Baby's first Minecraft [1]

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[Music] so what do I do hi for inventory space to jump [Music] what does ok click to destroy things should I climb up should I find an open field punch them trees I'm really strong I can just punch trees new recipe check your recipe book how do you check a recipe book tap Q cues to throw it away please I got plans E [Music] what's the recipe book though [Music] the music is very nice so you can use a birch log to make birch wood [Music] oh so that's how it shows you birch planks so you drag [Music] oh did I make that I made a thing how do i exit this e okay flowers can I get those too I got a flower yay make birch planks I did so should I eat chop more trees I can't believe I'm playing Minecraft of all things blame Shaun blame Dragon Quest builders - for awakening a new passion oh nice flowers animals I want these hi what are you sheep build a crafting table okay do I need wood for that [Music] okay let me see so II so many things crafting table birch planks okay so I do this wait where'd they go didn't I have them in my inventory oh you take him out like that how do i how do I split him up cuz it's four single ones so how do you right-click ah you split up worth right click okay I made it so and then you put it in your quick inventory like that I scroll through it nice well there's water here maybe this is a good spot do I just chuck it I'm holding it oh now do I do with it left-click it now what that takes it down again hi what I do now get more lugs okay I don't know what I'm doing kill vague thanks into twenty nine months God I'm about to embark on a huge infant adventure aren't I right click is your interact button okay how can you grab wood with your hands build a small shelter munch monsters come out at night I heard that yeah so how do I place the blocks ah boy I should make different things from this right I shouldn't just relocate wood like that I've got this seeking a long time okay let's see alright click oh so many things I can make so oak planks is it okay that's enough can I stack them oh they're different how do I stack these I can't Oh break okay let's just start out with that I guess got how okay no wait I need my inventory oh no it is in my thing so I can place these these are all birch and oak planks okay they're different oh my god this that's gonna take a lot of planks can I just pick this up or do I need to break it down to replay to move it make sticks I can do that Oh does it automatically place stuff from your inventory in it oh so you don't even have to put it on there can I put these that yeah oh this can stack so there ah there were just different types can I just click it multiple names no how can I just keep grabbing it oh I'm building I'm doing it oh that was the wrong one well whatever night uh koneko oh just make a really tiny house for the first night and then make a door oh god that's really high I didn't mean to huh what sheep don't scare me should I put my door on the other side huh so it's closer make an axe to chop tree fat trees faster okay will do this is a mess we're definitely gonna properly fix this later but for now I'm just a noob who's trying to make a [ __ ] house happen so I definitely need more wood and I Sara an easier way to do this oh did I just I don't have enough now okay do I need a roof need a bed get wool how do I get wool you have to kill a sheep can I just pluck him no I heard him no I don't want to hurt him keep right-clicking the craft of the item to pick up stacks okay kill sheep for now don't worry about a bet yet okay do I need to worry about a roof how do I get that one you guys are the best no I don't want you here helping a lonely girl on their minecraft adventures it's up to God no not steak that's pretty good I need a door birch door oak door good enough oh I don't have enough to I anymore would you what give me wood not my kind of game but I have a lot of respect for it it'll get you an eventually say no it's not my kind of game either yet playing dragon quests has completely turned me around I I do have to say though I've been watching PPG's Minecraft series I'm so sad he private made all the videos private can't watch any of them anymore i I'm I'm not sure I don't know um personally so I I haven't asked or anything but I think it's goes pro Jared's in those videos and with the whole thing that happened I can't say I still don't have enough oh I need to make the other ones first that one yeah now I have nine so now I can make it I have three doors [ __ ] in how do I place you ah how do I get in how do I get in my house right cooking yeah I mean it's nighttime how's that good there's no roof on my house but I have three blocks I guess it's a really small roof get the roof check it a light can I a campfire how do I make that sticks and coal I don't have coal something almost killed me oh my god that's my house that sucks [Applause] can I fix this maybe we should just put dirt in here quick I can't it's a lost cause everyone bye that was a creeper I thought something like that yeah will they tech me in here with no lights don't worry about a roof okay good remember to sound so you can run away next time I didn't hear anything take straight down here just go diggin I need to make some tools to dig God do I really have to wait like 10 days here 10 minutes got it get it get it go back okay place it it's so dark in here okay wouldn't Howe want a tech speed want a tech damaged wooden tacks stick and I wouldn't pickaxe crossbow so I can make wooden things what do I need for that dark oak planks or jungle planks wouldn't X I mean X so tomorrow I can get it lots of wood okay so I need to go just go choppin I don't want to ruin the trees around me though they look so nice oh this is definitely faster make it pick X oh yeah Jesus that's scared that legit scared me what the [ __ ] besides no problem creeper huh I need to make a what pickaxe I did it I'm doing things okay so what do I use that for pickaxe get stone to make stone tools which are better than wood okay so you'd faint stone what's this don't look like how could this music be playing and then there's a [ __ ] creeper that can just blow me up be nice having a nice bath what was that stone oh yeah maybe I was like oh no wait that must be sent but that's maybe stone that stone that's a gravel dig down oh okay let me go back I don't want to be that far away from my house hey sheep what the [ __ ] I don't like those sounds so dig down oh that oh that takes a long time is that it I didn't get anything use the pickaxe oh yeah I'm using an axe good idea oh that's hey yeah that's better Stone Age I'm upgrading how much do I need is it getting dark ready oh this is a special one what's that I can't break it it's too hard number one rule in Minecraft never dig directly underneath you why not I'm gonna die a horrible death oh my poor house stone sword stone axe stone pickaxe out with the old in with the new so NEX I need more cobblestone I have enough of that I need more sticks am i playing this right what did I make an X and the sort cool I got things so what do we need oh look at me go I'm so proud of myself I couldn't do this without you guys though I have no idea what I'm doing thank you use a stone pickaxe to get the iron oh that was what I found before this one yes what new recipes unlocked I don't see any more of that though it was just the one block just the one block actually I can't see oh okay I got something new again this is different wait how is this one different I got something else this is different I'll need to check it later oh there it is found it color is good this is really dark though I'm getting nervous I don't want to be here anymore time to go back there okay thanks wow I I dug that house all me okay what'd I do oh furnace cobblestone I can make that Jesus my pickaxe is almost done furnace what I do with the furnace oh I can make ingots iron ore that's it Oh awesome Jesus how smart huh look at that how do I know when it's done the arrow stone and charcoal like that oh I have a flint go dis torch just one charcoal can make four torches so do I put them in here for or outside for protection I don't to burn down my house I mean late put them inside ok I did that an iron pickaxe ha thank you I upgraded ok mogambo's made the advancement isn't it iron pick cut where is my username in this there's an old username hell yeah wait I want weapons on the right ok so that'll be our next objective so tomorrow we'll clip some sheep and get some food you can mine down in your house to pass the time and gain some resources I could but don't don't they spawn underground isn't that like the thing that's scary I should just smack them oh that oh I see I could zombie saying bro I have I have one torch up music I keep pressing I for inventory I have two torches gotta do this smart without breaking the outer walls so do I like put one here [Music] yeah telework I guess that works I'm so careful I'm like I don't want anything to spawn here huh no okay [Music] that's actually good those better placement sniffing table sounds cool he burnin is he gonna die oh he's not a fire anymore and there's a creeper oh that's not how you run can you sprint he's just there can he come into the water yes he can no hey sheep hike thanks be careful oh there's little things in the water too Oh they've teeth oh my god that doesn't sound good oh if they you've done this or did I do oh hi oh god oh [ __ ] uh-huh oh good leave me alone they're all around me this is scary [ __ ] man everything's out to kill me sheep hi thanks are they still following me do they just disappear after a while when it's daytime I got enough wool now nice I want some extra for a pillow or something Thanks now I just gotta find my house again I have no idea where I am oh [ __ ] where is my house chicken hey you got eggs thanks guys I lost my house [ __ ] oh is that it that's it okay can I cut you - I love hope this is my house how to make a bed bed oh no that's not I went there yeah I got a bed guys where I'm gonna put it I'll just lock this up again I have earth in my inventory don't I dirt oh no that's not what I wanted I should get these back just oh wait if I close this up does stuff spawn under here maybe I should keep this I should just bank my house bigger maybe the X is good for this time for expansion okay just is there a thing you can do to like quickly click as well to make this go into your inventory I need a chest DS I need okay this is good I can use the tree right oh that counts right okay anymore oh yeah thanks start to the raid thank you I think I just need more wood don't think of any wood at my inventory anymore but this X blue put this X to work I'm a rebel different pieces different types of wood yes oh now my roof doesn't match up anymore though haha it has closed bedtime how big is it where do I put it ah how do I place it there oh I'm not on it anymore there in the corner I need more torches or does it just stack it oh it does oh and can you Dan just hold shift and then behind me twelve nice I feel like that's gonna God I'm already a perfectionist you like that's gonna burn the wood on top so let me just put it there tada I have a bed but you will be with me what you guys say chests nope chests yes yes haha how do I quickly put stuff away haha shift shift is the key here I don't know what my next step is now hey excuse me what the [ __ ] is that what was that hey chicken be careful there's something weird out there kill the chicken oh yeah I need food that was my new objective chicken I'm so sorry I don't even like chicken chickens like one of my least favorite kind of food to eat I'm sorry oh use the charcoal right oh that was a charcoal maybe I should make more charcoal yes I made a smoker guys music but uh my house is getting crowded again let's eat how do I eat I ate so now I'm recovering I did it this is dirt yeah oh Jesus that hurt me what the [ __ ] I didn't fall very deep at all okay this is welcome to my very permanent house primitive we can like even like dig a little trench and then we can surround the whole plot with water maybe I should do that can I do that can I do that can I like dig like a thing and then we make a plot here I have shears I could do that oh not with the egg yeah look do that hold the ground around the water I think I need to make a thing for that can make a wooden one there goes oh it doesn't reach but there's so much water in here [ __ ] I call [ __ ] right-click on the thing yeah I can't do this one you are not perfect you're not worthy there oh come on please make it so what's happening to these pieces I don't even have any seats though I can put in there I hate how when you come out there's still enemies around it's scary [ __ ] man oh look how cute I wish I could maybe mm-hmm I hate that this isn't full let me maybe if I do it here it'll be better yeah a little bit better no not there you crazy there you go it looks pretty good just make a little bridge that walks up to it and like fencing ah I guess I need a bucket next I need to go start mining now found it nice we got it okay now my pickaxe is almost done [ __ ] is that sounds like a car passing it's better to find a cave on the surface than hope you'll randomly dig into it okay so we should go exploring a little bit my worry is that I can't find my house maybe we should build a little Tower on top of the house so we can easily find it is that a good idea so a tower let's do that I'll just make make it out of dirt because that's cheap right now should I make like a stairs going up think that might be nice I don't want to really die not good we're about for anyone dropping in right now we're about to go exploring but I'm worried I won't be able to find my house so I'm making a little Tower so it's gonna be easier to spot build it on the water and jump off once you're done hey that would be a good idea there's like a yeah yeah why do I know that I dunno if you hold shifts you can't really fall off a block I think I learned that from PBJ this is high enough I can see my house from here maybe there's caves there it's quiet mmm I should build it in there this is the weirdest looking tower I've ever seen but there's a mountain there though maybe they'll work there now we have a beacon in case we lose our way back I should be good right yeah I like it let's just go see if we can find a cave maybe we should build a tiny house near the cave stone put the light on top you can see that night we did that yeah god I just hope I could find my way back should be doable hey hey what are you little doc oh it is a dog can i befriend him yeah more dogs hey you're cute can I pet you you want some chicken that's like chicken right feeted bones need bones to tame it okay is it getting night topic off that bacon though okay this looks like a cave that's the Skelly man with a bow and arrow I'm not going near that time to go home bye pig see you later oh that's gonna hurt nothing can I run any faster cuz this is making me nervous at least now we can see if we can see the torch you can run faster double to double tap w oh there you go I found it we need to build that hire shouldn't I [Music] I remember God ouch your math mindSHIFT yeah I just pressed shift to do that because I instinctively pressed shift to run control to run I guess I can get used to that that looks really dark hello hello ah this is the stuff I want oh is this a tiny cave okay good oh this is different this is pinging what is it ah what am I getting special things new recipe oh I'm getting special things I'm going pretty deep I like the stair system I'm going though I'm not finding anything look at this perfect staircase mwah I did that stairs be damned I can't see give me any good stuff I love the tingles such nice sounds okay this is kind of dark though let's go back soon break the grass on the surface for seeds is it some of them that give you seed i got seed c4 what though for more grass break all the grass i got some seeds to make bread to plant wheat oh cool that's from dress that's weird oh wait can i plant that then i did [Applause] oh are you kidding me any three more I want it to hey chicken I'm so sorry about this thanks guys thank your food man that's getting dark I need one more gimme grass yeah there we go what's that noise did it ha ha look at that bye world should we cook some more chicken [ __ ] it now what do I do with that I think I need to go sleep that's growing uh-huh so why did I need a bucket get some water in it yeah just the one spicy McNugget actually use buckets for lava huh oh this looks much better maybe you can fill this up fill it out even out the water there we go that's better look how cute this is little patch oh whoa is it cuz I jumped on it I'm so sorry oh god no don't blow it up please [ __ ] don't you dare blow that up I see you lookin I worked really hard on that don't you dare oh god where'd he go Oh sheep you scared me oh there he is sort him share try but what if he explodes well I have chicken I can eat I guess tap and run yeah oh I still got me hey look I made a mine it took me one second oh no that's chicken they get it she can come back ok I don't know I need to huh ok wow that made that grow though cuz it's not wet anymore just cuz I jumped on it [ __ ] I will make a bridge so if I basically if I if I grow this I can make another one I guess then I can make bread and then I don't have to I only have six dirt it's weird I can make a bread right and then I basically don't have to eat animals anymore ho time baby so just don't jump on the land is that it I did it you don't need to break grass you can just use your hands oh okay I thought shovel might be faster doing it guys I'm living the dream look at my crops what's my next battle plan maybe build my tower a little bit higher because I'm worried I won't see it I broke my [ __ ] perfect pattern oh this is where all my dirt wind I see see let's put one here can I do that yeah I hope this is there's enough distance I might have to go this way I don't know if I can go up otherwise just the one block higher actually oh that's a sheep sheep scared me I'm pretty height you can see this from pretty high up I think okay haha and I don't have a torch can I make one I can't don't have to be at my thing for that there well I guess that's another day done if you plant one piece of sugarcane and on scent next to water it will grow up to three high if you harvest the top two pieces that will regrow oh that's smart I should do that is that okay oh yeah that's not right next to the water there good okay that tower is gonna kill you I can feel it I mean I'll just respond right here right where you sleep look how nice this look looks the flowers there I thought I saw a creeper in the background got my little patches some sugar canes this makes me really happy it's beautiful I make things good night oh no I can't do it you have to fight it [ __ ] die come on die go in quick sleep yes a graph will block Falls until it lands on the next available block below it oh we got really far with the substance alright yeah we got to like 974 damn that's really nice thank you everyone who gifts its ups today as well so what is this why did I get that's the one I need right blocks that make a shifting sound should be mined with a shovel oh the gravel that what that is ha hey I got you yes I feel like minecraft is like Dragon Quest builders ah [ __ ] I feel like minecraft is drank less builders big brother cuz drank rose builders is very much like okay I want you to focus on doing this one task and then you do it and then it's like oh my god good job you just made that did you see that this is how you did that so impressive and you get like little hearts and stuff I love it by the way don't get me wrong a Minecraft is very much like yeah there you go here's a world randomly generated have fun and will tell you when you find new stuff what you can do with it but that's it and go figure it out by that's kind of what it's like what it feels like Godspell thanks for the two months oh where am I thank you yeah I creeper ah I am getting a little bit sick of that in Dragon Quest builders cuz every time you find a new material like someone comes up to it's like wow did you just find this and this that's like yes I [ __ ] know this is like the 20th item I found I can't go to sleep I can't yes oh they're still here though let's just wait for them to go away I guess oh this is dark scary I think this is good okay now I can see give that to me it belongs to me now here we go still no progress though it's about to break as well I thought there was lava this way I feel like I'm really jinxing myself with this some point I'm just gonna find lava and then I'm [ __ ] screwed well I broke now is it need to come back with new pics at pickaxes and new torches let's see it's probably nighttime honestly yep no God no God had we're not gonna make it I'm gonna [ __ ] die something's shooting at me and it's reading no half-heart oh my god please please make it oh [ __ ] son I'm in deep [ __ ] now wolfy protect me I don't know where I am think I'm gonna make it place your bets there's my house there's a zombie ah oh no they're shooting I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm not that yet for some reason I'm not dang it huh oh lava hey oh my god spiders oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I made it I guess I gotta wait now unless you hit them can I just grab this with my hand I think this one's maybe ready it doesn't look ready though I think I just need to find the chicken or sheep I need anything oh you can't grow buddy [Applause] they're you free now where are the Sheep mm-hmm still not ready no I - eeeep not on this rainy where do they go that's why does this go stay there and chill oh there's just a whole bunch of lava here I should remember remember that somehow well they could make a torch I am so sorry but this has to happen that's right by my house damn that looks ready you stay there okay not fully healed yet so I still won't heal this one looks done yeah that's a different one just the same no the middle one or are those the same god damn it I can't tell hi I am so sorry oh my god these are hard to kill give me the meat am i full I'm full just check all the [ __ ] stone [Music] so nice and quiet now porkchop yes now heal up baby go sleep get better tomorrow we get that bread you can get milk wool and eggs okay which one of you this disc top one seems ready huh no don't worry my crops still stay away he's just gonna is he gonna die at some point there we go good I think these are ready these seem like big-boy crops yeah okay three wheat do we need a special cooker bread I made bread I'm damned nom nom nom nom I did it I made bread it did it world are indeed who the [ __ ] it's disturbing me in my victory I'll come say hi oh they have crossbows no don't don't no don't just hide in my house again who are those which wandering travelers you have to kill him but I don't have any armor on maybe I really should make some armor are indeed oh there's a lot oh he just shut without looking at me how do you do that okay I'm not gonna survive this Wow I killed one I killed one I need to heal please heal me I'm gonna hate 360noscope yeah he's got me in his sights they're hairy it's a raid God why'd they have to show up right at the end I don't think I'm healing anymore it really sucks that you have to be full like that heal why are they here disturbing my okay wait armor iron chestplate I can make iron boots boots oh I need just a ton more I can make some iron leggings that's almost all of my pieces put some of your stuff away in your chest so yeah yeah dude this is need to be here - we have it equipped how do I equip it when on body oh I think I can I think I know okay I can't make any other pieces but I think I do this yes look at me I'm strong I can do this should I try again oh it's above my hearts now let's see if we can kill another got there all together though whoa what does he have this is high IQ strats big brain oh I didn't how did he [ __ ] shoot me how did you shoot me little punk ha he's come closer dude ah maybe you can just like just me make it so that he can't escape just get him stuck in there forever maybe he'll just starve there's another one there I don't like it you got to come through here dude no he's walking away damn this motherf er go and I go hi what are you gonna do he here he comes oh I had so an affair they shouldn't be when they can't even see me recover recover faster Oh what oh I see I have to wait for it - yes I get it now I see what you mean I have to wait for the OHS kraspo oh yes I have to wait for the soar to like recharge and then it's like a full swing how do I shoot him just click how do I shoot you need arrows oh it doesn't have an arrows see hey [ __ ] what's up I can't reach him what the [ __ ] in the water I ate all my food I think I can do it mother [ __ ] okay voluntary exile I don't have a pickaxe oh but I have a shovel I need to make more bridge I think these are done huh I grabbed the back I didn't mean to I just made that here didn't I yeah thank you I thank you for my daily bread no recover okay well I think that's a good first day of streaming first day first time in Minecraft I think I did a couple things face flag is my trophy yeah can I put that somewhere can I like yeah I did that I hope it doesn't attract more though thank you everyone for the subs and resource today was [ __ ] amazing night look at all these subs thank you so much thank you thank you thank you you guys are the best thank you everyone who gifted as well today thank you so much don't forget even if you got your sub gifted you can still join the discord you can enjoy all the perks for a month so you can join for a couple movie nights see if I can serious he sweetie it's my big boy you can hear just at the end yes yeah you got a good neck oh he's sleepy let's just sleepy baby someone's ready for bed I Love You Tube he's so sleepy [Music]
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 112,555
Rating: 4.962698 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, minecraft, first time playing, blind playthrough
Id: nzgJWsNBhqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 9sec (4149 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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