Portable Nether Portal in Minecraft (Comments to Crafting)

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hey what's going on guys lock that zip here we took even more of your nether update suggestions and brought them to life from lava charges that can be thrown and on landing provide a molten surprise to a golden blaze crossbow that shoots fire hot arrows and trust me you're gonna want that alongside your new bed bomb TNT no seriously it's made of fence if you decide to take on the nether wither the withers true form perhaps he'll be the key to a quick escape out of here all of the day's updates were suggested by commenters on last week's video so leave your suggestions on today's and if you want your very own minecraft server then stick around to the end of the video for a special 25% off coupon code first up in another weather suggested by Tessa Mae Ruiz to make the nether wither you're going to need four netherrack as well as two player heads now where exactly are you supposed to get player heads well guys I'm happy to tell you it just so happens it just so happens to be that players now drop player heads on death so now you've got access to what you need once you've got your four nether Act pieces and two player heads go ahead and craft on the table like this to get your nether wither and then the moment you put this thing down know we should get some gear first you're in for a serious treat however the nether wither does have a special power once spawned it will highlight your nether portal before closing it so pay very close attention the moment we spawn this in we're gonna turn right around look at the portal it's lit baby is lit but get too close and look at what happens y'all ready for this oh man he's oh boy there goes your portal it's completely ruined and now you're stuck to deal with this guy as well oh and his face is hideous here I'm gonna just kill him oh no he deleted the button I gotta break this as soon as possible come on down get down here I need the button button button place kill let's look at them in creative mode instead yeah yeah he's uh this guy has seen better days I think so upon killing this special nether whether you'll get a plain old nether star he just happens to be a little bit stronger has some more effects and keep you stuck in this world number two the nether horn suggested by iron Timothy karolĂ­na nether horns will require you to kill the new pickling beast mob which is a mob that was announced at Minecon and they drop pickling tusks you'll need three alongside two slime balls in order to make your nether horn which you can use to further pacify the piglet beast so check it out oh he's all mad at me oh he's chasing me down oh no what I'm gonna do right click and now he's cool now he just sounds like a zombie and moonwalks from time to time big Michael Jackson Finn I don't know what to say now we're a little early to this updating that we've coated in the pickling beast ourselves it's not actually in-game eeeh and certainly won't sound like a zombie but you didn't know it was an ounce at Minecon that pickling beast will be the main food source that you can find spawning in naturally within the nether for the 1.16 update so having a horn that makes your food nice and tame and doesn't charge you and kill you it's gonna help number three blue campfire suggested by miko lim this one's simple enough you need one regular campfire and eight soul Santa range like this to get four counting four blue campfires and look at this gather round the campfire children no not the red one the blue one look at you this thing's lovely and it's not blue raspberry flavored so don't try I already tried it hurt unlike regular campfires this one will give you wither and slowness if you get a little too close to it you see look we got wither and we got slowness now this can be particularly useful for mob traps of various different types it's not just burning damage any longer now you can slow creatures there's a lot you can do with a slowdown creature now breaking the campfire does what you'd expect it to which is to break the campfire and give you your charcoal so it's the same drop as normal campfire but obviously way cooler bluer number four lava balls oh my gosh so hot this huge suggestion was courtesy of Hana buns and so if you want to get your hands on Hana buns lava balls you're gonna need four lava buckets in one single fire charge look at them balls so I stopped oh gosh what is happening ish my fire balls too hot oh now it tells me we'll burn if held hmm but more importantly though to sign my way if you handle these balls with care namely with fire resistant supply - you can hold them and it won't catch you on fire and so look at what happens if you toss these balls wherever they land lava will instantly spawn in beautiful love it now you have immediate danger in the palm of your hand look at you yes I don't know why I sound this favor right now but it is okay look at the balls lava I lover them gamma is alright just don't hold your balls for too long or you'll catch fire so sad alright I'm dead I'm sorry number 5 the nether key suggested by seeking gaming - dot cking yep this nether key will make portals appear anywhere you'll need one obsidian blaze rod and one gassed here to make this nether key because if you don't have too much obsidian on unit this is gonna be a quick way to get from the nether back to the overworld in a pinch all you got to do so simple guys though them Oh hold your key right-click portal appears right in front of your very eyes now you just jump in and you're looking good unfortunately you don't get a portal on the open nevermind it's in this tree you can even use it to get back to the net but we're just gonna go through the portal so I don't accidentally break the showcase here this is really overpowered I'm just saying like it's like super over but I mean look at me look at me we're going insane I don't even want to try to go through those Oh lovely we actually went back through this tiny little guy instead so now you've got an easier means than ever to travel both to and from the nether back to the oval next up number 6 nether water suggested by mr. galaxy it's an honor I've enjoyed living inside of you mr. galaxy please feed me your delicious nether water which you'll need for water buckets for alongside five pieces of the city and nether water it lets you do the unspeakable it plays water in the nether yeah you're gonna guess that one and it also gives you back all your buckets the moment you place this water down so check it out oh love it give me my buckets back I need those you can also place the water and put it back in your bucket but trying to put the water down after the fact not gonna happen so you'll essentially need to bring water buckets with you and then you can turn them into nether water buckets which will work just fine okay number seven quartz blade this is for all you PDM errs out there two sticks and a quartz blade in order to burn into quartz yeah to get a coarse dagger whatever it's been long day and it's gonna be an even longer one because you're gonna be killing mobs like crazy with this it's because entities you kill give you extra ports when using the blade who I just picked up a button okay I will place you on there and then behold whoa the scariest sound effect to be made right as a Betsy appears hey come back I need courts it's because you get courts on killing mobs as I was just saying a second ago what you're paying attention da da oh you can keep stacking up courts it doesn't have to be cows it can really be whatever creature you want like this magma cube wells good baby you suck see he died really fast that's why and we got an extra course for our time this is good this is great for any courts Builders out there that are trying to get their hands on even more of this precious ore I want to know where all the beef is oh there we go perfect where's my beef oh sorry I get angry when I'm hungry speed of course number eight is courts armor he'll tell you about that one to say it cuz I've got to tell you who made the courts blade it was suggested by Super Jimmy Pat sorry Jimmy I still got you baby but these lovely boots were about to make mmm so nice we're suggested by sandy sandals so we made you some sandals that are not quite so sandy they're quartz e-court seek Wendell's whatever conducts redstone current that sounds pretty cool wherever you walk a signal is produced so look at this see where we're walking around making it happen doing a thing that's right baby it's like a tracking system for you that moves around but look what happens when we get some bread stone up in here boom let it slip baby have a write a poem Oh baby oh the lights mmm all of the lights Pistons you got it no problem you can't even stand on it you got to stand next to it but it will light your life up like it ain't no thing yeah the armor itself it's alright number nine the nether bomb suggested by James Gabor oh this is the one from before I'll tell y'all bout literally made with a bed nether bomb bed bomb sure to cause some bedlam it's quite explosive in nature so we're gonna go ahead and head down to a safer area in order to set this thing off this seems nice enough let's put them right in this corner yeah you look good okay now we'll light you light yeah okay uh-huh we're out of here dude oh boy oh yeah okay oh nice yo big explosion huge exposed lava alert that's sad we just did a lot of damage I mean frankly you're supposed to it's literally TNT what do you would expect me well I'd expect me to put down at least like five more of these so that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna place down five more of these yeah is that five yeah okay good I can't count sometimes get it get it get it blow them all up baby was good alright now we run away y'all ready oh oh the first one blew up the rest well properties move on bend steel super Flint steel number ten suggested by bacon flakes yup that's a good one I do like Bacon's you're gonna need to like flint and steel in order to make this recipe because you'll need eight of them alongside ablaze raw to make your super Flint steel this golden puppy will burn way more than just y gosh way more than one little block I mean honest look at this we lit up what 12 squares in one now it's a little bit dependent on where you look so if you're looking straight down you're not gonna get nearly as much lit area oh here's a good chance yeah what up what up what up what up light it up okay we should actually run away yeah I don't want that to blow up on me it might even for enough oh okay got a decent amount of uses mostly quite useful in creative mode for just lighting up swaths of fires all over the place and this is what I mean you have to be pretty specifically looking at a certain angle in order to make this effectively activate but check that out look what's fire we just formed like in only a few clicks be impressed by me guys okay suggestion 11 brings us the nether bow that's the wrong paper suggested by vulture three blaze rods and three string will get you what you need and I gotta say it is a really cool looking crossbow I mean talk about fancy now here's the best part since regular crossbows can't shoot fire arrows we decided to make this one capable of shooting fire arrows check it out hi Betsy meets on the menu tonight honestly I just love the look of this crossbow when you're like charging it up it is a really fancy looking crossbow and now you actually have a way of killing creatures and setting them on fire using this thing it is invaluable but is it as fun as number 12 the flamethrower suggested by yours truly Kristina Brown Christina you're crazy this one's a crazy crafting recipe requiring five lava buckets a bow and a blaze rod to get this flame through her but you'll understand why in a sec you can literally right click to set things on fire wherever it is you're looking look at this look at this oh wait no I don't want to burn the that's bad idea oh gosh oh no bad maybe maybe we just to focus on the bats right wait what happened to the now let's try yeah oh what's a bat seoyoung fire Leah Soto are you gonna be on fire like that not even spire what are they stupid the worst people I don't like them that's why I'm burning them they gotta go guys that's the answer to all your problems just kidding sorry shouldn't say anyways number 13 the blaze powder block this was suggested by fantastic beasts and where do you find them the blaze powder blocks I mean where you find them in blaze powder you'll need nine blaze powder in order to turn it into one single blaze block but this blaze powder block has some very special features not only does it act as a light source as you can see light is coming from it but it will also provide you with levels of fire resistance just by being nearby it I'm on fire right now but I'm not taking any damage that's because we have a passive effect coming from this blaze block best part of all you can mine it and look at what you get back get back all nine of your blaze powder so there is no loss here it's a great storage block it's a beautiful light source and it actually serves some purpose so great job fantastic beasts almost done number fourteen by fun Godzilla oh six is the portable nether portal simple enough to make you'll need one fire charge and a whopping eight obsidian to get your portable nether portal now this port is a little bit different from the key that you're used to from seeing you before in that when you place this guy down not only is it a one-time use but you get a whole portal out of it so yeah and huh yeah that's it that was quick the last suggestion I'm 15 magma bricks hey how suggested by a egg vlog Aggie well now you can turn a magma block y'all ready into magma bricks y'all ready again you can turn those four bricks just like that y'all ready now note the difference here magma block magma block you're used to seeing it magma bricks magma bricks not as used to seeing it and clearly differently textured still does damage to you when you stand on it just looks a little different and it's much cheaper to make as well also acts as a light source compared to the magma blocks which don't really do that so check this out look look you see y'all ready look no more light also that guy's 10 likes Purdue yeah but yeah that's it leave your suggestions for more recipes in the comment section below Celie hey guys thanks for making to the end of today's video and a special thank you to our friends over at MC pro hosting for sponsoring today's video if you didn't know MC pro hosting is the largest minecraft server host and not only do they have amazing configurations for iOS Android bedrock and the Java versions of the game but they offer extensive modded support as well so grab your very own minecraft server check out the description today's video for an awesome discount code zip for 25% off of your first months of hosting and with that my friends check out this amazing minecraft animation oh hey I would like to run my own minecraft server with resource packs of mods at MC pro hosting but I don't know which plan is best for me I'm the mightiest play you're no match for my unlimited rail [Music] the whole nice try even not good get rid of me Sunil's stoppable look all my wares are high-quality and a fair price that won't wear down your wallet just pick one [Music] Oh see you in the patch notes
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 845,199
Rating: 4.8808837 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, nether update, minecraft nether update, new nether, nether, update, minecraft updates, new update, comments to crafting, comments, crafting recipes, new, recipes, items, blocks, mobs, piglin, piglin beast, netherwart, logdotzip, gaming, funny, no swearing, snapshot, 1.15, 1.16, minecraft snapshot, 1.15 update, 1.16 update, nether wither, minecraft 1.16, beast, nether biome, new biomes, minecon nether, honey block, lava, minecraft 1.15, water in nether, minecraft nether crafting
Id: MoB6wPuCzE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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