I Bought Every Barbie Dreamhouse EVER

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I bought every Barbie dream house ever from the very first one ever made in 1962 to the most recent version and you'll never guess which one of these cost me the most money starting with the original Barbie dream house from 1962. this was Barbie's starter home before she graduated to the Dreamhouse mansion that a lot of us know her in this thing is completely made out of cardboard so it's really lightweight when this was brand new it was four dollars and 44 cents these have inflated in value just a little bit over the years but I also found this one for 80. that has just been ravaged by time I'm really interested to see how both of these look when we unbox them says Barbie Dreamhouse teenage fashion model we've got these metal latches open this and this oh my goodness oh this one says Carol on the bottom it's like in Toy Story when Andy writes Andy on the bottom of all of his toys okay so I know that I said that this was Barbie's starter home but it's actually looking more like this was Barbie's college dorm it has all of these cute like University themed decorations and it's all made out of cardboard but it's like really thick good quality cardboard I am amazed at how good this looks like this is probably exactly how this thing looks 60 years ago okay I'm really interested to see how this one compares wait this one actually came with a lot more I'm glad I got two because this one's in the better condition but this one came with more stuff okay let's see what's in this bag lots of pillows and these are little records and then we've got these tiny Barbie magazines I wonder if some of this bedding that's in both of these the original owner just like threw those in yeah these look very handmade because I think the houses originally just came with these cardboard pillows this is definitely how I was expecting these to look which makes this one just all the more amazing that it's in as good a shape as it is moving on to 1964. Barbie graduates from her dorm apartment I guess that's what we'll call that and now she's moving into a two-room apartment you might be thinking hope this package looks a little bit small to have a house in it that's because it doesn't unfortunately I could not find this Barbie Dream House anywhere but I did find the original 1964 add advertisement for this dollhouse this is so cool Barbie's new dream house is what it was called so this one has like a whole living room set up and I guess you could switch out the TV so that she could watch different things this one is so cute I'm kind of bummed that we couldn't find it I found it this yeah wait you guys and it's so cute but we have to bid and it's already six hundred dollars stay tuned until the end of the video to see if we win the auction next up we have from 1965. this one is actually not technically a dream house but I'm considering it because I just think it's cool this was the first time that a dream house actually came in a plastic carrying case I don't know about the inside though I'm not sure if it's gonna be plastic or cardboard inside this was only 9.99 brand new back in the day I paid 165 for it though okay let's open it up duh oh my gosh I love this one I love this one this one's definitely not in the best shape out of all of our dream houses but it has like this cute sunken living room situation and then a little kitchen a bedroom what do we have for furniture literally just lamp lamp and that's all we got Barbie's living the life in this house with a little pool so the interesting thing is after this house there was not another dream house release for 14 years Mattel did come out with a whole bunch of like Furniture like this one for example in our little ad there's a Barbie go together Furniture kit they did have like motor homes and townhouses which I did get one of those welcome to the 1970s this is the 1974 Barbie townhouse like I said this one's technically not a dream house but I had to get it because it's cute and also this is the one that my mom had when she was little this was 75 on Facebook Marketplace which I feel like was a pretty good deal comment below which one of these Barbie dream houses is from your childhood look at the back of it cute oh my gosh this is a lot of little pieces okay this is a mess we've got a little bit of everything we've got plastic we've got cardboard all right let's try to assemble this thing what's that it's a little Dusty um I don't know oh my gosh based on the box we have pretty much other thing other than one table leg and one column that's missing this is so weird to put a Barbie from 2023 into a 1979 elevator yay this townhouse also has a pool as you can see out the window we've got a very cute very 70s colorful kitchen and look at this living room and then the cutest pink bedroom and bathroom okay this is definitely my favorite house so far but we've got some really cool ones coming up 1979. Barbie's getting a massive upgrade with this one you guys will never guess what this cost back in 1979. brand new this thing was 109 that would be like paying 456 dollars in 2023 so if you had a Barbie Dream House in the 70s you were like rich rich oh no how are we gonna figure this out there's dust flying off this thing oh it's done and who would have known that 1979 Barbie dream house would take an engineering degree to build this is the wrong piece because this stupid house is going to be the thing that tears our team apart I think that out of all of the houses so far this is definitely the most complete other than there's a couple windows that The Notches are broken so they don't fit in but everything is definitely um well loved and well played with got all the little dishes a TV oh the dining room chairs are missing their legs we've even got little plants for the Planters overall I love this one minus the fact that it took three hours to build but we don't need to talk about that welcome to the 80s you might be wondering why I bought all of these Barbie dream houses well part of it is because I never had a Barbie Dream House when I was little I had a dollhouse like this growing up which don't get me wrong I still had tons and tons of fun with this but it just wasn't the same as having like the Barbie brand with the exclusive furniture and accessories also in case you're wondering how the progress of my mini house that actually works is going minimal progress as you can see but I'll get to it of these days back to 1982. let me introduce you to the Barbie Dream Cottage this one still had the word dream in it so I feel like we had to include it in this video I found this one on eBay it was only 99 dollars here it is the Barbie Dream Cottage it wasn't as big of a nightmare to set up as the Barbie dream house that it's patterned after is I wonder if with this one they decided to make it a little bit smaller easier to put together and more affordable this one came with so much stuff although I'm not sure it all is meant to go with this exact house I've seen some pictures with a rooftop pool and that's nowhere to be found unfortunately but also this tub is very interesting I kind of think it's supposed to be like a working jet tub did it oh my God that's so funny let me introduce you to the most expensive Dream House in this whole video this is from 1985. this thing is untouched unopened and it cost me 6121 dollars so hard to find Barbie dream houses that have never been opened so this is really a gem and I'm so excited to open it up is it even has a pink room this house is really special so if you want to see the full detailed unboxing and putting together of this dream house that video is over on the hang with hopescope Channel okay in 1985 Dream House complete and we are pinked out on this one they really committed to the theme Here the bones of this house are pretty much exactly the same as that last dream house we have a beautiful complete bedding set on this one that might be my favorite part of the whole house or the dining table we've got a fully stocked fridge and stove oh and the TV is the same it's just pink now I don't know this one's gonna be hard to be as my absolute favorite okay 90s babies it's our time to shine although I'm going to admit I think Barbie's dream house it downgraded in the 90s a little bit there was only two dream houses made in the 90s one in 95 and one in 98 and the only difference colors but they're both this like castle-like shell of a dream house so I have a 90s dream house but I'm gonna be honest I don't remember which one it is if it's 95 or 98 so it's gonna be a surprise we found this on eBay it was 450 surprisingly the 90s and early 2000s dream houses are the hardest to find so if you still have one of those laying around they're worth money all right let's open this thing up it's the I think it's 1988 wait I can't tell in the 90s they finally decided to give the parents a break they said we know you've been building these for years look how easy that is it just folded down okay so this is the back of the house actually this is the front is it 95 I thought 95 was more pink but maybe this one's just faded from the Sun oh wow okay so we've got a bathtub and piece of a lampshade and then some tiny little bath accessories so not the most complete dream house it'd be fun to try to find some of the original furniture for this one oh one thing that is cool about this is so some of our other one of our other dream houses had an elevator they had to manually pull but this elevator is supposed to be battery operated [Music] so slow okay this girl is now our official elevator maintenance girl you're wondering what am I gonna do with all of these Barbie dream houses honestly I'm probably gonna donate several of the pieces probably to a children's hospital but the majority of it I would tell you but I think it's easier if I just show you so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss what I'm gonna do with them all right we're going to the 2000s and I'm kind of sad about it because I liked my 90s outfit okay well this outfit's pretty cute too 2000 this one was 300 on eBay it's actually a kind of similar design to the 90s ones but they made some upgrades as you can see it's um purple on the outside now hear it is out and an elevator I have bad news about the elevator in the 2000s though they took away the electronic aspect of it I wonder if kids were like getting hurt or something this thing pulls up and you have to manually bring it up and down and this one's in good shape it literally looks like it hasn't even been played with to be honest okay so we had a six year stunt where there was no new Barbie dream houses but they did release a brand new completely new design in 2006. they sent this one in two pieces let's see what's in this big box first here it is yeah the penthouse room oh we got a flat screen TV now we're in the 2000s okay ready for the house tour this one is beautiful I would have loved to have this one when I was little Okay so we've got the little kitchen I love the red appliances and the little washing machine and then I love the bedroom I always wanted one of these canopies so bad we have this beautiful spiral staircase and I feel like you can put a doll and she'll move up it okay to be fair it doesn't work that well if she's not in either and then of course we have the cute little Penthouse area with the TV will it turn on yay it's so fun to see these houses slowly getting more and more high-tech all right time to see how much the Dream House changed in 2008. look at this thing I see a Barbie did they send a Barbie with it okay wait I'm gonna put the house together first and then I'll show you them ta-da [Music] so exact same kitchen but this time it's pink there's no canopy we have a blue staircase this time the same mechanism oh this one uh works a lot better though okay let's add the top piece and we got a bunch of fun stuff in this one oh my gosh they sent us a whole little family that one's Tyler it does look like Tyler oh my gosh there's a cool upgrade the entertainment center flips into a guest bed whoa a bean bag are you kidding me we've got a little pet carrier oh that one looks like Leo stop it right now that's literally our family as we come into the 2010s Barbie obviously has her Victorian Mansion but it's time for her to purchase a second home introducing the iconic Barbie Malibu dream house I'm so excited for this one this one released in 2011. this one is brand new never been opened still in the package although they don't make this one anymore so I found it on Mercury for 236 six dollars oh it comes oh I was gonna say yay we don't have to build it we definitely have to build it still wow [Music] all right I think this is actually my favorite house you said that to everyone I know they just keep getting better we've got a little bathroom with the cutest shower and the dining room look at this little chandelier we've got the little bed with the Barbie laptop and a beautiful view of the bay we noticed that there's popcorn in literally every single house from like 2000 on which is kind of interesting we've got our double-sided TV rooftop deck a walk-in closet with a vanity and then downstairs is the kitchen also oh no my other nail I've lost two so far we've got to give Intel props for how easy this one was to put together this one literally just snapped into place it was great and we also have a manual elevator wow that's smooth she's too heavy oh oh fell the heck wait can you you can change the scene what was it it's daytime and then it's nice okay the next Barbie dream house is 2013 and it is the cutest I found one in all of the existing of the internet for sale on Poshmark but unfortunately the order canceled so we're moving on to 2015 which was the next release these brand new in the box ones are so expensive this was 690 dollars this looks like it'll be a little bit more complicated than the Malibu house [Music] it actually opens and now I feel like I need a Barbie car and then this is cool there's a window on the side of the garage that converts into a pool party you have the kitchen okay and then heading upstairs we have a cute little dining room and then the bathroom and in the bathroom is one of the coolest parts of this dollhouse there's this little table and there's different tops that you can put on it and it all does something different and this fan actually blows it's really cute all right and then on our top floor we have the cutest bedroom a smaller walk-in closet but you know it's still cute and then over here we have a little living room TV area this house is so cool 2016 Barbie dream house this is a really special one because it's not just a Barbie Dream House it's a Barbie smart dream house I don't know what that means but we're about to find out okay it looks like it's somewhat put together in big pieces so I'm hoping we just have to piece it all together and we'll have a house I feel like they gave us a whole bunch of freebies which was nice because this was 500. plugging it in see if anything happens on oh hey flicker it's doing something everything lights up and it's voice controlled you're supposed to be able to like tell the door to close and the elevator to go and the stairs turned into a slide system requirements iPhone 6s uh we do have to download an app so the app doesn't exist the power connector is Rusted it's just a relic a shell of the exciting thing that it used to be but we do have a jet I think it's so funny they threw all this in because the house wouldn't work the good news is the newer these dream houses get the less I have to overpay for them so this one was only 225 dollars only 2018 I think this one's a smart home as well we've got custom light settings date night and farty let's open it this is the best upgrade of the dream houses so far the instructions are in color welcome to the party house this one is literally the party house that's pretty much the whole theme of this I have like a whole yard set up I think this is the first time we have a yard in a dream house even the dog has a pool and then upstairs we have the cutest bunk room that has bunk beds and then a pull out bed on the bottom and this chair is one of my favorite pieces of Barbie furniture like ever what the heck was that the popcorn you're gonna feel like four Barbies in this elevator and then of course we have our like movie Room dance floor up here on the top with a disco ball but are you ready for the best part daytime nighttime party oh yeah see how it looks in the dark ready go oh look at the shower that's a party shower right there wow Barbie took a few years Hiatus but she came back in 2021 with a new Barbie Dream House wow is this gonna be the slide that's huge welcome to the Barbie Dream House is this video starting to feel like Groundhog Day two guys a little bit we got rid of the garage door that we saw a couple houses ago I'm kind of glad that thing was a pain now it's just an open garage and then you head into the kitchen and dining room nothing really that new there and we have probably the coolest Barbie slide and pool out of all of the houses in my opinion it's like a clear bottom pool so you can see through the garage we've got a little bathroom with a shower curtain and there's only one thing that's smart Tech about this house and it's and then next to that we have a little living room but this bed actually converts into like a bunk bed and then upstairs we've got the bedroom just a little closet she doesn't get a walk-in closet in this one but a nice TV that swivels out and then just like a little sitting area next to the bedroom oh the elevator it has a little ramp to get in very solid doors on this one that's a nice elevator it's been cool to see the improvements in the elevators as the years go by this is a cool one I wouldn't say it's anybody's favorite out of all of them fresh from Target for 179 dollars this is 2023. I'm trying to figure out if it matches the one from the movie I mean it's definitely similar it has a pink slide it's pink I'm not gonna lie the houses didn't get that much better after the party house they kept a lot of good stuff from the previous one that we liked though like the slide and the swingy chair the pool Okay so we've got a little sitting room here dining room kitchen is it just me or has the kitchen kind of downgraded throughout the years okay this elevator it has a little doggy spot cute that's a well-designed bathroom I have to say she finally has a walk-in closet again and then we've got the little bedroom and then on the very top floor I don't know this is just like another party entertainment room I guess and the best part of this house is definitely this top floor outdoor patio toilet again yeah I give this house like a seven out of ten it doesn't read the houses until the last house all right we're taking it back to the 60s because we won the auction for the 1964 house and here it is Barbie's new dream house this one is so complicated compared to the previous one TV which you can switch out to different shows we've got a kitchen running through the Middle with this cute little island this little bedroom is so cute though like a little lamp this one comes with way more furniture than the 1962. and look at this store at The Andrews so now with this dollhouse I have every single Barbie Dream House other than like a couple random 2000s ones that I haven't been able to find yet but a collection is pretty much complete now I think my favorite dream houses were definitely 1985 and of course the Malibu Barbie house but comment below and let me know what your favorite one was and if you want to watch the full unboxing and setup of that 1985 video make sure to go check out the video on the hang with hopescope Channel and the Leo and I will see you guys in the next one say bye YouTube
Channel: HopeScope
Views: 3,831,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie movie, barbie dreamhouse, funny, relatable, mini products, shopping, 2000s, Y2K, childhood products, nostalgic, discontinued, banned toys, discontinued toys, vintage, 90s, 1990s, 2010s, mattel
Id: bj9MtssfkgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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