Silent Run (Ascension 5) - Hutts Streams Slay the Spire

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Taine's only one path you start each combat with +3 strength all enemies have +3 strength yeah let's just try to do level 5 ascension with the silent I want to get through all the ascension that would be super cool off credit card enemy can actually combat 1 HP who's a rare card to obtain but lose my health I don't like losing health as a silent I say boss relic slide the spire what's it like it's like a roguelike dungeon crawling like like level progressing card building game boss relic don't worry about what I want huts cry outs class cry if everyone cried JK thank you if everyone cried because they didn't pick what they wanted oh man we'd have a lot of angry people upgraded card let's do a boss relic [ __ ] start each combat with more energy but I can only play six cards there's six cards though has that been has have been buffed a little bit I thought it was like three cards well we're just not gonna go for a card draw deck then I guess like a high energy card deck thing we're not gonna go for uh I'm not gonna go for ships that's for damn sure I think they did raise it to six cards six seems like way higher I mean no one was picking it before so you might as well write like at least give him a good choice let's go through two elites I don't like first floor elites but I do like this fire elite fire there's also fire lead fire there though but that's a lot more elites let's do this here battle start I even played this in a hot minute so work with me here hit kill the one dude or at the bat survived there's block does attack there's uh things I can do to buff myself there's things I can do to essentially debuff the enemy nerve them like this why one week they deal 25% less damage and three use free cards are not gonna be that good for us in this card deck with choker hotkeys for each card can't remember exact words just Lenny and some random games also I love so I the spire and I didn't just back for four souls for a [ __ ] ton of money I would buy it if I didn't just back gotcha and love deck builder games so much a shine pop these guys are slime in me like doh ages ouch hello we're all German here hey you guys are slimy you know that well anybody this is your Lenny stream we talking about he's been on stream so much today I'm gonna go with poison what's good with the choker poison might be good might be the way to go deadly poison is better you think deadly poison is better than poison stab which one do you prefer I would say poison stab because it's five off that bat plus the three but this one technically is five four three two one this one's missing that four in there but still it's more immediate damage eight immediately it's is five immediately deadly poisoned this for more damage total right but do I'm gonna kill him faster I had a really good run early and I prefer deadly poison after having at least one stab no poison stab piercing whale this one can be good but I don't know hey we aren't slimy poison is more damage yeah but watch me die now deal 14 health for two upgraded cards deal ouch I can't afford this for each curse in your deck with start each combat with one additional strength probably not gonna be handy but [ __ ] a dude give me the curse for the strength I can't I can't take any more damage remove transformer upgrade I I don't want to remove it cuz I just got the strength upgrade probably upgrade deadly poison or neutralize remove a strike oh yeah no I totally could remove strike transform a strike go Yolo go hard Yolo rathe fooled what is that again gain three intangible at the end of each turn lose one dexterity I'm not sure that's is that even good that seems very Yolo like that was weird rathe arm is super [ __ ] good we better kill him after those three turns otherwise we just give up end up dying in these first floor elites anyways doesn't matter if you don't use it in long boss fights its ope what about your pee it's a little nerd doing what was that little nerd doing I guess this is gonna be a long fight though [ __ ] it's gonna be a super long fight with all the dazed I'm gonna let him bleed out but I don't think you can stack the poisons as shine pot what do mean you can't stack the poison of course you can stack the poison of [Music] course you can silly silly weenie knife man 30 months in a row what is up knife man please don't like me or Lenny this time I'm gonna soften him up maybe for the poison I got for block out of those two blocks good job everybody wait a way to make me transform it's really paying off it's really paying off right now oh yeah zero block oh good oh good yeah stuffs gone this is really this is good negative one block my blocks do damage to me now where's my poison card where are you hello one block baby if you can remove wraiths forms is for herp there you guys suck spelunky sounds pretty good I said that for YouTube I think oh yeah I love that zero block whetstone doppelganger or - he was just licking his balls he doesn't have those - is good yeah doppel is good too though doppel though more card draw and more energy is not good is not good with the choker it's just simply not good can't do it [Music] to potion slots sure did doppelganger is good it might be good but not for our build [Music] I'll let the card draw or the card discard I mean replace a card yeah I forget intangible means that we only take one damage I don't know why sliced him and not him don't know [Music] doodly-doo doodly-doo poison stab do we go poison all that attack is really good though see you Aaron it would have hoped that reading Wraith form would have told you it was bad Kappa I said it was bad and you guys like good it for sure skip want me to skip attack is amazing though next floor has a lot of all or a Oh II a menthol attack I mean you were talking about poison run but not really getting the main many many poison cards so nananananana Suns golden air three months in a row Hut's sorry I haven't been able to make a stream but life you know anyway how is everything is average day I think it's good this day I like it got back from Texas and here we are doing [ __ ] and stuff [ __ ] and stuff new some tangible is good here just because I'm not gonna block anyways but this is the last one I think hurt him punch him kick him in the nuts we're gonna wrap up up up top boo boo boo bah bah bub probably didn't need to use that but the potion little well the singeing ball plus to max HP instead of card draw yeah okay singe me dad I'm gonna have it I'm gonna use it I might as well make it better ah corpse explosion anchors good old Wraith form was super cool footwork is always good yeah the music is playing it's just maybe not loud - bet you didn't get a good setup for a ship run we cannot ship I'm not sure here why were you in Texas I was in Texas for gearbox studios that took me out there to go place we happy few corpse looks good I really like anchor race farm is better when upgraded and used for attack heavy runs you really can't have a ship or defensive run with it I'd get it the corpse explosion only we can try it I just am giving up a lot of things here you know it's like kind of like that like I kind of like this card just for the idea of dumping [ __ ] off but do that ah ah oh just upgrade the cards you're gonna use every time not that I need to use it now but kick him kick him in the dick I need some snake Oh skulls six out of six maybe I should use intangible this is going to hurt I heal less after the boss battles - that's ascension 5 I think fricken neutralized where were you last turn dickbag literal bag o dick [Music] [Music] Tony B hey ya its first time catching you alive but I've been watching YouTube videos for a while welcome Tony be water six months in a row it's up e water definitely what its end here pop that now probably finish him boom instead of dickbag why not penis pouch could play corpse explosion or deadly poison twice a burst die die die is just a classic now my child she's checking out the spire I kind of almost feel burst on this one because we're gonna go poison right this is a skill this is a skill these are good these are like my top two dogs right that I could be good I think we should maybe focus on our ones that we were hoping they're gonna save us and they say that a hero can save us I'm not gonna stand here please hold on to the wings of Greg you transform three strikes or a strike strike defend Kotani how is it ah if Nickelback were a more professional band they'd be in the NFL evening quarterback gonna go back made a little bit more money tiny houses Mar large far remember what happened the last time you transformed was it awesome remember the choker what drugs are you taking where can i buy some I'm Yelp full yellow I got a die die die anyways and a blur and a predator high-energy cards are good for me whoo 17 damage I got an even better die die die suck it suck a chap know where I like this I like this I like this I have chosen my path now bears [ __ ] ah damn it's a bird [ __ ] draw two cards the next turn oh [ __ ] [Music] twenty wood and poison what's 21 plus 1839 [ __ ] now what I got Nooh no 19 well I'll be a monkey's uncle [Music] chrysalis Runk champion bud why are you here add three random skills into your draw pile they cost zero this combat that seems kind of cool no no no no no chrysalis not that I need zero cost cards but but Joker chunkier but get the poison in there maybe you do more damage instead of the die die die I don't know I'm [ __ ] know might striking this nothing cry Celeste but a lot of up pop-pop-pop-pop steady bebop Billy boob pops and you're done give me a burst on top of my purse baby no no no decent TSH zero it's up ice why don't I have footwork before I did that what are you dumb huts now sometimes I am yeah sometimes maybe is there to lose that to that one uh race form yeah why not snake Oh hurts me a lot she's a really big dick bags don't like them are we gonna be able to kill him and I'm right I'm out of time happy not six damage plus six is 12 technically that's more damage that's a lot of damage what's five factorial that's nine 12 13 14 15 deadly poison neutralized the thing promised me that those cards would be zero costs and now they're not zero costs been lied to die time for you to die my son tiny sparkles eight months in a row hey dad was so busy with school glad to see I'm one month away from being a prime but baby welcome back tiny sparkles it was pretty good no no I'm not sure we have that much discard [Music] I would like to but it's gonna be a long fight I think long enough to do this no one's gonna be affected by the poison but I do I want to soften them up so I can no affect him with the poison hmm just keep softening him up finish him off probably let's keep it going hi hats how are you I am doing just fine thank you now it's the time maybe it's time for me to fly [Music] last intangible better get them now you're down boy another predator 69 health peppermint monster you did what with whose baby I want to use chrysalis but I also want to poison them shoot them ah shoot Yolo how much - energy - just - I got a free deadly poison suck it escape plan draw one card it's not gonna hit in my choker anyway so I might with the backflip actually yeah ooh oh yeah well you know I just think that uh ooh that's a lot of damage [Music] just like my singing I know you do speed potion 5 dexterity at the end of your turn lose 5 dexterity five random skills that cost zero this combat Wow burst + would be good too though I can't say that we get too many skills stacked on top of each other with all these of the cards well no burst now with the bouncing flask and the deadly poison and then oh this is good too but I must start here with first I think letter opener skill heavy right now skill heavy uh what should we dump in the fire stopping in for a minute says shifty catching up on youtubes cheer 100 thanks the five hundred bits my friends when he catching up on what's uh what he excited about throw in my Wraith form it's doing quite well though isn't it when you say it's kind of been working out in these last couple turns I don't eat it for the final boss so at that point in time I would not mind not having it but right now I like injury because we have the the do vu doll it's like the not so bad thing chrysalis I like chrysalis seems good actually uncommon for some health uncommon for full health rare for max HP plus catching up on bears DD madness runs you give Wraith form you get 10 max HP and full he'll give them my die die die I'll do it fine all right which eyed Wraith form pulls pulls my burst + without a single fricking single freaking skill I wish you could just use it and set up your next turn right guys I almost feel like killing the Centurion first is the right way to go because as soon as you kill the mystic this guy goes [ __ ] ham he goes ham City with like mega ultra attacks [Music] I I bet you I could kill him with poison this guy does the strength buff fell but bursts - it's an attack bruh [ __ ] did stick did deal damage to all enemies equal to its max HP this would just make sure that they both at the same time they changed corpse explosion I thought it was like deal damage equal to like three times the poison that he had or something I don't know maybe I'm crazy [Music] that letter-opener though but healing um you douche still can't kill him he'll die next turn though oh he'll die ghosts in a jar gain one intangible another Wraith form its back what do you think waste of poison nuts it didn't matter we won that one at the end of that turn I don't need card draw I don't need zero cost cards Wraith now now it's not even a wraith plus what a rip dude dang with that which I had Wraith [Music] been in it bit been in it they read this is not working out well for me I might use my ghost in a jar now good to see you though hots 500 some shifty catch you later see dude this is a load of turd choice go ham on the this guy I gotta kill these guys cuz he strengthened them this is not good for me don't tell anyone damage to our two more cards 11 damage to a block I ain't no good please [Music] die potato 10 damage are 11 damage a good nightmare my Alchemy's get tons of potions all for free sounds good to me that's what nightmare does right yeah right that was correct i watch my choker though apply nine poison money Amy dies deal damage these chubby bunnies well nine damage on him nine poison is a lot less stacked on him in his face and around scope card to your hand cost zero this turn yellow six poison could use the explosion potion but we need them right now bursts bouncing the blur lead the block one alkalis power potion and a random power card to your hand cause here this turn I can't use it even if I wanted to because I'm being choked that's gonna hurt coming in use your explosion potion so you can Alchemist three times I couldn't even use those though he's done this turn so it don't even matter what happens poison poison or weakness well you guys all say that deadly poison is the way to go and what point is too much though guess 21 damage draw two more cards one really don't like this guy super don't like this guy eight times three that's it's a lot of damage burst bouncing blur again I wish i yeah I could use more energy in footwork bursts deadly poison what wouldn't you want to do bouncing bursts bouncing kills because that's nine that's 9 times 2 would be 18 first this would be 10 burst bouncing deadly maybe bouncing is more poison it's more cost though which is maybe what the point was how much is how much damage is that gonna be 1839 -18 is what twenty-one damage I need to do and this is gonna be ten I mean not to cut it so I'm still gonna take a ton of damage so I blur in gain twelve block neutralize them cuts that eight down to six which is gonna be 18 damage with a twelve block which is only six damage on the nose unless I use a energy potion and footwork right now in which case it'll only be two damage thank you for playing this game or else I would have never found as his White Mage choker yeah we're still only talking about three cards here though I think six damage is gonna be bad so blur then neutralize and be done wowie doesn't even matter how hard you try you can the minor sevenths trying to explain of you time oh I know time is a valuable thing watch it swing buys that no fly by as the pendulum swings terror 99 Vaughn is pretty good for boss fights cow oh yeah the double card counts so I get the the Dibby Dibby choker yeah true that on the burst your poison base though I'm kind of not really poison bass it's got pretty [ __ ] I feel like for a poison run this thus far lucky beat Iran so welcome friend hmm what's the boss dickbag penis pouch this is a weird mix deck yes but the bad thing about the game site aspires that you have a weird mix deck the only thing that means is you're gonna lose like hands down like sorry bud but you don't have a specific solid deck you're [ __ ] there's no good relics trip poison what about snake Oh skull what about the one that passes the poison on to the next guy all attacted for minions he had a artifact anyway it's gonna be hard to poison him gonna be hard to make this work power card go draw one card discard one card almost blows person you don't do anything right now [Music] she was a card to discard I would ooh baby ooh very long wound strike on what's my plan have no [ __ ] clue Chris let's go bullet time could be good honestly footwork would be nice but I mean the block took my cutting off explosion you dick [Music] good what get away you're free and our name want to I think ye [Music] lalalalala lalalalala oh Jesus do do a little oh this is tough I don't like drawing an extra car down to choose I don't like this let's blows Danny Mennonite not Nana nananana get rid of the strike what I would say to that [Music] this is super going to mega hurt if it poisons this guy a lot I'm gonna be a little salty about that because I'm gonna kill him anyways with this good good yeah that's what I wanted perfect you nailed it bud but how did you come from oh he was holding on to it sure I'm gonna block potion hit with all at first and have it discard the card that I want that happens every time literally every time oh don't need the blocks [Music] should i soften him up so he can poison them probably soften that boy up 58 coming in no big deal got this in the bag inning inning inning inning inning inning inning inning I almost want to dagger throw it just to see if I can't pull up my my bursts there's a one in three chance then I can't use my predator though with the bouncing flask or can i I can now still but [Music] sixteen times - no problemo [Music] [Music] crow nation five months in a row welcome back back friend L should I've dashed or neutralized or defended probably neutralized would have been a good one to do maybe his next Piper beam were dead then I told you if you have a random card deck of like not something very very very super awesomely specific you're [ __ ] in this game you're absolutely screwed we can't do it he's charging up nope no you can't do it super can't do it nope you are [ __ ] yes you are [ __ ] yeah yeah super [ __ ] no mainly you took some bad cards as Gyarados I took the best cards we had to take those are my options I'm gonna blame me for picking the best options should have taken the ships [Music] don't think I took bad cards honestly we've used all these cards they've been pretty good super your attack potion is good the clutch oh yeah whoo girl mom is heating up coronation gifted a sub the Jaypee it worked - crow nation thanks for that defend defend defend defend defend defend defend defend defend right guys [Music] and block this easy stuff [Music] we win yay that was I wasn't worried at all not even close to being worried easy [Music] nightmare question mark nightmare corpse poison bursts bouncing flask e and z I don't like any of these options honestly let me hold for Nightmare just for the [ __ ] sake of it because you're taking bad cards bad card dagger and please [ __ ] I don't want so zoo because we know so many potion slots it gets it's not that bad but you know what to do this clock I don't know we've used a lot of potions potions are literally like wood like every turn we're using them like the feather instead it's just like so lame it's so defensive you just feel lame for taking it but you meant the feather mm-hmm so Zhu is just like a guaranteed take but not right now but more energy doesn't even help me because I'm gonna hit my freaking card cap anyways third load of turd [Music] no no no what the balls why don't you just kill me right in the first turn so she would render your alkalizing potion belt useless do we have a specific Alchemist on us no we got Alchemist from chrysalis [Music] we ever played Kingdom Hearts the first one I liked a lot nothing up to that we heard fish balls I got a corpse explode one of them and then just go for the kill [Music] forget the other two well you're gonna have a whale of a time 18 I only need to do 12 damage so that's easy enough actually what I killed him but you need to really kill them cuz you're still alive oh good all right your technicalities you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] redo undo you hack nah man just [ __ ] that last turns I'm like God I don't care games over I quit this just like rage quit all in favor of rage quitting right now everyone sweet well if we're all on board might as well [ __ ] awesome dude just mega super cool it feels really good though ass I love getting [ __ ] love it love it love it all three of them have to be dead at the same time some random guy hundred bits hanging out butts one of my friends wants me to play pub G great to be catching streams again see some random guy good night [Music] [Music] Sparky Thinnes up the caustic Goro six months in a row welcome back welcome back and rams go to your hand closet or this turn terror [Music] [Music] which I set up my injury looks like a pretty good plan can I set up my injury ah that was the stupidest thing I think I've ever done in my entire life but now we know yeah all mistakes were made that didn't really matter games over anyways but wait he didn't finally push him ugh kill him to the mega super kill he did indeed yeah he didn't get a mega kill super mega Kira nope nope you suck nope [ __ ] you [Music] well and I want to take nine damage don't want to take nine damage what if I did this I don't know we're getting interesting here I should have waited I should have not killed immediately because I could have had this guy spawned then I could have killed him and stuff and things [Music] run up rinky-dink well that's gonna hurt yah [Music] that's a lot of damage [Music] stop hammer time bullets on burst nightmare nightmare my bursts nightmare my bullet time bullet time and then just kill him backflip been bullet times and then alkalis destroy it first Alka mais first alchemy sounds kind of nice I gotta kill him but okay so I'm going to keep those for later I'm gonna keep those for later those are gonna be good [Music] true Zenith tier two sub thank you so much the tier two sub my friend appreciate that very much become confused draw two cards sounds like [ __ ] snake I'll potion [Music] [Music] am I gonna use my money elsewhere I probably should have just done it I should just gone for it oh there we go look at that good thing I didn't go for it huh deal seven damage does the enemy has poison till seven damage again I think bein here ain't six block whenever you shuffle your draw pile first time you lose HP draw three cards storage combat gain three thorns infinity blades infinite dagger-like scales but you don't have a lot of blocks thinking Thane I got all the money I should just use it all now but hey what if he did transmutation and we just hoped for good stuff any defensive relic is K right now I guess what if we want transmutation though I've been watching game grumps power hours no I've been watching anybody for a long time all this nine months in a row Bob baby you made it you made it just don't like any of this I could skip it but then you would die 100% for sure I'm sure that's a good idea I'm just saying transmutation could give me something that like actually would be useful of my energy that turn let's roll the dice power hours the best thing on YouTube right now hmm the card is trash you guys are mean you guys are mean to me are Semyon lose HP draw three cards could be okay six block let's play spikes let's go spaghetti spikes then recibo fight a boss from act 1 what while walking and traversing through the chaos of the spire you suddenly your thoughts suddenly begin to feel very real imaginings and monsters and riches begin to manifest themselves into reality the sensations quickly fleeting what do you do fight a boss from act 1 receive a rare relic upgrade all of your cards you can no longer heal that's not gonna work for me 999 gold curse to normality let's let's fight the boss we're gonna die but fog dude rich why rich we're done the game is no more shops you are nuts you are a nut baller get these all of our potions right now that's really good I'm really happy about that I'm excited you know just excited about that in general dicks excited about that like just like mmm life itself it's just I'm just pumped nightmare my flask you think slime crush will kill you not if I kill me first never take me alive coppers poison his May against the slimy boss he's cleansed when he splits [Music] if you use energy potion you can use three flasks if I nightmare my flask and then I use an energy potion I can flask his dick right off [ __ ] it do it right now what [Music] punch him um it's 12 24 36 damage it's not nearly enough not nearly enough he's not ready yet he's not doing anything he's not doing anything so like we're fine like we're fine like you know this is totally fine his girl [Music] no no no no who that next poisoned damaged gonna be good oh girl slow crush [Music] poison damage good I'm gonna get killed by the smaller slimes though I've got 13 health let's be realistic here people [Music] oh [ __ ] that poisons not good against him ho oh good you can shut all we could dig oh that's worth oh man I'm happy that we use that for that oh yeah yeah sure great oh can I get two of those I'm so gonna dig and not rest man oh man are we lucky ducks technical me what do you do what's it what's your strategy spire growth spit everywhere [Music] Oh isn't him bein 'im what if I'd a ger him and get the thing Yolo that's not the thing I'm gonna block no dududu I'm thinking about using the snake Oh oil on the final boss that's our only chance really no no no no no no no no no what did he do to me at the end of your turn take ten damage oh that's what you are now [ __ ] dude Lenny's still sleep in there look at him he's trying to be all cute [Music] sleeping right next to Xen Heiser he's keeping that B spot warm and toasty I mean the B spot is what is toasty let's be honest here artifact I should have artifact it in the start but I didn't know he constricted me so that's a G G I think Christian let's go save me another nightmare that's a lot of damage [ __ ] am I gonna use you for buddy nothing [Music] [Music] can I kill him right now no almost ow he take that you naughty dick mayonnaise Wow your luck dude it's the the run is over it's been over since the second boss the run is done it's spent it's completely spent Oh Bane plus sounds okay but ribs your luck makes me angry [Music] I really don't have an opinion here [Music] slight little child can I transfer my shovel what part do we never use sorry I'm looking a bunch tonight we uh we appreciate looks no shame in that transform the non bane plus bane maybe yeah all it attack yeah I don't need the area of effect let's do that another - sure sure sure yeah well he could sell stuff it's not even a deadly poison plus act like it's not worth it like nothing is worth it remove the curse but the strength plus Chino Oh [Music] [ __ ] you it's like as long as it doesn't give me burst plus when I do this [Music] [Music] thoughts dozen 18 there are no more shops do it give me more legsweep 'is worth it it's probably not weakness is nice though I could just weakness him till the end of time nightmare it again what do you think guys huh yeah [ __ ] maybe what am i doing with my life Tom block away don't block away come block away with me lad come block away come block away come away with me that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen dude let's watch me watch and learn son not even that bad no it's none of course it's not we're dead double - double - it is then wait we had the block from the blur oops oops I meant to do that of course you're you're all fools you're all fools 38 plus 20 is what that's 14 wasn't r7 better [Music] he did [Music] Bane can be good but I just think we don't need anything that's not advanced ok carps explosions Bane's dashes see where that goes not worried about this Thorne's guy poison him for sure die die die would hurt me need the block [Music] [Music] I'm gonna try to get through that no not that [Music] son of a douche can't bursts for [ __ ] Salant has a bunch of bad attack cards in general you should not take what I say to that did you like it hell do I do here nightmare my footwork nightmare my feet seize something worth of destroyed poopoo and you [Music] [Music] none and that would have been super cool to be able to dig but here we are at the final boss at full health when we what we're down to three he were like down to three so mayonnaises okay when do I use my artifacts [Music] non-stop bullet times [Music] I think he's gonna wear us down no no no no no no no no no no no poison the [ __ ] out of him or malays them wait a second how is it zero cost what [Music] what you can't would you quit a game I nobody I'm sorry I'm loud and annoying oh my god zero psychic [ __ ] you game use your potion now it's like your son six months under oh what's up welcome welcome back nightmare my defend quick maths he's up now he's like dude you disturbed my sleep and I hate you mantis shrimp two months in a row without mantis shrimp block block [Music] he's gonna heal himself at some point don't think I got a zero cost reflux oh good it's really helpful that's way nice actually have you do that for me thank you should a corpse explosion - Amanda no I didn't not too much poison as he will null soon yeah well yes he will burst blur rim defend protect yourself protect yourself less than get rekts need more blur well he gave me a card - why excuse me a car plus anything that I should not use here I'd like to defend honestly [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no is any gonna do the thing with the stuff and things right now this is where he knows right there a chiropractor in the house i sat next to a chiropractor on the plane to Texas yes this is where he does the thing so just blur [Music] foolish foolish oh oh you don't even have lips you can even make those sounds you look like a butthole your mouth is a butthole but I can tell charm yeah but your about hope who burst corpse explosion only six poisoned millet balls why not burst deadly pointed and then defend why don't that so I don't die but I'm not gonna die because he's defending he's only gonna turning me it's the time but all poison his ass burst defend why defend he's not even killing me I was blurring maybe like oh I think we're [ __ ] anyways we'll see you though 48 ah I could live through that yeah but he agrees it's simple right just give me blinky eyes lucky four months in a row hello dad I don't know why my last subs did not go through but anyways have a good day thank you lucky you to four months squad but I can live through this easy-peasy last one see I told you I feel great I feel amazing survival is not even worth lenny mode should be furrier 51 i can live through that simple stuff as long as it's super simple we got to the final boss not quite the top [ __ ] you you like literally just gave me piles and piles of [ __ ] at every turn anyways I would slay the spire thanks for watching everybody we got farther than me honestly probably should have
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 5,878
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, slay the spire, the silent, characters, enemies, cards, deck building, rogue like, rogue, rogue lite, best cards, victory, bosses, chest, shop, event, upgrade, early access, strength, exhaust, discard, heavy blade, poison, the defect, new character
Id: or65T6r3LbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 50sec (5330 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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