EnjoyCool Low Power Consumption AC

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Hello friends and first thing I want to say is do not worry I'm not going to start doing a whole bunch of advertisements on this channel I felt that this is a very relevant video and product for off-grid living people are dealing with heating and cooling all the time so I felt that it was appropriate but again I'm not going to be doing a whole bunch of product reviews on this channel I originally set up to do this outside but I keep getting these huge bursts of wind so I'm going to do it inside and that's where it really needs to be anyways so let's get started technology is getting better and better and living off grid or living in an RV or van or camping uh in a tent wherever you you are it's getting easier and easier more and more comfortable we have mobile internet now everything and now we have these really cool portable air conditioners that are coming out and I gotta say I'm really excited about them I've already had a portable air conditioner for quite a while I love it I've been using it uh since I got it for over a year uh it's it's a lifesaver in the summer especially being an RV where it can heat up quick in an RV and there's all types of different brands this one's a bit more cost effective than the one that I already have the zero Breeze Mark II this is the enjoy cool it is 2380 BTU which is just above the other one that I have it weighs 14 pounds pretty light this is an intake for air uh this is an intake for air and this one blows out hot air it could be the other way around I'm gonna wait till I turn it on to see we've got the functions up here it's got a little piece of plastic over the buttons but I'm not going to pull it off just a clear piece you can pull that off when you get it let's take a look at the accessories this goes on the back it just snaps on back here I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this one-handed because I have to be able to hold the AC itself foreign like that and then here's the output for the water and that is where you plug in the power now it looks like it comes with hoses that go on the back blow out the air three of them one is going to be for the front here now one of those pieces goes in the front here which is awesome because then you can put the hose in there I'm calling it a hose but it's actually a vent just let me get away with that all right guys and then you can make it go any direction you want the air to blow so you get a way to power this with AC power do not know if they have a 12 to 24 volt converter for this for using DC power that would be lovely if they do they do have a battery bank that you can buy for this and the battery will last for five hours it says let's get this plugged in and see how many watts it uses as you can see I've got it plugged in here now this does come with a remote which is absolutely wonderful it's got sleep mode fan mode cool mode strong mode and the power button and then the plus and minus on the right there are for the fan speed let's start this up let's start it in strong mode the strongest mode first okay it's gonna start in cool mode boy all right so let's watch this it's at 81 Watts going up what I really love about this is they made these compressors to start out slowly just in case you don't have that much power so the wattage slowly builds up it's at 112 Watts right now sticking at 112. it should go up to 200 and maybe 40 or a little higher these will take more wattage when they're just starting up and then what happens is they have their Peak and then it goes down while it's running and it stays at a certain level while it's running oh this is already really cool oh that is wonderful that feels great now this is a real air conditioner this isn't a swamp cooler so this is on strong mode we are now at 163 Watts it's going down I'm gonna let that run for a few minutes and we're going to come back and see how cool it is and how much power it's using at the strongest setting one more thing I want a quick mention these are personal air conditioners I wouldn't expect them to be cooling off an entire room or something like that my experience with them with the one that I already have is the rest of my RV can be super hot but laying underneath the air conditioner that I've got uh the personal air conditioner just like this one keeps me really really nice and cool I absolutely love it I'm touching buttons while I'm talking it'll sit and it'll blow cool air on you which is absolutely wonderful but don't expect it to be cooling down an entire room in you know when you're out in the sun parked out in the sun or something I just want to clarify that it is 2380 BTU British British units there it is not like a 5000 BTU air conditioner keep that in mind but I will definitely keep you cool I couldn't live without mine I absolutely love it I could live without it I suppose but I don't want to live without it you know I mean all righty then we've been running it for about five minutes now it is running at 169 Watts 1.47 amps 115 volts and 60 hertz of course oh yeah I could feel the hot air coming out of this one and it's sucking an air out of this one so I think I got that right oh that air is really nice and cool that is nice oh yeah so this has a Panasonic mini rotary compressor it's powerful compact lightweight and efficient there's four optional modes here strong cool fan and sleep 2 380 BTU so you guys can tell that this is not very loud it is between 43 to 52 DB it is 10 inches high 20 inches long and about 9.8 inches in width for those people out there that use millimeters it's 528 by 252 by 251 millimeters now I don't know how this is gonna work but I'm going to try it out I've got a regular thermometer here just gonna experiment I can tell you I promise you that I I'm feeling really really cool air out of this but I know that some of you like to I don't know if this is gonna work but it's way too low to register all right well I tried uh this is really cool this is really nice and cold I like it as you can see there it's got some wind power the wattage it is on strong right now and it says it's using 176 Watts that is a bit surprising I thought it would be using 240 but it is what it is let's put it on just normal cool mode that's it Easy Touch there it's down it's down to 156 Watts this is also an intake right here for the indoor air that's for maintaining the compressor in the back that's why you have to have the hot air go outside and it will suck in cool air from outside to cool off the compressor and then it recirculates the air inside which makes it cooler and cooler it's still very nice and cool let's check the wattage again 150 so as you can see the it you know it slowly goes down in wattage as it's running they're starting these compressors up slowly which uses quite a bit less power a lot of you will probably be using a solar system to run this so that's excellent It's still in cool mode it's sticking at about 150 watts that is not bad at all let's go to sleep mode now it is in sleep mode still got cool air coming out that is quite a bit more quiet in sleep mode there let's see the wattage 120 322 Watts that is nice of course that's 122 Watts at 120 volts 115 volts not 12. so it's going to be amped up a little bit if you got a 12 volt system or a 48 volt system or a 24 volt system the higher volt system you have uh the more efficient obviously it's going to be so 48 volt system would be great yeah so you can sleep with nice cool air blowing on you so I believe I covered most of it um I believe that this is very relevant it gets really really hot out there uh when people are traveling around in the summertime in their RVs and their Vans and you know you just don't always have the ability to start up a generator and let a generator run all day long making all your neighbors mad and everything just to run your air conditioner unless you're in an RV park of course but this is a very good off-grid option it's cost effective more cost effective than a lot of the other brands you know you're seeing more and more of these uh come out and if I didn't already have one I would be keeping this one but I'm probably going to end up selling it or something thank you guys for watching uh I've got some updates coming on what I'm doing outside and if you're interested in this there's a link in the description below go check it out I encourage you to go check it out and I'll see you guys in the next video whoa
Channel: Cheap Off Grid Living
Views: 16,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offgrid, offgrid living, homesteading, tiny home, self sufficiency, undeveloped land, realty, off grid, growing food, reality tv, gardening, EnjoyCool, Air Conditioning, Portable, Low Power AC, Solar Power AC, Off Grid AC
Id: 7UOnr--XE24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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