Poor Girl ADOPTED By BILLIONAIRES, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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excuse me where do you think you're going uh I'm having Thomas take me to Stacy's to use her hot tub okay well you can't just leave the house whenever you want Jennifer uh why not we have a driver for a reason come on let's no no no Hey Thomas doesn't work for you okay he works for us and you have to ask for permission anytime that you leave this house this place is like a prison if we had a hot tub I wouldn't have to leave but we don't this is just temporary I've explained this to you our house is being renovated Renovations that you wanted so it's common sense to expand the pool at a movie theater and a basketball court we have all those things at our house in Star Island so why would we not have that here in LA I knew you'd be staying in this dump during summer I would have left to Florida hello are you hearing this Jenny there is nothing wrong with this place plenty of people would kill to live in a home this nice yeah well they can kill me too I'm sick of feeling like a prisoner here see this is exactly what I was scared of her growing up so privileged she has no idea what it was like for us growing up for true oh honey this is heartbreaking what happened there was an accident on the 405 oh and it was a whole family head-on collision geez both parents died and only the daughter survived and she was around Jenny's age too that's awful I don't even want to imagine what that poor girl must be feeling right now I want to try something sure I'll share this no problem gross what's wrong now I asked for medium well not medium it should be less pink on the inside honey nobody can tell the difference between medium or medium well okay just try it no way I'm eating that it's the waiter the waiter just dropped off our food a minute ago maybe I don't exercise some patience seriously dad Jenny a girl just lost both of her parents and you're over here complaining about a steak at a kitchen restaurant do you have any idea how you're sounding right now I don't care I wanted to go to mastros anyway they would have made it right that's it I'm finding Jenny please don't I cannot believe her I know I mean she doesn't appreciate anything at all oh I forgot to tell you that um I did a little bit of research from the girl that lost both of her parents and they put her in an adoption center and you know that must be so traumatizing and they're gonna keep her there until someone you know until they can find a place for her and I really want to help look paid enough to do your job so why don't you just do it I mean are you trying to poison me don't go stop her but not even cook that also I would just make things worse we really have created a monster haven't we think it's a joke right we're gonna need to leave a big tip I'm sorry we only have a size five oh are you kidding me they don't even have my size I'm sorry sweetheart but maybe there's another fashion let's go to another mall but this is already the third Mall we've been to so these are the hills that Kim K wore I need them honey honey good news yeah I just found out where the girl from uh I'm kind of in the shopping crisis right now please sweetie anyway so it turns out that we actually donate a lot of money to the center that she's at her name is Ali and told her we wanted to meet her and the doctor so what excited no you're not adopting her I like being an only child and it's going to stay that way okay but that's not your decision to make Jenna you're gonna call them back right now your mom's right this is not your decision first we used to live in some crappy apartment all summer and now you're telling me I might have a sister you guys are literally the worst I'm having Thomas take me to another Mall anyways I scheduled for Monday so it looks like it's sweet good it's truly tragic what has happened and that she has no other family to go to the only good news about this is that she wasn't hurt in the accident but she's struggling really hard with the loss of her parents as you can imagine terrible poor thing I really appreciate both of you for caring so much and trying to help let me go grab Ali and you two hang tight how you feeling you okay I mean I'm just I I'm nervous is all I don't know if she's gonna be here she's gonna think of Jenny this is Ellie Ellie this is Mr and Mrs Santos hi Ellie um it's it's so nice to meet you who we heard about what happened to your parents on the news we're so sorry thanks to Mr and Mrs Santos are great people they've done a lot for this organization here I'm sure they take great care of you they even have a daughter your age would you be interested in going home with them that that would mean you wouldn't have to stay here we totally understand if if you're not ready we can always come back at a later time that's fine [Music] your home is beautiful I've never been anywhere that's nice see you later going to support with Kimberly Jenny this is Ally the girl we've been telling you about hey hi it's nice to meet you hey why don't you stay for a bit and welcome alien tomorrow then we'll all go to the mall together that's actually a great idea because we have to stop by Ali's Soul Department anyways pick up some clothes so we can just go there first of all don't don't place our home Ally are you hungry let me know what you want and I'll have our Chef make it for you uh do you have some tortillas and cheese I can just make myself a quesadilla ew gross wait there's only two bedrooms in this house yes and so where is Ally gonna sleep you guys are gonna have to share a room until the house is being done renovated but then you guys each get your own room are you kidding me there's no way I'm sharing a room with her Jenny be nice it's really not a problem I don't mind sleeping on the couch that's where I'm used to sleep in anyway great we'll get you some nice blankets too I'll take this your tuna and tell Alfred to hurry up the store closes early today like I'm so sorry about her don't pay attention to her she's complicated but you'll get used to it it's one way of putting it what are you doing uh are we taking a different car uh no but why are you opening your own door we have drivers for that oh um thank you you're very welcome Miley I know it's a little odd but you'll get used to it over time it was weird for me when we first got a driver let's go to the beverage center we have to stop by Ally's first if we get there after stores closed I'm gonna be so mad everyone buckled up gosh I thought our apartment was bad were you getting your house renovated too no this is was our home OMG so you used to live here like permanently how could you survive in a place like this Jenny what I'm just saying there's no pool no spot and look at this TV that's enough you know not everyone is as privileged as you I'm so sorry can I start by helping you grab a few things sure if you wouldn't mind not at all here's the garbage bag to put everything in a garbage bag you don't have like a suitcase or something no then what did you guys travel with we've never been anywhere whoa we drove to San Diego once because my dad had an interview sure being back here is pretty tough on you it's okay I'm gonna start grabbing these from the bedroom oh I want to see your closet you've got to have something better than that to wear I can have her wait in the car if you want she's fine but thanks wow hearing is so small this wasn't just my room we all shared it so I'd sleep on the couch seriously you could never where are the rest of your clothes did you leave them at the adoption agency no these are all my clothes you're kidding right where are your purses your shoes your jewelry you're looking at everything I have and you're not mad about that I could never live a day without my Louie or Chanel honestly I've never had a fraction of what you have but I had everything I needed you see other kids may have nicer clothes bigger houses nicer things but I never cared because I had my family even if we were just playing board games and eating TV dinners we made the most out of it to me family is the most valuable thing in the world [Music] I would give anything to see my parents one more time tell them I love them to hug them so much I still can't believe they're gone [Music] I feel so bad I'm so sorry for what happened Ally just don't ever take your family for granted we just got done filming a video for darvin's channel I got pied in the face well well well looks like a successful shopping trip did they have the shoes you were looking for yeah they did but I didn't get them why not it seems like you guys got a lot of other stuff yeah actually well for you yeah no yes me and mom wanted to surprise you it's our way of saying welcome to the family it's so nice but this is way too much I don't need all this please keep it I promise you I don't have any more room in my closet look at that Ali's only been here for a couple of days and she's already rubbed off so much on Jenny all right I'll grab your blanken pillows right wait no she won't be needing that what do you mean I think I'm fine sharing my room with my new sister are you sure yep I realize now there's nothing more valuable in life than family wow I'm shocked I just don't know what to say other than I'm proud of you teddy you know why don't we all go out to dinner to celebrate Ally moving in with us yeah sounds like a great idea and we'll make sure that your steak is medium well not medium actually I was thinking we could just have quesadillas for dinner tonight we're mastros well if you say so wait never said anything about mastros maybe we can save the quesadillas for tomorrow night let's go hey you talking to this girl I just can't believe that I met somebody so nice and so good looking it's FaceTime me so now that surprise that I told you about it's actually sent her a picture I'm flying out to see it what oh Brad Brad
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 14,447,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: _LVsTYIoQ5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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