starts going the other way you are renamed you are reprogramming what was happening in the body by giving it a different name amen not kind of it is you know when mark zuckerberg created facebook you did not have time for facebook because it was never created right but when he created something and called it facebook now that facebook had the power to demand people's time so if you go on your application right now it can tell you how long you spend on facebook or instagram all these things without those things being created it had no ability to do anything so whatever you name determines what happens amen wow wow you give it a life to control whatever is around you wow i want you to really think on what i've told you amen and i want you to actually pray this evening analyze your situation okay don't just decide the victory for now map out the level and the extent of victory the name will be there that's good that's good you see the problem is we are too short-sighted so we don't understand the level the extent of where the name should carry us i want you to pray that's what the spirit of god is leading me not even to pray for you you will pray i've given you keys by the spirit of god you know the reason why we tell people to give people think it's because somebody wants money from you you need to understand the principle of why you ought to do that it's a spiritual law yes you think people love you and they tell you not to give but they are robbing you because them themselves that's why the people who don't even sacrifice themselves are not powerful remember popularity is not greatness greatness is the ability to transform somebody's life wow go and pray i'll see you tomorrow i love you but the lord jesus loves you more shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 8,116
Rating: 4.955801 out of 5
Id: DCb-wyqIfrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 40sec (5020 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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