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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
i know i'm so excited we're gonna look so cute tomorrow for sure speaking of valentine's day look at this dress i just got that is so cute i have to wear that on valentine's day you're gonna look so hot i know here she goes what i can't help that i look good you should definitely wear that though yeah [Applause] um excuse me you can't sit here oh sorry i i didn't know well now you do [Music] oh it looks like somebody's got his eye on you i just wish you'd hurry up and ask me to be his valentine already [Music] anyway girl i have something to tell you oh you mean about dave yeah give me oh you're scaring me just tell me i may or may not have heard that he's gonna ask you out don't play with me when did you hear that well i'm not 100 sure but i'm pretty sure i heard him talking about you last period last period how are you just telling me now because i wasn't sure oh we have to find out if it's true you have math with them next right jules i need you to get me some intel why you just let it happen naturally we don't have time for naturally girl this is an emergency like valentine's day are you serious right now i'm so sorry here let me help no i don't want your help you're just gonna make it worse if she has to replace it you're gonna pay for it i'm sorry all right i'm not who even are you my my name is mario right yes look i'm really sorry i'll pay for your shirt if it's if it's ruined what were you even doing like how did you not see an entire table in front of you um i i i just forget it leave us alone you'd have to be so mean to him it's just an accident i don't care he should have watched where he was going i can't walk around the rest of the day looking like this do you guys have an extra jacket i can borrow yeah i have one in my locker [Music] it's okay all i'm supposed to say is that it's from a secret mirror okay well are you gonna open it or what what's up raji core also known as the most beautiful girl the prettiest in 11th grade and probably in the world my greatest heart's desire is for you to be mine won't you make my life complete and be my valentine love your secret admirer you have a secret admirer apparently do you guys think a hundred percent davis see i told you he was gonna ask you out should i go talk to you no way you don't want to look thirsty [Music] that's true i'll play it cool [Music] that is not playing cool sorry [Music] nothing we had a pop quiz so we couldn't really talk about anything i need to know okay i mean you basically do already though so yeah but i don't oh my gosh that is so cute right do you guys think it was davis i mean if it was him he's really pulling on the stops for you it has to be i know but i mean what if like oh [Music] wow i didn't even think he liked me as much i mean i'm not surprised because it's me but still you know what i'm gonna talk to him what no hey razzy not now i'm busy sorry i just i wanted to give you this for yourself great he's gone this is the second time today that you've ruined something for me i'm sorry i didn't realize just get away from me [Music] so do you guys want to go to the mall later yeah we definitely should and um we trying the dresses at my house wait a second that'll be it's the end of the day and he still hasn't said anything i mean valentine's is tomorrow what's he waiting for do you need some water you seem a little brown thirsty yeah just give him a chance he's probably just nervous how can davis be nervous he can literally get any girl he wants uh wait right there [Music] [Music] i hope you like that song it's from your secret admirer thanks that was really cute oh yeah it was wasn't it you can drop the act you know what act i know it was you you're the one behind the note in my locker and the music it's all really sweet all right um i'm confused look if you want to ask me out for valentine's day just do it already i'm gonna say yes i have no idea what you're talking about it's okay i'm nervous you know what it's fine i'll just do it davis will you be my valentine honestly raji i i already have a date what yeah uh you do then why did you do all those nice things for me i'm really sorry [Applause] are you okay what happened he's an idiot that's what happened huh he's not my secret admirer he already has a date seriously well then if it's not him then who was it hey raji um these are for you you can't be serious you're the secret admirer yeah yeah look i really like you and i wanted to do something nice for you even if you don't want to be my valentine you you still deserve these well the answer is no you can't be with me i mean look at you rashi what look raji i know i'm not your type but it's what's on the inside that matters not the outside right oh my gosh what are you a fortune cookie she doesn't want to talk to you let alone be your valentine even if you're the last guy on the planet i still wouldn't be with you let's get out of here [Music] hey so uh can we get that 50 bucks [Music] i guess you can come over tonight and watch a movie or i have this new beauty tutorial i've been meaning to try what about this one i mean it's nice so that's another then oh this is my lap's option i don't have any more dresses well you can wear mine since i have no date i can't believe you out of all people couldn't find someone to go with i was really counting on it being davis and you know how high of a bar i keep well you could give mario a chance i'm not that desperate wait i have an idea your only cousin cameron he used to have the biggest crush on you you can't be serious he's even worse than mario this is not cameron talk about a globe right so what do you say do i need to text him is that even a question okay oh wait don't you want to know what he's like first did you see him he's hot that's all that matters well you shouldn't have said anything because no you can't wear my dress that's okay at least we have a date now wait what about you julie oh um i'm still working on that well you better get on it he texted me back what do you say he wants your number give it to him okay oh my gosh i better go home and start getting ready space needs time to bake bye guys 30 minutes late splendid [Music] hey cameron wow rogie it's been a long time yeah felt even longer with how long you got me waiting but it's uh yeah it's 7 30. i know our date was at 7. oh shoot i'm i'm sorry i'll let it slide this time welcome to giuliani's let's get started with a drink oh mountain dew okay oh and for the lady the water is fine thank you i'll be right back you look really nice thank you so do you even with that wrinkled shirt oh sorry i forgot to iron it so what are you thinking oh um wow everything on the menu is really expensive really i'd even say you didn't check when you picked the restaurant [Music] i mean i googled it but don't worry i got you thank you [Music] wow you must be really hungry yeah i'm starving but i'm inside the bread tonight you order whatever you want though [Music] oh okay are we ready to order yeah uh i'll take that red for me tonight man okay and for the lady yeah the eggplant parmesan please great choice actually i'm order something i'm gonna get the uh it's like a cow calamari the calamari yeah okay and the uh the new york strip steak are you sure you're gonna eat a lot oh yeah i'm a grown boy i'll put that in for you thank you ew did you just blow your burp at me oh i'm sorry that's the old habit anyways i was really surprised whenever kimmy texted me and said you wanted to hang yeah well she showed me your pick and i have to admit i was really shocked you look quite a bit different than you did in middle school so you think i'm good looking you're all right okay so you got jokes a couple hey uh let's take a selfie okay do you really have to be eating that right this second my bad give me a second okay i'm ready cameron kylie what are you doing here shouldn't i be asking you that and who are you i'm raji cameron's date why date no babe she's not my date babe what is going on here i'm his girlfriend that's what's going on babe please i don't want to hear it where are you going hold on are you seriously leaving me right now i have to go it was really nice seeing you again though what about all this food you just ordered i can't pay for that i'm sorry what hey uh are you okay mario yeah i'm sorry i know you don't want me talking to you but you seem a little sad no no it's fine you look nice oh um thanks what are you doing here um i'm having dinner here yeah anyway uh i didn't want to disturb you so have a good night do you want company uh look i'm i'm really sorry for the way i treated you earlier you did all those nice things for me and i was so mean to you wow um i wasn't expecting that do you want to sit oh i i appreciate the offer but um i've got a pig hey sorry i just had raji what are you doing here i'm i'm on a date with cameron i i was i mean i it's complicated are are you yeah we actually ran into each other at the gym and the next thing i knew he was picked me up at seven wow i'm really shocked i yeah me too oh and somehow found out my favorite kind of chocolate and got it for me and he surprised me with dinner here too yeah um actually got a couple things planned out later too um actually so where's cameron he basically ditched me and now i'm stuck here with all this food are you serious yeah and uh get this he has a girlfriend no way sorry ashley i'm so sorry are you gonna be okay yeah i'll i'll be fine i'm just gonna pack all this stuff up and go home but you guys enjoy your date okay well hey text me later okay i will yeah i'm so sorry reggie can can we can i get a box uh i heard what happened here in case you want to check out earlier oh no no no no wait um [Music] i i can't pay for this is there any way we can send send just sorry food's already made there's nothing i can do oh this is unbelievable um raji yeah so we were just thinking why don't you join us no i i uh it's valentine's day i don't i don't want a third wheel oh no it's it's all right we didn't we don't mind plus we heard you're having a rough night you want to hang out with me even after the way i treated you yeah we uh we'd love to wow i do you guys also happen to feel want to eat calamari and steak yeah i love calamari plus i was planning on ordering the steak ah great come join me um of course but uh on one condition what you um you let me pay for dinner i'm not gonna fight you on that but let me at least contribute what i owe you from earlier the stain came out it it was fine i mean you didn't have to do that but oh please i do oh yeah [Music] wow i didn't know they played live music here they they don't i saw on your facebook that um you love the violin mario that was really sweet you know you were right about what you said earlier it's what's on the inside that matters not the outside not that you're outside it's updating your outsiders don't worry about it i i i totally get what you mean comey [Music] this nerd on valentine's day i'm playing mario he falls in love with this popular girl who treats him back playing davis i miss mr cool the handsome guy of the school [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 15,508,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, valentines day, Valentine's Day
Id: cJ03M8FYhd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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