Off Grid AC / SOLAR / TINY HOUSE! Powered By Jackery 1000

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it's freaking hot out here here at the tiny house there's no ac it's almost in the 90s already drenched sweat let's get some ac up in this all right guys it's freaking hot i need to clean this out get an ac unit put in here get a bed built get this room completely finished so i'm going to go ahead and take all this stuff out right now look at that it's clean all right guys so got it all cleaned this is a tiny little room here it's roughly seven by eight on the inside and as you can tell there's still stuff out there but one project at a time i'm learning that so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna finish up this room try to get it done but for now guys it's hot like i said in the beginning of this video let's put an ac unit into this window i've never been a huge fan of window units but i think this would be a perfect fit out here since it's super off grid a small window units should do this room big time but i got one big enough to do the whole house so let's uh take it out of the box put it in all that cool stuff and let's get some ac up in here for the first time in a long time all right guys so here we got this ac unit i got it from lowe's for 200 i think 229 and it does 250 square feet i'll put a link down the description if you want this exact one if you like this video and it does well enough i don't know yet so let's cut it open i'll kind of unbox it do all stuff it's not going to be a crazy video as far as like the tech stuff goes with this because i don't freaking know but all i want to know is can i run this off my jackery and if if so how long would it last so that's what i care about it's got instructions some phone stuff this is the part that goes into the window bracket styrofoam blast it and the ac unit all right so it's kind of open like that probably goes in there like that and put this on so i'm going to pull this all the way out slide it in these grooves and then stick it in this brackets like that like that all right we're gonna take the window out for the screen out it's actually starting to rain a little bit outside so i'm gonna go ahead and put this through here clearly not falling out close the window i wanted to make sure it actually fit good before i put the uh weather stripping on so i'm gonna put that on real quick and then i think we'll be good to go all right so i'm gonna put this foam down here in the bottom [Applause] tuck it in and then this strip clean that off it'll go here now that i know it fits let's put it in and these will come over here to the edge come over here all right so i got the jackery it's got 90 uh battery like i showed you it has a light hooked up and that is it there's nothing else than the ac unit so we're going to see if it'll run this ac unit if it'll even turn on if it'll run it and then i'm going to let it do the whole house if it's having trouble after a while because the installation and stuff still isn't done in there then i'll put like a sheet of something over the door and just do this room because guys if you can't tell i'm just sweating my butt off stuff let's see if this works i think it'll work but let's see how long it'll work all right guys so before i start doing this i did get this jackery a long time ago and they just basically gave it to me for free i did some videos whatever for it i am not affiliated with them whatsoever uh this is just an honest thing if it works so far i love this jackery uh that usb ports and all that are complete garbage they all broke on me within like the first couple of months everything else has worked great i've used this for over a year but i've never used it on something this big so we'll see if it works i'm going to hit the reset button on here make sure there's nothing going on and i'm going to go ahead and plug it in right here and let's see if it'll power up it did it flickered the light a little bit so i'm sure whenever i uh turn this on it's probably going to uh have a little trouble so let's go and hit power i'm gonna see how much it'll pull right now it's pulling 18 watts with this and the light so far which isn't bad honestly for starting this sucker it already feels good let's pull this off oh man that feels great this is the first ac i've had out here since beginning this talk about amazing oh my gosh so it's pulling 80 watts right now 86 watts so i'm going to bring you in closer show you this right now let's see i have it on eco mode it's on auto it's on cool and it's set to 70. so um oh so it just kicked on it's really kicking on now now it's pulling a lot all right let me show you closer it's pulling right here 300 let's see if we can get that 385 watts you should be able to see that right here at the bottom 385 watts it looks like it's peeking at that so that's not that bad so just to prove to you again it's just the jackery hooked up into this and then we got this cord right here to this light there is nothing else connected to it so it just kind of is what it is it's pulling 381 watts it's gone down to 89 percent but i don't even know how far into 90 it was so i'm going to time this i'm going to run it for 10 minutes and i'm going to see how much the power will go down on that but you also have to take into consideration no ac at all is going on in here until this so it's hot i'm sweating my butt off in here so it's going to take a while so i'm assuming it's going to take a little bit of power it's at 402 watts right now so it's kicking on a little bit colder so again i'm going to let it run for 10 minutes and see how much the power goes down all right guys it's been 10 minutes to show you again it's just the light hooked up right here to the jackery and then got the ac it's to 70. it's still going again this is doing the whole house right now it's about 220-ish square feet and this thing supposed to be able to do 250 so it's pretty close to pushing the max and uh i have no idea what the temperature is inside i should have bought a thermometer but i didn't so let's check this out it looks like it's pulling a lot of watts and power it's down to 77 and it's 540 average 540 watts that it's pulling so it's definitely eating through the battery of this but to take into consideration that it's doing the whole house and it was just already um it was already super hot in here so the fact that it's pulling that right now i'm not too worried about it's once it's actually cooled down and this thing can slow down and not work so hard so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take it off the jackery i'm going to hook it up to my generator and i'm going to charge the jaggery back up as high as i can get it hopefully a hundred percent and then uh hopefully by night i can just run it all night and see what happens run it till it's dead and see how long it'll last so that's what i'm gonna do right now is hook it up to the generator i'll show you guys that and then hook this up and charge the jackery instead of the solar panels at first all right guys i got my generator cable coming in i got it coming over here and i plugged in my light that goes right there i plugged in my jackery power that goes right there and i plugged the ac unit right there i'm gonna let it run off the generator for a while try to cool the house down i'm gonna try to get this sucker to turn off at 70 degrees inside it's upper 80s today so it's going to take a minute for it to cool down it's going to charge the jackery right now and then hopefully i can get that you know closer to 100 or whatever it may be as high as i can get it before it gets dark then i'll plug this back into the jackery and run that and see how long i can run the ac unit off the jackery so far it's doing amazing it's just sucking the power because it's got to stay on constantly if you guys know anything about ac units it's supposed to turn on get it down to that temperature turn off and then it's got eco mode and all that so that's what i'm going to do right now is let it just cool the house down charge the jackery and then we'll get back on it once that's done all right guys so this is actually the next day i charged this up but then i had to use it so it's at 74 i turned this bad boy on it's just kind of doing the fan i have it on auto it got down to 73 degrees in the whole house and i'm not covering up the doorway or anything so it's the whole 220 square feet that it's doing so it's at 74 it's pulling 88 watts it's just kind of doing the fan right now it'll kick on kick off kick on kick off and so what we're going to do now is i'm just gonna let it run until this gets really really low or a good amount of time i'm gonna time it and then we'll be able to see how long this jackery will last while this goes for a minute let's go look at the baby rabbits for a little bit and then we'll come back look at the baby rabbits guys they're doing awesome they're getting big so we got the big ups right here they're actually pretty calm you can pet them and stuff but i'm gonna pull out they're sleeping but i'll pull out a couple of them so you can kind of see look how much bigger they are than they were the other day their eyes are not open yet but they'll be getting they'll be opening soon but they are doing really really well they're doing really good guys i really like this one more that brownish gray color they're doing great again this is not my ideal situation for them i'm going to do a but a much bigger area i'm going to do the colony style and so uh i'm pretty pumped with the babies doing well it is getting hot that was kind of one of my concerns but they're doing awesome i have a bunch of hay in there um you know that way they can kind of eat some if they want but then they're kind of i don't know getting on a little bit they kind of just scratched it and stuff and then i clean it out and then i literally have a whole little raised garden bed full of rabbit poop i mean tons so i'm gonna work on that on another day but uh for now let's go back and check on the ac all right guys so basically i ran this down to one percent uh it didn't take that long to be completely honest i was running a uh led light it's pulling 16 watts so it's really not pulling a whole lot so i'm not going to really take that too much into consideration but um i do have solar panels over here i have two of them i didn't have those plugged in either these are 100 watt panels each so it's 200 watts that it can pull in realistically it only pulls about 30 to 40 watts per panel realistically and then um this was pulling uh somewhere around i think it was like 300 ish watts and then when it really kicked on it went up to like 600 somewhere around there when it had to kick on kick off kick on kick off and again this was for my entire tiny house if i were to close off the door right here this is it's something like 60 square feet somewhere around that for the bedroom right here if there was a door right there this sucker would cool it down and turn off a lot better this would run a lot better so it wouldn't have to stay on the whole time and this uh ceiling in there is not finished yet so it's not fully insulated and so there is you know spots that would basically affect that so i know you guys are wondering well how long did it actually run the ac i'm gonna be completely honest with you guys it ran it for probably about three or four hours because this was on a constant cycle it never really turned off it would turn off for just a brief second and then turn right back on it uh it's just something that i knew would happen with the ceiling in there not being done and doing the whole house itself and plus it's literally almost 100 degrees outside so uh it did cool the house down in here to about 73 somewhere around there i am sweating because i was outside doing stuff and i just came in and then i turned this off but it actually feels pretty good in here if you're outside you come inside it's a huge difference i do have six inch insulated walls so that makes a huge difference but i am very pleased with this running the ac unit as much as it did so really and truly at night if i wanted to run this for maybe an hour or two or even charge up the jackery all the way and just run it at night i go to sleep i turn it on and i just pass out it'll die during the night but it'll stay comfortable enough all night that it'll be perfectly fine i'll be able to sleep good i didn't expect it to run non-stop all the time on this jackery i don't expect the ac to be running all the time in the house period i wasn't going to do that in the first place unless for some strange reason it powered it perfectly fine now a good test would be to hook this panel up or both of them to the jackery in full sunlight and then have it running it would pull roughly about 100 watts with both of these going and it pulls roughly 300 um when it's just kind of running but without pulling too much of the energy full blast so it would only be losing about 200 watts so i'll do another video on that later so i just wanted to find out if you had a jackery could you run an ac unit off grid fully off grid not hooked up to any power grid or anything like that and the answer is yes and it works fairly well so depending on how big your room is this thing would do fairly well and i'm pretty confident and i'll try it later that if i put a door on here or at least blocked it off this thing would last for several hours a lot longer than it did before so it could potentially run all night if it stays cool turns off turns on that type of thing i think it might do that so that'll be another test but if you need an ac unit and a pinch and you have a jackery it can run it and then also the gas generator i have is a 3500 predator from harbor freight it runs that easy and i mean easy so i'm going to do a test with that as well i fill it up with gas and i'll run it as long as i can run it i think i could probably get about eight hours on a tank of gas in the generator running the ac full blast the whole time so that's not even that bad either but hopefully this video helps some of you guys out if you're off grid or if you went through you know the power surge and all stuff where a lot of people lost power this jackery can run an ac unit and this is the thousand watt uh version they actually have a new 1500 watt and that would probably run it even better well i know it'd run any better so again i am not associated with jackery at all i'm not associated with the ac units i'm not associated with none of this i'm just a dude living off grid that hasn't had ac in a year and a half so this was an awesome thing hopefully this helped you guys out see you in the next one
Channel: The Crockers
Views: 104,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justin rhodes, hollar homestead, arms family homestead, keeping it Dutch, good simple living, wild wonderful off grid, life uncontained, bearded woodsman, my self reliance, modern self reliance, cabin, tiny house, diy, how to, ac, solar, jackery, shed to house, van life
Id: 9f0yL0p-a_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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