Midea U Window AC 8000BTU DEMO - WATTS & SOUND 🥶🥶🥶

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hi everybody this is going to be a quick review of my my Dia u-shaped air conditioner I bought the 8000 BTU version because it's supposed to be the quietest one um obviously because the fans are smaller and it's a smaller unit but also because my office is about 180 square foot I'm sure it would be more than enough to do the job also I wanted to make sure that on my 15 amp circuit that this AC wouldn't overload my circuit with my PCS running because I work from home I work in it I have several computers at this moment in time I have one two three four five PCS in this room and I have two PCS on and two monitors right now so basically at any given moment in time I could be drawing about a thousand watts of electricity in just my computers and it heats up this room really fast and that's why I have this guy to help cool it down but also if I draw too much energy from the AC it's going to blow my circuit right it's going to my breaker so I wanted to make sure that I stay well under the 15 amp limit that I have here on the circuit so I decided to hook up a watt meter and kind of figure out how much power I'm drawing from the AC and let's go step by step I'm going to turn the unit on it's on fan only on low right it tells you the current temperature of the room it's currently 76 degrees it's sunny outside but this is still kind of mid-morning so it hasn't really heated up in here um it can get up to easily 900 Degrees in my office just because I have so many computers running at the same time sometimes I can see the watt meter is pegged at around 9 9.2 9.3 Watts so basically no electricity at all right and I'm not editing the sound on this at all so whatever you hear is what I'm hearing in the room on low the fan is pretty quiet here we go up to medium this is where you kind of start hearing a little bit of the noise and then you can see the wattage went up slightly to 11 Watts or so and if I go up to high this is when it starts getting a little bit loud for me I know people say this AC is whisper quiet and all that but it really isn't I have to say I still use my Sony xm3 headphones with the noise canceling on these headphones I cannot hear this AC at all even when the compressor's on and there's like low Rumblings I can't hear it it's really great so in combination with my headphones this AC has worked out perfectly so we can see that on the high setting with the fan on we're drawing about 16 watts of electricity which is really negligible right and let's try the AC mode so I had it set to 78 degrees we saw when the fan was on the room temperature was actually 76 so I'm going to go ahead and drop it a little bit you can hear the compressor kick in it's still pretty quiet so whatever you're hearing now is what I'm hearing in the room and again if you're wearing noise canceling headphones like these excellent Sony xm3s that I have I I don't hear the compressor kick on at all because of these noise canceling headphones now you can see on the watt meter I'm at around 190 Watts this is on cool Eco and low so if I'm running two PCS right if I have two computers that draw about 400 to 500 watts each I'm well within my limit of 1800 watts on my 15 amp breaker okay so now you can see on low we're staying under 200 Watts let me bump up the fan to medium and it doesn't just kick on the fan stronger it actually works a little bit harder so you saw that when my fan was on low fan only it was only like 9 watts and then when I bumped it up to medium it went up to about 11 Watts but if the compressor is on meaning the AC is actually on it actually goes up closer to 300 watts the compressor is actually working harder to make more cool air right so this is about typical I've noticed I'll hit about 305 310 Watts on medium and on medium this is like really fast cooling in my office I can leave it on low all day and it'll keep the room perfectly cool and the compressor will be on only like half the time because what happens is it's pretty smart once it realizes it's getting close to the temperature the compressor will kick off and then you'll see the wattage drop significantly but the cool air continues to blow because they're still cool air in the system right so we're at now at 316 Watts let me kick the fan up to high I actually haven't seen this unit hit 400 watts yet so this is about typical maybe on high I'll see maybe 330 350 Watts at the most and with this watt meter I want to make note I also look at the high meaning the absolute maximum Peak we've seen and so far on this test we've only seen up to 332 Watts because when an AC First kicks on it draws an extreme amount of power before it settles down to kind of the steady state right so I actually expected to see a watt Spike but it doesn't spike it actually ramps up gently which is perfect in my situation right because let's say if this AC would spike up to like 700 Watts right and if I had four computers on in this room it would probably trip the breaker right but knowing that this AC unit slowly ramps up the wattage I'm never gonna have that problem because I'm not seeing any spikes so so far our high is 337 Watts which is perfect right so let's go back to our current wattage 337 Watts currently on high the air is ice ice cold it's a little bit noisy for my taste so like I mentioned in my office low is more than enough and I usually keep it on this level it's not too loud it's not silent but it's a bearable sound it does make a little bit of a low Rumble every once in a while but this is nothing like the sound level of the typical window AC right it's it's still really quiet in comparison now let's turn the Eco off and see what happens all right so eco's off I've noticed even with the Eco off the wattage doesn't go up too much so right now Eco off on low we're consuming 200 Watts it's good medium and I can hear the compressor kick on a little bit harder right now I heard the little low Rumble kicked up a little bit so we're still ramping up we're at 312 316. it'll probably reach a steady state close to 3 30. which is the same wattage as Eco cool on high fan right so right now we have Eco off cool medium fan and it's drawing about the same wattage as Eco off on high with the AC on right so now I'll kick it up to high and this will be like the absolute highest wattage I think we'll be able to see and it's not even going much higher than 333 there I don't know if setting the temperature lower will make it work harder I don't think it does I think it just blows cold air on high when it gets close to your desired temperature you'll hear the compressor kick off and then it'll just blow whatever cool air is left inside so let's see did our maximum go up our high did go up to 341 which is not significantly higher right on eco High I think we were in the 330s so it really didn't increase the maximum that much I do think the algorithm where the compressor decides to kick on and off differs a little bit when the Eco is on and off so I just leave the Eco on because I don't notice a significant difference if it does actually use less power that's a good thing right and again this is where I leave mine I go Eco cool on low and I can tolerate pretty warm temperatures so I usually have mine just set to 78. which I'm sure this room is right now and now the compressor is completely off so this is basically just on low fan there's no compressor the air is still ice cold the funny thing I've noticed is when I have the desired temperature set and we've reached that desired temperature even though the fan is set to low the fan will completely shut off sometimes right so it'll reach the desired temperature and then the air coming out of the unit starts to warm up right because the compressor's been off for a while the fan will shut down completely and let's see if it does that right now maybe I'll set the target higher and see if it shuts off oh there it goes it reached the optimal temperature it realized that the blowing air coming out of the unit is warmer than the room air of 80. so it stopped blowing when it gets below 80 the compressor and the fan will kick on together at the same time so even though my fan setting is set to low there's no air coming out of this unit right now because I'm at the desired temperature now if you're on mode fan and you have it set to low it'll blow continuously no matter what the temperature is so like right now I said it's a fan low and it'll blow continuously the problem is if you want to keep a room cool just blowing the fan may not be helpful because it it's eventually it's going to start blowing hot air right so you're not going to want that okay well thank you everybody for watching this review this AC has been working out really great in all day use I use maybe two kilowatts of energy per day which is a lot better than three four five kilowatts per hour on my central air conditioner upstairs especially considering that I'm the only one upstairs in my house all my kids and my wife they stay downstairs so it's a non-issue for them this AC is probably going to pay for itself by maybe next year I might calculate that I might not PG e is constantly raising rates and they have these convoluted formulas for me with my solar system and I think they're ripping me off but anyways this is one way to stay cool and not waste so much electricity thanks everybody talk to you soon bye
Channel: JUnbox
Views: 5,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air conditioner, window air conditioner, window ac, u shaped ac, ac u shape, quiet air conditioner, air conditioner test, ac test, air conditioner sound, air conditioner power, ac watts test, test watts, ac power test, air conditioner power test, air conditioner sound test, ac sound test, midea, midea u, midea ac, mrcool ac, hisense ac, toshiba ac
Id: FS_FFL-xH_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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