The Renaissance of The Salton Sea

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welcome everyone it is John I'm back with another adventure and I've returned to one of my favorite locations ever been and that is the Salton Sea and I'm joined by Jacob the carpetbagger and guys it's gonna be fun because there's some new art installations here from the last time I was here and just to give you a little backstory there was kind of an irrigation accident in 1905 that flooded this salt plain here and created an artificial sea that really didn't belong so over time they put a resort here there's towns that were built around this to enjoy this and as it started to dry up the water became too salty all the fish died it there's a bad smell it just became and then most of the towns around just become desolate abandoned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this bolt looks a little different now it seems that they have this one that's painted it and then some idiots put some tag on it and I put a sticker here and someone yelled at me for it on Twitter but it's so good because here is this boat still here and one cool thing is there's more artwork over here from the last time but check this out it's nice put this mosaic glass ball up here almost like a disco ball I made a nice little spot for it you guys look out there is the Salton Sea it's amazing to see this huge Beach absolutely nobody on it except for those people that's exploring like this you can see this is the ruins of Bombay Beach there's a lot of campers and different things that were set up here people lived in stayed in and they were all pretty much destroyed by flooding and the elements out here in the desert let's check all this out guys right here looks like an old pirate ship it's just chilling out here let's get close it's got the anchor mast up some some old canvas it's pretty cool pretty cool art installation here to look like a shipwreck here looks like something out of a Pirates of the Caribbean and I remember this the last time I was here looks like noise actually kind of vandalized this huh yes dad yes medias gonna hear like spray-painting stuff up I like to get my hands on some these people I really would just giant cube within a cube 3d artwork there's some more ruins there's another cool little art installation you see the remains of an old Wharf right out there and right here so the sea used to actually come my way up to here I believe somebody has nailed a dead fish here and just look at this wall this retaining wall that's when the wind is gusting it's bringing all this salt that is just clinging to everything you can just see it wrapped around all these posts more fish it's kind of sad and there's a pretty putrid smell here too that's not and the water line his way down significantly since my last visit here on the smell water it's pretty putrid I'm walking on just old lonely swing sets heading out in the water yes it's nice but the art installation of this door right here on the base is pretty darn cool they stick a mailbox up at the door frame and a lot little fence 69 it's pretty awesome all right guys I remember this chair last time I was here was right by the water and you can see how much this is dried up since I've been here in just a year and then even that boat over there that's kind of dry docks now there's a dead bird as you walk you just see countless other bones here all the fish bones you can see this is essentially where the boat set before cuz I got close to the 90s it's kind of drifted and landlocked in where the waters just disappearing and the smell is just putrid is the only word I can think of as the crazy thing about this is here we stand on a humongous beautiful well beautiful to the eye you know the smell not so much but this Beach and it's just it's desolate it is completely like post-apocalyptic just deserted whatever but it's a cool experience to be here then recommend if you ever in areas I want to see right here the original shoreline you can just see how far it's dried up it's just the seventies all right guys it looks that much more deteriorated since I've been here last this crane has been here for quite some time just rotting away just look at all the salt buildup on it Jacob said it there's more salt than cream now it's so destroyed it's almost like a piece of artwork let's restore it okay guys you cons yourself here the Bombay Beach look for this Tower then this boat I'll leave some stickers inside here we try to find somewhere where they'll be safe yeah see right here set them right there come and get them I'll find something to stick on top of them there I put that rock on top of them so they won't go away yeah she just look there's a bow of the boat and this right here he tried in every city let me know if you know tag me on Instagram or Twitter just let me know all right so someone was erected this church here it's got couple really cool-looking stained-glass windows see look there's a crown up here we got a sword and this that looks like the crown of thorns maybe maybe it just kind of looks like that it's hard to tell from this distance I nevertheless a very cool art installation we're fortunate to get to see it before someone has destroyed the stained glass cuz you know there's a lot of moronic people out there who like to just destroy stuff for no apparent reason a fresh new art installation here that they're working on it looks like and looks like they're havin trouble people trying to climb up on stuff may have put up razor wire to keep people off of it looks like it's a art project in work look like the concrete's still kind of drawing actually yeah you don't want to get hung up in that thanks for sure i can'twe see what that looks like this looks like another project they're working on maybe it's gonna look like a waterslide or something it's pretty cool keep it up Bombay Beach make the best what you got okay we've made our way into the town look at this it is legit plane that has been propped up here look at that that is amazing and it looks like you can actually their stairs that go on up and you can get up in that yeah this this is incredible like whoever put this again because that's a legit plane in it or they might have just I don't know Wow that is incredible whoever built this if you see this hats off to you that is incredible check that out that is an old advertisement the last stop for the Bombay Beach Resort looks like a bomb that's the old school I don't know what it is really no hipsters allowed and Mark out hippies watch the news see inside for 24 hours run this is pretty cool I just say we're in Bombay Beach I like it just missed it's really awesome mobile a lot of abandoned trailers and stuff back to here look at this pulled by camper one point somebody pulled this here of all kinds of hopes and dreams of the beach life you know it's just all forgotten the floors aren't very structurally sound boy look at Oh shaggy looking carpet daddies looks like another abandoned home here it looks as if has a lot house in front of it yeah up on the corner there pretty cool there's a Bandhan trailer here so yeah stable the floors so reflection thought of some I in here yeah oh yeah I bet fell through the floor let's not do that I love the monster painted on the side here check out this out here tell you what how was homeless you didn't make you up a nice place here if you're homeless here's a video game controller so these are not in that bad of shape just need a little TLC picks them up a little bit little eyes I'm going to say spit shine oh look at those cool oven there okay this has a look up into the sky now read this so let's look up to the sky there's the sky no let's go read this smile you're on camera oh I say they're watching us from up there that's what they're saying better maybe they have surveillance cameras somewhere around here we're not here to vandalize her or anything we're just here to simply take a look at it huh I have actually been in this building before I want to see something if something that's still here now left before okay here look this wall is just littered artwork and stickers oh god Birds scared me over there much of birds this flew out okay so here we are in here bird just darted right through so here somewhere on this wall I left a sticker it doesn't look like ah pigeon yeah these boots here yeah looks like someone killed someone and lefties as a trophy that's probably it's probably overdramatic probably right just so little how they just threw their shoes away on someone no no I'm to the wall I put a sticker on this wall somewhere yeah everywhere somewhere along this wall I think see no Jordan no it just may not be here anymore people like to pull my stickers off of things do you know who it was and I guess my stickers just not here anymore somebody likes to peel off my stickers like the smokey mountain hiking club yeah alright let's check this for him out make sure we don't get attacked by more pigeons or get eaten by rattlesnake these things well these are bathrooms yeah fighting pause over here somebody loves me love smiley face y'all I guess how nice to this Indian chiefs head or I'll hood oh it won't stick hardly know that's the problem last time I just didn't stay make sure you send me a picture if you come check it out how nice have any of that alright got another structure here we're gonna check out let's go how many decorations huh oh yeah I've been seeing your stuff everywhere Lawrence going into the abandoned buildings out west good thing that's a lot oh hey buddy found another pigeon this full of pigeons yeah smell it smells just like a tower more walking in the spice is that stage baby baby know what's in here Oh with a Bombay Beach Opera House how cool is that they have their own Opera House check out that cool white house right there do you got that cool windmill they might have that little house very very cool piece artwork right there I love that this is turning kind of like a I've took a bad situation here and like you know a deserted town and they basically made it into this art show piece here is for people to see it says keep out but there's a rather large clamshell over there then over here we got the Bombay estates and some other than the buildings but they've recently erected these columns and chains up also it's meant to actually keep you out yeah check out this see what we got in here it's pretty well gut it out Birds okay this is rather interesting okay this is definitely an interesting art installation men's and women's underwear have filled this and each of them have notes well so these are dark painted naked revelation on the wall on here this is an art thing full of men's and women's underwear with messages they've left behind for myself there's some actually some about sexual abuse yeah tell me everything Missy will tell you things this is I'll never tell absolutely fascinating yes it is I peed on a cop car that's pretty funny well there's a mirror I'll sing it on it this is a confessional if you won't go in here and confess the confession area yeah that's what it is somebody has a crush on me there's a confessional first sexual relationship was with my half-sister professional sex is animalistic and it always will be confessional yes this is the room you go in where you kinda Skerton unless I saw something pretty eerie and it's a chair surrounded by dead fish that is amazing how it really does look 3d I don't know how they accomplished that effect but it I don't know if you guys are able to pick that up yeah I hope that translates on camera movies how it looks 3d it's amazing and there's all of this out here I don't either this is this is incredible yeah so basically took all these abandoned trailers and made these amazing art exhibits I'm digging this no this wasn't here the last time I was here this is incredible they've made a cardboard piano that's just my friend Jacob he does that look at all these Jacob are these buffs or ball I mean I don't know guys your is this one I'm off to collusions it could be a buck but say a bus act a ball Sakura but guys coming in whoa let me know what you think so this is a fir ridden Hut oh my god it's full of babies look at that I don't know what's better the panty rumor this is amazing I mean look at all of these this is like definitely an Instagram photo ha for sure weird okay is this this is the plunger Wow it's it's just this is absolutely amazing I'm amazed okay it appeared that this one has yet to be converted into any but it looks like they've been cleaning it out getting it ready so hopefully this one will be converted into a cool art exhibit soon it just makes me want to come back and see no sure what this is just kind of mirror it on the side there's this it's like a little sitting area you can walk in here and I'm vaiting this Lots up these light up at night and I better do a really cool shot then we got a bunch of random trash on sticks they've made some little volleyball badminton it's just a kid from fallout Business Center this is an old outhouse it's an ode turlet house I got it closed off says due to animal rod for ink sorry for anything means yeah weird here's a boat setting inside this garage could have seen better days for sure it's still really cool and apparently this is where people like to get busier the whole box of Trojan condoms and a princess crown and just see all the disrepair but you know what it is so cool that they have turned some of this into the amazing art installations yeah this whole car look how the water depth shag carpeting inside there this is amazing look at this bicycle junk check out this art installation here this is all a big art installation freakin amazing it's got a huge ball of bicycle wheels I freaking love this place here's another stretcher that is still right amount of disrepair I tend to look how creatures are in there so I'm not gonna walk in it with this little structure here this is like pages of books you know I call it all-seeing eyes it's just really incredible Thanks so cool-looking sod there guys son state that there are lectures being held inside here and possibly different times there's a beat-up bathtub and oDesk what's a graffiti all over the walls somebody's cleaning this up looks like pretty cool artists display there's another gate this is cool looks like I can't get out here okay got all these globe or black balls up here zoom in and look they show in the structure around on the side it's really cool an overhang or washer here there's cool little surprises around every corner it's just a nice little trash can it's a great art installation here chakal these intertwined ropes and got like a coal living room set up right here just sofas chairs TV refrigerator even got some decorations on the table it's pretty amazing this is cool to look inside it's got a very cool effect to it here and that actually just spins around I don't know what you call it man you got basketball shaded areas might be worth some of the artists do their work shade it off from the Sun some cool stuff on the other side here I'll show you guys just near this amazing cow sitting on the roof if that it's art installation of mannequins it's pretty incredible [Applause] oh it appear this one is falling over or maybe she doesn't mentally like that I don't know yet pretty freakin cool there you have it guys Bombay Beach Salton Sea and this place right here the Bombay Beach estates it's an art installation a lot of this has turned into just a major art installation they can keep the idiots that keep spray-painting stuff out of here this will be really cool hats off to you citizens of Bombay Beach for taking a situation of you know disrepair and turned it into amazing art I'm freakin love it this place is so much more improved since why some of us here definitely makes me wanna come back and see what else they do with the place it looks like they're taking these abandoned structures and slowly turn them all into just art pieces which is incredible I loved it I hope you enjoyed this video guys if you do give it a thumbs up if you want help support this channel I sell shirts like this in my spread shirt which is in the link down below in the description and I also have a patreon down there too where I send you stuff but guys thank you for everything this has been an amazing venture one of my favorites thus far till next time [Music]
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 7,175
Rating: 4.9254236 out of 5
Keywords: exploration unknown, expedition unknown, abandoned location, haunted locations, josh gates, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, jon turner, salton sea, abandoned places in california, haunted places in california, places to visit in california, what to do in california, bombay beach, abandoned buildings, folk art, california folk art, saving the salton sea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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