Can I Command the Angels - Prophet Kobus

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when Messiah comes he shall rule with a rod remember I mean that's scripture upon scripture upon scripture from the Psalms right through the prophets Jesus will come and rule as a rod of iron then Psalm 80 the very interesting Psalm especially in the amplified bible it says over and over I think about five times restore us O God restore us the King James will not say it the King James will say something else but the Amplified Bible says about for at least four or five times restore us restore us restore us in this restoration thing and with this rod of iron thing if you put the two scriptures together and you would go to like Micah and Isaiah 19 and you go to Exodus it says I will bring my son I will bring my son out of Egypt we all know the Jerusalem story we all know the Bentham story we all know the crucifixion story how many has heard the Egyptian story I will bring my son out of Egypt Psalm 90 says I will bring my vine out of Egypt we know John 15 says I am The True Vine my father is the dresser of the vine I will bring my vine out of Egypt I mean just keep it to mind Luke chapter 10 verse 18 scriptures that you've heard over and over in your life and he said unto them be I beheld Satan as lightning for from heaven point number one would anybody tell me when the Jesus see Satan fell like lightning from heaven maybe you should not answer just keep it in your mind is it futuristic was it historical was at some time when Jesus did something or what was Jesus saying when he said I saw Satan fell like lightening verse 19 behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and on scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing I repeat nothing I repeat nothing shall by any means hurt you not withstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said I thank you Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and the prudent and has revealed them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in the sight all things are delivered to me of my father and no man knows the son who the son is but the father and who the father is but the Son and he to whom the son will reveal him and turn unto his disciples and said privately blessed other eyes which see the things that you see for I tell you that many prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them okay Jesus is a few things here I saw Satan verse 20 notwithstanding rejoice not that spirits are subject to you but your name these different translations is enrolled in heaven he's written in heaven is known in heaven he's called in heaven mm-hmm back up to verse 17 and the disciples or the 70 returned with joy saying the Lord even the Devils are subject and to us through your name and the in Jesus a bed the in verse 24 prophets longed to see and hear what you I'm gonna change a little bit okay Jesus did say that to the disciples so Jesus must have shared something in that portion of Scripture with the disciples that was never mentioned again that nobody really teach on it we don't know what he said today what he showed to them but it must have been so awesome that he said all the prophets longed to see what I am now showing you longed to hear what I'm now telling you and he turned back to the crowd so nobody know what he said to the disciples it's not written down but it is written down it's not preached but it is preached so God comes and shine light upon it okay so first now first thing that I want you to know is I saw Satan forward everybody say he fell out of heaven like lightning okay repeat he fell out of heaven II like lightning verse 20 say Jesus's spirits are subject say it spirits are subject what did they say they said demons are subject they say Devils are subject Jesus said whoa if you think demons are subject to you I want to enlighten you tonight spirits are subject to you okay this and this revelation the prophets long to hear it the prophets long to see it but I'm turning to you and I'm gonna brief you in on a revelation that maybe sometimes somebody will get the revelation the authority that I'm gonna give you is greater than demons greater than casting out demons and telling demons together I know what I'm gonna give you is I'm gonna give you total authority that all spirits will be subject unto you but to understand that you gotta understand that Satan fell like lightning from heaven oh but you gotta understand your name is now in heaven so let's go straight to Hebrews it's due Hebrews this is where we started maybe I should say it now for unto us a child is born as I&I in verse five and six unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of the increase of his kingdom and his peace they shall be no end and he shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God Prince of Peace everywhere this son in Matthew chapter 2 and in Luke chapter 2 it is said he was born King but this was the child okay in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 he is called the son which is Christ Philippians 2 as well as in Acts chapter 2 he is called the Lord so he's got government he's the Lord that word Lord he is also king but he's also Christ the king but it's also Jesus a king he was born King announced who where is he that was born King in front of Pilate skort Pilate said are you the king he said do you say that of yourself or did somebody tell you about me on the cross it was written this is Jesus the king when he was risen he's called king of kings so he was born King lived as king was announced as king was crucified as King died as king rose as king and he is king he came as king since birth he was king he was not making by nobody on this earth you shall not crown him King he's king he was born King don't get caught up with religion Jesus was born King Jesus was announced king when he came riding in on a donkey prophecy Zechariah 9 verse 8 here comes your king riding on a donkey people shouted blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord he was king he was born king he lived as king he ruled as king he operated as a he he drove our demons as a king he charged angels as a king he died as a king he rose as a king he's living as a king he is officiating the office of King maybe I should say then when Jesus spoke to the first disciples he called the first announcement he made was the following do you believe me because I said I saw you under the tree I tell you from now on John 1 verse 50 and 51 from now on you will see greater things you will see heaven open and angels ascending and descending on the Son of God be ok Matthew 2 was born a king before Pilate or over and over I just want you to get that story he was born King is this from now on that was 2000 years ago my dear people 2,000 years ago from now on heaven will be open and this is what will happen Jesus says you'll see greater things he says angels well as Saint and descend upon the son of men that'll be the greater things born King I just thought I'll put it down there for a reference in the future right Hebrews talking about Jesus verse 3 he is the sole expression of the glory of God Hebrews 1 he is the out reign of the radiance of the divine he's the perfect imprint the very image of God's nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by his mighty word of power when he had by offering himself accomplished our cleansing of sins and written subdued sat down at the right hand of the divine of the mayor of the Majesty on high taking a place in rank by which he himself became much superior to angels as his glorious name entitled okay for to which of the Angels that God ever say you are my son so not Michael is called son not Gabriel is called son neither is Lucifer called Sun no angel was ever called Sam the first one God said this is my son in who I'm and after that he said now creation waits for you to be the sons of the Almighty God and if you believe you God gives you the power to become a son of God but angels were never called sons verse 6 moreover when he brings his firstborn son into this habitable world he says let all the angels of God worship Him some translation says that all the Angels be subject to him referring to the angels he says he makes his angels wins and his ministering servants flames of fire that is Psalm 104 verse 13 besides to which of the Angels has he ever said sit on my right hand till I make your enemies of stood of your feet all not the angels all ministering spirits send out in the service of God for the assistance of those who are to inherit salvation I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven BAM she said whoa whoa I'm gonna the prophets first Peter chapter 1 this is they prophesied about the crucifixion and the glory that should follow but they knew it wasn't for them they inquired things that angels long to see verse 20 Jesus says you come with demons are listening to you our only enlightened you stop that no prophet knew before you they longed to hear it I'm gonna tell you something spirits are subject to you but this is where your rejoicing must be that your name is now written in heaven now listen to chapter 2 verse 1 since all this is true this is not fairytales that is not miss this is not speculation since this is true about angels spirits servants son of god sat on my right hand since this is true we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to these truths that we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and they slip away so there's truth that's through the years it's not by people because of the mixture between truth or truth and lie between error and reality between religion and Christianity and error has caused people not to get the full truth that's why people don't see the full manifestation if it's truth it'll happen since all this is true let's pay attention verse 5 for it does not you angel that God subjected this habitable world of the future of which we are speaking ok everybody's going to the future God says will somebody take this future world now and bring it into reality and keep living it for a spirit realm and start getting real and say my goodness God has given this earth to me and I've got spirit subject to me to see that we can start operating and gets God's stuff to start being a reality in our lives me verse 8 says for you have put everything in subjection to man or under his feet now in putting everything in subjection to man God live nothing outside of man's control but at present we do not yet see all things subjected to you but we are able to see Jesus who was lower than angels you know originally Psalm 8 says Elohim God but angels yet Jesus was literally made lower than the Angels 2 became servant to be exalted again to show us how it will work for the suffering of death so he tasted death for every man ok verse 10 for it became him of whom are all things and boom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings for both he that sanctify and they that are sanctified Allah 1 for this cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren hmm verse 16 for verily took not on him the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham they for his a faithful high priest in the things that pertains to God so in other words he is praying that you will get the godly things because his july priest he didn't take on the form of angels became like a man so that you as a man can get the things of God chapter 3 way for holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession Jesus Christ and I think that's good enough for now Matthew 3 we know that scripture upon scripture says when Jesus come he shall rule with a rod of iron scriptures I'll bring my son out of Egypt I bring my vine out of Egypt we'll get to it in a minute the one that I want you to keep on memorizing I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven memorize write it down spirits are subject your name is in heaven with just the D bruise three you are partaker of the heavenly calling prophets longed to see in here what you see in here and I want to put in there in first Peter chapter one his angels longed to see this okay Jesus was born King you're not gonna make him King when Jesus came heaven were opened what we supposed to see is greater things angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man angels are spirits subject jamayne man has rulership over all of creation when a rebel writer writes it he says future world because we don't see it at present well somebody not be present tonight so just one of my first questions they listen to God's voice they listen to God's commands Psalm 103 Psalm 34 Psalm 35 Psalm 68 Psalm 78 over and over angels get the commands they listen and wait for the command of God that's why they flickering flames in the eyes of Jesus waiting for another come on waiting for another come on then they go out as wind they ride with you know they got wheels of cherries they got cloud of smoke round about them and gods ride those clouds God rides the cherubims God rides the angel it takes angels into the presence of people to bring his own presence in there you know Acts chapter 2 there was a sound from heaven heaven is open so sound came from him a wind filled all the house they may recede none of them cloven tongues as of fire set upon each of them then they were filled with the Holy Spirit the wind wasn't the Holy Spirit was angels the fire wasn't the Holy Spirit he was angels but when they were filled with the Holy Spirit they stood up god I should himself in on his wins and his fire angel he makes these flames and his angels wins and fire Psalm 29 says he sends the wind and he divides the flames and he calls him angels Psalm 29 go read it so the wind was angels filling the house then the fire setting on each of them he says angels will have seen and decent upon the son of man you're gonna see greater thing so angels come upon people to say Here I am but you know who's on my back God's presence is riding the wings of angels now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of Herod the wise men came verse two and said where is he who has been born King too ignored verse four so Herod called all the chief priests and the learned men describes and he anxiously asked them where the Christ was to be born when he heard a king was born he said wait we must Christ people knowing that the other writers would say joy to the world that Christ has come peace on earth goodwill to men glory to God in the highest pizarra the christ has come he was born Christ he was born king he was born Lord he was called Jesus called son called Lord but he was also made son made Lord made king so here it says if it's a born king then prophecy must be coming interval format we must Christ be born so they studied man this is gonna be cool now and they said from who Bethlehem for six comes a ruler remember the rod then here it sent for the wise men the astrologers secretly an accuracy to the last point a circle from them the time the appearing of the star how long the star had made its our visible since its rising hmm then he sent to bed Clemens said go and search for the child carefully diligently and when you have found him bring me word that I might came and worship come to worshiping when they had listened to the king they went away and build the stall which had been seen in the east is rising wave before them only came and stood over the place where the young child was okay and I brought to him gifts verse 11 gold frankincense and myrrh those that saw the Nativity story gold for the king frankincense for the priests and myrrh for the sacrifice and receiving the answer to asking they were divinely instructed and warned in a dream not to go back to hear it verse 13 now after they had gone everybody look up say as from now I will see and hear what Jesus tried to tell the disciples that no other prophet before them could see in here and I'm not gonna stick to the future I'm gonna get into this present world and get reality and truth as from now I will hear and see now after they had gone behold an angel of the Lord angel again angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said get up take unto you the young child and his mother and freely everybody says flee flee to Egypt and remain there till I tell you otherwise for Herod intends to search for the child in order to destroy him Herod wants to kill the child he's going to search diligently for the child he's gonna go after this job stay there till I tell you verse 14 and having risen it took the child and his mother by night and withdrew to Egypt and remained there and so Herod's death okay I'll just throw it in for those who wanna run ahead of me you can I give you permission Herod died for ad remained a under this was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the Prophet now they said least three prophets it says it for you to go study out of Egypt have I called my son how many of heard the message that the Sun comes out of Egypt we hear unto us a child is born a son is given government how many heard a message on the prophecy had to be fulfilled when at Herod's death what prophecy that I brought my son out of Egypt coos but okay you you be amazed then Herod when he realized that he had been misled father was furiously enraged listen to the words and Saint and put to death all the male children in Bethlehem and all the territory were two years old and under reckoning according to the date we day which he had investigated and learned exactly from the wise men so Herod died for 80 though this story could have happened at the latest when Jesus was two years old you couldn't have been older than two because Herod died for ad and he killed all the babies under two according to his investigation so according to him Jesus could not have been older than two at the most Ricky was not him then was fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets again another prophet another prophet verse 19 but when Herod died for ad all history books behold an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said take the mother and the child to the Land of Israel they may work and rose and to them okay and being about divinely warned in dream they went and stayed in Nazareth insert Ezekiel 1 says I was among the captives by the river Chebar and the heavens were opened and I saw visions ok heaven is now open we're gonna see greater things angels ascending and descending they are spirits spirits are subject good and evil so you got to know how to treat the evil ones and you do but how do you treat the good ones and I looked and behold verse 4 a whirlwind came out of the rolls a great cloud and fire infolding itself it brightness was of the midst thereof as the color of amber also in the midst came the likeness of living creatures and then he goes on and he talks about the living creatures and he talks about how they go away the spirit goes burning coals of fire verse 13 as for the likeness of the living creatures they appearance was like burning coals of fire the appearance of lamps it went up and down the living creatures and the fire was bright fire like both like lightning and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flesh of lightning first twenty but they go where the spirit goes they got wheels and they got to say they make the noise verse 24 and I heard the noise of their wings noise of many waters and every time the voice of the almighty spoke they stood up and they laid down their wings I think that's good enough the heavens are open when angels go forth they first drop their wings in respect to get the command they flames figuring in the eyes of Jesus worship Him fly around the throne or yes go like wind and fire they so quick on the job that when they returns like lightning right before the throne again but eight but Satan fell like lightning out of heaven what are you trying to say to me when did it happen where did it happen how did it happen for what reason did it happen revelation 12 there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet upon a head a crown of twelve stars and she being child with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered there appeared another wonder the old a great drag did a great red dragon having seven heads ten horns seven Crown's upon his heads his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven did cost to the earth and dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born I'm gonna jump over and over let's go to the amplified the spell amplified his tail swept across the sky and dragged down a third of the stars and flung them to the earth the Dragons stationed himself in front of the woman who was about to be delivered so that he might devour her child as soon as she brought it forth first five and she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne Paul says I know a man in Christ talking about himself caught up the minute the child was born it was immediately bonking the prophesies are of 1st chronicles 1st Samuel 1st Kings immediately and he shall sit upon the throne I shall have my son and he shall build the temple and he shall sit on the throne the minute okay which child is he talking about let's cut out the confusion the one that will rule the nations with a rod of iron so they can't be can't be the church it can't be some other child it can be a futuristic child it can't be Antichrist child it can't be a futuristic son child because he says when this child was born this is the one who the prophecy says he will rule the nations with rod . so we know we're talking about verse 5 amplified and she brought forth a male child one who is destined to Shepherd all nations with an iron stove and a child was caught up to God and to his throne where is he that is born King 4:6 from here on it gets good how old is this Kubis you see like 2,000 years and the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared of God that they should feed her there thousand two hundred threescore days I'll read it to you forty two months which is exactly three and a half years he says when this child was born a dragon set in front of the woman that wanted to kill the child but this woman will the child the woman with the child fled to the wilderness and an angel said Joseph take the mother and the child and flee to Egypt where would you find the biggest desert where would you find the hottest desert where would you find the stronger desert go look at the line of pyramids where do they stand in the desert which desert thank you must I go on it's getting good you feel you're getting free when did when did Hiro die how long was the woman in the desert so when did they flee they call him not a baby when they fled all Gospels calls him the young child so he must have been between birth and six months because he was still a baby but he was already called a child take the woman and the child and free to Egypt and the woman and the child Fred into the wilderness where she was kept for three and a half years all was was was was was was was was was was it's getting better now he's gonna now he's gonna jump between the stories because he's trying to reach us through what he said to the disciples and there was war in heaven stop look at some good teaching when was this war when the woman fled into the wilderness and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven there was war in heaven when the woman fled to Egypt here comes wise men they study stars to find out what's happening they study history to find out why did this happen and why the deaths happened before Galileo at a telescope and before Hubble and above all or whatever listen before they found you know dark holes and light spots these guys knew the stuff they state in the days of Herod ways he that has been born so he's already born not like the Shepherd's that came they inside they came off two words followed in the store and they didn't find him in the stable they found him in the house so he must have been removed from the stable ready where is he that has been born King Herod says hey keep them hid the real wise guys we must Christ be born angel came to Joseph take the woman take the mother [Music] take the child flee because Herod is gonna search diligently he's gonna do his best till he finds this child because you want to kill this child stay there till I appear game and tell you when to return for ad here it takes I mean it dies the guy's dead Jesus is now exactly three and a half years in the wilderness of Egypt here comes the angel said here it's dead you can go back okay revelation says its inform you this guy was so furious that he decided we're gonna kill all the boys under two it was such a slaughter that war broke out in heaven same time he says they came in an Angelica war the dragon started fighting Michael and Gabriel my cronies angels for sorry Michael Michael and his angels for he says and those guys couldn't make the war in heaven he didn't say they were in heaven they stayed in heaven he just said war broke out in heaven and the war was between Mike Lee's angels and Satan and his angels the dragon the devil and his angels just said war broke out in heaven he says and this dragon and his angels when they could not win the place was found in heaven no more verse nine and that Great Dragon was cast out I want to tell you he says the Bible he is the serpent the old one he is called the devil is called Satan which deceives all he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him stop and listen to intelligent teaching and anointed Jesus is hey commuters I gotta tell you something show you nobody else saw I actually saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven and it never said to return but of the Angels they are wings and flames of fire when they go out for the emission light like a wind and a fire but they keep on returning as lightning to heaven to get he says but that guy fell like lightning sure never to be seen or heard in heaven again Jesus when did this happen she's no prophet could see this no prophet could hear that but my mother had to take me and flee to the desert to escape that thing that was happening because that guy was so furious that he started killing all the babies why you serious let's read verse 10 and I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now now now is come salvation the strength of the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ stop before you go on when did that happen joy to the world that Christ has come Oh I bring you good tidings of great joy that today in the City of David is born Jesus who is called the Christ the Saviour of the world and you shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people today in the City of David is born on to you Jesus who is called the Christ who is the savior now is come salvation and the power of Christ and the kingdom of our God repent for the kingdom of heaven it says John the Baptist he's right at hand there he comes the lamb for the kingdom of God and the power of his Christ for the accuser morover stain of our brother east cause down which accused past ends then before our God he is now because he used to because he can't get there now because he's out now because I saw him for when the war broke out the war broke out the minute that I was seen fleeing into the desert and I had to watch Satan fall like lightning getting control of Herod killing all the babies under - how could you see it Jesus I'm God verse 13 when the dragon saw that he was caused unto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild and the woman were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she is nourished for three and a half years a time and times and a half a time from the face of the serpent you can't make it clear there's the war there's the costing out for he couldn't fall twice because after he fell he couldn't get back so I saw him for like lightning so he can't go back but angels are like lightning all the time because they go for wind and fire back like lightning to get the next command okay and the dragon was cast out and his place was found in ever no more Satan's serpent devil call him what you want he tries to call him all his names he could not get his pleasure he says he is the coozer who accused so he can't do it anymore because otherwise the Bible lies because Romans 8 verse 31 says if God be for us who can be against as you did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how much more will he not freely give us all things who will lay any accusation against the elect of God it is God that declared that you are justified who can come against you with any condemnation it is Christ that died for you even raised even at the right hand of the Father even making intercession for you no more accusation no more condemnation the only accusation you have is your legalistic mind get into the grace of God get liberated get free by the blood of the Lamb and don't be accused and condemned you justified your righteous you clean you once you're a son of the Most High God prices paid man is this when this when the dragon now it says who is Satan serpent devil when he saw he was now cost out and he couldn't do anything in heaven anymore now he's on earth the first thing he did he persecuted the woman who brought forth the man child who he know is the one that ruled with a rod of iron so it can't be another man job so what I did you he immediately person what happened to the woman and the child he was given to them wings supernaturally so he said they fled by night into the wilderness draw miracle angel scaring them away angels angels angels kept them guarded them for seeing a hobbyist fed them look after them my imagination so Jesus comes out of the baptism of water he says Satan when I was baby I saw you fall let's go meet you let's get to the world earnest because I can't get to heaven to meet you because I live in ever that's what he states in John chapter 3 verse 17 it says the Son of Man is in heaven which is on earth which stays in heaven because nobody can ascend to heaven to come down from heaven except the Son of Man which is in heaven but you're gonna see greater things you're gonna see angel I haven't opened the Angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man so just go to the desert so where would you find that okay so those then here comes Satan says if you are the son of God if you are the son of God if you are the son of God Jesus never answered him on the Son of God questions he answered him on the B part so when was the war when a woman fled to the war room is how old was the boy under two who was he the Christ born king what did the serpent the devil do tried to flee after was stopped and what happened to the other one he said now your place is no URI anymore you can't accuse anybody anymore time's up out so Jesus said I saw him for he can't go back his place was found there no more he can't appear before God he can't come before God he has got an audition with God he can't accuse you before God and he can't do it with you either because you supposed to have him under your feet and nothing supposed to her to harm you and to your assistance are all the other spirits that are called angels and they're waiting for you to understand if you get the revelation that you are an heir of salvation salvation has come you are part of the Christ corporate body you are part of the kingdom you are part of the rulership you got the authority and you don't go legalistically about it but you take the word and say God if this is for me then I'm now gonna say angels and this was the million-dollar question and I come on dangers off to tonight you know you can after tonight you know you but not the fairy tale thing not the now I command my angels to go front of me brother if they don't operate something's wrong but they are they for your assistance we'll have to end with Zechariah three four five six seven eight nine ten otherwise this message would never beautiful four and he says I Sakurai is now the prophetess is Joshua the high priest in the presence of God and there Satan accusing him remember yeah and he says and all of a sudden I heard the prophecy they will come a man whose name is the branch and I bran shall come out of tender ground you know remember and I even saw the Spirit of the Lord raise the spirit of connect counselor - mm-hmm uh-huh and he says there when I heard this I heard the Lord said Satan the Lord rebuke you Satan and he was standing there accusing him on his right hand and all of a sudden here comes the prophecies they shall come a man whose name is surprise and he shall both the temple he shall bring forgiveness of sins he shall bring in the kingdom and Zechariah starts prophesying about the branch chapter upon chapter and the branch shall come and the branch shall come and the branch shall come and the branch shall come and then all of a sudden we start prophesying about revival about the rain would come and all of a sudden he brings the angels in and taking the angels he takes it missus and then many rulers will come forth and it was a ruler's understand they will bring the letter revival the greatest revival of all times and they will make use of the angels to usher the wind and the fire send your fire send you rain okay we said oh there's a wind blow him all across the lane what wind angel's wings man there's a Firebird what is the fire of revival angels appearing man hmm let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit but let's put the Angels in perspective hmm Bible prophecies are fulfilled the only Bible prophecy need to be fulfilled is you stepping into your position creation longs for waits for angels long to see you taking your place Zephaniah tells us take your invitation to the table come take the bread and drink the wine the invitation is there and step in your rightful position so how we do it the man that is called the branch said this is my body broken for you without the crucifixion you don't get to rulership without the crucifixion you don't get angels to listen to you if you don't stick to the price that Jesus paid I tell you the rest is of no value you've got to understand the price was paid at the cross that's where previous prophecies future prophecies all about Jesus was fulfilled when he died and say it is finished I think we're gonna take this bread the body of the Lord Jesus we're gonna take this cup the blood of the Lord Jesus and we're gonna say lord give me open eyes give me open ears give me understanding that it makes sense hmm make sense make sense thank you Jesus so be sure you live there where the glory is be sure you live behind the veil not in front where the law get behind the veil where the presences get there where your high priest is make sure that you live a life in the presence its from the throne that they get there come on so you got to be there Zechariah three if you will now listen to my voice and walk in my ways then I will give you access to come walk with these that's now standing amongst my throne so God says you can come here where the angels are and then you can start talking to them but you can't do there in the outer court you can't do the in Solomon's Temple you can't do it in the Jewish religion you've got to come behind the veil where you believe the blood is shed the price is paid the night the Lord Jesus was betrayed it - prayed and said this is my body this is the performant of the branch the prophecies the war in heaven the driving now to Egypt the world is seeing the costing out of Satan's falling like lightning from heaven Condrey enter but angels can't ever go thank you and he thanked father we thank you for giving your son as that ransom price and tonight we take this body of Jesus thank you for the body of Jesus we take this tonight thank you for the body we're gonna eat this body tonight it's gonna be health it's gonna be strange it's gonna be energy and life in Jesus name trust that everybody will get a piece I tried to broke it thank you thank you Jesus he thanked thank you Father you see this is the New Testament in my blood drink it in remembrance of me and so remember I died for you hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we're uploading more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're gonna be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spiritwordministries, spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, spirit world, spirit world ministries, porphet kobus, can i command the angels, can i command the angels???
Id: ZluuOouaqM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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