Running Air Conditioner with EcoFlow Delta

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well today i've got another video on my camper and this is going to pertain to the air conditioning system that we installed last year a couple ways to see if we can power it [Music] better [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to camp geeks and so today on my camper project um we are going to use a battery system in this case uh the ecoflow ef delta series battery um this is a very nice very large i think it's 1300 watt hour uh battery there are six ac outlets on one side uh four usb outlets there's actually uh solar input um dc input there are two usbc ports it is a fantastic battery um i've actually done uh kind of an open unboxing opening video for it so far i have a lot more videos i have planned for it i'm going to put links to any additional videos i do to this specific unit especially the unboxing you can actually take a peek at that that's going to be down below so if you have any questions go ahead and see that one i'll also put links to their website so you can take a peek at their product but we're going to see if we can get this to power that air conditioner it's probably not going to power for very long and i kind of want to see how long it would actually do it for so let's do it okay so we are in the camper it is a stifling 89 degrees in here with the sun beating down on it it's over 80 degrees outside and i have and i'm up top here but i have this guy plugged directly in to the one of the ac outlets on the actual battery system itself i'm going to go ahead and turn that power on all right so we are on and ready to go uh make sure everything's good here i'm going to turn there's a button back here for the ac outlets and i have those now are on so we have power going to the air conditioning system and it is started up so of course we have to wait for the compressor to kick in let's give it a minute to see when the compressor kicks in that we can also see on the battery system here it's saying that i can run this guy for 19 hours with just a fan running yup 19 hours really that's awesome it's only running at 67 watts so not a whole lot of power outlet but when that air conditioner kicks on we're gonna pay attention i'm gonna get down there i'm gonna really pay attention to how much juice she takes so 19 hours 98 battery it's been a while since it charged fully but if i wanted to just run the fan that would definitely work for an overnight adventure there she goes she kicked on so we had a real nice spike on it but if this was to run continuously i can run that air conditioner right there for three hours on this battery and that's barring that i don't put anything back into the battery that's pretty amazing um i'm gonna see if i can't plug the uh the solar charger into this i don't only have one solar panel but let's see if that makes any difference so i apologize if you don't see this very well but i'm also going to see if i can't video the source i had this plugged into my mp4 connections for my mc4 connections for my solar panel so this plugs into the side so my head's going to be in the way probably here we go plugging in the solar panels then oh 50 watts coming in on the solar ramping up a little bit they need to be cleaned i know that 60 watts so obviously not enough so much to overtake how much more power how much more time we're gonna get out of this but if i was to get maybe two or three more solar panels up there it would definitely make a difference out of the 500 watts that we have coming in or going on so the trailers are already cooling down it is uh i can feel that really well it's working uh it's definitely gone down to two hours we're still at 96 percent battery um i'm gonna let this go for a little bit obviously the solar panel is coming in that's a 100 watt solar panel but it's also not at the right angle right now um and it's not clean it's pretty dirty up there so that would be another thing to consider is if i was to clean it how much more power right now i'm sitting at about 61 watts coming in so maybe i'll do that real quick i'm not going to film that i'm just going to go outside and clean it see if i can actually increase that without doing anything it's flat on the roof so i know it's not getting the greatest amount in but obviously if i was to add a few more it would definitely make a difference so let me go clean it so it was pretty gross sitting up here all winter but you can see it's getting full sun but it's like i said it's flat on my roof like when i installed it but it is a 100 watt renegy panel that i got off amazon 100 bucks or so let's see what was on inside now after i've cleaned it so from dirty to clean we're talking two watt difference not a whole lot so whether or not it's just because the angle and i would say that's probably mainly it it's probably not it's gonna ever get exactly 100 watts but if i was to add more of them it would make a difference so before i used to have my small battery system up here which obviously i'm making a change um i have these are the the connections for the solar panel coming in currently and then i have those draped down to the cable down to here and then of course where we are we're sitting at 63 watts in 6 30 out that's changing every so often um as it it's probably just because the system is getting hotter but even at two hours i'm very impressed 93 still it's getting much cooler in here i can feel the coolest and of course i can still exhaust if i needed to to get rid of some of the hot air um but yes it works uh take two would be putting the generator on here um and proving that in all reality it's not going to prove anything this is the way to get your get in in terms of my case because i have a digital air conditioning unit without my analog system that doesn't like the eco mode on my generator i can plug the generator in eco mode into the trailer the trailer then plugged into the delta um and then the delta into the air conditioner and so it's actually working as a bridge between the two and if you do that it'll keep this battery topped off and it'll just ride through but if it obviously the uh the the surge should be taken care of by the ef delta so um maybe we'll do a quick test just to prove it so to prove my point i have the generator right here it's a 2001 honda the 2009 i do grab eco mode on i don't know how long you can see that ah there it is of course you can hear it too because if i turn it off it ramps way up but with eco mode on we were having a hard time getting the air conditioner to stay on so let's go check it out so a couple things we're gonna do first i'm going to plug my battery system into the generator which is going to be into the system i have in here so i'm just going to plug that into the side here so now we can actually see the input is going to probably change you can hear it actually kick on it's got 142 watts coming in to charge about 143 and that'll probably ramp up as we go 164 178 206 and i can hear the generator going up a little bit but it's not really that bad all right yeah now it's coming almost 500 watts coming in 600 watts coming in but now we're going to kick the air conditioner on too and i'm going to actually film that screen as we go and of course the air conditioner is going to have a couple minutes of loopback before it'll actually kick on but uh here we go we're turning oh i gotta plug it in geez and i have that into the generator there we go turn on the air conditioner that kicked right on holy cow you can actually see the input go way down and the output go way up so now we're actually still seating the battery we have a thousand watts coming in we have 600 watts going out like remember it's a 2000 watt generator so it's still ramping up wow it's crazy so it's estimating the recharge time on my battery is 11 minutes before this batteries to full because it's pulling that much juice air conditioner is definitely running you can hear the pump running over there let's go listen to the uh to the generator so she's definitely working harder now now she's ramped down i wonder what door let's go find out because it's not pulling as much it must have been pulling too much almost 800 watts in 600 watts out so it definitely ramped it down automatically and it's ramping it back up for charge time let's go back out here so you can hear it working harder and harder and harder eco mode's off that's fully operational and they automatically ramped down when i did that but now it's ramping back up again this battery system is working as a great buffer because you can see the wattage going out the air conditioner has not quit it is continuing to go no matter what's going on with the generator it is a fantastic buffer between the two and of course the recharge time on the battery here is going to go so if i had a full battery i don't think we'd have the problem you know the the cycle time between the generator but it's a great buffer that is for sure and of course if we increase how much voltage is coming in off of dc mainly the uh the solar panels and it'll decrease the load on the generator as well so it seems as though every time that this pumps up to about 1500 watts the generator kind of kicks off for a second and then it resets restarts how much is coming in and so this just slowly builds up it's trying to ramp up the charging of this guy ramp it up ramp it up and wrap it up wrap it up and then it'll eventually pop way down 1435 pull a lot off that generator and there you can hear it kick off again now maybe the battery that's causing that and not the generator i don't know but i do know that it's the air conditioner has not stopped so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to turn off the air conditioner pull that off of the off the system and see if it actually still does the ramp up ramp down in that it's been doing with the generator because now it doesn't have to go to the you know 1500 watts basically the charge cycle time plus how much it was actually being used by the air conditioner so i don't think we're going to have the same issue i mean obviously it's still slowly ramping up but i still don't think we're gonna have the same issue as we were having with the other but let's push it on the system again turn it on kicked off from the generator but it was probably actually pulling it right into it but it works like a charm it absolutely works like a charm now we're probably going to see that ramp up to the kickoff point again yep i think it is the generator that's actually doing it so if i had a higher power generator it wouldn't cause that issue i guess the easy way to do it let's plug it into the house rather than the generator so it's been a little bit but um i do now have it plugged into the house um any longer cord so obviously we're at 99 battery two minutes to recharge uh it's pulling a thousand watts 550 to the air conditioner i had the air conditioner off for a short bit while i was getting everything rewired up so i'm sure that's going to jump up into the 600 range eventually once it warms back up again but it's it's cooling again one thing that i i haven't i have a thought that maybe assisting with the generator shut down a re-pull up is the power cord the cord that plugs from the wall into the actual unit was getting really really warm now i have a whole bunch of these cords so i don't know if i actually grabbed the one that came in the box i swapped that out for a different one this is the heaviest gauge one i could find so i know that i have a heavier gauge one i think it's probably the one that came with i can't find it i don't know where i put it but that said this is actually this one's already getting warm again whenever you have a power cable that gets warm you're obviously drawing too much power through it and that can increase resistance and everything and and could pop the circuit so that may be assisting to it so i even though that's a cooler one and it's warming back up again that might be one of our problems with the the air conditioner so i may have a few things to try here in the short future to to remedy that but everything's working otherwise and uh here's you can see it's coming off the the grid for power plus and obviously once it recharges and there's and it's fully you know it's basically back to 100 that input wattage should drop because it's not charging the battery anymore it's just outputting to the air conditioner basically this is going to act as a throughput and then a storage unit that when that compressor kicks on it's there for it i think it's showing what i'm saying it's it's actually ramping down the input we're down to 800 watt 880 it's obviously up on the uh the air conditioner is warming up so it's not 660 but we're almost fully charged and you can see the discrepancy between the two numbers is not as big it's not doesn't have to pull in as much as it did before so that's always a big thing if you get the battery to 100 definitely taxes whatever you have plugged in to power the battery less and of course right after i do it now you can see it's it's a hundred percent charge we're equal so it ramped down to the point where it's done and that was just like 30 seconds ago i stopped recording not even so equal and equal out so that's the ef delta in use with my contraption air conditioning that i added to my trailer um give me uh some ideas in the comments below if you have some ideas for me to try out see what i can do to this um or to the air conditioner or to the setup that you think that it would make a good future video uh like comment subscribe if you can for me um but i do i will have more coming for this um especially once i figure out how i want to actually wire the trailer into it um i'm probably going to do some more research on some stuff but yeah if you have any questions or ideas comment below or just head over to camp geeks and you can contact me directly through there it's a lot easier to go through that way and that way you can send an email directly to me and it's 100 guaranteed that i'm gonna see it comment below i try to keep up but i don't always keep up it all depends on what my life's going on but if you have an idea please let me know uh and uh yeah you'll probably see it in a future video that said guys it's getting warm out it's time to go back in see you soon
Channel: CampGeeks
Views: 94,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: campgeeks, brian schuster, camp, camping, geek, techgooch, geeksmart, bikegeeks, camper, ecoflow, delta, ecoflow delta, ac, air conditioner, ac battery, ac lithium ion, air conditioner battery, run ac on battery
Id: EW6seOivpoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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