Preparing Your Child for An Ever Changing World Dr Kinyanjui Nganga

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other cover your salmon and use him as he speaks to us today in Jesus name we pray amen in 1884 Richard and L a New York prison warden realized the six of the inmates who are from one family intrigued by this phenomenon he decided to track down their family history and was able to track them down to the family of a man with the name max Jukes together with his wife they were incarcerated in prison a couple of times because of Reverend Emma's conduct and they decided to study 1,200 of the decedent and find out what became of the children who were born and raised by max Jukes they found out fifty two point four percent of all girls ended up as prostitutes three hundred and ten of their dissidents were Papas and homeless three hundred of them died before the age of thirty one hundred and eight were alcoholics Aharon sixty were drug addicts a hundred and fifty were incarcerated in prison for an average of 18 years age sixty seven of them died of syphilis than a killer disease and that'n of them had committed murder all of them from one family during the same period they decided to study a very contrasting family of a man by the name Jonathan Edwards then president of Preston University the man who preached the most popular sermon in history sinners in the hands of an aggregate together with Israel for 31 years until the day he died they decided to study 1,400 of his dissidents and they found out that in of them added up as college professors 66 of them as college president 66 of them again as you know as hospital physician 75 either serve in the Army or in the Navy 85 of them wrote classic books that soot all over the US and Canada a holiday of them was senior attorneys including 32 us stay judges and eighty of them were senior government officials including three governors there is senators one control of the US Treasury and that vice president of the US vice president Aaron Burr who served and at Thomas Jefferson that was 1884 I wonder what the statistics would reveal today in the year 2019 may I begin by suggesting while there is little you can do about your ancestors there is something you can do about your descendants a father's inference in particular goes to the fourth generation after him today ladies and gentlemen precious friends brothers and sisters I want to share on the subject preparing your child for an ever-changing world preparing your child for an ever-changing world and I'd like us to read Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 to 9 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 to 9 I like to request you to stand for the region of the Word of God Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 tonight as some of you trace where Deuteronomy is let me appreciate red red Colleen's insignia pasta reverend anata kappa receiving me he is such a great owner they also came to see me in the hotel yesterday I feel very honored to be here we never take this for granted the Lord bless you for entrusting us with this ministry Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 to 9 are you there [Music] here o Israel one to hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and these words which I command you today shall be in your heart remember the book of Deuteronomy was Moses speaking or array to the children of Israel it's what you can call the spoken word you shall teach them diligently to your children some versions say you shall impress them on your children you shall teach them diligently to your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up let me repeat verse 7 notice Moses says you shall share these words four times one when you are relaxed at home - when you walk by the way that means when you on holiday when you enjoying cruise ships when in Mombasa Kisumu on holiday when you lie down meaning by the time you go to sleep bedtime repeat these words and finally when you get up in the morning whether they are going to school or not the priority are these words verse number 8 you shall bite them as a sign on your head and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes verse 9 you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates and when I was growing up we used to do that would write with we're buddies saying Jesus says jesus heals I don't know where that old-time religion went but this is exactly what God had instructed Moses you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates another outlet everybody know that you're God's children right from your gate shall we pray gracious Lord today surrender to you that I may be instrument in your hands for your service to the praise and glory of your name may you bless your people and bless the families presented here in Jesus name Amen you may be sitting [Music] I like to share with us some five principles on preparing our children for an ever-changing world principle number one understad your child a dastard your child in the 1968 Summer Olympics that were held in Mexico John Stephen owari during the reset his heart his leg so badly on the 19th minute he can run he drugged his feet to the finishing line about an hour and 15 minutes after the stadium lights had gone out and the medals were awarded the generation Tova to murder him sir how come you kept on running when the stadium lights had gone out the meadows were already awarded he looked straight to the reporters and said excuse me gentlemen and ladies when my country the nation of Tanzania sent me to this country thousands of miles away they never sent me here to compare myself with the other ad reads they sent me here to finish the race and I want us to start there and pick a couple of lessons I found out long ago Kenyan parents window in primary school and in high school in classroom they always used to be number one number two parents are in Uganda I also found out Kenyan parents are very good in resilient children the problem is our neighbor our neighbours children have negative peer pressure and I've been looking for this neighbor for a long time so we push our children to get Annie because you are a student don't you remember let me ask you a question do you honestly believe with all your heart the child who used to be number one in primary school or high school academically speaking is doing the very best in life today is not necessarily the case not necessarily in the case can ask your question is there anyone here who'd be truthful to make a confession today in charge that one day he/she was driven to Kisumu from Nairobi slightly after a Veeru there was another car that passed you Kim Adaro you got so offended and you're so honored to prove you have a car you stepped on that accelerator and graciously a few moments later you are able to overtake this competitor who did not even know he was enrolled in the race after you had achieved your temporal celebration their character turns on the left to my my Hugh he wasn't driven to Nakuru after Lola in a confession quite a few you seen the high of life we get a different time straw for different pieces and exit at different times and I want to suggest you do not need to cause your child to run on the fast track your job as a parent is to enable them to identify theories run their race finish the race and finished strong the Bible says there is a rest set before us that race the race not a race the race you'd be rewarded for the race in which you enrolled and you have been waited for at the finishing line for you erase it is not necessary for all children to be a students it is necessary for all of them to finish their race and finish faith free talk to me if you can I stood he stood of a master wait on a distant land and he decided to give some talents to his servants the five servant was given some five talents he worked very hard return harmony in total ten and the master said well done thou good and faithful servant enter ye into the joy of the Lord now the second servant was given some two talents work very hard and return how many in total four and I must say well done thou good and faithful servant enter ye into the joy of the Lord notice they were commanded equally they did not perform equally there are committed equally because the master did not expect them to perform equally because he did not equip them he did not end tell them he did give them equally may I suggest there's a child presented by appearances on Metis who could be good in drama and music and basketball he's the class prefect and the top child in academics there's a child present have another parent or even the same parent here if he/she tries to do the five things I mentioned they will flow up in all five your job as a parent is to create an enabling environment for this total on to hear God's voice let me see it one more time your job as a parent is to create an enabling environment for this child to learn to hear God's voice now the story of Samuel and Eli it is not your job to decide who they need to become when we were growing up we were pushed by our peers to become three things number one doctor number two lawyer number three engineer they did not even know which engineering now let me see by a show of heart if you are like me if you are like me you never did medicine you never did law and you never did an engineering course if you lift up your hand please does that mean we are all failures here's the message your job is not to tell your child to be daddy like her uncle are to be an engineer like her uncle or like her father your job is to create an environment god knows how to speak to them directly your job is to nurture that talent but he was a character was given one talent he returned how many in total one the same one and he began to accuse the master I knew your heart master you're like ripping where you did not sow and the master say why then didn't you give my money to bockris bank Equity Bank kcb star that shattered out of gotten it back at least with some interest go to hell where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth of course your bible doesn't say the word hell but tell me please why do you think there is really in a gnashing of teeth you see the Bible never accused him of committing adultery he was not accused of murder he was accused of laziness he was accused of deliberately refusing to utilize the god-given talent the talent you don't use you lose the gift you don't use waste away God does not take away the gifts the gifts of God are irrevocable they're without repentance was the difference both of them are given by God God gives us both gifts and talents but talents he gives us through appearance they're genetically past gifts he gives us directly their divine endowments divine callings it is possible I've taken a couple of your talents right now because I'm utilizing my talent God's mutts are very interesting to whoever has much more is given and whoever has litter even that little he has is taken away that's what scripture says don't display the days of humble beginnings do something with the talent God gave you and he will multiply their talent and that's a message to set your children that they will be judged for their gifted own use not just your children you listening to me here - not this morning this afternoon brother you be judged for the gifts that you don't use don't compare your children when I used to go to schools I reached in excess of 400 schools and sometimes I used to do funny things I used to come to places it's the time I come in KC for three months there's a time I can't in bukhoma Kaka mega areas for free good weeks and I would speak to three schools in a given day morning late afternoon evening and the number one complaint students gave me is that mama says I'm not like my brother daddy says I'm not like my sister here are my parents they were never meant to be like their brother they were never meant to be like your sister they were meant to be themselves they must not lose their unique identity god never created two people the same even twins from the same sy God that's why we have DNA because doctors found out they have unique fingerprinting because God in Hawaii hands because hands is the symbol the work God has given us the work you're supposed to do your assignment or not not to children even monozygotic twins they are not similar they have no similar fingerprinting so who I compared them just clear the environment for them to be what God made them to be you have different personalities different passions different callings do not compare them and the stud your child lesson number two protect your children protect your child 24th of January the year to zero zero for our speaking in a dream stream boy school on the dream dream killers at the end of my presentation a young man came over to me and say thank you sir for your encouraging words of wisdom but I've seen fulfil my dream career why is that I asked him and without labeling you in unnecessary minor details the young man said you know when you I inform one one of our teachers asked us what we like to do in life and I said I'd like to be a general specifically really news in prime hour no sooner had the class edit and all other boys came over to me and said excuse me you just can't renew so strong with you ever gone to the TV look at the people who renews and they get back to the mirror and look at yourself squarely do you recognize there's no media how that can employ you even if you pay them to employ you and the boy fulfilled his dream career then I began to appreciate boys growth of a steam are highly vulnerable to violence of violent language trying to look for relevance trying to prove to their peers they are men enough boys with high self-esteem need not prove their manhood to the appears they recognize it doesn't reside in the abundance of their muscles they are comfortable with who they are often than not when you see a boy bullying the other kids in school arrogant with their teachers is an indication of a crisis within them they are suffering from low self-esteem yes spirit was crushed by their father or their mother who consented to say their losses there were labor day in day out until they give up they go to express and to vent by burning schools on the same note gas is loss of his team are highly vulnerable to sexual promiscuity looking for attention and affirmation and recognition Gaussian high self esteem need not hear the aloud in the streets because they consistently hear it from their fathers agar should hear the very first time the word I love you from her daddy because I love you in the streets means I last talked to you see kids when they below the age of 10 this pure truth uncensored if they are plain in the neighborhood and one of them is too fast they don't speak with the decorum of adults they say it as they finish where in Milano son or taqwa for us here to end a teeny tube a Papa Papa Papa Papa when they're teenagers and young adults they tear each other emotionally based on the title of your father based on the car they drive based on the size of the house and where it's located based on their hair do their makeup their shopping list it is a prerogative as a parent to form an emotional hedge around your children while you can't prepare the road for your child you can prepare your child for the road you can predict the circumstances ahead you can't change 7 billion people you can't change the altitude but you can equip your child to handle the hostile world out there because life is difficult life is tough if you invest in your child you don't have to invest for your child lesson number three train your child train your child now there is a fundamental difference between teaching and training teaching generally speaking is dispensing information as I'm doing right now training on the other hand you don't tell people what to do you lead them in what to do we have trains in Kenya and that train is nothing more by the aging of the locomotive everything else hooped out to the locomotive we call them coaches they can be three or twenty or a hundred the idea behind the English word means whenever the agent moves the coaches follow they don't choose the direction they are trained in a given direction when they're trained that means the agent turns right or the coaches turn right when the agent turns left that means the Train turns left all the coaches turn left parents responsibility number one is to train children what does that mean if fathers reach hungry or o'clock drunk they are telling their sons don't reach home o'clock don't reach home at three o'clock in the morning reach home at six o'clock in the morning I have shown you the way for us to Train means if you are bitten their mother you are telling your son don't leave it at the bitten level fluctuating set the pattern for you fathers if you don't want your daughters to commit adultery stop committing adultery in training you don't tell people what to do you leave them in what to do after this service don't tell them what I told you show them what I told you every single parent I've ever met who'd want to produce good children every single parent would want to raise cabinet secretary governor's senators great entrepreneurs corporate executives great lecturers in reality however you don't produce who you want you produce who you are like begets like you reproduce yourself you produce your type you don't produce your wishes hope is not a strategy in parenting you know there was a girl who was just one because of smoking a true story Nairobi Kenya I'm not using a story of the smoking Dutch people two weeks later she came back with her mama they face the principal face to face the mother got into her bag BAM some two cigarettes pop the smoke to their principal and see what were you talking about suppose you are the principal not Material Day in another beautiful scurry Nairobi Kenya a girl was given a skirt of the traditional I doing that school and the severus girl she was or a tree though she was she decided to trim it to size their principal did what principal have done since the beginning of times sent her home to regain her sanity she comes back to school after two weeks with her mama the print products are the mothers cut dirt has cut mothers cut daughters cos suddenly the spirit of wisdom came upon the principal and she said your daughter has deteriorated in academics you what you do you have seen charity begins in charity begins at home don't delegate the walk of parent into the Sunday school teacher to the school teacher it is your job to maintain your children in mentally in don't tell people what to do you lead them in what to do parents tell good parents explain superior parents demonstrate but good parents inspire children are like tape recorders watching your every move you see in one of my books the one I use for teaching parenting today I chose the picture of an elephant and a calf and the reason I chose that is because when the elephant is walking the mother elephant the calf does not decide the way the car believes the mother knows the path Rika believes the mother has done the research the car believes the mother knows the green pastures the car believes the mother knows the safe route the car does not go thinking the calf is telling the mother don't tell me to watch my footsteps you just take care where your step in our step exactly where you step if it's good for daddy it's good for me if that wine is good for you it's good for the child that's exactly what it means I recognize some losing popularity at an alarming rate so let me leave that point alone that's good to point number four can you go to point number four connect with your child connect with your child to connect means to deliberately consciously intentionally create the time we have time for who we love we have time for what we love we have time for what we value if you realize you're struggling to balance between work and parenting I want you to know today you have time for what you value in other words perhaps you don't value your children you live in deceit I'm saying this because I've had men tell me in parental meetings I've talked so many of them virtually in every continent and sometimes I do lend the lended trips I be speaking the u.s. from April all the way to December in different states and some fathers tell me I have paid the fees bought the books what else do they need from me exists me who made you um ref and Red Cross why would you want reduce yourself from a father to a sponsor why would you want to reduce yourself from the highest title if you pay the school fees did you know that the indivisible minimum everyone else has done the same that's the entry level the lowest entry level for you as a parent how then do we graduate from sponsors to parents by connecting them how creating the time for children time because love love equals time on Apple for you to illustrations of to successful people and then ask you how much access do you want when I put an international example a national example professor a Garima Dei is the only noburo reach from the nation of Kenya that's a great success and for the benefit of those of us who come from kögel oh please please bear with me Barack Obama is not a Kenyan please just appreciate it if you all sudent have been elected the president of the u.s. is again in the Constitution just agree and let's move on the only true noble read in this nation is Professor Gary Maday that's a great feat a great achievement no mean feat but on her deathbed and I'm saying this because it was in the public domain she was quoted by the daily initials saying the only thing I regret is that I never spent ample time with my children if the old professor is speaking to us today from her deathbed if I may paraphrase sir she's saying this I learned a little bit too late that parental responsibilities cannot be delegated I learned a little bit too late that he matters parenting you can't pick it up from where you left after putting up the apartments and an in the rentals after putting up a nice business out of building your career and then pick it up from where you live because the growth of children is irreversible so this I regret yes I'm Annabelle Reed but there's something here I can't make up I can't make up for the time I lost with my children by the time he died President Elsa Mandela was by far the leading icon in the world he's by far the most own and respect for him indeed I've courted him more than any other person in my books it's my hope and prayer you are not going to core I'm going to tell you out of context sometimes I wonder having saved a great nation from the forces of appetite and by extension humanity's freedom having spent 27 years after being either behind the bus walking on rocks is it possible is it possible deep down his heart having lost three of his own children to hiv/aids he may have questioned his priorities is it possible he may have thought to himself if I needed to save a great nation just maybe just maybe I do need to start a family I don't know who in this live audience would want to be the next CEO of the multi companies in Kenya would want to be the next country director of an international NGO who'd want to be the next vice chancellor for a puted university who'd want to be the next in apostasy time Kisumu who'd want to be the next governor at the expense of your children getting hiv/aids at the expense of your children getting lost in a Coliseum at the expense of your children being brought down by a bullet because they were involved in crime they were lured by terrorists you see for me if my precious Massey walked out on me because of misconduct for me if my son's see my daughter iris Sunday told me that if only you are there for Raza acuities party people around the world if only you kissed away or tears your that stood our heartaches maybe today I wouldn't be in prison maybe today I wouldn't have been wrecked by drugs maybe today only beam I see you I would consider myself one more failure and a broken hearted daddy and never again would I start before people to speak what I'm so passionate about parenting because to me true success is when those closest to you love and respect to the most you see Bill Gates as a Plataea was estimated in excess of seventy nine billion dollars let me put in perspective if he spent 1 million US dollars per day not per year per day that's a hundred million Kenyan shillings it will take him to 14 years to finish his money to 14 years if he spent 1 million US dollars per day assuming there is no interest on his investment Forbes magazine estimates if we only use simple interest not compound interest it will take him 648 years to finish his money consuming 1 million u.s. Rd with that level of success guess what the man is still walking the man is still walking at what point do you think you will stop chasing the money and start raising your children who art of foolishness in the society today when you stop chasing the wrong things you begin a chart in there at the right things Bill Gates knew this adalah long he creates a time for his children they never got addicted to social media they never got addicted to their gadgets a dear friend of mine by the name Isaac was carjacked taken to Gong heels that the abductors but he's pretending he doesn't want to cooperate he doesn't want to part with the money like many of you he believed in plastic money and they didn't believe a man driving a four-wheel car doesn't have the cash so they told him we're gonna finish you now but before doing that we will give you a phone make your last call make your last call make your last call who do you think he called now why what do you think was the message Lauria magnifica what do you think was the message canary pot Cunha report to nacelle Katia boss that crews your job what do you think of the message take care of our children regrettably one morning I was picking two senior managers Casey beard current I was training them for three days 2012 they used to be some naughty boys at the Kagami fray over who used to draw rocks too uncommon cos and this particular morning 7:00 in the morning we picked a huge rock and ruin a car and the driven that car died instantly the driver was coming to my meeting was a senior manager with kab was coming from mountain mountains called mountain what that estate Mountain View and but come by common transport from Cancun shocked me during that three-day training the same same day by five o'clock they had advertised his position internally same same day the company you are dying for will move on have your priorities right if you invest in your child you don't have to invest for your children lesson number five are you number five I voted you're be able to cover six less on this service unfortunately we can't cover so lesson number five hundred last one bless your child bless your children if you have missed everything I've spoken today this alone is all your time energy and effort for coming to church I honestly believe what I'm going to share at the lesson number five is your take-home but just because I might forget talking about my books let me mention briefly the message I'm giving you today is in this little book paradigm-shifting parenting it has my taught principles of parenting I'm showing you five of them you can read the others right here and we have a few copies I know you're more than we had estimated but don't walk out of service to grab the books there's something called the r-mo word he's very different from watching the TV you agree with me because I'm passing on my spirit to you so don't walk out we have a few books there and I have a book here called blue sky the only book I did in full color for those of you who want to use the gifts their god-given gifts and discover their talents to disrupt the markets it's a book unfortunately we finished them over the weekend so I don't have copies reposition yourself and are zeroed in to strategic thinking in that book then I have a book here and this book is only for enterpreneurs please if you employ don't touch this book I'm a writer it's called you don't need a job I wrote every sentence here to make you resign if you resign I'm not responsible this only for those who in business all those who intend to go to business you know I'm a writer I didn't write for fun either I wrote to disturb you if you employed just leave this book alone just leave it it's a hot book you don't need a job it's a book I used to teach about purpose I teach about purpose once a year in Kenya turn to that of much is when I'll be teaching for twelve good hours I call it off hours all transformation and the reason I do this is because a lot of people here struggle because they have never connected with their destiny fish never enroll for swimming lessons birds never enroll for flying school they just flow in your gift your gift is a domain your gift is your natural element again it's your gift is pushing rocks uphill is flying again is the weeds is swimming against the current a shock is powerful but gets him out of the sea water and the domestic dog can kill him because he's outside his Dominion once you're outside your Dominion you are outside God's rest and it's a struggle in Eden in God's rest Adam had no limits he could travel anywhere he named the sea arches on the seabed and the egos up there even the warmth underground some people estimate the Garden of Eden to be approximately the continent of Africa he had no workers yet he could travel the entire land to take care of it because he traveled at the speed of thought God created you limitless and that's what I teach on twelve hours of transformation and then finally I have this book is a program have implemented there's the reason I'm traveling a lot around the world here in Kenya we have done it with many churches or be discussing Reverend Collins to see how we can help you implement this program right here and senior pastor level kalter Berger is implementing it I think from this month in his church just to give you a hint it has ten lessons which we teach parents in ten weeks two hours per week for 10 weeks the first lesson is on mentorship how to read your children by your life you see in the city of Antioch they never call themselves Christians the city fathers observe their mannerism and then they say they talk like Christ they look like Christ and then they say they are Christ like they are Christians that's where the term comes from some parishioners are sent Francis of Assisi preacher how should we preach is say preach all the time if necessary use words in the words of General Douglas MacArthur a good general does not push his soldiers from behind he lifts them from in front after this service don't tell them what I told you show them what I told you that's what mentorship is all about we have 10 lessons I don't want to explain the others let me just explain one more and then I'm done lesson number three sexuality sexuality can ask you this and tell me on a string in a given year how many times do you talk to your teen children about sexuality give me a figure in a given year how many times do you sit down your son your daughter to talk to them about sex give me a figure about how many times twice okay I'll walk with his two times now can ask your question is it possible today alone you're a child to be exposed to sexually explicit materials on YouTube on Facebook on TV for example the advertising Nivea and the deliberately choose a picture of a naked woman is that possible to do only is it possible now you're speaking to your child twice a year the media is speaking about it every day by law of averages who is gonna win and you see what the manual tells us the Word of God tells us speak these things four times a day don't even speak impress the father in the morning when you sit at home by the time you sleep when you go for holiday impress them we've lost these foundations in a Muslim family the father is the priest he leads prayers they pray five times a day it's so difficult to change them twenty years later in a Jewish family they play three times a day the father is the priest but in a Christian family the mother is the priest even when they're praying for food or anything mama or BH Akua if they are such men here don't be that man Alice if you can hear my voice every man who has been doing that I charge you to date Edgar a true position as a priest go back to what you lost and become the priest in that house I began blessing my children before they were born when they were little kids I'll kneel by their bedside now that they are big my daughter's is in year 10 electrum so Gary we read the scriptures every day and we pray together daily even if I'm out of the country like yesterday we had to read the scripture fortunately our house like many of your houses we have Wi-Fi we connect to get a we D together and pray together even from a distance less so number 500 last one bless your Chum just to check whether you are out tell you if your neighbor bless your child words are never neutral what's the power to make under power to destroy what are the power to build and the power to demolish what's of the power to bless and the power to cuss they have Bligh born deaf bride and turn when she finally learned how to speak Helen Keller eloquently stated this way sticks and stones may break my bones but words will break my heart and I believe there's a validity to that observation this an Arabian proverb disease for things never come back they're speeding arrow the past life the neglected opportunity and the spoken word my mom had a brother they named him Meru Meru in my mother tongue is translated to mean the drunkard and true to his name this guy drunk China every day China is local brew and then he planted bang around his house to smoke in tree lights to increase the intoxication levels when he finally kicked the bucket Nana was deemed it necessary to do a post-mortem to investigate into the causes of his death we knew what brought him down this is cool in a mere account ebuy the name Nicky Mincha High School Kamisha is a kissy name for the tale and the school has never disappointed here in year out it is a tear in cases in those gates from Lomita ask them these names there's a school next tunica media by the name Nakajima high school a Cohiba is a Guzzi name for the live in 2015 when the students did not have anything else to steal these tour examinations or results for all students were canceled as the guys from kissy this is cool between kaamika aagama recorded a butch Inca in some Lua directs pronounce a boo shingu translation the place of fools no further comment there's a school in Erie County please God Macarena they named it ko gamma highschool kabamaru-kun for the devil sized school you should have seen those boys on rampage you know God is so particular be the names where I come from people give children funny names why Joey why he means the drunkard I don't know about this place God is particularly the name God caught a woman coats are i the baron rubra named Hazara the mother of Nations Kolkata man called Abram the Baron when he renamed him abrahama the blessed nation God caught a man by the name Jacob a liar common a crook renamed Lee miss royal the blesser country his very name Jesus Christ serious a dream ministry the anointed Saviour God is particularly the names I wish I could speak Lou because in my place they name even shops funny things caromed Oba Carr American Emory Somali no Nigel Coaker Maurizio moly I wish I could get your names for real funny names my father largest tribe in ghana is known as their shanti tried he have a unique way of naming their children they named them after the day of the week in which the child is born the children born on monday have a given middle name a quasi translated in Shanthi language to mean kind generous peace-loving godly industrious either by coincidence or otherwise almost all Christian missionaries over 80% of gamin leaders corporate leaders serious enterpreneurs in ghana are the are causes the children born on wednesday have a given middle name ikkaku translated to mean mean roth aragon terrible gas or gamma statistics review that over 75% of all crimes in Ghana community who are kaku's the POW in a name I once invited a lady to our meeting with the name dr. Mary tell or she lives here there's a time she asked me to speak in a school in a place giving day and I took the opportunity to ask her the secret of our family success has senior brother mu do War II was the ninth vice president of Kenya hi younger brother adrià warrior the minister communications Uganda her brother Dennis owari chair Toyota group our brother Han internal war ii j KQ group her brother professor Nelson O War II the first doctor to conduct a successful kidney transplant on African soil quad or panja successful generating the currency of bockris Bank Jeremiah worried their current ambassador France Geneva Congo from a CS environment and the list goes on dr. Mary ocher herself in her letters but a junior Keller are the proud owners of McKinney group of schools and dr. Miller was the first woman in Kenya to be a bank branch manager she cost me son she's expecting me to take lunch either have to negotiate with pasta when I'm taking here or there and she was the first woman to speak in Harvard School of Business to teach the world about how to run business there is a possibility with an awardee listening to me here today and I asked her what the secret behind your family success here what she told me doc my dad Colonel Jeremiah a War II was an Anglican clergyman he went planting churches all over Omega he father is a street named in his honor to date and every single day he blessed us every single day he blessed us he's the one who prophesied what you see in the our family today when I speak to prisoners they tell me the same thing I'm except where my mama said I'm going to be as I grew up mama said you are jail material Here I am as mama said it and you know you're laughing but one day I was preaching in London I gave the story made another call a man came forward there are many people come forward but this was a British original British white man he was in tears and he said as you are saying that and people are loving I spoke those words to my son and he's actually serving right now he 7di in jail and I kept telling him is jail material what's our never innocent what have the power to create and destroy the Bible says thou shalt not cuss a deaf man Leviticus 19 14 why such a scripture there people can't even hear it is because of the damage those who do on the vessel in which they store that's why Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks you see the only two gifts of immortality bestowed upon you is maintenance which anything else can be found in a cat or a dog or a horse but we get to know who you are when you speak because without the power to create or to destroy the Bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruits their love proverbs 18:21 I'll give you a story my last story I conclude the service there are two Jonas and there were classmates one John was nicknamed the good John you are so named because here the top child in academics was the role model of the other students was a class prefect was loved by the teachers and students alike but in the self sim class was a contrasting John named by his classmate they Bard John so named because he bullied the other kids never did his assignment arrogant with the teachers and needless to tell you today he was the last child in academics one beautiful afternoon the mother of the so called by John went to school and the teacher on you to reason very fast there is no way the mother of the bad child can come to embarrass herself in school of necessity therefore this must be the mother of the good John in the minute of that confused identity their teacher began to speak to the mother Oh John you are is such a delightful lad to have in class loved by the teachers the favorite of the teachers the darling of the students during his own walk in time and on it on it on that teacher spoke in glowing terms not know him these are the mother they by John thinking this must be the mother or the good job for stretch reasons the mother believed the message mother's always have a hope for their children and she decided to go and speak the same message to the Sun you know mothers love children for who they are let's face it sometimes Father's love is a little bit negotiable sometimes for the Slava's based on our performance some fathers love us based on the money we give them and the friends we put and put in for them a house but mother's love us for who we are mother's love is unconditional love but mothers have a way of amplifying the message only one teacher spoke but this is what the mother said the teachers are saying you are dramatically improved son if you continue in this message with this attitude you can achieve your goals in life and the mother spoke and spoke encouraging words never before held John ever heard anything kite anything positive everyone made him know he's a loser he's a failure and he went an extra mile to prove as much in tears the forum morning he went straight to the teacher of duty and said mr. Escalante I wanted to know that I was deeply moved about what you spoke about me yesterday I will do anything humanly possible anything within my hands to make your Worth and also my mom come to pass in a single semester the young man moved from a dissident to assisted it and finally when he sat for his 12th grade equivalent of what we call here forum for he was not only the top child that here by the top child in the entire history of that school why did I give you the story that details although the teacher accidentally motivated him I give you that stories are detailed to tell you this the spoken word whether intentionally spoken or accidentally spoken will have the same results in the spiritual realm there are no jokes let me tell you about that and then I pray for you maybe I might forget my best-selling book is called the poor the spoken word it has ten chapters one chapter out to speak to children one how to speak to your spouse if you get this book if there will be enough copies and you get this book do not read it chapter by chapter just look for a chapter code the power of self talk if somebody spoke a scene was when you're growing up I've shown you how to renounce them and achieve your god-given destiny galatians 3:13 Jesus became cus on the cross that you might become blessed of God he paid a price no one can cuss what God has blessed I want to pray for three categories of people here's the deal the first category of people pray for people who are cast by a mother or a father your mother said you'll never get married you will never succeed you'll never get a job you'll never prosper what that was spoken against you and you're growing up right now we are breaking those curses category number two I want to pray for people who've caught their children you have unconsciously passed on the same genes you have Krsna spoken to your children and labored them you caught them a thief a failure you'll never succeed in academics category number three I want to pray for people who've cut themselves how do you cut yourself I'll never make it emori stressed I'm always depressed you know every time you say my black beans you're telling the devil not to tell them you are patented your bad pains you have owned them even satan who struck the demons in rest for back pains he'll see who's a union this is the thing brothers and sisters every negative what you speak activate the demonic world into action pick this revolution if you can every positive one you speak activate the a Jerry cram into action let me break it down for you the chief of general staff made Jesus one of my soldiers is unwell Jesus new give honor to the one on eyes do this was a general he said I'll come to your house and pray over him ah Jesus you don't need to do that I understand how things work I'm a general I speak a word and bullets are fired in the butter crowd I speak a word and action takes place Jesus I know who you are you don't need to come to my house just say the word just say the word just say the word and sickness will leave just say the word and demons will free just say the word and Jesus said I've never seen such faith all over Israel you may read the story not now let alone in my view eight from verse number five just say the word here's the deal this Centurion understood every one of Jesus call seven into action every time you speak a blessing world God's box it every time you speak a negative word the enemy comes that's why nobody commits russain before they say with your mouth do you know how it works because when you said the devil doesn't know your thoughts the devil can't read your mind that never does not understand your God is not omniscient he doesn't know how you're feeling he knows it when you speak so when you say you're feeling like committing suicide he Commission's one demon to ensure they finish the assignment you see Jesus said whoever will say to this mountain be removed from here and planted in the sea and does not doubt in his heart it shall be done Jesus never said does not doubt in his mind why it is natural for your mind to doubt your human but so long as you don't say it you don't transfer it to your heart when you speak it you transfer it from your head to your heart so I charge you today don't say it as it is say it as you want to see it god call things that are not as the via God says let the weak say I am strong let the poor say now if God cannot lie if God has no capacity to line about 29:29 if God cannot lie and he's telling the weak to say they are strong they seek to say they are healed that I ask you to speak God's language call things that are not as though they are those are things are they are self things as you expect them to be in 2019 declare what you want the moment you say the economy is difficult in consumer in Kenya you cash your pockets you cash your bank accounts the moment you say your husband is carers your hearts but it's always cheating on you your marriage is over there will be a devoted to ensure the marriage is over in 2019 going forward say my children are blessed my marriage is blessed my Korea is blessed they shall be promoted this I am getting a husband this young recovering I am the head and not the tail don't say it as it is say it as wanted to be speak of things that are not as though they are does the language of heaven
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Id: ccrRIuRSfi8
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Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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