Power Consumption Test: Midea 8000 BTU Inverter Air Conditioner

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and here we go I finally get to do this test it's been on my mind for a while how much electricity will this Medea 8000 BTU inverter air conditioner use on an hourly basis on a minutely basis however you look at it I want to know how many watts does it pull the reason I got that Madea air conditioner is because I've been focused on battery power backup a lot more recently and air conditioning and heat is something that takes a big percentage of your total capacity so it was recommended in some forums that you get an inverter air conditioner like the one over there the Medea 8000 BTU one it should be a lot less power draw than the other air conditioner options that you have I know I have one in my shed one of the Standalone units that you put the four inch vent hose out the window that one draws like 1500 watts which would drain this jackery power station in just an hour I have other power stations I have ecoflow Delta Pros that I use primarily for for home backup but either way total consumption from an air conditioning unit is something that is very important because it uses more than pretty much anything else and 1500 watts on my other air conditioner was just way too much so I haven't tested this thing yet I really have no idea how much it's going to draw from what I've read I'm expecting it's going to draw maybe 400 500 watts the reason I haven't tested it until now is because it's really a hassle to get this thing out of the box and get it in the window now we're lucky I finally get to do the test because yesterday my central AC broke which I now had it fixed today but I had to get the window air conditioner unit out get it running it runs good but now I'm curious before I take it out of the window put it back in the box how much power does this thing actually draw so now that I'm two minutes into the damn video let me do what we came here for plug this thing in I really don't even know how much power this thing draws yet I wanted to wait until now I don't want to have to put the camera down let me try to plug this in the best I can I probably should have plugged it in beforehand we'll get it in though have confidence in here foreign that's something annoying about these power stations every couple of seconds it seems and all of them do this the screens turn off but of course it's to conserve power that's the whole point of them all right let's see what we're doing here turn this thing on oh I've got a I've got to turn AC mode on here first I'm plugged into this side so there's a button right here AC is on output it just jumps on for a second just because I have it plugged in that's the standby power output 0 Watts let's turn on our 8000 BTU Medea inverter air conditioner and these inverters use a lot less electricity than regular air conditioners um but we'll see what we're dealing with now as soon as I looked at it it said like 45 Watts right from the initial draw foreign 400 watts the unit is on but I don't know if it's doing the full full what capacity right now because the compressor might not be on yet I don't know so we'll keep an eye on it so I get to around 450 for a second 459 it just jumped to keep this screen on so I feel that it's definitely cold air coming out so the compressor is on these things are quiet too these inverters 450 Watts I mean that's just when it jumps it seems to be doing consistent pretty much like low 400s which that's good when it's trying to cool the room because once the room reaches temperature like overnight when the sun's not out then it would draw a lot less than that I'm sure and we could test that in a second so yeah it looks like around 400 watts not bad I'm happy with that now let's look at these controls it looks like it is in eco mode I just turned it off let's see if that made any sort of difference here it doesn't look like much of a difference it might have jumped up like a couple of percentage points I jumped up to 470 for a second there I hadn't seen that yet so eco mode does look like it might save a little bit but still it's it's less than 500 watts it hasn't touched 500 yet so that's good power consumption let's put it back in eco mode I don't know if that eco mode really makes much of a difference honestly maybe in certain circumstances but under the circumstances currently right now today I don't see much of a difference with that but I've got it at 60. let's crank it all the way up to a temperature where I know it's it's not gonna be cooling anymore [Music] thank you so you see I just put it up to 85 so it's got no need to be Cooling still looking like around 400 watts I don't know why that didn't make a difference let's see what else we got to play around with I'm looking at the screen here too it still says really similar 400 watts so I've got to play around with a little more because I'm sure once it reaches temperature for the room um it it would lower its consumption block assumption it would have to I'm sure but still 400 watts consistent you can go a whole eight hour night and only draw 3200 Watts which is like one Delta Pro that that's pretty nice to have AC running let's see what else we can play around with we've got fan speed let's put it on low 386 346 332 2 wow that made a big difference it went down to 299 for a second 270. and I have it at at 60 degrees now so we know it's blowing cold air which it is I feel it it's a lot the fan speed is definitely reduced though definitely so that's what you want to do when you want to conserve power it's blowing cold air definitely like I noticeably cold air and it's only drawing 274 Watts that's that's impressive so that's the key to uh power consumption with these things run them on low if you need to but even on high it was only drawing 400 watts man look at that though 289 277. that's amazing to have air conditioning running for the whole night and only draw like 3 000 Watts what else can we play around with fan speed medium 335 349 so mid threes to about 400 low fours even it still does feel relatively slow with the fan speed compared to the way it was when I turned it on because I had it on auto at first put it on high didn't seem to make much of a difference with the consumption between medium and high we're still looking at low low to mid fours so a little bit of a difference but the airflow on high is much more so there you have it the Medea 8000 BTU inverter air conditioner I think is a good choice for power consumption for anybody looking to run on on battery power and again let's just put the fan speed back on low and watch it drop it was at 400 327 309 yeah I'm Amazed by that High 200s to 300 and still getting cold air that really truly is amazing and the flow is not that bad when the sun is down you'll be happy to have it so I'm glad I finally got a chance to do this video I will um man like I said I'll be happy to have this thing during the next hurricane or power outage and I can have air conditioning running and not use all my battery power still have enough battery power to run my lights my TV my internet my router my refrigerator that's that's all important stuff that doesn't take as much electricity as most air conditioning units so it's great to have something like this thanks for watching guys hope it was helpful to someone I know I was looking all over the forums to see exactly how much power this thing was drawing I would comment in everybody's everybody's post like how much is it drawing so I finally got to check it out myself due to the circumstances thanks again for watching subscribe to my channel if you haven't already if you like my video go ahead and like it leave a comment let me know what you think I should talk about next if anything let me know some other cool that's out there that I should check out maybe other stuff I should buy and I will see you guys soon thanks again for watching
Channel: Mike with the Guns
Views: 18,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tK2-K5gC6Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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