Gun, Jewelry, Money & Ammunition Found in Multiple SAFES! (Magnet Fishing)

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i think i've got another safe it's in a bag dennis look at this we've got a safe with something in it you got another one no way there's a wallet in here yep you got another one there's a ring in there dennis look at that g'day guys and welcome on another magnet fishing adventure in beautiful amsterdam look at this this is the spot i'm meeting at dennis today it looks like a swamp i'm just waiting for him and i don't know why he's brought me here not the most picturesque spot that's for sure we'll give it a go hey anything could be anywhere got something big here put my glove on not ready for this oh what is that's a street pole spilling mud out everywhere look at all that oh my gosh black what do they call it texas tea well texas tea all right it's filled with it what else is down here i've got something big here oh look at all the bubbles this massive again another big thing what do we got here oh another oh what is that oh it's a boat anchor oh my gosh look at that a boat anchor out there i don't even i don't even think boats can get in here did you see the other pole down there as well here it is just here get him out again another one ah two poles there we go oh that is crazy a boat anchor i wish i had a boat we've gotta keep going until dennis gets here i think i'm gonna have to take you guys a bit more pitch to a place a bit more picturesque than here because all i'm getting is seaweed oh there's a phone look at that look how green it is oh that has been down there a long time to check this out look at ourselves i think that's a samsung i think that's a samsung phone right there that has been down there a long time i'm just saying how dirty this canal is and it is it's absolutely filthy so i just got a message from denison it turns out i'm at the wrong spot so i've got to go over and meet him there but it was a cool spot here even though it was a bit uh you know filthy but uh got a phone got lots of giant poles and a boat anchor super cool start to the day [Music] [Laughter] oh man i was so in the wrong spot yeah i was mild down that way good to see you bro man i had a field day over there i don't i was like i was saying why has dennis brought me to this spot it's so weird it was just rubbish everywhere and then i went fishing there but i got a phone i got a boat anchor but now we're in a normal spot check this out so bridge here why are we here dennis what's what's at this point what are we hoping to find old area here in amsterdam yeah criminal sites yeah some old stuff maybe yeah but yeah old staff criminals it's a good mix it's a massive canal look at that and it's really wide and it's a great spot no barriers let's get magnet fishing huh yes ma'am all right i'll get my magnet wet again and hopefully less weeds oh you could actually see down here oh there's a safe in the water dennis it's what there is i'm not joking oh my gosh i should have brought my goggles it's so clear oh my god we're here for two seconds all right man [Laughter] you woke me up there yeah all right let's get this safe i can't believe we've been here for two seconds we've found a safe all right well hopefully there's something in here something would be nice anything like it's we've got the water side up don't we yeah ah that we we made it hard for ourselves it's coming that's it it's draining we got him hang on yes all right oh thing weighs an absolute ton oh she's empty unfortunately that was a good workout okay one empty safe mate oh well that was cool so let's go magnet fishing in the canal see if there's any other safes out there with some money in it that'll be good oh what do we i gotta watch dennis i gotta say an old school casio or something it's still working oh my gosh yeah it's a casio the time's 11 44. okay the time is wrong but look at that it is still working it just needs a bit of a clean yeah see what we got a hammer yeah look i've got thor's hammer yeah there we go a nice hammer you got anything the coin is that euro it's an old 50 belgium or something yeah i can see a bee there yeah man that's cool you want to go to another spot yeah i want to walk to the other side all right we'll walk to the other side i'm going to go all the way down over here and explore along this canal something's got to be somewhere all right over at the new spot i'm feeling something there but not nothing magnetic oh hang on i just got it then oh no it's oh yep okay the day has begun there we go we've got our first bike we can officially say we're magnet fishing now been down there a while too oh it's clear here what no there's a safe there okay got him there we go oh gosh he's heavy i'm gonna try and pull him this way yeah some water's draining out there huh man it's just too heavy cannot lift him physically the magnets are on him i can't lift him so uh i have to we have to leave him here he is open so we're not going to get a crane to lift him out huh all right i think all right let's go next spot you see that man there's a big safe right there all right let's get it we'll see if it's not as big and we'll try and get this one huh see if you can get it up by one not even moving it oh yeah oh there it goes all right i'm coming in got him i don't want to get you excited but i'm seeing something gold there okay here he comes yeah oh he's open again oh my gosh another safe look at that he's draining out yeah crazy i don't it's just too heavy again i can't lift him another one i'm still stuck on this one try and get my magnet off here you go okay i've got a good spot on him now there we go oh we've got this one mate that is crazy how many says we're getting down here look at all the mechanics there behind it awesome and we've got another one down here right beside it this one's too big this safe is too big and you reckon you've got another one as well maybe three safes in this one spot cool man you need a hand let's see what it is no way it's going to be another safe just [ __ ] what is it it's the door of a safe a huge one yeah so big yeah so big oh my gosh what a door okay a little bit more should i reach down and grab it okay let me just try anywhere oh yeah it's huge oh god help me i'm gonna [Laughter] all right we got it so [Music] slowly slowly oh we've got a different angle now huh you can see how thick that door is no it's just the door no sudden movements i'm going down on the edge yes all right nice one right finally and it's just a safe door definitely the biggest door we've ever found look at the size of that thing yeah look how thick that is that is crazy you've got this giant gap here and then a gap here and then this thick door here wow and they got in it didn't stop him they got in so that's why it's so heavy to lift the actual safe down if that's just the door yeah let's see what else is here this is all fire retardant material this is the lock mechanism yeah wow it's a real piece of work that's all solid stuff huh no money in there is there not seeing any don't tell we got a hot spot here is that if that's another save man that's going to be crazy we'll be coming back here like we did the other canal keep pulling bro you got you got it or you need a hand i think i got it oh good work look at all the bubbles coming out there you got this it's got to be another safe it's huge what do we got what do we got it looks like another safe man it's another safe from woods from wood does that mean it's really old yeah maybe oh cool oh yeah it's huge i'm gonna have to help you it's not a safe or is it an esky oh look oh it's the top of the pole it's an old pole it's not a safe at all oh we got it that is huge look at that that is crazy it's actually the pylon from the boats they don't get much bigger than that bro we're getting a workout today so how cool is that huh i've never found one of those before i've got something here got something here man yeah yeah okay maybe they were dumping it by boats then because it's pretty far out but safes floating yeah they float for a bit don't they you can kind of push them out okay whatever it is it's massive you can see what have we got oh that's another scooter scooter number two wow look at this we've got a safe with something in it look at this oh it was an iphone i just put that inside it was an iphone in there you see oh is that from a from a gun oh my gosh what else is there there's a ring in there dennis look at that oh my gosh have a look at all the stuff in here look at this ring there's bullets in there okay look at that awesome how cool is this we've got a whole thing here dennis i've got a safe with loads of stuff in it oh man what have you got in there what is that oh my gosh look at all the bullets oh yeah there's some more bullets in there too it's full of bullets there's a euro all right okay is there anything else in there that's the thing look at this can you uh give me please the plate over there oh you can see all the keys down there [Music] look at this dennis there's some more keys look at that a lot of keys in here more bullets look at that another two euro coin i'm just gonna tip it all out okay i think that's it there's nothing left inside there there's some more money batteries some more money yeah how cool is that yeah look at all this bullets but where's the gun yeah there's a part there's a piece of the gun you got the you've got the magazine wherever that was that's so cool i don't know if it's fake yeah it looks like it could be silver silver turns black in the uh in the uh water there we go how cool is that oh my gosh is that a two two euro coin yeah oh my gosh that is so cool it's safe with loads of stuff in it even this uh this uh iphone was in there as well it was brand new and this there's even some like a spray can of some kind down here this is one of the bags i think there's some stuff in this bag too yeah yeah open that up what is that there is some money in there what coins are they yeah euros all right cool man it's awesome stoked with that this is a really cool spot we've got one safe a giant safe door two scooters and another safe there and then a block of that we've only just got here i think we'll be here for a while let's keep magnet fishing there's gonna be way more stuff here i've got something here yeah that's that's the thing the safe is open and it was full of stuff what is the story with that i think i've got another safe it's in a bag dennis yep i've got another one oh look it's i'm just going to lift it up i need can you get your magnet yeah this one's in a bag oh we are on bro this is like another say something just fell out there a mobile phone look at that already there's stuff in it oh cool this is awesome at least put them in bags for some reason maybe to cover up what they look like but that's kind of good for us look it's just like the other ones digital safe ah it's bent there we go oh there is something inside here mate come on this side there's a wallet in here oh my gosh look at that it's totally totally empty no id no nothing it's an empty wallet a phone and something else what is this like uh paper business cards sim card for a phone yeah just like a little holder oh there we go oh so cool man this is so exciting to find all this stuff man i'm just like pumped yeah i love that smile on your face but i think i've got another safe down here it's about to get even more even brighter i swear i've got another safe down here oh yeah it's just coming up looking oh it's heavy it's got to be another safe what else are we going to find in this area this is a crazy safe never seen it like that before look at that oh yeah it's a wall safe lift it let's lift it out to the sun here another safe let's open him up oh this one's stuck mate oh there we go oh it's full of oh it's stuff in here mate look at all the floppy disks in here i can't believe we have any floppy disks we've found it's just saying today i haven't seen one since the 80s oh there's more stuff in here look at it there's more floppy disks this has been down here for ages it's full this thing is full of mud and absolutely full of floppy disks like literally full of them there could be even more stuff what's this this is like a wallet of some kind it's a bag yeah full of floppy disks oh i wonder if there's anything else in there it's so muddy i'd love to rinse it out oh just mud right there i can't tip it back in the canal because something could fall out oh wow wait wait wait there's a fish or something what oh yeah it's a giant worm it's a barley oh my gosh yes there's an eel in here check this out there's an eel in there oh get out of the thing look at it i'm gonna grab it you ready yeah can you see it in there look at there's an eel whoa whoa whoa it's in proper eel it really is an eel oh my god that is a catch of the day you got him they can kill you oh man look at him an eel we've caught many lobsters before but we've never caught an eel yeah it's my second thought all right you caught one before okay get in go on buddy you're almost there there you go he's too slippery you can't push off whoa back in the depths carling nice girl i can't believe that you said you said there's something in there like oh man my hand's gonna get bit off there's an eel in there lucky i've got gloves on look at this thick mud in here look at that thick mud in there oh we've got oh look another floppy disc in there oh you know what that is another floppy disk reminds me that line out of the young ones hey you want to tip it upside down i think that's it nothing but loads and loads and loads of these floppy disks i wonder what's on these discs huh this is so cool man i literally just threw my magnet back in and then we go and get another safe it's almost like there's another one and there is another huge one dennis would you like to go find a safe yep okay right this way sir go get yourself a safe dennis oh you got it that fast no way if you've got a safe that fast it's going to be a world record i mean what else could it be it could be a motorbike or a safe okay drive oh it's right on it yeah there we go and another save oh so it's a big one okay let it drain a little bit more it's draining loads okay ready coming up ah it's open ah bummer i asked you if you wanted to save you said yeah three minutes later you had a save and not a small one either oh my gosh i can't even move this so heavy [Music] you got another one no way oh i think i just got one yeah look at the bubbles coming out over there mine is buried deep have you got it i think i can't pull mine in it's not sticking if you've got another safe yep you got another one oh my gosh i'll get you hold you want a tread there i'll get my magnet on it okay here we go should i put it over this side oh i got a tin can ah it's open [Music] okay got it ah it doesn't work doesn't want to come off there's stuff inside dennis [Music] look at this door ah you never guess what a cd we've gone up a few decades oh my god it's all like there is stuff inside here man you watch this best hits of bras i can't pull it out it's stuck there with my gloves but there is a cd in here you want a hand good look at this i've i've literally got a tree i'll get it out of the way huh otherwise we might get a snag oh do you need a hand it's like at the back of the motorbike oh my gosh that's got to be heavy look at that well we i can't believe we just got that now you know what i mean yeah like literally we've been magnet fishing here for ages and we pull the motor for the scooter out now which is huge look at it well is it a piaggio it's another piaggio oh man it's another one i found it so found so many of these found in one of these the other day with ramon awesome fine man matches the scooter nicely i think we've got another safe here mate safe to say we've got another safe yep yep that's a safe okay time to go to work again there we go oh she's heavy yeah i can see the door open i'm gonna reach down there we go here let's have a look she's heavy nothing inside man it is a cool looking safe though look at that it's got like a little hatch here and it goes down in there and falls into this other section cool what a day she looks cool where are we cutting it okay [Music] dennis that was an awesome day man stoked like we've both got big smiles on our faces we trekked through the city and we just started off a little bit slow but then we got to this spot and boom a lot of shaves a lot of a lot of space oh my gosh it's probably a broken out record but the other canal will remember yeah i mean check out all this stuff how many states do we get two scooters look at all this all these bullets down here car keys keys someone's wallet in here oh i forgot about the phones yeah and this beautiful ring and a ring look at that i think it's silver i'm not sure but it's not magnetic we're definitely coming back here over and over again because we've just touched the surface i can't wait so let's do it thanks for watching until next time shackers you [Music] you
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 628,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FISHING, magnet fishing, magnet, magnet fishing finds, magnets, river treasure, treasure hunting, bondi treasure hunter, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing amsterdam, magnet fishing safe, metal detector, river finds, bike found, strongest magnet, rare earth magnet, magnet fishing ww2, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing usa, crazy, best magnet, dallmyd, jigginwithjordan, man plus river, found underwater, treasure, found money, cash found, found iphone, police called, safes found
Id: 8GMcfppTjfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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