Post Apocalyptic Art at the Salton Sea

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hey you all carpetbagger here I'm joined today by John from exploration unknown and we're at the Salton Sea out here in California this is those uninitiated this is a ocean a salty ocean in the middle of the desert that really has no good reason to be here early 1900s there was an irrigation accident flooding a salt plane and the people saw this and we're like well this is awesome now we have an ocean in the middle of desert so they set up all these resort towns around the Salton Sea and it didn't go very well this salt killed all the fish that they try to introduce there was just rotten fish smell everywhere the the the sea would flood and destroy buildings and it's just kind of turned into an apocalyptic hellhole there's still odd abandonment along the the sea but one thing new I've been here before but one thing I'm seeing new is that there's a lot of art popping up different like found art people taking broken things and turning them into a pieces of art so me and John we're gonna explore around and check out the Salton Sea follow us the last time I was here there was all just like ripped down trailers in this area but it looks like someone has constructed from the leftover wood they've constructed a pirate ship and that is actually really cool I love this yeah look at this different pieces of recycled wood someone's placed a giant disco ball right here on the beach check out this old boat left here on the beach it's been painted peek inside looks like a lot of people have left their mark wait a minute look over here there's bunnies living under this boat they're like they're like pet bunnies I like got pet bunny colors hey boat bunny what are you doing hey hey there someone's been leaving food and water for the boat bunnies hey there I see you boat bunny don't run for me let me pet you hey bunny okay he doesn't he doesn't want to be bothered I get bunny what are you doing oh where you going don't run into the sea it's a beautiful rabbit see a little dragon popping up there through the sand this looks like the remnants of maybe an old trailer here some artistic editions yeah these spots here these are old trailers that have basically disintegrated from the salt all right guess this is effectually known as the trash tree and it certainly lives up to his name it's made of trash look at this big weird floating cube yeah very little left of these destroyed homes just a chair left behind oh look at that so that's a mouth whoo getting a really strong smell over here like the dumpster behind a Long John Silver's look at that out in the water we have a little swing it looks pretty majestic but I don't think I would ever swing on that little doorway to the beach area no mailbox here I guess for people to live leave their urbex stickers this guy's called forbidden exploration hmm I forbid you to explore his channel is anyone home see there's no reason for a door because there's no walls see as you get closer to the actual beach you come to the shocking realization this is not sand this is bones it's just a hundred percent fish bones Santa's bones the sand its bones look at that little boat on the water I think I see that big smiley face on this a piece of industrial equipment I don't know if it's a crane or what but you can just see where it's been rotting away and just how embedded look at that is this just a such a salt it's just salt just has become part of the curry and the crane has become more salt and crane at this point check this out someone's built a church right here on the beach you can see they have stained-glass windows which I'm really impressed that no one has smashed those that's that's nice and there should be a like a sword on the cross there looks like they would maybe start fires in this little pit it's more Beach artwork over here it's this giant star and it says do not climb and it is covered and razor wire so I can imagine who would really want to climb that then no idea what these unique structures are they almost look like slides look at that that's a it's a welcoming sign right there you do a little waterskiing over here here's a very interesting compound not really sure what's going on here I guess this is a bomb oh wow this is actually sold by Sotheby's International Realty very impressive it is a shelter of some sort save the fallout teddy bears of Bombay see there's a old boat around the side and just look at that there is like it says watch the news stay inside for 24 hours don't run JA interesting phrases on the side of this building and then there's toxic waste in the shed well let's check out this fallout shelter oh look at that it's a TV it says breathe now this studio is not abandoned Joe owns it this is the studio rules with the shelter rules no stealing be respectful enjoy yourself live a low howl of the bears their bears in here I don't see any bears there's the Guinness Book of World Records with Wadlow on the cover oh that's not what lo oh I'm sorry I shouldn't be showing that so I gather from reading this hippies are allowed but there's no hipsters it's interesting you can see just a lot of waste but like over there that blue house or someone living there with a car and then there's this it's a trailer right here oh there's a fold-out bed in here a little bit left behind just weird jar of yellow liquid oh look at that green shag carpet looks like someone took the air conditioner there's a bunch of clothing in this old trailer hello oh look this one says I love you well this is like how this is old this is like you can see it's it's wooden this right here is a genuine outhouse there's a holler I don't know how old that would be wow that trailers got a little white house up on the roof I'll look at that information about the emergency code this nautical theme carries inside got this ship wheels table oh my gosh there's like covers on the bed this trailer that's a big scary monster on the side of it you can feel the whole building shifting as I walk mother Mary and Jesus [Music] abandon hope no no no always hang on to hope carton still up in the toilet Oh cabinets up there not sure what this structure was what's wrong oh yeah burglar scary yeah there's a lot of stickers and graffiti in here whoa it's a pigeon oh these boots here yeah looks like someone killed someone and lefties as a trophy that's probably it's probably overdramatic probably right yeah somehow he just threw their shoes away and someone nailed it along I can't argue with this one you never let the dream killers win yeah some of the artwork here is pretty striking know what's going into these abandoned buildings out west I've been seeing this a lot that's poetry by booths what is this the spice is that sage maybe yeah I don't know exactly what this building is almost like some sort of florist some sort of abandoned floral shop incredibly interesting like windmill house right there so these paper cranes in the fence here not sure what this is I think it's some sort of foundation this looks like the Bombay Beach Opera House we need to come back and check out an opera oh wow you look in there and the walls are completely paved with flip-flops that's actually pretty crazy yeah yeah I like opera a little trailer over here says sign say it says a dream in death and there's actual petrified saltfish nailed to the side and also inside there's a ball pit slash casket I'll back there that's wonderful giant clam what's in there John so people leave their underwear and then they leave messages on it like now I realize I hide secrets for myself there's some actually some about sexual abuse that I see this is absolutely fascinating yes who's this confessional yes this is the room you go in where you make these confessions and what's behind this curtain oh my gosh I guess this is a dead fish room those are all dead fish why what's in here this is now I I don't know like I'm looking at this it has to be an optical illusion but it's it's like in 3d in real life John come here look at that are you seeing what I'm saying yeah it's like it's like it's floating out I don't know how they accomplished out of facts but it and I don't know if you guys are able to pick that up but it's really stands out and looks 3d oh wow this this whole little area all these little trailers and buildings have been just been turned into like this interactive art exhibit and it's absolutely amazing this big pink trailer here labeled Museum number two let's see what's inside look at this this is a piano or okay this is a cardboard piano makes a lot of sense this exhibit is on loan and oh my looks like someone stole I don't know I don't know what it was I'd almost broke it but someone stole this exhibit what's oh go into the bathroom and there's just plungers stuck everywhere it's amazing oh here's Johnny what's in here I is this you're supposed to be like some sort of some sort of big winding Brown something I don't know okay apparently in addition to be called Museum number two it has a another name it's a little pool right here I guess this is like shag carpet it has a pile of babies that's that's so random you can pick them up John what what is this place I have no idea we're in some kind of alternate universe make sense this is like this is like this is like me off but scaled down without money so it's like this is like scary in the middle of nowhere meow hole yes exactly this is like the most wait a minute it's just power in here yeah and you try these you turn these fans off these fans on waiter this is call Beyonce and so what's the photo-op you stand here well if you're a girl in the dress or here you can get your hair blown okay hold your skirt down like Marilyn Monroe now you're just a guy standing in an ocean of toilet brushes with fans that feel really nice in this hot desert so loosely well stock cabinets there this is Bombay Beach estates they're not looking to do swanky these days sometimes it's hard to tell what is vandalism and what is art these interesting pink spears jammed through this building you know there's all these pink things in here this is okay I'm voting art I think this is art you can actually see this used to be a legit gated community it's actually solar lights under these palm trees and it has just been wiped away and now transforming into this interesting new environment this is the sister the land of gold and wickedness as they're talking about California oh my gosh yeah there's almost like some Howard Finster style folk garden here yeah monks all this waste is a Natural History Museum sadly this appeared to the only building that's sealed off Oh someone's thrown up the evil eye right there okay this is the business center and there's a there's a mailbox here but it says it was closed down due to violation of animal right for big no clients I don't know here's the board room right there there's someone's big red boat what they've been doing in there sad songs on that toilet this little area here is closed off but you can see some interesting things that says postmodern portal yeah so so odd you can just see like it's a facade of a of a room a little bit of a junk Cathedral there it's this environment just just ruins turned into art it's so amazing I mean just look at that look at that cow on that roof this is pretty fascinating these mannequins out here now this is unexpected there is a jet right there if you look up it's been turned into this bizarre tower that you can climb up in fortunately this this fence is locked they don't want us in here but yeah look at that I really love this setup right here that's an amazing a second-story Airstream trailer what is this right here oh look at that what is this thing - all these spin some of them spin yeah look at this just on this dirt mound have a perfect little living room set up now this job you get me a beer I don't I wouldn't drink that actually it is that wine that's actually one sorry it's the Kaplan oh I'm not gonna drink [Music] so I was at the Salton Sea just a few years ago and it has changed in in unbelievable ways you know like I said before this was a this was a this was a dream that they would make a resort town in an accident an accidental Lake led to a resort town which led to an abandoned town which is now reimbursing like it like a rose growing through the concrete into this amazing art community I absolutely love what they are doing here Museum number two was about the craziest thing I've ever stumbled upon yeah I love this and I'm interested you can see it's still being constructed there still art being added I'd love to come back here and then see how it progresses I appreciate you guys watching if you like to see other places I've been I've interactive map down in the description if you like support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating patreon a three dollar donation or more will get you postcards once a month but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 29,738
Rating: 4.9437499 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, salton sea, decay, urbex, california, ca, abandoned, art, museum number two, museum number 2, strange, odd, trailers, found art
Id: 5rH5li7R7cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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