Rich Mom SHAMES Poor MOM'S GIFTS, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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can I help you find something yes I would like this in a size 10. um unfortunately all the sizes we have are already on the floor Rhonda always keeps a special supply for me in the back don't you know who I am [Music] no I am Avery Preston probably this store's biggest spender oh I'm so sorry Miss Preston this is my first day but I have certainly heard your name we'll go find my jacket before it's your last day here right away did you want me to start a room for you I don't try things on if they don't fit we throw them away Nina I didn't know you shopped here Avery hi um actually I really don't I just I was just returning something are those the shoes I got you for your birthday [Music] um okay yes they are I'm sorry I'm returning them I just I love them it's not that I don't it's just I couldn't justify having thousand dollar pairs of shoes I don't even have that much in my bank account you have got to be kidding me you are returning my gift for cash it's fine tacky but fine hurry up I don't have all day get me my jacket foreign no Chester I need to know how this happened I don't care how long it takes we need to get this thing fixed apparently some of uh our documents weren't filed properly so we may not be going public in two weeks like planned so what does that mean it means that the big liquidy event that I've been talking about may not happen Ben you said we had a big payday coming I know what I said Avery but things may have changed look I don't know yet look either way we need to cut down on spending for a little bit look just so we're in the clear I have spent my whole life inching pennies I am not going back there I'm so sorry Miss Olivia are you okay you're bleeding do you have any idea how much those bowls cost more than your entire paycheck it was an accident I I lost my crib and I promise I'll pay you back some how what money you can't even afford a piece of that bowl trust me look we have plenty of dishes okay the most important thing is is that you're gonna be okay all right I'm gonna go get a Band-Aid you better not get blood all over everything as you clean up your mess [Music] [Music] Nina is everything okay this is my transmission I think it's done there goes that thousand why don't you just replace the whole thing man I don't know how you're driving around in this car it's not by choice you know not everyone is as fortunate as you 83 oh I love your purse it's so Chic I'm so glad I ran into you Abby's having a birthday party at the end of the month bring the girls it's gonna be so much fun oh Destiny and I would love to come what does Abby want for her birthday oh anything's fine lately though she has been into the Kylie cosmetics and the MAC makeup even though I tell her you're too young to wear makeup but really don't spend a lot but it's no problem I will get her both oh makeup is one of those great things that you can't return you know because some people like to return birthday gifts um well there's Abby I gotta get going I'll see you later I did not appreciate that you know that I'm struggling your little comments they aren't helpful I don't know what you mean what happened to you ever since you got all this money you've changed yeah I've changed it's called growth you know that's not what I mean every we grew up in the same neighborhood you know what it's like to have nothing why are you looking down on me look I am not going to apologize for making it out just because you didn't and I would appreciate if you don't bring that up in front of people that is a chapter of my life I've tried hard to forget hello sweetheart oh my gosh we gotta go I've got that nail appointment gone why do you have greasy oh don't you worry about it go ahead and sit in the car I'm gonna call somebody to help us Isaac why are we stopped here I'm sorry Mrs Preston the road's blocked I can't turn your way around it if I am late for my nail appointment Sally will cancel me I cannot go another day without a pedicure what did you do that for I'm sorry Mrs Preston this woman just jumped in front of the car I this person excuse me do you have a death wish I'm so sorry I just really needed this bottle that's all I think you jumped out in front of the car on purpose wanting a payout I'm sure look I have a job but I collect bottles for some extra wait Avery McMahon it's Brenda long from apartment 2C we used to live right across the hall from each other before Ben's company started you must have me confused with somebody else just watch where you're going next time you're lucky we didn't hit you wow I'd heard that you had changed a lot since your boyfriend's business took off husband right well my mom used to say be nice to everyone on the way up because you just might have to pass them again one day on your way down [Music] good one good who was that Mom a nobody Isaac let's get out of this neighborhood I don't want to be here another moment yes ma'am [Music] Marlene hello Earth to Ben that's over Avery what what are you talking about that's one Doc's gonna get properly filed now the IPOs can you tell me in normal people talk I have no clue what you're saying we have no money okay the company hasn't been profitable in years and we've been living off of our investors funding now that it's all dried up I was counting on that public offering here God now we're broke we're as in for couple of weeks or I don't know it could be a couple of weeks could be a couple of years it could be forever we need to cut out all of expenses immediately oh man I just let Olivia go now I gotta go talk to Isaac we're gonna have to move out of here and and you may need to have to get a job not believe this I have spent most of my life worrying about money and when we got married you promised me I would never have to do that again do you have any idea how humiliating this is going to be for me every Preston having to get a job what are the other moms at school going to say huh and where are we even gonna move to I talk to our old apartment they said that there's a unit available [Music] what do you want me to do we failed you failed you failed Avery [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring it back to me [Music] dreams [Music] [Applause] right now [Music] Avery hi Brenda I was just visiting my um I ran into Ben this morning he told me you guys moved back go ahead rub it in I'm sure this makes you feel really good no not at all I'm just sorry about whatever happened hello I'm off to my second job does it really make a difference I mean collecting cans could you not pay your bills without it oh no I can pay my bills and stuff like that I do this so that I can save up my son he lives in New York with my mom I couldn't afford to take care of him so she offered to help [Music] so it's a it's been three years since I've held him and um I do this so that I can buy plane tickets to go see him I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so emotional um I'll see you later and away here you go thank you this is Preston sorry for your weight do you want me to get you a VIP room or a glass of champagne no I don't need any of that um I came here because I'm sorry I can't quite hear you I said I want to return these items oh was there anything wrong I know you're not one to return something oh I just I need the money can we make it quick please yeah right away is there something funny it's just embarrassing you're just one of those people you probably buy designer clothes just to look rich and then return them excuse me do you know who I am I am Avery Preston this store's biggest spender looks like this store's biggest returner to me so tacky all right we're all set did you want store credit cash please just a second hey Avery are you okay um yeah I will be what's up well whatever's wrong I got some news that's going to change all of that the company is going public do you know what that means Rich again we're rich Baby I sure why didn't you tell me sooner well I didn't want to jinx it until it was done and I just got the confirmation about an hour ago I already broken the lease on our apartment I found a spectacular six bedroom in the hills for us that's I know you're still at the store why don't you just buy yourself something nice shoot why don't you just buy the whole store okay things are gonna go back the way that they were this is fantastic I love you so much baby okay and I'll talk to you later all right here you are is there anything else I can help you with [Music] foreign moving out so soon yeah um Ben's company went public after all so we don't have to stay in this place anymore thanks well I'm happy for you at least one of us made it out of this mess and you did it twice I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound I understand take good care of yourself girl [Music] why don't you go [Music] 20 dollars thank you mind if I join you Avery yeah go for it thanks so have you been about the same but no complaints I heard uh Ben's company went public congratulations thanks I I got you a little something oh the gift table for Abby is on the inside this isn't for Abby please open it remember you didn't have to do that I felt bad that you had to return them and I felt even worse about what I said well thanks I mean I really appreciate it but I still can't take these I still feel wrong especially when I just spent my whole savings fixing my car but you don't even know what's inside [Music] I don't understand I feel terrible about how I treated you and you were right I had changed but I spent the last couple of months walking down memory lane and now I remember where I came from [Music] thank you thank you so much you have no idea how much this is gonna help oh my gosh yes [Laughter] guessing that one is from you well she's not gonna be that happy when she sees what I got hey at least you got her something and you're doing the best you can is all that matters [Music] [Music] through the Moment of Truth we adopt for Ron from the royalty family for a 24-hour shopping spree you'll have to do chores to earn every dollar he'll spend 500 something getting kicked out of it goes even a dollar over budget he loses everything
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 18,530,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Sj4uXC5Avjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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