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know that the lord jesus will bless us increase us and and he will show himself to be truly true because he is god after all and he's all god by himself amen now i'm talking about physical sight physical side if you're ready just type i am ready and then let's get those fires going i want people to go fire fire fire i feel this one in my spirit amen i feel this one in my spirit amen i feel this one deeply in my spirit amen extremely in my spirit ah this is going to be too much it's going to be too much okay i see people saying they are ready they are ready is my sound okay am i sounding okay okay good i don't the people of god to miss this yeah so facebook share youtube share let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we are ready now now now i want you to hear me and hear me well so when you see me looking not at the camera just know that i'm looking at your comments now what is sight sight is the ability to see now we have spiritual sight we have physical sight and we have insight all of them are form of sight amen but the reason why the holy spirit spoke to me this morning and before i came i was talking to my daughter esther who is the producer and coordinator of everything that is happening and and uh and i i called i told her i'm going to teach about physical sight because i have to let them know so that they can get ready and stuff usually i come through earlier many times it's last minute but she has to kind of make it work with the rest of the team young musa and uncle lucky all of them getting everything together auntie helene you know and the bishop jail school yeah but god is good but watch this now physical sight now there are things that god created and there are things that man made an example is this this chair we are sitting on right now yeah was created by a man who probably was tired of sitting down on the floor too long yeah so he saw something in his mind what if i make something that is more comfortable to sit like this what will it be made of he saw the chair in his mind he went out looked for different material maybe he started with wood with stone and realized this is too much work but you can sit on it maybe he went as fast getting wood and carving it then later on somebody else came after the system of making a chair was done yes somebody else came in and innovated chairs yes put cushion make it stylish now it became more it was no longer making the chair right that's good it was now innovating the chair but the fact is you cannot innovate what has not been made and you cannot make without creating that's good that's real good now i wish somebody could hear what i'm saying people used to walk a distance then they realized this animal called horse runs really fast they did not create speed right they created a chariot put it on a horse and when the horses ran the chariot carried men and some people even rode on the horse then many years later a man called elon musk came along he said let me innovate transportation somebody created an engine using a gasoline or petrol depending on where you are in the world he said no i will use battery no one will need to go to the gas station anymore amen amen so he did not invent a car right he did not he did not he did not create a car but he invented innovation yes in transportation so he he invented or or innovated the mechanics of a car understood amen yeah i want everybody that is watching right now to understand something very profound what you have in your life is because you saw it wow amen i'll say it one more time what you have in your life is because you saw it that's deep yeah maybe some people are not understanding what i just said everything that you have you see this is the backwardness that we have we pray and say oh lord bless me with this and we wait to see it yet that is an error because physical sight doesn't work like that yes amen you can never bring something that is material without seeing it immaterial yeah you see so many people don't understand they are praying for innovation but they are not creating yeah yeah that's good that's good i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm here with you i'm here with you you see your neighbor was blessed with a curse so you innovate the prayer by saying god give me a lamborghini because he has a ferrari so now you have innovated prayer but you have not created right what you need in your life according to the mind and the will of god yeah amen you see man you know a man man was a check youtube please facebook man was created to be like god amen man was created to be like god man was not created to be an innovation of god [Music] man was created to be like god yes to be like so the strength of a man is not in innovation but in creation amen that's good i wish somebody could understand that that's good that is why it does not matter how great you are your greatness will never come to pass until you create something that you'll be remembered for yes innovators are recognized but they are not remembered because there is somebody who will always innovate better than you yeah but the person who started it come on that's good papa that's good i feel like somebody's not listening to me you know why jesus christ our lord and savior is truly god compared to all other religions he did not innovate he created the path to salvation yes amen he did what nobody else did he lived the way nobody lived to prove that god is truly with me and man can be saved by god amen amen that's good i i don't know if somebody's understanding this let me show you something let's go to the book of hebrews you're going to read this my son hebrews chapter 11 verse 3. i'm going to mess somebody up in a second right amen amen hebrews 11 3 ready through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear one more time through faith we understand stop right there so what is faith faith is the understanding of substance that cannot be seen so faith itself you see when people hear now faith is the substance of things hoped for but the evidence of things not seen it is not telling you that faith is substance is telling you faith has the knowledge of substance that cannot be here yeah that's good so faith is the knowledge of what others cannot see yes amen amen i don't know if somebody's understanding what i'm saying now faith is the substance of things hoped for it is not saying faith is the substance of everything he's saying faith is the substance of anything you're hoping for faith has the knowledge has the access for you to get it because faith releases you into the knowing of what already has been created amen hallelujah the only problem is you're not able to see it so you're not able to have it wow let me give you an example before we go deeper huh if you are believing god for a child and you're married you are praying you're fasting you're praying 40 days and 40 nights for one year praying and fasting praying and fasting yes but you're not going into your husband or going into your life you will never have a baby [Music] because the path to receiving that baby is for you two meeting together yes amen and laying together amen then up there will be a side effect a baby will be produced yes so we are trying to gain things by not following the protocol of receiving those things i feel like i'm talking to myself i hear you talking to us you're talking to us your capacity yeah is frustrated or connected to your ability to see wow physical sight does not work without spiritual sight let me give you an example spiritual sight produces insight if i show you a picture yeah and you have never seen that thing your brain will not know what it is even though you're looking at it yes but if you're told like an example is when we were children we used to do this a lot you go outside and and and you see clouds somebody else will look at that same cloud they will see a lion yeah somebody else will look at that same cloud they will see a bear somebody else will look at that same cloud and see an ego somebody will look at it and not see anything just clouds what is making them see different things is insight yes yes yes it is insight according to the memories they have made yeah by what they have seen growing up yes so if i have seen a lot of bears anything that can remind me of the bear that is the sight i will receive when i look at that blank thing that i nobody else said i will see something that others cannot say yeah that's good then i have to explain it you see i said look look at the nausea does it not look like a bear i am not saying it is a bear right i'm saying does it not look like yes meaning it bro draws a resemblance to yes that's good but that resemblance is only you can see because you know what you're comparing it to amen that's good so the issue now what are you seeing what is your physical side it means everything that is materializing around you is what you saw wow that's good wow you will never move into a neighborhood you never saw when you're looking for an apartment or looking for a home to buy you can only live where you visited yeah amen amen you get on a bus because you saw somebody getting on a bus now you get on it [Music] how do you activate how do you receive things in the physical there is no such thing as receiving in the physical come on what you see is what you create yes that's good that's good when god was creating in genesis now now let me explain to you yeah what creating means creating means i am creating i am making something out of nothing that is why it does not say god will create a way where there is no way yes he says god will make one yes it means that according to everybody's sight according to everybody's insight yeah yeah it is impossible yes this is for anybody to walk through there but god because he's a creator he will make a way why is he making a way not creating a way [Music] because the material to create is already there so he just has to make it that is what the bible says god created man but you read genesis chapter two he says god formed man yes so there is a difference between forming something and creating something so when god said let us make man in our image and likeness god did not see nothing until he formed it yes i feel like i i feel like somebody is not getting what i'm saying i get it i get it so forgot to see man yeah he saw him when he could not materialize him yeah wow that's good remember god is framing his words meaning he's capturing what he said yeah and putting it together yeah when you say i want a miracle what are you doing to get that miracle you're talking about because unless you have the capacity to frame what you saw you will not have a path to gaining it wow that's good i want to go to the best schools you don't study which the best school is going to accept [Laughter] i just know my husband is going to be 6'5 but you're in the house you don't go to nba games where tall people are found is it not true if you just walk look it will be by accident you'll stay six five six seven six eight these are you find them in such people are found in in their athletes most of them yeah amen it's only randomly you find somebody gifted by god like that and he's sitting at home that one run away from something is wrong you want a godly man but you're going to the club he has to be filled with the holy ghost but you go to the club to find him come on i want i want a sister in christ i want i want a sister that loves god so much but you keep going to places where there is only drama she has to be quiet you never went to the library i'm just being honest so what are you framing your words are not doing anything yeah yeah so you to frame something what does it mean to frame it means i understand the location that this can be found yes i am narrowing down where my miracle is yes yes framing means i am narrowing down where my options are yeah uh let's let's go offline i feel like people are not appreciated we're listening that's good i want so much love in my life but you're selfish you have no capacity to frame the miracle and that proves that you never saw it because if you see it and you frame it it means you understand what it takes to get it amen god said let us make man in our image genesis chapter 1 verse 27 let him have dominion over the fish of the sea over this over that overdose over this over this over that but do you realize in genesis chapter 2 when god was forming everything not creating yeah but forming everything he formed man the last one because he had to frame every thing that man was going to live in if he made if he formed man outside the framing man could not exist yeah so your miracle cannot exist your breakthrough cannot exist unless you frame the circumference or or the dimensions in which it can survive in it's like taking a fish and taking it out of the sea bringing it home in a fishbowl and removing it out of a fishbowl you put it on a table and you say swim fishy you see it flapping thinking it's swimming yet it's dying yeah yeah wow so many have killed their miracles destroyed their miracles because they don't know how to frame their sons and daughters that have been with prophet elias for a while god is my witness they are all successful anyone that thought that and i'm not saying i'm the only one who can do this please don't mistake i'm just trying to show you something some will start they start getting blessed they will get up and say ah they will go somewhere else all of a sudden everything dries up yeah yeah what they used to get what used to work is no longer working but they don't understand is that they removed themselves out of the frame that god framed them to have their breakthroughs and their miracles i was talking to my son will and he was talking about one of his friends uh um on a show that they had done many many many times and he was like this friend was saying ah i need i need to go back to papalo because i i feel like the grace is dried up it was like what are you doing are you getting one of them yeah because this other it's back to back to back yeah it's because you understand you see for you to get what you want you frame it and then you also see where god has framed you to be uh-huh amen that's good amen that's good i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying jesus framed his disciples and his disciples framed themselves amen that's good if you ever see somebody who's just and god wanted me to be here in this season then the next season somewhere else then the next season but they never impact anyone they never do anything that produces anything you have to understand god never sent them god never spoke to them they are looking for what will stick for them to say that god said true it's true it's true i remember one time i was asking this years ago how do do i know that spaghetti is ready they say just grab one throw it against the wall if it sticks then it's good i don't know if somebody's getting this so now ask yourself a question are you waiting for the manifestation or you're in the wrong place and you framed your miracle the wrong way god told abraham get out of your father's house yeah get out of your people go on to a land i will show you that's why i will make you the father of all nations if you remain home do you think that would have happened you want freedom in the land of bondage it can never happen come on freedom can only be found when you leave bondage yes amen amen amen good god bless me with cars you're still in an apartment he said god give me a house with a big lot so that i may have many cars you see we are praying backwards we don't understand how to frame things to be secured lord bless me with the most gorgeous wife yet you don't have direction you have no destiny you have no house where are you going to keep her god give me the most amazing husband you have no skills to be a helpmate when he's building how will that work every picture has a different size it means it needs a different frame wow that's good that's deep you can't frame every picture with the same frame yeah amen amen if you stretch a small picture to fit in a big frame it will become pixelated it will not be clear yeah the problem is it is easy to bring big pictures into a small frame because that's the frame of fear if god made it big why are you putting it in a small frame jesus he will not look distorted in fact it will not be distorted it will maintain yeah but it will never be up to what god wanted it to be some people didn't get that i don't think so you know so many people can relate to pictures now because because everybody has a cell phone everybody's taking selfies a big picture yeah can be framed in a small frame you will not lose anything will just not live up to its potential because it will be something that people cannot really see [Music] but a small picture you can never blow it up that is why living large while you are broke never works don't desire the appearance of riches desire wealth amen that's good that's good don't desire the appearance of greatness yeah become great yeah yeah yeah yeah amen the funny thing is this when you're acting or pretending to be something it's always fake yeah it will always look fake and you go in your bed and i i don't know if you remember the last time where i think uh uh that a prophet you are with us we went to we went shopping uh prophet mike prophet mike was even you were there prophet mike was there and and you are the i don't know if mike was there but watch this we went we went to the store and this i'm shopping okay i'm sorry but i'm not sorry i was shopping for myself the way i laughed amen with my own heart and money wrong with that i have i cannot even apologize for it so i'm buying some things i'm in the store and and and ellen goes with me a lot and even um uh young musa goes with me a lot and and we get uh we get in the store and i'm i'm picking up stuff and this and this this guy's just walking i'm about to drop 30 racks in here listen i could oh you just window shopping you know what i mean yeah y'all don't know nothing i mean they're gucci so i'm just me i'm busy they're fitting me doing all these things yeah yeah yeah i don't even have just listen i have a whole continent yeah you have a whole continent bro so they're hyping themselves up and then and then they they're working on this i don't even like any of these things they caused so much commotion in two seconds i'll leave a like and i was like wow there is something that prophet prophet dr apostle baba benad said to me he said this he said the lack of money is just as bad as the love of money somebody who lacks money is willing to do anything for money and somebody who loves money is willing to do anything for money both of them are bad but why is this all happening because people are delusional the person who has more they framed they understood that you know in the world we call it knowing your lane yeah there is general picture frames that you can frame yourself into but you realize very soon you don't fit yeah you're just going by life what is it that thou art seen that's great from the beginning of our ministry from the genesis from the house the name never evolved nothing was ever innovated we are just seeing what we saw we are being framed out daily just kind of amen amen amen we restructure ourselves to receive more of what god has done we restructure ourselves because we have already seen the vision of what god wants yes please read that hebrews 11 3 again amen hebrews 11 and 3. it reads as it loads jesus it reads through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so many of you want things that appear to prove that you have seen it yeah yet the real miracle will be because it will come out of nowhere nobody will expect it no one will understand it but you know it is happening because faith made you see what others cannot see your faith gave you insight beyond what man can perceive amen amen i don't know how many men of god have called me the same prophet how did you do it i don't know any other way i just went after what god told us to do amen you know me and mike and even my son jt we sat down today jt i walked in the office like i just realized like man how far god has brought us we think about that all the time but if you think about the vision's always been the same yes amen the things we are seeing now when you see uh 30 people coming from out of town to be in service for one day these are things we spoke about in the house a long time ago amen our time is coming people from everywhere will come to look amen amen you know there are people who say you sit in their status end time prophet prophet to the nation yet you have never left your neighborhood is it what you are saying about yourself or is it what god said about you you see when you know what god said about you even if it is prophet to to to the neighborhood you'll be the most successful prophet everyone will come to that neighborhood amen but we are trying to blow up a picture that is not in the frame that is not the size of the frame we're trying to fit into yeah yeah that is why we are seeing people going ahead of their time and destroying themselves in ministry and in life you're going faster you are trying to become bigger i've seen like this especially in ministry i've seen young men of god already they're acting like they have but you see suit you say you're trying to wear a nice suit but it's still struggling please just wear at your level you know there's something that uh uh uh papa angel said he said this he said you know enjoy life according to where you are now tomorrow it will be better yeah don't try to outdo yourself yeah that's good let's say if if um god was going to send a business partner to you there is somebody me and you know very well he's always speaking big game every time you speak to him his name dropping name calling and all these great things but never really closes deals [Music] i met with so and so we sat down you know my company is this but if you really look into the company you realize that the mouthpiece it's bigger than the frame yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow i'm just being honest being honest when god is lifting you up it is better for you to be where you are then you get the partners that will get you to where you're supposed to be amen you're acting like you have billions then if so god was sending a billionaire to invest in your company on to invest in your project but you're already acting like you have it and he knows that you don't have yourself this one will destroy let me not give let me not support let me not be an investor let me not be a partner this person doesn't know where they are going they are trying to build beyond that now yeah even angels of god let me tell you an absolute truth please some of you angels of god were sent can i say something yes do you know who tests believers you know it's not god in essence it is god but it is not god jesus whenever you pray for a miracle you pray for a blessing the angel of god that will be sent to you he will be the one who will measure to see if you are ready to have it i'll prove it to you in the scriptures because remember angels are there to protect the interests of god not you right amen i know somebody is shocked genesis 22 genesis chapter 22 genesis chapter 22 verse 11 from verse 11. genesis 22 from verse 11. listen to this remember angel demons tempt you angels test you read listen to this from verse 11 genesis 22 11 and the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here am i and he said lay not thine hand upon thy upon the lead neither do thou anything unto him for now i know that thou fearest god wait so the angel was waiting to see if abraham really fears god it's good yes he was abraham really loves god yeah yeah if abraham really would obey god so the angel is the one who told him hey take your son and offer him yes that's good revelation wow that's serious i'm sorry i i feel like i'm talking to myself i know many of you you think you know these things but i promise you before god very few people know these things [Music] please start again from verse 10 from verse 10 and abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here am i and he said lay not thy hand upon the lag neither do anything unto him for i now know that thou fearest god seeing thou has not withheld thy son thine only son from me notice the angel is saying now i know you really love god you fear god because you did not keep that child from me now i can give you what god says that you need to get uh so the angel of god knew if this man is going to be the father of all nations but is not willing to sacrifice his son to gain a whole nation he is not a father that's good because remember abraham is the picture of god yes yes wow you didn't get what it was called abraham is the picture of god giving jesus so god is saying can i really bring jesus into the world through this man yeah yeah let me see if he can capture the picture that i'm capturing i want to give my son for all humanity but he wants to be the channel that will get all these children they'll be credited to him let me see if he's really qualified for it angel go deal with him yeah wow so the angel comes and says uh give me your son god is saying abraham takes his son he's about to say hey abraham now i know you love god and you fear god because you did not keep your child from me that's good wow that's good that is why abraham is called father abraham meaning sauce yes yes yes the sauce called abraham yes amen father simply means sauce it doesn't mean man but the greatest sauce only produced one child so just because you produce something small you don't understand that it is a big seed so you framed it small because it was the only thing you produced not understanding that that thing is supposed to become something bigger come on can i have my screen back because it's gone keep typing fire let's see let's see i'm about to finish about to finish i am about to finish [Music] i feel it in my soul i don't know if somebody's hearing me or catching me amen santo almighty jesus thou art beautiful and amazing amen my son i don't know if this makes sense you wanna can you elaborate a little bit it's it's making sense papa is it's uh it's making so much sense because when we look at when we look at our lives i look at my life just reflecting on the things that you're saying and i realize you're even making me see okay mike my son adjust this a little bit adjust that a little bit and i see that it is it is simply the way that we view it that is going to allow us to capture it so when i realize that i need to see things according to how i desire them to be and and put it in proper perspective then i realize that i can obtain it because i can now view what is actually substance and i can now walk towards it and i'll begin to possess it so that's that's that's that's deep that's steve it's too deep so so i was i was i went to i went to my son lee's house and when i arrived at my son lee's house and i walked into his house saw his wife saw his sons sons and and daughter and he showed me the living room showed me the backyard the wife took me to the backyard the kitchen showed me their master bedroom showed me another bedroom and then they looked at little isaac they said isaac show papa your room papa i'll show you my room took me to his room the little guy taking and i remembered a year before they were in an apartment in one room where when the children played the woman downstairs was banging bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang saying ah you guys are making too much noise this this this they're saying ah god because they were in a better apartment they went to this small place god what what is going on i say guys relax god is cooking amen before you knew it before you understood it i wish that neighbor was banging the top would understand that he was actually telling them your picture is bigger than this yeah yeah yeah [Applause] you need to go some of you don't know people are trying to kick you out people are hating on you is your pictures too big for where you are right now that same woman is still in the same apartment but the other guys are in a mention now they have their their backyard is a football field and i'm not talking about a house in texas right right right somewhere in in mississippi i'm talking about l.a in woodland hills perfectly relaxed yeah yeah yeah you look you say ah i walked in there i said there is god in heaven amen sitting at his dinner table the wife cooked crazy food i was like i sat down and said shine kabbalah amen amen i remember i went to visit my son will and i got to will's house i felt so comfortable say that papa wha what you wanna i said no no just give me the carpet i just laid down in there in their second living room or the sun room yeah coming from apartment to having places where you have another living you have the main entertainment place and then you have another living room that is just you access out you are in the big year i just laid on the carpet i said god you are god i am laying on the capitol of my son and my daughter him and randy remembering when sometimes when they when they give me seeds just from not towards the church they'll come and just appreciate me they say papa you remember when you paid rent i'm like what you are able to produce now to honor me me coming to your house and laying down i'm just like there is god in heaven yes amen amen i remember i'm just trying to show you that your picture frame don't don't just because your picture you you produce something small remember but you know what i love about the olden days when people used to take pictures there was a dark room that you needed to produce yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah some people escaped the dark room yeah yeah yeah because when the picture is being developed nobody can see it so everybody is just all over the place that's so good don't rush your process please when i look at my son todd and cavalina same thing they were renting they were renting them one day have you ever guys thought about just because they were tired of where they were they said our son has to go to another school we're having a baby we can't remain in this place by by by the faith of god meaning they saw something that they saw that was beyond what they could produce at that time they said we're moving to woodland hills they moved to landeels they started renting a house then one day i said guys have you ever thought of buying the house you're in he said you know i will talk to they talk to the person the person saying yeah i'll sell it before you know it they bought the house that has another house that now their landlords if they want they can rent another house you're sitting here like this you're like amen god what is this amen they are like maybe we can turn it into an audition room that we just film our things or we could rent it or what i'm not talking inside their house yeah yeah yeah yeah swimming pool yard and another this is why i always tell people this and there are many others i mean the stories don't end we can keep going i just picked a handful there's another one looking at me right now looking at me face to face he showed me what is already in escrow i'm looking i'm like everybody's cl is crying amen scandemic plandemi he's telling me papa we are going into escrow i'm like hey jesus there is another one again they say but we found what we like i'm just looking i'm like amen you sit and you realize you sit down and you realize but the frame they had to change was because there was somebody who can see what they can see to tell them listen your your picture is bigger than the frame that it is in remember a big picture is easy to be shrunk and put in a small frame and it will not be pixelated but a small picture can never be blown up it will be picked so later amen it will not hold together i am prophesying to everybody that is watching right now receive put your hands on your head put put both your hands on your head may god reveal to you the greatness of the picture of life that he has deposited in you so that you may understand the extent of the framing you need to cut amen amen i received everything that god made for you i receive i receive the bible says ask me for the nations and i will make it your inheritance you are praying for an apartment yet you should be asking for houses so if you pray just to get an apartment you will not be able to frame what god has for you yeah yeah i feel it in my spirit i wish somebody would hear what i'm saying amen how you give speaks to where you're going yeah if there's one thing that uh uh uh i was watching my my sons and daughters the way they give you unders whenever i see them changing their giving i understand that they know where they are going i already know where they are going now their miracle is at hand that's amen anyone who does not sacrifice does not understand the greatness of the vision does not understand the greatness of the vision it's impossible have you ever met somebody that believes to be a millionaire but doesn't work doesn't sacrifice their time with their friends with their homies with their girlfriends anyone who is going to make millions will be so focused working yeah they will not have they will tell their friends listen we'll hang out soon right now i gotta do this the problem is you put your sacrifices in things that don't produce so people think that you see the bible says that be a living sacrifice they don't understand what that means they think it means to live pure for god no that's not the sacrifice living pure doesn't please god it pleases you it benefits you purity benefits you it doesn't benefit god what the think about it like this you being pure how does it help god right who does he really benefit it benefits you because it puts you in a position that you can receive from god but being sacrificial means that i am available for anything that god will demand i'll put myself on the line yeah yeah amen that's what being a living sacrifice is i know so many pure people that never give anything to god i know so many pure people that don't help anybody that's why jesus put the good samaritan and the priests the priests were at the temple offering offerings to god every day they saw somebody hurt they passed him a devout christian passed him yeah yeah a samaritan was just going to do business looked at him and felt sorry took him into an inn and told the guy hey take care of him take this money when i come back this way i'll give you more to take care of him it showed the greatness of this man purity doesn't mean you are sacrificial but giving sacrifices proves that you're sacrificial yeah amen amen amen amen do you sacrifice your sleep to be in prayer till morning of you fast because you want a breakthrough not so that you can be useful in god's hands jesus oh lord jesus where are you with god what is it that you're seeing what you did not see spiritually you will not understand the cost of it therefore you will not see it physically what you see spiritually is confirmed by what it will take to get it yeah anyone who said god showed me that i'll have a big house but you have no pla game plan nothing god didn't speak your mind spoke to you it's just a desire because when god speaks to you you have the urgency to figure out how can i frame this because you understand that is where the grace is that's good this is why thursday night prophetic service is deep amen that is why having a prophet is an advantage even though you need even don't listen to me clearly the best prophet of your life is you amen i am just a a shortcut but i can't be there for everybody let's be honest i'll prophesy deep to anyone that i can but if there are 100 people i can prophesy to all of them yeah right right right i prophesy to as many as possible the best prophet of your life is you yeah are you willing to do what it will take to receive are you willing are you willing i feel like i'm laughing with myself jesus jesus i don't know if you have something to add my son papa i think you i think you've said it all right i think you said it all it's just good i'm taking it in you you know one thing my son that i realized is that it is dangerous to frame a man do you know why they say that when you commit a crime that you didn't do they say they framed you did they make sense now yeah yeah i was framed but satan said the whole picture so well that it looks like you really did it some of you satan framed you to think that you'll never be more than what you are jesus you accepted him to give you a mug shot six two you never amount to anything ah smell somebody typed the devil is a liar him and his mother and his aunties the devil is a liar human his mother [Music] jesus so when other people see how many people doubted that this would be possible for us to be in our building they did not understand that this is not even the full picture yeah these are still not fit into the frame come on come on come on the frame is like this what you're seeing like this right now is this on the corner the picture is not full big frame like this what you're seeing now that it's something somebody will achieve after they have been 30 years in ministry some even 30 years they don't even have anything that's true but for us it's just a speck on the picture amen because that picture will be fulfilled after all of you have achieved what god has for you come on amen the picture is not this building the fullness of the picture is the buildings and the buildings you will own the businesses you will own the breakthroughs you will have yeah the families you will build the bigger houses of god that will build together yeah yeah that is the fullness of it right now we are not even there the millions of souls will save all that will fit into that frame amen that's good do you have you ever heard when people die they say their life flashes before them heard that it's actually true when you die you pay account for everything you are shown exactly what you did but you are not just shown what you did because it's sinful no it is compared to the destiny that god set for you did you fit into the picture frame or not that is what determines whether you make it or not jesus let me finish when your life is put before you yeah yeah have you ever heard we have fallen short of the glory of god meaning that the glory of god is like this we have made it to below jesus god wants that bar to rise come on that's too deep i think some people still don't get it listen to me now is your moment yeah yeah god is watching your heart amen what do you believe that god has for you what are you believing to see from god what instruction are you awaiting to receive this is your opportunity now prove god that you're ready for where god is taking you proof god that you can be trusted with the match that he has prepared for you amen go right now to prophet grab your seed and empower it by your prayer and i want you to grab a seed with the number seven divine completion divine completion six is the number of men but man's purpose was revealed when it entered into the seventh day god rested because the work was done divine rest grab a seed with number seven maybe seven hundred seven thousand seven billion seven trillion grab what means let it cost you from your heart say lord expand my vision let me see where you're taking me give me the game plan to achieve the frame to capture what you have given me it is not enough to say i have big dreams if you can't capture them there will be just dreams you wake up and it never happened go quickly and do it if you're not going to do it prayerfully don't do it this is not a quick a get rich quick scheme no if you're not going to pray don't do it do it if you're going to pray go quickly and do it and then we'll come back and we'll finish with prayer as fast as you can do every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] uh [Music] out of my worst you give me grace trade my peace show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that i need [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh you without you god i am [Music] jesus [Music] wherever you want me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] me i could never get enough i just fought more in love every day with you tell me all your mysteries [Music] oh [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] secret um [Music] up i just wanna get closer i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna true [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you now baby [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now god bless you god bless you i hope that you are extremely blessed by what you heard today by the mercies of god your life will never be the same because the mind of god is that god would perfect you in every good thing that you may achieve the fullness of what god has destined for you so i want us to pray together right now i want us to pray together father in the name of your son jesus i thank you for your mercy your grace i thank you for who you are yes i thank you for what you have done and what you continue to do in everyone's life that is watching yes lord the reason why we are alive right now is you have ordained life unto us you have chosen that we be alive today and by doing so far it means that the work in our lives that you are doing is not done yes father we don't only desire to be good stewards of what you give us but we want to be those who will run the race to the end yes father you have called us to be stewards of nations of people yes but father we have limited it to ourselves and our families jesus we have not embraced the fullness of the greatness that you have called us to be father i pray that our capacities will be increased yes our abilities will be expanded yes and that will be energized to do as you have called us to do father we thank you that this day no demon no frame of the enemy no frame of our ancestors no frames of our fathers and mothers of our situations of our circumstances is going to keep us yes small when you have called us to be big yes amen let those things that have held us back be broken in the name of your son jesus jesus in the name of jesus jesus father thank you father thank you that you alone is god in the name of your son jesus amen amen the presence of god was too much jesus listen your life will never be the same some of you need to watch this message again you need to allow it to sink into you for you to really comprehend what god wants you to do amen i bless you i thank my son mike for being with me and i love you all but remember the lord jesus loves you way more than you will ever understand or no blessings and peace in jesus name amen you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,335
Rating: 4.9577165 out of 5
Id: M5A1mEGFuz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 15sec (4455 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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