Portal 2 Co-op with my boyfriend! [1]

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hey everyone welcome to portal to the multiplayer section specifically not the main game not the main story reason is my boyfriend Sean asked me if I wanted to play portal 2 with him and I play it once before years ago and I thought it was very fun and of course I can't it just seems super fun to play with him so when he asked me I was super excited so I hope you guys enjoy the couple extra episodes that we have coming up for that little section it's probably gonna be about 4 or 5 episodes I think or maybe less maybe like for three or four but here's the first one I hope you guys liked it it was very fun to record so enjoy yeah would it be the small round one why is this true to life what are you the totally go to your level high no I'm gonna look at your robo dick booty so am I am i Tomy thick from the back yes you are alright do I got a wagon that I'm draggin you have a cute antenna on the back as well it's very cute oh yeah it's got physics yeah wobble wobble so should we just start with one yeah welcome to portal 2 it's my beautiful bouncing baby girl friend robot corentinĀ“s hard guys got a robot girlfriend futures amazing we've both played portal 2 before she played it years ago I paid it with love that's already up on the channel but we wanted to do it again and a lot of people asked me to play it again specifically with you Peabody cult wait do I have an a on my back says Atlas on the back yeah you're says P frame oh happy head all the lovers are doing we're just gonna go back in and do them all again anyway we don't know how that works and we don't want to reset it so you're basically the red M&M and I'm the yellow one come on I hate the red M&M oh he's owned does he sound like that and no idea Hey Dude do the yellow M&M he sounds like oh come on guys I'm doing a little M&M I've heard worse impressions like mine sounds are we just this disassembled yeah you get this assembled and reassembled every time I had it forgot aren't they just call it - the red and yellow don't think yeah teamwork makes the dream work need to be done teamwork wait I have I should be able to escape to go home that didn't sound good at all yes that sounds good it emphasizes teamwork there we go makes the dream work yeah there's another button there okay bye oh wow oh that's weird oh that maybe dizzy um alright I don't think that's gonna work I don't think that's gonna could achieve so you step in the boat and get five purple one yeah Wow and then I do this now you go through oh you did the other button I sure did you've put a portal on the other side inside that door oh wait if I do oh yeah cuz it's so long since I played this huh okay wait I was just gonna stand on the wall in there yeah oh I was no I can't get through yeah just put the right in there you go oh yeah we just both need to be here okay you both need to make it out see I'm aborting my sternum yeah you're definitely quicker than I am alone remember one of them okay she's saying some people are gonna get mad at me of him talking over it but I basically conquered the port of world I am the portal God right now I was blasting through puzzles blue gel orange gel you name it the winner is the one who scores the fewest possible points yeah golfer eight that's doesn't sound like her I sound better if I just say most winners do know it's good I like it okay wait I can do that Oh when you get points now you can go through I surely can high you can see you through it hello hi what's the password what do you think is think Oh BAM no she's yes yes I know my girl for so long you know the way to my heart your little dirt okay well we got going on here some [ __ ] wait wait yep okay smell that I smell [ __ ] with my sniffers I smell [ __ ] how's this do Oh Oh the timer on it okay we got to get four so put your portal up there yeah all right I can I can go like oh hey what's that up there Wow I did it oh I have to do it we have to do it and see ya minority expired now yeah [ __ ] it up yeah right that's that's good that one hold our are hold it yeah doesn't do anything for me and then use your mouse that's how you can zoom in just move your move your mouse around how you're holding or this thing happens I don't have to look in the settings okay let's count down seven six five whoa go go go why can't I run I want to be faster we did it we got a ball oh wow I see what gesture menu cue [ __ ] up Oh cute oh yeah hold on I'm being awesome robot man very good that's better you can high-five we don't have that one I just have the r1 oh I think I turned it off yeah how dare you high-five about my consent oh yeah we didn't do what push oh no one s top of shame you mean zoom it oh brother oh I could just see right through my body yeah these things she trying to pit us against each other and I'm not having any of that stink you do that and then put your two portals here like what one right here blinky and then one right here stinky oh wow I had no idea I'm your guide and I'm here and I'm wrinkled good job red yellow yeah I see I take my impressions very seriously oh that's bad so I really need your a red impression before I can do it again come on I stayed up all night die am I on the way okay go stand on the button this one's for all the people out there quarantine Club I'm sorry yes destroying this are you still here are you sweetie good up there yeah and then okay meaning that if you aimed that back over to like here aim at what the laser beam Z laser in the thing yeah we can't what if we just do it straight down Oh today I knocked it over beautiful baby boy bones there you go and then nobody the left oh just something just lets me do it in the middle a little bit a little bit different it's not right it's not working as a blinky yeah it's a real anus that I think realign my cue be like here it's a moving apart a little bit I can't I can only put it there you go there you go yeah yeah space to jump thanks game very cool Wow who you were looking at big brother huh huh big brother over the camera yeah it's like are you talking to me wait stand right here stand on you oh wait wait I want a high-five again I should I should just save that wait top of the morning to you laddies top of the morning to you laugh at the mall top of the morning to you like up at the morning to you laddies perfect I never get to do my intro again wait now you say your catchphrase I don't have one I don't have to record in that way I don't have you did that I didn't do anything we did Rock Paper Scissors me she's calling us fat you know goes bad all right so blue and blue and I go in oh where you going what's the thing press what look what oh there you are oh it's not that one where's the other one go up mm yeah yep and now go put me down hmm there's a white wall on the site there I'm a little blinky no go the other way yes can you use that somehow I don't think so yeah just to get back to the beginning okay how about I die excellent all right you go you go you go okay Oh Oh God yeah you could also just use a tap to see what I'm seeing I could but my brain is blink okay keep going go further to the very end all the way all the way all the way stand against the white wall I put down a non red portal we're here oh wait yeah you can just actually don't send on that [ __ ] sorry you scared the crap out of me I killed my girlfriend and video games such violence gone epic hope you go again yeah oh yeah the vertigo is so weird going through all the way to the end again good job now just keep going you don't need to pray place portals I should have said not all the way my brain will get there eventually eventually I'm just gonna say I think my instructions are perfectly clear and not the problem okay now stand oh I could do this Stemler Oh be be in there yeah hey maybe there's serious science going on now walk walk left stay there look okay step in step in it's cool it's cool it's all luigi i know you can pour this down there yeah um do i do a red one you go Jake you and my girlfriend hi that's cool too epic okay now we have this friend we're so brain what was it again big wrinkly brain big wrinkled stink or instance you just lost to opportunity advisement points oh yes oh yes oh [ __ ] Oh penny win yeah I'm just I'm just running after you oh so mean if I could kick your ass I would it's not me and it's part of the video game okay we gotta go that way go under your spikes understand right I'm getting key I will not kill you unless I feel like it's keeping my eyes on you oh how does that help what oh you need to put portals beside you and then put another one there and now get ready to walk through okay what's oh wait you might even write sort of red in front of you like now yeah okay when you party can I panic and it's just head then everybody starts panicking okay you're gonna be there for a bit [Laughter] because you're gonna have to go to the right uh-huh go go there you go epic wait wait what's that you though Oh save me how that actually works and does anything um I think I can make a portal for you um so whatever wherever is good whatever is pretty epic well that's one spot okay I can feel I can pour myself if you put the can you actually yes watch yeah just do that do that oh it's it's solved Baby Gone yeah even more she's got a thing don't make me Swiss cheese thank you yeah that's that's Momo you were way closer than I thought I wish I could emote in here just like wave to you or something I'm literally waving in real life put on glasses because I want to be a scientist sorry I couldn't find that in your knees I'm gonna do say me I'm the small round one so me I'm the small round one you're the one that can get by come on try it oh no blink I don't want to stink with you oh it's pretty cute though yeah mine wait that's that good yeah I don't know I can do this Alakazam alakazoo yeah hi there hi mine oh we need we need a big CD we're 2 discs do not trust her security through obscurity is our only hope do you know that [ __ ] the best no security code Rios use your little Bahrain decode it people people ah of course blip blop blip blop f for countdown oh I have no button oh you know the other one wait oh this no what am I looking at it's of this okay 3 6 9 o portal through no just three two one go go go go okay so you do one go yeah what uh we keep cancelling each other out I got canceled culture is all over the place babe oh no I got the big disc oh you got it ready yeah Jesus way too fast for me wrinkles dinkles he's so fast right hey what about it I just like being faster things baby the random in there get you down pretty good Eenie what an itch on a be flopping my banana adder no I'm happy I can't hear it wait that was my first round I'll come upstairs and pop my banana at you in realize that was all of one's restrooms are we go on yep uh Shh I'm what up babe this is just an extended part in the game is epic there's eight in this one though there's only six in the last I'm sure they're gonna get harder though nah what do you think this is a John Willie a big job I'm going to de pack and do the big job look at us run with our tiny legs we're so cute I don't know why I'm okay can you can you put your other portal there yeah that's gonna say now you do it for me put your orange down there nice go to okay I did you actually electrocuted oh no wait we hit a shock yeah cuz you hit you hit us something all right well we going here same thing again we got to do like up there me back okay and then Wow whoa okay let me do that I'll follow you wait what did this do button oh I need to be on the other one yeah I think you can't go back down is there a is there a a wall thing on that I could fall down here yeah well this one here go through my pole again yeah and now you need to put your other one down there nice wait no there well I put my other one on the other oh wait yeah that works ah rankle and stinko that'll be our name my ball oh wait no I was going to put it in there but it take my ball I'm going home it is to pray who's gonna win this time hey how long has been since I've played this for years alright so you gotta make a big jump you gotta go through there through where dare oh I hit the wrong one okay oh oh I'm dead okay let's try that again strong form this time we have the right idea but yes real mustard on it yeah the fun ah there you go it's timed is it hey through the air with the kill me this time no no that's is the same thing so you gotta I can do it there and there okay uh-huh and then when I go through you gotta just put you just gotta hit the red one on that you got it yeah I got it yeah are you sure yes okay go through start screaming again like nothing Wow Oh like a whole death button it's cute I turned it off because it's way before because it broke my single-player Oh wanker Blanc or sinker alright well we got in here a bunch of walls where's the [ __ ] I want to smell it okay same thing again - Oh a floor okay okay all right you're gonna go through my holes again you guys go through my holes over there okay do you trust me you're learning well come back oh I gotta take the ball I would never drop you down into that pit oh that doesn't work Oh phase gate not epic I know I don't know how it work oh I can't do that can i no it's okay I won't fire you again here we go whoa okay we got a I just have to go off and then you have to hand it to me yeah you see there pass balls thank you thank you for the pancake yes right Boosh Bosh balls around hey babe ah yeah I see my balls oh that's a big ball I know I have a problem like a big football one I don't have two balls I just have one giant one big ball sorry we're talking never got us cuz we already played this do you know the ac/dc song balls I've got white balls giant one ball I've got big balls and I've got big balls really yeah we've got the biggest balls of them all it's the song it's really fun Wow ac/dc more like a big ball z ha ha ha all right so what are you doing here you got to go okay no there's like a white no white sir oh oh you got it okay I don't know you're gonna have to go up and press a button though okay that was the wrong one ha ha ha stay right there ma'am ma'am calm down I have been falling for hours for 30 minutes well that was it Oh God okay I did it oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up oh okay yeah come on out at the hole it's me wait a minute again then it works all right no oh Lord oh [ __ ] I worked so hard at that did you yeah are you doing it what be good it's disorienting there's no other button Paul that angle dangled it my god come on yellow M&M it's me red M&M again okay you do it okay all right Yello nope nope not as easy as it looks huh no it's not so wait red then yeah and then you post put the yellow one on the right-hand side okay or the opposite one okay and I hope that it nailed it Oh chuckling kiss through it let's go you just have to jump in throw it okay I'll throw it to you and you throw it to me okay okay one you have to like jump forward okay okay one two three Oh nailed it what's it Koby where'd it go behind me uh-huh oh my didn't work at all huh well you did it oh my god oh my god top of the morning to you laddies No hey I already hate myself yeah that was a bit much sorry I can't help it if I'm just a really funny guy that's true because you're bad parent now you wait I'm so freeing I'll catch you I'll catch you huh huh oh thanks I caught you with my face my beautiful round face all right both have to be there thanks E wait wait wait wait wait you sniff that Jennifer Oh [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] [ __ ] in here wait I get it I'll get the [ __ ] if we stay low they can't smell the [ __ ] stay it's like being in a fire staying below the smoke oh I wanna me oh there's okay you put your portals in there now is that oh oh here here here this works you go go where am I gonna end up Oh Neverland oh yeah no you do it wait wait no no no no no you need to stay up there I can go back though I forget what oh yeah go back oh [ __ ] I done heard it up oh no I didn't I didn't oh just go just hit the button step in the seminal paper oh it's gonna be so epic you're gonna be like how amazing is he just everyone just your starting platform go go go go go go oh wait yeah you're right yeah it was like oh okay well then I don't know oh shoot your shot kid go go do it now do it now oh it's gonna be so [ __ ] dull oh yeah now you went off oh oh yeah that's what's up now you have to put one I'm one up but then I would be down here no shoot it's right there oh he's beginning to believe there's nothing behind you right I hate my boy just go just happen to think oh we're done let's just have in the platform scope it oh I see yeah yeah more like shadows cuz we [ __ ] did it you're a very big brain thank you what's this oh yeah [ __ ] you game I don't see how that was quick all right okay I can do it - OH blinky we use that yeah and you press there okay oh you're out yeah now you Oh hmm hmm what's in there microservices yeah so you walls okay so we need to press the button and then we need that we need the cube that's over there uh-oh I can't see it can you open think for me oh I thought I did sorry Jude's to come through oh no I can't cube needs to come over here where I am oh god I'm Oh No oh are you stuck haha now you're stuck in there forever you can actually just keep you in there and you're never gonna make it out mmm umm I know what to do yeah you're never gonna eat your whole tab and you'll see it I mean I'm watching yeah oh wow smart yeah that's whatever and then I do this wait oh I do this Wow what do busy boy ah my brain is steaming alright now we gotta get our stuff together you got to keep those exactly the way they are don't go through the thing and now I do you got him mm-hmm I know just come on through Wow damn I open up the [ __ ] door for you red carpet Amos that was all you though you was good good check we're better than you Gladys you know what this is a team effort neither of us get through if only one of us gets through rising tide all ships if we all sink so be it okay run six we have three more including this and where does that go uh-huh let me see you can let me just test it out let me see oh there you go oh oh I just need a loop Oh God how do we okay I see okay we're supposed to get a cube to come through that's the whole point of this cube yeah there yeah where's the button that's it oh you can just walk probably really proud that you did that yeah yeah sorry honey all right you go through and then put a thing there and a thing there you got it you got it you got it you're beautiful you're sexy to be up here first you're the greatest your hair's amazing lovely skin you can do this Thanks are you ready I'm coming you're going on a journey there you go oh [ __ ] there she go Wow now hit that button button don't press anything because the cubes gonna come as well oh it coming I'm gonna catch it catch it catch it ha legend now drop it down drop that's it I catch it ok count down for V he did it that was scary now you gotta fly through how do I get up there oh you gotta put just put your yeah we just got a switch yeah we're gonna do a little switcheroo put the graphic up on screen the switcheroo Boosh Boosh here I come here comes beep okay I'm just gonna completely cut off for me I made it I did it nothing you got the best burger you knew exactly where the rest of the joke okay alright we have big peepees so let's figure this out what's the button new QE oh it goes oh it slice shut up Kairos you [ __ ] dingus oh there she go there she go okay so where oh this bounced off it's not a make it though no there's something too close that one I think but I can't put anything here either hmm huh yeah cuz that's our landing pad where does that take you does that one take you just back Oh Joe good and it realizes an age oh this is the best science oh I think I've gotta catch it midair yeah okay don't work why not oh oh you just keep going apparently hey you got it it's way off okay this is it this is it it's happening oh yeah wait wait it's happening yeah okay here it is the big water um I almost had it okay here it is oh I can feel it in my floppy banana yeah oh [ __ ] how do I get out oh no I'm just gonna go oh no wait that's fine this thing I'm coming I'm going I'm a friend as well I'm a friend of the family's I'm coming here we go oh wrinkled and stinkle do it again your little tan that's so cute wait wait wait wait wait like oh oh I didn't mean to do that I am turning on my things you're the best I need this you may get some DS progress 20 minutes in halfway through the game yeah didn't know was that short yeah I mean I remember the other later wants being really hard though then you go on the other one just make it symmetrical that one okay and I just stand on the platform go oh nice I completely I don't even know how I just followed your instructions it's okay some people call me a genius other people call me a dumbass it's what same thing really yeah it's all in the eyes of perspective don't hurt me so you have to hold it you have to stand on it and then what I don't know oh holy [ __ ] babe I just straight a [ __ ] die yeah it's like periodically closing I guess oh yeah goodness that's creepy okay so you gotta go through that somehow hitless so the laser has to come through there oh it's easy it's just that that's what he did that's how this thing killed me cuz the platforms are going through not that you're going through regardless you stand on the thing oh yeah does it that is what you did sorry yeah hey wait I have said oh no no I get it I get it I get it Esther II sit and then I'm going to go here and then that bounces me on this and I should be able to go all the way through okay go go go go go whatever you see I got this I got this I got this you might die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make yeah do I still need to be here I don't think so come on Oh what oh you fixed it I did now we can be friends oh I think we need the cube we need the cue come again who's earning I got it hey carry it together okay I'm like your dad helping you carry something when you're young it's like I'm helping one finger on it okay you got to drop it and then you got a you got to go through there what you got to drop the cube on the platform it goes over presses the button and then you got to go through the portals and then you're closer to the door for us to get through go go go okay I get it though you gay yeah I get it burns that at first and fell off but then the game like correct it in the bounced again Oh weird can we see that yeah I didn't see it at all I think we deserve take your head oh yeah you deserved that oh that top right Oh what did we just use my head every time you go well then you have to leave the head behind it's fine I leave my head behind all the time have you talked to me clearly my head somewhere else what do we do with the drunken sailor I know what to do no I don't it's funny it'll drop I mean my death huh I did it Wow epic out wait wait you going I'm just searching for things stuff ooh yes okay I get it boy I think you're gonna drop off how do I drop how do I did it I did it I drop the bass Oh just here just one off the ledge right uh-uh-uh twink er oh yeah okay then what what did that do oh it's a timing thing you need to open the hatch just right now I think somebody needs to grab the cube so you need to do that so you need to put a portal dare wait where uh-huh I think you need to drop as well so you need to drop next to me okay and then when I go through I hit the button the cube comes out at the top of that and then you fly across and grab the cube okay you want you want me to do it you want me to grab the cube and you just the button okay okay you do it if you want okay oh yeah that's what I was thinking out the timing is a little bit tricky isn't it yeah I can't just die over here go what yeah yeah nice oh he flies through the air with the greatest of ease use me sorry okay so that doesn't work if it's it has to be held what does it do it's the fan isn't it huh oh yeah the fan stops so I haven't I need a flight what important here no I wait wouldn't that like shoot me through I'm gonna shoot you through now you you just put a portal there because I need you need to be able to shoot a second port when you're across and then I'll do this so now when I do this you jump through okay okay yeah okay it should be fine so I should be able to go shoot a red one later yes but we'll wait for that oh I did it No is there any place to shoot a red one I can see this one from here though the other hi hi wait wait wait let me go through okay well since that's ruin anyway let me check there's anything here I can do fans shut down oh this offends right behind you yeah oh wait yeah yeah yeah oh oh no oh I see you really oh hey it is a ton of walls here I can use but I can do that there's a fan shot down thing here so the help I should be can we get the cubes wait wait wait wait they're like you a laser oh really yeah wait oh it goes through the glass yeah no Kay let's just on the fan it's a little awkward you can put it on the right there you go but oh it should sit down completely okay here I come oh it just just no apparently [ __ ] you like a hurricane I mean it oh you move all the way through oh yeah hi because I just like to hit the wall oh no just to show how good a couple we are no speech okay just wait okay just no speech just okay what look are you staring at my character yeah [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] amazing alright alright alright disk where is the dip where's my massive disk I almost had it you have it you doing or we watch it sit down for the movie this is epic have you seen this one yet oh it ends on a cliffhanger yeah very very explosive ending [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 158,084
Rating: 4.9685345 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, portal 2, portal 2 coop, coop, coop games, jacksepticeye
Id: xv3ZpVonKTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 42sec (3102 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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