Me, Men & Money - She Date with Dr K. N. Jacob

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[Music] look at your neighbor tell them you're looking good are you glad you came I'll request you to talk briefly before I begin so we're gonna do two or three things tell them one more thing you will learn a lot today and I tell one more and then I start the message now tell them with an African Americans work today's message is about me men and money women are obsessed with how they look it is not very difficult to figure out what to gift a woman from the outfits Dean addresses but Gemma sets gym pants gift cards perfumes necklaces bracelets and all manner of beauty products and durian the list has just begun I guess surprise and mesmerized when men pretend they do not know what gift to give to the woman in their lives but let me ask you a question could do women really dress for is there if they are a woman who dress and straightaway you know she was not dressing up for her mother you know a woman's dress is like a barbed wire fence keeps off trespassers without obstructing the view what that means is this your clothes reveal your personality your wardrobe divisions telling us about the secret desires that you're trying to hide your outward appearance reveal what is going on on your inside you are not and feelings are laid bare by your dress code for instance when a choleric woman reveals too much cleavage the code implies she's craving for power and control every single division by colleagues is a statement decision when they hear he hears or before the sleeves the message is clear there of all personalities kinetics are the most obsessed with breaths every time they dress up we are telling you this check the label know where people belong on the other had a melancholy to try as much as possible to avoid attention males will dress in dark colors so that they don't get noticed and to cover up for the sporadic mood swings Mel tried to cover up everywhere of all personalities males are the least bothered with dreads and fashions in its pure form mail is the latest comma mutters trade and fashions and designs another extremist egwin girls who must scream for attention it's never business ratio for sanguine if it heals Deborah bhai quite high and very bright if we are going to dress in miniskirts they make them real Minnie if you dare them to leave the top open they expose as much as natural features as practical admissible but when they heart sag winds get so wooded for example in the financial broke they get so broken they can wear their jewelry over the top on the other hard of Phragmites the flag of all personality types is the least bothered and the least concerned about what people think about them for example a flag can get stuck in a sty rot in plain language a phlegmatic woman can dress in the same style for five years in a roof for example they can dress in a shake conference like this one in the same way they would dress up in a funeral service you know a woman's life revolves around her body in her relationships for many women here is an extension of who they are he is a symbol of identity and femininity in times past during wartime there many women who used to shave their hair to disguise as male soldiers he is a crowning beautiful women back to biblical history for women here and beauty are intertwined one and the same thing here for many women is fairly a very complex subject women devote a lot of time energy resources to maintain their hair some a low maintenance matters hairstyle others are high maintenance this is certain hair town that can retain and scare away weak men from a distance they see a problem to avoid that a gold-digger I repeat the weak men your hair affects your mood from day today you know unlike men who approach a woman verbally women said instinctual signals today women for example who play with your hair just to attract a man well hair play can be a signal of attraction sometimes it has I know stress and anxiety the women who start bringing their hair when they are before a very attractive men in the opinion over there before they are both of their mentor the other women who will unconsciously shave the hair because of stress women are concerned with their teeth color gaps and alignment no wonder correction braces were invented a dazzling white smell makes you look cuter a Dianna failure to smell makes you look older and uglier and for seiga casino middest failure to smell can scare away potential candidates now look at the girl on the right and on the left and tell them give me a small baby give me smell first impressions are made within a second when you weigh a smiley face you set a signal that you're pleasant soul when you weigh a frowny face you set a signal that you are now a foul to avoid when men compliment a woman this is the entire package but the opening balance in feminine complement is your face how humans face is a glow that issues forth and attracts people her eyes sparkle a smile lights up the room revealing her golden heart and living the rest of us in awe and wonder of God's ultimate masterpiece beauties the currents upon which many women trade that's why a G ignites emotional tailspin the very fast gray hair or wrinkle on your face said shivers down the spine of many women today's important if you call her mama you lose all the points but call her gal and you gain oh the premium points and that's the primary reason why many women today don't like talking about their age in fact one day I overheard my mother say I am 16 and holding family age is such a moving target it actually depends on your age how old you see people depends on how audio for preteens coming to this conference they will say they were very old women in the hall for me to make that statement our lose popularity at an alarming rate age is a movie target depends on how to our bar anyway it's in your interest to look beautiful as a matter of fact for your Konami survivor looking attractive is paramount making calculated impressions is not vanity it is strategic your appearance can create or kill confidence groom not for others but for your own comfort so that you don't have to live any single day apologetically do not stand out on account of how plain how ow how unattractive you are until you are breaking the news every girl is meant to be a flower the beauty of a flower is in its color and its scent I want to request you to talk to the girl again on your right and on the left and don't smell at them don't similar them but as them are you on a 14 or a repairing flower taking into account everything from moisturizer foundation and mascara to lipstick blushes and face wipes skins to estimate that the average working-class woman walks around wearing eight dollars of beauty products enough is every day by the way I didn't say the fabulous river of the woman I say the average working-class woman eight dollars an office right now every face you seen approximately eight dollars on that face today been especially as a conference they also hire the money is more this about 2015 consumer insight indicated that beauty is second only to food for the average working-class woman in Kenya seven out of ten women in Kenya prioritized beauty products of a house rent or mortgage for the house school fees for their children buying clothes for their children or even saving for a rainy day the average working-class woman spends about ten minutes every single morning on makeup and seven minutes every evening making down that's about 17 minutes on your face daily which may translate to approximately four point three days in a year approximately one full year if you live up to eighty eight but they assuming we began makeup the day you were born woman's breasts are a fascinating phenomenon there is no thinking of the fact that both gender consider women breasts as sexual organs I don't know what is your relationship with your breasts a lot of debate surrounds the size and how much we should see flooding is it possible as you listen to me tonight you feel like your breath as small as most cutified and you can't even wear a bra and this are stressed you cease your teen years or perhaps you wear padded bras to suggest you're still loaded or are you hearing my voice tonight and you feel like you have what I call cotton coat no more dress size but you still can't even wear a bra because you want to strengthen your core even though that leaves really severe lower back pains you have a somewhat love-hate relationship with your breasts or perhaps you're listening my voice today and others are laughing but you overwhelmed by the massive size of your bust and this touch had you especially in your teen years that you have not yet recovered could you be healing me this afternoon that you cannot breastfeed your child because you feel Seguin then you fear hell a lot of women don't realize the sagginess caused by gravity gravity makes breasts assume a hanging position what are you going to do about gravity as long as you live on earth is it possible you're hearing my voice and you sense your breath are deformed flat and isometric a symmetric means not equal not the same size not uniform or maybe you feel your breath are so far apart is such a wide gap you feel you abnormally made in your bust so so possible is someone hearing my voice tonight and she's very stressed with this conversation and the direction I've taken she's trusting God I will get out of this conversation bad news for you I'm here to stay a little bit longer and maybe the only time you touch your breath is during breast cancer screening and a few moments when you're showering other times we just allow anyone else someone else rather to touch your breasts and perhaps the reason you don't touch your breasts is because you sense you don't have a rouse or for you breath Samia mama England's research reveals that this is a mini motivation why a lot of women peers your breast nipples and that's why you shouldn't do stuff simply because other people are doing you don't know the story you don't know your motivation all of us are secrets close to our chest don't make decisions on account of what someone else did to look like you're within Styles a lot of struggles that women have with your breast can be traced to the early teen years especially for early bloomers and late bloomers both early bloomers and late bloomers can add up with severe loss of image severe low self-esteem and loss of confidence and if your mother here in my voice of a preteen daughter you should continually have fun them even if they look perfectly normal you know when we think about breasts we think about small or large but according to black company that love they're actually seven sets of boobs and all of them are perfectly normal and beautifully imperfect ignorance on the part of many women make them go for breast correction for cosmetic reasons a might condition thoroughly exploited by crooked medics Divya that type listening to my voice tonight that allow every Tom Dick Harry to touch your breasts then those breasts mean nothing to you and you're suffering from loss of image loss of confidence loss of esteem you are seeking for approval for attention if you know who you are you should be comfortable in how you look one would expect now three men are not bothered by their parts because they're behind them and women are looking forward for the benefit of those who process information five minutes later and now I'm discussing I'm discussing about buttons and in my conference please try to catch up with the news not history we live at a time when women bats have been idolized strange that women bottoms make headlines even my grandfather would resurrect he would go back immediately and if you don't know how much this has influenced you just think about how many times during the day you pass by a mirror just to look at the size and the shape of your butt some women will even aimlessly walk in a restaurant or a park a race park or a beach area just to catch a man's eye you should never catch a man's attention by your bottoms you should do that through your character and your prints you should cut a month attention using your fast head digest that if you catch a man's attention with your bottoms you'd have to sustain it and sustain him through your bottoms you know some oh you're wondering what you came for this is what brought you here some women erroneously believe that twerking dance and nod is there but sighs twerking dance can strengthen your pelvic muscles which is alright but has no impact on your butt size other women believe that sexual intimacy increases their bad size you know the reason we want to increase our bad size some people are teaching you that women with big bust produce voice kids nothing could be further from the truth now sexual intimacy is known to produce only two hormones oxytocin the love hormone and dopamine the love hormone the feel-good hormone but there is no scientific evidence of any permanent home enriched in your blood system that can impact on the size of your bed there was a New York City certified plastic surgeon with the name of Sherman who studied 50 thousand bucks accrue 35 countries I don't envy him he categorized the baths into five categories or ships one square shape to a ship three V ship for loud ship a number five upside down shape now upside down hardship I want to give you some examples live examples right here some girls oh my god who is ready I want to tell you that your ship do you are you ready oh my god you to shine their bottom line about bottoms is this meh not sorted by different sizes and different shapes and we fast interact with your face and keratin brains not your ears if you lose confidence in your body you will lose confidence in yourself don't measure up your beauty by somebody else's standards there's some shop ladies also they think that wish there was later a taller if that describes you let me tell you something I've been a mentor for long and I can tell you the pain a lot of tall girls go through some of them can never get the right pair of shoes some of them can never get the right outfit you know there's some guys who speak with no filter there was a man who was the tall girl how is the weather up there there was another man who was the colleague at work a lady friend he picked a chair like the one you javi stood on it and then invited her for a dance suggest him for them to dance at the same level in his to be honest chair there was a girl a tall girl who was too barely colleague you have no point you have no need to wear heels stick to the flats where you belong if you are tall girl listening to me tonight had you been called sir and height shamed more trying than any developer cadaverous Ayane suggests this afternoon there is no ideal height never shrink yourself to any ones like him in many cultures and societies regrettably so the fair-skinned girl was the pride of the family I want to repeat that word regrettably so on in 1988 non-common a multi-talented you got an artist recounts how she was bullied by her classmates on account of a duck scheme to the extent she contemplated suicide mark you she wasn't stereotyped by white people it was not with him it was fairly brown kids the good news is this long ago nan coma has gone over it and now she uses her talent in music to sensitize her community again astigmatism kids on account of the color of your skin this a woman hearing my voice tonight who cannot wear as cut because she doesn't like the color of her legs and the color of her knees she hides in trousers there's a woman listening to me here tonight who cannot wear open shoes because she doesn't like her toes and her toenails there's a woman listening to me here tonight who cannot bask in the Sun even on a holiday fearing has keen tootin missed another one tonight listening to me who has even gone to the extent of changing her skin color what you may not realize there is someone paying millions of dollars to acquire the same skin color you're trying to lose there is no such a thing as better color there's no superior color God is all colors God is black and white and yellow and red and indigo at brown and maroon that's why he has expressed himself in his Christian in all these colors some of you need to look back to your younger self and apologize to that girl and tell her you were and still are a perfect beauty let me make a disclaimer in my considered opinion I've read that Holy Word of God from cover to cover not once every single word from my considered opinion from a biblical perspective I don't think God is bothered with the color you use you can use black paint on your lips or red oh you know I don't think God is bullet this is the tenth this is that not to go back to dust the point is this don't do it to look like someone else over 80% of women have stretch marks somewhere in their body in print language if I pick anything of you here trade on to eight of you eight of you have stretch marks ironically women who go a lot of strength to try to hide your stretch mark and the question is you're hiding from who eighty percent of you have stretch marks you see stretch marks are caused by life-changing moments like puberty pregnancy or weight loss that's the reason you should see stretch marks as symbols of strength if your body has stretch marks like the waves of the ocean begin to see the waves of light that you have victoriously gone through thank you since stretch marks as blesses a meaningful tattoo the beauty industry spent billions of dollars I'll give you some truths here that may set some of you free the cosmetic industry thrives on funny women insecurities about the appearance their marketing strategy is as genius as it is sinister they make you believe there is something wrong with your natural features that need to be fixed and then they offer themselves as saviors to women beauty dilemmas you see if anyone of this shuns themselves as having solutions to remains beauty problems they will have a permanent consumer base permanently or eternally indebted to them who defines your value where do you derive your value from is it from your car your job your house your children your hair your breasts your husband your boyfriend learn to derive your value from what you can't lose you can lose that position you can lose your job the country can go into flames that has happened to many nations you can lose your child you can lose your husband you can lose your boyfriend you can lose your breasts you can lose your hair learn to derive your value from what you cannot lose most women in the world today direct their value from the media according to Rick Warren the media preaches 3 things looking good feeling good having Goods looking good it's not about your image and even if you try to acquire the body image suggested by the media people change their mind and you've got to matterhorn yourself all together why should you allow a dysfunctional world to standardize you number 2 the media talks about feeling good and that sex and pleasure almost every single advert brings a picture of a naked woman or almost naked Dudley the media talks about having goons that's materialism the working class in this nation has deteriorated to such a consumer society no wonder the mores are coming up by the hour we have nothing to show ten years of the work because it's from herd to mouth to post on Facebook a nice holiday were enjoying out there unknown I think one of the things you should realize about the media for example the magazine girl does not even look like the magazine girl the magazine girl is there brushed they have used tough like Photoshop ads for her ad campaigns and Bill booth and social media advert and you're killing yourself to look like an advert Jennifer Lopez makes some money through singing but she realized that she can make more money by swinging her but it's strange that some careers trade on BOTS so to ensure nothing happens to her career she ensured her butt for a cool 300 million u.s. oh my god some bats are so precious and most of you here have not insured your but how many have insured the highest insured body parts are Maria Curry's legs 1 billion u.s. dollars that can pay the entire teaching fraternity in Kenya for a year if someone's legs can be valued at 1 billion dollars or is the value of a soul I suggest to you tonight is not anywhere that gives you value there is nothing you try that gives us significance there's no way you leave that gives you yourself walk you are priceless you are the bread of God you know you have three sets of values your first value is what I call blood value this is what others think about you people's perception about you and it's nothing you can do about people's perception about you for example when they buy a footballer they don't buy a footballer how do you buy a human being they buy is Brad value how much are they we need to put on the table for your appearance that's your blood value then they see a second value yourself worth what you think about yourself and you can erroneously think about yourself then there is the third value and that's your true value what God thinks and sees about you your Divine self you are in a beauty if you learn to appreciate yourself the way God made you you'll attract the same level of energy others who reciprocate with the same level of energy your own self rejection turns people away your soul your own self-acceptance attracts people to you I love how Eleanor Roosevelt responded to media critics been a woman or the only u.s. president to have ruled for more than two tons because of World War two consistently attacked by the media that she was not an attractive person she replied to them no one can make me feel inferior without my permission I ask you today what do you have against you because some of you if you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself you never have one friend again what did you do to you I invite you to begin a journey of self-love loving yourself is not vanity it is sanity and the more you love yourself the less nonsense you will tolerate you know everyone has flaws none of us is perfect everyone has defects you see whatever you focus on expands if you continually focus on your flaws they will look bigger and if you think through your flaws remember some flaws are more pronounced there's a woman like you with no legs there's a woman like you like you with no breasts it's a woman like you with no hair there's a woman like you who has growths and there's a woman like you who has breasts all of I met a woman one day and she's going through clinical depression because of beard I agree it can be stressful but why kill yourself with what you have no control over I suggest you don't have to rush the dermatologist for every skin problem shave your face your hairs and walk tall everyone has flaws there was and there is only one woman who's ever lived on this planet with no flaws only one woman each one of you has flaws custom it flows that make you unique only one woman who was flawless only one woman and that's Eve before the fall because God Chris perfection but after she lost Eden this caught his son and the toils of life took a heavy tread on her and she looked like you sometimes I wonder if everyone has flaws who is this media who is this society we accuse of suggesting an ideal woman image I want to submit to you this afternoon that it is the voice of the enemy this getting in the name of society this getting in the name of media the question tonight whose report will you believe your maker says you are created in the image of God the only thing God created in His image is you not even the a jelly beans your criticized your fear free and whatever remained your enemy wants you to doubt God's credibility about your testimony your enemy wants you to doubt what God sees about you it choices in your heart who will you believe none of you tonight is a product of mass production none of you tonight is a product of an assembly line you are specifically designed placed as such a place and time for a unique purpose by the master craftsmen you are fearfully and wonderfully made and your own self-talk interferes with your body image put it this way your body image you never rise above yourself talk your body is always listening to you how are you speaking about your breasts about your butt about your hair if you loose your breasts don't lose your mind if you lose your hair don't lose your mind if you lose your car don't lose your mind if you lose your job don't lose your mind if you lose your children don't lose your mind if you lose your house don't lose your mind you're none of these items you're God's breath you are hereby right by divine appointment no wonder I wrote a book called the power of the spoken word if somebody spoke us in was to you when you're growing up especially the words of a father or a mother who said you'll be barren the rest of your life who said you will never have a good marriage and you've broken two three relationships as a result who said you'll never succeed in Korea or in business after ten chapters in this book 1 how to speak to your children but I think the most important shot in this book is called the power of self talk and I've given you how to break those curses and achieve your god-given destiny Wow can we go to number 2 are you learning anything you are so quite so before I continue tell the name on the right on the left what you've learnt so far can we talk about men and I don't know about the man in your life or lack of him but women have always asked what do men want especially when a man cheats on a beautiful wife the first question that goes on in the mind of a woman or do these men want what are they looking for because he was looking for sex before he got married now you are married and he cannot give me what are they looking for then you compare yourself in a Gao he's tuning and you wonder what or not are they looking for let me see this no matter how hard you work no matter how good you are no matter how hard you try there is something about the male experience that you can't hug I think there's so much I could share tonight I wanna share with you only four things we have to do some delimitations otherwise this message will go until tomorrow morning uh not pools some four things that men are looking for some four s wat and when I say s what we may go ahead of me or a pull some four s what what is the man looking for number one the first s success is your marking scheme wrong the men are looking for on a serious note a success succ ESS oh god annoyed them while women derive their value from who they love and how they look men that idea value from what they do for men what is an extension of who they are so if a man consistently failed in his business if among consistently fails in his career life he loses a job or he becomes an obvious victim of job loss or he's bypassed in promotions it injures his so forth and his values are men for us there's no line between who we are and what we do they snow you can define Kenya doing anger outside of what I do you can only define me within my purpose that's why it's dangerous to marry a man who doesn't have a job or doesn't have a business because an injured soldier can be very dangerous disclaimer if you are dating someone within courage straight from high school and they don't have a job or a business that's alright but they must be clear with your vision don't try to mentor the man who is Mary knew don't try to coach him into fighting his purpose let him sort himself out and then come for you what am I looking for a second s security security now these are building blocks so I'll refer to the first point when a man fills in his career or in his business be the first one to cushion his fall regrettably the many married women who tear them on piecemeal and they tell him be a man stand up like a man and they're sick of girls when they're dating they mediate you drop him like a hot potato and they get picked by the other man who is driving directly upon his face that confirms you never loved him you love this money you confirmed his natural fears no under a lot of men have become addicted to nightclubs because the boys don't question how your day was you see the women talk how was it good for most men they're just good why s men who were never taught how to cry we were never taught how to play weak we were taught to consider our problems even when we are going through divorce we were taught to act all right even when our career is in disarray we've faced suspension we are the warning we are taught to act strong even when the Ministry is collapsing when the business is going other no one gives us injury time no one gives us recovery time so we stopped up everything and a few men who speak this is how they speak let me give you an ideal talk when men in the club if a man wants to talk so how are you doing not good what's going on well my wife just left me yesterday now the other guy says well have you got another one have you gotten a replacement or a man comes and says how are things bad what's going on she got pregnant duh didn't you use a coder and do you know how they do next you always nothing by the way how come I never lost to Algeria the story's over so I suggest to you for the man in your life flood him with praise approve of his mission and pad in life let him know he's okay - not at all compare him with a man who's doing well realize this is just a season and no season lasts they come and go what do men want number three the dad s men are looking for space space women don't like hearing this I know many of you have read from psychology books about something called the nothing box if you have ever doubted it I want to tell you my personal experience as an individual the most comfortable space for me is the nothing box there many times has paid quiet time meditating about my messages there times there's very quiet time prayed but the most ideal space is mine of in space of course a woman's brain cannot compute that a man will go to the club watch football with them with the other men and they don't talk anything or play pool come to the house and the woman warned us this guy can't even literate anything he can't remember how they say they said nothing even young boys I can tell you this my son is 11 I've gone places with him including about a month ago I'm going to do a talk he fights other boys playing football he doesn't do an introduction or even cut you a request to be part of the game he gets in and they start kicking the ball by the time they finish has not clean anybody's name or where they go to school we are diametrically different I am NOT suggesting you entertain an absent father or a passive father I am NOT suggesting you entertain a passive lover or an absent lover what I'm suggesting tonight about space discuss with the man in your life about his interest hobbies and passions scared you for them agree there are some to our seen it on Friday Vinny just agree scheduled for his nothingness because the easier to make that man 104 life is too steep for his personal space stifling a man space 3/4 relationships what do men want their fourth s sex of course let me be honest with you girls men don't want sex number four is true I'm serious men don't own sex number four is a lie men need sex it's not a want it's a need no matter how a man may be committed to his wife he will still notice Beauty now together with me today is a very anointed man of God called pastor M of mbuna senior pastor ma who know he will still notice Beauty can you hear me ladies it doesn't matter how the man is anointed doesn't matter how he loves his wife we are explorers we noticed shiny objects but commitment gets us to say no matter how beautiful she is a country or I have for anything else now I think I wanna throw word to the moderate then a word to the singles and then a word to those of us here who think the clock has passed too much let me start with a married for the married in a minute I mean the first simple thing you should realize we men dress very well in conferences at work suddenly suddenly happens when they go home my god singing geez I'm on there huh and then you scaring this guy at the other hostel issue oh there is a way you can dress and the gadget is unable to raise up for a week learn to dress for your man dress to kill your man dressed your 30-man perfume yourself have that scent left your night dresses be more attractive and appealing than your date dresses why should you dress for the whole world I never dress for your man after this conference let me teach the word repentance repentance means you are going south you change you go not after this conference pass by a boutique and I'll focus on your inner ears now for the married women in our Minister are gonna give you the rule other than the rule of the rub is this sex in a marriage context this is the rule of a verb when Ida wants when either once not when you want not when he wants when Ida wants that's biblical but the Bible says then if you're fasting and you decided part of a vineyard Aston if your sexual intimacy was Karenia 7 5 if you open in the fast at 6 p.m. start with that Alta before you open about the food started a primary food married women in our midst if for some reason you don't want to go all the way because let's visit there are times women are comfortable with just a pair khakis a hog and you want the guy to clear rescue and you sleep isn't it if that is the case in any given evening do not send hints cues and clues just say it ABC style like you're speaking to a seventh child we just don't understand hinton clues we don't get it in the last two months it's been my privilege to help three organizations with their strategic plans Stanwyck Bank Southern Sudan lop fought against the give pension scheme to the county governments and I also did one for the National Treasury the one the producing for this country now remember when we in Mombasa who were doing some six days working on the strategic plan for the National Treasury as the facilitator I set the ground rules for the week and then every single day I'll give him the targets on Friday there's a lady who told me I seen you lately she lifted up her hand and said doc it's eleven o'clock I was so excited at least somebody's understudying my objective for the day today so I started putting pressure on those guys and another lady little Aparna say doc you two are not communicating she's saying it's 11 o'clock it is tea time my god I talked everything I was doing and said let me teach you a lesson about men and women do not say they never hint if after this conference 10 p.m. mother tells me darling it is 10 p.m. from her perspective she is tired and exhausted for working through the week about this conference from my perspective it is 10:00 p.m. she wanted now [Laughter] hallelujah Don said us hints clues just see it for the sick of girls here's my word from the first date with a man he begins to imagine what having sex with you would mean he begins to strategize how to take you to bed you see there's something different about men and women sexuality for a woman your sexuality is driven by hormonal fluctuations for a men our sexuality is driven by sperm build up in our testicles that tell us days need to release something urgently and by the way the build-up takes place in hours we don't go through periods monthly periods we go through our appearance I know you are told by your grandmother you are told by your mother your to by your teachers you're told by everyone you know how to say no and they told you to say no until you get married you know it irrespective of your faith your religion your Creed you know it but I want to tell you why this is critical for you I want to tell you why it's critical for you not to be involved in sex until you get married the moment you sleep with a man before you get married even if you get married to the same man so long as you had sex outside of a covenant he will always have sex outside of a covenant now research reveals that couples to engage in sex before they get married have five times more chances of treating in their marriage which enhances the odds of separation and eventual divorce if you sleep with a man before you get married and he sleeps with women outside married you begin to complain not knowing you were the mentor you know there are some natural laws you break him in the jungle if a lion was chasing an antelope and suddenly the answer of stops Darrin gets confused and thinks this is not meat because he's against nature if a man is chasing you and you're suddenly available he begins to imagine how many more men you've slept with because there is drill in the chase there is value in your scarcity when you are so available we don't want it because you're looking for some incredible it is in your interest to let a man know you believe in sex in marriage doc or TV runs away from me let him go if he was meant to be us here we return here is the absolute truth the man who will to sleep with you and to misuse you and the man who was to commit they all have the same language it all boils down to three things you look in cute you have brains and your woman or character and your forecast we use different words but we are telling the same thing so what I think the man who wants to sleep with you or the one who wants to commit they use the same words so how do you know who is serious and the one who doesn't sleep with you until he marries you because if a man is coming to commit if a man is coming to stay with you he's willing to pay the price he's willing to set the message he's not loose he's willing to show you he loves you for who you are he doesn't even want to be mistaken for coming for sex because men know the line between wife material and a call God for the Gaussian army needs to feel the the ears of past and God is not speaking and there is no Nigerian pastor coming to town I have a word for you if for sure you feel the years are really gone and no one is speaking this is my message with you you are 100% complete no one can complain complete your life there is no such a thing as a better half someone else can compliment your life but they cannot complete you if you need to buy a house please do if you need to buy a lab please do pursue your purpose there are many women who postpone what they are supposed to do for someone who has not given them an appointment and you are refusing to buy that house without knowing who you are waiting for let me show you something from the Word of God just to let you know to deal with a lie that has been passed on from generation to generation and the lie is that the man was created first that's a lie and I'll show you something that man and woman were created at the same time and I'll tell you the reason who are created the same day now I'm reading from the New King James Genesis chapter 5 verse number 1 and 2 this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female male and female created he them them them plural male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam and called their name Adam Adam of the name for male and female in the day when they were created the bug was consistent let's check Genesis 1:26 to 28 Genesis 1 maybe this has kept your attention the Bible says this and God said this is the first time man is mentioned in the Holy Word of God and this is what the Bible says was 26 and I wanted to notice the priority of man female it is not a man it is male and female look at verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them them them them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female male and female created he them and God blessed them verse 28 and God blessed them them them them and God said to them them them them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth you see in Genesis chapter 2 we see the making of the man in Genesis chapter 1 we see the creation of the man man is created from nothing but in chapter 2 God makes the body the male body and the female body he makes the male body fast for leadership he intended man to offer leadership but you are spirit living in a body you don't have a spirit you are spirit when God did the creation story he made both male and female why is that important in ship conference tonight the message is this when God gives them a date subdue the earth have dominion he spoke both to men and women so when the man loses the vision the woman carries on with her vision because she also heard from God does that make sense to you here's the message senior ladies in our Mideast if you honestly feel the clock has ticked I want to tell you this you look beautiful when you pursue your purpose you look funny when you're idle you're more glorious when you're implementing your work do not fall into the temptation of sleeping with anyone truck them on the contrary if you do that they will walk away it is never too late with God I have too many stories I'll share one with you just to suggest it is never too late with God my precious brother and partner who is with us here Erastus last year ally last year he organized a marriage seminar for me in near town a marriage seminar and I decided is an icebreaker to give a present to the youngest couple and the oddest couple in the meeting the irony of this matter was this the youngest couple in that meeting was the oldest couple let me explain the youngest appointed meeting they were just two weeks in their marriage they had just come from their honeymoon the man was 75 the woman was 72 now after this forum please go to my youtube channel and check a message called or rather entitled love in Neary never fails you will see their couple you'll hear the story these are not your ordinary couple these are not losers mr. university lecturers who had just waited two weeks if God could bless a 72 a a young girl with a husband he will bless you with a husband it is never too late with God there is so much he could say about men but I have to move on we only have so much time tonight so let's go to our third agenda money you know if you rob me in the streets of Nairobi you're likely to get a few hundreds but if you pick my brain you can get what I have if you pick my cash a few days a few weeks later used to be Brooke but if you keep if you pick my mind you can have what I have as a woman if you decide to become a mistress you may pick a few thousands but I want ask you some tough questions right now why would you want to be that ad the woman means someone's mistress is an addictive drug of choice uncertainty will hurt you much more than heartbreak you cannot tell the time he will call you or when he will ever come to your house you cannot predict his patterns because his loyalty is with someone else it reduces your human dignity by Robbie knew your capacity to earn your personal productivity it reduces you to dependant pegye fed with the leftovers of the family he loves and you know you're living a lie you know you're not is primary choice you know you're not a chosen one you know you're his second violin play that is own pleasure and convenience and I know there's some of you this exactly describes you and you have business excuses for your dirty lifestyle come back to your senses why do you have to be a second option for someone why do you beg for what you can earn we live at a time when their chances of success for men and women are very equal why would you reduce yourself to dependent Becca if you did no this is the reason I organized this conference to set you free forget about the pain you're costing the other woman what about the pain you're causing yourself who have you reduced yourself to he has no more chances than you have when you stop chasing the wrong things you begin attracting the right things you are never designed to chase money you are designed to chase purpose there is AG alimentary her name is Janet where's Janet where is this guy run forward Janet like some of you was abused in her marriage she left and she decided to start her own career but unlike many of you today this elegant gal walk in here did not go to high school she reached class 8 many of you hear in my voice he have college degrees this beautiful girl here who looks like a cabinet secretary is a hairdresser and this lady has two children and both of them are in expensive boarding schools now and this year after Janet started our mentorship program she decided to go back to high school she's actually doing half from one I know Janet I walk with her closely she's in our mentorship program season eight and I can tell you with integrity there is no money in her life if Janet can feed her children with no high school education shame on you for hanging with someone's husband now Janet you know what I didn't come here to market anyone but our market you can you can you tell us where your salon is it's in Westlands behind Sur it Center on Karuna Road Western Heights you know what I want to do something last week when I was doing develop in your blood equity at the Hilton Hotel and some of you came I decided to market one guy who is a mechanic and I feel it's my responsibility to raise up some people in the society I want to make a request to all the ladies in the hall I have no single interest in her finances I want to make a personal request I'm not collecting your offering I'm not correcting your tithe and you're paying nothing for this song I will make one personal request I want Janet to give you your phone number and I want you to be her customers I want us to ashame the devil by supporting people who work with their hands is that okay I want I want you to write down Janet's phone number and I want as many of you to promise to be her customers thought that a month after this she will not be employed Scheer open house alone can we commit to raise one Kenyan up can we commit can we invest in the life of this lady give him your phone number and don't do it in a hurry this is this is our time with you make sure they raid our phone number hi my phone number is all seven two one nine five four one two nine the name of the song drop here and booty Paula Western Heights it's behind sir it's Center on Karuna wrote a ground floor I'll tell you why I wanted to support unit I want Janet to go through a high school and are - Janet I want to study until she does a master's degree is that okay Janet we love you we honor you we serve you too you present many single moms who have decided to work with their hands you are a symbol of integrity and virtual the Lord bless you now the subject of money is to wait and that's exactly the business is translated here in our annual conference on 17th of April to out the limit myself to only one principle I have taught six principles on the same and the principle of purpose just that one principle I just want to answer one question how do we attract the money because your job money grew through two things you just discover what you are supposed to do and you solve real human problems they'll explain that if you try to sell to me a product that is not solving my problems let me give an example without you respect the people in our midst who are selling Bitcoin I'm only using it as an example do not take offense is that okay I just want to use it as an example bitcoin may be a very important thing I may be very ignorant but no matter how ignorant I am about Bitcoin I may not agree to buy that cryptocurrency because I am NOT personally and a study in what problem is solving in my life right now let me repeat I may be ignorant I may be wrong but right now I don't understand the problem bitcoin is solving for me for example none of you need to preach to me the need to buy airtime I don't need I don't need any salesmen I need airtime so I will look for airtime none of the ladies here we don't need to preach to you why you need to go to the salon that's a need you need beauty every time you come up with ideas out of your own personal obsessions you're wasting time you have to analyze people's problems and solve them and there are other problems you solve the more than money you make that's a story for another day but before you can solve these problems you will only be able to effectively so people's problem if you connect with those needs if you connect with your purpose now you can tell that right now I'm in my natural element I mean I'm in my space if you've been following me since you came here you can tell the only reason we want to finish by five o'clock is your time those who come for my teachings like when I'm teaching purpose I teach from 7:00 a.m. all the way to 9:00 p.m. non-stop don't panic we'll finish in half an hour quite I'm in my natural space here the Delian ladies you are never designed to pursue money you are designed to pursue purpose money was meant to be a byproduct of pursuit of a higher ideal outside your purpose is pushing rocks uphill outside your purpose applying again is the weed outside your purpose is swimming again is the current outside your purpose is forming self resistance is fighting again it's yourself outside your purpose you tread on qualifications and no matter how qualified you are other people will get those qualifications but in your purpose you are your own wicked you are your only type you've got no clone address may look like you they can walk like you they can talk like you but they will never become you in your purpose you determine the terms of an engagement and the rules of trade people engage you in your own terms because a gift cannot be purchased therefore a gift cannot be lost you cannot suck a gift because you cannot hire a gift your gift reveals your purpose so the question is are you trading on commodities or are you trading in your purpose that is revealed by your blood if you tell them you're gonna give me poisons from Java coffee house I'll appreciate but how do either you give me the name Java to start my business rather than the across Suns I would rather you give me the broad not on the products if you give me that blood I can go anywhere in Kenya with a sizeable consumer base and turn it around in one month into a profitable restaurant and the question I'm asking you right now are you trading on commodities products or are you trading on your blood your blood reveals your purpose in your purpose you enter rest you don't confer get confused by Maine or by an employer Edom operated in rest in the garden of rest the Garden of Eden according to some religious estimates this land was as vast as the continent of Africa how did God expect one man one single man to work on such a vast piece of land the man's speed was a speed of God the man was limiters he could name the bus in the air the animals in the big forests the warmth added grout he was limitless he could get right there there see a cheese in the seabed he could go anywhere the man you know limits you work return knowing no limits all limits are self-imposed and the reason we have these limits is because all of us we have a hundred percent of us here were born original but 99% will die copies we envy what we see in other people we admire the fruits without studying the roots we never tried to find out what remained to be true you're struggling to be the second person because the very original exists connect with your god-given purpose and then blood yourself and money will come if this does not offered you let me give you a very practical example based on what has happened it's afternoon just this afternoon personally because I think I need to be credible and I speak to you personally I focused on building my brand it doesn't matter what product I drew to the market the market response we were here 17th of April with a different subject when you brought yourself it doesn't matter the product is during the market are you with me walk on your brand this can only happen if you connected your god-given purpose order prefered to continue without train of thoughts time might limit me there is a book I wrote called you don't need a job if you're employed do not touch this book I'm a writer every chapter here might make you resign if you're in business or intend to go to business this is the book you need it has eight stories in fact for women for men you don't know the ladies in our midst Terry Moore guy has stories in this book a dear friend of mine and the one who started ashley's but I've given her story from scratch among other ladies you can read how these people reached where they have reached in this little book for those of you in your career world we have a book called reposition yourself about the art of personal branding and I have a book here got blue skies strategy now you can use your god-given gifts to move to the level five have given five levels have a book on parenting have a couple of books are not mention the details but I'm I'm interested in mention in one there's a program I'm doing these days called parenting today and the reason I'm interested is because I want you to help me come to your church come to your community and implement this program to rescue a generation there are 10 chapters chapter one is how to mentor your child and we specifically chose an elephant on the cover of the book and a calf the argument behind it the calf does not choose the path of the direction now according to the person who wrote this book's forward Erastus this is his argument the cop believes the mother has done the homework the cop believes the mother has done the research the car believes the mother knows the water sports and the Griffin Feud a curve just follow the mother the direction the mother follows mom's listening to me whether married or single mums the question we asking in this book if there is anything you're doing that you don't want your child to do it stop doing it you can only effectively teach what you consistently model the most effective way of inspiring others is bringing out the best out of your own life if you don't want your daughters to commit adultery stop committing adultery after this conference don't tell them what I told you show them what I told you in the words of General Douglas MacArthur a good general does not push a soldier from behind he leads them from in front some parishioners mess in francis of assisi a dozen preacher how and when should we preach pride preach all the time if necessary use words in that great city of Antioch they never call themselves Christians the city doors of Sevilla mana reasons and say these guys look like Christ they talk like Christ they love each other like Christ they are Christ like they are Christians originally that time was a mockery it was an insult they looked like the one who was crucified every parent who don't produce good children great CEOs great entrepreneurs cabinet secretaries governors and secretaries and Senators in reality however you don't produce who you want you produce who you are you produce your type if you have a ruthless teenager that's a mirror of who you are and the society in which they were raised parents are the direct mirror of their children when you look at the behavior of your kids they should be putting you in check and balances lesson number two talents how do we link children's talents with your careers less lesser number three sexuality on a day to day basis can ask you a question how many times in a year that the average parent talk to their girls or boys about sex give me a number some of your sins zero if you speak even two three times a year every single day can ask you is it true that today only especially those of you who appearance of teenagers or pre teens or young adults is it possible today alone they'll be exposed to sexually explicit materials if the media is doing it on a day to day basis that you are speaking to them once a year by law of averages who's gonna win lesson number four gadgets and I know there are many parents here listening to me who has struggling with internet because their kids can't keep the phone down this is a program but me rescue a generation we have another program and many of you have enrolled now to train people on mentorship we call it my life journey today I have a surprise for you the message I've given you today is in a book called me men and money the message I've given you right now is in this little book me men and money let me just tell you what is in this book just a little bit of course there are things I didn't talk there in the book for example I didn't talk details about your face at your height and your nails the subject of path to riches man you'll fade a couple of s words then the cigarette in Herman is marriage a covenant over or a contract then I came up with a curve called the marriage curve left side marriages right side marriages then in this book you're going to fight a man and his mother what he says what she hears men and affairs why married women cheat rising women cheat why men cheat what leads to affairs how to get out of affairs and finally about money I've given you some six laws about making money some six lost all of them starting with letter T now no matter what you do or do not do you'll be hit by trouble no matter what you do or you do not do there is trouble ahead trouble comes without an invitation there'll be trouble in your health there will be trouble in your relationships you'll be trouble in your career no matter how hard walking you are you'll be trouble in your finances and I am NOT a prophet of doom job 14 verse 1 says few are the days of a man born of a woman and they are full of trouble when trouble hits us we begin asking ourselves stretch questions who I me O Lord can ask you who do you think should have gone through that trouble on your behalf do you know their name do you know their address when trouble hits we say it's untimely can I ask you a question when is it timely to lose a loved one when is it timely to be involved in a car accident when is it timely to be nice see you when is it timely to lose your child when is it timely to go through divorce when is it timely to lose a job and some of us go be stuck when trouble hits because we don't realize that trouble again is to begun before you were born you are earmarked for hostility fights again s you began before you were born by the time you were born you have been waited for for a fight so some of us lose appetite others get depressed others get recital just yesterday I decided to read something a lady sent to me I decided to read to my said and an IV we have the women in my life they mediate women of a lady was to commit suicide I look at the case she's 28 the world has come to an end because someone has left her someone has left here do you want to commit with some of some of the problems I read I can't even respond by email I have to call these people to see where they can rescue a soul suicide is a permanent choice premised on temporal problems no matter the emotions they are like the waves of the ocean they rise and fall you must never make a permanent choice sometimes a permanent choice can become an eternal choice based on temporal problems since my considered opinion I don't want to conclude this conference before I give you the real on how to deal with trouble when trouble hits what do you do as a woman when the man you loved walks out on you with no explanation what do you do as a woman when you're pursuing for the studies and your supervisor wants to sleep with you for your graduation what do you do as a woman when they write huge billboards may not work and they decide some careers are not meant for you what do you do as a woman when you want to pursue your career at your husband cannot understand where you're going home late they are suspicious and they give you a warning if you have to continue that job make a choice between marriage and your career what do you do as a woman when you want to advance your career well you have an insecure man what do you do in trouble he's honest i J three things number one everyone gets broken everyone gets broken every marriage goes through breaking point the survivor of any marriage depends on how you have a breaking point every career goes through breaking point they survive of every career depends on how you had a breaking point I can't tell you how many times my career has been tested but I'll stayed on because the real difference between winners and losers is the ability to hold on the real measure of faith is your ability to hang on anyone can start the question is you have the courage to carry on innocent Palestine sometimes there was a black sheep so named because it is used to stray from the rest of the heart in those days there are no electric fences that would keep off wild animals so if a ship strayed from the rest of the herd he risked being eaten by lions obey as a Woo's or other of Venice beasts at times the Shepherd would resort to breaking the left hide leg to rescue the ship from self-destruction to save him from himself of a ship Kooning graze any longer he had to carry him should hide to the water spots to the griffin fields the process could take several weeks sometimes up to three months during that season there was such a strong board between the Shepherd and the ship when the Shepherd released the ship the ship would come closer to the Shepherd there was such a strong intimate board a cord that could never again be broken the ship could only graze near the Shepherd somewhere I read Jesus is the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 looking for the one stray sheep there are times God breaks you to save you from self-destruction the relationship God broke to save you from eternity in hell there is a monk god released out of your life because he could have compromised your destiny there is a job God allowed you not to get because it was not in line with God's purposes for you your paths are predetermined by God and anything that starts between you and your mission ground God will call you and when you can't hear his voice sometimes it is us to break in you to save you from yourself breaking point is necessary for our destiny I came across a very straight scripture Hebrews 5:8 how could they write like this that Jesus even those son land or pages through what he suffered suffering produces results right in to the church in Corinth the Apostle Paul says we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not abandoned struck down but not destroyed see God is faithful he'll never allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear he is your architect he knows your frame the guys who designed this building knew it could handle 28 floors the design of the beauty knows how much weight it can bear your designer says this he knows what you can bear and you're not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear because he's faithful if God allows it along your way it'll always provide a means of escape lesson number two learn the lessons of life learn the lessons of life is there someone you wish you never met is there someone you wish you never give your phone number is there a choice you made that is so costly the ghost has never left you to date then I wanna invite you tonight to pick the lessons out of life but doc you don't know how much pain I've gone through then done with pain don't just go through pain grow through pain read of a story of a man who was taking a walk along a sidewalk regrettably there was a deep manhole on the sidewalk he didn't know there was a side door there was a manhole he fell in there it was not his fault he had no idea I was a manhole let me tell you this what you don't know can kill you being ignorant is no defense the enemy thrives in ignorance that's why he's called the Prince of Darkness day number two the guy take the same Street took the same treat sorry same manhole but then about two he pretended there was no man you know you can pretend there's no HIV but you still get it you can pretend and walk with somebody's hands but keep her in there day number three same street same side hall when he fell his eyes are opened he realized it was a hobbit dinner before sin Street but this time road he went around the manhole day number five he took a different Street altogether some people take the same Street for a lifetime now right now on expose some degree of ignorance that resides within me I need some help you know a lot of time speakers and mentors pretend that they are perfectly okay I want to expose a degree of ignorance that resides in me right now I need help I need someone to help me I need someone to make me understand there's something I never have there's something under start and I need your hair up please explain to me please explain to me how do you accidentally get pregnant for the sixth time I understand the second time some people take the same Street for a lifetime John Maxwell says experience is not the best teacher evaluated experience is I translate that to mean you can have a long wrong experience you can be married for that years and never qualify to advise people about marriage because you've gotten it all wrong you can run business for twenty years and never qualify to coach people in business because you have never made ends meet you can have a long wrong experience so reflection Tan's experience into insight unless you identify the missing link the past you know time will never alter your outcome time doesn't fix anything you do you've got to do the fixing you know some people say the river habits cause what cause you've got to determine the river course pick the lessons lessons number three lesson number three never be alone never be alone when trouble hits we feel like everyone else has they are together we feel like we are the only one penniless we are the only one in relational crisis we are the only one depressed it doesn't matter what you how you're doing your career at some point in this life you will feel lonely no Elijah the man of God are the epitome of his career after destroying the prophets of Baal 450 of them the greatest demonstration of God's power for such a long time at the top of his career when just a Herod that Jezebel is looking for your head the man ran for his life and he viewed the day he was born and he contemplated suicide and he began to pray God take away my life and God judged him he told him to get an unlined his successor Elijah when you get to his side or God judges you let me warn you right now before I continue the devil no ever knows what you're going through he gets hints and clues when you speak nobody commits we said before they say it I beseech you don't ever be careless no matter the pain never open your mouth never write on FB never a tone was up that you want to commit suicide that there was not omniscient that's God's prerogative he gets hints when you speak when you say it he Commission's are certain demon to execute the assignment pretty logical conclusion every every negative word you speak activate the demonic called interaction let me say that one more time every negative word you speak activate the demonic crime into action every positive word you speak activate the a Jerry come into action when you say you want to commit suicide believe me it's only a matter of days how can I say that is this biblical yes life and death is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruits their love proverbs 18:21 there was a general who understood this principle he came for prayers from the chief rabbi and say Jesus you know one of my officers is sick jesus knew you need to give honor to the one on his do Jesus said or come to your house and pray over him and the general said nah you don't need to do that I know how things work I am a general I said the word they fire the bullet I said the word action takes place in the butter crowd I said a word they leave the products Jesus I know who you are just say the word just say the word and demons who live just say the word and my son to be healed you see Jesus taught us whose flesh shall said to this mountain be removed from here and in the sea and does not doubt in his heart each so beaten Jesus never said does not doubt in his mind why we are human and we can doubt in our might but when you speak it you transfer it from your mind to your heart that's why the Bible says complete the statement up to me leather we say I can't hear you leather it's a now if God can say that and God has no capacity to lie because there is not in his nature to lie then I submit to you Scriptures are consistent God calls things that are not as though they are if your husband is drunk and he comes late never again call him drunk say you expecting him to change if you have no money never again say I'm broke say I'm expecting customers in my business I'm expecting a raise in my job I'm expecting a promotion said things not as they are but as I expect them to be don't say things are they are say things as you expect them to be let the poor say let the sick see my daughter in class one she failed in all subjects and in Kiswahili she got zero out of fifty and I'm busy inspiring other people who are an embarrassing situation this is very embarrassing for my career we caught a Titian tju competition teacher for class it off home for you don't call a Titian teacher for a class on child but we were desperate it took too long for Massa die to realize we never spoken so idiot oh and that affected her and I remember in starting this lady don't inspire my daughter don't motivate her that's my job just hit the things I don't understand he's written a target for DJ's Oh we never saw these off for a year we never saw result for two years fast forward in class six in her school Loretto miss augury she was not only the top child in Kiswahili but sure the top child overall now thank you don't say things as they are savings as you expect them to be but do not be alone even when trouble hits don't be alone you feel hungry John felt lonely the party's the precursor the Messiah he introduced the Messiah to the world without anyone giving him instructions behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world the next moment he was in prison he began doubt in his own words and he sent his disciples go find out whether he's truly the Messiah when trouble hits with doubt ourselves when trouble hits we begin to doubt our God Jesus himself felt lonely and he cried in a row Mike aloy Eloi Lama sabachthani translated my God my God why have you forsaken me if Jesus could feel lonely you will feel lonely but never be alone God what with all people God walks with righteous King like David and Kings who do not know him like King Cyrus God was with righteous people like job and prostitutes like hurry up learn to walk with all people we crave for intimacy but we fear vulnerability we crave for acceptance but we fear rejection and the mother trouble the higher the walls we build the mother paying the more defensive we become we don't want to allow anyone into our space we don't want it want to know we are going through pain you can even be in a nightclub and be laundering the Middle's of people how do you know you're not laundry answer when you have runner about two or three people all the other time you're wearing a mask you can be a public speaker and your laundry you only know you're not wrong way when you're vulnerable to one or two people whom you can lay bare your life and tell them exactly what you're going through somebody can be please in the middle of this crowd and business conference and commit suicide do you agree with me the moment you are able to share your fears your concerns especially in two areas only two areas cause stress relationships and money if you're able to share your deepest concerns about your relationships and your career life then you're no longer lonely I can tell you this I love animal movies they are my best movies last night together with our friends rastas his family there is that his family we went to watch Lion King version - they are my favorite movies one of things I found out in the jungle a lion can never attack the Buffaloes but the lion will do is to roar to scare them away so long as the Bulls are together he cannot attack them his strategy is to separate them once he separate them he easily overpower them isolation leads to termination isolation limits creativity and imagination when we are isolated we can also problems sobering I hear some girls telling me when I'm doing women conferences or dark you know me and a friend I don't need a man I'm married to Jesus what a lie jesus never craves anybody's bed can I can I ask you a question you know the Bible says young member of his body you could just be a little finger or an ear or a hair in that body of Christ everything God created he said it's good only once did God say it's not good there loneliness of Edom can ask your question how come it are most lonely and he was in the perfect will of God loneliness was identified in Genesis 2 there fall off Manos in Genesis 3 a dam had not sinned Adam was in the poverty love God and God himself admitted this man is Ranieri how come Adam was hungry and here giraffes and lions he did not have Teddy beers he had their beers they some loneliness Teddy beers who never get out of you there's some laurynas pets who will never get out of you see girliness need some loneliness that will not be taken away from G by Jesus Jesus created you physical to enjoy the company of other sisters and brothers hey you will not go to heaven alone even when you get there you realize we will be there now millions Easter a kookaburra Kakaako Holly not in this life not in the one to come if at the reason Jesus emphasized about love because that was his emphasis love each other that they may know you're my disciples is because if you don't like me you will struggle through eternity because I'll be there to stay and out of a story of a man who fell in a pit it was a deep it very deep it a few moments an evasive person passed by he routed the guy in the pit and avoided a subject or together and passed by moments later an objective person passed by looked at the guy in the pit and said it's logical for anyone to fall in this pit moments later a subjective man passed by he looked at the man in the pit and started to question is he really in the pit as she really having any problem are there any issues in our relationship moments later a self-pitying man passed by he looked at again the pittance a you have seen nothing yet until you see my feet moments later an optimist passed by looked at the guy in the pit and told him sir things could have been worse a pessimist passed by look at the guy in the pit and told him some things who get worse a Pharisee passed by look at the man in the pittance a on racinos fall in the pit moments later a critic passed by rooted among the pittance Enriquez people fall in the pit moments later a motivational speaker pass by loser the guy in the pittance said be positive about your plate then a charismatic which was passing by who the other guy in the pit and told him confess you're not in a pit then there was a scientist who passed by he looked at the man in the pit and he began to compute the speed at which the man fell in the pit moments later the city engineer passed by and he demanded to see the permit for this man dig in the pit then the tax man passed by and he demanded to know whether the man has paid taxes for living in the pit then a news reporter passed by and he demanded he wanted an exclusive coverage of other man added up in the pit finally Jesus passed by guess what he did a thought made her pregnant he didn't ask what made her maybe to get an STI Jesus simply rated her out of the pit you know you know there's something interesting about Jesus he doesn't see the history in you he sees the promise in you a certain girls in the pit struggling with six husbands she could not stay without that lifestyle Jesus Queen have that pea well another girl was in the pit she was about to be stoned to death cut in the very act of adultery the people in hard day they accuse us the prosecutor the judge and the executioner were all on the same side of the judgment and they were hideous tones ready ready to hit this woman they say Jesus we caught in the very act remember they never brought the man and throughout history they never bring the man they never make the man responsible for his child they never make the man responsible for his actions and only half a man throughout history I'm so sorry but I want you to know this this woman found a different man there were Olivia stones all of them and Jesus has begun to write I don't know what he was writing sometimes I'm tempted to think that humans house was a brothel and they all used to go there that's how the Cata and maybe Jesus was indicating the death they had gone there and when he asked any of you was never seen pick the fast tune one by one they were embarrassed and left how could Jesus break the law of Moses did he according to the law he ought to die this was a dilemma will he extend grease all over Isis Tony did Jesus break the law the answer is no why he was on his way to the cross to pay for her sins your sins will either be judged on you or they were judged on Christ it is not simple with God every senior time you will account everything you did in darkness will be brought to light your sins rather be judged on you in an eternity in hell where people be gnashing teeth while they not they will be remembering this message they will be remembering every opportunity to receive Christ this memorably so clear until initiative your sins will either be judged on you although I judged on Jesus on the cross I wanna give you an illustration and then I pray for you teacher who'd you come here I wanna do an illustration just to show you how sin works in Asian times they used to capture antelopes and fowls using a snare this nail was made in such a manner if the captive tries to escape the tight eighty becomes the snails made in such a manner to outsmart the brains of the captive here is the message you have made new year resolutions in the past and successfully there is no amount of motivational talk not to break these chains you have vowed never again to be involved in lesbianism in masturbation in extramarital affairs you have been loosing your cool and making vows and nuit resolutions I'll tell you how it works I'm holding my Bible right now if I release this Bible right now what will happen little for Hawaii it's a develop gravity no matter how high I throw it its operating at a certain law what you've never realized you operated a certain law and there are three laws they're all sin and they love death I'll tell you about the third one no matter how much you foul never do it again disallow in the members of your body and this law pulls you down once it growls you it doesn't leave you there on the ground it repeats you under the crowd for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 8:1 and to describe these three laws there is therefore now no condemnation to them during Christ Jesus for the law of life in Christ Jesus has sent me free from the law of sin and death and the son is throat about it I'll read for you and then we pray in sons 1:24 this is how the semi seat about the chains verse number seven we have escaped like a bird out of the forest near the snare has been broken and we have escaped our help is in the name of the Lord our help is not in new year resolutions our help is not in determinations our help is in the name of the Lord the maker of heaven and earth who has broken their forest snail I made this decision as a class 7 child and I can tell you I have had very many fasts in this country and elsewhere are the first one to get a pitch think any project management I can look at your eye and tell you wise men seek Jesus 2,000 years ago three wise men went to seek Jesus and when they found him they worshiped him wise women in 2019 still seek Jesus all right doc I hear you what must I do believe in Christ as your Lord and Savior and he will break the forest snare he will break the curses of your forefathers who break the classes of your generations and I know this a woman from this day henceforth you'll be productive in your work productive in your health productive in everything you do because Jesus came to set the captives free I want to pray for you and now I want to request you not to move when we are praying can you honor God for two minutes I want you to stand I prefer you don't walk when we are pray just give me two minutes we make this prayer if you've been struggling thinking there was a curse spoken over your life he came to set the captives free you've been struggling the hobbits it has refused to leave you there is no amount of effort to break it except Jesus and his cross for he came to set the captives free so long as you're not familiar of higher laws you'll always be subject to inferior laws although gravity exists Airbus 380 fully loaded is 550 tons it gets airborne because there's a higher law the law of aerodynamics I now present to you a higher law the law of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law sin and death each one of us close your eyes bow down reflect about your life for a minute each one of us don't look at ubirr don't look at your neighbor just reflect take a moment reflect about the struggles you've gone through in yourself image in your finances in your relationships just reflect Almighty God in the name above all names the name of Jesus I stand on this podium to lift up your name I decrease that you may increase and I declare the spirit of Liberty the spirit of freedom all over this hall Lord God Almighty you say no one can come to Jesus unless your father drew them to you set free the captives it is in a word that was spoken against us by our fathers or mothers whether their life or their sins passed on may those chains be broken in the name of Jesus may those castles be broken in the name of Jesus they say lady here who senses that curse has followed her she's been played by men over and over again from now henceforth may that woman be loosed in the name of Jesus I pray God Almighty that you bless with a woman here in the hospital in the name of Jesus I pray you bless our money here with a job in the name of Jesus I pray we'll be the head and never the tail you bless them in the city you bless them in the countryside you blend the fruit of your womb baa for those who are mothers their children are blessed in the name of Jesus our children will not be lost in alcohol our children will be lost in promiscuity they are covered by the blood of Jesus they will be a remnant in their generation honesty's every head bowed every eye closed on a make a special prayer to those who want to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior if I did make this decision as a cross heaven boy I believe by now my body will be rotten in the graveyard and my soul and goosh in hell but thanks be to God His grace rescued me on time and that grace has kept you from HIV that grace has kept you from accidents that grace has kept you from premature death the father to your life today God is not done with you yet this is your day this is your moment this is your hour I like to pray for you and give you a present I have a special book for those who are giving their life to Jesus please just come here just walk as fast as you can I want you to come here I want to have a talk with you and I want to hug you I'll invite pastor Amy to join me pasta Judy please join me pastor pastor Murray is the senior pastor of mamuno church pastor Judy is the senior pastor of Nairobi chopped olive intone thank you thank you that every saw him tonight yes without God without God we bless his name [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 164,612
Rating: 4.8243103 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk
Id: fBb3PGqSF34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 27sec (6807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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