Going On A Date With My Girlfriend In Animal Crossing New Horizons

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welcome back to animal crossing where is this um excuse me this is not hell I was told I would be in hell this is not it what did you do to me and why do you have an umbrella and I don't houseboy what happened my beautiful child you're out here well least you got your rain boots on somebody did this sherry did this I know she did there's only one person who could why why is he massive what is that we're not he special special little tree nuts nice oh not dude I'm about to bust a coconut right now oh wait I need to eat oh god I don't have space for this I'm gonna take this tree home with me I'm gonna plant it and calling on Gerald swap it do I have any weeds that I can get rid of yes to a friend I've yet to meet I was cleaning and found this DIY recipe written on a piece of paper that I used as a bookmark I wanted to get my idea out into the world so I put it in this bottle it didn't make me happy if you use it wishing you well imagine I wouldn't mosaic wall we're gonna toss what about my bows do this I can't read sweet I learned the DIY rates of evil wouldn't pose a wall is this purgatory the tongue no kicked me out that Satan kicked me out or another form of hell is this one of the circles I should already dig up some of these huh although I'm probably not that far off getting them on my island ooh or better yet better question I have for you what are you you're a [ __ ] nightmare hi ah there's someone on this island oh you're visiting here - hey I'm al your toss boy from hell neat I didn't expect to make a friend here this island is so cool eh should I be scared should I be worried for my health and sanity when did your face look like a nightmare who designed your face you mean my face is a nightmare I'm the cutest boy in town his island has so much nature every place you look his nature it's real me I could stay here forever pointing at stuff saying huh that's nature okay then it'll be really neat to live in an island like this old time I mean just living life pointing at nature that's a nature that's the nature look at that nature over there it's like me when I started playing Minecraft that's a Minecraft door a Minecraft you're a Minecraft under come to mine mm-hmm should I open up the gates of Hell to this demon ah you live on hell right well you more you more live in Hell than on hell it's kind of its kind of an experience for like an art exhibition for pain misery is it like this there - whoa then I want to go if your islands as cool as you then I want to go by the way what should I do - move - hell just commit crime commit crime kill a few people steal turn off your grandmother's life support they kick a dog steal from a child there's lots of ways you can get into hell all of them foolproof so if I call your mr. Tom Nook it'll tell me everything Thanks I'll call him and say hi yeah you want to call Satan the number is 666 you dialed that in yo you'll get him straight away today's the best day since I found out what her sketti was since I found out did you find out what English was yet toss boy has the power to reignite the flames of hell show them toss show the world there we go hahaha you like that hell magic I bring you the gift of fire where's this instant muscles shirt suit even Oh baby I ripped I am jacked to the nines look at me I've got abs and pecs so strong like a crack walnuts with me ribs yes we have a giant clam an empty can iron orange flowers the knock miles ticket that's how I got here come look Satan put this in my pocket and sent me off I'm gonna drop the clay I don't care about that right I can get more clay back in heaven hell it's full of clay weave regular clay weave play a Kani s-- you got special fish yeah don't nuke Russia curves sucks there's a reason that his name is an anagram of crap lease that damn fish catch come on come on big boy caught a bit early it's mad at me but only a little laughs all right what else can we get this island sucks for fish why did I come here where did you send me here Tom give me a sign why am I here unless they do inmate 7 Labor's to get back to hell I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be glad to go back to hell what do you guys think toss boy got sent to hell for the mystery right now run run run oh you were definitely the gatekeeper of hell with a voice like that they're gonna be bad because they're both doing systems over I'm ready to go home to new positive yes sure am where to live to dance with a brass twister are you impressed mister sir are you impressed toss boy left he left a boy and now he's tossed man look at these muscles umm why is there a wheelchair next to a tree what who put this wheelchair here that's creepy [Music] sherry I am who did this come Satan dude we're gonna get killed someone's gonna kill toss boy luckily you got the instant muscle suit though he's gonna be ready to kill I'm scared anyway welcome to my house Midna cute alright turn on the lights there we go oh that's too bright cozy nice and warm living space over here you see my bed is there I keep my switch I got a nice little couch here thank you [Laughter] oh boy the cutest is a man and all the land okay toss what else do you want to show the people this is his radio this is his picnic basket this is where he keeps his mug of hot chocolate he needs his mug of hot chocolate to start the day otherwise you can't do anything alright this is his mirror don't look directly in it or Satan looks back at you after like three seconds so you want to be careful with that and this is where I keep my other lip so if I like turn off the lights we still have a nice cozy little one you know anyway I always have storage now so I can put a bunch of [ __ ] in here how do I already put my stuff in the storage I just go like this ah neat who have not Karina as well hold on let me play you the song of my people thank you I need total silence and total focus and concentration okay everybody at home close your eyes right now close your eyes imagine it some of you are not closing your eyes I can sense it you're probably like no that's cringe Jack what are you doing close your [ __ ] eyes or Tom Nook will break your knees it's called music thank you thank you very much I will be accepting rewards at the end of the night meaning how about morning it's night time now um so doesn't make me sense but that's fine um you Tiger know your mosque oh yeah they want to build a shop what does the need for the shop I know we're asking residents for their help and donating the materials we need to build a shop really Tom Tom don't you hide behind tossed boys enormous head you're eight years gonna make the people do the work look at him looking at a book probably looking at how much tax he's avoiding what do you need thirty pieces each of would hurt hardwood and softwood as one of 30 sorry iron nuggets all right dog boy what does he do you got any notes on the bulletin board I will break your legs is that blood Cherie did this she left a wheelchair by in my house and then wrote a note saying I will break your legs and put blood on it as a sign she wrote us boy but I did not write that did you see me write that no you didn't I [ __ ] knew it Sherry's gonna cook and Tom's still coming for those knees what if sure he did that too what if Sherry's trying to make Tom look bad this goes so deep where is sherry also I never realized that the moon is in this guy that's cool Jerry [Music] where are ya hidin in your tent committing crime she's a double agent I can sense it I'm just out for a stroll I bet she's the one who sent me off to that Island what an absolute bastard okay okay she's coming over she's turning over run run hey don't trust her I knew those monkey cheeks would get me she kept saying cheeky about everything that was a code word okay I need to go I need to go plant some coconuts you I need you I need to do some work need to do some maintenance three just cam down my nerves since it get it nice that was the wrong one I'm sure in a bit but that was something really cool the thing inside that balloon was like a new bike or a new baby brother pass boy he just has to just sit down relax and enjoy himself nothing out of the ordinary sorry Jerry boss I don't like this wait stopped I think sounds weird out here [Music] Fairey are you hiding under my bed Shh I don't like this I don't like this I'm not staying in there I'm not staying there in another second that's way too scary my time my time in this game is terrifying I don't like it okay I think blathers is ready though your zoom construction is about to begin and thus I can't accept new donations at this time however requests for BA Fussell appraisals are still most welcome ass is this fossil [ __ ] I found one well then I get indeed after some consideration I can safely defer this fossil to be a big old skull it is only an indeed a rare fossil we do not yet have on display what's the museum dropper opens I do hope you consider donating it to our noble institution thanks bladders oh we gotta wait for the museum to open catch it ooh poke it [Music] don't touch it it back owners here to pee and in a born I'll have a $1 pee just be glad toss boy doesn't moonlight as a [ __ ] comedian oh wait no I [ __ ] it up yeah damn it it's a hard-knock life for toss it's a hard-knock life for Tots oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god toss what happened oh hello I got stung by wasps y'all got any medicine dodge boys hurt buzz for sale I can barely even see that's not a plaster over my eyes that's just the the wasps tow me so bad that they they punch holes in my eyelids it hurts like a mole [ __ ] I tell you that much for nothing mm-hmm I don't want Bowl committees and I just want watch what do you think I'm made out of money you think money grow on trays actually at those in Animal Crossing it does think of your systems thank you over to peg there we go now the wasps can't get you protection whoa this is an Easter Island head here you bring dum-dum-dum-dum Hey Oh God Tosh you look scary behind it that's cool adding a little culture to the island very nice gooey fish I caught a koi I don't know why it's so shot for such a bad speller koi fish is pretty boy fish aquarium dude Epic's play you over here cool that's awesome can I do anything with it Oh light meat oh this games cute I like this look at this unison hey everybody look at my koi his name is Tyson's well I'm not very good at coming over tonight he he's an absolute unit though he loves and just sit there and swimming is bald it's not really a ball is more like a it's more like a little fish prison oh god oh god this is terrifying this is terrifying back on a tarantula there's eduation just got hairy in gross ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands I don't like that I caught him though I [ __ ] did it yes baby tarantula is mine so correct Tom Nook you know oh well I slowed you money [Music] ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh girls he go Sheree I'm scientifically proving how stupid she is by showing that even with fish bait and a fishing rod she still cannot catch fish in Hawaii she ain't got no lure she ain't got no fishing line she's basically just holding a stick over water and hoping that a miracle will happen airdrop see that one shot one kill shot I could do to you to be careful well could I get 10,000 bells we're in the money yeah yeah yeah so Dom watch where you swing oh god I gave her a concussion oh no it was kind of funny when you were mad about it but I feel like I've done some real damage sorry I mean I don't care but I'm the people that hole might carry oh she looks like she's gonna puke Carrie wait hold on I'll take a whole for you to puke in here you can the whole sherry keep banging banging that's not iron KeyBank look gold you like a gold is that a [ __ ] ghost nice no ghosts but you're the ghost wife amigos music oh the world is over a human a real live human an asylum for a long time but I've never seen a human I know everybody else is a [ __ ] weird talking animal it's so bizarre dude I feel like I'm going [ __ ] crazy here I'm so glad to see another familiar sane face oh you just moved here oh okay well thanks planes everything allow me to introduce myself my name is wisp pleased to meet you oh yeah well I'll just be honest with you I love the darkness especially nighttime I love to go out on weekends with all my friends and just really I love bowling and I love card games so hit me up whatever this little running with you has me all shaken up you scared some pieces of my spirit right out of me that's a polite animal crossing Nintendo PG way of saying you literally scared the [ __ ] out of me and I'm a dead person talking to you looks like they flew off and you bumped into each other yeah that's what I always say is oh oh gosh [ __ ] my pants oh look they all flew away I'm sorry this is a view but could you maybe collect the pieces of my spirit that flew away otherwise I'll be like this forever I can not deal with that please help I promise there'll be something good in it for you now let's see here there are five pieces of my spirit no this is going to be something weird ritual is it I'm gonna someone like Exodia or like the Horcruxes of Voldemort should be able to float around the island you'll need a net to catch them I'm counting on you thank you yeah net to catch your [ __ ] things you're the ghost you do it Burnie let me Adam Pass boy is amazing he made a little Harbor I'd like to donate yes these are for you thank you so much we only need one last bit the return donation calls for billing to shop thank you let me offer you a fan Pam some marine pop for as I said marine poop flooring and a mussel tank I've got the muscle tanks right here baby can't you see tossed boys [ __ ] sweet juicy ass we love your cooperation and donating the last type of material we need okay so I need 30 iron nuggets I have how many that haven't do this but I think I'm like ten all right let's go to another island because I need to get wired got one I got a wish bear pace verb is kind of cold toss boy you are the woods you did it you'll find all the pieces of my spirit come on send them over hurry you go okay perfect all right that's all five pieces hey calm down dude ah back to normal oh thank goodness thank you I feel wonderful oh right I need to give you the reward I promise how's it gonna be well who doesn't love furniture and give you something you don't have yet all right give you something expensive so what's it gonna be ooh something new or something expensive okay you got it something new something you don't have yet well you've already got a lot of stuff I think I have just the item for you here have a cordless phone that's pretty good I can call God and get him get me out of hell if you happen to encounter one of the out of the secrets maybe just keep it to yourself we don't want to scare anyone away from here pretty sure that's in your valid contract okay sorry mister nope this mostly tank I thought it was like a tank for like I don't what I thought it was gonna be here uh yeah you guys ready to get [ __ ] swole with us boy maybe we should go talk to BAM he'd appreciate this not you sherry you piece of [ __ ] monkey [ __ ] dad right what's my hair cycle I need to look nice for my girlfriend okay I'm gonna go visit her Island I want to look epic all right all right what cool hairstyles that I get Oh looking good toss you're almost looking too good I got Lego hair oh it's so cute oh that's it that's the one there we go Robin must make his character look like that right it says Robin haircut written all over it hello yeah there you are it's me it's me - boy you are not gonna believe how cute I look really just gonna I just got a new outfit yeah okay well joke's on you cuz I'm oh it's loud whoops I am also very very cute right now and you're not gonna believe that either okay I'm ready for you you can come on over oh how do what you're gonna have to give me a cold no cuz we're friends know I'm president you are my Jackie count not my Shawn account oh you're playing a different account yeah how do I do that why you gotta make things complicated babe I don't know I'm leaving hell I'm not allowed be gone too long though cuz oh I getting chased by burgers Tom not gonna come and break my legs if I'm gone too long I'm flying over your Island cherries yay nice turn your seat to the upright position it takes you to make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened now toss boys running up and down the thing right you're still an internet clown I mean still I always am and always beardy are you got the muscle suit oh my god you're so strong I'm that's not even a suit me oh my god are tied the cutest you're so cute oh you can emote yeah I just learned it oh damn wait come here what's up haven't you you go oh thank you I brought you flowers can I put that in my hair it's a red tulip yeah we match why don't we do that's so cute it's not a tulip it's it's a red tulip cuz you're Dutch do you want the other tulip oh no - I have to do my hair apparently yeah you can put a bunch of them in your hair also I brought you this what this but my cute little outfit you could just change back put that on you will match yeah all right you hit the gym do you like my little blushy cheeks as well I do did you do those yourself yeah I drew eyebrows as well oh you did yeah the on fleek always I think you can also like face each other at the camera let's see how do that's so cute wait I want to get my hammock Wow epic very nice hey dirty that's why I really like your hand it really it there's got a lumbar support which I'm bad hey I haven't watered my flowers yet today hey babe yeah I'm sucking my tooth what them what that tooth do somebody says if you suck them toss boys - you have looked for a million years yeah emote yeah I just learned it hi that's a nice menorah you have that's my TV as well that's cute yeah are you gonna call you as well I forgot I just got one yeah I just caught one too I'm so happy with it I have donated it to the museum TV yeah that's very cute take my shoes off oh you're right yeah oh yeah wait I can do that now you can see you can see my sexy calves you see him see the toss boys packing ha ha see this juicy ass oh yeah isn't this nice now I got the walls in Florida that I want it's very nice I just need to get a good furniture I want to get a cook that's it I'm comfy now sleepover sleepover sleepover yeah I wish there was an emo for just laying down on the floor why should we do that okay funny what should we do what should we do what should we do what should we do well I'm gonna start putting some clothes on [ __ ] this up got it what the [ __ ] is that a fresh water go be time to go bye-bye what a fish my fish look at this fish you don't have see you yeah I do Harry your turn again can I mail you stuff I don't know if you can mail fish do people know one chap he can place it outside for you to pick up no I can't my only option is to show it off Oh show me your Museum never not gonna be cute these are I always forget sardines anchovies I always mix them up and then all the way to the right here dude this is a [ __ ] Harry Potter museum is my oarfish whoa it's so cool that dude's badass you're gonna hang her - yeah that was a football something I got it today I'm really happy with these damn that's so [ __ ] cool oh this is this will be a cute picture come here [Music] [Laughter] yes yes super cute wait know each other oh my god oh you got a dino ass Diplodocus Diplodocus yeah Diplodocus Diplodocus as some people who call it yeah oh just go ahead peace what do they call again oh it said it and I skipped Parasaurolophus yep Parasaurolophus that's it yeah Wow I know you can do this oh wow are you gonna saber-tooth half of one well you got the best half they're not call a sabre ass tiger mega sir ops you can stand in this little corner here for evolution what was toss boy involved from it's none of these for sure the books are just roaming around well there's a book corner as well here the bench gross I'm gonna tact at your Museum Wow mmm-hmm yeah this area is cute this is beautiful what a place to have a first date oh dear diary I'm so full of joy look at the blue butterfly Emperor butterfly oh I have a ton that's the one I caught yesterday don't go in here they land on your face you what you have a centipede mukada yeah it's gross oh wait this is a nice one no the arkyd mantis nope i'm walking slowly because their vision is based on movement this is a very good museum i rated good out of 10 damn Zoomers get off your phone appreciate each other i'll just stand there like a maniac just remember that I'm stealing this fish never get he got a goopy goopy goober going to talk to this guy or do I just walk out maybe just walk here [Music] you can also just press - Chad says this is more realistic this is the way it should be doing got so many friends over today I had Marzia PJ and Sophie's well they all came over really yeah okay bye toss he's gone see you later all right what are we gonna get out of this I want cute hair I want cute hair big nickname welcome back to hell that's the that's hell's bell you have to ring hell's bell every time you come back otherwise Satan's gonna find you and kill you whoa yes aha yes this is definitely it oh yeah that's that's a toss boy this is a toss boy hair for sure this is just like the shorter version of this one I can't leave this one those [ __ ] Lisa Simpson Vegeta ass [ __ ] yeah this is it this is definitely [Music] sorry toss I'm allergic to your new hairstyle oh it looks like me when I was a kid holy [ __ ] okay well I'm gonna leave this stream here that's gonna be it for toss oh here today what a wonderful little boy he was I think we made some decent progress I need to wait for time to pass so the museum gets done and then I get enough chances to I go off and get more iron and then put it down and make the shop and then the next time we come back we'll hopefully have some stuff yeah everybody wave bye it's a toss boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,662,337
Rating: 4.9677801 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, nintendo switch, animal crossing: new horizons, new horizons, animal crossing jacksepticeye, animal crossing nintendo switch, tom nook, new horizons gameplay, new horizons switch, ac new horizons, animal crossing switch gameplay, nintendo switch animal crossing, girlfriend, jacksepticeye girlfriend
Id: Lu-AoLAuLJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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