Polling Rainbow Marine Run - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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let's do this we're gonna jump into this room up here activate rainbow mode and we're gonna do pulling up dungeon I really wanted to do a chat pics but the program is just not working that's turbo this is bull so you guys gonna be voting one through eight and I will try to list them off for you I'll do my best toxic war your two unsub appreciate that stuff but the tier one sucks right now fire all right number one sling number two orange cool on stone what is the orange goo on stone do it does some things number three that gun that that hammer have done I think is that one number four the blank companionship ring which is a ring that also number five is a laser gun shoots lasers because it's a gun this is a laser gun remember six we don't want to talk about number six number seven is the microtransaction gun it shoots my money out I don't like it number eight is the payday to mask every petty tool item we get we get level follow our buddy pretty good pretty decent orange shoots bullets okay that's fine one of my more favorite ones then there's one that makes you immune to poison it and that's like blue there's one that maybe gives you more blanks I've never been too concerned about looking up and memorizing me and go on stones you guys don't know what this game is it's a lot like Isaac but instead of items you get your guns you can just pull up like platinum god I guess I really wants it to like platinum God for the guns inside is a little hard to digest music is down a my reach are we still streaming here what's going on the whole Internet's just taking a giant dump there we go okay I'm fine to pay to enhance I don't even look up paid a cloud mass someone's one of the three following cloud mass familiars okay and if you carry the loot bag or drill and additional familiar picking up the cloud mass increases the chance of finding the other payday mass okay so it is just the payday bank there's nothing special about it let me look up the blank ring you guys might be also saying in the chat so I hope you guys are paying attention to whoever's a smart and knows a little [ __ ] activates a blank each time an active item is used that's pretty lame the bible' companionship ring um what else did we want to look up not too much else laser rifle it was the laser rifle we were run we were we were right about that like all the laser gun is called the laser rifle whatever oh you know what I didn't start the poll I'm sorry we need 5 subs what's up thank you for that kalmius crazy Craig Matt Zuri rabbit X and nimble twists welcome welcome to the show snella Bob asked the question how you doing today I'm good who's tired to start off with but then I took some caffeine and I'm feeling a little bit better which is probably not a good thing because it's like 6 7 p.m. and then it's a caffeine and I'm gonna be caffeinated I'm gonna go to bed and go to bed early so I can wake up at a decent time and actually get some [ __ ] done but I won't because I won't be able to bed and I'll be sitting there eyes wide because of the caffeine now I trained from fleshy bottom boss blossom Plaza blossom nice to bits what's the difference in roguelike and rogue lights for you for me I mean it's a very specific difference if you're asking the definition of the two I'll give you the definition of the two huts when you changed to Gunjan I got recommended for someone playing Isaac I try to steal my viewers it's very split you guys want number eight bow clown mask I don't mind that at all I love flushy bottoms what is the definition of the - well roguelike is this a game where you have to start over every single time that you die and roguelite you know the spell bones roguelite is you start over but you still have like a permanent upgrade system and so you're not completely starting fresh you are you are building off your previous progress which is why it's light it's not a true roguelike you know it's it's light it's diets where you know again this one technically in gunjan you guys definitely want let's just we'll keep talking as we're running technically this one you are building progress so to say right you're unlocking more and more weapons but some of them are good some of them are bad you're not necessarily well we got the blank guy that's good you're not necessarily like getting permanent stat upgrades you know what I mean so I would think that this one will be an official rogue right whereas like remember we're playing skull you could like talk to lady and literally buy stat upgrades for your next run LOD a roguelike Isaac is roguelike Isaac is roguelike I think a rogue light is a roguelike right it's kind of like square being a rectangle rectangle not being a square but solve a sub-genre Scala was great probably by that game I'm like I'd buy and make peace as possible it's just what I do well there we go games like woman you want this great about chests anymore kind of a bummer in this game because we only got one item right and now we didn't get a gun so we have to fight the boss with no with nothing but our starting weapon we ever did a fight Nik dungeon oh you [ __ ] ripped my pieces you are gonna ask books are evil man evil books really sure the Marine marine sidearm is top-notch this is why I like the Marine was I saying they killed my water barrel oh that's why I wanted to keep that's the whole point keys so I can't open chests anymore the extra water barrels somewhere in a shop I think that people used to respect my right now in guns and I still explain everything right so they're like oh like he really knows what he's doing he's like pretty smart with this game so like he's yeah he's like the best maybe but like retro nation and then an Isaac I no longer explain anything especially my dumb decisions I don't tell people that it's like yeah this is definitely a dumb decision I don't through that just like a buddy that guy whatever dude now that I need keys right anyways if I still explain everything in Isaac all these advanced rats that are always circulating people would probably think I was better at the game but like saying I use pills so I'm not good I mean I use pills because it's more exciting for me and it's okay sometimes if I have a bad run I understand the comedic value of that but is it smart no stop doing drugs put it smart by the way st. Jude Children's Hospital lets you have a PhD Athens you don't want havens so that the runs are samey but they're good that's the thing I've gotten to be like so good at the game that I just like you know purposefully do wrong things I want to see a water barrel I didn't I didn't find one I could a shot at dead and the other room - I don't even know bush good doesn't always mean entertaining that's the thing though like when I was doing Eton streaks and I was playing differently you guys like no balls you suck well I want to win and we've heard we were crushing it we got through to Isaac's hearts Eden starts you guys are you [ __ ] kidding me like we were killing it who does that no one that's right this guy does but then we got screwed over like I'm not gonna sit there and say that like that was my fault yeah that's a Gatling doll with a positive barrel right there there was no way around that hi welcome you're gonna [ __ ] get stabbed in the neck bro not even a little this Baron that one you so bad this game was I don't feel bad the slightest I didn't have to jump off the cliff it was a reactionary panic mode move [ __ ] that's enough start man Galaga is hard blank I come in and clutch hear about wizard of legends what about it no master round the water barrel what is this [ __ ] pain run here so about a gun gin I can barely make it past trigger twins dungeon is brutal difficulty it's like funny when like people like what games could be playing the like codes should we play into the gungeon that looks like fun you have that game and it's local co-op like no no no no I will not play this game with you cuz it will punish you it will make you wish you never played video games ever again since started with Isaac's heart on his birthday he lived through it I'm assuming have you heard of wizard of legend if you have it would be really cool if you would do some content on it if not you should definitely check it out and the time it took you to ask thus an answer your question yes I have heard of it I absolutely have heard of it and I've beaten it it was the old one though it's been updated so I've heard blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blabbity blah blah blah I'm still kind of like feeling like I maybe miss a water barrel that pisses me off we have five flarping keys oof I have been destroyed I'm not trying to destroy you sinner all what's up I'm just saying I'm just pointing it out you know it's good news it's really good news for you there's now you had that to watch punchy punch punch this is a fat bullets I think damage up that's the helix [ __ ] gone with a two thing goes and then explode into a blank if I charge it up I think I think this is a gun Knights helmets this is the B holster this is dog this is the robots left hand right hand one of those like a minigun and then this is the spaceship that falls your own shoots enemies top notch fat bull it's great gunite armor we can try to be a gun night that could be fun the B holster weapon if we ever find that statue of the beholder we could add it on to it cuz I have zero guns on that statue it's insane Dawg oh this is just a dog you know classic the whatever hand wonderful wonderful item I'm gonna look it up robots left hand let's throw this left hand Jiminy Cricket five months what up welcome back dogs slash hamster dog stir everyone's voting for fat bullets it's pretty good I feel like you guys end up just voting for like if it's like kind of a wish like if it's a wash like this one and a wish wash if it's a wash then you guys just go for whichever one I say first whichever one I read first you like that one I don't want to know the rest of them I think the right hand is what he starts with and the left hand is an item that I unlocked and it's like really good I was wanting dog well always dog oh not enough people want the dog though they weren't fat bullets if you could have a fat dog then I think it would win by a landslide but maybe two is gonna win here yeah let's maybe try to get some guns though this gone three shoots blanks how am i charged it up say two things come together explosion that I say that it blanks it blanks improving my infinite weapon item though with passages you use my pass another facet my starting weapon a lot and gunjan animal is almost like a too good to use scenario which is not necessarily a good thing I've been burned before wolf got in there old mama can see that guy when the bullets fly from off-camera man does that make me mad Gonzalez a great and powerful 35 months very great and powerful 35 man come back max a lot of Hunter bits so if I recommend reading in your head I have never played seven days to die I'm sorry hear about the 70 in French never play seven days of diet but people still play it I remember when it came out and it was like hyped up but then it came out and was like actually super underwhelming because it was like the zero content should i do former train conductor badge or 1000 bit badge you should go for st. jude instead always if i can give you a badge for st. jude stuff i would you're planning to play a door sometime um maybe it's kind of low on the list though and i promised this we're playing this and then I also have the borderlands and I've been really liking slide the spire personally 7 days is in early acces still isn't it been out for like five years that's another side like how is this game big like other people still playing it my opinion if you're an early access for more than like two years I think you're doing something wrong some games never leave early access I find that [ __ ] if you know you're not gonna leave early access then you need to wrap that [ __ ] up and call it blundetto at some point time you know don't don't keep these like fans strung along like it's gonna turn into some greater thing you just never gonna do it there should be a time limit when you sign up for early access there should be a time limit you should have to like submit an application to be like hey I need more time that's just my opinion I understand that things happen like like ovid like coronavirus yes of course that's kind of the light things which is why you'd submit the application with a legitimate reason and if you don't meet your end date it just releases your game it just drops a 100 on it it says all right fans stop hoping all those planned things that they plan to the one that oh not happen it's improving fast the game is seven days and you play The Watcher when you play slay the spire nervous to play watcher I feel like watcher is definitely next level thinking strategies that I'm not used to silence and ironclad very straightforward in my opinion when they throw in defect and I was nervous to play that truth is it was like really weird but now I've got all the builds down I've been trying on The Watcher I'm just I'm not a huge fan I'm not a huge fan of the builds that go on it can be super fun and super overpowered but like a spry build I tried a scribe build that actually beats the end boss with a scribe build so it wasn't like terrible but no way in hell could I ever beat the the heart on a stri build it's not good I compare everything to the heart now you can't beat the heart and I don't want watch is my favorite go can't win with a deep bag I got an appointment are for me to lose as the defects been doing a lot of exhaust drills I'm ironclad and that's just like the most fun oughta get more common masks guys you have to get me the payday 2 items I'll announce that when we open up our rainbow chest my bill was super overpowered I mean you still and protect yourself though triple damage great but zero block setting up your mantra build corruption plus dead branch that's what I had I was playing this morning I woke up and I was waiting for my files to load onto my computer weird it up get an ironclad immediately got the ashes which damages 3/3 damage to every single enemy in the room whenever you exhaust a card I was like guess we're doing exhaust builds ended up getting the the dead branch or the dead stick whatever it is synonymous $5.00 thank you appreciate that a lot a lot a lot like acts a lot yeah that branch today rocks in well that's the one that's like dark exhaust or whatever something where it's like you're attending exhaust a card you also draw another card same monster build requires a lot of forethought a lot of forethought and a lot of like being with a bit set up without dying it's kind of like a strength build an ironclad you can't set it up in time then you're dead you're screwed Yuli thinks the hunter bets appreciate that for Junkin Gunjan or Bumbo isaac which one is better I don't think we really need to compare I mean you know Bumbo does do a lot of damage fully grown and Junkin fully grown I'd have to say I like Junkin better because he doesn't bomb me answer a [ __ ] not gonna be easy here with our starting weapon oh I thought he was gonna hit me the but there's like yeah right what's the turn radius on his body excuse out of kids but I really gets yes pay attention to two things at once here this isn't going well as far as damage one time until he shoots get into us we don't see it he come combines that with the Rockets too of course too close for comfort there sir I like that sounds Francis $5 I'll read that in a minute it's a good thing you doesn't start shooting that laser at you because that would be crazy hearted dodge my finger is cramping Adam who we funded some random materialistic things that I don't really need the money has way better use if it goes to help kids keep up the good work I like that train of thought thank you so much for giving the st. Jude appreciate it I'm helping out my campaign help the kiddos this guy's like what about me you killed my dad sorry you're right you got me there Seeger I'm here ammo for a gun that we don't have good can't get Chunkin out of that I don't think $20 and you know otter or Saint you'd help me many years ago about time I give back wonderful wonderful wonderful circle is complete love it we didn't go to Seagram so we can't go to the second secret room go need to get the rat key though no Junkin from broken rainbow mode chests 7,300 1469 congrats y'all some more we're doing it we're doing it alright let's do number one Casey let's do number two platinum number three our C Rockets are remote-controlled rockets number four scope better accuracy number five the Patriot phenomenal weapon I think that's one that speeds up faster and faster the more I shoot number six Kaos bullets random it's not to your bullet effect on them like hot or you know the other ones shotgun of hate decent I guess and green goo on stone that's the one that gringo on stone orbits the player blocking enemy shots chance to heal upon taking damage one is plat bats get out of here one is Casey two is plat like I said one Casey to plat we're gonna run a starting weapon Casey build you guys you really call it builds and Gunjan no it's not it wrong I said it Patriot we phenomenal Patriot would be top choice here for me Casey Patriot plat or chaos those are all really really good I'd appreciate like a real weapon but if I had to not have a real weapon but probably before chaos this is a weird song Oh you guys are going Casey on this one go on Casey right was that Cales Casey I'm like wait was that number two that you voted for [ __ ] I got write $10 and be he'll currently has blood cancer my mom and it scares the [ __ ] out of me as far as her stem cell donor doing this at least helps others in a similar situation good train of thought good trip a day I'll be the best I really want to hear the news that we've made significant progress Wow a lot of these like Hayley beat cancer in mice and this and that this and that and this madness this one's this new medicines coming up nothing ever happens you guys believe that there are people out there that are like buying these medications or the rights to and then covering it up because for whatever reason they want people to get sick Casey fires a short-range bullet this has a fancy animation wait people do that maybe I mean it's like in the Spear superior range but that's definitely a I mean it's it's kind of long the same lines of like a company buying medication for you know let's say they bought some sort of like insulin thing and then they they raise it by it three million percent because you have to buy it these guys not saying there's anything threadable about what I'm saying I'm just asking questions US healthcare system isn't really well known for the accessibility of their products little never watch that movie in time with Justin Timberlake basically how like currency is time and they keep raising prices specifically so that people will die because they don't want too many people alive for a few to be immortal many of us by a tagline I'd have money with agent money credit get out of here like we had your money credit I'm interested bro it's called in time I just did I disagree with that wholeheartedly whole are do they disagree that I was close enough for that to blow up and hit me you're full of [ __ ] game no matter up 15 years an average to develop and commercialize a drug we are only just these recent years figuring out new ways to do it so it will take 15 years from now to employ therapies we develop today probably like a certain amount of time that they have to test things out before they can really understand long term effects - I don't know pastas failed no hit run that was just cheating have you eyes at today already yes I always start with Isaac such a bad feeling when you miss with Casey you're right next to him let's not forget to do the rat fight here thanks blank buddy thanks bud we will need two blanks to do the rat fight even if we find the secret room we shouldn't try to go into it I live in Asia it's 8:25 a.m. here you're the first person I see today and it's nice welcome to my shop I have nothing you think there's keyhole degrees mouth his mouth is above his keyhole that mean the keyhole is this vagina then I wanna get caught in this [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] stupid minecart piece [ __ ] fight me looking away a chat walk into the minecarts at Daniel's this is belly button you sicko as a large belly button rings from us Cajuns who live in Houston watching you lie before we do an online bad movie bingo their friends back home and we bingo sound society really bad what's the worst movie you guys have ever watched see ready to 80s horror flicks that have nothing more than a good boob shot one got caught with my pants down there missing that little guy old boy keys sharknado Chariots of Fire the room drive with Ryan Gosling food fight definitely Suicide Squad Hamlet drinking challenge super fun Super Mario Brothers is bad ironically funny rubber rubber is that's the one with the tire that attacks people with just telekinetic powers the revenant the revenant was not the one with the Leonardo DiCaprio I like [ __ ] finally got his Oscar or whatever or middle he got Oscar for something else I remember how can I remember not really that big of a movie buff here it was did he win an Oscar for that nominated no-win what do we win asking for then he did he found the gallon right he did but to me this film was ultra boring kind of films do you like that none on the average revenant didn't do it for you Casey doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo Don Quixote was boring as hell Fred movies he just likes porn movies got it noted probably love my only fans then worth it to risk my life using the $20 forgotten beam and Save the Children Lobby I appreciate that a lot right I don't think it's really worth it for me to use my KC I couldn't totally save my life though you're like a pinch and I can like hit something away but it might just put me into the danger awkward I'm missing with these shots right I've just done enough to a damage by just shooting it with my normal gun [ __ ] off dude jeez Oh what the [ __ ] you know [ __ ] Noah's game are you kidding I even shot with my KC on that last one but it was too far off my own [ __ ] I couldn't [ __ ] hit that's just some more [ __ ] right there dude no way he literally spawned them inside of me there was no chance to dodge it this whole ass [ __ ] ass ass totally everything fine and ball odds not that difficult that's the only difficult part what the whole thing is when they actually spawn them inside of you and it was like what three times in a row was I supposed to do about that who's your blinks now I need both my blanks this which requires streamers to be sure did in quench for shirtless huts it for Hut stream I know they they don't I'd have to tape my nips if I ever took my shirt off well I think in emergency situations like if I'm overheating and my health is at risk then they like they let that slide I think as I remember spry stock up hahahahahahaha - laughing at after earth is the best movie I have seen I'm sensing sarcasm django django phenomenal it's it's the classic Tarantino like combining like a super [ __ ] up situation or like sad or somehow a point art strings and then adding this ridiculous comedy on top of it where you're like I did not know I could laugh at a guy getting his balls chopped off but I laughed Yuli I just realized that you have donated 100 K bits let the chameleon movie Django Unchained avatar last airbender movie is the worst one hey you get the pole we're gonna be in trouble here for the rad fight because we don't have anything good liquid shows up oh we got punch and punch Orson's clone that's Deckard thank then that sprung shotgun full of love we had to hate chuckle I hate earlier that is the super blank blank bullets gives your bullets a small chance to trigger a small blank effect when they hit an obstacle or a wall that's the laser rifle again and that is a hard container blank bullets could be super good sprung if it procs at a good time like any time I take damage or it is on mine I activate my active item or he's a blank or reload punchy puncher since this appeared two times already I know it always shows up here that's like the most common item that you see out of Rainbow chests what else we got was gonna look up look up sprung that is sprite correct it can proc on using your final blank activating an item flipping a table being set on fire emptying a guns ammo half a heart container of health left lose your final piece of armor falling into a pit taking damage becoming electrocuted or poison or a while waiting for this condition in milk they're mine that's the last one like a clone and I died in the rat fight then who cares I guess I wonder what 1 million bits badge will look like we will find out in a years as you Lee thank you for bits of course okay let's make a deal when I hit that bad shirtless stream why do we have to make a badge for me to be shirtless I don't want to be shirtless I want to do that don't nip tapes I don't want to mess with my contract you know what I mean Pastis my dude well what the [ __ ] am i under here that's a table that's a [ __ ] table holy [ __ ] and see that table fair enough only fans then I just get launched by KC into him and take some stupid [ __ ] damage for a full heart did I did I stop better up hope we just die now rainbow runs are just honestly not that fun this is garbage right now Justin didn't do it oh good animal oh good ammo who is the rich pimp not missing did you just kill that other dude wowsers want to see how long I can last on nothing but KC on the rat fight should be fun jibun chat pics is not working yeah yeah KC is bad you have no backup plan well whose fault is that remember ones are fun they're not that fun you don't get like half the items I'll [ __ ] you yes I just feel like that's just bad design when they make it so that you can't not get hit by something we just didn't know he's gonna do that before he did it and then does not stand there and then like the KC that lunges you forward so I ended up lunging myself forward into the [ __ ] rat it's stupid [ __ ] damage that last little rad thing I'm gonna reap rocks that liar lying it comes out like twice the speed like he does a spread one shoots spread one shoot time whisper I give like that you gotta be ready to go cook me up my butt my butt too I slung my [ __ ] case yet that you liar must have just been enough fully charged up [ __ ] this game dude well [ __ ] everything that's going on right now with this stupid dude [ __ ] rainbow run you guys have I'm even feeling like selecting like objectively good things but rainbows balls dude one item per floor is not easy it is actually a challenge we got Zeo Abram get it a sub to feather fighter awesome that is composite gun people say it's good I guess a superhot watch that is a soul gun when I shoot it at them their soul comes out and I couldn't hit it I can walk into it and then they like take massive damage hungry bullets it's basically like mom's contact the hegemony cannon or something like that it's called shoot three things out void core cannon pig the super large shotgun and then that is the thing where it automatically takes my blanks when I get hit Full Metal Jacket one through eight around like a clock at the clock went to eight usually a thousand bits I don't even know this game but would have thick shotgun yeah I am NOT a huge fan of the void core cannon I just gonna say it I'd rather had the extra large shotgun or the soul gun but at the same time neither of those with a shotgun probably more so would be okay against a rat and the void core cannon would be not that good soul gun not that good it's risky definitely like that good against the rat fight a boss superhot watch you can do some nasty things of that for sure what's up rock and Rolla it's a good boss weapon which one the shotgun we have screen shake on you might not want it with the cannon I suffer you suffer don't vote for it them super hot with the bat yeah super hot with the bat would be a good combination dick shot thick shot thick shot KC overstayed his welcome Casey's just not good for the rad fight that's just that's just dead I want to see the Seoul gun well no one's voting for superhot watch not very many votes for the Seoul gun not very many of oats for hungry bullets not for many voters for pig super shotguns gotten like half the votes is the void car cannon I think you guys think that this is like a rocket launcher it's not exactly like that stop applying Hut's you know you can't get away from the kaci probably gonna still be using Kacey even with the cannon is the problem here no one's changing their votes so we're in it rip clone all for nothing looks pretty good with phat bullets though I'll give it that still pretty good find Seagram's with it most ridiculous way to find a seeker um probably try to reserve ammo Canada's Bosch shredder got it we'll see we'll see better than relying solely on Casey as you can see no we got an item there yeah now that I need it but I got it with style I reverse from you Olli how long would would you think it would take to pick up this game Oh solid 50 runs to probably do anything abuse to even have a chance to get the last floor I wanna say a lot about memorizing attack patterns a week at least lo one of my personal faves the mccannon would you guys stop giving the empty shops it's making you sad 50 runs you can get the third floor reliably I mean everybody's different right we're that we got extra water barrels load it I'm learning league of legends it's harder than learning in French that picked up dota which seems like it's League of Legends times four I was looking up like what's the difference really between dota and League of Legends it's like well if you want the like simplistic version kind of seems to me like League of Legends is to dota what fortnight is to apex like it's like all its like a lot brighter it's more cartoony it's simplified not to say that it's you know not not bringing any like this good that bad opinion in it alright but just like that's pretty much what it is play both does he heal Abram on any native Canadian so French is easy huge pain with a prime stab you Lee maybe I'm just too old that's the weird thing I heard that's the second time today that I've heard someone say the older I get the more cold the less I can play a game or maybe that was last night thinking about Invictus saying that or something like that but basically the older I get the easier it is actually to multitask and Zhi handle a lot more difficult situations I just could not do that I'm gonna fight this [ __ ] for what nothing for nothing I learned destiny but destiny is just like a first-person shooter you don't really have to learn anything right you pissed a lot you pissed off a lot of people is this kak I pissed off a lot of people what by saying that League of Legends is basically like the equivalent of apex is fortnight I learned editing a gradable first destiny is pretty hard to learn what's what's there to learn though right it's like you get a gun and like well that's so good gun and that's it that's a less good gun and that's like I'll place the armor you put on there's a tutorial it's not that of all League of Legends has a bad community's history nod I wouldn't know anything about that I wouldn't know anything about that I don't I don't play competitively that's the same to as I'm just playing against bots I'm what I'm learning I'm not gonna get on there and then get just [ __ ] cussed out people like reporting me because I'm gonna play no no no no no no no not at all it's way difficult people wrote [ __ ] books on destiny man it's so difficult it's armor and then there's like solder armor and then there's like worser armor and you got an oh you got an oh man last gone good is lost go later than good are gone I mean are you so bad it's a meme to save league of legends is cancer you have mail a super smash let's hear what do you want to do probably I'll die why why don't you shoot so it's charging the other thing probably better load this fast shot speed homie with bat bullets yeah don't spring in the heat it's bringing the heat I can't I can't shoot the guy in the back though because of the home a hard time spreading out these bullets [ __ ] gas spread it no it's less hard gun better than good better gun AG gun egg gun Targaryen hey we got a freakin master round suck on these nuts they did not find a seeker oh he live alone now any pets a little owned no pets but there is a bunny looking at me through the glass he's right there he's old like he's powered go say that's about 12 feet away from me out the window take the bunny in check crash I'd should I go steal him he's looking at me like he's pretending like he doesn't exist right now he's like I'm just a stick I'm just stick I need an outside camera for you guys any cameras set up all my yards that you can watch the deer and the squirrels and the bunnies they're like everywhere garbage slop wasn't even worth a mo then Dan - Dan and I've done still sitting there he's I was not too threatened oh he's asleep just twitch streamer plugging wood wait all right let's get it all laser rifle again are to g2 follows me around and those things that I remember prom that is the prototype railgun that is a decoy that is a gun that shoots that is the shot gun coffee speed up rad gun and the gun night helmet again YouTube videos coming up yep more anti-birth still not even move it I'm like moving all over the place man he definitely sees me this is a Power Move he even sees me looking at him poor Zotto turret horizontal turret sure yeah that's the one passively acts as a decoy I mean exists Edom hots he's asserting his dominance bunny Chad as he wants he's not even eating you're doing nothing with your life why would you sit here next to this giant monster that could potentially eat you do you want to be friends he's just staring at me he's moving his head back and forth now he's like not even worried about pretending to be a stick can we see the buddy no I don't have a way I don't know why do that well it's here I even plug that camera in I don't think we have a way to do that I do anything nope got nothing feed the bunny all right you guys want the gun night helmet very interesting I would say r2g - very good speed up quality rad gun can be fun it's only if we would have gotten super hot watch rad gun would have been pretty fun but all right hopefully this keeps me alive maybe still just sitting there I'm baffled by it he's gonna get like hit in the back of the head by a hawk or something's gonna go just take him right back take him away I think it's funny how like people assume that if we had the ability to talk to animals that they would have anything at all intelligent to say I can go to school they wouldn't know how to let you properly use grammar and farm sentences they would just be like food good food food food bad bad bad bad bad bad that's bad fat that's food food food food that's that's all they would say it would be the worst conversation of your life oh it's gone bad bad bad that's bad this Invicta good funny the hawk got him your fans found out where you live the bunnies my fans such idea that they went to school they would be able to form those sentences yeah I mean we if we could talk to them we could actually convince them be like hey come to this is bunny school we'll teach you how to speak you keep acting up like that what the [ __ ] did I do to you nothing I left the room and shot over here give me that sass you're gonna meet sass now I'm gonna shut your shop down you're not gonna shut your shop down I'm gonna shut your shop down my fist your face that's right Lock and Load right don't act like we're friends now the 10 like we're friends oh [ __ ] I didn't charge it up all the [ __ ] way garlic gun 23 huts looking fine as [ __ ] in these quarantine times we need a garlic got in the game I think that'd be funny I don't know what it would be you just you just eat the garlic and it's your breath that does the damage overs are like onions you Lee hunter bets I've always liked Midwesterners they usually seem very nice to me [ __ ] buy that [ __ ] you it my fight right go [ __ ] you up I'll make you all holy plate a hot dish and force you to eat it and it will be delicious hot dish gotta make that a dish dear don't you know guy I dish its Invicta 10 subs put up hot dish fan he's obviously a hot dish fan he showed up with hot dish yo appreciate the 10 you didn't have to do that I was trying something nice that's the way you do it back garlic on poisons enemies and applies a fear effect and they get close I like it I like it I don't like nice things obviously isn't that the same Midwestern blood as me we're just tired you Lee was saying that you think so what the hell was that [ __ ] damage that just came out of my face saying that Midwesterners seemed real light like they're really nice people mama usually with 25 with a flux that twenty five flex though thank you you lee appreciate that a lot dank southern hospitality greater than Midwestern hospitality I wouldn't know wouldn't know my my cousins have family down south and every year they go down there and they do like this big old Thanksgiving before they do a deep fried turkey and have like all that the fixings and like cornbread and [ __ ] like I want to experience a southern Thanksgiving that's what I want that sounds but I mean like the stuff that we have is fine right it's just your standard baked turkey with potatoes and gravy and sweet potato and stuffing deep fried turkey is amazing it sounds amazing so I'd like to experience it [ __ ] grits - sweet sweet wolf girl hey I'm southern san I want that deep fried turkey salt that southern hospitality comes the deep fried turkey help me in then I won't contest that statement I don't nice noise hits RIT sucks its Invicta deep fried deep fryer we smoked turkeys tastes as godly smoked stuff is also good smoked brisket smoked salmon it's all very very good my dad's got a smoker so he's really into that echo thanks for the 19 months welcome back I'm rolled into that thank you guy for saving my life better up fight everything in the south is fried yeah what if it was deep-fried grits oh that didn't deep-fried grits cake all right oh my stupid uh [ __ ] a leave taking a lot of dumb damage this because of Casey it comes to the Casey stupidity does launched myself into the the GU cuz that you shoot yourself forward whenever you swing the bat was a full American breakfast or English American breakfast featuring uh bacon and pancakes horse eggs and toast I'll take you to go get some real Texas barbecue down here butts send out that now yeah for sure the barbecue I am yeah I'm in Chinese breakfast what's a Chinese breakfast Barbie stones top notch I am like really into sauce as though so I don't know if I'm more of like a Tennessee barbecue guy than a dry rub Texas barbecue guy but I can always start my own on right I still wanna get shamed American for sure American American American all those that said American are you American or are you European full English breakfast what do you have like the what are they called rashers it's like just like not really bacon it's like not cured it's like the the belly fat no where does barbecue like we do it here in Texas it's got beans in there bangers that's a sausage I'm talking about with the strips of pork fat I'm American yeah I would say that Americans said Americans best and the Europeans would for English people always European in general would say that your English is best salted pork belly it's called something I think it's called rashers rashers mass called rashers let me show you what it looks like I mean you should know it's it's like bacon but it's not it doesn't have all the good flavor but it probably doesn't have all the cancer for being honest Canadian back bacon bangers and mash right that's not bacon I know what that is these kind of explosions which is nice is it blocked some of the bullets you know this is definitely making my life easier any any gun would have over Casey oh kangaroo is superior meats I'm gay as I said I didn't really get the connection there but we are talking about meat so you know sugar type of meat you like to put in your mouth I guess when is the wheel coming back says you Lee when I can handle it probably next week probably next week did we get the crest we did not get the crest like bunny meat Crassus locked in excuse me was there anything worthwhile to buy in the shop cuz we were just loading up on money and we're not spending it why are you sore I mean yeah I had a workout day yesterday so yeah I am are you sassing me right now for being sore you know by it all we're never gonna buy guns in the shop there's no guns available so got your meat right here kappa fluffy car two months double bought welcome back what's the strangest meet you've tried probably doesn't sound that exciting but I had like straight I went to this the barbecue right where you have the actual grills on the table and then you'd stick your meat on there and you cook it yourself which by the way I don't know how someone hasn't killed himself doing that they must have like really good prep in the back anyways I got the cow tongue and everyone's like oh cow tongue and it was like strips it kind of looked like the the rashers I've never had why Q you know I actually just bought some Wagyu beef jerky which to me would honestly seem like a waste of why you beef but it was there and it was reasonably priced so I got it so that to me my first experience it's probably gonna taste nothing like an actual white wig you safe safe where you stake words with pull ready for you guys and open a chest what have you got that's the super meatboy a razor gun it's like bounces around the room it's not bad Platteville it's it's very good shotgun full of hate is a thing it's a health upgrade that is the sling does some more damage which is bosses I actually like using the sling personally that is the orbiting shots like when I miss the shots orbit me instead that is a gun that does some things and stuff it looks wavy that's the chaos animal let's which is the best of them but no it's not very good come to Asia I take you out I will spoil the crap out of you I am assuming that your intentions are pure Bewdley but that sounded creepy as hell that sounds like it would not come back thank you the bits I'm sure that's not I meant it for food not for Barbara Singh my organs that's how you got all that donation money I will let your body spoil in the dungeon until you [ __ ] yourself I will literally spoil the crap out of you sin to breath 44 zero welcome back I combine my own organs thank you very much most a/c upgrades though we're rolling it so is it the more enemies I kill with a specific weapon or do all my weapons get the bonus thank you by the way for this really appreciate I should just read the wiki cuz I don't trust you guys anyways damage and fire rate increases with each bullet that an enemy hits that hits an enemy rate of fire goes up the 300 percent after 375 normalized seconds of continuous fire damage goes up to 300 sent after 750 normalized seconds of continuous fire toward the whole run stats increase only applied when the weapon is switched away from the swap and swapped back to it okay so it's per weapon it seems like like if I get kills with this it doesn't upgrade the damage on my KC why are you even trusting us hats Junkin or Bumbo I said it before I think that Junkins probably better for a gunjan run than Bumbo is better for your Isaac run both solid dudes though I would take them out spoil the literal crap flat Bullock's making guns look hot yeah it was pretty good look at my moves though it looks like I got a nunchuck I've ever tried chocolate-covered chips 19-inch chip pan I like salty oversleep but for whatever reason I do not like potato chips like they're fine when chips to me are all about the dick if you don't have a good dip with it then I'm not gonna be that interested in meeting your kids talk to cover bacon I would say that you could probably have a good combination of chocolate and chips it sounds super weird of course but all you weirdos out there that dip your fries into your frosty you ever helicopter with your D it looked like that when you flung your gun says you lee you're not helping the whole creepy thing you lee i'm a spoil a literal hell out of you after i trapped you in my dungeon and forced you to make helicopter dick videos sweet and salty YUM what's the superior dip there's one here in Minnesota top the tater and it just tops the dips it's very good now that is my exact reaction to Invicta that is correct you walk threats up literally bursting and laughter at home I love you guys once again it still worried you know Otter frosty and fries are the best no it's not and you should feel bad about doing that you're wrong nice stream app I said 100 thank you what up and Adam with 200 or you guys are like on fire with the bits right now do we have a sub trained or not sub trained but a high trained going on right now what is the deal dealing a miss Casey it's empty what do you mean it's empty and shoot that much my boy drop from Miami oh thank god uliana Dooley hundred Dooley hundred you Leandra Dooley under Dooley under newly under Dooley hundred be water it's like be water all over again what is going on that had that's that where's the hype train we must have just had one cuz that should just run Sprunt spurned sprung I don't [ __ ] know words are not my strong suit obviously we even use his words anyways okay let's just be honest here 20 minutes ago rip it pass oh hell you Lee thank you so much to the bit Sealy flexing hard words are hard speaking coherently is overrated to bits from Tyler Jill we got a second rocky yep fight the rat again the Sun let's not die I don't need the ammo really need the blanks we're sitting on five blanks right now just joined here Hut say that frosty and fries is bad I would like to announce that I disagree with your opinion which means you are wrong mr. Fudd parties they'd hypetrain his long neck horse what if though crazy idea what if we got a tilt if I'd train going ah yeah that could be fun starting at $1 and then we go to $2 and then 3 4 10 20 30 Paul is 5900 bed set is a lot phone almost dead and I leave for a month soon I'll be watching when I can night best of luck and travels my friends and you Lee says do I get banned for spamming ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yep you do fans CD I'm gettin gettin gettin gettin you guys we crushed the donations today / for st. Jude we're absolutely annihilated it we're up to seven thousand three hundred and forty four dollars which is amazing Easter past our five thousand goal and we're on our way to our new ten thousand goal just great we're too poor to donate if you if you can't afford to donate then then don't worry about it not to worry about it that's like what we're doing anymore or the kids out there they can't pay for families rather I can't pay for their treatments so you know that's why I'm here are you gonna get pizza now that we passed five K wasn't that the last stream that I promised pizza and I promise to feed side what allowed you guys to buy me pizza it's not really I'm gonna not even pretend to sound like I'm saintly here for that all hell don't pizza eyeness blesses you the ability to feed him pizza thankful $10 tilde phii's Craven there we go give me 20 give me a 20 get in make it a 20 spot why are you jumping chests you said stupid idea that sits on the chests it talks me from getting anything from them blank guy tom top notch I would not mind getting the whole payday crew pretty powerful but pretty costly when we're talking about rainbow mode and only getting one item per floor lot someone wants to fiji pizza here someone just don't put non candy things in Frosty's it's bad and tacky like putting olives and chillies and pineapple on pizza yeah guys is tacky got them ethic burns they're really gonna feel that in the morning if you were a secret room where would you be probably over here all those are fighting words right here I think we ready check these walls we did I don't know then I don't feel like trying and guessing and wasting five blanks but that's why I have five blanks what if it was over here one dollar from lease - I don't have much but every little helps that's true let's be cancer thank you for that appreciate it a lot this is just wasting my bullets you can only get ammo from secret rooms though I can only get an animal from seeker rooms get amble through lots of places mate so sin victus said he was not in the gungeon would that be funny if i pulled him into a co-op dungeon run they thought would make some [ __ ] hilarious content to be honest alright that's setup unicorn horn a little laser buddy star pew snowball 'it's the sole gun thing I remember them exactly in for it ammo synthesizer that's the rube anodyne maybe and chaos a mullet again double check Reuben Aruba dine mark - it is we still have to get the achievement for getting the rube a dying prototype and the rubra dine mark - in the same run and then we unlocked the Reuben dines Rubenstein's monster Skelly boy you guys want the Skelly boy huh personally I think I would beef the things I already have and get the snowball it's cuz with phat bullets + snowball it's it's like lump of coal and we're shooting these giant rockets they would get even bigger doing more damage of course the snowballs wouldn't do anything for our Junkin or not Junkin sorry Casey but you know something to think about because we'd have to switch to our kc once we're out of ammo anyways and we just rip in tears - that ammo Casey's bad though better with platinum for sure but I think I kind of won shots everybody anyways what I wasn't gonna look up I was gonna look up that soul gun see what was called high caliber it's called fires piercing shots which cause enemies to have their souls leave their body if you come in contact with the soul the enemy takes huge damage six ammo per shot max Amla 666 clip size 66 black bullets for Casey looks like you got what you guys wants Kelly boy for sure alright floppy arm boy he needs more milk a little floppy I wouldn't say KC's bad honey it's bad it's just it's hard to wield it's not reliable you're gonna take super damage at some point when you're wheeling the Casey if you have nothing but not to use is you probably take a lot of stupid damage to be in trouble good for every in Harvey avoid literally 50% of the stupid damage if I didn't lunge forward when I use Casey it's good gun if you know how to use it the enemy looking real tough you gotta see now that I didn't know that that gun didn't get knocked back or they do get knocked back but he just decided not to knock back maybe hit maybe at the wall but his not knocking back with my lunging forward ended up causing damage on my face armored I guess blob said up like we just literally kill the blob in the room before it and it ended up getting pushed backwards okay that looks like he's affected by fat bullets because that was a pretty fat laser pH fat pretty hot and tempting damn girl you guys already looking fresh now see that guy he just got shot backwards like a lot same enemy odd stuff going on here with the with the KC it got pushed when it died another shot I'm up it's time for me to go see you axolotl this case blasphemy is in the same case when not at full health KC definitely better than a non charge blasphemy non-charged blossomy does very little damage compared to KC simple ooh baby triple being the bullet is just first step at winning no contact damaging the bullet so if we were moving with a bullet right now we would have gotten I don't know six of those stupid lunge forward debts forgiven a be the true gone there's two secret rooms and I think we have enough blanks that we can make this way screw you betrayal bark Oh poof thank you just let me have that chest you know I earned that I found that how does someone sup at tier 3 in the options Mustaine how do you have that much money rips Kelly fired at the Luthor locked spawn killing them and a good actor would aim in the hole too late what about some yulie what are the differs as tier 1 tier 2 2 or 3 ones 5 dollars a month ones $10 a month ones $25 a month and tier 2 and 3 both have their own specific special emotes that you can unlock that main loop-de-loop arm and pretzel on and then you can flex on the people in the chat and you're like pretzel dude there's pretzel nuggets you know prices are just good prices are just a good thing every five dollars it costs us another sub-point pretzel home costs 45 New Zealand dollars ouch rip feels for New Zealand's oh yeah writes that one's clearly alive this one's just a nothing he can't sit on old OC can't sit on all of them what a rip man I mean do I want the junk we don't get the junk anyways for ya okay there's no junk involved yeah [ __ ] waste of blanks to you Leary subs tier 2 sexy tier 2 for two months loop-de-loop baby hell yeah nice but the damn bunny was out there it's a bird now Robin red chest black body orange beak red chest is that a Robin a bird ologists don't tell me you're gonna stop tier two and then not flex the the loop-d-loop dually before go your loop power great loop responsibility I'll be a million roots decide to sell their currency come on I lost out off see the scene there's never enough ammo in it it's my favorite gun there's no penny see Andy oh mama tight there you know what I've never feet and probably shouldn't beat at some point in time maybe you know what probably pretty okay for a backseat me challenge don't starve what if we did a don't starve backseat me there's a lot about that game that you don't get or just don't know yet rather something I don't get it it's simple but you ly show us the loop and the Tier three one please pretzel on two thousand rupees a coop don't starve would be fun to watch terraria will get a huge update in a couple days I thought that was this weekend right like now this wait a second it says tier two sub are you press alarming Sam there doesn't tell me he got it to you miss you lease Tier three what it doesn't say anything over here tier two you lose subscribed in Tier three home man I didn't even say that my like program over here is like whatever oh that's the pretzel that's the pretzel nice man phenomenal bro sick my dude what are we on a be the true gun we're gonna go we can just leave right that's nice pret C I wish there was a way that you could put you motes out and happen to have them like actually be grouped together so you could actually link them that's the button there what do we got we've got number one being the what's that called the gun Zhang or it shoots out all the arrows in multiple different directions we have the super hot watch we have the claw gun that shoots out like a needler in a logos tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu and then explodes there's that looks to be Omega bullets which is the last clip the last shot in a clip does more damage pretty decent for the weapons that we have besides my starter there's this gun which is I forgot what's the paint blob life orb fires purple lightning which targets the nearest enemy and deals damage after cleanly I mean icon will appear next time you reload the gun damage is dealt to all enemies in the room interesting a horn microtransaction and the cat chair which grants me flight and I also shoot bullets upon dodging I forgot to resell before I got off to the paulius well thank you for popping back in with your three months appreciate it have a good night morning thing whenever you have a mission quest thing gun Zhang would be ok cat claw would be pretty powerful for the rat fight probably life orb sounds a lot cooler than it is microtransaction i guess we have a lot of extra money that we ain't using number eights winning cat chair which does not necessarily help me out we did fall into a pit once though omega would yes because kc is a one-shot alpha and omega would both apply to because it's its first and last shot cat chairs cool though karara's update comes out saturday three he needs more guns cuz cat I should have just told you it was a normal chair he wouldn't have voted for it what's the number on the cat chair number three no it's eight this is one two three four five six seven eight so I need to flex a bunch of Millennials to make myself feel validated hahahahahaha almost sue me you saying those ha pretty sure actually we wouldn't if it was a normal chair alright I guess I'm taking a freaking floating float cat chair [ __ ] all right here's the dine on the rad fight again we don't have another clone to save our life my guns empty to the rat room important to notes Sheils my bro I can't see where the secret room is there is generally when you walk over it it makes it different like puffs from your feet feet puff kinda like foot cheese more coffee that cat with a fat plat bat suit you there see now that's [ __ ] I swung at him and I hit him but his bullet was beyond the reach of my KC negation I guess KC negation do not say that ten times fast our vets is this word band smegma is your answer who doesn't love the noodle you done with the noodle arm boy what are the channel points points for this channel you're gonna highlight messages right now look up if you told us it was a normal chair we still would have voted for it taste my foot cheese speaking of highlighted messages really just good stuff I'm like like really happy that we have them I can't even find Seagram's no ammo you can do that yeah modifying the emo it's is top-notch actually a cool thing you missed which one's better baby batter or nut butter baby batter batter made from baby Europeans what is your view on not even Europeans not Americans non-us es okay are you telling me that the bullets came through and here's the guy and I swing my bad at everything the guy died with the bullets kept going through excuse me no why is Casey just so inconsistent it's unreal I hate Casey man I love it but it's just take damage you're like I've swung at the bullets and the guy non-us Ian's because South America is still [ __ ] America fight me okay Canada is in America the northern part of America sue me sue me you know what Russia is mostly Asia is mostly Russia Russians are Asians [ __ ] we label [ __ ] for a reason don't tell me that's not true you're all liar you're all liars Canada's swooning America Canada is in North America the northern part of America okay why the [ __ ] do we just throw aside all of these labels that we created is dumb anyways non people from the United States what do you what is your what's your take on pancakes what's your take on pancakes I think roasts are they like unbelievably disgusting the American fried sugar with the sugar glaze drowning in tree sugar or they like all those cool pancakes are delicious I'm talking about are you from the US America has a Miracle's have so much sugar every culture has a different version of Pancakes I'm sorry are are the non-us people Ullaeus good europe is basically a part of asia no see now because we've labeled Europe as Europe and Asia is Asia literally two different things here I have salty pancakes they're nice mostly just breakfast for me though Kiwi okay there we go but for Russian pancakes American pancakes are good okay they're getting a good response of freaking delicious from Poland we have five different recipes Scottish pancakes hundred-percent amazing okay so you guys just like totally are like well yeah [ __ ] it we only have pancakes deal all right how about this how do you feel about donuts for breakfast yeah no yes no nope donuts are always a yes donuts are not breakfast no I'd feel dead that's too sugary pancakes are Greek dough pancakes just whatever I don't give a [ __ ] who we want to discuss like ancient Greece actually had a fan of recipe where they would you know smoosh their smegma and they cooked it it's basically a pancake pancakes are generally considered hey you know [ __ ] was that entrance to that room that is biggest dick to my neck ever anyways American breakfast is like you gotta have pancakes in it very considerate very American pancakes and bacon love pancakes became kid bringing big brand store-bought maple syrup anymore after a mate bought some from Canada I think that's pancakes and doughnuts and muffins including into that thing that we should stop considering them as meals and we should start considering them as desserts and if you want to have dessert for a meal then that's up to you you know here most of you guys to face our dos but normalizing that is a meal I think it's a little silly hopefully because it's the amount of sugar versus anything else and all of them is staggering oh yeah I just have a nice healthy doughnut and then I get an extra large Grande caramel surprise [ __ ] from Caribou oh yeah sure it's 500 calories each so 24 ice I had a full meal in my breakfasts calorie wise and I was mostly sugar and fat sure sure okay yeah but no it's a good breakfast u.s. southern breakfast is unquestionably biscuits and gravy that again that the honesty is on the exact opposite side but but replace tons of sugar for tons of fat right I made that and it's basically you just take a bunch of pork pork sausage you you don't funnel off the fat like you would from like you're you know taco meat when you cook up your ground beef and then you like get rid of the fat that's just cooling at the bottom or like it's like basically like your bacon fat - right nope you throw that right in all of it you just mix some whole milk into the this all the sausage fat and then I cooked down and then it like hardens into a gravy and there you go chaos my tire for months starting through it with the risa blood content keep doing you appreciate that people have Coke for breakfast don't judge hence the word eurasia sorry miss those ely heavy cream milk is too thin I did whole milk and it works great actually I didn't whole milk I made it not that long ago not how you make gravy sis I see hell I'm talking about sausage our biscuits and gravy you literally that's what you do very simple we're also listening to Christmas music you know you may be your standard Thanksgiving gravy you're thinking of and it's not the same thing but um yeah biscuits and gravy nothing healthy about it that's for sure like biscuits are literally just fried butter and then you have whole milk or cream and then sausage fat you literally might as well eat a stick of butter for breakfast and I'm not sitting here saying like you guys are bad and I'm good I used to have pop-tarts for breakfast every day every day and that is not it's not good it's not good I've been to Japan I think you would like Asian breakfasts I have not been at Japan will be a standard Asian breakfast butter almond milk egg you can't do [ __ ] with all milk nor would you want to make an almond milk cream or a gravy coming from someone who can eat straight butter you know discriminating against the gay butter there's a hill variety of small portions of food okay in that very specific butcher bread and butter for the win right now currently I had a lot of peanut butter toast breakfast simple simple its easiest deliciousness that's not even that next to there that healthy person you know use natural peanut butters or you what kind of bread you use it on that dim sum isn't dim sum just like a standard meal sounds like you're just saying I was like Asian food of which I can already guarantee that I do Gino reserved 48 total holy cow dude to think that I was watching you long before I could sub man we've known each other for over 4 years that's pretty crazy pretty crazy you need an Asian gf wink I've had chocolate gravy it's melted Hershey's but it's good on biscuits I would just call it chocolate sauce Chino favorite breakfast go what is your top if you had if I like like let's say that like you're making breakfast for some someone special and there is no concern about cost or health you're gonna do it up and you're gonna spoil this person kind of breakfast we talking I don't know for certain but I you know she knows seems like he [ __ ] some [ __ ] up for breakfast like not like in a good way in a good way this guy breakfasts maybe he pizzas for sure I did get to taste that caviar with a glass of good champagne Cecilie i I've never had just like stray caviar and a lot of weird [ __ ] my day never had caviar straight up pretty pebbles oh hell yeah my magic machine between my legs might be uh something probably sugar heavy since he's a sugar holic like strawberry cream stuffed french toast from IHOP oof eyes got full by hearing that ultimate breakfast sub just see it liquid gold Velveeta kela keyless does it epitome of breakfast I have to actually riding this as I can fly need to eat after that by just making you guys hungry country fried steak biscuits and gravy cheese frittata brioche toast of garlic butter washed down with mimosas told you guys delivered boom Velveeta is liquid tire rubber country fried steak is that like the same thing as chicken-fried steak best consume gravy we're just talking about that cheese frittata I don't know no cheese frittatas brioche toast though okay that does sound good let's see yeah we got punching me punch punch punch punch summoning the gallon goal fight saber the hazmat suits for no status effects on me the gilded Hydra the spaceship friend oh the makeshift Cannon and evolve our bullets makeshift cannon number seven being me like the one shot boss weapon we wouldn't decide which phase of the route to use it on that'd be the biggest of our worries after that does it means no worries for the rest of you should have gotten old mega bullets for the cannon right killing it once dead and in one shot it's not enough yeah phase two I'm thinking the same thing hakuna mccannon pull all the recipes cheese frittata is like a pie and an omelette had a baby then toast cheese on top for a crisp crust oh I'm in I'm in huts did you have a diff table part of this one I did electrical engineering I worked on hard drives a lot of coding I think that people especially with breakfasts like when you're talking about like french toast or any kind of like grilled cheese grilled sandwiches in general anything that you're gonna do with butter lower heats longer times and brown the butter you don't want to just fry it on there you have browned butter that's like one of the most delicious things ever smart boys does you Lee wise words this Chino you burn the butter it's gonna be not good but you brown that butter mmm best okay you guys want the makeshift cannon you're gonna have to pee that's maybe a way into the rat fight and then I'm gonna go tinkle he's just good I like all egg dishes I'm super in four egg dishes egg bakes some of the stuff that my mom makes stuffs like my favorite favorite mom stuff mr. egg bakes but she always over does the butter and bacon and sausage in there and my over dozen I mean make super delicious cheat meal for sure I get some freaking ammo for my hand in here cliven enough right now thank you for that blank buddy that was actually really helpful plugging it up right now with my starting weapon hide the poll please and do oh you guys are people watching too much bacon doesn't exist well the four months total without a Pavich want to say thank you for cussing being a beacon of humor they had bacon and a penis my sister tested positive for coronaviruses boring either watching her visit to feel better all best of luck with that I think most people are able to get through it some people with varying degrees of medical nurse intervention so hopefully you know you get everything you need and then don't catch it yourself stop that [ __ ] from spreading right of course you probably know all of this where are you where it's 4 a.m. Asia I'm watching YouTube into the guns room for so long I love this game and you do the best enter the gungeon stream it's the kind words friendo Elvis's favorite sandwiches fried peanut butter and banana I get down on that sandwich I will not get down in a Monte Cristo though I'm not vibing it you know what I think you could last for a little bit here the bats my bad my bad spot there just get through it oh my [ __ ] god this super jump rope [ __ ] I hate that so much if you're strafing around them half the time he'll just spawn it inside of you money crystal must be eaten with raspberry jam they counteracts the bitters and savouries it also has to be a tiny bit overcooked chorizo bacon eggs red onions mushrooms fresh tomato ingredients for an omelet from heaven that went better Balon better than last time fight me you coward shoulda waited to get him on a punch I wanted to be able to do it ya see I got him the second place just by getting that you lunar bits with a novel can't read that right now I'm distracted ah I've never done so poorly in dungeon in my life this is horrible so what what clubs feel like mama can't pause the game we got one super off he also stole your Casey what do you mean over did it again overextended dude dude buddy I bought out BiPAP we got void shotgun it works synergizes with a cannon shotgun full of hate that's like the 75th time we've seen that this month this whole thing synergizes with what hate is power Casey Casey careful iteration what is that the spikes yeah okay Casey's way better now yeah cool Oh reload stone I don't know if I really care but sure but sure let's go ahead and use it right now not like we're not gonna get animal in the next floor but Sir volume of been tense of gifts well the hot spot village thank you your grace appreciate that let me know when you have wheel next week let me help you work out hahaha will do you li joey gunz pan harper capitalize kashi sensei cal suffers Calcifer yeah is there a graceful moonlight blade yokai moo egg shaft nerd has puns gotta get that sub hello an owl and a lanois out anyway maybe some like that any fakers in here I took these two that pisses me off two more days any plans for the big day has that terraria time oh no 30th birthday what year is it 30th birthday any big plans to the big day um online stuff with friends probably probably 30th birthday coming up you guys in two days we're just gonna go we skip down to the next floor it now more chest the better I'm to the age right now where like it doesn't even faze me I don't get excited pre-birthday yeah xxx enjoy it brother 30 is the new 20 we got number one we'll call fight Sabre number two we'll call something chamber six chamber increases cool in this proportional to the amount of cursor that I have I don't have very much this is the strafe gun this is the orbiting bullets that's the Kobalt hammer I think that's the hungry bullets that's a rad gun net screen Google on stone we don't really need coolness we don't have an active item think about that you guys voting for number two literally will do nothing thoughts are you happy with life I'm pretty happy with life I'm not exactly happy with my time management but I'm bouncing back I'd say I'm bouncing back hungry bullets pretty okay fight Sabre top notch strafe guns not even bad oh you know what I said I was gonna go pee I'm gonna do it now what prompted the tattoo existential dread see he'll Abram hunter beds happy early birthday thank you for that I'm gonna try to work out some way that I can get a stream in it probably be early on Saturday you guys probably early number six you guys want hungry bulla it's not bad it's not bad at all so we got more guns now this is exciting fire it at the sucker so the void core cannon will fire when I reload so if I just shoot one free load shoot once reload we're talking pretty saucy here free free void core doesn't use ammo look at that razor-sharp blast it 12 you with a thousand bits think if that's just playing classic board games with her like mousetrap sorry clue and risk there's more but a lot more and here's early birthday money across Akane's real playing those played a lot of life to me thanks sir a vial of fans that they get to sub is it vile a servile serveth playing a runescape all I have left is paradise gunslinger run killed a rat and kill the robot pass plus give all the BA holster weapons I don't even know how to give the balls for up into the holster like the chance of getting those guns and then being able to give them to the thing how many runs you got to do serval praise the shop wah-pah pop up up up up up up but never played runescape never played it I got the ability to play it not my fault sounds like a game I would have enjoyed back in the day and now I don't have any kind of nostalgic effects pulling me through that game so razor razor sharp razor right sir I could totally do this I won't get a prize though just money out down the drain I can fly though so excuse me doo dee dee but that baby to be but he be but uh Oh still missed but papa bouba buppa buppa buppa buppa buppa buppa buppa left how long is this game well this is a very long game considering the fact that we got cloned so we died and it brought us back to life in the first floor normal run they'll probably be in like 45 minutes to an hour and that's you know it's your first time playing in which case that I spent about five minutes up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up razor sharp [ __ ] off and pop up about nothing how many moderators do you have all of them every one of the ones that are madres or moderators whether or not more than 1 less than 25 million how many are there for real you guys ever do a head count guess we got that we had to separate probably active versus inactive like razors are razor 10 a lot of stuff flying at me wowsers they roll the g20 an at 2080 enroll ID I mean you technically did he is a d20 that he then rolled and got in at 20 made myself a good reliable Midwestern boys as you Lee even coming on strip coming up pretty strong pretty strong for what says love you freak entertainments I'm still getting the vibe that you're gonna lock me in your basement I'm still getting a vibe I need you for entertainment boy next question is how soft is your skin I just got here sup Hamburglar supple indeed okay on the stop now weird bad taste in my mouth I don't see the appeal to us Midwestern boys over any other type of boy it's the accent Cisco Varys then we have like a super lame boring accent though should we throw in some sauce and try to get some sauce back maybe I'm not gonna use this it's a good though that does that get rid of our KC it does it gets rid of our KC bang synergy it's the word I was looking for Hammer hammer is pretty good what do think of the Baltimore accent ah that one cough and you lead Maiden how often do legend maidens spawn so I can finish the challenge very often I'd say probably get like three per run I do actually Hut's you do can pass for Canadian Chris Minnesota is like literally on the border some people in Minnesota that have thicker Canadian accents and Canadians oh yeah don't you know do you pitch yeah oh yeah it's talking to Eddie ordered a turn use a munch and a bagel I said hey yeah you gotta sell your book you bet you dare so I went back to my wife Linda as bagel you mentioned the but not me what if I'm all with butts who's talking about butts what if I drop my KC form what is it again it's like two junks and a master round use you is too rich for chat rules 12d have you forgotten the full gun night armour legit before just curious I don't think I have no I don't think I have went went went want want want went huh we got the gungeon it's a very fast firing good weapon that'll be number one number two will be blank bullets have a chance to shoot a blank out as a bullet number three is the holy grail flight they thinking Kirstin something something and maybe a some other stuff I don't know multi or transactional gun micro transactional so what I'm trying to say you Lee with twenty gifted subs wonderful wonderful wonderful trying really hard to get me into use basement kind of working number four let's hear one two three four five and the bottom here would be this like the Skelly boy gun reshoot skulls and then you switch it over it shoots a laser I think that's the one let's do number six here as the 666 become or coolness of more curse we have and we just dumped then the stupid ball this dumb is seven and then eight being the dumb other dumb thing the dumb that's the synergies this jet inator what's the synergy the six six six it wouldn't surprise me since it's like the 75th time that we've seen it blank bullets would be top-notch Gunjan would be top-notch she'll a gun I'm 90% with Shelly boy oh you probably right you're probably right on that one save and find it no luck so far you leave with 20 more sucks what are we at right now that cannot be the updated number can it be Thank You uly4 the 20 more subs appreciate that you Lea will own your channels Disney hawk goodness gracious great balls of fire that's like too many names even read off you li get them the brook boys dude the gifted subs solo hype train geez we are level 3 of I've trained you hots gaming presented by Yu Lee I'm trying to find the skeleton gun yeah I'm just gonna type Skelly yeah yeah does not list synergies here on Gunjan god unfortunately so what do you guys want number two number two we blank bullets I am down with that I'm in I'm still in for that now word from our sponsor you Lee so well they gifted a sub to pew pew laser cats wonderful look at it look at how many Bullock's we shoot out chances for blanks to come out or Amos inescapable can't run from this I'm good for boss is for sure top-notch that's why it gives you a curse though you know it's good when they curse you for taking it it's too good I just took damage from something I don't even know what love you all you guys are very friendly chats unescapable or a new double in a man damn it a bit of it oh I'm sorry light and then a bit of lip to go one more time in a boat over empty already it's smoked on picture six is out of my face and come in with more nines ha ha ha two beds I'm lucid Bora Brunei has been going well thanks for putting out such great content thank you for watching it Aaron go Yuli with ten sub it's okay you guys usually is slowing down we come out of hiding ten more subs Santa Claus who gave a gifted sub to Santa Claus and twitchtv twitch also house rule and Jesus you Lee calm down chef's nice but they're not that nice the fifty sub gift nice and let's be honest getting via alpha pika chicka with a hundred bits thank you for that some of that fish looking dude doesn't look like a Maury robot that's not my I better storm quick oh Jesus let's see yeah you ready to mess up the boss could use some more ammo but we'll be fine basically just purpose play a little house on dodgeball basically just wasting my shotgun shots to just get more cannon should be sucking up my active item as a way to not get shot here I can activate it and I can suck out bullets instead of getting hit by them w10 mrs. white I've never seen this this is part of the last expansion I gotta go with my makeshift here part of the RNG Department but yeah uh RNG Department pretty simple now the fact that they gave voice lines is jarring how does unique enemies namo Nava ton not sure nope punchy punch punch punch punch punch superhot watch RC rockets chaos a mullet the super alderman ender finishing laser doom blood bridge trident animal sympathizer there's got to be a synergy with the punch why else would have show up every time that item like every single time I have a rainbow chest the punch is in there it's at the wind gutter no that's the sprung gun what is that guy called it was something we need to upgrade right the particulate err no I remember what it is the turbo gun no who knows what the name of that thing the Gunder fury bug under fury gains experience with every kill which persists between different runs even after death max level is 60 and I think that's level 60 Gunder fury pretty sure yeah gunner fury ganz got it the bottom one number five there's bits pick a number between 1 and 50 Oh what's up did 4949 Gunder fury the gun of gun craft way let's um yeah no this is good yeah see pretty good okay yeah you know okay better look at that man we are officially unstoppable it's only subpar destroys planets I just wish I could destroy universes as simple as that right didn't even know how small of planet is compared to the universe very small negligible Oh awesome I'm glad I touch Ozai number 49 to tilt a pie thank you football as well haven't heard from you in a while just wish I could destroy the universe's House gaming 2020 I'm gonna run for president that's gonna be my platform actually like people people yeah sure free out there and all this stuff sure sure sure but Death Star real life anyone want to see that [ __ ] quietly it's all boats I'm gonna I'll count that 49 is glasses good guy what you'd expect I'll count the glasses six donations of infinity destroys half the subs in a hot minute and all this new friends I need that the blue bandana is what I need the Drupal is your ammo out of that amp game go last night's Invicta everything you dreamed it could be ooh here we go orangey um I'm actually just gonna bring it up right now so I can just tell you what it is right when we get it I mean I might be able to tell based off of our stat changes but guns and shrines are like one of the top things up there there we go it's good it's rough around the edges but a game is fun it had like overwhelmingly positive reviews when I looked it up and you were mentioning it Rotom Owens Rob Plus renewed nothing that's like all my money robbed robbed robbed robbed I don't even see Rob down here Rob removes 25 to 100 percent of your money and renewed and what I don't think I can scroll over that far it's been a pain renewed bolsters event fee will have no effect on the robot okay well what is it though renewed restores a random amount of health that's super lame unbelievable pretty fun if you like base building or ever like sim ant got my ass kicked by three random jumping spiders that came out of nowhere when I went outside they ate all of my workers rip super rip have you ever played dungeons I was not worth it by the way guys we had full health it was a deal and I got what was it dungeons for let me let me look it up dungeons three I got dungeons three it reminds me a lot of that ant game that you were playing and let's see your store page what's the rating on this thing very positive there was a one that I played before this and it was similar but this looks way more intense but you know basically the same thing is the ant game it's set for you know it's supposed to be funny and got like demon monsters and like you're supposed to be like an evil guy and I got I got this for like dollars like like pennies almost because there was a sale a couple weeks ago actually looks interesting it looks super intense but yeah how many how many is there there's like a bunch of different dungeons yeah look at this dungeons bundle look at this bundle dungeons one expansion expansion dungeons two expansion expansions expansion dungeons three expansion span shins Panchen expansion expansion expansion expansion expansion soundtrack damn like it's if you want to dive into that goes deep as you want right there holy DLC I know five bucks each so I wonder like how much you're really good with Egypt that would right a camel pretty much shoot I need some more gun guns I traded my guns away I'll get hit there my name is see that guy I was standing inside of me so much going on right now I can't see what's what's happening even how do you guys see what's happening I'm trying to think of the name of the one but I thought I got into a while ago but it was pretty simplistic maybe it was dungeons one but Dominator two months back with twitch pride and I really appreciate that thank you did you play a hollow night Julie did I play all a night oh boy got news for you I was like the first one the scene with Halle night Dave release smash that game oof mama loved every second of it even all the raging I don't like super intense boss fights like that but the game itself made it so worth it to make it through the boss fights so I could keep playing it keep exploring the absolutely beautiful atmospheric environment stuff man I'll check it out got a record looks interesting dungeons are hollow night they had record so good luck you know all that cooking cocoa on holiday is phenomenal let's see here silk song when no little bump I'm a little bummed about the but it was free the free DLCs for all night I wasn't able to get into like basically any of them at that last one that was like just nothing but boss rush that was the worst part of the game in my opinion hell if I'm gonna sit there and bash through all the bosses telling a good game [ __ ] community I said it I don't know enough about it and don't don't jump into any the same places as a community I guess like as a lot of the main youtubers say cult like I don't know much about it I couldn't speak accurately you got smashed never had bigger problems with back seating on any game that I did with hollow night I could see that it was super cool when I was playing it I don't know when you played it by the way so then maybe this was just me but people didn't even know it existed at that point in time and it was such a positive response that I got everyone's like oh my god dude more like I need more more more more MORE everyone's like everyday like are you more more episodes more episodes more episodes I ended up dropping pretty much everything at that point in time and played nothing but hollow night for until I like got decently far through the to the game self promo I'm gonna ask him Paula Knight let's play was great all other persons I've got it generally poha to come to somebody else's Channel and then just you know especially before you know that person and announce your channel self promo what she wanted me to reload here but I mean I was talking to Invicta about this same very thing there was a time when I didn't know the rules so this is not me trying to tell you you're a bad person more so saying hey you are unaware of these unspoken rules then be it zero we're to find the seeker oh we did it had the gun gun muncher and we honestly we really don't need a full clear there's no reason for us to but I would like to buy some ammo maybe we'll come back and we'll get will refill and make shifts let the ammo post boss though intents I'm here to promote huts and my and my dining Quran what's a done gone oh your dungeon where you want to lock me up you're a bad person and should burn in hell for being such a bad person I said it let's please walk my dog for me I think he's kidding I think he's kidding maybe maybe not though I can't tell HUD said it put words in the mouth for Gunder fury let's go grundle theory me hell hath no fury like huts grundle I think we're doing too much damage I'll take some of those bullets fell back as animal thank you I wonder if I doubt that I can use that to soak up ammo for my makeshift cannon right that would even make sense okay good luck with the urn Hut see you later urn how'd you kill this the final block does this game end the game does not ever end true facts you know what why don't we try to soak up some ammo right now for this it does work it refills okay you didn't die from a level fifty Gunder fury you are full of [ __ ] there's some sort of damage cap thing happening right now I mean there is there is a damage cap we know this makeshift cannon being the only one of the two weapons that can break that damage cap he'd be dead for sure what you think about eggs to the gungeon huts a really cool idea the fact that was locked to Apple arcade no and then the fact that they released it on Steam instead of just releasing it for phones no don't it's it's a little too hard it's too much to run on a phone and it's too little to want me to make me want to play that instead of enter the gungeon can you just make me another really cool end to the gungeon deal see please because that would be a hundred times better Bryl twelve months went up the holy thugs spent an entire year and i'm what you're what you got cut off but spelunky nope it's all my list though boxing-glove breaks the damage cap okay still think of this [ __ ] though I'm really excited about the fact that I can reload this by using my active item that we've just been ignoring so I guess Gunder fury gets the yam a box spelunky is tough as nails I was thinking about possibly reaching out to bear taffy because I know that he just absolutely loves that game and having him do like a coach Hut's session because I have never even worked so I've never even spoken to bear taffy but I've watched him quite a few times and I'm a fan I think he's a cool dude I've knocked in hotline Miami that type of game turns me off which guns sprayed the damage cap it is makeshift cannon and the yari launcher yari launcher would be the one done renovating for the day happy you're still streaming want to renovate my place this is looking really hard analysis you li nah this is the easy part it's all downhill from here gun bow the ammo blue bandana heroes Spandana I think COBOL hammer or Bert bullets the super meatboy launcher cop grenade launcher and pig looks weird were there two cops on there haha get it see you two did there it would be a good choice the problem there though is that it doesn't give me filled ammo until I get a new weapon but do you recommend buying curse of the dead gods or would you wait till the game releases fully its it's a little punishing and slow-moving for me and it's repetitive but if you like that style like I'm no longer playing dead cells and I would say that curse the dead God's is like an isometric dead cells is how I would describe it if that gets you going then then pick it up for sure so now 2160 ammo but still only have 540 of it should try arc sometime I own arc personally love dead cells including the latest DLC dead cells the best part about dead cells in my opinion was how good and fluid the combat felt and it made you feel really really good for mastering it oh gosh these guys in the wall and seeing this tool some dudes I blend into the wall and then they come out you get near them they get me like everytime mushroom boy is so good a lot of room for improvement in dead cells is Renaud I think what they mean pretty complete package good that's fairly my style and it got to the point where I didn't want to play it to get good at it as much as I needed to to stream it I just kept going into that clock tower and then dying in the game the clock tower and dying and I I couldn't even live long enough to figure out attack patterns and it took me like an hour to get there I was like oh crush man but I think I would like to play at some point in time I would like to play more dead cells I'd like to play more skull I'd like to play more done greed oh the knock back is crazy on this thing - there's linking up around I can't tell where they go which look at on-screen his games need players & player improvements which means you have to be invested in them yes absolutely dungeons also beat one of those games but it came out at the right time I think I think timing had a lot to do it I mean it's a fantastic game it's very simple it's very I'd say it's pretty clean it's not confusing at all but also came at a time when I was looking for a new game to play where's like right now I feel like I'm just so overloaded that like maybe four not for sure but done greed could have been a bigger hit I could have taken it more seriously I could have gotten better at it I could have learned all the ins and outs of the game but it's just it's a bad time I don't have that kind of time right now now I thought people breathing down my neck saying hey you should to be playing more of this and that and this and that and this and that this and this all while I'm like yeah I really actually want to be doing this over here at that over there I don't want to do that game I'm gonna do a game I live this all of these things going in a different direction than what I'm actually planning and specialize in all roguelikes there's so many have so many so many I mean that ends up working out for me in the way of like there's so many coming out so I'm actually getting a lot of sponsorships and it allows me the chance to try them first and if I really like it I can be the first one on the scene and get good at it and also I can you know q you guys in on new games so make extra money on the side but phenomenal it sounds like win-win-win to me most of these games that I take small sips were I don't know if I'm gonna like ever not I didn't know about gonna like all in I don't know it was a total chance wasn't even the same as John Mraz I play ended up being one of my favorite and most loved series crypt of the necrodancer I I don't see myself spending time to get good at that game so I'll probably not know unless it just one day dawns on me that I want to play it could happen for the king I tried it it's not for me I've played enough games like that that I like better so I can't do it listen general here's a my magic 2 & 3 top games you lean you ever played Diablo I did super into Diablo 2 I played a lot of it but at that time oh did I not reload this I did oh shoot I should have reloaded into full crap hello Diablo 3 I picked it up I played it a little bit and was like this doesn't enjoy it doesn't interest me and I didn't grip me maybe if I have like friends that we're playing it and add more time and literally played it for 10 minutes and then never again that's it's bad on 2fast form that's supposed to be able to cut up a deal the reload spear this thing is pretty amazing owning this [ __ ] sack of doom so reload there by using my reload stone pretty handy thing it sucks in enemy bullets and converts to my ammo my active item does right maybe get my gun derp fury closer to full for when we hit the boss seeker on this just found as well we done with this room yeah um we could totally put some guns into this chest but we're a little light we're a little light not too concerned reduces your reload speed no no this thing is reloading so quick oh here we are well here we are I should let her know we need to get that thing charged up I need to suck up so I need to for makeshift [ __ ] I totally forgot we could have put four in this [ __ ] guys we can do this easy to the end follow you Hydra near I saw that I wouldn't mind getting into some sort of like factorio or like factory town Hydra near but I just can't find one that seems like it's got the whole package nuke seven months almost about baby love the content keep up the fantastic work appreciate it satisfactory yeah I want it I want to get one that doesn't look like a pile of [ __ ] factorial just looks like balls I didn't play slime Rancher I actually put that on my youtube channel less satisfactory satisfactory okay so that that one looks good I want it I want it to have some graphics I don't want it to look like poopoo Oh screaming out yet that's this is really access all right do it it's on Epic Games there you go is it good it's the same thing with rim world I found out the the reason that rim roll didn't fit me is because there we go for two o'clock thunderfury me in vain because it was just like a rapid for [ __ ] mate controller for this twin stick shooters need twin sticks lethal League blaze fighting game with unique baseball centered mechanics I'm not into fighting games and I'm not into baseball so you might have lost me dude this reload stone recharges with all the damage that I do with this gun I could recharge and I could have just used this per room I just use this per room I could have suspend spamming this damn especially if we would have taken a 6 chamber no sorry sir but no lethal League blazes hog all right oh no I never thought about putting those two things together reload some blue bandana makeshift cannon is great combo even if it takes me two rooms or recharge it to fall easy easy easy and just like that we're done I told you this is the easy part
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 16,702
Rating: 4.9156628 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: BmNtqTMvT2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 47sec (10967 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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