Altoid Survival Kit

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just putting the pin on the location of our scout campout I just came back from and this last camp I had after you teach the wilderness survival merit badge so I thought I'd show you something that we did for that mayor bench one of the requirements of the wilderness survival merit badge is to make a survival kit I went online and so a lot of people are doing on without SOI can so let me show you how I made mine so while back I got a bunch of these tins at Walmart and we've used them to make char cloth out of them and I had a bunch left over so I thought I'll use these I also found two knockoff Altoid cans at the dollar store for dollar I paid under a dollar for these maybe real out of toys or like two bucks but alright let's see so I made a couple let's dive into this one first pull in together with one of those plastic wristbands works pretty good alright so when you open it up on the lid I've got two needles two pins and a pretty sharp like exacto knife taped on there then we got some some aluminum foil inside that I have a little char cloth and then I also have them there some marking tape piece of paper and a pin attack that is reflective got some some copper wire some trip wire there's one small bandage more down the bottom some string some hard candy maybe give you a little bit of encouragement peppermint - maybe soothe an upset stomach got a light here this is just to represent a signal mirror then get around to get anything too serious but that would be for that got a couple of pins some duct tape in a straw that I melted both ends I have some some purifying tablets to purify water some gum with some aluminum foil wrapping maybe just to uh who knows what you do with gum but the least of my to give you a clean breath from your rescue exacto knife kind of knife very small a survival whistle a lighter with some wick on it you could always light the wick and then not waste the fuel out of your lighter uh we call these things of survival um it's got you know all sorts of little things you could do bottle opener screwdrivers you could use a I'm loosen nuts and bolts with those who knows some alcohol some band-aids and some more take also puts together some other ones want to show you these because uh some things here that are cheaper like for a lighter I bought this at the dollar store it's only a dollar whereas this lighter was like probably eight bucks I also bought this at Walmart for probably a dollar fifty where this I think I got for like over ten I also have a bigger Altoid can and this one so with bigger one perhaps you could a baggy too may put water in I also have funeral clippers and as emergency blanket in this one so that's my version of the Altoid can survival kit let's just take a quick second and talk about what it costs me to put these urgency Survival tins together the tins themselves these are a dollar I think these were 50 Cent's just keep your eyes open and you can find some pretty good deals the purification purifying water those are 50 tablets for like $80 but I can make dozens of kits out of that these wristbands that are great for closing the cans and then whatever else if you're in that vertice situation the kids always get these free from different so those are free you get a pack of these mini lighters at Walmart for just a couple bucks I got this on Amazon there's hemp beeswax wick that was a like the 200 feet of it was just a couple bucks I got a pack of these on Amazon as a pack of five they were I think a dollar piece I got this one Amazon and it was a pack of 12 for like 12 bucks so dollar piece cut this at michaels so this copper one 100 feet of it'd probably paid you know just a couple bucks to the string I got I think six of those or twelve of those for a dollar these lights were a dollar so I bet you could put the whole thing together for OC one two three four five six pry ten bucks you could put the survival kit together anyway it was a fun campout I hope the boys enjoy themselves I enjoyed getting out of the hot weather for a couple days and I'll be making a video of it soon so stay tuned thanks for watching
Channel: Jason Rickeberg
Views: 15,828
Rating: 4.7468352 out of 5
Id: P9md73OD4ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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