Polling of Alphabirth (Judas) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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hard round random alpha birth polling also say my boy Kane know what's Judas usually under bets what did I do eli new character the new characters did you know there okay there okay I have a feelin this won't be our first time or last time I mean playing alpha birth so we can try out and what does it endures the witch and then there's the null what's number to do I have no idea I do not remember I've seen it before but I don't know this is a stupid little boring eyeball that kind of shoots around the room this is a - touch when I touch enemies they turn to gold if I can kill them in like three seconds they drop gold touching them as contact Abaddon I'm not going to do that unless I get some sort of thing with it you can synergize it PhD all pills are good all pills are good I like stupid little boring eyeballs it's not good cane to their eyes garbage it changes all enemy tears to Isaacs what does that mean towards a chance to apply forget-me-now on the end of a floor I think one for the mean who for the money in truth of the show illyrians brain cool oh my god what the [ __ ] let's pretend that didn't happen [ __ ] darkness nope Kirstin amazed damn fine fine fine fine fine what the [ __ ] just happened nothing happened because that did not happen it was nothing you got touch oh [ __ ] stop shouting chance my PowerUp in this room did not die I will chat thanks super exciting to get notifications on my phone I just got one right now like now that I'm single right when I was dating like you just text all day long your psyche to texture like guys probably you know that's right my girlfriend now that I'm single it's like something happens and I'm like the world cares about me oh what it wait what is it improved account security will come soon it's like one of my apps like dinging me or some [ __ ] they don't care about like yep alone in the world human contacts someone cares is anime [Music] I know the feeling that's but the app cares about you [Music] app wants my money $9.99 you will be just trying to fill that Cup yes it balances out number two you want me to get some health yeah I could help I guess I don't know maybe alright pretty cut-and-dried want that look at my arms though look at those games boy look at my games beefcake did you just do B beef do B buff though 2500 bits look at that damn Yuli do a sub spree in the middle of a room to distract odds that kindness sounds a little bias like you just want to get to some subs says the unsub person wouldn't it be really funny if you gifted me a sub and then dropped $500 on it to me with this link then I'm sliding to you would that be funny I'm gonna go for the mount and Seagram wouldn't be there come on good stuff the Alerus TV gave me a mod give me mod in the middle of the boss fight haha reg I think what I dislike most about him besides like all the [ __ ] that surrounds him is the fact that he just sits there and grinds his [ __ ] teeth back and forth like a monster look at his teeth go like away he's grinding them away he's a warrior as Hux ever heard of rust commentary potential I have heard of rust more health I'm a healthy angel boy look at me top secret room right here look at that key piece I mean imagine if you gave me a credit card number JK unless thick angel with a fez there's a fast like a religious thing what is what is the Fez and where's Fez is here at a dead cells I think I might have heard it one of those times that I played it 300 times on stream and might've came up while I was playing it maybe Eagle Eye Hunter bits long live the king octave Bob would it be okay to ask model to look at the link and maybe post it if not that's fine I'm not gonna bring it up here on stream I just don't do that and I if I do it for you out to do it for everybody but I mean the mods good look at that they want to I don't know you know feel free to share it however and whenever you want you can get feedback from all kinds of people here dang that skill pressurize videos let's see here I'll do I want to go [Music] slapped is definitely knowledgeable but I know that a lot of you guys know a lot about computer steel I'm honestly I got a prebuilt I chickened out for sure I watched my friend Josh build his computer if he was like oh [ __ ] that I'm gonna build my own computer and like do it kiss so he still has issues he still has issues but for the longest time he had something weird I think it was like a grounding pin that was off inside of his case and so like his USBs would just short out and everything would just go [ __ ] walker's and he couldn't he couldn't get it going for like over a year that he was just struggling with like throwing money at it and it was honestly just like the best thing about prebuilt it's about that they test it out before they send it to you and the fact that they build them for a [ __ ] living I mean they know what they're doing then has so many they have probably spent so much more money on like specialized tools and [ __ ] in their shop since they have to build so many computers I don't know just me or whatever so many fanboys here hahahaha myself included Eli Hunter bits whoa look at the cup is filled is it looks pretty empty to me Rip's full cup you wouldn't be lying to me now would you Eli I don't know I can't tell who's this vision isn't a little blurry now who's who's the jerk Yuliya Neelu Iman's say to my face is Eli bring your face over here once you bring your face where I'm talking how come no one's ever like that's that's actually like a decent comeback that but I've never heard anyone say that said to my face why don't you bring your face while I'm talking telling you good work it's got potential here we go let's go doctor fees it's funny it'd be so silly y'all be friendly until there's a fetus you crushed it with tiny planet though 1 & 2 you mean 1 & 3 I wouldn't want one with 3 increased blast size is gonna hurt me more not for more health but it's gonna have a higher chance of backfire but I need to fix my posture because my back's been hurting recently God probably because that I've been you know doing squats and deadlifts and stuff ah funny almost already forgot or I just never even realized what we were doing the first place but ya know my back I'm like I actually had to put this you know the little pads that give you for the lumbar support I was like [ __ ] this pads way too big I don't want to sit here like this in the chairs is dumb and now that I've been working out my back's like I put that pad there it's so nice crazy girl thanks the tier 1 so appreciate you and you lis stop bending your back so much funny I said the same thing to your mom we got him high fives everyone I need a high five EE modes how about that you guys gonna get a high five e modes sad story can we can we get five high fives when we get a high 25 a low of 21 on Thursday slightly cloudy chance of rain brofist but you wouldn't say to me say what do you were you tried ahead to hurt even worse this is a joke Topsy groom though rangedown that's balls of steel qbase+ roll balls here sounds like me in my last D&D sesh if I'm right I've actually been really really well really well I got these super cool dice Thiessen's dues they're hot they're made out of opal H so they're like see-through they look like [ __ ] glass they are like bangin they're banging guess I fell look up geode dice whoareyou huts - the person sub for two years that would be the joke thanks for describing them where that you didn't get it there goes I'm actually joking though and I'm out of water has I've been drinking way too much Grisi thanks to the two months that's God [Music] you know like that little folder god I'll take Angela look at that [ __ ] not joke if you've actually done it drinking too much water drink just drink water might as well just take this because it's not a can th at SAS got lost in the winds too loud too loud processing Boyd could have been really cool you'll miss just shot anomalies got to blow [Music] revenge Kamel undies [Music] we're missing me like goodbye full cup [Music] mullet long top the side so I don't know it's still pretty full what I think should happen is the cup should say you eat if you miss the cup that would be a good addition I think a proper use of the term meet the tricky one any super cringy their heads has its moments Ulysses eat you know that was super cringing thank you for giving us an example perfect there it is write that down chat tell me that alive [Music] [Music] York motivates I'm 35 I'm allowed to be a Boomer there we go this would be cool if I had like six strobe lights in it aside and it's like completely different in two particular Joe how do you how do you throw it like EDM shell but then also worried about epilepsy having a even question all all the epilepsy spoon bender sucking that this admiration evil I forget me now it's ruts thanks Laos awesome trying to hold on to the guy that's are on my face a disclaimer in the beginning I would imagine of every single show because I would love to get some sort of like really cool lights set up with like strobe lights and [ __ ] but like it would definitely be a trigger for Apple Fe 100% too much salt in the cup needs more loves just warp dark guys are going nuts today I don't know what I did to deserve this just a Tuesday right it's Tuesday [ __ ] / throws good maybe better couple bomb hype got my hot pink bomb that's Mar just a deep royal purple I would say more salt from sword thief everyone's salt was like a new term i saw pjsalt so hip [Music] you're like what salty mean what is that just wondering how do I participate in the polling zazz Jack you have to type the number or the word when I put it up on screen now last one had one two three four or all maybe just type one or two or three or four or all into the chat it'll automatically detect that it's reading the chat and knows where you live don't defend it don't look it straight in the eye whatever you do whatever you do [ __ ] beets thousand bets again boom show love you guys still going you've done it in so much and you're still just like toss and bits damn generosity mind-numbing [Music] [Music] my one prayer Oh the b-52d pie booth the deeper booth the deeper that's pretty cool too I guess I'm definitely more about [ __ ] you my plight is so [ __ ] bad does anybody here think it's good just messes with you it's impenetrable walls [ __ ] was I saying I like salty more than I like sweet for sure five Hudson GF for bf whatever tickles your balls my balls had to be tickled yeah I'd probably prefer a girlfriend if they had to be tickled but please don't take them levels probably gonna be like a reactionary like me in there and that's not even my fault at that point Eli although bits are fun remember to donate to st. Jude thank you good good point we'd like to raise 10k in the month of May I who knows who knows if we'll be able to do it also my birthday is on Saturday I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep the tilt if I going I want everything to go to tilted by st. Jude more important you tickle them from behind then probably a like a you know reactionary like one of these like stop wailing it's gonna be a lot of flailing I think you Lee how old are you [Music] it's gonna be my 30th birthday was that disgusting or what it's in like 35 like well question is gonna make cuts ulti boomer but like what 20 years off a Boomer you guys want everything is your greedy little shits I'm gonna do is take that's not helpful at all you know you wanted this pill anyways I'm gonna use it now use it now I could have totally perthro that last one we could save it it's got better there's better things we can do with it balls oh that's right there was a balls pill oh yeah I'm thirty you guys don't have a memory like I used to but it's a big 30 you know that's it's a milestone for sure Judy twenty dollars I'm glad to be helping the kids I'm glad I that I can use my money instead of [ __ ] wonderful wonderful wonderful you guys we have four forty seven rates this is great some bar full of under that's great no balls can tickle how do I sneak a bomb in there there we go I've got it except at the Golden Tickets what a snide Degas we need a ball tickle barrier the era or leave with the perthro [Music] big blue tongues back we already [ __ ] top secret what am i doing gonna send a best friend forever ring to your pl best burger ever ring you guys miss minecraft last night they missed the debates and told people that I hadn't watched Space Jam I have not seen Space Jam to this day and a lot of people got upset a lot of people got upset but I said would you rather have me if had watched space jam or SpongeBob's seasons 1 through 3 it's not as a bait you are wrong sis cone which one is more memorable which one is better for your soul space jam or spongebob seasons 1 through 3 how many space jam references has anyone said around me in my entire life probably four and they've all come from Josh Lakota torch $50 until it's a 5 dirty 30 I'm not yet those Saturday thank you so much appreciate it pakoda well glass is that we're to compare TV and movies though okay see you're just you're you're floundering Scone you're trying to make sense of this you're reaching so it doesn't make any sense I hope that you're as much on the same wavelength as I am Scone about like us not actually being nemesis in NEMA sees any chance of some of the horses aces you Lee you know we're playing Isaac so it would make more sense to just wait for us to get brimstone wouldn't it [Music] ugly bumps is 5k 5k and I put the horns on what else does we've just promised for 5k true Cecilie House of Evo I'm a broke bum so this is all I can do by watching that have fun with your birthday day after mine same year - oh sweet good you guys definitely wonder before we promised your soul what did we actually talk about for 5k tell did we talk about for 5k we did for 4k and we did that promise to play oh yeah buh buh buh buh buhbuh buhbuh buh what was it done greed was done read for 4k or was it 5k though for allergies yeah Alex coffee was 4k 5k okay we'll play more done greed then if we can hit 5 K and also owns anything maybe I'll put the horns on host Isaac post Isaac 5k Ike I'll put the damn horns on okay five for 5k not sure why I need to go in here you know honestly I should have saved for the double thing because then I could have just bought one more penny and I could have had both my year and my parole with me son of a [ __ ] was a freaking penny right up here we'll don't need to explain yourself if I sound mad not mad never mad I'm just being a moody [ __ ] that is [ __ ] at talking you're right did Brett alright other things okay relatable hey ears we're getting our money going worries me Susanna me uh uh yes see I don't were you because I'm a sensible human being but that's gold come on [Music] it's not fair to say what is more important when one is one hour 40 minutes movie versus 50 hours season a spongebob okay okay how long responds all the episodes in the first season 10 minutes 15 minutes then there were only 15 minutes maybe even 10 like I said cuz then they would sneak two in with commercials over a 30 minute break okay I know this 11 got it and then how many episodes are there in seasons 1 through 3 okay no don't backtrack on me Scott I'm doing the math I'm doing the math 50 plus hours I don't know it could be 60 episodes in midseason one Malikov I it sounds like you're picking sides panic panic sets in when I start doing the math I want the Joker but / throws good and then there's also a year what the hell do I do I want 7 cents could you give me Falken 7 cents please did you give me anything Oh Ashish Space Jam is better you conveniently missed that can be nearly the same thing mallow is doing the actual math right now we already had this conversation to see DM hey there's my monday he must be the money if you want to go into karate baby get a year in a / throw duplicate items so 60 episodes in the first season 60 episodes total that yeah that would make sense I'm the math Wow smell table 18 cents okay we're loaded right now by doing all this money ah no I'm dirty Dan see it's already started wait longer than Space Jam all right take the equivalence how many I'm not done yet give me a moment here the math was the first step take the equivalent how many episodes SpongeBob can we buy for the length of Space Jam and with Space Jam only like an hour long or hour and 45 13 episodes okay first 13 episodes spongebob or pearls [ __ ] or Space Jam I couldn't think of the name Joker I'm going for the Joker now quality content pull it all right sponge or space sponger space space gem definitely says dr. Leviathan space yeah I'm with that one let's use a joker now and we'll take the era hey we got a pole for this too so like let's oh look at the time I gotta call this Paul sponge oh man sponge 113 episodes only played by the rules that you set mind you to try to sway it in your favor and I was like you know what I'm fine with this I'm not even gonna fight this I'm gonna allow you to take an unfair advantage here mmm shoot still lost that's a bummer that's a bummer hold the home-field advantage - I hate to put a four if it's only three [ __ ] item well it's a purse roll I guess I guess I could take all of them - yeah we'll put all in there huh whatever I'll add per throw I don't even care Yuli one gets what one wants when asked nicely I guess and that would have been silly though have you already been wearing the horns and then the horn showed up like gonna get that [ __ ] for free illness what up guava moment perthro I need more water you guys sorely I sorely need more water Nerdist puns get the two subs to regen spoons and quit no V appreciate that a lot and what is up nerd mega shedinja five months welcome back Penta but I'm gonna get more water my I'm all out and my throat is getting a horse give me a rough night today be right back [Music] [Music] so much water dude is that the second time we filled up our water our canteen hole will be balls you guys won everything is there a right order is there a wrong order I don't think there is Oh my stream deck just broke let's just go ahead and grab it Sol could have / throw the black powder but you know like I said sometimes it's nice just to keep things simple okay so we still shoot out bombs and we have a brimstone laser I'm not exactly sure I'm gonna feel comfortable charging out my laser when I'm just firing bombs out so the brimstone might not be all that great right now I really wish it was the bombs that split into the brim what happened to that horns please you Lea five gifted subs from nerd hello thank you dis our paths never Zane x tonight's owl's all right ow [Music] whatever trying to scooter and gold ripped [Music] let's do this thing you nerd response header bits now you need sad bums ripe anonymous cheer of 300 bits leave the bids my friend appreciate that let's pick up our era from day care the hell out of here hey there we go stream deck is fixed again buttons work things are nice my uterus is kicking says you Lee Congrats I think what it's a sort of thief ah Mazel Tov lehayim that was a lot of math oh [ __ ] dude that was the trickiest room I but I just got a fire off bombs on my brim especially when I walk into a new room you've turned backwards - and maybe China like that that could be a thing it's kind of a pain dad to worry about that but we have homing rim homing for him is probably one of the most powerful things you could possibly get into mists keep throwing your balls out there you have legs there I would go second owner but some Yoli just making it rain bits let's try not dying what if we did that 50 bucks heard you call my name you're right I've been meaning to donate phenomenal thank you so much my friends thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you more glasses automat some you ly keep the train alive you can let the train go you guys look at my horns have glasses huh silly horns that's I believe the candle flight flows around me wise around me I think it's a passive maybe I wouldn't mind the mysterious liquid with the bomb could be a nice little combo a little one-two punch there but you know probably only good for the bosses since everybody else is basically gonna die in a blast for for glory went out of peripheral option as well I mean yeah you will note of your off should basically be Bob's bladder you look at the de sub to that ash wonderful wonderful trains gonna die you guys are leveled to train just let the train go okay you let that train go you're the perthro big brain all right you guys definitely won number two I was curious about number one though now that's a big puddle there that could do some damage they had some damage correct rule or a bombed myself our help is very low health is very low Eli whoever donates can be dirty Dan as a right now I'm dirty Dan that's a gauntlet yeah we're gonna do the step it up $1 $2 $3 thing range you know that's a very affordable dirty Dan I'm just gonna throw it out there it's a very affordable dirty damn fine about you know dirty Dan prices I would know my dad was a dirty Dan salesman I grew up around dirty dance that doesn't sound right and kind of position myself in every room cuz my camel on diest a little bit which is nice I guess I'll get dad's yulie just gifted twenty son level three I said let it go Yuli subs galore low this chat goodness gracious you Lee you I'm gonna turn this train around don't make me whip out more dad energy full of it today unless you ask skull and then she'd say I'm full of [ __ ] oh this is two more dollars until to fine oh I'm dirty Dan awesome full of BS damn you damn kids I love the young people tongues we got to teach you this lesson old man I can't stop I just can't stop with the spongebob boats they are the best daddy me I dare you - Zhu Li I don't know I wouldn't want your uterus to start kicking again a little weird the last time what - scone what I'll hurt me said what I said you can only get worse we just ignore it it'll go away the Train I mean ignore the train let it die from the time limit on those fricking trains I don't say what like I'm dying but if you were really like like that that'd be the funniest way to say it so if you want to say that you're not funny then okay it's a weird thing to admit but given the circumstances and everything we talked about I think I guess believable make the train's impossible I can I make them I think I can make them easier maybe I'm gonna connect them impossible like they'd never proc right that could be a thing it have to be like 20 different events that happen I think is like max right now it's set at 3 you're not funny you know all things considered scone I appreciate that you use the right you're just want to throw that out there not that I would doubt that you would I'm just saying this you you would and I yeah good it's good it's a good thing that's a good trait no I'll be happy about that you know what you like give somebody a compliment and they somehow find a way to turn it into something negative oof oof mama or even just something completely this neutral it's completely neutral and they're like what the [ __ ] me about that my neg here's that tattoo the my leg tattoo I gotta look it up you're gonna find it you're gonna find it no that's porn okay it's easy if I didn't have that screen would you just can i fullscreen this or something how do I get the other stuff off there I don't want to look at the other stuff get out of here [ __ ] look up tattoos you never know what you're gonna get like if you go to the store the tattoo shop tattoos store on my [ __ ] 90 and then you flip to the book just like vagina vagina vagina vagina [ __ ] vagina you're like I just shocked my stream duck again you I know I'm dirty Dan it's still going wonderful Kelemen vopos here what's up thank you for that Julie hunter bit some people are more sensitive I think - vagina tattoos my leg did you just kill the music anonymous of 20 didn't clean the dirty Dan though did not claim dirty Dan just a generous person just a generous person [Music] let me look up something I'm gonna look up something quick [Music] okay okay you know I found some hits when I looked up Space Jam tattoo I propose that every one is dirty Dan and Hut's is dirty this is daddy Dan what's what's better daddy Dan or dirty dad neither my eyes are just burning I don't think I blinked for the last five minutes there can I get a flipping so hard from something here we're bleeding out I have dark Judas though so I guess I'm not too worried about it coming back though with you know mobility what take two more bombs and then be dead not the best it's not moving please no health until you ever play fort night battle royale has danced her you know josh is getting in the fort night so I played for tonight with Josh couple times will it ever be something that I would stream I mean I'm I'm not really against it like this the whole like you know comedic like for tonight bad thing but I honestly I don't take that all too seriously I'm most people are saying that it's just kind of like a little bit aside it's funny I don't have any plans of streaming it though don't have any plans no for tonight bad minecraft good you know which is you know it's you know yeah well you know my card it's pretty good josh has been mentioned four times now more than GF uterus or anything else Josh your soul mate you're saying that josh has been brought up more than your uterus is that is that a fair comparison is that what was that what we're comparing this is kind of like me comparing the first three seasons of Spongebob to the episode or two an hour and 45 minute our thirty movie would you think skill no excuse me I don't sound like that when i lo i don't have a uterus just rolling so you removed it risky move condoms even pays off form I don't you derp strength just saying you didn't talk about my uterus enough so like you probably gay for Josh real men talk about my uterus grab getting hurt I got flight we're good we're totally good remember when we picked up fate you're a fight okay check um take a breather no I'm dirty Dan not dirty Dan you are dirty Dan I am I'm confused now but $4 hey hey mmm health hey more health we're back on top [Music] once your top Josh it's time to bottom up thousand bits you're too kind ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha this is at dance fancy being nice right now you being nice right now excuse me we have this like sarcasm we hate each other thing going on right now and I really don't want that to be blown maybe sis dance who you calling who No which one of y'all dirty Dan I just want to like watch that episode again like when she rips Patrick's [ __ ] head off like a rapper maybe it's time for a foot cheese jokes alright you start no you mr. brimstone this room anti-birth music is top-notch and arguing that individual of culture I see you know what I'd be fine with putting the purser on this one it's pretty garbage but you know it's up to you hey how's it going pretty good vortex put cheese on pizza did you guys see that thing I put on Twitter about like I was like roommates put foot cheese on a pizza disguises Parmesan and the person ate it and I posted it on Twitter and I was like oh my god I [ __ ] called it and then there was like a lot of people that don't follow me here on Twitch so they were just like what the houses lost his mind like they had no idea it was gross on God's green earth are we talking about this again you have lost your mind a long time ago in a galaxy far far away it's a 50/50 split you guys make up your damn minds and then you nine cents I think we could probably swap to the evil watch battery well like the little [ __ ] watery Adam [Music] looks like it's still time for a throw or two to pull the lead pulling further into the lead still in the lead you go if you guys vote twice it doesn't count twice all right number two is winning lurkers had to come out and this hates me first $3 Beto how many spongebob codes can we fit into a single screen okay that was nice I'm definitely the enemy thank you for homie yeah nice good work well done fun events don't forget you have brim I know but flinging bombs around I'm getting hurt from the bombs Thank You Lee really helpful stuff haven't sent advice you just like get a bomb in there did you get a bomb further in there thank you ha ha ha ha - Zhu Li some funny Punk dirty Dan [Music] Julie is a good person to see some okay I was tricky [Applause] health is actually pretty good here nice I'm okay with that job looks exactly like an Alaskan bull worm more Sponge Bob but you look at that fight me hit you if I fly what I've resorted to another one no this guy my chub looks like a Bobbitt worm and hell's a Bobbitt learn [Music] Bob the deez nutz worm are we that checked I just suddenly got the imagery of I guess I dunno we were talking about CD M's junk I got the imagery of have you ever heard of that like parasite that crawls inside of a fish's mouth and eats its tongue out and then takes place of its tongue and turns into that fish's new tongue that's the imagery that came to my mind when you said that your child looks like a bobbitt worm maybe a Bobbitt where made your judgment taking place parasitic wait a second I killed you wait a minute nasty yeah pretty nasty why do I spit up five thousand bombs sometimes nasty just how I like it are you dirty Dan three dollar bills okay and makes sense dice shards even better than the per throw maybe well prize if I have open if I have unopened chests on the chests it's not good how is it symbiotic the fish can't even use its tongue oh yeah I would say it couldn't necessarily be symbiotic considering its tongue is now eating its own food even if it could use it unless somehow helps it attract more food which I don't think it does right or maybe as the food's a vegetarian or some [ __ ] but what's that fish eat and then that [ __ ] parasite can fish dice Jam harm and five get the cells appreciate that the stoned king scene render I am become death testy burrito and safe be testy burrito you put your what in my what most fish eat everything whole was in the fish gain and protection from the isopod from bacteria I don't know that was my question asking me out of fish ologist [Music] all right Meg let's take a look at that Virgina foot cheese scramble bowl I wonder if I could just kill everything with my fly before I fire that [ __ ] camo undies Opie I kept Bertha on there technically it's these dice chard you guys ever seen a lamprey it's talking about disgusting things in fish land lamprey are just not okay it's pretty unacceptable that that exists on this planet what's that card isn't there a cards against humanity' card that's like a lamprey latching onto your taint Jam Armand with 20 get that sub to tilt if I as well spreading the love do you remember the first time you broke the game will you tell us about it or your favorite time my favorite time my favorite time I think revolves around certain episodes or streams I would say it's hard to remember them all it's been so long right remember Ray's bananas what was your favorite time you can stir my memory cookie cutter sharks are also freaky cookie cutter shark okay you want you want number four dunce so this is a this is a lamprey it's basically like a really long ill with teeth this little eyeball that's completely unacceptable it's completely unacceptable that this thing exists at all like if there was a God I don't like him anymore if he's out there like yeah let's make this piece-of-shit thing they're cute it's just calm bad turtle all right I'm gonna throw it at you and you know if you flinch then you're lying cookie cutter shark they'd already knew I was looking for it pretty okay that means like so that he's kind of cute a little bit imagine using it as a condoms as ually this guy he looks like like it's like a plush doll or some [ __ ] goblin shark goblin sharks are actually like frightening this guy looks like he's [ __ ] happy to be there he's just happy to be included you know well even be he just got invited he doesn't go for he doesn't go out very often okay badi days two dogs until 2 5 you get curse of darkness you could it's advanced darkness this isn't normal darkness that's darkness we have to send Hut's of plush cookie shark chats like who's this we 20 out of 38 lamprey species do not eat what what do they do then guy Caramba you'll to get to the sub Tootsie some awesome and jam harmon with five more dollars in tilted by the first time it happened to me not too long ago I ended up with 257 luck in 335 damage I was like damn Supes fun for sure it's definitely good time rave bananas that was a very long time ago very long time let's see here let's do one two three per throw help thank rave bananas was the first time that I broke out the what was that song brain power like asking Chad I was like what's that song that like kobol plays it's hot I've seen the blobfish dance for sure yuck it's just a bunch of porn dammit dance huh looks like a blobfish ha ha ha ha okay feelings hurt you guys want me to use my dice shard let's do that and then redo the pole [Music] well I'm fished only look like that because they're deep-sea fish and they're basically they undergo the bends and poof out when they're brought to the surface yeah so a picture of the blob fish in the wild take all what if I know one thing at all swish it up don't have to be guppy what's every time well look at that I think there was a / throughout there that I could have grabbed but it's too late that is flight that is peanut butter which is like a slowly creep shot I think I think that's flight again and then this monstros long keep the pole off otherwise it will cover the screen when we teleport to a room it doesn't put the polling numbers in the bottom blobfish live in really high pressured environments their bodies are built for that I'm looking on my phone blobfish in the wild I really have seen a whole lot still is that's I don't know Oh still looks silly cuz that that one down there doesn't look anything like that so your [ __ ] clown mass in the wild haha I mean what else what would you look up then number four was voted for [Applause] [Music] hey we're now shooting bombs anymore with monstros long we don't shoot bombs Hey look in charge of our brimstone whoa brah look at that rule 34 blob fish oh bloody shot y'all got issues nice horns thank you total mistake choosing lungs wide it seems super good unhappy so happy we should actually go back for that key get hit by something they're all too easy for use as you lis crazy day 15 alright you Lee we're gonna be one chance right here okay pick one item you Lee that you want me to take one item give me one item of your choice flume sis cone take deez nutz cysts Invicta a bid carmichael 26 a hot song time liquor and we'll keep lurking hope everything is good greens for Finland it's up my Finnish friends blobfish have some luscious lips is Eli it was said it can never be unsaid his name is Robert Paulson taking a while to think on an A or did I miss it chance of a lifetime soy milk is you Lee is that your final answer soy milk i guests when do we unlock acrid buts Thursday now I got these guys promised on some slight aspire after this that's the end or bubble that multiplies I probably will multiply the bombs but in my we'll see I can't tell has so many bombs in there can't do anything Thursday I'll be in the studio in the studio that sounds fancy what's the studio can I come I want one recording a new song look at that [ __ ] fancy stuff great the eyeball [ __ ] brimstone lasers homing Bruce oh you're get [ __ ] on no you can't come well okay once again do insert a little bit and go chat no BOTS allowed what do you do with yours pouty face so you thought you only wanted me to take a soy milk so I'm not got guests I said are you sure I didn't get a response so all right we'll go assign milk two words done it is done the damage it's not very good you guys want number two spider boy rip the damage on that though my stream back why are you just like failing right now keeps getting shorted can't do it Thursday well how late he gonna be up [Music] one at least to get one slight aspire running as promised which would probably take me upwards of over an hour after this a while since Invicta this is really good I think regardless you're a great player just two skills Gigi there was a red puck behind my head okay I'm calling hax and that Wednesday's best I think what's on Wednesday let's go to the grocery store Wednesday's best or Friday Friday won't work for me what are these extra shots oh those are the nose shits yeah I know that I played this game before a few times honey here you know I I want to actually use this to get out but then maybe not now that I think about if I go to the ayamaro room oh we didn't do the boss already son of a [ __ ] totally should have just done it I'm all over the place man plus it's going on a date without me on Friday you-you-you-you I'm going into the studio you can't come but you better not do anything without me jealous much give me the ayamaro I'm pissed off damn right is this Invicta you see how the game is played don't want the blood bag I didn't want it Oh cancel them really enjoyed the grift Lancie resets do you think he you have a referral link for the game a referral link is that being a link for a a discount on the game I did not receive anything like that [Music] Google geoduck why it's not a Pokemon All Right see you submit up most source around here they close at six turn this whole quarantine thing Wednesday sure sounds good Wednesday is in tomorrow yeah do not Google that a tenth I know that sie doch knows poetry do that and less Bardis that's nice did we get an uh I don't think we got a deal with the devil here did me or is that where we got the spider baby and that's where we got the spider baby will do sin victim sounds good it's not hentai I don't know I think that's what someone that wants me to look up hint I would say little fishy search it for science it's not hand-tight it's hardcore hentai still anti just do just a subgenre just checked it it just looks a little sauce but totally safe for work Vaman myself here at the mercy of the court sack me monstrous long they just way better we're really getting with that freaking soymilk play I'm just gonna go ahead and pop the Joker here do double year up [Music] I'll just gonna bump in a bomb myself I think it'd be really fun by just by myself [Music] wonder if Potts is on that foot fetish website with all the foot cheese sounds like you know about the website [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretzel nuggets anyone [Music] back Tom I never had dinner [Music] number two would make no sense you guys [Music] trade stream technically [Music] oh you know what like I said I think everything's like pretty much closed it 6:00 p.m. not sure about food place is open late I can look you know how I get your mind you where are your hours I mean what are your hours [Music] [Music] and then some spaghetti sponsors [Music] 11 p.m. country stream where'd you get your nuggets from Costco I think Trader Joe's has some high V has some not as good though the Kirkland brand I don't know it's better yeah duality makes no sense here Linda Lee our last deal with the devil right Yuli I'm having breakfast I love a good Brenner [Music] please Google geo doc why it's like another disgusting thing I don't get does it have anything to do with what we were already doing goodbye sleep as mr. J no it just looks not safe for work how about you tweet me a picture of geoduck how do I not play with my Terms of Service I can be cool since this is like I don't know my livelihood so okay I held this very low hentai also looks very not-safe-for-work [Music] geoduck is a delicacy in Asia a type of clam does that with the tongue son of a [Music] pronounced Mui doc is it though where'd you just get out of here not what I had in mind - Geodude + Psyduck not sure what it's there but okay bro we did it what the hell is that doesn't matter I got two years it was a day Gaza could because it could have doubled our health oh well yeah Gigi says usually I'm not done yet oh oh oh oh I'm not a keys Aries d20 spider was wrong but miniature meteor curse the tower chemical peel sad onion wait what dancer lead-pencil we got a little bit out there from cancer nice I mean it's pretty much over with the toughest floor there is no ayamaro room in this floor by the way I've used this but we can hope that it takes us to the top Singh room which it did which hopefully next to the boss room which it is in no that's the regular cigarette never mind I can see those sides of it now hold on a minute wait a tick wing wha-hoo ptosis interesting birth row and then I haven't eaten today I'm gonna go get some food be right back eating is generally pretty good Oh what now let's say you epic act bombs explode on contacts I love them up more direct and it's gonna be blasting more in our face furnace I don't even know what that is eating is bad for the economy personalized oh no dad's key my dad's key luck in this room it's just it's unrivaled it is unrivaled yeah this is not good for me my frickin eyeball just handle everything and I'm gonna hide in the corner and just turned untouchable okay maybe it doesn't shoot in its own I'm not sure I don't know how it works nope it's shooting it's going reroll the active [Music] [Music] cartoonist it's correct but I look if I lose three hearts I'm going to lose two Wow holy ground so mega-santa let's go music from mega-santa and judas time time for winning time for winners no time for losers oh you son of a [ __ ] look at a cat that I guess [ __ ] you go back for it I guess [Music] oh thanks copies caller nice these are magic music for this brimstone eyeball because we're now [ __ ] watch it until it's done like I sense that you can do this [Music] kale leaf he'll leave exciting gameplay the Munich go [Music] everybody Bakken [Music] dance [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do yah isn't hell out of this Nellis all you in this is pro gamer move Christie a lot harder than you think your skill [Music] or Santa sigh had this coming when he ran over grandma I had kissed my wife he's pushing me closer which is great cuz they might fly to get in there like he like pulled me in like a hug hug me Santa went went went one one one pound went went me more he just wanted a hug you jerk the fire was just an accident oops sorry [Music] we've done it oh dear God I don't want to I don't want to go Uli's and Gigi yeah delirium III spend [Music] think you're funny same [ __ ] straw yeah we'll be here all day something's wrong something is wrong but a little bop that look a little bop Boop Denis Bob no that's not good news for you Paul I got flight a week we cool one you down them to be late they'll [ __ ] yeah just multiplied my health by three that's not good two-ton command savage eyeball blank card per throw I'm in I'm in good with the bit-depth do a bit about do bit about do bit about do pity Bob damn that eyeball is good horse fast listen they're nothing or even I don't care I don't care about that Yura don't mind if I do [ __ ] you want me to use that on dentin rock [ __ ] Sombra hell oh mama mama we got it we're in we're in good things win here good thing I convinced you guys to allow me to go I was like I really want to go fight delirium when you guys like know and it's like please I'm gonna do it anyways good thing too good thing too cuz I'm just smart like that game photos being all cheeky giving me blank card in the last item I guess you were right hard sat-sun you know I didn't didn't even think about it like that but yeah I guess you're right that I am right hey man guess we were wrong now that you say that I guess I guess yeah yeah sorry we doubted you would have made a difference you didn't though remember I gave you your shot Bewdley but no it wouldn't it made a difference because it doesn't take away my what you call it kale leaf kale is too strong this is forever put the music up again stop breaking and entering the game sprain yes you did I failed was thinking glass cannon but you wouldn't use it yeah that's the thing yeah only there was some sort of like twitch mod for this where people could actually make events happen like if 100 people said the active item word that it would just use it or something [Music] Bob's brain I need some [ __ ] keys put some key drops horse [Music] here Keith matted Rock there she blows [Music] he's a golden key or sour time burb you don't watch twitch streams in the shower call yourself a fan [Music] how rude take it in the shower that's almost as bad as saying you don't poop and watch your phone Lowell oof yeah have you ever done that where you sit down to take a dump and then you realize you don't have your phone on you and you're like like do I do I cut do I do I do I have to go do I need to like waddle over there how do we work this do I do a mid poop wipe to go get my phone so I can sit back down and enjoy it oops I use my purse girl you need fiber bottle away till the very next day bop bop bop bop bop I mop up duck sat down to take a big dump cursed duck [Music] [Applause] blaah shivers shiver me timbers permanent cars a darkness [ __ ] you view and the thing is your fault another skull don't ask how this is possible I used it fire I got worse the hell is that gonna do that's great hello hi easy-mode welcome to the show Oh another soy milk oh no no you know I don't know you know you know you know what's that d1 boss goes to pear pimple shot why no no no wow wow wow wow wow wow [Applause] is he coming covered I didn't mean to go into the room I don't want to be in here look away for one minute Bob's brain for the win there we go that's what I wanted oh hey soul purse roll well you know I kind of just maybe want to go easy mode here and just Tammy's head it out like watch me go watch me do this okay I'm dying go back coward [Music] are you meeting if I kick the knee of your Bob nope birth canal should have given huts missing no this is mr. J sad bombs I'm gonna know what my bombs look like they're dead pretty sad [Music] could double the health whatever like I need health to get this game to need L never lost once how do you handle farts on streams is Eli that's a very specific question we hunting all of your fetishes today foot cheese farting there's a couple more in there let some squeak out honestly I rarely ever have to fart on stream Tess hasn't really been a problem I guess [Music] but yeah Molly I'm gonna like let her rip out loud yeah you're missing a few more no I know I didn't write them down cuz I'm not [ __ ] weird I mean I am a little weird but you know you know you know [Music] he will explode someday I know a girl that was on vacation and she was she is she's very she really hates pooping anywhere but her house right only miss I noticed this is she's a very open person but she held it in for so long that she got a what was it called an anal ulcer she's he literally exploded she exploded it's no way around it that's what happened she's bloated hemorrhoid I don't think that's of amirite is exactly sure I think that's not my friends I can drop a bomb and I turned invincible before the bomb even goes off is she dead no she's alive far as I know haven't talked to her in like 10 years high school friend Wow yeah I googled and Walter and Vito never talked about it again gross you brought it up
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 9,374
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: Oc3kCnuhulw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 15sec (6435 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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