GROWING IN THE SPIRIT | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before ok go to my mama Ghana that supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and [Music] taking words and run with it to the ends of the world what does he do and is like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you then I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs right there where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about [Applause] [Music] Leclaire Eostre improvi - a la carte le monde a profane del quiche tacos de ulua Kalamandalam rondalee Kista i pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le gusta a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace my frittata Akala van-del aprende idea Leclaire eos toph radically Kista Avoca talam and a last icon celestial glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka pravinia aman de lange gatita labra Delica acababa Katie Lomond le prawn Deva Katta Zilla Cuccia nefra via a zoo fake a king Carabas on telly gaya azúcar predict ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bar Safari Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale a cache the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar dalaman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord will become your encounters I pray that every single of angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oinking upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yell anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] when the Lord Jesus was announced to be the savior of the world now you notice what happened to David is happening to Jesus David is announced to be king a shepherd boy Jesus is called the Good Shepherd but Jesus is called a Good Shepherd before he has any Cairo and David is not is it does not have his own sheep he's looking after his own father's sheep but the same code is anointing most people when they are not yet what they are supposed to be you may not look like where you're going right now you may not seem like you are where you're supposed to be but I'm here to tell you you are in the right place at the right time with the right handling and at the proper time you shall be lifted up and God will show what he was doing in the sit sit sit sit sit learn to be secretive hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah learn to be what secretive unless you're secretive God can never confide in you will you tell somebody a secret that talks too much will you plan something with somebody that announces to everybody so why do you think God is gonna do that [Music] hallelujah hallelujah from today let your actions tell people what you're doing amen iris when they see Putin they say when were you working on this you say I've been working this has been going on become secretive so I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm learning one same God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that four four five - I saw him go and he was looking for something like one or two I am doing this throwing seeds they are calling us calling [Applause] when I got to this place I saw an address like 80111 the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another night I saw a three I saw a zero I saw a pea it's like paint you or something like that [Applause] I'm seeing a company that has like an eye s-something I can't see the whole thing but I'm seeing like an eye and s-something entertainment is a very strange word blessings everybody this is profit loving I'm here with super star the Bishop Richard Jones and we're gonna have a good time and we're gonna talk about some amazing things that God has for us today that is gonna be a blessing to everybody that is watching I thank God for this opportunity to speak to you I want you to let somebody know that we live so that somebody can be blessed wherever they are wherever they may be they may know that God wants to bless us by what is gonna speak so everybody always asks me this question son they always ask me this they always ask me how do I grow in the spirit so I want to explain it how for people to grow in this way I think I think that would be beneficial for somebody because you cannot something's like is that Mike from why did I get married his name is Richard John not Mike Mike Mike Mike is a target so I think it's gonna be a blessing to somebody somebody watching will be blessed and somebody's life will change growing in the spirit is completely misunderstood and when we read you're going to understand and when I explained it and I try to break it down to my best of my best ability you make sense to somebody and somebody will surely know how this whole thing works so I want you to be attentive I want you mike is gonna ask questions my son Richards gonna ask questions on your behalf is gonna I want you to really think where ever you it doesn't hit you right you can you can ask I have no problem you know I love to answer questions it's my favorite thing to do so I'm not just here to just talk to you but I want somebody I want somebody to actually learn when you listen to me I don't want you to just listen to me and you are the same person the Lord Jesus said you are purified he said he went to these disciples and said I'm gonna wash of it so I started washing their feet when he got to Peter Peter said Lord you never wash my feet jesus said what I'm doing you would not understand now but a time is coming that you will understand what I'm doing and he said then Lord wash my entire body and Jesus said no you already purified by the words that have spoken to you we just need to wash your feet so why did he say we need to wash your feet because feet represent speed they represent the ability to possess a territory so he thought he needed a full cleansing but he just needed his feet so what we are going to speak to you today is gonna put speed on people's feet to actually grow in the realm of the Spirit so we were just everybody that knows me closely knows that I love mixed martial arts I love fights so before we just started he was laughing because I oh my god this fight is going on with videos like pop I just love it because yes or no so some of my my sons and daughters they think I live on a mountain like a monk but that's not how it works I am the most regular person that you ever meet but the difference is this I need I know how to change from the natural law to the spiritual law I can do it at any time so because I know how to switch from being the normal man to the Prophet so what I want to teach everybody today is how to grow in this period and I'm gonna try and see how you take it today if people are gonna share it and people are gonna enjoy periscope is on fire I love periscope periscope and more people are coming on and YouTube is always on fire and and Facebook is the OG I call it the father of live streams so for us at least so I want you to make sure that you really really listen because by listening you're changed not prayer doesn't change people you know people say I pray for me prophesy to me that will not change you unless there is the Word of God in you I don't know if somebody is catching me so prayer can't change anyone that's what we have people in church praying we have shoku and all that and they are gossiping because that doesn't prayer doesn't change you what changes you is the word is the information you have has the ability to change you not the prayer that you receive because prayer is offered unto God not unto a man so praying for somebody will not change them unless they hear the word the Bible says if no one speaks for us how will they get saved so somebody needs to speak in order for somebody to be saved so it is the words that are changing people not prayer when you pray for somebody to change God will send somebody to talk to them to change them because unless it is a conscious decision then they did not decide so when a demon comes into a person it does not start by taking them over it starts by distorting the information in them so by now them doing the wrong thing they think they are the ones doing it not knowing the demon that is making them do it so even when the demon is cast out the person's mind needs to be renewed because now they have adapted a character that is in their mind that they will act on those things because now it has become the norm so unless that is changed the person remains the same does that make sense yeah so it's not just enough to say come out nah that's why when Jesus delivered people heal people he said follow me unless you follow him you won't truly change so the transformation was not in the prayer the transformation was not in the anointing but the transformation was in following him there the leopard that came back was made whole the addons were simply healed meaning tomorrow they can fall sick again but to be made whole is every area of your life is complete so God wants to bring people into wholeness not just to heal them but wholeness and if somebody's catching me I want somebody to be whole in the realms of the Spirit hallelujah is somebody ready are you sure you're prepared is it helping you go back with crazy teachings take every one take every one of them this one is of the family so let us go to John chapter number four John chapter number four ah this one is gonna be deep John chapter number four and we are gonna start from verse 14 John chapter number four from verse 14 I want you to capture this and I want you to capture it carefully because people read verse 24 without understanding what the whole thing is talking about and what verse 24 is really saying let's start so there was a certain woman Jesus goes to Leicester from 14 you wanna read it but the water that I shall give him mm-hmm now what did the woman say verse 15 the woman says to him Sir give me this water mm-hmm now notice this there's something going on here Jesus is saying I have water he went to ask this woman for water then the woman said but I am a Samaritan I can't give you water you know as we don't agree on this on these things he said well if you knew was asking you for water you would ask him to give you water because if he gives you water you will not thirst it would be a spring it would turn into a whale of an a spring inside of you that water would continue to flow so she said show me this water so that I don't test anymore now you have to understand why this woman is asking for this waters because for years she has gone to that same world to feed a flock and a family so that they don't test anymore some of you you've been reading the Bible you've been praying you've been going to the same well for years but you are still tested you are still thirsty because you are still not found their waters because those waters are not in this world they're in another world so you cannot grow now I let me not go ahead of myself let me not go ahead of myself let me slow down so that is why the woman was like show me these waters because in this world I know if you drink water whether you are drinking pure ma Fiji water from the mountains whether you are drinking pure I don't know what water with the with what's it called now they have this Japanese water what did they call it that has like some what is it called cloud the machine you guys have at home what does it do again oh yeah the kkkk water you still be thirsty so she understood that where is this water because as far as I know in this world there is no such thing so that's a number one clue meaning those waters are not found here ok let's continue mm-hmm verse 16 Jesus notice Jesus is not suggesting say go call your husband and come here this way uh-huh the woman's now this woman was honest she was honest Jesus said go get your husband and come here she said no I have no husband what did the Lord Jesus say next jesus said to her you have you have well said now look at this so Jesus is comment complimenting I think the truth is really in you because you don't really have any husband right you have been married to five husbands and the one you are with now is not even your husband so many of you you've been married to different doctrines you've been married to different traditions and this they are not your husband that's why the Bible says come back to your first love so some people you are not growing because you've been in the wrong relationship you've married the wrong doctrine that is still materialist remember five is the number of grace but nothing is happening he was honest she never lied she was open but look she's still going to the same place that is making her thirsty I hope somebody's understanding this some of you to be honest with some of you wait let me good not go ahead of myself continue continue next verse uh-huh notice she said I perceive you are a prophet yes now you have to underline the word prophet there to understand why she's saying I perceive your prophet it will help you in what is to come next uh-huh yes keep going our fathers worshiped in this mountain uh-huh you same you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship uh-huh now notice this the woman is saying our fathers worshiped on this mountain meaning she is still going to the church that our dad used to go you are still using the same doctrine that your grandmother used to use where you are raised you are still going even though it was a good for that time but it is not good for this time I'm just trying to help somebody so some people are still going by what what their mother their father what they are sister you know what they still used to do but the Lord is saying here now the Lord is saying the Lord is saying the Lord is saying the Lord is saying that was good but is not good for now it's a different time so she said but you people are saying that the only place you can receive prophecy is when you meet prophet loved it but our fathers used to worship here and we did see some miracles there question is your fathers are no longer there don't be where God used to be be God we're where God is now don't be where miracles used to be be where miracles are happening now don't be where God used to speak be where God is speaking now don't be where don't be where where where where where our deliverance used to be be where deliverance is and now what did the Lord say continues when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship now you let me explain to you something Samaritans Samaritans Samaritans came from a land called Samaria which the ancestors the ancestors of this women came from that place the Jacob actually dug out the world that they were drinking from so meaning they were believers they are not unbelievers the thing was that God used to visit us in this mountain but you Jews are saying only in Jerusalem Israel commit God now remember when Jacob and them before they became Israel and before all these things they are not Israelis there was no such thing as the nation of Israel so Abraham was not of that land or anywhere he went to that land but now it was like you people and as people are completely different yet the genesis was from the Samaritans the Good Samaritan the what Samaritan means one who does good deeds Samaritans were good people but just because you're a good person doesn't mean that God is where you are remember this woman was honest she was on a mountain that God used to visit because of the forefathers that used to come but it has nothing to do with what God is doing today you will never go grow in the spirit if you are trying to do what used to be done you have to do what God is doing now remember when they were doing what other people what you are trying to do now the people in that time was saying you are doing the wrong thing this is the tradition why are you breaking off from tradition they were persecuted because they are doing something that was different you can never grow unless you change how things are done if the same system is not working for you it means you are still in the past yet God is in the future so you must consistently and continually make your way forward now read on it's coming to somewhere really sweet now uh-huh you worship you know not what for salvation is of the Jews notice he's saying you don't know what you're worshipping but we know what we are worshipping for salvation is of the Jews so we can all be Christians but you may not know what you're worshipping remember the word salvation means deliverance unless you have been delivered but delivered from what because you don't get delivered and be left in prison the Bible says you are taken out of the kingdom of darkness and now put in the kingdom of light so you have been delivered from a kingdom that was full of darkness it was a kingdom rule of the devil and now you are put in the kingdom of light so now you know by being in the light who you worship because you are in that world you are in that country so somebody that is just a believer may not know who they are worshiping they may have an idea but they don't know whom they are worshiping because they are not going through deliverance they are not fully gone into the light so people will argue with your scripture because they have not yet come into the complete light if they are in the light they will see and they will know because the eyes of the understanding will be enlightened for them to know what you're saying Jesus spoke to the Jews said why don't you understand my speech it is because you are not of my father if you knew my father then you would welcome me because you would know who is speaking to you so people don't believe what you would be saying some people will not believe me because they are not of our Father because remember we are not speaking what is not in Scripture you will show them a verse they will still argue because they can't see read the next line is about to get interesting we are not even the hour comes and now is is saying it is coming and it is not the true worshipers the true worshipers so there are true worshipers meaning they are false worshipers if they can be true it means there's also one false worshipers just because you are lifting your hand saying Alleluia doesn't mean your true worship and I will show you what a true worshiper is today just because you are screaming Jesus doesn't mean you know him if they are true worshipers then there must be also false worshipers I hope somebody is catching that is that making sense because you can't say this is a fake dollar unless there is a false dollar as long as it's the only one that is good there's no need for you to say false redone is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth notice this an hour is coming and the hour is now that true worshipers will worship the father in what spirit hockey injury spirit and in truth okay keep reading for the father seeks such to worship seeks such to worship Him now what's the next verse God is a spirit God is a spirit in they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth okay my question to you is this now I want you to think about this God is a spirit so where is he located in the spirit realm yes so you cannot worship a God that in the physical realm you have to go in the spiritual realm so growing in the spirit is not saying that you are becoming more knowledgeable about Jesus is somebody that is spending time in that world is that making sense so to grow in the spirit is not I am I am a spiritual man that's not what it means he's saying God is a spirit and those who will wash worship Him we're in this field in it's a location it's a location it's not talking about because I cannot say okay an example is this you are married man do you love your wife in the spirit yes no you love it in the flesh because you're not your spirit think about no you do love with all your heart it's in the flesh you see when people say oh and you get married you become one spirit no your spirit is only married to God the spirit of man is not married to another because God takes back his spirit the Bible says that when a person does God will take back the spirit because the Spirit is the only link you have with God it's the only marriage you have with God is your spirit so you marry your wife in the flesh and you love her with your soul you become one flesh the Bible never says you become one spiritus because the spiritual realm is only for God even when that when demons possess a person or enter a person they only occupy or so they cannot occupy your spirit because your spirit is the dwelling place of God what they do is they they corrupt your soul to not be in sync with your spirit so their spirit is the one that is gonna control your soul so when somebody is delivered you are removing the fake false driver of the soul and you're bringing back the human spirit that was designed to control the soul because even God's Spirit will never control a man's soul it worked he works with the man's spirit in order for men to carry out what God wants because he's not a manipulator he will never force you God works with you he does not possess you to possess you to take you against your will he will never do that so growing the spirit is about you being in that room and coming to know God beyond the realm of the flesh and knowing him in the realm of the Spirit that Israel when Jesus asked the apostle's who do the people say that I am everybody said you're Elijah some people say you're Elias you are this you are that and Peter said and you ask them whom do you say I am they all stayed quiet and Peter said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God you are the Messiah and Jesus said this knowledge this knowledge did not come from you but my father has revealed it so revelation is of the spiritual realm so a believer cannot grow because you pray you grow because of Revelation but revelation is located in the realm of the Spirit so somebody who is not in the realm of the Spirit can not truly know Jesus if God provides for you bread you will know him as God your provider only in this room what about the spiritual remember spirituality begins in the flesh and leads into the spirit so God gives you these things so that you pursue him and pursue him and end up in the spirit like Enoch you are taken you're no longer here so when somebody is struggling I don't know if this is making is it making sense so anybody that is seeking to know Jesus as a human being you never really know you will never really come to know who he is let me show you an example John was the beloved he was the most favorite apostle of Jesus he was literally his best he was literally his closest apostille his best friend and his good friend was Lazarus but his right hand was John that is why he did not leave the responsibility of his mother to Lazar but he left it to John because John was a person that knew the Lord in the realm of the physical more than anybody John is the same one that laid on his chest he was like his little brother he rested on him he knew things about him that nobody else knew that is why you find that John when you read the Gospels he is the one that reveals the true identity of Christ beyond everybody everybody is talking about there was a man called Jesus he was also God you know he was this and this but when he begins he's using Genesis to tell you about Jesus saying in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh dwelt among men he came unto his own and his own did not receive it he is giving the background of the Lord Jesus beyond the flesh every other a posto gave it in the flesh but he is the one giving it the account in the spirit because he came to know him beyond the flesh watch this john who knew jesus was always with jesus to the point that when jesus said one of you is gonna betray me they went to john and said john asked him who is it really meaning john is the only one that could ask jesus things and jesus would tell he didn't reveal everything to everybody so john really knew him but what's this when john sees the vision of the lord jesus that he knew on earth he did not recognize him he saw blazing fire for eyes here white like wool he was shocked that when he saw this vision and then an angel was speaking to him he bowed to almost worship the angel then the angel told him no no no no I am your fellow brethren that have the testimony of Jesus worship God for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus he confused an angel with Jesus meaning he did not really recognize him in the realm of the Spirit yet as he knew him in the flesh remember and the Lord Jesus resurrected you notice that he looked different from when they knew him that's why everybody didn't know he was Mary who was always at his feet cried at his feet and his things were forgive our sins who are forgiven when we Jesus resurrected she went to the grave and thought that Jesus was the gardener began to say where is my Lord show us where he is surely he said Mary until he married then if she said because of the voice she recognized him not by how he looked not by how he looked by his voice because she remembered his voice but his appearance was different the two men that were traveling knew the Lord when he sat down and he was talking with them when he broke bread their eyes were opened and they say didn't our hearts burn when he spoke it sounded like it is him but now we know it's him they went back from their journey to go and tell the others you will never know the Lord Jesus to his fullness unless you begin to be somebody who dwells in the realm of the Spirit the problem is so many people worship God one hour 20 minutes so you are time in the realm of the Spirit is only twenty minutes all right oh one hour how can you grow in that world if you're only spending twenty minutes in that world remember that we are children of God meaning there are people who are babies in fact infants in the realm of the Spirit and there are people who are mature in the realm of the Spirit that's why Paul said you've been drinking milk milk so much it is time for meat meaning there are people in that room that graduated from being babies they became toddlers they became teenagers until they can make you meat completely the meat of the Spirit is available because you can only grow in a world if you spend time in it so if you don't make your habitation in that world you are not growing in the human world you are growing or you appear to be growing because this room is governed by time but that room is governed by purpose the more you know him the more you are lifted to another level in that world so somebody who spends five minutes in prayer is not growing in the spirit they are growing to the measure of five minutes I don't know if I'm making sense is he making sense is he making sense that is why Jesus looked at his disciples and said this he said if she said can you not pray for one hour at least pray so that you are not you don't fall into temptation so we know that people who are always tempted and fall into temptation is because they don't spend an hour in prayer meaning an hour in prayer builds your spiritual immunity against what temptation so if you're always tempted you are losing your temper you're losing your cool you are losing your dish you're losing your dad this and this is happening it is based on what is happening in that world I don't know if it's making sense because Jesus is not saying Jesus is not saying pray and cover yourself in the blood I don't know where people came up with this doctrine I really don't know I'm telling you the truth I was talking to one lady and she was like well why do you say that don't cover yourself in the blood I told him show me one scripture that says cover yourself in the blood you are a believer because the blood covers you you already covered first of all the blood of Jesus was not shed for the devil people who think that the blood of Jesus was shed for the devil you actually you don't know the spiritual realm who was angry with man he was God so God shed blood to appease himself not the devil these are nothing to do with the devil the Bible says that Jesus ascended above all heavens he ascended above all heavens and he put his blood on the mercy seat so the blood of Jesus is not on earth it's in heaven so when God looks at man he sees what the blood of Jesus has accomplished because the blood was the one that our blood only covered since the blood of bulls covered since he never blotted it out so that devil is called the accuser of the Brethren because he had ground to accuse us he could go before God and tell God God Mike is beating his wife mistreating his wife how can you continue to bless him God has no choice but to punish you because God is a just God and there is a law but the moment he paid the price the devil can no longer accuse anybody because you are no longer guilty you are not you're no longer alive you are dead you are no longer under the law so the devil cannot accuse somebody that is not alive so when people are talking about cover yourself cover your family cover this it's not biblical but you'll notice the same people says cover this cover that cover this they have demonic attacks that the blood doesn't do anything because they don't know the place of the blood the blood of Jesus was for God not for man that is why angels are there why are angels there to protect you the Lord Jesus the Bible literally says in plant for he will put charge of his angels to keep you in all your ways to protect you when the Lord Jesus was in trouble he did not say the blood he said don't you know I can ask for more than twelve legions the devil is attracting you and beating people up because they don't know how to work with angels the blood of Jesus is what has given us righteousness right standing with God it was never about the devil no it seemed if somebody now you notice this there are people who still argue just tell them show the blood they will go to the book of Revelation and say they overcame him but of the Lamb there is the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony let me explain that verse oh you can read it grab it and I will explain it very simple I'll explain it plainly did you see a force opposite the blood Peter John everytime they were in trouble who delivered them angels because that's their job yes you said what because in this world you carry out the purpose of the Spirit by practicing it and living it you spend more time in the spirit because what makes you be in the spirit is beyond prayer and that would be part two we'll talk about all these things that is why the Bible says pray in the spirit so there are prayers we pray in the physical world and there's a prayer we pray in the realm of the Spirit so there are prayers that you pray in this world and their prayers you pray in that world yes okay an example is this if there is a problem in the physical world I call on God to visit the physical world but if it's a demonic attack I don't pray in this world because our enemy we don't wrestle against flesh and blood I need to be in the spiritual realm to beat the devil you don't fight the devil in the physical realm is in the spiritual realm okay read it what does it say okay let me explain it simple oh is that all of us no no no just read that verse you can read just that verse however you feel like if you want to read the one before however you feel ya the accuser of the brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night he is cast down read it again I'm about to make somebody a freeman you provoked this read for the accuser of the brethren is cast down which caused them which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives to the death okay now let me explain to you something this one is gonna be extra deep because you provoked it okay now listen to this when was the devil cast down down from the beginning before man was created but the Bible is saying he's been accusing you day and night and is cast down so as the devil in heaven still when you are born no think about it no no let's just use the Bible I don't even want to the devil when was the devil cast down on the earth from the beginning okay but the Bible is saying he's accusing brethren day and night but they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony what is it really talking about if the devil fell before man was created so how has he been accusing you milling the accused he accused you before you came into this world the reason why he was cast down is because the sacrifice of Jesus was already over that's what the Bible is saying he was Jesus was crucified before the foundations of the earth so you did not you don't overcome the devil now you've already overcame is it making sense that is why it's talking about it in past tense it's not saying they are overcoming he is saying gain overcame you because the people who are going to heaven are people that already chose Jesus from the beginning that is why Apostle Paul says there are vessels of Honor and vessels of destruction Apostle Paul says it again like this he says for those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son so you and me know Jesus because we already chose him before we came so the devil began to accuse us before we came here so what people don't understand let me explain you like this I hope people are not losing me I hope people understanding this let me explain to you what people don't understand is this we are making a full circle back to the beginning from where we came from the spirit of man before you came into this world let me explain is somebody who say well how is that possible God is coming to Jeremiah telling Jeremiah before you in your mother's womb I knew you even though then you are prophet so Jeremiah become a profit in this world he was already a profit from there but the problem is Jeremiah has no recollection of there because the Spirit was sent on earth in a body to develop to grow so when we were still in God in heaven when we were still in heaven we were specks of spirits but we don't remember because we are not conscious of that but when you become prophetic you begin to remember some of the things from the beginning when I prophesy to people it's like a memory to me like I've always known you it's because the truth is I have no new you yes but like we just don't remember that is why sometimes you've got places you feel like I've been here before it feels like I've known you it the truth is you have there are no coincidences do you remember so the question is this how can you remember and think about that place it doesn't make sense did you ever meet Jesus in the flesh so how will he bring to remembrance things he said to you when did he tell you when did he say to you when did he say to you when did you have a conversation with him he's saying you will bring to your remembrance all the things what all things if you go to first Corinthians chapter number 2 verse 6 Paul is talking about it is saying we speak mysteries today want them that are perfect that was ordained before the world began to our glory the Bible says that God is the father of light right father of light but jesus is coming saying you are the light of the world so who is the father of light so what is what is he talking about us I think I think too much revelation is bad for the for the health too much revelation can be can give you spiritual sickness so what people don't understand is we are going back to the beginning we are going back home because we came from home we are going back home we are going back home because we came from home we are going back home so the future is not actually forward it's actually in the past remember God always begins at the end going back to the beginners so actually timeline is not going forward it's actually going backwards because we did not start here with our maturities in the spirit the Bible says all things are us past present and future how are all things mind because inside your spirit all those things you are seeking God already downloaded in you why are you such a good actor because you you that is what you are brought here to do so by doing this thing that you came to do on earth you now have come to know God more and now you are eating the Word of God consuming it because now it is making sense while you're here and now the memory of why you are sent is making more sense heaven is a continuation of what is happening here it's not a new beginning heaven is a continuation of this life it's not a new beginning Bishop Wallace I love you is this making sense to people so when was the blood of Jesus shed from the foundation but people who don't know that you were shed from the foundation they think that salvation came 2,000 years ago my daughter Ellen said poor superstar Papa let him breathe for a sake go down go down is everybody there is everybody there go down my son he said you are an atmosphere Papa you are in the spirit so somebody needs to understand this and somebody needs to catch this and somebody needs to know this okay I mean let me read one question here can you read my daughter T as a does this mean eternity happen to is this one is this one big time loop everlasting happened everlasting everlasting happened because you have to understand there's a difference between eternity and everlasting and forever forever is a timeline everlasting is a timeline eternity is not a timeline the Bible says and there will be gnashing of teeth in Hell forever there will be gnashing of teeth forever in hell right forever then the Bible tells in revelation that he'll death and the grave shall be cast into the lake of fire now if he'll is forever how is it being thrown in the lake of fire it's because forever is actually a timeline to the world of men forever seems like it has no end because we don't outlive forever unless you in the spirit so forever is a timeline if hell the Bible says and there shall be a new heaven and there shall be a new earth if there'll be a new heaven and a new earth and hell is in the center of the earth and it's saying that he'll be cast in the lake of fire meaning that hell will not exist anymore the grave will not exist anymore death will not exist anymore meaning they are not everlasting they are simply forever there is a their timeline does that make sense yes forever is a timeline it's just beyond our calculation because because in this natural realm forever is such a long time forever maybe 10,000 years or 11,000 years or 50,000 years or one million year but to God if a day if a thousand years is like a day and to God forever is like nothing when you see a housefly they live for only 48 hours right but to them it's a full life last year we got puppies now they're here or they already look full-grown because a human ear to a dog ear is seven years so in the world of dogs time and and in the world of men time is different and the problem for dog is like man yo I'm like seven years old and this person is still the same they barely just like group well them it's like do you get what I'm saying everlasting has a beginning but has no end that is why says is it's in the name of lasting meaning is like that gum you chew that the sugar doesn't run out to you everlasting it just continues so God lives in the eternal realm because the eternal eternity is God himself within himself for himself so it's not actually a location it's God I give to them eternal life but how do you receive eternal life by receiving Jesus's so when it gives you a part of him you receive it you become eternal because he does not pass away you cannot pass away does that make sense is it making sense it's all just grease it's all by the grace of God that is why the Bible says don't seek after things that are temporary so if you are seeking forever pleasures they are temporary what you want is to enter into everlasting and then eternity that is why man will not live in eternity you become eternal but back on earth will be in heaven for a set amount of time in the everlasting run for a certain time and then will be brought back on earth but the earth also will become everlasting because Jesus will come because Jesus will come and dwell in this world because in every room I don't know if I can say this year let me just say it in this 18 code people I don't people to miss God know this this one they made they may take it and take it the wrong way but yet it's I can show them in the Bible let me show you a scripture this will mess people up but I'll say it anyway this would be it's in Hebrew somewhere okay Hebrews 11:3 which version of Bible are you read this is the King og Bible it always can read what does it say through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God read that again through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God I want you to read it slowly and I want you to digest what you're reading so faith can't but understanding understanding of what the world how many worlds are there remember not planets worlds because our world is made of its inhabitants when we sing we are the world we are talking about the inhabitants we are not talking about the planet Earth the world and the earth are two different things but you cannot have our world or our people without a place they inhabit so the Bible is telling you clearly these worlds plural so if there are worlds how many heavens are there let me stop let me stop so and you think it's actually very ignorant to think that we are the only ones that exist it's craziness it's actually craziness doesn't even make sense let me ask you a question the Bible says it like this let me show these true scriptures because I don't want anybody to say that I said okay okay go to first Corinthians chapter number who said something happened to them first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 42 44 who told you that the other worlds don't exist let me ask you a question okay first Corinthians 15 42 44 40 42 44 okay but before this the Bible says and the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they came down and took wives for themselves now I want you to think about it there's a difference between sons of God and angels when you're talking right there angelic beings but not angel I will show you out I will show you how scripture right now let me explain it to you angels real angels not angelic beings angels don't possess a material body like ours that is what the Lord Jesus said in heaven you will be like the angels who don't have children they don't marry they don't conceive inside of heaven okay there are different kinds of angelic beings and then they're angels who are purely spirit so their substance is spiritual even though they can motive manifest themselves in a material world so an angel can come as a human being and you will eat with you but you would disappear after he's done you won't find them because they are not of this world but the sons of God so that the daughters of men were beautiful and they came angels don't come they appear and disappear because an angel can be here he will be in another dimension where you don't seem and then you make himself visible to this demon so this sons of God were not of this world but this angelic being somehow someway they have sperm that is similar to the one that human beings possess that they can make a human being pregnant so meaning that they're beings that were similar their DNA is almost similar to men that is why when they had children with the daughters of men they came out abnormal they came out Giants they are not like regular human beings not in order now I'm going to I'm going to a place maybe I because some people you know sometimes I don't like talking about these things because people will misunderstand it completely read the read the scripture that I just gave you read that again one more time ok celestial bodies meaning that these bodies are not made from earthly material they are made from another substance and then embodies terrestrial and bodies terrestrial the glory of the celestial what what is glory the reflection of God the the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another is another yes so it's telling you there are different kinds of bodies ok let me ask you a question let me just make it easy go to Ezekiel chapter number 2 are you there she said by the in the year that King Uzziah died is that it yes the chapter chapter on I usually yeah okay I'll find it for you right now it's uh oh it sighs there it says a six-story sighs they're Chapter six okay in the year okay are we sorry hold on hold on hold on hold on I I think it's Ezekiel I'm hold on give me one second I'll find it for you okay oh no it's easy chapter number one Ezekiel chapter number one begin from verse three Ezekiel chapter number one from verse three the hand of the Lord was there upon him a brightness of the fire came the likeness of four living creatures okay now I want you to read that in an IV remember what you just read I want you to grab something NIV and look at it I want people to see it so that they don't feel like it's just gibberish and then I will stop yes that start from last three and the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest the son of Busey mm-hmm if I keep our river in the land Babylonians uh-huh they're the hand of the Lord was on mm-hmm I looked and I saw a windstorm i Winstone I'm coming out of the north coming out of the north and the Mint's cloud was flashing like lightning in surrounding by brilliant lights huh the sinner of the fire looked like glowing metal looked like what glowing matter now remember he saw a world wind yes coming and then he saw lights flashing like Lightning flashing now I want you to build this picture so world wind coming inside it he saw lights flashing and then when he looked he saw something that looked like metal keep breathing keep breathing keep breathing and in the fire was what look like four living creatures in appearance their form was human but each of them had four faces in four week okay my question is this if this if they're angelic beings if they're angels if they're angels like the ones that don't possess like a physical appearance why are they using something to fly to come to Ezekiel I [Music] thought wings I thought angels use portholes and hinges yes they did use a portal but how did they why did they need why did they need a a chariot remember what people don't understand when they hear a chariot of fire they think of all the they think of at the one that horses right no remember in that time the only thing that moved like a car or looked like it could carry people they would call it at so if it is in our time you say an unidentified flying object we won't say we won't say a chariot anything it looks like metal Elijah is about to go and something happens remember Elijah is with a physical body the Bible says and a chariot appeared and separated Elijah from Elijah and Elijah entered the world wind and he was gone so Elijah wasn't taken by a chariot he entered a world wind you're not really using imagination let me stop let me just be let's go back let's go back I don't want to talk about this let's go back we can talk about this it will cause some people you know the problem is some people have weak spiritual hearts it will faint it is craziness do you think you are the only one God knows we are the crown of God's creation for sure but God is a creator think about this there's angels that have eyes all over their body six wings how does does I even look normal well let's let's move on my prayer for you is this tomorrow when I come I'll teach you how to remain in this spirit because unless you stay in there you're not growing let me pray father I bless everybody that is on I bless each and every one of them I pray Lord Jesus that you give them the understanding of the things of the Spirit that they may grow in the realms of the Spirit that they may come to know you beyond the flesh that they may know you as the way the truth and the life that they may know you who you truly are Oh Lord my God the creator of all things the source of all things open them father to the truth of your word that they may become champions that will deliver many in this world father I pray that their lives will be changed that from this day they will walk in the spirit so that they don't fulfill the lust of the flesh father I thank you that this is done for each and every one of them all those who are giving multiply them in the name of Jesus amen so now let me finish with this walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh so if your life is in that world this world will will be a supporter of what you do in that room if you live your life in the flesh then you're not moving forward in that room this physical life is is is empowered by what you have in the spirit it's the source of the life of this world so if you live in that world the things of the world of this world will not affect you that's why it says excuse me says walk in the spirit so meaning you can walk there so it's a place I'm done bless everybody subscribe share and and see you again tomorrow blessings may be superstay you will join me again tomorrow bless everybody in Jesus name Amen and amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on while you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone he's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking Jenny's just me let me oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an M just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this think Larry host of improv II - a la carte le monde' profaned in kishna gusta la vaca LeMond Dilip rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Sulaiman oil thing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears in your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his my weight in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace beffre to stay Akala Vanderlip Ronda dia LeClair yo stuff radically Kista Avoca talam and a lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me free Tita a Tuvok Asuka provide eeeh a Monday langa title opera Delica okappa pockety Lamond le pran defecate a Zilla Cuccia may Flavia assumed a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela costa brava kush de korabik on telly telly bas ovary Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale Akash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday cap risotto LeMond delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oi ting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declares a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] when the Lord Jesus was announced to be the savior of the world now you notice what happened to David is happening to Jesus David is announced to be king a shepherd boy Jesus is called the Good Shepherd but Jesus is called a Good Shepherd before he has any Cairo and David is not it does not have his own sheep is looking after his own father's sheep but the same code is anointing both people when they are not yet what they are supposed to be you may not look like where you're going right now you may not seem like you are where you're supposed to be but I'm here to tell you you are in the right place at the right time with the right handling and at the proper time you shall be lifted up and God will show what he was doing in the sit sit sit sit sit
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 12,424
Rating: 4.9548531 out of 5
Keywords: prophet lovy, prophet lovy longomba, prophet lovy elias, lovy, lovy longomba, prophet lovy l elias
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 26sec (5486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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