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in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great function of worship upon you she's not what I don't know why I saw an S spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand this my name what is it to say dial this number five - to another to another to ask what is ma RT like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name just Omega Paul potassium mama who has the name that starts with an O because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your forehead it began with how do you say what's the whole earnings Oh Linus do you know anybody called Michael I will be her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I've two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dears how many steps they make you the clay I'm looking for has an M in their name Claire Moniz run we need to cancel cancer in the realm of the Spirit I saw this person's life that I mentioned and because of that is that the truth I don't know why in the realm of the Spirit when you're standing back there I heard a name like Marik in fact the name is connected to like a similar name that you have you have - why do I see two men standing by you were you married before once twice three times grab a rope else out in the realm of the Spirit I saw this virtual son of Samuel not soul food it stammered you know they I don't know why when I looked at you I saw Mary's cousin Mary Elizabeth yep who is Christian I saw somebody else in French I'll say Jean my name is Janine what is like an M I'm seeing like it's like a traditional name [Music] I saw a woman with a name that starts with that T but this is like it is in Babu not somebody from me I know it turn around one who is that smilax know and a ticket I saw a link jump from you and what was your feeling [Music] I don't know why I saw Drake the musician and then I saw a person like I don't know if it's Warren Oh what's your dad's name [Music] [Applause] in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great function of worship upon you she's the what I don't know why I saw an S spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand this my name what is it to say prefer dial this number five to to another to another to ask what is Artie like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name just call me Paul professional mama who as an intercessor than old because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your voice began with how do you sing what's the whole learnings all honest do you know anybody called Michael I will believe her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I've two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children do how many steps they make you the clay I'm looking for has an M in their name Claire Moniz run we need to cancel cancer in the realm of the Spirit I saw this person's life that I mentioned and because of that is that the truth I don't know why in the realm of the Spirit when you're standing back there I heard a name like Marik in fact the name is connected to like a similar name that you have you have - why do I see two men standing by you why you married before once twice three times Bravo Kershaw in the realm of the Spirit I saw the spiritual son of Samuel not so who did stammered you know they I don't know why when I looked at you I saw Mary's cousin Mary Elizabeth yep who is Christian my cousin I saw somebody else in French Alsatians renina what is like an M I'm seeing like it's like a traditional name [Music] I saw a woman with a name that starts with that team but this is like it is in Bob way not somebody from here I know it turn around one who is that she's my ex one day I saw a link jump from and what was your feeling Robeson I don't know why I saw Drake the musician and then I saw a person like I don't know if it's Warren oh what's your dad's name [Music] [Music] [Music] you Oh Cap'n away from your embrace I may fall but your Stacey [Music] you're the only one for me you are Mikey he I can never turn from you my everything my my [Music] my [Music] my eye what kind of love is this my heart is overseeing what kind of [Music] breath of life the light better never fails lead me on you are the only way hey when you are strong is my you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything [Music] my [Music] my my what kind of is my heart and soul we'll see what kind of love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but your father compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a funny profile worthy wonderful or some powerful dory glory to you my heart sings her feet stop drinking god of glory glory to you to worship and if my eyes to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor there's no I just like you know I live - I don't understand your love you so pretty sure you surround me with your grace so much forgiving the way that I've been in you change in the fall I didn't know who I could be to you show me worthy wonderful or some power dori glory to you my heart sings bird feed shop ringing God of everything glory glory [Music] [Music] Oh Oh run away from your embrace I may fall but your Stacy [Music] you're the only one for me you are Mikey he I can never turn from you my everything my my [Music] my [Music] my eye what kind of is this my heart is overseeing what kind of [Music] I I have breath of life the light that never fails lead me on you are me oh hey when I am weak you are strong [Music] is my home you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything my my my [Music] my I what kind of is my heart and soul will say what kind of love [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but you're full of compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a finding profile worthy wonderful or some powerful dory glory to you my heart sings her feet stop drinking god of glory glory to you [Music] - were sure and if my nice to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor there's no one else like you know I live - I don't understand your love be so crazy sure you surround me with your grace somewhere forgiving the way that I've been in you changing the phone I didn't know who I could be - you show me worthy wonderful or some power glory glory to you my heart sings bird feed stop ringing God of everything glory glory [Music] [Music] god bless everybody this is profit low V and I'm blessed to be with you this evening and I'm gonna be speaking to you while the why the ocultist prosper more than believers this is a very sensitive topic and I am surprised with myself why I'm teaching this but I believe that God wants people to be blessed and God wants people to prosper both physically spiritually and in every way possible so I want you to share this let somebody know let somebody know let somebody know so that the Lord will bless them with what you're going to hear today I believe it's gonna be life-changing I believe it's gonna be transforming I believe it will give you insight into greater things about God that you didn't even know about him and I believe that it's gonna launch into your prophetic destiny and I want you to share this I want you to let somebody know that the Prophet is on and God is gonna bless you tremendously the thing that you have to understand is that and God is a God rooted in mysteries that is why I call him the hiding God God is available but he's not available that's why it says you have to seek him if you have to seek him it means that there is something mysterious about him there is something about him that is not open for everybody to experience or to see only those who pursue him and find him shall he reveal himself the Bible says this the Lord says when you seek me and find me I will show you things that you do not know of so there are things that we do not know of things that are not even written in your scripture I always tell people this the Bible is a mystery book that gives you clues to finding God when you find God he will expose to you even more than these in this book what is in this book is precious is amazing it's sufficient for salvation for correction but trust me there's more to God than this a man because before this was a book people had nothing but they still experienced God so there is so much more to God Almighty more than what meets the eye what makes what what meets the eye what people think of God is way much more than that and there's so many mysteries hidden in God himself there are so many things that God has hidden and there things that he has revealed and there are things that he's revealed to regular people then there are things that is revealed to certain level of servants there are things that angels don't even know him and there are things that angel know there are things that we will never know us or the Angels will never know we'll never know where God came from how he began we will never know any of that stuff he just is so there's a lot of mysteries around God amen there's tremendous mysteries within God himself where did he come from we will never we will never know that even in heaven you never know and it will never make sense but there are those things that are meant for us to know there are those things that are given to us for each to make sense for us because it's tied into our purpose I wish I was I wish people will be sharing right now I'm about to I'm about to get into another dimension with these things hallelujah there's a lot of things the Angels don't know and there are things that angels know and they're things that high angels know that lower angels don't know the Bible even says that angels desire to look into our situation they don't really understand what's going on with us they know some things but some things they don't mmm I wish somebody could hear me so I'm gonna tell you why the occult is prosper more than believers this is wrong it ought not to be this is why I am teaching you this so that you can be the one that gets the wealth of the wicked that is stored up for the righteous man you know there's a reason why the Bible says that but I've never had anybody talk about it because if you don't know the mystery behind that verse you will never know what that verse is saying how does that we could have something that belonged to me how did they get it the wealth of the wicked is total for the righteous it is stored up they are keeping it from you they are not using it it is not there it is just stored up how did they get it how did they know about it how did they know it belongs to the righteous this is what we're going to talk about today and I need somebody to share and share share you to buy you there Facebook Facebook I need you to shave you shared say I have shared and we're ready to go I see some people on on YouTube already using super chat my daughter shavon shavon williams god bless you police on Erica god bless you god bless you my son Fabian god bless you man ELISA ELISA alien Loretto god bless you marcus allen god bless you my son now listen to me clearly I want you to share this and share this the more you share the more motivated I will be to speak if not I will also not say it because I know of it but I want you to also know of it a man glory be to God and glory be to God this is gonna this is gonna change somebody's life a periscope are you there periscope are you there god bless everybody on periscope glory be to God be to God somebody says I pray that you come on life to to pray for us the topic poses that good question glory be to Jesus Larry did Jesus now listen to me clearly YouTube by you sharing Facebook are you sharing amen amen let somebody know let somebody know glory be to Jesus we're with you Jesus now I wanna I'm gonna give you a few scriptures with Scripture hunt today for a little bit but it will be for a good cause amen amen I want you to know that it's such a tremendous blessing when God gives you the privilege to know certain truths about certain things because it is only the truth that makes you free you do not prosper simply because you said God bless me if it was so everybody that is praying god bless me should have been reached there's a certain wisdom that is tied to it this is why when the Lord of hope of glory the God of hosts appeared in a dream and to Solomon any a Solomon what do you want Solomon said lord give me wisdom to lead your great people he asked for wisdom and God said because you have asked for wisdom you did not ask for the life of your enemies you did not ask for any of this I will make you so prosperous not only will I give you wisdom but I will make you so prosperous notice the reason why he was going to prosper is because he had wisdom he knew something I wish you'd understand this if you read the Bible it always talks about the white the wise rich man there's no in the but there's only one part in proverb that he talks about the foolish wise man because what is tied to wisdom that others don't have for you to make well is not just a matter of a fair akashi Akata I receive it it's part of it but it's not that all of it it's the small part of it I wish somebody could hear me we hear I wish somebody could hear me cuz this one is deep now listen to this listen to this this is gonna bless somebody now God is a God of mysteries God is a God of mysteries and everything that God ever created he created for a purpose there is nothing that God ever made that he did not make for a reason and for a purpose if you don't know the purpose of it does not mean that the purpose does not exist hebrews hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 quickly Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 Lokar Abbas ATandT Allah predict ISA are you there read it son uh-huh through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear one more time through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God one-world worlds world's multiple so we know there are multiple worlds there's only one earth but there are many other worlds we are not talking about heaven here and if you're talking about a world you're talking about it has inhabitants Wow or should I stop is this too much for being a keep going keep going through faith we know so we know that there are other worlds but what I want you to understand is that in everything that God ever created in everything that God ever created God created hosts to look update yeah you can turn it off III don't know if somebody's catching me in every single thing that God ever created can everybody hear me you can hear me clear and you hear me clear everybody can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me and you hear me can you hear me if you can hear me just type amen amen amen amen type us as many amens as you can mmm Chaka para dia constantly Bravo acaba dia if you can hear me type I mean YouTube can you hear me Facebook keep sharing YouTube keep sharing because this is gonna be too much you save somebody from joining the occult Wow Guinan marcia god bless you Carlos my son god bless you Laura Lorraine my Jets god bless you God bless you God bless you everybody using super chat all those who are giving god bless you now listen to me clearly when God created different worlds different heavens cause heavens the heavens and worlds are different things when God was creating every single thing every single sphere every single planet every single world every single one of them God created it for a purpose so in all this world's God created angelic beings to look after these places that is what God is called the God of hosts an example President Donald Trump is building the world right now right he's here at the border building it he's not over there but he's the one building it are you catching the dream so in every single thing that God has ever made he has different beings angelic beings looking after this different locations or places now when God was creating these beings he was creating them with the ability to understand that world in order to be helpful to the beings that inhabit that world before even Lucifer fell there were already angels that were assigned to the earth no new angels are coming to earth that were not assigned to the world because you have to understand God knew that the world will fall and God knew the times that they will fall but before that there was already angelic being angelic presence on the earth do you know where the first church ever existed was an angelic being called Melchizedek the Bible says in the temple of Melchizedek no human hands ever served so the first church that human beings learned how to build how to be in a church what a church is how priests are is because of an angelic being called male Melchizedek are you getting what I'm saying so everything that is on earth was already designed there was a certain group there was a certain hosts that God created to manage that place in the same way when the earth was being created there was also angelic beings that were present in the time that the earth was being made there are some that participated in what God was doing there's only one creator of the world that's God Almighty just an example the a cadet that built this house is the one that is credited for building the house he drew the plans of it he established the foundation he did all those things but he's not the one that came to build it he came to supervise how it was being built now God Almighty Himself is the one who placed the cornerstone of the earth God is the one who put the earth together because what you read in Genesis chapter 1 is not the earth being created is the earth being restored the earth being replenished but that is not the actual creation of the earth the actual creation of the earth is in verse 1 and the book of Job also speaks about it in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth that is why I tells you that the earth and the heavens were created and when you go to the book of Job you also see about the foundation of the earth but the book of Genesis is not about the way the earth was created the book of Genesis is talking about the replenishing of the earth the earth was already there but it was covered in water how was water all over the earth if you read in the Book of Revelations it tells you how the earth ended up being flooded so God is fixing something that happened in Revelation but the problem is when you think about the Book of Revelations you're only thinking about the future but the book of Revelation holds past present and future when he's talking about the woman and the dragon is talking about the past he says and the dragon opened his mouth and the earth was filled with water that's where the flood came from God didn't send a flood but this is in your Bible so what you are seeing in Genesis chapter 1 is God deciding to use the earth again and placing a new being on the earth called a human being is everybody following yes mama let's go to the book of Job quickly the book of Job the book of Job as fast as you can are you ready job chapter 38 verse 1 to 7 so in this chapter God is is is trying to correct a job because job was a spiritual man job knew a lot but job was biting more than he could chew because he wanted to prove something to God and God wanted to correct him are you there my son job 38 verse 1 to 7 job 38 verse 1 to 7 then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind and said who is this that darkeneth console by words without knowledge good up now thy loins like a man mm-hmm for I would demand of thee an answer thou me uh-huh where was that when I laid the foundations of the earth so we know who laid the foundation of the earth is who God God is asking where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth uh-huh declare if thou had past understanding so God is saying declare if you have understanding not declare if you know who made it I want you to pay attention to what God is say God is telling him declare it if you have the understanding of our foundation is being laid out of nothing so God is questioning him on eternal knowledge that there is no way job can possess so God is not telling him who made the earth is telling him were you there when I was doing it tell me if you have the understanding read the next one who had laid the measures thereof if you noticed ah that doesn't make sense God is asking him tell me who who who laid the measure of the earth if you know him so God is not talking about himself now I feel like I'm teaching people some deep stuff maybe I should stop and I feel like I should take off my jacket maybe I should stop I don't know if you are getting the question it's like me asking you why you there when I was building the house do you know who painted the walls tell me if you know his name I'm telling you I didn't paint the wall I don't know if this is making sense I feel like YouTube Facebook is asleep YouTube by you there let me see if YouTube is dead mary jane god bless you rahmel god bless you I feel like I don't think people are ready for this you know I told people this year I will try to be really open and tell you some truths that I know that God gave me the privilege to know [Music] how this is no children's play this is like listen at your own at your own risk glory be to God YouTube Facebook Lord we just thank you for eternal knowledge a periscope IUD I'm just trying to see if you are there just step I am there if you don't tap I'm there I will log off because maybe this is too much for you maybe I will because I feel like it's going to shake people's minds a little bit [Music] are you sure you're there let me see Facebook one more time there are certain things it's impossible for you to know unless you have been there keep reading keep reading son okay mm-hmm all right so I'm I was still on job 38 mm-hmm I'm on verse five mm-hmm who had laid the measures thereof if thou knowest now well what the word measure is me mad meaning the quantity quantity of what who has laid the measure of if you know him who has laid the quantity what quantity what are you talking about God keep reading or who had stretched the line upon it now the word line is not a who has stretched the line upon it God is not talking about himself here telling you I laid the foundation of it but the word line is natta Ngata means to spread out it means who laid the measure of it and who spread it out in certain locations keep reading keep reading verse 6 whereupon of the foundations therefore fastened where they fastened now he's talking about himself uh-huh or who laid the cornerstone thereof who laid the cornerstone because now you see here the Bible tells you that Jesus is the cornerstone of all creation meaning and then you read John chapter 1 it tells you it tells you really clearly in the beginning was the word and without with the Word was with God and the Word was God he and he is the cornerstone and is the one who laid the cornerstone of all creation so the person of Christ is already introduced but job doesn't know about the Messiah because when God is talking about the creation in the foundation he's talking about himself but the quantity and the line is not talking about himself keep breathing verse 7 mm-hmm when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God for joy uh-huh uh-huh or shut up the sea with doors when it break forth as if it had issued out of the womb notice God is telling him were you there when the sons of God was shouting for joy and the morning stars when they were singing read verse seven again when the morning stars sang together when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy and all the sons of God shouted for joy meaning they were sons of God there were angels present when God was creating the earth two kinds of angels who are permitted to be present for the creation of the earth there were their assignment was to the earth so they had to watch what God was doing and God had to get okay so I want to put this here Lord now you'll be in charge of it where should we put it lord I suggest we put it here good job so they were there so they were rejoicing wow look at what God is doing the sons of God and the morning stars were present now the word sons of God is what human beings called a group of angels called Watchers there's a group of angels called Watchers but human beings call them sons of God because they appeared to have flesh like human beings if you read Genesis chapter number 2 chapters Genesis chapter 6 it tells you and the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they came down and had children with them they called them sons of God because they looked like human beings there were not humans but they are the appearance of human beings what does that mean they have sperm meaning they can make a human woman pregnant meaning their DNA was closely matched to a man's DNA their sperm with the immense sperm was not that much different that they could make you pregnant but the only difference is you are going to give birth to Giants because they one not of this world and the original stature is bigger than over human being that's why the Bible says they took for themself wives if I say I took your water or I took your candy means I bullied you I took it by force you cannot resist they took the daughters of men for wise meaning they took them by force I don't know if people are getting it's not like they they entice them and said oh they said oh I like you and they came no they decided to leave the camera and they raped women they took the women by force I feel like I'm by myself you can turn off the heat you can turn off the heat I feel like I'm talking to myself we are you weary I feel like I'm talking to myself they never fell in love with anybody they took they didn't ask permission they took because human beings could not fight them these are these are our heavenly bodies don't you notice the Bible says it very strangely he says they are athlete's bodies and celestial bodies what is a celestial bodies not talking about a heavenly body it's not talking about a spiritual body celestial is talking about out-of-this-world bodies made from another substance the earth is made from a different substance than Saturn is it's not the same material it's not the same composition so where were the sons of God coming from how could they possess flesh I don't know if somebody's catching this it's a different kind of flesh but they do have flesh yeah so now God is asking him do you know what morning stars and sons of God were present rather watchers were present so what would be the beginning we are talking about he is not of the heavens we are talking about the beginning of the dawn of the earth we are talking about the dawn of the earth I feel like this is too much I feel like this is too much all right okay let me give you some verses John job chapter 1 verse 6 job chapter 1 verse 6 now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them we do one more time now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them so why is Satan being separated from the sons of God because the saying meaning that the watchers are still on earth their fallen ones they are 125 I believe Jesus even speaks about them he says that these ones are shut up in the bottomless pit waiting for judgment these guys will never leave the bottomless pit because they did something that was a crime before God they abused God's image by taking women by force and defiling themselves by sleeping with women which they were not supposed to do so God took it very seriously but in the book of Job we are still seeing Watchers being active so they new ones that replace those ones are a hundred percent there are many Watchers there so they remember there is innumerable number of of of of angelic beings this group their leader was as shemyaza and as Israel and others there were seven leaders of this 125 group of angels when this guys decided to come down and have women for themselves this happens in the time of Enoch right before his grandson Noah comes but you read the book of Job you are still seeing their Watchers gathering before God and where is God meeting them in the earth read it again job one verse six uh-huh now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them so the sons of God are coming to present themselves before God and Satan is also coming but why did they come to present their what present their means they came to show the report of what they were taking care of so they came to check in pretty much just like you said but now notice lucify is also among them Satan is among them but remember Satan is a cherubim is not a watcher yes he's a cherub is a cherubim I don't know if somebody is catching what I'm saying yeah I feel like I'm talking to myself so Satan is coming with them but notice God is separating the watchers from Satan saying the sons of God and Satan also came and God asked him what have you been up to he said well you know going to and for from the earth God Accio have you seen job notice his assignment was to do with the earth that's what is going to end for from the end I wish you would know what I'm saying because he's checking in like the other guys he had already fallen why do you think he was not thrown to mass why was he thrown to the earth we are coming to that I'm just you're going to see don't worry we're getting somewhere now look at this now remember there's a verse that says I believe in Ezekiel he says how after all in all Lucifer son of the morning so it was a different ranking completely Genesis chapter 1 verse 15 now let me change your mind on something Genesis chapter 1 verse 15 now now I want you to notice this let me let me just say this he says how you are falling all Lucifer son of the morning why is he calling the code son of the morning why is it called son of the morning because he saw the first known he saw the first-known genesis chapter 1 verse 15 amen are you there yes mm-hmm Genesis 1 verse 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so pretty 3:16 and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also so now this is really strange read it again you guys are not catching what God is saying read it so read what does he say all right are you from verse 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament let them be for lights in the firmament who let them be for lights he's talking about a person let these people give light on the earth they were supposed to instruct and help men then keep reading what does it say to give light upon the earth and it was so all right verse 16 huh and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also so what he was talking about the great delights to give light on the firmament who are not stars you guys don't catch it I feel like I'm talking to myself you see the problem is this book has too many mysteries unless you have seen those things there are many things you will read and miss it yeah my daughter fell that was the time that he actually encountered him before that he never saw him I let them be Jesus comes he said I am the light that has come into the world to give light to all men you're not catching it Jesus Jesus Jesus listen we all read the same Bible but we do have the same eyes is this making sense now so who are these to give light the morning stars they were designed to give light inside there's nothing you don't add without the help of angels their job was to bring enlightenment to people to show them the way because you can't find God without a guide it's impossible wow this is where there's no power in the church because a lot of people also what they have done is they are forgotten the mystery and the Ministry of angels are you ready Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 14 to 18 ezekiel 28:14 to 18 ezekiel 28:14 thou art the anointed cherub that covereth what was he covering you are the anointed cherub that covereth remember that keep going and I have said V soul and I have said this so thou hast upon the holy mountain of God uh-huh thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire mm-hmm that was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee mm-hmm by the multitude of dimensioned ice they have filled the mist of the what merchandise a spiritual being how does he have merchandised keep reading by the multitude of dye merchandise they have filled the mist of vie with violence mhm and thou has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and I would destroy thee all covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire this verse doesn't make sense unless you know what he's talking about I read verse three again let's break it down slowly Thomas 2814 yeah 28:14 okay start from thirteen oh yeah thou has been in Eden the garden of God so before he was on the mountain he was in Eden okay read every precious stone was they covered every precious stone was died covering you what people misunderstand is they read this they think that the stones were upon him then why he is covering he was in charge of these stones all these precious stones were died covering you are responsible for this if I say I am spiritually covering you what am I saying am i saying you upon me if you say Popolo is my covering you're saying Popolo he is responsible for you if you say prophet love is my spiritual covering you're not saying that I am you addressed in me what you're saying is I am in charge of you so read verse 13 with this understanding read it again Ezekiel 28 13 there has been in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was died covered uh-huh the sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the Onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald in the cabin aku and called the workmanship of dye tablets and of die pipes was prepared in be in the day of Dao was cream what was in him is the ability to worship not the stones that he was covered now I want you to read how many stones pressure stones I mentioned there read okay I want you to count them everybody counter the Saudis mmm topaz diamonds mm-hmm Beryl mm-hmm onyx mm-hmm Jasper mm-hmm sapphire mm-hmm emerald carbuncle mm-hm and gold 10/10 precious stones right I want you to go to Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 to 14 to 10 to 14 Genesis chapter 2 10 to 14 Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 to 14 mm-hmm and the river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads the name of the first is pison that is which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold mm-hmm the gold of that land is good mm-hmm there is deleon and the Onyx stone mm-hmm and the name of the second river is Gahan the same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia mhm and the name of the third river is hid a cow that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria to coat and the fourth River is Euphrates notice out of all this rivers that I mentioned only one that has minerals but the one who knew every mineral way it was who knew it Satan it was his duty notice Ezekiel is talking about 10 precious stones that he knew for a fact that he knew a was but when you read Genesis chapter 2 where Adam is is saying you are in the garden of God in Eden and all these precious stones were your covering but when you read that verse in Genesis where Adam actually is there's only three stones that I mentioned Adam doesn't have any clue where anything is except what was in there either you are not cutting so the guy who knows where every precious stone is he's the devil because he was among those who are in charge for the earth he's the one who actually that when he's talking about the measure of do you know who put the measure of that's why it's saying in ezekiel ii saying that because of your the reason by reason of your merchandise you became prideful so meaning you he had acquired things and he made him prideful let me go a little deep in this mystery i don't know if people are ready for this let me go a little deeper in this mystery let me explain it more let me explain it a little more the Bible says God says this money answers all things yea when God created these precious stones he knew that the economy of the earth will run off these stones Satan knowing this the devil having this knowledge he knew immediately that if I can control these stones I can control this world now the duty of cherubims is to receive worship on behalf of God what you don't know about the devil is this the devil is not a singer it's a lie anyone who told you that the devil was created to sing worship is a lie there's no in the Bible that says that the angels that are specifically designed for worship and other higher things are seraphim's they're the only angels that the Bible tells you in Isaiah in Revelation and even in Ezekiel that they sing holy holy holy day and night only seraphim's that is not the duty of cherubims cherubims they are guardian angels they guard resources because their ministry is tied to finances or offerings when you are about to give something to God come come come if I'm taking this okay and I want to give it to God and I want to give it to God you have to receive it on behalf of God as a representative of God I can't just go and give it to God because God is omnipresent but God does not receive it unless the one he appointed to receive it receives it so when I'm giving something to God as a worship of Thanksgiving or sacrifice because remember sacrifices their loudest voice in their own realm of the Spirit so if I'm taking my my finances or whatever or a cow or a bull and I'm offering it to God I have to offer to add Seraphim where cherub beams are because it is cherubims that receive worship on behalf of God on the earth this is why when God was creating the ACK of the covenant you can see when God was creating the Ark of the Covenant he specifically told Moses put two cherubs on top of the ark why he reveals why not seraphim's why not why not why not yawns why not rulers of light these are all angelic angelic rankings why is God specifically telling him put cherubims on top of the ark and remember God was telling Moses and when you offer things I will speak to you in the midst of the cherubims because cherubims create a portal wherever they are they give you access to heaven whenever an offering is involved they represent the mercy seat of God where God can receive things as fast worship adoration it goes through them that is their duty so when you're hearing about him worshipping is not that you were singing Hallelujah no that's not the point even though cherubims are have flaming swords but it is to protect property not to fight to protect you that's not their duty Wow I feel like I'm talking to myself I wish more people would share this so now the devil has discovered this world is controlled by this thing in order for me to be in full control of these things I need to kick Adam out of here because where these things are located in there plenty and in their fullness is in this garden Adam doesn't know he doesn't even know remember at that time people are still doing battle trade they don't even know about anything gold I feel like I'm talking on myself but as a kiyul already is telling you that Lucifer knows about every gold every diamond everything wherever it is on the earth that is what the Bible says you corrupted your wisdom EXO does 25-22 quickly Exodus 25 22 amen mm-hmm Exodus 25 22 and then I will meet with thee and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat from between the two cherubim why God is needing to talk to Moses between the cherubims I will speak to you and you come to the masses it's but it will be between the cherubims and these cherubims have there are two wings touching together they are creating a portal you know I wish people you would see [Music] [Laughter] they are creating an opening they are creating up now the problem is the devil is the only fallen cherubim yeah among the cherubims only guy so he can't open portals to heaven because you need to but he knows where everything is on the earth so that's good it's what scientists who call a Stargate are you getting what I'm saying first Kings chapter 6 verse 23 you can read 23 to 32 23 to 32 first Kings chapter first Kings chapter 6 23 to 23 to 32 first Kings 6 verse 23 from verse 23 and within the Oracle he made two cherubim of olive tree each ten cubits high mm-hmm and five cubits was the one wing of the cherub and five cubits the other wing of the cherub from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were 10 cubits verse 25 and the other cherub was 10 cubits both the cherubims well now you have to understand how do you know what five cubits is 7 7.5 feet what are they making with their wings so once one share of beams winged several feet two of them touching their things like this what is that creating a very big opening that's a very big opening keep breathing that's not the point they'll keep reading alright I was fresh King six all done twenty five and the other cherub was ten cubits most the cherubims were one measure and one size the height of the wine-shop was ten cubits and so was it for the other cherub mmm and he set the cherubims within the inner house and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubim so that the wing of the one touched the one wall and the other of the other mm-hmm cherub touched the other wall and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house that's verse 27 28 and he overlaid the cherubims with gold why why are they the only angels attached to gold diamonds because the presence of cherubims is not only the presence of God's mercy but it's also God's prosperity that's why they attach to gold Gabrielle can come and make you rich and your micro can't come and make you rich it's impossible it's not their duty it has to be a charity they are the bankers of every Ezekiel 2817 [Music] Ezekiel 28 17 mm-hmm deine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of the brightness I will cast thee to the ground how will I be before Kings that they may be holy why is he laying him before Kings because the guy became proud why did he become proud because of his brightness he knew too much when I say you're bright it means you know it's not saying that he was shining grew proud because you corrupted your wisdom you thought you are so clever Genesis 22 verse 5 I'm about to finish you too bye you still there I wish people are sharing this other people can be blessed Genesis 22 verse 5 mm-hmm and Abraham said unto his young men abide ye here with the donkey and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you notice they were going to offer a sacrifice but offering that sacrifice is what worship so whenever you're giving to God it's worship giving is always worship the duty of cherubims is to open the veil to the other side notice even when the Lord Jesus his blood was shed he had to pour it on the mercy seat he had to go to heaven and apply it on the masses it remember the Ark of the Covenant on earth is a copy of an ark in heaven Jesus had to go to the ark in heaven but what people this is actually a mystery and one day this would be vindicated for people to know do you know that the Ark of the Covenant the real one that is on earth is in Israel it's right under where Jesus was buried Jeremiah he did if you looked at this guy called the Bible Indiana Jones you should google it he died a few years he's the guy who actually the Israeli government know where the Ark is they will not bring it out until the rebuilding of the temple prophecy has to be fulfilled have you ever wondered why they the Israel government doesn't look for the Ark they know it is or they've been knowing it for for a long time Jeremiah is the guy who hid it notice the jet that the Ark of the Covenant disappears when Shadrach Meshach Abednego and Daniel are going into Babylon and and Jeremiah leaves the nation he disappears where did he take this stuff because Nebuchadnezzar doesn't have the ark it remained he hid it under one of the chambers but the funny thing is he hid it right and the same place that Jesus was crucified that is why it says that the water the earth bears witness of what when he was pierced on his side and water and blood came out and when he touched the ground I was an earthquake it's because the blood and it went down between the cracks the Ark of the Covenant was under that is why that's why there was an earthquake is because it needed to touch the earthly ark and he needed to go to heaven and touch the heavenly Ark I am talking to myself you know this is factual the guy even actually the guy that I'm talking to you about he went into the tunnel that the chamber where the Ark was and he found the angels that got the ark they permitted him to see they're permitted him to to take a model photos of the sword of Goliath and all that cause all those treasures were together with the Ark and they even allowed him to take a sample of the blood of the Lord and he went go look at this this is a true thing he went it and they they they you know what when they wanna test who the blood of the person is and whatever they put it in liquid him whatever and when they did the whole process the scientist was surprised because the blood wasn't dead because when you die your blood dries up it stops it has no life in it because there are certain things that are not in them they are dead within the blood by his when they did that he was alive and what the surprised is that how many chromosomes does a father and mother have 26 what is it 23 the mom and 23 the father right if I'm not wrong but when they did the whole thing they discover that he only had chromosomes from his mother but he didn't have chromosomes from a man so the scientists got saved because they were asking him who is this guy I think I've shown it to the gap the scientist was crying the guys talking about it weeping this is a true thing they the government stopped him from excavated they said you can't do it because it's not time and they shut it off in fact when you go to this particular area which you took a lot of people but they covered the side where they cave where you go to the place there are keys Jeremiah drew cherubims along the way to the Ark as assigned markings jesus is alive this is not a fake thing this is a real thing [Music] now look at this look at this let me let me take you a little farther what it's a real thing super I'm gonna show you why Cain killed Abel Genesis chapter 4 verse 3 Genesis chapter 4 verse 3 to 8 Genesis 4 verse 3 to 8 mm-hmm and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof now but notice this if you go to Genesis chapter 3 when Adam and Eva being kicked out of the Garden there was a cherubim set at the gate to allow nobody to come in but I want you to think about this so that you understand that this angelic beings open some kind of portal to give you access to a certain dimension if the garden indeed was a garden like every other Garden on earth if you're kicked out of it you can go around and go through another side but when you read in the Bible it tells you that an angel was placed on the east to keep everybody from coming in meaning there was only one entrance to the garden meaning that garden was not physical it was in another dimension on the earth because if it was a garden like any other garden you can go through any way you can pass through the back you can cut the corner wait for okay the angel on the on this side I will go around and go through I will swim through the river and get through this side [Laughter] I don't know if somebody's I don't know if somebody is catching this or catching so it wasn't a real place in the sense it was a portal within another dimension now watch this how did Adam and Eve never give any offering there's no record of Adam and Eve giving any offering but in the process of time Cain and Abel started giving offerings they learned something they discovered something and where were they offering this offering read verse five but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect Stefan was working all right Genesis 4 from verse 4 and Abel he also brought off the fresh dust from verse 3 I believe three mm-hmm Genesis chapter 4 verse 3 to 8 and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering mhm but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell verse 6 and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door shall you not be accepted who is this duty to accept because God is telling him why you cast why you upset if you do the right thing will you not be accepted God is not saying if you do the right thing will I not accept you meaning the middleman between god and cain rejected King know there was speak this is God now speaking to Cain telling him why are you mad the Bible is saying that God had no respect for Cain's offering or Cain himself but for Abel he respected what Abel was giving and he respected Abel so there are people that God doesn't respect but the person who determined that yeah we are not going to receive your thing was not God was an angel standing at the front of the gun because these guys were trying to offer offerings in order for the angel to acts give them access into the garden 100% welcome to that we haven't come to that yet so Cain is like offering things so that to gain favor for God to allow him to access the garden Abel is also doing the same thing in the process of time they discovered that if we appease God perhaps he will open the door for us to get back into the garden so they started offering things because they knew by sacrifice redemption who come into the world and they learnt this from their parents so they started taking their first food offering it to God remember this type thing did not start with with Abraham Cain and Abel already started it so they go before the garden and they are offering God rejects Abel but receives God rejects Cain but receives Abel but when he receives Abel and rejects Cain Cain is up upset what does God say to him but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell why how did he know that God rejected him there was no given access he was denied access that's why he was angry because that's the only way we would know if God received it the problem is you people give things without actually being in tune in the spirit to know if it's received or rejected remember he burnt the offering but God said no I don't want it I don't respect you or what you're giving because you're not giving it the right way Abel is saying I have received you how did cain that know that he was rejected and his brother was received keep reading now God is telling him what is God telling him alright verse 6 and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen mm-hmm if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted shalt thou not be accepted is not shall I not shall I not accept you saying shall you not be accepted so who is accepting him I wish people could catch what I'm trying to say the angel rejected is what he was offering God if you go to the book of Judges I believe chapter 12 when he's talking about Samson's birth and things like that when the father of Samson and his mother offered an offering unto the Lord in the presence of the angel the angel touched it and the angel received it and went up into the fire with it and they said we have seen the Lord we shall surely die and the husband said if their Lord wanted to kill us he would have killed us and he would have not received what we gave him so notice there is a way to know if God has received what you have given it has to do it an angel responding to what you're giving 100% because God has to receive it you will know that it's been received listen this is not for children things you need a certain spiritual tuning because there's a way to give now watch this then what happens God tells him sin is creeping at your heart and I keep reading verse 8 and Cain talked with Abel his brother he talked to his brother Abel and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew her why did he kill him after talking to him I've been given access to the garden oh yeah oh yeah let's go let's go work on something on the field they killed him if I'm not getting in you're not getting in Wow he was jealous he was not because God rejected him God already told him if you do the right thing you'll be received but after talking with his brother he said I had gotta kill this guy you guys are not catching what is happening here because the Bible is not saying they argued the bible is not saying that they got into it and Cain was like oh you can't talk to me like that I will show you and killed him nah he killed him because he was given access to something that he was denied Wow God already came and spoke to him man do right and you'll be accepted because his brother was accepted his brother was given access to a dimension he was denied he could correct it but after talking to his brother because he did not know what happened with his brother but after talking to his brother see this man read it again I'm gonna explain something deep did you see that you're about to kill your brother because of jealous do right oh you're gonna kill but God cannot tell him you're gonna kill because matters never happened how does that mean that he had tried to offer again and it didn't work no you offered one time and he was his custom this is after the ceremony he keep reading verse 9 and I read from verse 8 and Cain talked with Abel his brother talked to Abel his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field AHA that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and he took him by surprise and killed him read the next verse and the Lord said unto Cain where is Abel thy brother uh-huh and he said I know not am I my brother's keeper yes verse 10 and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground and now art thou cursed from the earth which have opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand notice the blood of a bow has a voice because a bow was already received angels could not do anything with this blood because they have never received human sacrifice because God doesn't need human sacrifice but because he was already given access his voice his blood could cry unto God and God could he ate because he was already received so God is responding immediately where is your brother I don't know am I my brother's keeper he said what have you done you're cursed the blood of the voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground then notice something the Bible tells you something interesting it tells you the blood of Jesus says better things than the blood of Abel meaning the blood of Abel is saying good things because Abel had seen access to the garden no it wasn't complaining saying God have mercy on him he doesn't know what he's doing he had already seen the redemption of mankind he knew something that his brother didn't know so he started crying for his brother he said he killed me is a matter but have mercy on him but the blood of Jesus is saying better things what is the blood of Jesus saying I am the matter I am the killer don't harm them harm me because for you to say the blood of Jesus is saying better things it means that Cain's blood Abel's blood is not saying bad things but people always use that as if Abel's blood is saying bad things it wasn't huh he had seen he knew he knew what was coming yes so did you know did you know these things before he died as it like when he gave his offering he was told some some secret oh you already received some secrets and he was already about to go in it was being given access was it there was some information that he was already receiving so his brother killed him that's why his blood had a voice in that room because somebody who is not a sacrificial person heaven does not hear your voice that's why the Bible says the prayer of the righteous availeth much so there are people's prayers that don't avail anything heaven doesn't pay attention because you're not sacrificial let me finish this thing let me bring it to a close let me bring it to a close [Music] let me bring it to a voice hebrews chapter seven verse eight hebrews seven eight with this and then we finished and here men that die receive tithes but there he received them of whom it is witnessed that he liveth now notice this I'll explain that verse so this angel this cherubim this fallen cherubim that we call Satan he understands how to open spiritual portals into prosperity that same spirit went into the church and told people don't give because whenever you give the right way you provoke cherubims to come and receive what you're giving for a portal to be open for you to enter into the prosperity that God has designed for you so the devil knows you cannot get rich without giving you cannot enter into prosperity without giving sword as I do it discourages believers from giving yet anybody that has ever gone to upside to a psychic anybody that has ever gone to to a witch doctor anybody in the occult the primary principle of every spiritual thing is sacrifice yeah you cannot invoke a spirit without a sacrifice doesn't exist there is no way you can invite any spirit without a sacrifice it's a lie notice Jesus is going to the temple looking at how people are giving and he's taking it serious but do you know why these people go into their cult or do these things and they give they don't one they don't care if the if the if the Grand Master wizard or the sorcerer or the psychic what they're going to do it what they are giving because they know what they are about to gain it's evil it has no life it will destroy them but when you tell believers it's time to give they think about so the past is gonna buy a Range Rover is gonna buy a house you have already messed up what you are giving because your eye is not on what you're about to gain from God you are looking at who you are giving to and what is going on with them you have already messed up everything people go into these things they don't care they don't care what this person is about to do they care about what they are about to achieve by doing what they are doing every single believer that has struggles on giving Satan as whisper to you you have fallen into the trap of Satan because it knows when you give their chair beams that will come from heaven that will give you access to the resources that are on earth they will show you to your purpose they will show you to where you're supposed to be but he knows that if he discourages you from giving you never encounter them yet everybody that is joining the occult is rich because the devil knowing where the resources are he gives it to his people easily remember he tempted Jesus with it he said I will give you all the kingdoms of the world I have them they are mine to give to whoever I want how did you know where the kingdoms of the earth are how did you know where the treasures of them are because he was there when these things were being put he actually used it to tempt Jesus our Lord there's only two things that God ever come there's only one thing that God ever compared himself to his money not the devil God says you cannot serve two gods serve me on money you can't serve two he did not say you cannot serve me on the devil the devil is not a God is a false God because he cannot answer anything he just happened to be one of the people that were in charge of resources human resources like an office so he knows that if I want to recruit people I'll make you very famous I'll make you very rich I'll make you very this people go and give them self but yet you don't know that you can go to the church grab your seat the God before God and say lord I give to you because you gave to me first thank you that prosperity's in your hands go to prosper you haven't you ever noticed the oprah winfrey's the bill gates all the wealthiest people are the biggest givers they don't give money to nonsense but they give money to every single thing that helps the human race Oh oh they are so sacrificial they'll give billions Bill Gates made a vow to give most of his wealth before he dies a lot of these people but they are not getting poorer they're getting richer yeah Cornelius Cornelius did not have the Holy Ghost Cornelius was not even an anointed believer he was not even a believer but Cornelius was fasting but before his fasting he was giving too much even while his fasting is giving too much one day he's just chillin like this in the afternoon an angel appeared said a Cornelius you our prayers and giving have risen up as a memorial before God now go send two people to go and find Peter in this address he'll come and show you what to do heaven was provoked human resources are to tell God listen god this guy's given too much it's actually a memorial do you know how what kind of giving you have to give way to be a memorial that angels have to notice it and have to say like Lord we gotta go talk to this guy it's not because this guy ever prayed is Shankar Ibaka Rudy Betty Betty Bay and his eyes were helping he's giving commanded and forced an angel to come and talk to him the angel didn't tell him okay nice time receive salvation he told him go and find Pete I will show you what to do he sent him to a man because this guy broke poor protocol because he accessed something beyond what anybody ever taught him he was doing something that other people didn't know by divine inspiration same thing can enable are doing you are giving and prayer have risen up as a as a memorial not fasting your fasting means nothing without sacrificial remember God is telling is telling is telling the children of Israel is this the first first I've ordained for you did I not tell you to give to feed the poor to do this to do that all this starving yourself without that means nothing you to buy you their Facebook keep sharing I'm about to finish glory be to Jesus our Lord Jesus rose god bless you go rose god bless you and jr. or Rudo god bless you too I don't know if people are catching what I'm saying here periscope are you there our periscope is looking good Facebook let me finish now let me finish this you're right way to give begins by having a heart to want to worship God the first purpose of giving to God is worship if your worship is based on how other people are going to take it you have already failed when you're singing worship in church you don't think about who you're about to sing to you just know you're singing to God why is that different from your giving so if singing with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength is worship giving with all your heart with all your strength is also worship but the greatest worship is in your giving not even in your singing so many of you are not prospering because of one thing you don't know how to give you don't understand that it's worship when you give your wife or our wives when you give your husband gifts or boyfriends and golf and those who are according to get married when you are giving to one another and you are doing all these things do you do it with condition or do you do it because you love the person if there's a condition tied to it then it's not love my son wants a god bless you if there are conditions tied to how your giving to God then you're not worshiping him you want a business transaction you're trying to buy favor [Music] your opportunity to tell God you love him because God is moved by actions and not words when it's time for you to give to God you shouldn't even be told it's time for you to give you should give because you love him it should rise up in you to just want to do it you should look for the opportunity to do it because it proves you alive continuously for him but if somebody has to come and tell you time to give and then you're looking for the smallest change that you can find to give it to him then that's also the size of your life God cares about what is in the heart is the biggest lie ever told God doesn't care about anything you do God cares about what's in your heart well what you do the Bible says out of the good treasures of the heart a man brings out good things so if bad things are coming out of you then that is your heart I don't know why people say that oh you know somebody may be drinking a beer saying God knows my heart you are expressing your heart you're doing drugs cocaine saying ah this means nothing God knows my heart you're expressing your heart you're sleeping around saying ah God knows my heart this means nothing but you're expressing your heart you're showing what is in your heart if you cannot love God enough to express your love in your giving you don't love him it's deception for God so loved the world he gave His only Son God showed that he loved not by saying I love you he's sure that he loves by giving his best why does somebody have to plead with you to give you a bless your best okay huh okay it's fine just go upstairs okay I'll meet you there I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying you Jesus had no real problem giving all the great patriarchs never have me the one who's talking to you have no issues giving I do it more than you can ever imagine you want this to be to do this if I can do that 100% I don't stop because I prove my heart by what I do I cannot say I love God and my heart is doing the opposite it's a lie and whoever has issues giving is because the contamination of Lucifer's entered there's no prospering without giving its ally do you know and pasta been in came out and said you know and then he clarified it people took him out of context he said I believe I believe in in in giving but people should give in the right way I don't want to fake gimmicks of people just telling you to given this did you notice how everybody was happy yea prosperity gospel is fake and everything he was the devil remember I told you guys it was satanic it was a hundred million percent the devil I want to give tzitzit baby see what do you need let me let me tell you the truth God is giving you an opportunity right now to give if you really want to break this by reason of this message respond with your faith respond by showing that I am breaking out of this thing deciding you from today I'm having a new culture completely a different mindset a different culture a different reaction to every single thing I am going to do I am going to do it differently from today I'm gonna act differently I'm gonna do everything so different and it will begin with this I don't want to be contaminated let me tell you how you reverse that you don't pray about what you're going to give if your heart is resisting you on what sacrifice you want to do you have to correct your heart by doing what you are supposed to do if God is telling you give five thousand in your heart you feel I should give five thousand but then your heart says nah let's just do 200 today we'll give five thousand another time listen to the voice of God and correct that wrong that wrong voice by giving even more than the five thousand because you say to Anna I'll give five hundred five thousand two hundred that voice should never rise in me again so from then you are hard to be corrected never to interject when God is speaking because you disciplined yourself they are gonna play a song real quick I want each and every one of you to go to prophet Lovi calm as fast as you can grab your best seat that you can whether it's five hundred one thousand ten thousand one million ten million whatever God puts in your heart prove yourself by doing more than you have ever done don't just do it or I'm gonna do it just you know just because prove yourself by outdoing yourself amen even though I'm a prophet I can tell you specifically what God wants you to do I will not because I wanted to rise from your heart I want you to go there right now and after doing it I'm gonna pray for each and every one of you that because of what you're doing today God will not only give you the strength but God will give you encounters in the spirit to push you to the place that you're supposed to be go right now [Music] Oh Cap'n away from your embrace I may fall but your Stacey [Music] you're the only one for me you are Mikey he I can never turn from you my everything I call my my [Music] my [Music] my I what kind of love is this my heart is overseeing what kind of love I I am breath of life the light that never fails lead me on you are me oh hey when I am weak you are strong your [Music] or is my home you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything my my my [Music] my I am what kind of is my heart and soul the city what kind of love [Music] I I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but you're full of compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a phony provider worthy wonderful or some power dori glory to you my heart sings perfect stop thinking god of everything glory glory to you to worship and if my eyes to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor [Music] there's no one else like you know I live - I don't understand your love be so patient you surround me with your grace somewhere forgiving the way that I've been in you changing the phone I didn't know who I could be - you show me worthy you wonderful or some power glory glory to you my heart sings her feet stop drinking God of everything glory glory [Music] [Music] I want to pray for everybody that has gone and they have given their best to God before I pray for you I want you to realize something and I want you to know something make it an attitude to be naturally somebody that gives to God don't be somebody who has to wait to be pushed don't be somebody who waits for somebody to say something understand let this teaching be something you played over and over again that will give you the understanding to know this is why I do this because spirituality is about the knowledge that you have makes you spiritual what you know makes you spiritual not how you pray what you know father I pray for everybody that is watching I pray that they will enter into this truth and their life will never be the same again by reason of what they have heard today let something shift in their lives in the name of Jesus I pray now Oh father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ give them the understanding of giving give them the understanding of the mysteries of the of the of the heavenly realm give them access to the treasures that are in your heart Oh Lord that they will prosper give them visions and dreams of where they are supposed to be give them specific direction based on where they are going I thank you that this is done and this is done and this is accomplished this day in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus god bless you all god increase you watch this over and over again let this truth sink in you and let it be part of you in Jesus mighty name god bless you this is Prophet Elias and I'll see you tomorrow Shalom Shalom [Music] in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great function of worship upon you she's not what I don't know why I saw unless spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand it's my name what is it saying prefer dial this number five - to another to another to ask what is ma RT like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name Justin Tommy Paul vocation mama who was the name that starts with an O because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your voice began with how do you say what's the whole earnings Ilana's do you know anybody called Michael I will believe her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I've two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dears how many steps they make you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,645
Rating: 4.9193082 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, excel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 29sec (7409 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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