Halo: Space Battles -- UNSC Infinity Beats Everything! Halo: Sins of the Prophets #1

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hey guys this is Eckhart slaughter hello and welcome to my very first at least I think my first let's play on my second channel x2 today we are playing sins of the Prophet a mod for the realtime strategy game sins of a solar Empire hopefully that sounds not too loud let me just turn it down a little bit oh yeah I mean I could talk about it all day but much more fun just to show you obviously you can play as the UNSC or the Covenant we are gonna play a small map today as the UNSC I've been streaming this game a few times on the main channel and those of you who've watched know that playing is the UNSC is much harder at least at this point than playing as the Covenant i won very easily last time as the Covenant so I'm gonna put this on as easy for the UNSC we're just gonna do a small map if you guys like this perhaps I could play with some members in the community maybe just do a larger map with some AI do some other play with some other Halo youtubers I know this game has quite a following so yeah UNSC we're just gonna do easy looking at game options we don't want the flood on we'll do without quick starts because I'm not in any sort of rush here and maybe capital victory I think yeah so the victory here we win and lose by losing or destroying the enemy capital that being said let's start see how long this is maybe I will have to edit this out maybe not but in the background you might hear some scampering my puppies my poppers they're they're good dogs but they scamper they make noise this isn't gonna take long load that's good they also make sure you guys let me know whether you like this sort of gameplay content I don't think it will ever have a huge place on my main channel like new games like battlefront 2 I'm planning on playing ok so let's take a look we've got ridden taro I'm just gonna go ahead and quickly rename that to earth because I'm gonna accidentally call earth every time and let's send our Scout ships to explore take a quick look at them the models in this game are quite nice got a hi-tech Prowler here and we've also got a marathon and another ship they'll let's build some supporting ships some UNSC Paris class heavy frigates so we've got a a Ryan class assault carrier since this is my first one of my first ships I'm gonna rename this to the UNSC neck a little vain naming a capital ship after myself that's okay and then elsewhere I've also got somewhere a marathon UNSC southern charm so this is the Orion so I'm gonna give this the ability to colonize planets so I can get my my civilization here or my empire off on a good start with that being said let's take a look I'm just waiting to see which planet is more fertile and more ready for the taking so the defense is here aren't crazy let's take a look what this other plant is offering us in the meantime I start off with a lot of resources in the meantime let's get some research going okay so I got alive got a little kind of a shape going on here with my home planet pretty far away that's nice I also see that let's see this planet here is special it's needs advanced terraforming so I've got to research that so that will be one of the first things I research let's see what we got over here okay so this is gonna be the first planet that we take because it's relatively innocent not much in the way of defense and take it quite easily and then I will have my forces most likely move on and take this one because it's got just a decent amount of resource asteroids and then we'll see from there in the meantime let's keep up with the research what's this do I'm to be completely honest I've sent the Sunstream before but I honestly don't know what half of the military research does I just you know buy it and hope for the best but let's not get complacent here as the UNSC you've really got to get your ass and we're like pardon my french but you've got to get your ass in gear right away like I said pardon my french then said the exact same thing again please don't demonetised me youtube actually this channel is not even monetized so that's no problem so jumped in before the other ships hopefully that's not too much of a problem but it might be thankfully the other ships are fairly far away in the gravity well I don't really like that too much okay the fighters can handle these onesies hopefully got backup coming soon oh yeah that marathons not too too far away but I'd really handle that very intelligently gas giants are not colonize Abul so my fighters almost managed to take out that one ship I haven't sustained too much damage yet so I should be okay but I can always back out hopefully that marathon jumps yeah there we go then my frigate so will give me some good backup okay so let's get more capital ships ready in just a second made a bit more crystal or as it's called in this do turn iam okay my ships doing fine not worried didn't work this planets got a good amount of defenses though so it's gonna be it's going to be a little bit annoying um in the meantime let's I'm really low on crystal already let's buy some crystal maybe by that marathon and then pretty quick one of the first things you want to unlock is the commercial trading stations because they allow you to make a network extra income is always good especially when you're the UNSC I suppose as it should be in a way when you're the UNSC like you really cannot afford to make any mistakes like you've got a you can't mess around you've got to be quick colonizing planets as quickly as you can yeah it's it's a little stressful you know but it's fun if you play as the Covenant you really have to play like at least in my opinion for it to be really fun you have to play like a difficulty higher than you would ordinarily I believe okay get that trading started this planet should be colonized in just a second there we go so I'll move this fleet before we do anything else we'll move this fleet to this planet really though this planet we want to get quickly because that was pretty far across the galaxy it's gonna lead us into Covenant space I imagine one of these two planets will is the pirate station that each one of the map spawns with but perhaps it could be on the other side but anyways let's start developing this planet build some minds do you guys hear that people getting tough outside just a second I don't know if you guys hear that but I live right in the suburbs like in the middle of the suburbs and some old man was just screeching at someone else no offense to old men anywhere just calling it like I see it two marathons should be good amount let's build a couple more research stations here as well as a trade station hopefully this planet can at least you know support logistics otherwise it's pretty useless I accidentally I like to jump my fleets together accidentally sent these uh Paris class frigates in together but if they can take out a few of the nearby ships that's wrong just keep them together let's hit someone with a missile I want you guys to see that cuz it's cool who this guy's almost ready to level up yeah he is cool let's watch him pop that ship with a nuke there it is watch the mouse oh it missed there we go see ya wouldn't want to be ya okay um yeah more show you know these guys know that I'm trying to be a professional youtuber here I don't think they care mind um when you play as the UNSC you really have to carefully prioritize this is something that was kind of lost at me when I first started playing you got carefully prioritize the planets that you capture and then you've really got to like dig in like if you know what I mean like once you have those planets picked out get those Mac platforms ready okay that should be enough so together this time we do it together this time I was gonna say the same thing so what i'm doing here is um when your ships just reached level 2 so hee hee it got an upgrade so I was just upgrading the ship should be able to capture this planet now and then I think I'm gonna take them here hopefully these ships are yep they're jumping right now nice size task force here two marathons at about seven Paris class frigates really at this stage we keep our fleet composition fairly simple anything that can shoot things and it's cheap we go with it's not fall behind on the research here what if that siren in the distance is far that scuffle going on I doubt it this plan is nice because it's got five resource asteroids one of the first things we want to do here is get an extract or setup now let's send this fleet off to this planet it's a bit of a journey but it's fine actually I guess I know it's fine eventually I'll clear out this onyx planet here and settle it myself but let's see haven't lost any ships yet not even any frigates I don't think but some of them are taking some damage should probably unlock some new ships here shipyard stalwart will help because a lot of these AI ships have fighters in the solar access like a anti fighter screening ship so these AI are supposed to be in ease you can see that they're obviously UNSC ships like I have so I developed my population on each planet in order to that's amazing in order to increase my trade income you know we've got a pirate I have no idea how pirate bases work I see they're shooting out flood spores though it's kind of cool maybe at the end of this episode I will see if I can take that planet okay so this planet is taken but they've got a good amount of forces over there so I'm not going to the next plane I'm not gonna take that straightaway I'm gonna build some support ships especially where I probably lost some frigates yeah I lost a bunch really I should upgrade my sorry that's the dog I was surprised at how quiet they're being I figure it was only a matter of time so this before but I love holy UNSC ships are basically flying guns that's it is that my entire production underneath also need a produce and I should do this right now a Phoenix class colony ship to capture this planet because right now it's just sitting there okay so that planet already has a trade station this planet is having one being built sorry about the dogs again if they didn't hate to be bad I will go up and take a break but they should be okay I'm just gonna mute my mic for a second a few moments later sorry about that guys hopefully I remember to skip through that and editing the dogs were just getting a little barky so where were we capturing planets hopefully nothing bad happened because I don't think you can actually cause this see it has this battle going not poorly one of my ships leveled up that's nice probably fell behind and some actually no I'm still doing pretty well okay worries me you know the Covenant has more capital ships than I do did you do Shipyard that's what I want so that's a plasma storm that's not preferable I'm curious to see what this planet is and if the covenants already colonized it if so that's not super Pleasant let's move this Phoenix class ship here capture this planet we can get these ones right here like these three some points in but to be honest like it'll get done once I capture the more important and more highly contested planet planets okay let's capture this I think I just got level four that's pretty good upgrade his nukes by the right thing here how many ships do I have I think that should be okay we'll see whatever see what happens let's build some more research stations and I forgot to do Oh No okay that's ready start building refineries as well - Jericho seven nice so your planets only have a certain amount of logistics and tactical slots tactical slots in particular become important for Humanity because once you reach a certain point I mean you don't have to turtle but you kind of have to turtle if you don't know what turtle means it means basically loading up on the defense and what for the UNSC that means building a lot of Mack cannons how are we doing here so those fighters didn't have stalwarts didn't help as much as I anticipated but I probably should have used a tighter fleet formation that's fine let's just go ahead and jump this Phoenix by the time that battle is done once build hmm let's get another capital ship a couple another couple of capital ships ready - well how are we doing here 13 Paris's stalwart and two marathons okay we're probably doing fine actually let's just build a couple stalwarts the plan of development here going not really moving fast as fast as I wouldn't like to so this planet says that it's I'm gonna do something with this fleet because they're just sitting around right now I mean last time we were here there was an IRS class heavy cruiser I don't like that whatsoever maybe I'll just try to shore up this side here with heavy defenses and whatnot and push harder on this other side I like I always says the halcyon days are over it's kind of cheeky um my military research needs to be improved so let's go ahead and do that really am i civilian - you never want to fall behind and I say that every time I stream and I always inevitably of course fall behind slow about the caption on our planet that's good at least feel okay about that just scratching his nose on the full are just lying around lazy bum so this planet right here is still open although oh no not really Cubby's got a small fleet here I'm gonna go ahead and start some very basic defenses of these planets I say very basic like I'm talking let's also get some ship production facilities going here sorry my dogs being a noisy hopefully the Covenant haven't came this far yeah that would be bad let's jump okay we're good I really don't feel like waiting for these stalwart forgets so let's just actually hurt my friends let's take this plane at first hopefully no one jumped already huh no they're fairly far back in the gravity well okay I'll hunt these stalwarts join up here ideally we could capture all the way as far as this planet because they've got a good amount of resource asteroids and it's an attack the advantageous position that's basically like their version of right here if this galaxy or this system is fairly mirrored which they usually are I'm actually doing quite well but the Covenant can hit you so quick and so hard like one one CAS class covenant capital ship can game over take an entire planet and you'll prevent it from being captured easy I mean recaptured easily they'll have to do some noise reduction on this file after it's done how are we doing can we hurry up please the dog is just like finding everything on the ground and just being as noisy as possible which is annoying because I've got like five other rooms open that he could go into or he could just go outside I love how he says that I Mack slipspace jump on my Mac so they just scouted out one of my planets that's what these div class Corvettes are other just Scouts oh crap they had the same idea I should probably crap I should probably retreat yeah that capital ship is too much for me to deal with um maybe I can just capture the planet I guess capture it and run just jump by yourself please hurry please this might be a bad idea yone we're come on that's a UNSC plan if I ever heard of it if I ever heard of one there we go okay go how are we doing over here you just get the rest of the fleet up there well then as I said every time to start digging in actually I don't want to build that there the Mac platforms are literally your most important tool as the UNSC come on please go in time know like why are you attacking I said jump I'm gonna lose this capital ship because that's the most frustrating thing when you tell or at least when you feel like you tell them to do one thing on the he decides to try to take on a whole covenant task force by himself rest in peace I'm probably gonna lose this planet anyways but whatever I guess I can be replaced the lives however the lives can't be replaced time to start progressing with new military technology so valiant Halcyon and yeon carrier these will help me with my fleet also one thing I've got to do that little blip just reminded me is um a lot of crystal these built already know I'm gonna get one of those constructors please finish that quickly yeah I'm I'm in kind of big trouble here although yeah of course that there's only one weapons platform finished yeah they're gonna take that planet back for sure that's fine though if I could take this one that would be beautiful it's not slack on it then okay let's research some weapon tak [Music] all right I must be the worst video game player ever with these dogs in the background constantly now I'm like they're doing anything cute just barking let's build some so I've unlocked all of the basic cruisers well actually all of the cruisers period for the UNSC so I can build a fairly balanced fleet now the stalwarts take care of enemy fighters which the Covenant are usually pretty light on anyways the halcyon are kind of just like bullet sponges and then the eon or however you pronounce it our carriers themselves let's see if the Covenant decided to push their luck and try to take this planet I wouldn't be surprised so positioning of ships in relation to orbital defense platforms is fairly important the platform's themselves are weak against enemy fighters so you want to in like well-placed orbital defense platforms can literally stop an entire covenant invasion if placed properly but it's important that I take this planet back else I'll be fighting invading forces from either side like you want to be able to place all your platforms like right here so once my ships are repaired and once I get everything set up I'll want to try to take that planet back I also want to work on continuing my trade network because right now it's pretty paltry that planets good that point it's good that planets good okay so I've got six Oh DPS or I guess they're called orbital weapons platforms not defense platforms but that's a good amount it's not gonna be enough to repel like a full-scale covey invasion or anything but hopefully at this point in the match we don't need to I always forget to upgrade my ships just blasted one of my guys with a Mac so once I have secured this planet I'll feel comfortable starting to consolidate these inner planets here I can't again another logistics cap there so let's get some promotions shall we they're expensive man but you need them can't live with them can't live without him this get will be helpful because it will tell us what the Covenant is a-rockin over here okay so once we colonize this planet be in decent shape so this let's play is starting to get pretty long but I'm having a fun time so don't want to stop mm-hmm so not a whole lot at this planet but that makes me wonder because we know that there were other ships they're not here if I take the ships away from this planet is am I gonna get hit by a forest or something I don't know I have to at least wait for my capital ships to finish construction anyway I have they you know I think they're waiting for I think they're waiting for something to research yeah it's gonna take a while actually how many of these planets have logistics capacity despair should really clear out its create a fleet to clear out this just gas giant here and then to help out whoever else it's because um for one I didn't even think that they could hit me from there but also the gas giants they have six asteroids around them you can't directly colonize the planet but um what you can do is have a Phoenix class ship take over the the asteroids themselves so hopefully that valiant research finishes soon no artifacts well haven't done any research artifacts you basically find on planets yeah they give you whatever bonuses some of them are completely useless like diplomatic bonuses some of them are very useful how's my ship production doing on here must be almost done nope must be waiting for my doing capital ship research yeah again you can't get like you can't just sit around like once I have this ship once I have this production done I'm gonna take this planet actually it's already been mostly cleared up by the Covenant then this one up here actually I could get risky and just have these guys do it it does leave me kind of undefended up here but the first thing I'm gonna do before even taking the resource asteroids will be to build some ship braking facilities and the asteroids because there is a very fairly substantial fairly substantial halt here so I sold way more crystal there than I meant to it's always something from Breaking Bad selling more crystal than you anticipated man those volumes are taking for ever this will be a fairly sizable fleet on its own once it's finished but I should be putting some of their ships here good-looking fleet c1 covenant CAS class assault carrier completely demolishing the entire thing though absolutely no questions asked let us hope well actually the orbital defense platform if they'd fought us on home turf the overall defense platform wouldn't make fairly quick work of them but if we jumped into Covey space and how are we doing here let's build a couple more defense platforms well orbital command that makes each one of the platform's more effective which it's a nice little bonus later I'll build some some some Sabre hangars because the thing that your your ships are sorry your orbital defense platforms are most weak against our what's it called um enemy fighters so there's one important civilian technology that I've completely forgot to the Seder helps you see fleets jumping towards your planet I completely forgot to unlock that you know what though I'm not seeing much in the way of covenant resistance here so I should really hurry up and take this planet sooner rather than later in fact I'm gonna do it right now with what I have we're kind of light on capital ships though maybe I'll wait till these two are done and then anything else will be part of whatever comes next I'll wait for at least one of them anyway it's always kind of good when you run at a fleet capacity that means you're you know actually building things that's not what I meant to buy whatever it's build some actually I'm kind of kind of broke right now all right so that first valent is done that's probably good enough let's jump together though they don't seem to have a whole lot in way of planetary defense if they did I would contagious laughter nough call this the UNSC x2 there we go I think this will be a good ship let's buy it an upgrade unlock some new abilities hopefully by the time the rest of the fleet is caught up it'll be ready um let's do some more industry our economy is going quite well right now but um let's not rest on our laurels too much listen ice planet up here it's got good logistics capacity build both the military and the civilian research facility here but fleets probably ready to jump it's come nice we got a scout hopping in it will give us a good idea of what's waiting for us on the other side the UNSC akin the UNSC X you are both going into battle together what happened to that Scout so to SDB Corvettes it's very manageable STB Corvettes are like their their beginning ship nothing better than a good orbital Defense Grid see I think we should be able to take this planet fairly easily we'll see I guess oh so that planets been taken care of let's get that Phoenix over here so what are we dealing with it is just the two you should go down and a volley quite easily I think they already lost one yes very good man it must suck to be an officer on a UNSC ship they go down so easily you basically know that your battle unless you get lucky you're going down let's just go take care of the defenses here let's research some new vessels at the epoch good the first level the first two levels of the Infinity - although they're so cheap it's really just the cost of the Infinity itself which is astronomical compared to all other UNSC ships anyway although I don't know I could probably probably build it at some point in the near future so when's the last time 52 seconds ago and they still haven't so I can actually settle this planet - the AI isn't being very aggressive pop them I think about this game as it doesn't have culture and able culture is the most annoying aspect of sins of a solar Empire not fun so this is strange usually I'd be running into a lot more covenant resistance right about now build an epoch we rating this planet or what orbital structure complete see ya why is that tithing post have so much armor very good you know I might actually be able to build the infinity before too long here this is basically another backwater planet so I'm not really too concerned about using the logistic slots effectively having at any Intel at this planet for a while maybe we should send single destroyer to go check it out good luck just looking this ship they've got a couple heavy cruisers but I don't see anything no CAS classes or anything like that yet oh I completely forgot about this fleet let's go help out move these guys back up here make sure we don't jump through the pirate base that would be a bad idea I only got one ship that can actually do damage to this planet but they just unlocked a new ability invasion she'll do serious damage they're trying to build a Starbase in this gravity well here jeez I didn't realize I didn't upgrade that planet all the way what a waste there's a nothing here it's kind of a waste while at the total waste actually how far away are we from up from unlocking the Infinity that's my question we need to more research structures okay cool and probably put both them here let the Covenant Scout see I don't care um um thinking I haven't upgraded all my planets fully let's see this one I probably haven't don't have this one I have this one I have okay well they just jump in hmm fairly small fleet I think I should be able to handle this you just keep doing what you're doing yeah I think we can handle this fleet where's the ektu I want to control this from the x2 hmm who wants to get hit by a nuke they're jumping be nice if we could take this Cruiser down probably won't maybe it's gonna get away yep see ya very good plants almost done cool only when I unlock now is star bases so to build a star base what you need to do someone kindly explained to me in the chat is build a Phoenix class and then you basically just build the star base with that ship should I just straight up 13 seconds ago I check this fleet out of this planet out and there's not a whole lot there so screw it let's get a little aggressive well I would hope not I wonder where my squadron for this ship is what's he trying to do with this constructor I'm gonna take this planet in just a second he's not gonna do anything let's just leave this Halcyon behind to kill it and we've got a new planet not a great one but a planet this is weird I honestly think that a large portion of the difficulty must be associated with what AI behavior gets assigned to the enemy because I'm having a much easier time right now than I would I may have just jinxed myself but I wouldn't mind I don't mind losing let's build the Titan foundry here I'm actually not even that short what I need to build the infinity well I'm fairly short but I mean it's not gonna take me that long if I develop this planet yes okay much nicer looking at trade path there now civilian technologies already unlocked the full tree for the for military tech so civilian techs the only thing left nothing much at this planet they've got more defenses but nothing major where's the ektu probably these my have any no I don't looking for my stalwart frigate oh there we go there's a big boy right there OAS class assault carrier whoo that's their Titan okay everyone back back back back so yeah they're done messing around um I wasn't sure if the pound slipspace anomaly grade I wasn't sure if the computer was just easier than before or if I was missing something that's obviously obviously I was just missing something planetside infrastructure complete fun yeah I'm gonna lose some capital ships here hopefully I can get the x2 I don't even research the Starbase yet what a waste shipyard okay it's in the process I guess so hopefully these get built fairly quickly um by unlocking tactical stages I get more constructor ships let's just move these guys back here it's a waste building that Titan foundry right now so I don't have the money for staying up like all of my logistic slots okay it's not freaked out though maybe there's a chance they don't chase us see what's over here orbital structure complete lip space rapture detected Oh anyone who's played halo reach knows that no no get back get back you got to defend the defense - oh we're in trouble you've got to get back and protect the defense platforms one Oh God not our built get back get back get back good I thought I had more defense platforms than that built but obviously not hopefully I can build a few more not good engagement range hold position these ones aren't built yet so I don't care I'm just gonna scuttle them so I don't lose so I get the credits back at least well this is not good hopefully my backup gets here quickly no the UNSC eck has been destroyed rip protect your platforms scrub navigation yeah you're gonna need to call protocol dictates that when your butt to get your ass kicked damn if I had fully loaded this thing up with Mac platforms like I was supposed to we would've been fine glaring defeat here was backup waste this is probably a terrible idea I don't think I've got enough forces too well let's back let's get back one who hasn't jumped don't bother let's build that Starbase as well what a waste that was so dumb by me I lose the ektu I must have must have lost both of them I'm gonna lose I should scuttle this yeah I should probably scuttle this at least get some resources back that way now though I just need a a second another planet where I can that has the logistics capacity to actually build that monster what about this one well if I scuttle some structures yeah no that won't be enough here maybe yeah Titan foundry here we go man that was a slaughter I'm gonna lose this planet so quickly question is will they follow us gosh that was terrible got way too confident I thought the AI was like way easier than I expected well that happened so I just need more fleet capacity and then the actual money itself which isn't insane I don't know part of me is just considering saving up and buying the Infiniti and then go and do some cubby worlds maybe that's what I'll have to do okay you guys are now the Jericho 7 defense fleet you're tight click leaf fleet as I said you're the Jericho 7 defense fleet engagement ranges hold position and protect those defense platforms what's going on here lose and ships bad we almost got enough to build the infinity though and that I won't have to save money anymore how's it going over here doesn't look very good I think I lost all my major ships inbound slipspace anomaly that's not good oh just to this planet that's fine planets already lost that planet got halo reached pretty bad yeah is it ever let us start the construction that's fine now that I got that done now we're talking is the plant even built yet let's have someone who build that thing should really increase the tactical slots here what a surprise [Music] what a fail what a failure oh boy they want to call this video fairly soon maybe 5-10 minutes I say but then it'll be like five minutes from now and I'll still be going but or ten minutes but we'll see oh yeah sophisticated yeah that's a good technology that I haven't been researching how's that starbase doing so you want your star bases to be I focus I have them usually be fairly strong in order to deflect attention from the OD PS and also oh yeah big boys being built so yeah I have them be strong to deflect attention and also I give them fighters to help them protect defend but also protect now I'm behind and everything got way too confident way way too confident no brother well having my Titan ready it will be a fairly big boost she should be able to take some planets back I also just want to flood them with Paris class frigates once this once the infinity is built I'll try to take one world with it and then we'll call her research order complete where do we stand research order complete yeah as operated her own improving fleet support in combat yeah those are are all really big bonuses so one of the the early version of his mod had Spartan fire teams on autumn class carriers and it basically allowed you to say took this planet but didn't put anything to replace it there's just a battle station boy she'd probably hit that before it's been a fully built today definitely should do that I wish the x---two are still around so I like how it made this one random halberd class destroyer the flagship of the fleet hope I can get in strike against that Starbase and then just peace out that feel good that would make me feel better about the absolute slaughter that occurred there earlier not a whole lot at that planet to be honest all right this isn't actually a huge force like I thought it was I wish when you just clicked on a gravity well I told you every ship that needed fighters built for it same sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't like there's just two ships there that it's just double checked and they didn't have their fighters prepared weird let's get that battle station quick quick quick quick eighty-five so can't defend itself yet this is like the attack on the second Death Star this is the rebel fleet now let's see if the Covenant fleet jumps out of hyperspace to surprise me 94% hurry hurry hurry we're not gonna be able to get there in time damn the Death Star is operational it's just like the movie well that's depressing 100% ready still it won't be fully geared up or anything hopefully I don't lose too many shakes that's annoying my own fault though should I hit it way earlier when I saw oh yes faction placeholder my favorite hit that thing with everything you got yeah that's not doesn't have too much of a defense to mount but I still just knocked out a couple of my poor halberd class ships all right let's get a Phoenix over here ASAP if Indies almost done sort of I guess let's build a few more carriers maybe I don't know can't hurt to have more orbital defense platforms wait did I max out are my out of money I'm just out of money thought I maxed out the capacity for that planet for a second I got kind of upset ready to eat absolutely the last just doing the end of my big financial research position I mean technologies how we doing is the infinity almost ready I'm ready to knock some covey capital ships straight out of the sky maybe I'll build a couple more capital ships to go along with it um might not have the money though they just jumped in some some forces I bet you there's a lot more to come do we have eyes on that no we don't well maybe if I can get these ships before the backup arrives I'll be okay are you guys doing oh I've set your engagement to close early forgot it's a big baby ready yet or what oh yeah she is hey let's just build mm-hmm guess I don't really need it let's just build an epoch and an Artemis I guess that'll give some time for the other cruisers to finish construction as well why have I not what a waste why have I not sent someone to go take over that asteroid but that planetoid yet I like to make pretty much all of my all of my anchor station ships I like them basically all to be fighters because I see their main role as intercepting enemy ships protecting the defense platforms I don't think it matters which way you upgrade the infinity because I think there's a fairly defined upgrade tree once these two ships are done and we'll try our new baby out remy come on be quiet just a second is critical I had it on mute coz Remy's barking then I realized what was going on here another slaughter by the looks of it I didn't get my ships there in time [Music] maybe we can at least take some of them down with us also that frees up spots for ships over here on the other hand I did just waste a bunch of ships which I'm never really too pleased about where's the infinity I want to see her oh yeah a bad bad girl all right I think that's probably enough we'll leave the rest of the ships there to protect here we go this is a big-ass fleet it's a lot of tonnage let's go halo hunting yes indeed you can deploy strident seriously well I'm gonna try that next time we get in battle that's awesome I had no idea how do they make that work I bet you they use the in the base game there's like a black fleet you can call in I bet you that's how they did it you say you have my bow here we go 17000 nice I would love nothing more than to come across their Titan and just whack it straight out of this guy well actually one thing I would like more than that is to be able to just like in the what's a call to like in the Spartan Ops cutscene just to crush through a ship I would like that more I don't think I've built an Artemis I mean a Punic before have I do I have any peenics in this fleet I don't think let's double check all my capital ships make sure they're ready I don't think we're good and get a better idea when we arrive which will be in like 10 seconds let's keep it tight fleet formation whoa here we go something just got blown out of the sky is that by the Infiniti let's call those strident sin today and look at the fire being put into put up by that thing are they rich reading I can't tell are they trying to join up with their so where the strident Segoe are they here somewhere I think that ship just leveled up oh there's the battlecruiser if Indy's gonna take that thing out you guys protect us from that angle have the infinity what's going on why is it oh it's shield it's sniping that other ship BAM just popped it that thing is a monster I hope we don't lose it fleet has taken a lot of damage Cyndi's already lost its shield thankfully I think it's Hall is actually stronger than the shield almost as strong not quite stronger but almost as strong Wow that was tough that was really tough the Infinity basically single-handedly won that fight for us very thankful that I got it no retreats there's this trident oh that's cool looks just like it - Wow hashtag neat understood hashtag neat man what a monster I want two of them the UNSC their carts ladder back rats is fine I guess I thought that was a gigantic ship for a second but it's a space station let's watch those max just go to work on them [Music] okay additional sounds like a useful skill faster ship construction but I think I actually need one more yeah I need another tactical slot for that I just built the wrong one there we go how's my baby still good no wonder the ship was meant to be the last lifeboat of Earth just kicking ass and taking names let's bring the back up and that was a huge victory no Titan though I noticed so we'll have to be mindful of that oh so the Shiva heavy Prowler has the Spartan boarding party man I meant to finish this but I haven't too much fun let's see what we might be able to finish the game here let's unlock the Sahara he just jumped more oh he just jumped away a CAS in who am i doing still okay yes they're gonna lose that should never have let me build the infinity just got pwned didn't even lose my shields yeah well I've lost some hull so maybe I lost them temporarily but another CIS oh that's their Titan they're gonna lose it I'm gonna take it down right now I'm gonna take that thing right out although I did just lose tons of ships mean and green that's right I'll be fine yeah carts will survive well I'm scared but I think we're gonna be ok yeah we're fine we are ok eat that you punk that's what you get that's what you get I want to try this Sahara out so it like operates behind enemy lines that's pretty cool and remaining capital ships must be fairly high level now I would love for them to send another CAS class assault ship this way just to take it from them what's the Punic look like what's the marathon is that a Punic right there no epoch there it is tough I remember that it used to be called the in an old version of the mod it was called uh what was it Thermopylae Cruiser maybe I don't remember they used to have some other name ok that planets ours let's uh you move that punic up um going it was grave until just now now the fleets better than it ever was funny how that happens highly specialized vessel this a higher class is part of a new initiative and with Hornet mines and Sheva nuclear missiles is useless but finds a unique role in creating havoc behind enemy lines cool let's try out it's not even super expensive so if I accidentally kill it it's not like it's a big deal UNSC legend nice fare do I have to capital ship factories I must I don't see it so while I'm here let's finish upgrading this base and I have an insane amount of resources right now could build another infinity you before too long if I had the ability to swear here just a Twitter link online did that ship not get built there where is it see an Artemis epoch Marathon Punic oh it is there it's a horror class Prowler where are you at there you are shaken not stirred at very appropriate let's see what you can do so you can target enemies you can board things with Spartans you can go into cloak Sheva missile way explosive mines cool should do any research that I haven't done already well just buy more alone I it's what it's like being rich going dog tough what's the job I mean does not have very much health so don't want to mess around with it too much that's for sure capture this planet will you UNSC Nylund that's cool see what's going on over here probably a lot I would imagine let's try take another planet this is the one where the unknown artifact was so really I've got enough money now or I've got the income that if I were to lose the Infinity I could build another one although I would be sad okay let's go into cloak real quick so that's not good let's hit him with the nuke then run away it's too bad it got built in time oh well I don't know if I'm gonna yell even get this off what they're just gonna see yeah I wonder if I did any damage but no damage yes where do we stand but fleet is far smaller than I hoped it's probably not I'm gonna have the the Infinity ready to jump just in case what are we dealing with here so some smaller ships and a DDS let's see then these back at full health but I don't know not super comfortable with this that's a big fleet yeah let's back up let's head back out you guys can just meet us here instead do I even have any more promotions available they're chasing me are they that's fine is it going to hurt you think we'll see so you just got popped dad not gonna get a lot better for you putting them that close to the gravity well edge because if they if they jump in by themselves I'll be able to hit them right away before backup arrives Fleet Admiral on deck let's build more facilities here order complete this is your next target shouldn't talk like that about a fleet comm they're technically like your boss how am I still behind in research I've liked research almost everything then it is an even fight let's have this massive big ol battle here and then we'll call the episode I say now but we'll see so where'd that freighter go no we don't need to build resource asteroids at a time like this come on build this dry dock for me homie how's my Infiniti doing pretty good feel like I haven't even researched the cradle oh that's where that warhead overall overhaul thing is ah gotcha I was wondering about that it's built a bunch of cradle class repair ships because why not cool still wish I could built 2 and halo can and they had to well there was a second infinity plan infinity tight planned free oh it was called maybe the Eternity if anyone's made it this far in the video let me know don't sound so excited jeez I think I've done all the preliminary research possible waiting for someone to try me over here I've got all those peenics for men just ready to do battle go to war for Humanity remember all we need to do is take out their capital speaking of I should really be they could friggin slip in here it's like nothing nothing take my capital so let's actually that ship here it's busy enough as it is all my scouts have been destroyed I think it's good to know actually feel nice and secure to know that it's really both sides now we'll have maxed out our supply so question is who controls their ships better and where are those ships those are the only real questions I don't really care about losing this planet or not but if I do lose it I want to at least pop a few of their ships let's check my caps see which ones have upgrades cuz it doesn't tell me for some reason how is the UNSC F doing very proud and Noble of course to meet up with the rest of the fleet really if I lost the Infinity now oh ship builder a rate increase why haven't I been researching that if I were to lose the fleet now the biggest I mean the Infinity now the biggest annoyance would just be having to rebuild it like the time that I would waste on deck so just a few carriers to meet up with the main group maybe I will try to distract them by hitting this planet let's all jump together oh really it's penton's classroom structure constructor you're just wasting your resources good luck oh my cradles are done - are they forgot all about that it's almost done then I'll have my final capital ships and I'll be ready to assault the enemy the meantime that Scout just saw something that I wish they wouldn't have but that's fine I guess understand they're no heroes in those Wars sure there are come on boys you're not the main force but still pretty powerful I wish there was an upgrade though which allows you to add four runner shields to your ship that would be cool bring the UNSC into the 26th century with everyone else you know good luck and he remembers starfox how the look at the announcer when you're about to go enough off on a mission he's like good luck I don't know why that always stuck with me worst-case scenario I lose some capital ships got more room in my main fleet not a whole lot here I will say nice those stalwarts putting up good flak you're gonna end up having time to make this pretty secure over here despite not really intending to that really not research the saber project geez I should have no tack spots left fair enough strike at the heart of the Covenant wish I could taken down some of their capital ships but whatever way she goes it happens when you attack someone on their home turf you take losses as well build a star base here did I get the upgrade which allows me to have two star bases if so this plant it's gonna be a vit to take you can finish it off I'm not swearing this is a kid's dream I haven't sent a whole lot to respond to my aggressions I have lost some capital ships but I don't think I've lost any of the punic yet which is my main concern who hit him with the missile BAM see ya see ya see ya wouldn't want to be a piece good luck and Happy Holidays I don't know if that was a good distraction if they pushed any forces off or if I'm just hoping for the best here [Music] give them all nukes total up to Sabre craft that will be a huge help in any battle I'm sure okay Starbase here we go let's see if like someone suggest that you can actually build two star bases oh that's the one right there so it is possible that I haven't unlocked it yet very good very good meantime just while I'm waiting my caps to finish dressing how it's called a super carrier but carries for ships actually don't think I took any any capital ship losses in that engagement waste of a ship whoo OAS I wonder if it I wonder if my for if I can take this down with everything I got looks like I'd already knocked a couple of my don't think of me able to take this thing down what I have maybe though and I'm really not too concerned about it either way just clearing up space for the other fleet yeah see ya wouldn't want to be yeah that's fine let's just replace them basically afford anything I want okay this is the biggest fleet I've ever seen very also a fighting machine that's the question be honest it is slightly risky attacking with this force instead of allowing the Covenant to strike at me but still we take this planet it's just one more closer one more that the Covenant don't have and then we can take this one and then this one will be on its own finally I forgot all about me Omer really should try to capture that back some point whatever all right let's do one final capital ship check super French who needs some lovin me what does the UNSC just upgrading my Starbase I think we're ready just do this Leroy Jenkins crap jump together right let's form up as a fleet will start off fairly close booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere rockin everywhere rockin everywhere here we go so what do we got nothing surely something will come in to greet us but let's just hold position everyone let's stick together please they're there oh there's some here too I don't even see these guys oh do they jump from portals yeah they did all right do you think having trouble selecting who I want go for it just do your thing are these ships jumping away there's their Titan I hope we take this battle where's the infinity read it right there there she is well it's gonna be fun oh what's up oh crap that might've been a bad idea yeah that was a bad idea okay let's get out of here oh I'm gonna lose the infinity that was so dumb oh I just lost this war probably oh what a stupid stupid move hopefully I can at least take their assault carrier out oh that was I didn't realize they acquire the target so quickly I mean I can make another one in a minute here but God that was very very dumb okay well let's at least take out theirs tit for tat okay we should be fine now I think that was so stupid that was like unbelievably dumb god damn I'm gonna lose this battle because of that oh I didn't even take out their Titan either did I fire oh that was so idiotic oh man gosh Oh me Oh mommy not smart at all I think with that I might call it the end for this episode but uh make sure you guys let me know if you enjoy this if you did I will finish this game I will save it I will make sure I come back to it I'm serious don't cheap out on you I will be back if you guys want umm sorry if you do give this video like and I will return for more shenanigans hopefully no more stupid in-system slipspace jumps like that next time only jumping away from the battle not uh not close like that that was that was just idiotic I honestly thought that I could take more damage than that obviously not the boy oh boy that was a terrible terrible loss for the good guys over here but we will build another one in a minute we will be back in action stronger than ever hopefully with more Punic s' unless sadness boy I can't get over I own easily can't get over how badly that went it's like worst worse than my worst expectations I know you know I thought he would jump and I don't know I just thought it'd be cool to be honest that was really half of it I thought it would be cool it wasn't it was pretty lame um one thing I do want to check do my anchor stations have the ability to make portals let's just at least watch it start to be built man sick didn't even the worst part is I didn't even manage to take it out there Titan and if I had played that properly I you know maybe I can't even quit now the thing is if I had played that properly not only would I have taken out their Titan but my I probably been able to take out the rest of their capital ships and more importantly take that planet myself then like they would have had a huge loss of ships usually to be honest individual tactics in this game don't matter that much but right there like I lost the battle because of a terrible jump and right now I'm not sure if I can deal with this so very strange fleet standing by see our capital Cruiser is venting atmosphere man look at my supply seventeen capital ships oh my god absolutely nasty nasty nasty nasty can't even afford punic right now either I'm in a very bad place hopefully by the time the Infiniti is back up my ships will be back up and ready God so bad of course I didn't even give them their abilities they're just been sitting there ability list Phoenix man they're tough though they can turn a tie but I mean they're not be able to win this but they're tough no heroes but there definitely are losers I don't know why I just gave that ship the fleet coordination bonus when it's the only ship remaining [Music] behind in credits now at least before I had my economy to make me feel better now I don't even have that the lesson here is never try where do we dad research order complete puppy quiet down quiet down learning so much apparently the punic tsar russian the or no the peanuts are French the halbert's are Russian it's very interesting they replace 16 capital ships no man hopefully the Covenant doesn't take a strike against me before this happens it's right now I've got like several completely undefended planets oh yeah I don't worry the anchor station will protect you hopefully you are when we just basically lost the war I call the to rise it happens I got well we just lost the war I think that might have been a bit of an overreaction but on the other hand maybe not let's see if I can recover lost hundreds of thousands of Shipman shipment is having a word officers pilots it's it's a grave all right dude what does the US see if I can just manage to take that one planet I'll feel a lot better if I can get a win I'll feel a lot better policy right now that feels like asking for a lot I don't know if just smacking them up eunuchs this is the best strategy but there's the baby she's ready that's the one I'm going with now this is truly the x2 you and I see x2 I don't know why I give them names just makes it hurt that much more when I lose them this time though we're playing it smart very smart no more BS just throw Halcyon homes at them till they suffocate not even worried about frigates I'm just gonna focus on strides for fighters and halcion for support just to love me that's all this is kind of useful needs to be level 6 but huh we're happened manufacturing it sighs do they ever carriers - of course anything you never have too many carriers well you can but I'm not at that point yet [Music] not nearly at that point yet don't even know I had bothered building a marathon class cruiser just like a worse doesn't do anything as well as the other ones I honestly just did it for the fleet the varied fleet composition I wonder if I can call and strident forgets after I've already created some it's my question for the day on standby well last time we lost 17,000 of humanity's best and brightest so we don't know if that's really the position that you want where Oh God have been preparing for this at all oh goodness well this isn't gonna be good just build some carriers really quickly if I can thankfully this planets at least heavily fortified and a super Cruiser whatever it's not really they're not hitting me with a whole bunch at least not yet come on come and check out the planet you've got cookies just chill that's your order when you get to the other side the damn planet you idiot what'd you just snipe that what that ship can destroy those things from a distance man I don't got any well at least those ships bit the dust pretty damn quickly it's taken me a while to build these ships non breasts that's my not impressed sound um I guess I might as well build a repair yard nothing else to spend the tactical capacity on so that anchor station is tough I'd like to build another one in fact small victories that's what you got to focus on small ones got'em all right let's just build a few lighter care of few lighter capital ships and just get at this I'm tired of waiting few carriers again trust me that didn't go that well last time did that ship build the house yes right here you drop down right here anyone that wants to get to our OD piece has to go through you let's build a couple capitals down here so we can speed up the process a little I don't know no Ryan I guess I can use it to assault the planet when I if I capture it I almost said win but definitely should not assume things like that are gonna happen no growling okay that's so rude do I have any logistics capacity here oh I've got my anchor bases but I don't think you can actually make capital ships they're just lighter ships oops I did the wrong thing with that capital ship I'm going to buy the other thing my my speech is really incredible I didn't mean to do that I meant to do the other thing very well done I'm not gonna lie that's a pretty badass lineup of ships even with my pessimism right now I can recognize that [Music] okay almost done oh I am done okay cool it's almost done researching so I can get the colonize feature really shocked they have an attacking me well I've just been sitting around well I guess they tried Wow don't know if I'd want that one on my video resume although I do kind of appreciate the cheese okay literally maxed out my fleet let's play until I can play no more till I've lost everything really should have been upgrading all these skills but honestly I'm too lazy at this point hello hurry up one valiant class I can do without it let's go let's just do this Leroy Jenkins style here we go boys and girls remember no Russian or in space slips or in orbit slipspace jumps in systems like space trips like the valley it's gonna make the party in time oh I really doubt that you wanna see Calypso you wanna see two for flinching I love that name you and I see two for flinching I'll be my private quarters - if this doesn't go well in hell I don't know not funny I should not have a job where I have to talk to people like this UNSC fingers crossed let's go boys Leroy Jenkins where's the infinity I will be taking control of the infinity directly where is she where's my girl oh man that's sexy that is sexy no lag either I gotta appreciate that nobody even scratch those things yeah we can blow up that a battle station before they can there's some of them right there I don't know if they come through the battle station or if the portal is something else but we haven't lost anybody yet for new Phoenix is right although the Covenant didn't do that to be fair don't matter though where's the damage who 50/50 K wolf they don't respond to this that's gonna be a fairly big tactical mistake in my opinion because I'm draining them of resources right now and next battle that we have like they're not gonna be able to replenish their fleet as quickly I think the Infinity should have Spartan boarding teams maybe not enough to take over capital ships but still didn't lose much in the way of ships something else I haven't lost a single one I mean off to give my ship some time for their fighters to come back but I have no idea why they didn't respond well so what are you guys doing what the heck what they jump in so far from the gravity now would be a neat time for an in system jump but oh it's because actually I don't know why no excuses here I was I'll research anything I haven't researched I was actually a big one right there I don't know why I think it that I guess I might as well check my my planets for valuables still nothing a I could just strike at the Capitol and hope that I can take it out before they can react but that probably wouldn't be very smart whatsoever what I don't understand what's going on with these why are these things so high above the plane it's so far away ah ooh planetory organic AI planetary I should say oh nice no really cool actually Wow that's useful now I'm being sarcastic that actually is very useful I uh still don't understand what's going on with these frigates but I'll leave behind a Punic to deal with them everyone else will jump on to the next sector in the meantime that Phoenix here because that planets gonna be screwed in just a minute between the Punic s-- and the x2 given her to business I ask classic UNSC maneuver just shoot at the planet till it blow until the enemy blows up I remember that in Halo 3 that's good enough for me yes Oh pshh indeed one of you is gonna stay you will stay only you though you will stay and deal with these guys speaking of I wonder if I have any promotions to give out must maybe not but I guess I'd to be fair I didn't really have to deal with a whole lot of resistance doc doc doc quickly quickly quickly jeez hurry hurry hurry come on ships let's go dang it's taken an hour for them to get settled oh really once I get this planet oh you didn't just leave without your ship did you oh you did well once I get this if I can manage to get this planet captured then they will be fairly cut off it's kind of silly oh they didn't strike at me and while I was waiting here we go now some action nothing serious really yet there's a there's their Titan though so yes something serious I mean I just I think he just called them astride and steady yeah oh not two for flinching that's my favorite smart taking out that anchor beacon so they can't call their reinforcements in okay no stupid in space in systems slipspace jumps this time unless I'm getting a low on health of course in which case it's not stupid it's smart okay losing a couple capital ships okay let's back up he chasing me cheeky bastard take him out come on see ya okay you retreat Retreat retreat retreat we don't can't lose you oh crap I wish I'd brought that cradle the fighters do some damage I guess I wouldn't be so nervous about throwing the UNSC infinity and if I felt well does it have its lip space back charged okay they were treating Wow what the hell are they even doing out here just taking him for a chase shielded frigate ready shielded frail I must be the stride and is it they here somewhere oh there's one right there no no that's not it not bad I only lost four capital ships or so that's a acceptable loss for sure and I blood them of some of their resources so quite pleased with that how's the health doing why don't you just stay and take care of the planet everyone else can do the hard work just relax take a load create some scouts see what we got so I just whispered to myself that makes no sense when you're doing a let's play alright look at the still put still has this wild goose chase thing going on go deal with that please space rock for detective what's going on oh we captured that planet did we that's good let's build a really quick let's just build a cradle ship I want my infinity full fighting force did they kinetic intensifier cool that's a pretty big one manís these artifacts don't mess around I like three ships you handle that what have mailto if you weren't friggin half of sector away I want to hit them quickly but I also don't want to lose especially my uh what's it called infinity that would be bad again I disagree from the cradle to the grave there we go can honestly probably bring this refit station or along with the rest of the fleet I imagine it would really be a problem awesome let's do this you know it is I'll make a small force to attack this planet three ships or whatever why not oh my Phoenix finally arrived probably save this planet even not that I have really been doing anything with it pretty good source of income although I've got more money than I could ever ever use hostile forces approaching we're okay well you guys we just really don't mind if I lose this planet but I prefer not to they're really just sending frigates though no no here's where the fleet's been hiding we just popped a bunch of them right off the bat do your worst thought about doing an in system jump but I've learned my lesson I swear well at least I've got another planet here where I can build stuff close to their homeworld yeah yeah yeah don't lecture me on orbital infrastructure how does this battle going we lose anybody yet not even a stalwart by the look of it whatever you guys want to go cool let's just wipe out the planet then we'll move on to their homeworld and this war once and for all oh I assure you it is not nukes blow stuff up our the only one here paying attention now they're in a big big trouble because they're gonna have trouble researching technologies and building chips now because I just destroyed a bunch of their research stations but the other guy said there are no heroes someone's gonna need to come to a let's not waste any time do this together y'all are simply a distraction um you guys level up anymore or is 10 there max 10 must be there max yeah would you guys hear that that knuckle crack is pretty gnarly a let's go cryo chambers were jumping one system over I wouldn't wouldn't waste the energy oh I'm glad the strident class forgets decided to go on their own so we got the all right I think I can spawn the other ones right away no no well first thing I wanna do is hit them with the nuke that big big enemy capital ship oops I was stupid of them they just jumped away from their home planet don't even know what to use the new gone I'm looking for our target but I can't find one just hold off no I don't even know why I was bothering they used it without even consulting with me classic that OAS assault carrier better jump its ass back to its home planet now we win the war that's what now I really don't think this is a good idea okay inbound slipspace anomaly orbital structure complete as long as it's not the infinity I don't care there's their salt carrier okay where is the infinity all the way over here or is it right here awesome that was totally worth the one dead infinity speaking of this one's not doing so hot I'm gonna need to regenerate the shields in just a second did it on its own smart boy yeah just Park in the mill the action start blast and I can always jump you out if I need to you start bombing that plane already please this is gonna hurt I've literally got my entire fleet at your home planet don't even lecture me and I've got a second force here at this planet well yeah over here blasting your stuff up so don't get cocky kid you're about two minutes away from being done then I just got the Pirates those gross pirates to deal with is a single heavy destroyer I was hoping you wouldn't do that gotcha nasty joke almost over almost over I think I will continue I'm gonna leave and do the one last thing that needs to be done take the pirate base let's speed up the process though if I can hope you guys enjoyed this episode which ended up being like two hours long yeah I've no idea how this is gonna go we'll see really the Covenant didn't get the message oh well get that last Punic over here geez things still slow even at a time speed whatever screw it you don't need it I guess if the other ones are on their way to miles we'll wait all right the whole crews here let's jump together and see what kind of damage the flood will do to us with at least of course one more insistent jump of course you imagine if we ever saw a space battle in one of the games with this many ships I guess arguably there were this many at the Battle of Earth halo 2 and I don't know certainly not this many high tonnage ships there were marathons and stuff but no infinities nope Unix maybe some Halcyon but nothing special all right what we got here so there infect our ships right or do I just have too many forces to deal with it system job BAM these things have a lot of health though well actually not that much I guess as much as like a strong covenant capital ship should just jumped one ship alone but I'm pretty sure the flood will take over your your orange own ships and put them against you as you would expect the flood - oh nice I got energy for one more jump hey hey come on there we go no this one my god just popping them just PAP PAP PAP see ya see ya not even a single ship lost yeah let's show them a god that sounds like a normal thing someone would say look on all ye who pose me and despair all circus hostiles have been eliminated oh you can even claim the flood world cool do you get any special like any special I don't know things let's explore it real quick see if we got anything oops flood here we go I don't know if it means I get to like control the flood now or no I don't think so no I turned on cinematic Mona accidentally something which I probably should have been doing all day let's try one more time my sweet baby who a nice flyby whoa slow down slow down you're gonna hit me Hey look at the skinny boys back there alright guys well I guess that's it um I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did more of it in the future I promise and if you did get this far tell me what your favorite moment was in this whole episode and if anyone made it this far I'll just say I will be very very impressed anyways as always guys this has been your host eckhardt's ladder thank you so much for watching guys until next time may the force be with you
Channel: EcksToo
Views: 187,073
Rating: 4.9372725 out of 5
Keywords: halo, sins of the prophets, sins of a solar empire, sins of a solar empire mod, sins of a solar empire halo mod, halo mod, unsc, space, infinity, eckhartsladder, eckstoo, space battle, unsc infinity, unsc lets play, in, let's play, unsc guide, halo game, halo space battle, how to play as the unsc, eckharts ladder, halo let's play, sotp, mac, infinity mac, mac cannon, halo canon, halo gameplay, gameplay, sins of the prophets gameplay, real time strategy, rts
Id: X5ng_E4F94c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 36sec (9636 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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