Rainbow Polling - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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I'm game we should check I'm always down for the the good boy though let's check if it's rainbow are you ready for a rainbow run [ __ ] yeah and we got polling up and running should be working you guys gonna type 1 to 8 in the chat and that is going to be how you pick the item that you would like me to take 1 being the one due north and then it goes around other way for you guys it's gonna reverse for me so it's 1 2 3 4 and so forth and so forth kind of like a clock but not really because clock goes to 12 let me donate dad fan fanatic I'm not stopping you I say flow from below bedrock 16 months no cuz it just showed up right now what's going on but happy to see you on the horse almond horse so on that horse ladies all right you guys there's your options what is it sling could you move alpha bullets don't remember that's called but it's like cool I think maybe red goo on stone I think possibly the boxer thing that sprung the deckard charmed horn something like that I don't know everything by heart when we played this seven thousand times hey you guys still see everything it's kind of cutting off the right gun I'm sorry let me see if I can maybe make that pole a little bit smaller because it's gonna come it's gonna get in the way like every time where's the pole which one is it though no it's this one all right that's a little bit better you could probably crop it down even more than Napoli yeah whatever it's that's fine can you guys still read that it's just a couple numbers it's not that hard who did some stuff and things phantom five months welcome back zel praiano asks what's your favorite game on Nintendo DS if you had one if not too bad love you Hut's d us goodness was Phantom Hourglass - yes waiting is hard okay all right let's let's do this let's cut this off at number three you guys want this weird gun you can't even see the particulate err sure I mean I'm fine with starting off with a gun let's do this oh that's right it splits up into a bunch of tiny other guys most exciting thing I've ever seen in my entire life but it's not bad um I'm I get it okay so should we make a rule that I have to use this until it runs out of ammo who's that that's something I got a nice thing dad cat last of my bits thank you Phantom Hourglass was great and it was on D s table for the boss I mean like that would be the safe bed right but like I could just keep using the gun that you guys pick until I can't no more no no no yes yes scramblers better make a pole do a pole yes dunno I hope when he comes first on goals we just got done with like a 10 minute snuggle session I think I'm seeing more nose than yeses don't you break my own [ __ ] water just give birth right now I don't even want to like a chance missing this guy more shields you get pets if you dig some stuff up Carl just saying okay let's start off with little pet that's a little taste of what's to come if you give me more you got to give motivation you know positive reinforcement sexy tear to supper mattress Murdoch 18 months woohoo been a while since I got a stream welcome back loving I saw those 15 bits try to slip in there how's it going chat wait you could buy the dog where have you been get off screen packs hello here himself though what's up fling and shoot at me what is this what is this extra flank back though anyone else with the elgato disconnection for a frame that happens sometimes I don't know why that is ever since I upgraded to the 4k 60 yeah I don't know how to solve it right like it's so intermittent that it's yeah yeah I'm gonna go into the code or some [ __ ] I hate the chain Gunners flinging their [ __ ] item and uh just normal Zelda - goodbye a key but is there really a use for it if I'm not gonna get any chests cuz rainbow Polling rainbow specifically all the chests are done so they don't give me anything you don't get items from anybody anywhere just rainbow [Music] see see what I mean there it is funds hunter bits so there was a physician in ancient Greece named sore anus he was a decent doctor but all his weird medicines would give you a sore anus thanks to the [ __ ] huh Wow sip that melt off Oh one key scene to the secret floor yeah I know you're not wrong you want have to be a regent for jokes with you nerd it was once a doctor named the sore back broken foot whenever he got treated by him you got leukemia Stoneking prime sub what is up welcome makes this shit's - - [ __ ] [ __ ] we got a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] they're like the most adorable thing ever well let's not [ __ ] on the rest of them special bits for what is it one hundred five hundred thousand it's not like that five hundred comma thousand not five hundred thousand yeah just donate five hundred thousand bits and then you'll be able to see it like it's not really that big of a deal you guys life saving his life savings fantastic looking mug where'd you find that I got this in Thailand actually at the what was it it was a museum and I don't think was Chiang Mai I think it was a museum in Bangkok it was actually a fantastic museum I liked it a lot my god that was a keepsake it was pricey compared to everything their wisdom teeth pulled yesterday glad I got to rest and recover with some hot stream we're all dudes breath we're all bridge to dude why am I not using the particulate er I'm particularly interested in the particulate this is still smoke to us arrange in distance it's kind of like the mass shotgun except for if you're too close to them it still splits now main nine hundred bits sad parts or anus or honest was really a physician in ancient Greece he was pretty wacky but popular enough to be recorded so this is you nerd and your joke you ignore my five Donal where Oh five bits for sure Karl's best dog and Gunjan Karl Weezer's best character in Jimmy Neutron what about call the llama he can't forget about like the most important people here I'm offended that you didn't remember the llama Karl we're done professionally actually how did you got so good a done B practice much should we just head on to the next floor then yeah absolutely what's up Jan Weezer's best night he's alternative bad ah they're still making music there are now banned call that music all right you guys here goes 1 through 8 up to you boink put that on screen and voila my god thing we got cloned shotgun of hates we got what does that the blob like bullets won't fantastic the glaive interesting hip holster boxy punchy boy phone bomb atom nuclear calling phone line thing someone should just do like a literal item names in this that'd probably be easier to remember green sticky boy smokey can smoky blue can of Bud Light starfish Skelly Scully gun pocket [ __ ] know what guys you're disgusting that's it's that's not that's not what you're gonna put in there that's not what your whole string do it no balls sis hurts oh you guys want yeah I know which one you want I know which one you want you want the green sticky boy that escalated quickly hey [ __ ] shark pussycat put you out of the gutter oh Jesus this is the worst I hate this with the passion this room can poop poop on the floor you know crowded supermarket and get all embarrassed and [ __ ] and be like ah I pooped on the floor so embarrassed about it else you're a genius like meeting you just a sit well I would have told the chemistry joke but I wouldn't have gotten a reaction my face suddenly heard I don't know why why don't you go to doctor saw Reynes ha nothing like a good pirate laughs yar already her where is that an Irishman can you have Irish pirates we call it that crocodile Donovan hey hey I know I did bribe you with pets I'm just saying I'm just saying I offered pets and then gave you a free taste of the pets and you still haven't paid me so think about it dad can under bits what's up lucky Channel can't spell though I love your Chanel you like my Chanel number for my clone rigatoni monster asks do gamers deserve rights or no no or no shut the hell up on a clock this isn't doing it for me right here whoo I almost walked into that bullet so focus on the enemies can I trouble you for a warm glass of milk shut the hell up Hermione up you missed him digging up something last boss hots what where when did he was he a good boy and I didn't realize it was he best boy and I don't let it go to waste timing timing timing you guys did you see that there's an it'll do update it'll do two is now it'll do two plus we got to check it out right what is like a [ __ ] random game though to like actually take off on my channel I mean like maybe it's not it's like kinda I don't know I've done puzzle games before it's a pretty yes wolf guys I'm glad you picked the Huntress she doesn't need any keys cuz she can open anything by using her korg key thanks to the bits but there's the door no I'm kidding you can stay a little look a little longer Sarah and what's up 40 months No stop it stop it you knock it off you're making everyone else look bad get out so predictable stiff it goes get fresh dude get fresh my guy says potato I didn't say you have to go back to all potatoes must stay this is tight though wow that was real tight what it was dodge rolling everyone saw it literally everybody in the world saw everybody clap your hands well everybody in the world [ __ ] saw that I was in the middle of the dodge roll when I got hit there I don't even like you can't lie to me game like literally everyone everyone was watching I didn't see anything she's male top 12 months in a row which Alves welcome back appreciate that too full year and 13 months a one-upper over here bridge 2 per catch ow oh wow Kabam now that was fair dodge rolls perfectly game no well yes but technically no game Paks back game slap 42 in a row I'm sorry games thought that I haven't gotten to this stuff let's see here what am i doing tonight do I have the ability to set that back up tonight I do believe I yeah and then like the whole thing where I was gonna like maybe take a picture or draw the tattoo design stop give me business so [ __ ] you now that one was fair I mean the hit was fair the room layout itself like [ __ ] you I don't think I've ever come through this side of this room they've surrounded me perfectly I wasn't anywhere to go should have changed to my particular I guess number yeah you just click a button tiny makes you get two buttons is for you you gotta send it 27 months for a phase-out hello there babe BAM Brett fav give me Minnesota Vikings Brett Favre general Kenobi you put a pole on screaming the time is appropriate I could do it right now if I wanted to I mean doing it whenever I want to but farm boy one of you can madness with the tattooed drawing might be better since it's a wraparound image yeah I know I agree I'm thinking about like how I'm gonna draw it I'm gonna try to take a picture of it and then try to trace it off of a plug-in picture how do you guys drought a draw how would you copy over a wraparound arm tattoo put wrap a piece of paper around it and trace it tracing paper and end up just stabbing myself put it on paper and then roll the paper wall scroll the paper bruh you're not using your paper for writing but for rolling do please I had to go see a Steve very carefully too much power any questions unstoppable cow how much time do you have in gungeon 4 22 3 oh what an idiot Oh two idiots I grew up in a whole pile of all blasted pile idiot three keys no cocoa twelve months full year hey dad thanks for making me smile every day you make life a lot easier PS just got my butt baby shirt it's amazing material and everybody and everybody should buy Hutt's merch thank you Oh lo Coco I couldn't have written it better myself everybody should buy hot shirts or sweatshirts or poster or a mug I will totally get that mug how much is it I don't know go to the website and look at it and you tell me announce it in chat let's get some numbers let's speaks numbers right now okay you me that was no throw that whole joke away what do you call a hand that counts her eggs a mathematician autumn sky Chaser hundred piston speaking of merge have you ever considered creating stickers buttons best luck in the run I think I could totally do that in the website does that me to be interested in letting do it already posted link hand out the anymore level I'll get it if my card worked it has to be a credit card not a playing card first of all a [ __ ] you're right that's all works then go to a building school sorry about their cards and [ __ ] tree fitty I looked down at the corner of my eye that's a thought that said titty and I was like over here how to ban a mod thunder bits what's a corn farmers favorite dog a husky hey well that one actually made sense although I've made it when I've signed anyone's titty of any gender what secrets at least it's not a chest that I feel like sit still while I open not that I would have to open it anyways because like that's not how this goes rainbow mode I don't think I'm close enough that was toasty I felt the heat can you feel it yeah I just told you that I felt yes I can feel it yeah alright yeah stop screaming at me woman I unlocked KC is it good nope it's the best what's this thing reloaded faster they just keep circling around if I oh that was perfectly time expertly time even if I miss her he's not there they just kind of circles around on the trace a good little bullet I thought my Corgi with the best voice turns out my bullets were too easy brain says no my heart says yes a mind is telling me no but my body heat body's telling me eh eh I have all this money and nothing to buy red key in Explorer oh snap I miss anything engine JK 47 is best yeah poll is up and running chest is open that we got lowercase our blank bullets the big shotgun potion of lead skin then the zorg gun I think it's called orange go on stone rattler chaos a mullet I think maybe or maybe it's a frost a moment I don't like under bites nerd want to know the best number of beans 239 one more and you'd be too far T I'm not laughing I just smile when I'm in pain the Anders Johnson are the fenders two months big shotgun though I'm sorry you guys can't see the whole pole let me scroll down for you not that it matters we all know that two is gonna win that pun hurt my head Sarat sure yeah I'm smiling right now and I'm in pain you guys want number two it's over it's over give me the blank bullets at some point in time though I would like to get more guns what the particulate ur shoots a blank no blank bullets blank bullets that we just got get a remember I don't know what they do right to offer something to them lady of a giant dick on your forehead she's got the big ol little dragon big old dragon D it's up her best time for kebab euros what does this do it what I don't remember what they do to the three witches crazy rare rooms is autumn sky chaser BRB what are the witches do man you need to give weapons dispenser trade he going to get a gun that's what I was thinking but I don't really I don't want to give him the particular I give him the giving them the best weapon I'll look it up guns in witches squinty beaky and hunchy known as the witches are NPCs IP that can be encountered in secret rooms in the gungeon they allow a player to exchange a gun for a different gun and to curse the new gun will either be the same quality or one quality higher than the gun given so this is like real bad quality the crossbow I'll just get [ __ ] and to curse if I give them the particulate err to at least give me something popping back maybe well what do we have here berry-berry what are that do you have something for our pot yes thicknose sploosh the gunship hey bro give me a double fish give me some double fish with this blank bullets oh this is gonna be spicy double veg I'm talking double bashir or potion a gun friendship or the thing that gives me x for ammo the blue thing games over use up the ammo first gonna make the boss is like really fun so play what's going on here hundred bits from Feingold will you do my old guns near challenge after this I can't guarantee in vain thine gold I was looking today and I saw a couple guns in challenges up there at the top on top of cow what are you missing in the ammo nomicon stopping things maybe a couple of guns shouting if you see the invisible ones Rubenstein's monster I don't like it that again it's like that's maybe it for guns and then there's like some enemies that I haven't seen yet or something maybe some items it's hard to tell which ones are like grayed out question mark here we don't even know what that is unknown and we looked it up last time and I don't remember what it was and well a table text shotgun some of these though I don't need them to get the finished gun there was one thing that I had to do the Ruby Diamond thing Oh was it like finds the Ruby dying guns both of them sorry bud sorry Chino 38 what's up over three years Jebus Xmas Batman sup Chino how's it going out band five months sadly I'm working and can't stick around but I hope you're doing well I am do and have fun doing whatever you're doing three away from completion no chest drop though a cut the dogs did he just dig something up let me call mosh dude 32 what's up crazy man that's pretty crazy isn't it he found you a heart didn't need it but I still appreciate you you're trying and that's what counts get demolished if I can go ahead and find that crest room though they'd be nice I'd like that Hamill left in this thing both humming the boss fight please [Applause] you know what actually would be good an a Mollet wolf god hunter [ __ ] you know that electric cars can't drift they can only do Electric Slide this is my life so my bits I'm sorry I cannot continue rip Shino under bits Hut's opens a can of worms how am i doing I'm okay trying to get professional help I had to quit my job due to anxiety wrecking me my day and my sleep my panic attacks crushing my swords and that you know chilling that's rough dude that's rough just kind of like out of the blue or like related to something not that like you know it has to be out of the blue people struggle with that with anxiety all the time wit if it didn't happen because of the specific reason not what I mean repost if you eat ass I've been struggling lately but it's not anxiety it's my energy levels have been just zip I'm not even tired though that's what's the weird thing if I could just go to bed and be feel better wish brain chemistry + anxiety hulking out for reasons that are unclear to me I'll help you get to the bottom of that if there is a bottom three bottoms that was not meant to be dirty more iron Utz more iron huh ever in vitamin D deficiency I know a couple people that have been struggling with that you got to like get all at the things out of the way right well I'm gonna I'm trying exercise I've been running lately I'm gonna try some vitamin D what else Feingold's just so you know the challenge is to become the gun Knight Souls you use all the armor and the shovel and do the Stu speedrun that sounds like fun I've never gotten the gun night resume got a goat nits seems incredibly difficult to do that I have plenty of D for those who are deficient yep yes officer that that's the guy yep right there yep it was this comment very good for me what a waste of good ammo crest room though could be could be needs denied via for ya there did we find a secret room we did it was the witches but could there be - okay - secret rooms because the witches don't count maybe possibly I like getting fun run challenges grab onto your ankles and pray for no tearing because Lube only helps so much FBI it's escalated I need you now that helps it was requested sis Gino I told you to kill me would you kill me like a spineless little noodle hello CIA once the next time you will play nuclear throne I have no idea I'm struggling to keep up with anything at all don't have an answer for the next time anything the worst part of this guy is not a seat seeking rocket children you gotta guys multiple things time where someone you don't even know he did it risk of rain - it was an update ability to deal I still to plant an ultra patreon night if there's a any left what about down well we beat down well on stream and I'm proud of it that's good enough for me ah we bought the Radke we should be pretty set to go right bee bop Boop up a deep and a Boop bop beep bop Boop bop Boop bop that's what this link sounds like roughly give or take a few B pops vote away cold 45 damage down and damage up back yerzy down Morningstar random bullets I think the gun the the Boyd Marshall what is that stronger dog Oh or a Gunny or airstrike no the Supply Drop I think maybe possibly I don't [ __ ] no I don't want the Morningstar to be honest huge pain in the ass to use I don't like it do you watch markiplier dog if he asked his latest risk of rain to bid markiplier did a risk of rain too I have not watched my choir now on a hot minute let me go to this channel right now and see what's up I completely broke this game is that the one this is how I feel right now Pogo stuck risk of rain one shot everything I did it all was he playing on easy mode and play donate easy mode didn't know everybody my name is markiplier he was playing this terrain - that's good yeah neat neat did you light mode back to the voting you guys I don't want a Morningstar stop voting for it vote for eye patch you could get funny or random bullets come on tentacles get that a sub - swag Moo muffin swag muffin welcome swag muffin Thank You tentacles never thought I'd be thanking tentacles Jevon hello I mean you guys do whatever you want you know you're your own chat but oh my god like that for its gonna win crazy uh composite gun not the Oregon you're right they like this they look similar ish you're not wrong Lenny cam one you know we had one set up today but it's not there anymore good start right let's get funky zip all that okay because I bought random status backs all right maybe even random upgrade some of them are bouncing some of them a rocket-powered some of them piercing probably look for rats by the way no not a Navi true God for three we'll let the rash any bullet can come out of the gun with any passive bullet upgrade like the $3.00 bill fruitcake that what it is let's read it well let's have a chance to do something to foes these unpredictable bullets change from moment to moment always destructive never boring senticles two months in a row what's up they dad so happy I could catch you today I hope you're having a great stream tentacles by Allah be playing Pokemon go outside good I like both ways across the street and II got you putting the Dinkin me dipp'd inker narrow down our beds did you hear about the Disney movie involving the DJ Beauty and the beats is it tight squeeze they're more like a toy I got fruitcake change your tears like epic a core doctors feats dr. fetus notifications are trash as Desmond try slapping it vamo could kind of use that ammo for a boss fight let me get by some in the shop get some moons Mick Sparkle six in a row take my money thank you moving Sparkle appreciate you what if I just kept shooting this and tell blank bullet worked betrayal lies well if we see the shield gun you know what to do looking at you chat anyone like rainbow mode I don't know honestly [Music] dan got slowly dick winter wolf 33 what's up when two wolf jumping around you douche Nike lolz welcome back he is the one of the cages like the other NPCs oh yeah yes go save them we see shield gun totally not before right we're gonna be so low on ammo for everything and the low and mo [Music] chants bullets yeah hey got some chat I'm gonna work meeting at the moment I'll be back and stream as soon as I can no problem dance voted for ammo synthesizer notice me please that's why you have a secret running here give me a chance bullet just like that a wee bit of ammo NORs every noise no I got biscuits on my chair there was no ammo for sale so a good thing we found that secret room and buy an armor piece for life for the livings are we still not enough family to kill this guy but do our best with blank bullets though shrunk not a bad sauce suit wait wait with the Avengers on it honestly thought it was marvelous no silly that's Justice League the Justice Avengers stuff you know BC comics Lois's 11 in a row closing in that one year anniversary that's height got nothing terrible at this higher self applause get blanked on oh boy that was a slow crawl at the end there amazing woman rodent man Superman it's ultra boy Jesus get it right I like how you get a synergy chest now for being this boss you deserve something a little extra you know after doing that was there anything that we missed in this for anything we need in this war no one he did pretty well Crimson Chin [Music] what do we got what do we got in how do we got it RC rockets reload Stone 1/2 reload time if I pick that up ah life orb I think maybe napalm strike possibly hegemony carbine laser rifle maybe bum bullets a chance to shoot bees boxer thing in the same spot every freakin time and vorpal bullets a chance for a critical hit what about if like what if we just get all the bullet upgrades of the gungeon what then what then Chet [Music] the poll is wrong then no more items for you what do you mean poll is wrong you're wrong why does the boxing club show up like every single chest there must be coated that way right I see it all the time the dogs actually bopping to the beat corgis getting down let me make it a fight me run you kind of tough to do at this point see a lot of six one two three four five six you guys wanted bum bullets the glove is trying to punch the love into you and playing risk of rain anytime soon I I don't know yeah it's an my god that looks like someone's doesn't what's the status awesome powers just me okay yeah six wins take the bum bullets bumble it sounds like something that would be an Isaac doesn't it didn't like that I get all my B's ammo is it 1b per shot Oh games like saml yeah you still play nuclear throne I don't not play it I know how you guys can see good you could be asking do I still play Isaac and have been like not very consistent with my youtube uploads for anything so asking about specific games it's not really you know Jan plays pulling have a jam that I'll play first could be fun now it was a tight roll I'll tell you that game and a troll you guys you have you been looking for I don't want to go that way yet you've been looking for rats found him going bound to give you rats rat bastard your rat dick hole where's your home I got it we need to blanks Flynn took one that was good I liked it those of you are like what splint oh good I love guns in an Isaac yeah go check out what tuck was the shiz his nail table what if we went back and played has there been an update for Flynn took I wouldn't be surprised going back and played it for like a day I'd be so [ __ ] at it though that took a while to get good at plenty like that I'd wrap my brain around that one don't you come too close to anybody too close empty didn't see that coming the bees to set damage or does the bee damage is it kind of like fly damage does it rely on my damage of the gun I'm currently holding because if it's a constant damage says I think I started walking gonna be real good plus I can have like poison bees how sick is that Sackett is really good because it gives you lots of sex clear the rad corridor now you don't have to fail it you're not wrong awesome power is great it has Mike Myers and that's Shrek can you shoot the wallet Oh blank folder he blanks mail table is thinking he's doing the noodle dance I can't tell if I'm hungry or if my stomach hurts from the spicy food I ate earlier today it's a weird feeling to like not know the difference between I'm so damn good at the noodle dance name nutshell and I'll give you four imaginary points eat more spicy food blood bank gives me sex Lu me I got three sex where are your fingers isn't that PB&J otter was that the name of the show that was dumb name the show all right melt off you get four points you can redeem your points as follows one points for 10 push-ups whenever you want one point for 10 push-ups chat when he redeems a point you have to echo it so I know so I can see it Lenny his best bud jet copter r32 what's up for months still three years keep being awesome hugs cheers to that 40 push-ups whenever a buddy once tell me I save my ass there and watch out for the big boys bullets they fault in the air and sometimes they just decide to come after you maybe njr I didn't know that was the name of the show I thought that was assuming about the name it shows PB&J he's a professional was it your dog in your bid girlfriend's dog bro I know my [ __ ] goodbye everyone good Chompy roboy before he does some stupid [ __ ] the big mushrooms called blasting cats drink it we already find the Seagram yeah there can be too technically we've seen it before can't you see the wall for the other room below that so you know the syndrome is not there Jen working sts and or just generally having our own life weird concept you don't mind this plan right here that's a pretty good time I like that game there's a nice into play like late at night yo welcome to my empty room where I parked my truck first did you get this truck in here sips drink that's everything it's lay the spire on console I think it did come out first which in fact but I probably can't get on the boss my knowledge yeah don't do this stupid thing that was far the nicest round of that I've ever experienced that's too bad these are they spawn inside of me oh look not at read not that's floor for isn't it or is that three glad I can make it yeah boy echo cannonball rock is one of the easiest bosses see I don't mind them at all for skill pillars see you Deanie 1997 prime sub welcome see you Deanie save three blanks out into I require atten-hut I require more lasagna David with the 15 Tier one subs thank you so much David I appreciate that [ __ ] to zenyk to hive re Kingdom Kingdom key to folk wantem Hank fireproof you Borna me God maybe something like that dare tow yet see Garrick Jam Wilson [ __ ] a zone Coonan mr. Jack soul and then teres Hellfire wonderful work appreciate that so much thank you thank you thank you and we're clicking this button and go no way number seven is a punchy no this is chance bullets there we go okay star pew no Crescent crossbow riddle of lady soul sucker bell robots left hand or right when one of the two I think or yeah it's like a minigun a health upgrade punchy gun and chance bullets d20 bullets I want to see some emotes thank you David emailed to me guys in the chat to flex in those emotes definitely not a weird flux right now sensible one anymore small snack bow-bow bow-bow above my home now that's actually on flex pay on top nothing but pretzels little Lenny but set you buddy looks like my my notifications aren't working on this screen it's one way to fix that I suppose could I go here and add it plus [Laughter] a bit up up up up up evangelist pinwheel media share subscription goal viewercount alert box this one the one that already exists that one is it working is it doing the thing what do you see and Lenny you seeing something cool something up there they don't know about I mean it's like I'm gonna go up flyaway rocket power I'm so much fun wasn't it that was so much fun wasn't it throw lenny fastest way to go up lenny rocket somebody test e-alerts test it now he's like don't you bite my belly like I'm [ __ ] done now you bit my belly we're no longer friends I trusted you I trusted you can't believe I ever trusted you liar actually heard that now know exactly what it sounded like all right you guys what you want number two you want rid of lad that's a damage upgrade I think they got off with archives a poll done it done and move on tentacles get the two subs to hide dragon and cz apke thank you so much tentacles appreciate that lots and welcome new peeps enjoy the sub gifts thank you for thank you appreciation for the appreciation appreciated [Music] I'm just gonna follow this bullet I'm with you bud are we ready to go aye aye captain go get the tentacles and over me too [ __ ] that Oh Wow close call nice man let's rage let's break [Music] whoo Oh God and that sneaks up my butt they've been hitting them focusing I'm not kidding it and hitting them we're out of bullets I'm on fire got him sweet wolf girl 15 months 50 months how did this happen let me up butts keep up the streams and sorry I missed like the patch eight streams mr. schedule ass-backwards I forgive you forgive you give me something I can counter here oops didn't even do it I missed it you know what [ __ ] you forget about key pieces or keys not key pieces so much become a pickle nine months what is up fantastic nine month er feels real good though [Music] point I can hit that back but I think I countered that one successfully one time to play 45 seconds left but up I see an L boy watermelon candy candy is watermelon watery watermelon II I didn't read that correctly at all I don't even like a little bit warp will came back for me love you bud sunglasses time slows down after explosions is that count for all the explosions that goodbye simply happen out of my own bullets probably mercy untouched feeling pretty good about it this guy cock-block these he does [ __ ] block those well that's not even fun I don't care about the ultimate dragon I'm tired of fighting it honestly speed it up so we get to the Lich faster feed the right the dragon ling there's no hate all three rat stages and it felt pretty good though I had a little bit of help from Rambo run he's pulling let's see here there we go okay glaive super hot watch serious cannon bouncy bullets or is that ghost bullets I remember which the super meatboy gun with the things and stuff holy grail unicorn horn and the Guardian maybe the little ship that falls around and shoots enemies David prime sub david obie double-oh-seven dave it off welcome does the Grail have a synergy with riddle of lead you tell me look it up real quick on a browser and it'll come right up all the synergies are listed under every item six is Holy Grail I don't exactly remember what it does Dave it off or david obie that's shocked rounds is it really get that correct but i said twice two different ways yes which one is it uh-huh game a guy Southwood touch bribe they've subscribed for two months currently on a one-month street hey that's a back from Japan recovering from jet lag the Lego stream was great I'm glad you enjoyed it and you enjoyed the Lego strands her name's actually Jan but no big deal super hot watch it is then I'm not terribly excited about it's not my favorite thing in the world but I also got the stuffed star so go ahead and activate that whenever I want to and be invincible like so Janet a can I don't want it just like move around to make China mr. Bress stupid anything till you wait for the weights waiting thing waiting for novels people who can't life good kill pillars too bad I can't do stuff well time to stop like in super hot like I can't reload that's can you sing no singing the bird of it that's like breathing louder a locked NPC room I only have nine keys come on how the shot pilgrim you know I'm not gonna get anything for this but I'll do it [Music] can we hit everything it's gonna be kind of difficult to time this when it's going all slow and [ __ ] can I do this without clearing any of the green little shits off the bat because sometimes you have ones we get to like physically hit the green ones in order to clear out space like this I could totally do like it's hard to predict how much time it's gonna take though for the bullet to get there when it that was weird what did it zoom out alright cuz like this guy is gonna be real difficult to sneak in there if I would have killed some of those greens in the way super difficult you guys a total did you how far does this guy go if only I could just click a button and then have it just move all like like you know I could peggle we can fast forward I'm gonna say bearish miss that last one doesn't matter though doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind an awesome day autumn autumns out of here bye could totally fight the boss right now a little tight on ammo though you're gonna get tighter maybe I'll go into the shop beep pumps the coffin slide all the kids are doing it your bit low in health he bit me little [ __ ] gak sacani there's the ammo there she blows where's that BAM secret room [Music] probably in here huh nice found it excellent good choice well Spence some waves are harder to do with super hot watch like I said when the time doesn't flow normally it's hard to predict you have it down to a timing thing welcome to my empty room sticker comes off this no it's not stop this no got you guys again god you're gullible it's definitely the BBB BBB BBB BBB and this was the shootie guy what was that the secret room to get him here no it was locked right that was gonna be up there Harmeet doesn't care you've got some [ __ ] that's that and that you missed part of it though are you gonna take it can I get it back no it's just gonna sit there I can't have it back right [Music] one of those might have been lies did I keep lies how do I tell can't I don't know and I can't pick that back up sweet [Music] we got let's do it this way number one unicorn horn number two bloody 9-millimeter number three yellow chamber number four freeze ray number five a k47 possibly JK number six the snake maker number seven gun dramatis train number eight will be the bracket key while you guys were voting I'm gonna go take a leak be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys see how much hair I'm covered with can you get it close in look of like how much hair is on this shirt para nada I'm covered in hair all right you guys want bloody 9-millimeter over yellow chamber is this true number seven is taking the cake here gun dramatists trained really nice Murch plug huts because anybody see how much hair is on this amazing wonderful comfortable shirt available on my store wolf god it's two months didn't you already sweet sub yeah I'm thinking a winter wolf I'm anything into the bits how many wolves are there god damn it I know right I thought I did too you guys want seven really less enemy health over lovely nine-millimeter and yellow chamber alright that's what you then want we're a pack is that listen that pack alright that bag back on that's Herald of chaos 14 what's up power t-bone eight months whew hope you're having a great day I'm having a pretty good day exhausted lately but second round of tea I feel I handle second round of tea way bye oh hey buddy nice the deal's a deal wait a second I can't pet them times frozen it's gonna be a really slow mo pet hydrate outs welcome on cam 2 months welcome back super slow-mo pet kind of slo-mo voice not really I got a creepy voice that's right give me old pets me so slow the longer the better the monster that voted super hot watch how do you feel now that you have crippled the pets [Music] dropping logs in the toilet 10 push-ups right now let's not jeez too much power [Music] cool blitz ah damn you and your points full extension though you see that hope you're impressed constantly working on that push-up form [Music] here a little red pal what's up with that why am i [ __ ] going nuts color i my thing is just whack is it like are we back not the tomato can you beat the game for me can you send to me and pay for its return I think like it has some sort of auto white point thing what's the what's the right word for it anyways when it seems nothing my green screen I think it tries to correct itself [Music] based on ticking who's laughing boy cause you're hunting me doesn't mean I'm I'm not not can't be a lone wolf empty on everything Oh not ideal fight this guy with nothing a [Music] fight me so I gonna have a bath to suit my poor bones insert joke about bath water [Music] we're little squeezy squeeze in there squeezy squeezy cheese use my bullets coming through I'm on fire when did we pick up an owl Oh after the rat fight boy [Music] I gotta go slowly guys real toy real toy I hate this man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man I got my starter buddy yeah some good shots in there with the baby [Music] so lonely on my pillar of power is that gonna run out by the time this is did you 10 push-ups me again and I just didn't see it my ass chat spam it based on yes I'm groove oh he's got so many bees room clogged up his engines bees I can hate this is that the dog did he just just walked at the good ones still in is over Carl's head but it looked like Carl took it for me oh that was too close that was too close that's too close it turned around got one look at me and it's like hail naw boy perfect hey mo that's nice that's nice to see I like that kind of things [Music] all right sweet did I liked it [Music] let's go your turn we got black hole gun that Guardian guy gilded Hydra I think it's called brick of cash tentacles cigarette de flame hands or to be honest I don't know what that is to be honest I don't know what that is camera we're seeking I see though all those bullets and guns are [ __ ] what is that [Music] I'm gonna look it up it's like something a headband [Music] I don't see it [Music] there it is number two sidekick no more boosts stats while your co-op partner is dead only available in co-op where the cultist starts with this items why would I want that only works for co-op so why why is it here I'm not playing co-op that I know of the whole time just cheating [Music] 41% damage up in solo what's so this is gonna automatic 41% damage up because that doesn't sound so bad will not go up fast increases the players movement speed by 2 and damage by 41% when their co-op partner is dead not available obtainable in single-player and tell farewell to arms cannot be dropped so does that count is is he dead done if like I don't have any buddy there I can't how does it not tell me that among the the wiki - again which school remember you can revote lick 30 months two and a half years and you're still my favorite streamer hot slob thank you like welcome back this is monster cat you guys looks like people want blackhole a gun but you can revote you know we could see if it's a damage upgrade but am I really gonna be able to tell 41% damage up would be amazing if that's true if my co-op partner is dead aka not alive not here owls best toot though if you can't if you can get the dogs and pets you should be able to give the owl some scratches [Music] does the ala buddy of a name Mortimer no one's revolting everyone wants one all right [Music] [Music] cook until now to get a second gun and I still can't even have damage with this [Music] walk into the dragon fight though Santa buckler in this man's whole career really wish I got the rat boots I love the cheese boots there are all kinds of fun what is this oh cool something's being shipped in my house well I probably do it a shout first before we do anything Rilla we're loading dungeon on fire gives ammo back on fire what [Music] reloading while standing on a liquid such as water oil fire poison a red liquid created by blob ulong's clears the liquid in a small circle around the player and replenishes ammo mist in the current magazine this does not work while flying while held the player is immune to fire I no idea no idea good information though pretty good info he's fire at work no dia junkie boy we offer junk and get shield no I'm gonna store I am disproportionately enraged why dot reloading fluid for them i reloaded on the but around the fire still not sure if it worked chewing food is all oftentimes helpful increase survival rates the people who shoes trying to reload on the fire if you give me a loan super jump man that was a jump and a half bro reloading on liquid repos a magazine so if you've just reloaded it might not work get the handle box anyway see that bullet coming towards me wasn't looking I guess npc he won't give me anything still my shop it's got a bunch of [ __ ] in it more ammo really I should just leave it on the floor at this point in time we killed the rat so I hid ain't going anywhere I just find won't even need to go back for it [Music] [Music] why am I not reloading fire oh I was hoping for another junk there one more Roma let's live in the u.s. yes I do nice job maps complete no one cares hey how was your days it's did you need her okay it's pretty good run for a run record a video that I think everyone here is gonna like try to edit that tomorrow I'm also gonna go see midsummer tomorrow with some friends anybody here see it in those soils you gonna hope for the good the bad the ugly whose jaw things with its with blue wolf now that minecraft is back up and pumping are you gonna do a nostalgia strimm IIM I'm gonna do minecraft in some way shape or form at some point time I've got a big ol list of games still oh all the time right now I think it's more about getting back to feeling okay Energy's been pretty low lately what's that happens though when I walk over gaps when I'm invisible [Music] designator 17 hi dad I want to tell you that you were doing an awesome job dreams for Germany all right one more poll and then we can clone it second clone that's what third-party controller maybe Platt bullets this is the super dildo o matic 4000 potion of LED skin serious cannon frost bullets the rad gun and mysterious egg [Music] the super gun no three really yeah it's good I remember it's called Oh [Music] günther fury grundle fury right looks like most everyone wants Platt got a couple of guns or fury in there [Music] one more diplomatic 4,000 I was polling work just type the number that you want it's easier now [Music] goodnight mr. Jack soul I'm gonna caught it in 3 2 1 flat flat it is a solid choice and now we have to somehow kill ourselves with all this help I can't do it on fire I can literally walk around I can't just wait for the people to kill me I should just kill to click a button and activate it one of the menu and be like hey we start bro died because I blanked them too many times beautiful shield still rip bombs shattered bombs if I kill them on my god rolls before I die [Music] here goes nothing for one what you want we got the shield I don't know if I still have lies I know well that's gotta be it right what didn't tell me what it was I don't I think we got rid of it I think we dropped it honestly but we can try we get it again on the secret floor there's that's the this cursed chamber or some [ __ ] I think maybe composite gun a ruby bracelet shot bow shot Cola maybe I think God that does stuff and the reload stone I'm struggling right now I have no idea just pick one those are explosive bullets excuse me of course they are still choking on food the stuffs dry [ __ ] recommend eating water or eating water drinking water when you're eating pretzel nuggets [Music] all X what's up [Music] what's the chamber : this increases as curse increases prevents the usual curse penalty towards getting a room cleared to reward increases cursed by - can we give the ruby bracelet though to the lady in the bottom floor for something perseus gigs but our star though starting like a boss smell the dog dug up something my shield I'm sorry I didn't want that I appreciate you there it is give me your Carl can you get some slow-mo pets [Music] I'll choose the starter weapon now we ramped II know something it gives you nuts feel the one shot almost everybody for like three floors of this thing that guy to shot oh my bad zero shot if I miss him I buy some ammo probably I got so much money shields no one cares what is this like funky like that did not seem like monstercat pistol with two shots and the sunglass is a great sinner sinner cheap energy do not like this boss or this room get demolished black hole gun I totally forgot we even got grab that thing forgot about it honestly can't I not shoot him though whilst black holing [Music] thought I broke my water barrel there confused to see a package in the mail got excited to find a 9-month shirt hell yeah enjoy Tibor thing I needed to grab do believe so [Music] [Music] prototype railgun eyepatch Patriot number two punchy shock bullets shock rounds shell a gun something like that orange and they're off what do you want percent damage boost sounds good to me number four if it works got to keep your vitamin C up with the orange look at those rotation graphics you can see move pixel by pixel [Music] [Music] number four it is you seem like I'm moving faster whoop let's roll seems like I'm shooting faster he's the outskirts of his liquid to reload I think it was working some show us some ammo come back that that's gonna be seeker I'm not gonna just smell it oh my god once the hell was that I didn't see him sitting I'm gonna find my butt like that who's this guy's liquid quick I think could be not too late praise the blob you lens lick what you think to reload this thing be tough to get my hands on it there we go more liquid more liquid please like this using my stuff star thing can be easy me sometimes but saving my life most other times damn you rooms like this or why I hate the watch if I sneak in there and grab some of your goo for reloads shoving like poisonous liquid into my Gunjan that sounds like it's gonna reload it smart real smart I don't know why I wasn't trying to use this do their reload and failure [Applause] I missed it wasting bullets here come on my favorite nothing go quick nice noise say it no all this work to preserve my ammo runs into full amyl thing and I'm out here pitching my second Hut stream so this is lies and shocks lives and shocks what's up welcome back let's redo this thing ready number one sling number two admit one ticket for the pigeon thing number three the helix dark particle matter gun thing number four the banner for increased attack damage on my guys at dawn attack number five submit gun thing number six health upgrade number seven will do KC number eight will do the Supply Drop seven for KC it's kind of mixed up in there but whatever whatever it will make up [Music] oh man I'm tired today two teas and a napkin save me hey Vsauce Jake here 25 months have been a long time watching along thumbs up now - I guess but I left the contact unable to watch today because I'm using my friends Internet welcome back for 25 months I appreciate you Vsauce strength for the best pets might break my hand if I pet him l can't get mobbed the gungeon to work can you help are you on a bot copy of gungeon or a torrent 'add copy of Gunjan you guys want number 7 just barely just barely admit 1 would have been fun though [Music] calling it platinum Casey spicier trying to use this with a crest not so smart if I use my black hole gun and then walk up to the boss and go to town with my Casey then what dick dick weasel a whole pizza listen to your body number the scale you ate a whole pizza you weight yourself to see how have you the pizza was the witches are back what the hell am I gonna give them Casey black hole gun I'm gonna use it once I'm not sure what's happening with this she's holding it charged up and it's just spitting bees and and using blanks randomly within a blank be matey Toby's fight for me look at its infinite source of bees wonderful the bees blank give it the black hole gun black hole wash away the pain with Casey also see yeah Casey also is a bee generator that's powerful go bumble it's well done what are the witches do you give them a gun and they give you a better gun what if we sacrifice the gungeon just to see what would happen right we just keep going up with it infant bees thought you got a black hole gun but instead you got a beehive reskin pretty much do it perpetual b power do it i'm still thinking like black hole gun now but black hole gun with casey like i said could be a fun little thing that we do you confused for 2.7 seconds when you say casey well that's is now to Queenie give them the crossbow you monster now the whole point of that which is is that they give you something back that's as good or better and I want something popping so I'm gonna give it something popping climb the ladder chaos some ladder what do we have here dairy there goes super hot watching that now isn't KCC ranked to though [ __ ] Morning Star my nightmare guess we're going Casey I really don't like using the morning star possible yeah but it's pain painful to use painful to try to Casey with the superhot watch charging anything up when you could potentially be there for hours [Music] [Music] [Applause] stupid super hot [ __ ] I can't even use this thing with a superhot watch won't work hate it throw it away get rid of it kill it stab it wound it maltose is push-ups when 10 push-ups when I miss it just for that hots 10 push-ups [Music] [Music] come on so deep going so deep trying to find my way back home to the surface and beep damn you and your knowledge of PB&J of 90s kid shows up tear you thought slap [Music] we've been living this whole time you've been here since before when you were here well we know what to do no why'd you switch guns well we got rocked let's see this will work here fried snake boss it's on the menu tonight okay that went okay yeah yeah yeah she loves me yeah yeah yeah [Music] some trauma on the gum tissues said old people music she loves me yeah yeah yeah she loves me yeah yeah yeah yeah we're on to so we gotta go to the crest room do we find the Seagram yet must have we found the witches but there's gonna see chrome that we did find yeah no we're good Beatles are timeless angry face I believe already speaking of old music what an oldie here walking dreams from 2/3 poof this button clone again no heroin armor synthesizers strafe gun orange go on stoned but helix thing quadruple a mole beat saber fight saber I mean and the blue girl on stone [Music] [Music] the amma would have been really nice to the gungeon not gonna lie [Music] the helix gun I think that's the one where I can charge it up and fire a blank not-so-special with blank bullets though and this is a synergy Pegasus Reaper a lot of months loving and still going but I say Nicky Nicky Jay what's your favorite song right now it's two months in a row welcome back favorite song right now favorite song what if I just went to my Spotify and told you what I've been listening to recently every let's stream but every time he starts beatboxing it gets faster recently played recently played some Jack Johnson listen to Brian Regan Vampire Weekend's click boxes a playlist called creamy would definitely check it out smooth mcgroove Zelda and chill what else panic at the disco lo-fi beads Mumford & Sons so I've been listening to recently [Music] headband with Casey Isabel is it though one two three four six guys definitely voted for 605 beats been to the gun dude yeah yeah be nice if they were copyrighted a definitely would check creamy out though if I didn't give a [ __ ] about copyright I bet you if you listen to some creamy place a couple of times not sure how he hit me there but your bud finding all the secret [Music] [Music] what do you guys been listening to some top of your music lists it's your most recent Spotify thing he played [Music] Brian Riggins top-top whatever it is he's going to call it an album stand-up routine from like a long long time ago one of his first ones that's so good I quoted all the time actually actually twenty one pilots easy giant monster cotton tech board well print sunshine down monsters anime [ __ ] news todrick Hall buy anything else tonight you know I'm saying about bumping into some super land just to get it started tonight was thinking about doing some juices phone or a different game what's this book about oh I broke it oh I'm sorry okay okay see those bullets but sure there's a weird superhot watch interaction here what bossy kitty gifted a sub to Gunter man then thank you so much for Austin kissy Kissy bossy kitty thank you welcome Jesus Gunter man my brain out for lunch my brains been scrambled [Music] pork will be nothing more dangerous information two months reto bop hey boy what's up it's a way of supporting me and my dreams well worried we can lock down lies took some nice cuts in New York Strip sautéed with onions and bell peppers I'll take two [Music] a generator you guys - bad animal for what's this thing that no one cares about sweet excellent noise rad this goes down to visit I'll bring good whiskey and up Wow I cook some black ball nests Texas dinner something the best thing good shot it curve clearly not a flat bullet er bad bad joke stupid is there a way to cheese this guy I think it's actually the first boss where you can just like literally sit in front of them and just keep swinging away kablammo keep taking damage though this is embarrassing I'll you turn you're a blank and empty pedestal gets up and fights me yeah right Jesus first-floor King [Music] everybody talk to the dentist but I'm scared scared of what my Nana fix something that's broken your mouth what you should really be scared of is [ __ ] up your mouth bad [ __ ] all right good luck for the rest of your life get more teeth get fake teeth fake teeth feel they feel different screw into your jaw bone or your eyes what's your ears you can get fake years now so blow them out have at it gonna be kappa demon wisdom teeth so we're taking it out then help my other ones had a bad experience with some dental work and now i'm scared of them do research look them up beforehand don't go to a place that's clearly [ __ ] you guys complement my teeth but I told you guys back when it happened my my dentist was that guy who shot the the lion in Africa I haven't been back have not been back what are we doing right now we want to go to the next floor but do I need to grab you're thinking this one no I don't think so he's a skilled dentist but [Music] you look into private but it's money [Music] sit up big iron plant bullets where are you going boy composite gun yellow chamber this is still number four or five I still don't even know what it's called I think this is uh shadow bullets maybe unicorn horn or crisis stone Lotus laser sure yeah Oh displays are still five I tried to escape ignore that and a man up and explained my fear so they can take a little easy with me I don't get me wrong alexia dental work sucks but what sucks even more is any kind of tooth pain jaw pain waiting until it is no longer a cavity it's now a crown it's no longer a crown it's now rut canal you're gonna be scared to go back to the doctor if you got to get a root canal only way to stop that from happening is to go consistently most dental plans if you have one cover two free cleanings a year most ones that I've seen or heard about so get those cleanings your breath has never been fresher than when you go and you just let them scrape at it they get some [ __ ] out it hurts when they scrape right unless you floss like every other day which you probably shouldn't do anyways whatever don't don't [ __ ] look at me I got down my floss can you guys honestly when remember they can go to the dentist and like you should buzz floss every day and I'm like nerd now I floss about every other day my breath it's like fantastic all the time get the back of your tongue to you scrape that with like your toothbrush or get one of those things to scraper in the back legitimately like really awesome do you plan to kiss anybody fat below it's really guys come on yellow chamber crisis stone shadow I want the chubbies free one no copay or anything every six months to two to a year seems to be able to do it calling back to being really good with my teeth or the slot because depressed that just seems to let go hand-in-hand III notice hey fat bees good choice everyone you might even close dating me Jam sack that does not sound like something that I'm jealous of look at these donkey bees they're flying sideways and [ __ ] the client-side wizard [ __ ] I see chunky B's one full chunk on them you never go full charm fess up the dentist and hope I don't get the same mean one well go to Jim place then definitely I'll go back to visit [ __ ] paths all benches [ __ ] that noise bad enough as it is but still pretty important there's definitely good dentists out there I remember uh yeah I never like I like rarely flossed right maybe once a week and this was like back when I was uh in my teen years and now I go to the dentist and they're like do you plot you brush like you are on the verge of gingivitis like this is really really bad whatever now I lacked that now that a cloth like every day you dodged my Casey then hits me I go back and they're like oh my god you keep it perfect like yeah yeah started flossing every day every other day once again mr. Casey and then get [ __ ] I don't like that regret losing my Gunjan every day I literally had nothing else that I want to use we could see if we could still 1-shot people though those damage one shot chest count thick B's I did upraising go racing racers I had spacers bracers cons of a sirs can I kill that thing chumps gonna try to take off takes damage you're a dirty [ __ ] I hate this thing hell's up at this room hiding in the middle didn't mean to turn this in a dentist talk paw pods just rapid Phoenix so anybody here older than me that calls me Dad I'm trying to judge much rapid penis I did not say that though don't the floss when you have no teeth gonna play a peck season two or not you guys I don't have enough or enough energy maybe it's more of an energy thing or like God if I really wanted to be like a super super super duper duper ultra mega champion Pro youtuber like these guys with like 10 million subs this song is popping by the way I just had to be one of those guys that would like record videos like three videos a day and post them and I mean and I could I could do that and I think I would probably have like 10 million or so subs I could see it happening just don't think my body can handle it I'm not sure that's what I want with my life success absolutely but then they swell on it although cuz these guys get ten million subs and then they relax right start doing one a day videos and then you know one every other day videos kind of coast it out people just love no matter what not unlike what I'm doing now I don't want to hit the coast point yet I'm not coasting see it Biebs yeah part of it my youtube is gonna be a video once I get some Commission's otherwise shits gonna be stale a mile once I get some Commission's I think I want a fantastic PC or controller or PC case or awesome stuff custom printed it up game slap by the way I'm gonna hand out that Gunjan PC to somebody else gonna have to redo it you guys still inter than that things are spicy boy so that the plan game slap record the Commission's crime charges away all my laser the hell oh talking about spicy boys that's a fat laser that was one chunk did you guys see the rat room why aren't you posting runs anymore in huts - I just uh I've been on top of it super super busy gaming gram masks can we get some Leonard pets under it is not here at the moment what you know when I see him roasted cannonball tonight was this the rat room is this the room this was it 13 keys and not sure I've enough cannon balrog nice and tender nothing beats a toasty kanan Balrog I'm ready long hair cats are shorthair cats both because they're both great are they both suck No Pants Club dyslexia I'm not wearing pants did I get up or something roasted rat can't use my blanks I can't waste them like that those are some chunky ass bolts - buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh machine fist explosive rounds white sabre the thing that makes bullets dodge around me void core shotgun thing Supply Drop alien engine orbital bullets maybe machine fist we get back on top with a good weapon [Music] well yeah I got up and it did push-ups it's probably how you know wearing shorts I'm wearing nothing but a rope mallet AUB's like 10 push-ups blood upgrades are so unappreciated suppose the Browns is good but with a gun that shoots Jaka do ski nice name you guys want explosive Rollins but I'm not shooting anything give me a gun first fools [Music] with your explosive bees you're not wrong [Music] I have not played Isaac probably not I don't think I will play Ozzy today alright number two it is absolute fools pecked agonal Shah Shogun tuner bits hey how it's haven't made it to a stream in a while and this card I got I just got is being stupid so here's the rest of my money because it's tailing one dollar after every you stealing one dollar after use oh well thanks for the bits though rip dollars what about some dog I'll petting it's like super hot watch makes it almost impossible I'm not sure what my Gulen stone is doing okay bye why people need me so I must go like the powerful Casey don't hit that as well as opposed to barrel not my favorite spot to be in yeah that hurt you didn't miss him that's the weird part damage if it makes sense to make the maze change every time make you refine the pathway the hidden message or some [ __ ] get these things back with super hot watch but what I'm gonna lie to me like that you're full of [ __ ] you're so full of [ __ ] your eyes Brown no the dog dug something up I'm sorry Carl it's not lag you guys it's called the super hot watch what does time stops and I stop guys so Leakey can't afford a better plugin PC my eyes are green gray so full of sewer water [Music] alright let's chop the bomb you're dead though haha I was like remember when you died wow thanks that Hut's your eyes are so blue cuz you're pretty give me a clone again dude pissed oops fat finger in my a button there don't punch during that you silly rip perfect run my eyes are browning the light but black otherwise your eyes are black when I get this straight let me do the mouth your eyes are black when they're not lit with a light that is so weird because everything is black when it's doesn't have any light on it and when your eyes are the same Sassie huts is full of sass today that's still alive oh he got roasted for sure [Music] so sassy I'm singing Christmas music can't tell me what to do [Music] [Music] that do that do that dad what do we got y'all ready lunch ah the re launcher ammo our shield synthesiser portal gun was that called uzuki Gazoo or something like that he was a big shoot a gun or Zilla shotgun it's one of those things nine-millimeter bloody 9-millimeter chance for a bullet to be super bullet ba holster and snowball 'it's [Music] ding fries are done who would you look in the pipe that [Music] boat one for a speedy ending Dinkins Kirchen ten months a dad have some fun tonight and destroy that game always fun watching you play Thanks pinging [Music] [Music] most of the votes are for yari launcher not surprising [Music] exhaustion sitting in [Music] number one for sure wins yo D do you imagine your Elantra though with snowball it's guys hey this is pretty good who knew I wish we just didn't have sunglasses though slows down forever explosion not worth it man wasting my time [Applause] [Music] how do you make holy water is it lame pun why do you make a Kleenex dance put a little boogie in it unbelievable power I got hurt somehow boil the hell out of it oh yeah let's do the fun not interesting you're sitting at your shop sir your stop sure Gandhi frog seven months surprise lurk sub reveal now I return to the shadows praise be to Earth's how much for supporting me boy found his dick hole walks into a bar bartender says why the long face horse says my wife is terminal cancer got real heavy why is everything so heavy I done suppose we could go here got something for you more that's like RMB funky style [Applause] lunch got switch gears and not tell me once you guys taking over every genre paper monster cat country [Music] sixteen keys worth I'm here to take your soul getting by step right up step right up break the targets win a prize will I win a prize though mr. prize man I think me not this [ __ ] load me my plan to get in there I bounced out the back wall maybe then if I get bouncing off the back wall same method over here haiya blocked no you [ __ ] you're a dirty [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] how do i time that when it's slow-mo physically impossible Coulter get jolted douche hole definitely like the higher-speed sniper rifle too just for funsies just drop the watch dropping items what are you crazy that's a fire right there on that put it up boink dead boob the strongest of boobs no you boob infants nice shot bud I'm Chad and I think you should drop your items I'm really smart oh we got Gunder fury bracket key orbital bullets star pew I think that's called fight saber battery bullets what's it called the magical hexagon and the gun night helmet ghandar fear is good though numero uno es bueno mas frijoles part before got a lot for number one Gunther fury grinder fury grundle fury you can't handle the fury of my grundle seems pretty cut and dried for Gunder fury I'm in luck you sign whoo the extra add an ammo toasty that's got some kick to it got some kick less worried about the fact that we no longer have was that gungeon is even better imagine this a potion of gun friendship just imagine that oh it's a key to nice Carl good boy push-ups Hut's Ted okay move the chair [Music] dance returns you just wanted to watch me do push-ups [Music] okay I did it this gun is the strongest oops you're not paying attention no you more keys great would you let me re a second re excuse me didn't one-shot you REM [ __ ] was weird see the new horizon launcher dunno what that is what if I just junk the chest frost ray baby shell a gun or baby what is it good little mimic Bella we give the shell a mimic good baby shotgun bow Fang elder blank to bits shoot balls r2g to punchy punch and telephone you know what they are um maybe good Shalom might be Jewish vote - there will be consequences or there'll be consequences gun bow is the third one not shot though it's gun bow bus will be boned if he gets to cry face why because curse drop the watch for dog pats two thirds iya want number two maybe good shelling grave lad got a blast got me up close the steady source of ammo here via Tori ten months gone by so fast you pretty awesome my whole household including my eleven month old daughter loved watching you in your videos welcome back my friends three go on stone for that halter by some shields walked into the room too quickly this is a long one God the super hot watch can lick a nut the saltiest of night did you just die thank you ammo yes good you kill a mild queuing I'm still here Wow Thank You little fella all their shotgun shells exploded behind me I didn't see it no problem you got enough help check my last message on the custom computer mice I'm saying you are is there anything particular out of all your designs Emo's that you would want adorned with them on a custom Mouse what would I want on a custom Mouse you guys oh that's a gap that would be a whole a whole lot of hole Lennie mouse the Lenny emote Mouse studied Supes cute I thought you guys were going to say junk in Bobby two months it's up welcome welcome back don't care about this guy honestly thought I did for a second there and I was like something like 10 of them you can do what you want with them after that Giroud mum storm and they're all this you want one design for all of them I could gun munch some balls I'm in spicy balls the whole morning stars going in because this thing I think gives you something of the quality between the two guns that you give it do we really need black hole gun at this point in time do-do-do-do do-do-do-do buh-buh-buh-buh no nope better watch out buster some spicy the gilded Hydra I think it's for as much help as a missing I have ammo bullets in the the clip so it's only one right now kung Fu's not as good as it will be later [Applause] raw emote file all right I have those Thanks alvaro dragon fight on night mode for me wrong reload you dingus you Dingle horn horniest Inglis getting ready bunchy punch okay they're spiced wait pollution of gun friendship spice or gun friendship all you need to know sling is number five but no one cares they're both good they're both favorite shoulders tweaking out right now sixty-two percent for number six you guys that what you want no spice then just going get hot you see the demon just like [ __ ] got rocks if he could have died he woulda damn I remember want to go this way clearly a dead end ammo box ammo box probably should have reloaded my yari launcher let's hope and pray for another ammo box hey hey there don't you know there guy Karl look me up good boys best boy but better boy if ammo box better boy up ammo box even a big jam boy melts in about half a second you know you did your best Carl you got me a goo on stone so like it there's an ammo box that will do son most of my bullets I guess [Music] jumps out cliff still on firing comes back nice game I called his down pick the wrong path again also super high quality love you guys dr. mest I see you yari launcher plus the potion of gun friendship like the sound of that run away quick get out of here so it got me I took damage No gg-good victory gb nice
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 57,672
Rating: 4.7586727 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: dG3t9BSmmv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 7sec (12367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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