WE'RE SO SMART | Portal 2 Co-op w/ Gab

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Oh My Goddess bake we're back at portal to baby go through oh you can see us oh yeah look I'm looking at my own but wait hey that's so bizarre oh I barely saw myself because I'm so small oh I was blocking you wait what does this do oh I don't know well where are we going oh is this a secret no can't be extra courses take place after the main courses Wow oh they're extra let's take the exit then we know a brick that's crazy I didn't know there was a secret courses um all right we need to go yeah yeah uh-huh uh-huh watch this yeah yeah yeah oh god oh god come to me Oh did I ever tell you how beautiful you look at and discombobulated and taken apart no you like seeing my insides I love you the inside and the outside like a baby do you like it do you like my light bridge is this in the main game as well the bridge yeah all right now it's down here what okay watch this you're watching the Disney Channel all right we got it okay wait here why my life oh no I died so my portal side yeah slippy Dicky we could have just landed here or that Oh binky Dave you gotta put one there and then up above Wow I catch you oh he didn't catch me you're heavy I know you said you didn't want to have that song stuck in your head anymore but it's all I can think my brain can do right now like how does your brain work I'm very hard and then inside my head that's a meme right there somebody do it like I am playing portal but my brain be like oh yeah I don't know how we do yeah cuz we can't shoot through that obviously there is a pathway there ah that's how you do it you gotta okay take away your portal and then when I go up you shoot it under me okay take away the bridge and then you attach them but I should I take it away just shoot it at another wall somewhere shoot it like yeah I know get ready I bake now it um I know that entry hell actually it did oh my god it did oh my god it yes what did it hello I'm over here now okay is that where we need to be oh there's a button over there oh I didn't see the button Oh where's the bun dip saw it there oh you can just walk back oh yeah and then just walk back Vica assaulted yourself on the [ __ ] more I can't really start oh yeah yeah where is it okay can we both play it no cuz this ball is going to what jump you can make it I believe me okay so if I do this well oh you do that can you do that you create a path from there okay block off the ceiling yeah yeah and then put one under me oh [ __ ] I missed it you are the ball came back out anyway yeah destroyed our ball no it's right here okay oops uh it's our lives oops okay go again hey wait till I have to wait till I let it break my head on okay I can't see the roof when you do that so you're just gonna have to just yell when you hit it okay just say face seemed like a how out perfect all you have to do is yell at me and it works I already responded yelling okay remember that pinky where so mean thank you it's like Oh got your nose haha got your body got your balls okay kicks in I'm drinking beer on camera on youtube.com slash job sorry it's the only joy left in life I mean my beautiful girlfriend that's also joy in life oh wow Wow noise yeah there's one there those shoot cuz then we're gonna drop mm-hmm go back go in just point here ya know now delete yours first put it there all right look at the biggest brain okay Thomas no I did a thing my time to shine I know we do the same thing again oh you just put it there and then up some oh wow look at us fake brainers oh we shouldn't have jumped off just put your red one lower didn't see that I wish wash I'm here I'm very special wow you're like a Michael Jackson special programming you're like Michael Jackson if he was a robot and didn't have all the controversy why didn't you like Peabody and I'm just atlas why am I not a buddy come on yellow Pina its me red bina why am I not like that you can't just plant we tried we just sit there never showing pain oh that's so fast that I couldn't even process what you just did it's what us big brains and the biz like to call epic No okay now we're across Oh what the boot ah but oh there okay you can barely just jump down onto that and grab the ball oh wait no no no too late I could have just done it it's too far okay you ready yeah what about there is it no let me try yeah your little legs no come back boomerang no over there we uh huh come on out here there is we out here with a ball and everything um that didn't work yeah cuz we because we combined our pardons last time yeah some noise like if the ball yeah oh you take too quick for me my brain is like so tired thank you finally someone saying I'm brain you're smart Am I yeah you're very smart thank you kidding thank you um okay so watch this Boosh alright we need to just stop in the air fish okay come back uh do that again wait just hit the thing sure yeah huh nice okay oh but time to do it for you yes okay yeah and then and it yeah it's gonna be angled way huh angered ooh wait I guess I can do it myself almost not really but you would have to hit admit jump though right oh the angle bounced me what a ding ding all right you ready yes you ready hmm you did it too low wait it's fixable it's fixable yeah booyaka booyaka booyaka booyaka booyaka boom ah you see that we're not cool yeah okay see you later just another Friday I guess I've taken apart is my kind of Friday night baby going to town hit the club get taken apart put back together it is extremely easy just follow the sure glad 'el okay we're going to do this together right okay oh yeah Wow yeah smart I'm just along for the right here am I so good at this yeah I'm like I'm like okay let's figure this out oh never mind you got it I mean we laid it before but I can't remember any of it wait I only just back now no this is a new one huh is it a new hotness she okay okay does that Burke I fell on your head my world oh no she died it that's okay cuz I want to do this better okay we might have to jump to another one there's no way we can I'm out there okay that's just just go right here okay I don't know work that was all your called up hurdles I don't know but you kill this I had it all figured out I had a game plan I don't even know how are you doing all of this I can't shoot through the blue thing okay we're just gonna stand here all right yeah okay nice all right what we got here [ __ ] oh um no oh yeah whoa wait oh no no stinky because you can't take that uh you can take it from there take that from there yeah and now we have a aah and now oh god this is gonna be okay you're gonna have to go on your own do you trust me we're gonna have to go through yeah we're gonna have to fly oh yeah yeah oh no no no I yeah yeah okay you send it over oh yeah oh nice damn I oh hey I'm up here how do you figure to Saul I'm so quick I know it's just a brain does yeah I can do your ones from here wait wait you can do the same thing again if you take my can you hit that wall over there for my bridge and take the bridge yes and then put that yeah I know we're gonna have to do this together so you gonna have to shoot below my feet and then shoot on the right right after well wait no you can't do that what come back this way you're two portals oh no wait no it's the bridge distance yeah yes you got to hit that one on the top right after you hit the bottom one okay hit the bottom one it's going to vanish okay yeah oh yeah see that we could have just done this well this how we both got to play yeah these are both really awesome take that game riggo's bet you even think I want to do we still finished in like five minutes that's whatever just don't call me atlas call me awesome boy awesome oh this is the top tier high quality pinnacle of comedy and YouTube videos oh there's a oh well wait wait I just tried to make you do a thing there's a thingy here yeah Oh oh my thinks gone yet what it put right there what are you doing yeah do that I have you I got you okay now just go through it again there you go oh oh which one did they should just know which one is on the ceiling there I'm deceiving dear buddy you don't have an orange down anywhere oh yeah oh it says it in the icon okay so now I can go through Wow so happy for you wait don't do it yeah don't do it yet go back through your portal and then I'm going to launch myself up from this one so when I launched myself up then you can make your bridge and then I land on it when I come back down so get rid of it okay okay how do I get rid of it okay just shoot it anywhere yeah all right now I'm gonna windy I'm gonna do this I know now I have no idea what we just did it's okay my brains okay now you got to shoot red here yeah maybe shoot it lower underneath yeah there you go huh you should not bacon you walked through too quick and your portals disappeared oh we gotta do it all again okay portal there confuses me Portland there just replace my one now go go fly my bird Wow no no wait we should both jump but I'll wait yeah yeah there we go we did it twice because we just wanted to show how good we are well we wanted to show how smart you are cuz I'm just like uh what we that Bush and uh I'm coming I'm coming okay so what I'm gonna do is something for you are you ready for it uh-huh go back to the start I need you to launch out through actually yeah come up to me hello I'm gonna put a portal on that uh-huh and then go back through your thing and jump back to the start and then put one above the bounce pad how do I go back now though just go through them where you just came from well but just go no okay well how else am I gonna go back oh here yeah so just shoot red no right above the platform right up here uh-huh and just go okay nice now you need to come to the side and now you need to set up the bridge I think like that you can come through now right oh yeah then we're both on this side well yeah I don't know if we need to be though there's nothing here there's another platform that we need to hit we need to go through that one and all the way up so now we need Oh there and then okay you need to bridge us back okay my needs to go away from there so you need to connect that bridge to here yeah and now we both go down and go through this uh-huh you get it how are we gonna get up there and now you put another one here always just to get that I just read the one we're on this one's fine you can put orange there though like that yep and now we go through there I jump back to the start and then oh you left one there oh oh wait [ __ ] straight yeah [ __ ] damn I don't think we can get through together either right okay so I just need to set you up yeah so jump onto the bridge I'm go through the portal [ __ ] yeah how Oh this was tricky cuz I can't get you up there now we can probably do it no say to stay up there I can I flew across last time didn't I yeah because the platform underneath me oh I don't know I think I hit something you probably just hit the side of the wall and it [ __ ] you up a tiny bit yeah oh yeah okay right now I can bring you back so that one's there now you just come back through my gates yeah exactly yep I know go back again jump across red baby and then carjack in the end I figured it out yes I see you I don't she doesn't that would be like asking me not to test whatever buddy that would have been exciting annoying one six of eight already wait this is some only three right yeah that's a lot longer yeah told you I don't even listen to anybody wait how do we get past it oh you just shoot a you shoot a portal over there here I have a red one here why is that work okay I can't shoot through this can i hey Jen hmm oh that works Oh straining that was what I think it hit this rubble section but this was less trouble hi guys how'd they hate you cuz I stood above them uh I realize I need booooo-whoo oh god no they're both sides yeah me too he's passing here yeah nice - Doh - passing through are you still there hello okay guys I can't sit around joking all day great bunch of lads rice rice got it got it oh whatever who can hate this there's two light bridges so you can use the other one and it board you put it you're gonna get this one is for protection yeah ouch I didn't make it you didn't meet you I don't know where you put it though to block it yeah oh yeah come through come oh and then put it there on the right you're in Doheny we're on the right there wait and get the other one you go oh my brain to work that stinky so now you're gonna have to get rid of the red one not yet this was the Iridum it and then put it up again immediately okay Chris you press the button yeah okay see you get rid of the red one for a second I press the button then you put it back up again immediately okay yeah yeah get rid of it now go well we lost the ball I'm so sorry done now I just like it stop it stop laughing okay we go again I'm just gonna say and then blur and that's when you do the things okay I trade hey did you get the ball oh no no oh I can't take many more hits come on go through [ __ ] okay okay get rid of it yeah now go yes I want to live this game is a [ __ ] stupid game it's a stupid game for babies okay crazy grab the ball all right go again nice we did it perfect nice perfect first try and everything first why we're amazing my heart I can see why good job we got it in the end it's all about friendship and teamwork I think I'm watching a bit my brain cells reform know what just watch them take text oh yeah what are you gonna do hit me oh [ __ ] he was he he start shooting really quick are you still there wow that goes off okay soon as you get shot your brain just turns off I am so tired ok I see that we need to do yeah go we're to be launched out of go through and I'll protect us yeah I could shoot here but we're after party yeah where should we launch - there's a path there how do I can't point oh that thing yeah oh I kill them yes Oh eat it [ __ ] I hit him wow I'm sorry I was very aggressive towards them they softly shot me [Music] hello Oh yep Oh a little bit lower yeah are you still there yeah step on the button no assist you I see spun do oh it opens up a platform so you need to do that and then where hmm alright get 8:03 all right I can go yeah okay button what is it you oh thanks oh you can step off the button now and you can reorient your portals need one on this and then can you put one there yeah okay go basta ah I see see if I can throw it at him look no go get hey they come hate him hate him yeah yeah I know put an orange one here yeah oh that's gonna work can you nice nice oh they're gonna get lysenko up and again here we go again yeah standing on your button again oh wait but yeah I can't yeah is there anything if I go yeah go through yeah there's steps over here um oh um hit the site wall there where my orange one is or is that not in reach of the that's not going to work I'll kill you yeah nothing that can launch me either interesting very interesting wait wait wait oh oh oh I got it uh figure it out yeah cuz there's a cube that shoots as well alright again and then we just have to make sure we can catch that somehow well maybe if I block it there oh no it was a pane of glass everything Oh God all you have to do is stand on the botton again okay wasn't it here though alright no just on the button where do they come out oh oh so many things yes come on through yeah Wow good job red congratulations thanks de yellow really hard he's really good is whatever so again congratulations on completing the broken easy 90% of what people think is inside an M&M is chocolate inside me it's just brains so she's doing all this while shells running around doing [ __ ] isn't this after safety too because then she's like oh yeah yeah I could test the robots yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right whatever okay yeah you got a ball right here but oh there's a portal there yeah thank you but see you through there you take yeah nice oh oh that's quick so cool we're geniuses we need to be stopped so there's a ball shooting across I assist you online offline oh it's turning on a bridge ah and then that has to go it can go here you know walk across no didn't do anything there's a ball coming out here on the right Oh put it put it up there Oh which one the red one how do I catch this though Oh aah whoosh and mush nope put it in here this one I can't why not cuz the light blue one here it'll disappear through here go through that right so which ones can you hit from there that one and the one above me and this one on the right it's probably easy but my brain don't work when it hits this get rid of your red ok ok then next time okay not yet and now get rid of it I thought that would work I thought it would go through my purple and then out through my blue and then down to you put your red back up so it hits that and then it goes down through there and then down through huh so it can only go through this ceiling or you that yeah but that's some work as it goes out at the wrong angle what if we don't stop it what happens then oh there you go you did it you did it you did it uh what did I do you put three would you put the red there so put your red back up there yeah and I'll put it back oh I could have caught it after it hits that put it back where you just put it no no no all right but oh where you go nice what I owe you you gotta bring it over here and put it in the laser oh good job figured it out by acid don't ya know Maxie Dante come higher coming right I've brought you here to talk about your work evaluation you've been putting some serious work in you're doing great good job a little stinky brain though no no no I mean we're all a little wrinkled okay okay are you ready uh-huh you're supposed to see the gesture not me flip the switch uh-huh there you go yeah perfect like clockwork baby why do we want to go space well let's go the path is babe ah okay now well you're gonna do for us is put an orange there maybe or something uh-huh and then oh we both gotta do it oh I remember okay so one of us is gonna come out through your red okay use me up here with me by the way so you stand over the two below you and I have to stand over the one now or maybe you should take that side completely so far you right over there and your other one below you yes and now I have to fire mine below me as I fall and we're both going to come out at the same time and hit each other and stop midair and land on the platform oh yeah okay how do you you need to shoot two portals at the same time yep oh good whoosh oh my god big brain Oh check out the big balls and Shawn where's the disk I want the disk ah damn it take it take it alright sit down and watch the movie turn off the lights in just a moment I got my chair right here I am the chair remember watching she is is she watching remember Oh God shouldn't have antagonized no she killed us that was number three yeah also you can see how many steps you take yeah you're gonna have to you have to work a lot harder to catch up well you're a busy boy I got I mean I have tiny legs so they have to run faster I take more steps with your day more distance that's true you got those long legs all I got is these itty bitty who's this any pity boys for big boys itty bitty boys little hoovy boys boys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,135,313
Rating: 4.9688864 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 1, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny moments, portal full walkthrough, portal 2, portal 2 gameplay, portal 2 jacksepticeye, portal 2 walkthrough, portal 2 playthrough, portal 2 coop, portal 2 multiplayer, portal 2 with my grilfriend, jacksepticeye girlfriend
Id: T2szD8jB7Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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