The Best Teacher Stories On Reddit [Compilation] (r/AskReddit)

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teachers what's your story about the worst parent you've ever had to deal with not my stories but those of my wife she works in a very poor district and one of her first years in education she had a kid who had a severe and entreated cleft palate she wrote to the local University Hospital and got them to treat the kid for free specialist return visits surgeries et Cie all covered the kid was ecstatic after his first surgery as it was a huge improvement a few months later another surgery more improvement kid is much better but still needed a ton more work the father decided to move to Utah and abandon treatment as he recently became involved with Mormonism he told my wife God sent us you if he wants let's call him little Johnny to finish his treatment he'll send us someone else another one she notices that a kid is getting dirt here and is wearing the same clothes as the week progresses it is unusual for him so she asks him why his father hasn't been cleaning him to which he responds daddy hasn't been home all week turns out the kids mom had left them and gone back to Uruguay and the father was holed up on a bender at his new girlfriend's house he told them that he didn't want to deal with the kids anymore this first greatly had been getting him and his younger brother up dressed into school for a week my wife teaches in a poor part of town she's had abusive grandmas drunks you name it the one that sticks in my mind is when the cops had to take a little girl because Child Protective Services didn't have anyone free the little girl had shown up at school with a belt buckle shaped welt on her face it wasn't her first incident I taught English in China mostly university level but I also worked at a tutoring school for high schoolers this one kids mother demanded that my student who was 14 writes a 10 page paper every day one every freaking day my house spent tutoring him was always spent going over his paper and telling him where he needed to stop repeating himself where personal anecdotes weren't appropriate and where I could tell that the anecdotes were totally made-up I tried telling him that some of the prompts he chose didn't need more than or four pages I tried pleading with him to stop writing when he had said everything he needed to say not when he hits the tenth page but his mom who spoke no language besides the native one would punish him if he didn't write 10 pages withholding food beating him all that nasty crap so his writing quality got worse and worse as he prepared for his English exam to finish high school in the US because he never learned how to write with quality only quantity I sent him home with a big note to his mum about why what she was doing was going to cause him to fail his big exams and she came to the school to scream at me about how I was a terrible teacher and had no idea what American schools needed lolwat he failed the exam which surprised nobody at the tutoring center and his mother beat him so badly he was pulled out of school for a couple weeks what sucked the most is that there aren't exactly laws against that sort of thing and there's nothing I could do about it but work with the centre to get him more hours there and less at home I still think about him and I hope he eventually got out of the country and away from his parents when I went to kindergarten my mum was an aide there to help kids who were slow the first day of school one kid showed up and they had no idea who he was he hadn't been enrolled his mother just put him on a school bus at least he made it to school could have been a lot worse I used to work at a pro pupil referral unit which is basically a school for 14 16 s to come once they've been excluded from mainstream we had all the nasty behavior students who couldn't handle normal school in a safe manner one of these kids let's call him Dave was an intermittent attender only coming into school once or twice every few weeks he was always a good lad when he came in though very mature but like the majority of these kids he had plenty of family issues at home his mother in particular like to beat him when he went home so he spent most of his time around other family members houses or on the streets but one day he comes in with a massive black eye and a few broken ribs we get him taken to hospital and get child protection involved as it's clear evidence of what we've suspected so anyway a few weeks later and CPS has of Dave's family in to interview it turns out that the brothers off gate had claimed that they were able to take him out of the danger he was in and could look after him in their own houses what CPS didn't realize was that these brothers were beating him as much as his mother but kept it quiet to stop him being taken away by CPS on the second-to-last day I saw Dave he came in with a mobile phone and a GPS in his hand his fist covered in blood and a look up not really bothered on his face I asked what had happened he said that he'd punched a cabbies window in smashed him in the face a few times then nicked his GPS and his phone I was like yes I can see that but why he smiled and said because now I'm going to get arrested and then I get away from my family and have some food the last time I saw Dave he came into the school before his court appearance to sort some details out he had this massive grin on his face even though he was cuffed he looked at me and said I had orange juice today sir first time ever and he didn't stop smiling worst mother ever for causing her son to consider crime as an alternative to being at home with her just wow really I had the parent of a kid who came up to me and said I don't understand why my son got an 85-percent and that other kid got 90% my son and all his friends tell me the other kid sucks at sports and yet he gets a higher grade than my son I'm very disappointed in you HIV Aladin another story a mother of a kid who got 97 percent in my class came up to me as serious as possible and said what's wrong with my kid I looked at her and said nothing your child has the best mark in my class she goes yes but where can he do better to get that extra three percent frit parents my wife is a teacher in a very small very poor rural southern town on a weekly basis she's dealing with drunks addicts neglect and abuse she has lots of stories for the saddest one that stands out to me was a little boy who didn't have a coat the school takes donations from the community and supplies winter coats and shoes to any kids who don't have them so anyway it was getting cold and the little boy didn't have a coat my wife went to the school nurse and got one of the donated coats and gave it to the boy a few days later she got word that the same board game didn't have a coat she asked him if he had forgotten it and he burst into tears after several minutes of consoling him and assuring him that he wasn't in trouble he told her the truth his mom had sold it from what I know of the moon it was almost certainly for drug money my GF is a teacher and she tells me of the horrible meetings she has with parents in the ones that stick out are the aggressive parents who think she is lying about their children missing not doing work my gf is incredibly well organized there may be an accident here and there but if your little girl is missing 10 assignments it's not the teacher losing things if you need to physically intimidate someone you're pretty freaked up especially when it's a 5 feet 4 woman she has three sets of parents that need to have administration and the room to supervise then because they will try to bully her I have to my first year of teaching I had a student with severe a D D and some moderate processing issues she was also the sweetest hardest-working student in the grade problem was without her meds she could not focus and retained nothing her mother refused to give her meds even when the student begged her and then refused to let her stay to tutor with me after school stating I didn't even finish school became a model and I'm doing fine my daughter can do the same besides her father is paying you to tutor her not me and flick him 2nd year had a student with very severe processing issues and very severe executive function problems whose mother was not only another special education teacher at my school but was also best friends with my boss and was not a certified teacher according to this woman I was incompetent and a bully why I made her son do his work i sat down with him every day and retort him everything and helped him get through his homework he just didn't want to do it with me because he knew she would do it for him if he brought it home he actually told me this so he'd cry to his mom and she would confront me in the hallways about bullying her baby sadly she also shared her with my boss a bestie which caused a great deal of drama I still worry about both of these kids gay parents last year we had a very angry parent of a young lady who was enrolled in Running Start here at the college who was being lied to by his daughter in an effort to hide the fact she was not going to class for those who don't know Running Start is a state-funded opportunity for high school students to finish high school with college credits at apply to their college transcripts this young lady was telling her father that she was doing extremely well in her two classes she was enrolled in but naturally her grades at the end of the quarter suggested otherwise dad got mad and would frequently call the instructors in question and their respective Dean's in a fit of total fury threatening lawsuits if he was not given answers as to why they were failing his angelic child in all her classes however since this is a college we can't just release any old information not even because her attendance blows unless a waiver is signed by the student this peed him off even more eventually he gets directed to my office I'm no instructor but one of the hats our way here is being the one who gets to deal with all the angry formal complaints once the instructor and the Dean can no longer handle it that said people are usually quite livid by the time they get to me this man called me at least once or twice every day in attempt to get in touch with the vice president the president you name it he called me awful things yelled and slurred with his accent behind comprehension and complained about our crappy education system for ages and it was my job to listen every day joy and all the while I have to repeatedly remind him I can't tell him anything about his daughter's time here because it is an ethical violation when there is no waiver on file but heaven forbid he take no for an answer he started coming onto campus and stalking the instructors by waiting at their offices attempting to confront the Dean in person etc each time we told him we couldn't release personal information unless his kids signed the waiver eventually security got involved and he was banned from campus my supervisor had told me after the fact that she found his door had actually been removed from one of our sister colleges prior to her enrollment with us apparently her father had been stalking instructors for the same reasons and they believed him to be a serious threat just a story from when my mother was a teacher my mother taught in a school district in Utah for 30 years she saw everything from science room explosions to affluent teams shooting semi-automatic weapons into the side of the school this was pre Columbine mind you one story she told me once I came out of the closet affected me deeply she had been a very understanding teacher and a lot of students would confide their deepest darkest secrets to her one teen had finally worked up enough courage to tell her that he was gay she asked him if his parents knew and if they were accepting he said that his parents didn't know and he was afraid to tell them I guess eventually he finally told his mother who then told the father now this father was the bishop to one of the churches in the ward loved by many and considered a good man when he found out he pushed his son down the stairs and beat the ever-loving crap out of him this happened regularly one time putting him in the hospital the mother did nothing she would call my mother in the middle of the night sobbing not knowing what to do my mother had to sit there and listen to one of her best and brightest students scream and pain while his father beat him after he graduated high school the boy moved to SLC to live a more open lifestyle this again was early 90s and the HIV epidemic was still very deadly he ended up contracting HIV and was dead by his mid-twenties the parents were so ashamed of him they had no funeral and no headstone they gave him a small marker and that was it my mother was so enraged by this she called them and basically chewed out the father for being such a horrible person they finally got him a tombstone on it they had listed his death date as the day he told them he was gay it is part of the reason I never want to go back to my hometown never confuse partners with morality when I was working as a library and office aide in high school I had to deal with a lot of parents the one I remember most clearly was a mother who stormed the office during registration week which is during the summer at my high school if there is a problem with your schedule you line up outside the office and wait to meet with your counselor which can take hours most people bring a cup of coffee and a friend parent to wait it out this lady barged into the office having cut in front of over 100 patiently waiting students and demanded to see a counselor the administrative assistant in the office asked why and the lady said she wanted to discuss her son's high school education when asked to leave and come by at a less busy time horizon she started yelling but I am an involved parent I need to speak to my son's counselor to be involved in his education that lady picked absolutely the wrong week to throw a fit in the office not a teacher but I used to be a monitor at summer camp there was this little boy Kyle who was always pushing his and our limits being a little brat bullying other kids and thus regularly put in timeout which somehow made his behavior even worse so after another hard day I decide to inform his mum about his behavior to which she said oh I know he's the worst just punish him before he gets the chance to so anything that's what we do no wonder he'd been acting out little boy just wanted some attention not a teacher but a school counselor I had two parents in a crazy custody battle and found out long after the fact that both parents would secretly record their meetings with me apparently they kept bringing the tapes to court to show that the other parent is a bad parent not even sure what they thought they could prove the judge continued to tell them that they can't record people without their consent three years ago I got this kid in my class who had been expelled from his previous school at 4th grade that's kind of impressive so I was pretty interested in learning more when school started he was a real angry kid quick to fight kind of a grudge holder he got suspended the second week of school for starting a fight in the cafeteria when we had his back-to-school conference with mom she said she appreciated us suspending him because she had been trying to get SSI money for him for being crazy for yours you gotta make one crazy so they will send you a check she told me so anyway come to find out this woman was taking a normal kid and telling him he was crazy and worthless and stupid he wasn't actually any of those things he was angry and poorly raised anyway he ended up doing well at our school he was actually quite bright and I got him placed in our tag gifted program when his mom found out she came up to school to tell me I was a stupid see who was ruining the work she'd done also he had a little sister in kindergarten who he was basically raising it was so hard at the end of the year to send him home for a summer with his mom but he apparently is still doing well he's in seventh grade this coming fall and he still comes back to update me on his doings my mother who is a teacher actually says it's the parents who don't care that are the worst she can handle angry parents just fine but parents that don't give a crap about their kids education pee her off confiscated a cell phone that was being used to take pictures of other students one of them mine in the bathroom from a sixth-grade boy his father showed up an hour later with a lawyer to threaten me with a lawsuit good times were had by all worst kind of parents our teacher parents I am a teacher myself and let me tell you you are not a teacher here and you don't get to tell me how to do my job I teach at a preschool and one day a parent was cooled because their child had thrown up the mother showed up an hour later just as he was beginning to throw up a gain into the tiny toilets in our classroom I was tending to him encouraging him to aim for the toilet rubbing his back etc the mother comes marching into the room and tells me to back off I need to take his temperature now I told her very politely not to move him just now as he was actively vomiting into the toilet she proceeded to use her shoulder to move me out of the way to grab her child and ran a thermometer into his ear the second she gets it in there he vomits all over the floor she turns to me and says wow that's a big mess you really should have kept him at the toilet another on the line of camp counselor stories I had a twelve-year-old boy in my group he was definitely bulimic and all the kids were super worried about him when he admitted it to me he confessed that his parents knew and were grounded at for him he was only allowed to meet and use the bathroom teachers are ridic what are your worst experiences with helicopter parents I had a student a few years ago whose mom would email all his teachers every single day wanting to know what we had done in class we have websites with class calendars on them it got so bad that the school eventually told her that she could only email once a week later that year the student turned in a research paper and the first paragraph had been stolen word-for-word from a website I printed out the webpage gave the kid a zero and wrote a referral for cheating hours later the mom emails me furious that I would accuse her son of cheating I explained the situation and she told me oh it wasn't his fault he had been too busy to type it so I did it for him I wanted to spruce up the intro a little bit so I added that little extra bit I guess I forgot to add the source seems legit she fails too I was working with a class of gifted high school students taking a summer course during a field trip while not my students needed to go to a doctor's appointment and would be picked up early by her parents the only way to contact the group on the field trip was my cell phone so the parents got my personal number in the week left in the summer course I received 23 text messages and 15 calls asking why their 10th grade daughter had not called them back freshman year of college my roommates mother was a helicopter mom to an extreme we weren't friends just roommates but I heard stories from multiple people one morning around 7:00 a.m. I hear a pounding on the door I pull my butt out of bed and open it only to see her mother standing there looking beyond furious apparently she found out somehow that my roommate had been skipping one of her classes she had driven two hours to show up at our door at 7 a.m. to scream at her 18 year-old daughter she also yelled at me for a few minutes for not waking up my room made not telling her to go class I left pretty quickly and spent the rest of the day hiding out in friend's dorm rooms the 8th graders at my middle school used to take a trip to a theme park or something every year but you weren't allowed to go if you were failing any of your classes well some kids mom called and whined that her kid couldn't go because he was failing and it was discriminatory towards him and ended up getting the trip cancelled for everyone must have made that kid the most popular kid in school I taught ESL to a bunch of high schoolers many of which were at on Sat level there was this one kid who was incredibly fluent and would write wonderful essays in my class however his mother wasn't satisfied she forced him to write a ten thousand word essay every single day now she had never learned a foreign language didn't speak English I don't think she even graduated from college but she would through her son and other translators give me an earful on how I was being too easy on the students because I wasn't making them do four hours of homework a night and this poor kid this unfortunate 14 year old bastard who was fluent in two languages and was ready to take the SATs in a language not his own ended up getting worse and worse at writing he would repeat things again and again just to get a word count because his mother would check the essays every night well she'd check the numbers she wouldn't be able to read the paper he would lie and make up stories interjecting them at weird places he did absolutely miserably in his exams because he wouldn't take my advice to stop writing when you've run out of things to say I teach middle school English at a public school in Texas I brought her mom in several months ago to discuss how her son had been plagiarizing Paulie I might add but she only wanted to talk about his acting career she pulled out a leather-bound portfolio stuffed with acting modeling photos of her little angel and talked at me for an hour about each one cut to this week he turns in a paper about his strongest childhood memory it's a two page summary of every famous person he's acted with in what movies I would know then looking at the writing style and level of detail the mom clearly wrote the essay WTF teaching second grade we took a field trip to our districts vocational school so the kids could get a sense for the wide array of career choices available one parent would not allow her daughter to attend because she was so afraid her daughter might take a liking to one of the non collegiate career tracks horticulture culinary arts etc and ruin her predestined path to medical school 2nd grade I am a percussion coach for a youth band program at the local university while chatting with the kids mom for the first time she wrote down notes on me and my coworker the kid later told me that she complies personality profiles of every person that is ever in charge of her kids when first visiting colleges one of the stories our tour guide told us was of how this kid's mom moved in as his roommate for an entire semester I have a student mother who emails me about once a week to try and scavenge extra information about what her son should write for his assignment she's got the criteria sheet and the reading list yet she still never gotten above a B but because she's actually quite a crappy writer it's nearly impossible to prove that it's her writing his assignments without one of them admitting it but the whole staff room knows the truth had a student last year where his mother was always claiming he had some health issue that was pretty serious but while I hate calling people liars she would make it obvious the best example I can give is her claiming he had severe asthma I made every accommodation I could for this kid including every time he complained of chest pains I would send him to the nurse immediately I began to wonder when I would see him at recess running around like a maniac without any complaints he only got chest pains during a test he'll whenever it was convenient for him never questioned it because I just didn't want to even try to argue another example is during science we were playing on microscopes and he thought it would be okay to just run around the room of course I kicked him out and told him he flunked science well at the end of the day I had a change of heart and made him read a chapter out of the science book and write a summary for homework the next day he comes in with this elaborate 3d model of the chapter and his summary is written in pen and the writing looks like a grown woman's not a fourth-grade boy I asked him to tell me about the chapter and of course he can't so I call his mom she proceeds to tell me that he spent hours on this thing and she watched him do it I call her out and explained he can tell me anything she admits she helped but feels there nothing wrong with her writing for him or constructing the model she wasn't still his psycho she called me last week asking for $30 for rent money I can't wait until he goes to middle school a student handed in a quiz completely blank I asked her why and she replied I didn't read and smiled I told her to write I didn't read on the quiz so there would be no misunderstanding she did I mailed her mom because the quiz caused her grade to drop from a low C to a d+ and we have to contact parents of students with DS or FS her mom went absolutely nuts how can any teacher and good conscience allow a student to receive a zero I thought you were supposed to guide her and support her she demanded that I give her daughter at least 50 points just because we pulled a child who was allergic to eggs out of a lab in which egg shells were broken down by vinegar then the eggs were placed in hippo tonic hypertonic solutions to illustrate cell membrane action the parent flipped a crap at his child missed two lab periods although we prepared handouts gone over the relevant info with the kids and sent him along to the library so he wouldn't dial in a phylactery show geez we're trying to save your kid's life here two lab periods in the seventh grade won't make a big deal my aunt works in the housing department at uw-madison she once fielded a calls from a woman who wanted to know who would be making her daughter's bed and how much they would be charging I believe my aunt and her co-workers decided $200 a week was a high enough price to get the lady to freak off but she agreed to pay it no idea what happened next hopefully there's a happy ending and some about kid got $200 a week making some rich girls bed my freshman year run mates parents would drive down to school every time their daughter didn't answer their calls made for a couple of awkward Friday nights not a teacher but a witness to helicopter stage mumming when I was in high school the director of the musicals always cast her daughter as the lead in every play even though she was awful I challenged her on it when I was elected vice president of the club which was a student though she had no control of and I was never cast in a show again flash-forward to this girl getting accepted to college the mom applies for a teaching job in the theatre department of the school she is attending I hate that woman to this day ladies and gentlemen a slight change in tonight's performance of Lemmy's Arab every character will now be played by Stephanie that is all my kids are in a small private school with about 100 students last year this mom was all in everyone's face about bringing food with peanuts to school because her 5th grader was allergic I can understand that for shared classroom treats but she was determined to make the whole school nut-free she volunteers there a lot I'm pretty sure just so she can stay in her kids business but she bitched me out one day because my first grader had a PB&J for lunch those classes don't even have lunch at the same time I told her that if a fifth grader was somehow stealing my kids lunch I would pack extra peanuts every time she bitched to the principal who told me I said what she wished she could fast-forward to this year and come to find out the kid isn't even allergic to frickin nuts I teach kindergarten at a private school that severely sucks up to parents I gave my students a fun Halloween activity that was basically a color by number on a hundreds chart if they followed the directions it turned out to be a monster I hung them up for parents to see in one of the moms so her daughter's paper and was so disappointed and told me she can cover better than that you just have to push her she's five and it was supposed to be fun I once sent a project home with two grades one for the student and one for the parent teacher is a private school and South Korea here every one of my students parents is a ch-47 chinook of a parent so the courses I teach are specifically geared for the students who want to study in the United States during college I teach classes to prepare them for the SATs I teach English conversation to help them be more fluent although most of them will pretty good with English to begin with and I teach in an American University style to help them get used to the format the thing is I essentially have no control over grades in principle I do because they are my classes but the reality is totally different because it's a private school every one of the parents pays money to get their kids and pay a whole lot more for them to be part of this international program this means that if their kid isn't doing well they have a pretty good chance of packing them up and taking them to a competing school so because of this every one of my students gets near perfect grades not because they earned them but because my principal has flat-out told me that they all have to pass and do well even if they only ever sleep in class and about half of them do I had a parent coming with their child a year ago with one of those we fee cellphone radiation detector things and during the first five minutes of class walked around the room him in tow she finally pointed to a seat for him to sit in and then came up to me and asked if there was any way I could make the building maintenance staff aware that the radiation levels were still quite high also had a different parent year before that asked me to not use both the chalkboard and whiteboard in any class I can understand the chalkboard during class because I have had kids with asthma who reacts build the whiteboard and ever how did she expect me to teach one of my mom's teacher colleagues had a parent call and complained because a teacher had written a note to the student and red pen apparently using the red pen came off as aggressive I'm not a teacher but I'm in high school and I directed some of the kids in my school's middle school division in a play of Treasure Island one day when we weren't allowed access into the theater we did a rehearsal at the house of this girl let's call her G her mother let's call her am invited us to come over and at first I was wary as something always seemed a bit off about her like she was always in an insane rush to get her daughter home after all of our regular rehearsals but they had a very large house and I didn't want to give up the space so I agreed to do the rehearsal there once we were there and politely greeted us but G was holed up in her room I asked if she could come and join us but Anne kept insisting we start the rehearsal without her I explained to her that G was one of the most important parts of the play and it would be hard to practice without her but then just kept saying that she had work to do and wasn't available finally after about half an hour G came out to meet us but her crazy mother told us that she could only stay for 15 minutes and then she had to go back to her work G then turned to her mother and said I don't have any work to witch and responded yes you do sweetie in the most passive-aggressive way I've ever heard someone talk to their child I decided to stay out of it and we started rehearsing with her I then opened my laptop to show them a video of what they did the 10 happened to be walking past at a time and she ran over and slammed my laptop slid down shouting no media repeatedly and then lifted it up and ran away with it somewhere it was my computer so I followed her and asked for it back and she carefully explained that they were a no media family and that it's important that G isn't exposed to that she then said that her daughter should get back to work anyway but I said we needed five more minutes when I got back to G she said isn't my mom so annoying and I wasn't sure how to respond the G sore the uncertainty in my face and kept talking about her mother it turned out that G wasn't allowed to watch TV go on any computer Eve listen to music on an iPod just do her schoolwork and read books that had already been read by her parents she was in sixth grade so of course she didn't have that much work to do before her mother would make her study her notes from the day every day and would frequently make her do homework again as it wasn't long enough she could have been getting straight-as with less than half of the work she had to do so I told him that she shouldn't put so much pressure on her daughter and she responded to that by kicking me out of the house her parents got divorced a year later and her father has full custody and I couldn't be happier College Admission counselor we get moms pretending to be their daughters all the time over the phone uncle was a teacher for 25 years at a fairly prestigious school and told me some fairly unbelievable horror stories I'll just talk about the one that sticks out in my mind he had taught several grades and at this point I believe he was teaching a sixth grade class there was a boy in the class who was very for lack of a better word stupid this isn't uncommon in schools but this kid was simply thicker than brick and couldn't seem to grasp anything that was being taught to him catch-22 is he had a father who was the chief fault police in town and mother who worked closely with the mayor anyways my uncle had been teaching a chapter in history and assigning homework for day when the boy stood up and started yelling about how stupid history was and that my uncle was done for attempting to teach it to them needless to say the boy was sent to the office for verbally abusing a teacher this is where the story gets somewhat interesting while the boy was in the office he had begun crying and started to fabricate a story about how my uncle had called him an idiot outright in the classroom and that all he did was retort saying no I'm not jerk or something to that effect he then began requesting to speak to his parents of course the headmaster obliged and let him call his parents and at the same time summoned my uncle to the office to discuss what was going on five minutes later as my uncle had just finished explaining what had happened both the boy's parents burst into the office guns blazing if you will not literally the husband attempted to arrest him with his wife basically spitting in my uncle's face as she was yelling at him all the while there boy was sitting there smiling and apparently laughing as my uncle was taken from the room by the chief of police all pretty absurd as you can imagine with a full room of witnesses and the children the actual story came to light fairly quickly but instead of apologizing and trying to save face the husband began telling a tale of how my uncle had resisted arrest and reacted forcefully and struck him as he was attempting to gain control over him in the office I found out later that both the parents approached the headmistress after the fact and offered her an ultimatum to agree with what they were saying or they would make a life a living heck all instead of simply admitting they were wrong the husband lost his job and the wife was severely demoted to desk Clarke after everyone figured she tried to use her position as leverage in the situation and as if this whole thing wasn't humorous enough my uncle still swears to this day mailing the headmistress saved my life definitely my career what a lovely man he is not a teacher but my husband is ever tried to teach history to the child of parents who are Holocaust deniers teachers what was the best smart belt response from a student you have heard back when I taught first grade we were doing a writing assignment about Thanksgiving the kids had to draw a picture of their family celebrating Thanksgiving and then write about it one little girl drew the table and chairs and that was all I knew she just didn't feel like doing the work so I tried to prompt her I asked where the food and her family were and she snapped right back with their washing the dishes had to give her credit for coming up with a logical argument from not doing the work not a teacher but witnessed as a student there was literally 30 seconds left of class and my buddy starts to pack up the teacher didn't seem to mind but when the bell rang and Daddy got up to leave the teacher said the classic line the Bell doesn't dismiss you I do and Buddy just continues to leave gets in the doorway of the class and says if it decides when I come it decides when I leave and just leaves the class my grandson who lives with my wife and I was sent to office one day for breaking dress code no belt the principal asked why he didn't wear it to which he replied my cokehead mother stole that and I did and have time to get another principle got super mad and cooled us to tell us what happened and what he had said I confirmed his story well his coke addicts mother came to visit last night and we didn't realize it was gone until this morning I could audibly hear him gasp over the phone and immediately started apologizing and every time I see him now he mentions it and apologizes I had a teacher tell a classmate no drinks in class he got up from his seat picked up the teacher's drink and deposited in the garbage with his drink she sent him to the office I was doing poorly in a middle school class on account of my mother having terminal brain cancer this one teacher would constantly get on my case even though he knew about the situation I wasn't a bad student I was just severely distracted from the situation at home and couldn't always focus I missed two days off school due to her worsening condition the day before she died he left a voicemail at my house explaining my five missing homework assignments but no one really cared I didn't go to school for a week after her death and when I returned I said to him well now that she's dead I can finally finish those assignments right I think he finally understood the principal gave him a good chewing out too this was while working with nine year olds with doing number problems and a kid is having trouble with a son the son is you have 40 sweets you give half your sweets to your friend how many sweets do you have now I grab 40 counters and say to the kid here are 40 sweets if you give me half how many will you have left kid turns to me and utterly deadpan says I can't give you the sweets you aren't my friend tangentially related smartass response from teacher on behalf of the student behind a student that came back a couple of weeks out of class counselor lesser teachers know that his father had passed and he was having a rough time I pulled him aside after class one day told him not to worry about any of the work he missed focus on getting caught up in your other classes I'll make things work out here I was his tenth grade English teacher we had already taken the end-of-year exam as far as the state was concerned he was done and that was good enough for me kid with straight A's until his dad passed Cup - a few weeks later I'm called into the counselor's office for a meeting with the students other teachers I double check and he's been doing great in class and work I've assigned has been turned in on time even though I told him he didn't have to so I have no idea what's going on you come to find out his other teachers went as lenient on the make up work as I was he had gotten behind in all his other classes and had stayed behind now he was in danger of failing everything but my class he'd have to repeat the year safe for English a counselor asks me what I did to help the student oh well I told him not to worry about anything he missed and that as far as I was concerned he was already caught up and he could do his best in class going forward one of the other teachers balked I don't see why we needed mr. hexed dragons input he just let the kids skip out on work that's not helpful I replied the kids dad just freaking died you really think the last six weeks worth of history matters to him in the slightest the counselor smiled and pointed at me I invited mr. hex dragon because I knew he would say some things I'm not allowed to say a fellow student in my class shouted that it was frickin freezing in the classroom the teacher naturally told him not to use the f-word so the kid replied it's frickin cold in here had my class of working class kids at an art gallery as we waited for our tour to begin we played on the small playground near the door a prep school kid in a uniform approach two of my boys and said I bet I'm smarter than you are I watched to make sure no blood was drawn my students can hold their own pretty much anywhere and they don't accept insults casually but they were cool no you're not are you in grade two the boy said he wasn't one of my boys said so then we're all grade two so we are all grade two smart he went back to climbing the monkey bars but the prep school kid continued I know I'm smarter let's do some math and I'll prove it the toughest kid in my room looked this guy square in the eye and said well I'm smart enough not to do math when I'm having fun on a playground my history teacher would spend half the class making jokes directed at the students one student in particular always took the jokes on the chin and never really made any comebacks eventually the teacher called him out and jokingly lectured him about standing up for himself but he ended his rant with you've gotta be a man you've gotta be like me the student replied with well which one do you want me to be a man or do you want me to be like you in HS our functions and relations teacher would always start to say something forget it and say I lost my train of thought well one day a buddy of mine replies it's okay sir there were no important passengers on boat why are you all talking because you're not second grade kid was sent out of the room this is in regards to the rule don't talk when the teachers talking I'm not a teacher but I had a friend in school who was always pretty dramatic she actually did have abs though so we're in this [ __ ] teacher's class and she keeps asking to use the bathroom the teacher says no my friends like I have eyes though and the teacher is like tell me what those initials mean and I will let you go so she screams i T means I have to crap and takes off out of the room student a says to student B dude shut the Frick up staff says student a we don't talk that way in the future find a more appropriate way of expressing yourself student a says to staff oh sorry then turns to student B and says dude would you please shut the Frick up well this one was during coaching classes for entrance exams the maths teacher reduced to given problem to a simpler form and challenged the student so this expression doesn't fit any of the given standard forms for us to find the particular integral so what do you propose we do a kid from the back shouted the next question not a teacher but witnesses student we had a substitute who was leafing through the yearbook and got to the senior superlatives our school mascot was the Eagles she started reading some Athene aloud and said oh that's nice sorry most school spirited a student answered yeah because she's always spread-eagle the substitute couldn't keep from laughing as much as she tried not to let me point out that I'm female since people will assume I'm a guy I taught in an inner-city school we were talking about prime numbers so I would have kids give me a number and we'd work out if the number was a prime number on the board one kid wasn't paying attention so me being a young teacher I thought I'd catch him off guard and call on him it went something along the lines of mark do you have a number heart I need your number she'd played cool girl we can talk after class the whole room lost their crap and I turned red from embarrassment they then laughed at how red they got in a high school physics class we were learning about friction and what varies how strong it is so the teacher asks so as an engineer what would be some of the hard parts of designing say racing tires some kid in the back says getting out of bed in the morning Spanish class in high school two guys who grew up in spanish-speaking families were goofing off at the back of class one guy says that he could stand the weight of another person standing on his stomach and the other guy who was probably just shy of 200 pounds doesn't believe him so the first guy get on the ground in the back of class and the other guy gets up and stands on his stomach the teacher sees this and immediately yelled at the guy on the ground to get back into his seat without missing a beat he says I can't he's standing on me the other guy doesn't move because he wasn't yelled at meanwhile the teacher continues to be upset that the guy on the ground isn't listening to her I witness a rather sad one in my chemistry class sophomore year one of my friends was going through some family issues and his dad just left for a year or so the kid was acting up in class and the teacher was like do you want me to call your dad and he was like if he picks up tell him to come home soon a kid in my math class would sleep on his desk one day the teacher called on him to answer a problem on the chalkboard he woke up solved the problem on the board with zero difficulty and then just went back to sleep the teacher repeated the same thing a few times with similar results and then just let him sleep the rest of the year a kid mocked me when I said don't do that I started to yell at him and he said no man that's a song he then spontaneously came up with a rap song called don't do that and his friend started making beads I was no longer mad my friend Brian was in his homeroom class back in high school the topic of abortion came up as everyone was asking each other if why they're either against or pro-abortion we're in Texas so you can assume the ideas and opinions of the majority of the class so my friend is a very intelligent and quiet fellow minding his own business in a corner of the room the class turns to him to get his opinion on the matter someone Brian you've been quiet over there so what about you are you pro-abortion Brian well I wouldn't say I'm Pro but I'm pretty good with a coat hanger jaws drop the room is silent as everyone is registering what just happened glad I made it to school that day just yesterday actually one of my classes is fun in that we give each other hard times but all in good fun and accomplish a lot a girl starts giggling uncontrollably for no reason and she's a bit of an airhead so I asked her if she saw something shiny and if that entertained her another boy jumps in and says yeah mister your head I'm going bald I wanted to pretend to be mad but it was just too dang funny I have a smartass response from a teacher story to share in eighth grade science class we were learning about the planets in the usual class clown let's call him K was making the usual immature jokes about Uranus our teacher mr. P who was a younger pretty chill guy wasn't having it so mr. P tells Kay to go outside when K asks which door he should use to leave miss he first says it doesn't matter it quickly comes back with an answer and says you know what why don't you go out the back door since you like Uranus so much the whole class went crazy definitely one of the best teacher responses to dumb student comments that I've witnessed I went to a Catholic school very strict lots of beatings to friends and I had been caught by one of the more violent teachers mr. Murphy off the school grounds climbing in the neighboring estates trees after school detention we are lined up in his office where he is screaming it is for our bad behavior letting the school down etc we expecting a beating or 500 word essay if we are lucky or perhaps he'll just punch as a bit he turns to my friend Dave and shouts do you climb in your neighbours trees at home Dave replies head down and sounding remorseful no sir why not they haven't got any so my other friend literally ended up crying with laughter on the floor I was shaking with laughter and Dave just stood their head down emotionless mr. Murphy stood there momentarily lost for words before shouting at us to get out and that was it funny thing was Dave never understood why it was so funny this is sort of a flip from the question but there was this awesome history teacher I had freshman year of high school who was just always in an amazing mood we'll call him mr. Smith one day everyone is sitting in class waiting for the tardy bell to ring when a kid sneaks a condom onto the door handle the bell rings and mr. Smith walks into the room grabs the handle to close the door and pulls the condom off for it looks at the condom helmet for a split second and stuffs it into his pocket while saying thanks I'll need this later in high school one of my teachers was having a disagreement with a student I can't remember what it was about but finally the teacher asked him if she wanted her to call his mother the student replies do it in my memory will agree with me too the teacher then asks him to leave her class he goes you know what I'm gonna call my mom for you he then whips out his cell phone and calls his mom on speaker hey MA this teacher want to talk to you the whole class just lost it my buddies and I used to like to play Ultimate Frisbee on the football field during lunch we were told not to organized sports were supposed to be that organized they didn't want kids getting hurt without supervision anyway one day we said screw it and decided to do it anyway so they turned the sprinklers on us but didn't stop us we kept playing and finally they sent a security guard out to get us detention for the rest of the day in the cold cafeteria soaked and cold so we started chattering and talking but it's hard to stay quiet when you're shivering anyway the coach watching over detention told everyone to shut up you will sound like a bunch of Canaries in a cage everyone got silent then one person started it and it slowly grew cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep Moo bah ha ha yeehaw yeehaw the coach couldn't help but start laughing then turned the air even colder bastard I've taught preschool for years and one of my favorite dad responses to children who are being whiny just to whine is the hi I'm your teacher again thirsty hi thirsty I'm your teacher anyway one day after a long week I sat down to lunch with my class preschool remember four five year olds and say to a child we'll call him Tommy boy Tommy time really tired today without skipping a beat he swallows his mac-n-cheese looks me right in the eyes and says hi really tired I'm Tommy that was the day I knew I had taught him all I could not a teacher but this happened in an upper-level French class where you can only speak French if you speak English the teacher scolds you in French my friend walked in a few minutes late for a quiz and wasn't allowed to take it my friend looked at the teacher and said in English that's bulls the teacher looked back angrily and said also in English what did you just say my friend and Frances Monsieur he got kicked out of the class in French class we had one guy say to his friend oh you bastard right as the teacher walked in front of them and the whole class got quiet we thought they were in for it instead and France ace say batted in middle school in history class this happened girl hey mr. C how do you spell word IDR mr. C di C tion rry she writes it down stares at it for a moment trying to comprehend why it doesn't look right gets mad a teacher class is dying teacher laughing as well my sister who is a teacher was taking her kindergarten class through the lunch line well this day was st. Patrick's Day so there was green cupcakes my sister told the class jokingly don't eat too many cupcakes or you'll turn green a young black boy looks up at her and says miss Carey I ain't never seen a green brother before teacher said now where is McHale friend blurted out in EM field in biology during high school the teacher was teaching us about food chains in a very the house that Jack built Manor he got two cats eat mice but what eats cats although he was referring to fleas I being Chinese immediately said Chinese people the class burst out in laughter but then I had to stand up and apologize to all the Chinese people in men's choir in college we were singing the little drummer boy the director stopped our singing and explained something to us he got distracted and went off on a tangent for about five seven minutes then he pulled himself back around but couldn't remember where he had stopped he asked himself out loud hum now where were we someone and the basses said I think we were on pom the whole choir just lost it teachers what was the best smart belt response from a student you have heard back when I taught first grade we were doing a writing assignment about Thanksgiving the kids had to draw a picture of their family celebrating Thanksgiving and then write about it one little girl drew the table and chairs and that was all I knew she just didn't feel like doing the work so I tried to prompt her I asked where the food and her family were and she snapped right back with their washing the dishes had to give her credit for coming up with a logical argument for not doing the work not a teacher that witness is a student there was literally 30 seconds left of class and my buddy starts to pack up the teacher didn't seem to mind but when the bell rang and Buddy got up to leave the teacher said the classic line the Bell doesn't dismiss you I do and Buddy just continues to leave gets in the doorway of the class and says if it decides when I come it decides when I leave and just leaves the class my grandson who lives with my wife and I was sent to office one day for breaking dress code no belt the principal asked why he didn't wear it to which he replied my cokehead mother stole it and I didn't have time to get another principal got super mad and called us to tell us what happened and what he had said I confirmed his story well his coke addicts mother came to visit last night and we didn't realize it was gone until this morning I could audibly hear him gasp over the phone and immediately started apologizing and every time I see him now he mentions it and apologizes I had a teacher tell a classmate no drinks in class he got up from his seat picked up the teachers drink and deposited in the garbage with his drink she sent him to the office I was doing poorly in a middle school class on account of my mother having terminal brain cancer this one teacher would constantly get on my case even though he knew about the situation I wasn't a bad student I was just severely distracted from the situation at home and couldn't always focus I missed two days off school due to her worsening condition the day before she died he left a voicemail at my house explaining my five missing homework assignments but no one really cared I didn't go to school for a week after her death and when I returned I said to him well now that she's dead I can finally finish those assignments right I think he finally understood the principal gave him a good chewing out too this was while working with nine-year-olds we're doing number problems and her kid is having trouble with a son the son is you have 40 sweets you give half your sweets to your friend how many sweets do you have now I grab 40 counters and say to the kid here are 40 sweets if you give me half how many will you have left kid turns to me and utterly deadpan says I can't give you the sweeps you aren't my friend tangentially related smartass response from teacher on behalf of the student had a student that came back a couple of weeks out of class counselor lesser teachers know that his father had passed and he was having a rough time I pulled him aside after class one day told him not to worry about any of the work he missed focus on getting caught up in your other classes I'll make things work out here I was his tenth grade English teacher we had already taken the end-of-year exam as far as the state was concerned he was done and that was good enough for me kid with straight A's until his dad passed Cup two a few weeks later I'm called into the counselor's office for a meeting with the students other teachers I double check and he's been doing great in class and work I've assigned has been turned in on time even though I told him he didn't have to so I have no idea what's going on you come to find out his other teachers went as lenient on the make up work as I was he had got him behind in all his other classes and had stayed behind now he was in danger of failing everything but my class he'd have to repeat the year save for English a counselor asks me what I did to help the student oh well I told him not to worry about anything he missed and that as far as I was concerned he was already caught up and he could do his best in class going forward one of the other teachers balks I don't see why we needed mr. hexed dragons input he just let the kid skip out on work that's not helpful I replied the kids dad just freaking died you really think the last six weeks worth of history matters to him in the slightest the counselor smiled and pointed at me I invited mr. hex dragon because I knew he would say some things I'm not allowed to say a fellow student in my class shouted that it was frickin freezing in the classroom the teacher naturally told him not to use the f-word so the kid replied it's frickin cold in here had my class of working class kids at an art gallery as we waited for our tour to begin we played on the small playground near the door a prep school kid in a uniform approach two of my boys and said I bet I'm smarter than you are I watched to make sure no blood was drawn my students can hold their own pretty much anywhere and they don't accept insults casually but they were cool no you're not are you in grade two the boy said he wasn't one of my boys said so then we're all grade two so we are all grade two smart he went back to climbing the monkey bars but the prep school kid continued I know I'm smarter let's do some math and I'll prove it the toughest kid in my room looked this guy square in the eye and said well I'm smart enough not to do math when I'm having fun on a playground my history teacher would spend half the class making jokes directed at the students one student in particular always took the jokes on the chin and never really made any comebacks eventually the teacher called him out and jokingly lectured him about standing up for himself but he ended his rant with you've gotta be a man you've gotta be like me the student replied with well which one do you want me to be a man or do you want me to be like you in HS our functions and relations teacher would always start to say something forget it and say I lost my train of thought well one day a buddy of mine replies it's okay sir there were no important passengers on boat why are you all talking because you're not second grade kid was sent out of the room this is in regards to the rule don't talk when the teacher is talking I'm not a teacher but I had a friend in school who was always pretty dramatic she actually did have eyebrow so we're in this [ __ ] teacher's class and she keeps asking to use the bathroom the teacher says no my friend like I have eyes oh and the teacher is like tell me what those initials mean and I will let you go so she screams i T means I have to and takes off out of the room student a says to student B dude shut the Frick up staff says student a we don't talk that way in the future find a more appropriate way of expressing yourself student a says to staff oh sorry then turns to student B and says dude would you please shut the Frick up well this one was during coaching classes for entrance exams the maths teacher reduced a given problem to a simpler form and challenged the students so this expression doesn't fit any of the given standard forms for us to find the particular integral so what do you propose we do a kid from the back shouted the next question not a teacher but witnessed as student we had a substitute who was leafing through the yearbook and got to the senior superlatives our school mascot was the Eagles she started reading some if-then aloud and said oh that's nice Sarah most school spirited a student answered back yeah because she's always spread eagle the substitute couldn't keep from laughing as much as she tried not to let me point out that I'm female since people will assume I'm a guy I taught in an inner-city school we were talking about prime numbers so I would have kids give me a number and we'd work out if the number was a prime number on the board one kid wasn't paying attention so me being a young teacher I thought I'd catch him off guard and call on him it went something along the lines of mark do you have a number heart I need your number she'd played cool girl we can talk after class the whole room lost their crap and I turned red from embarrassment they then laughed at how red they got in a high school physics class we were learning about friction and what there is how strong it is so the teacher asks so as an engineer what would be some of the hard parts of designing say racing tires some kid in the back says getting out of bed in the morning Spanish class in high school two guys who grew up in spanish-speaking families were goofing off at the back of class one guy says that he could stand the weight of another person standing on his stomach and the other guy who was probably just shy of 200 pounds doesn't believe him so the first guy gets on the ground in the back of class and the other guy gets up and stands on his stomach the teacher sees this and immediately yelled at the guy on the ground to get back into his seat without missing a beat he says I can't he's standing on me the other guy doesn't move because he wasn't yelled at meanwhile the teacher continues to be upset that the guy on the ground isn't listening to her I witness a rather sad one in my chemistry class sophomore year one of my friends was going through some family issues and his dad just left for a year or so the kid was acting up in class and the teacher was like do you want me to call your dad and he was like if he picks up tell him to come home soon a kid in my math class would sleep on his desk one day the teacher called on him to answer a problem on the chalkboard he woke up solved the problem on the board with zero difficulty and then just went back to sleep the teacher repeated the same thing a few times with similar results and then just let him sleep the rest of the year a kid mocked me when I said don't do that I started to yell at him and he said no man that's a song he then spontaneously came up with a rap song called don't do that and his friend started making beads I was no longer mad my friend Brian was in his homeroom class back in high school the topic of abortion came up as everyone was asking each other if why they're either against or pro-abortion we're in Texas so you can assume the ideas and opinions of the majority of the class so my friend is a very intelligent and quiet fellow minding his own business in a corner of the room the class turns to him to get his opinion on the matter someone Brian you've been quiet over there so what about you are you pro-abortion Brian well I wouldn't say I'm Pro but I'm pretty good with a coat hanger jaws drop the room is silent as everyone is Reggie during what just happened glad I made it to school that day just yesterday actually one of my classes is fun in that we give each other hard times but all in good fun and accomplish a lot a girl starts giggling uncontrollably for no reason and she's a bit of an airhead so I asked her if she saw something shiny and if that entertained her another boy jumps in and says yeah mister your head I'm going bald I wanted to pretend to be mad but it was just too dang funny I have a smartass response from a teacher story to share in eighth grade science class we were learning about the planets in the usual class clown let's call him kay was making the usual immature jokes about Uranus our teacher mr. P who was a younger pretty chill guy wasn't having it so mr. P tells Kay to go outside when Kay asks which door he should use to leave mr. P first says it doesn't matter it quickly comes back with an answer and says you know what why don't you go out the back door since you like Uranus so much the whole class went crazy definitely one of the best teacher responses to dumb student comments that I witnessed I went to a Catholic school very strict lots of beatings to friends and I had been caught by one of the more violent teachers mr. Murphy off the school grounds climbing in the neighboring estates trees after school detention we are lined up in his office where he is screaming at us for our bad behavior letting the school down etc we expecting a beating or 500 word essay if we are lucky or perhaps he'll just punch as a bit he turns to my friend Dave and shouts do you climb in your neighbors trees at home Dave replies head down and sounding remorseful no sir why not they haven't got any so my other friend literally ended up crying with laughter on the floor I was shaking with laughter and Dave just stood their head down emotionless mr. Murphy stood there momentarily lost for words before shouting at us to get out and that was it funny thing was Dave never understood why it was so funny this is sort of a flip from the question but there was this awesome history teacher I had freshman year of high school who was just always in an amazing mood we'll call him mr. Smith one day everyone is sitting in class waiting for the tardy bell to ring when a kid sneaks a condom onto the door handle the bell rings and mr. Smith walks into the room grabs the handle to close the door and pulls the condom off for it looks at the condom helmet for a split second and stuffs it into his pocket while saying thanks I'll need this later in high school one of my teachers was having a disagreement with a student I can't remember what it was about but finally the teacher asked him if she wanted her to call his mother the student replies do it in my memory will agree with me too the teacher then asks him to leave her class he goes you know what I'm gonna call my mom for you he then whips out his cell phone and calls his mom on speaker hey MA this teacher want to talk to you the whole class just lost it my buddies and I used to like to play Ultimate Frisbee on the football field during lunch we were told not to organized sports were supposed to be that organized they didn't want kids getting hurt without supervision anyway one day we said screw it and decided to do it anyway so they turned the sprinklers on us but didn't stop us we kept playing and finally they sent a security guard out to get us detention for the rest of the day in the cold cafeteria soaked and cold so we started chattering and talking but it's hard to stay quiet when you're shivering anyway the coach watching over detention told everyone to shut up you will sound like a bunch of Canaries in a cage everyone got silent then one person started it and it slowly grew cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap mu ba ha ha yeehaw yeehaw the coach couldn't help but start laughing then turned the air even colder bastard I've taught preschool for years and one of my favorite dad responses to children who are being whiny just to whine is the hi I'm your teacher egg I'm thirsty hi thirsty I'm your teacher anyway one day after a long week I sat down to lunch with my class preschool remember four five year olds and say to a child we'll call him Tommy boy Tommy time really tired today without skipping a beat he swallows his mac-n-cheese looks me right in the eyes and says hi really tired I'm Tommy that was the day I knew I had taught him all I could not a teacher but this happened in an upper-level French class where you can only speak French if you speak English the teacher scolds you in French my friend walked in a few minutes late for a quiz and wasn't allowed to take it my friend looked at the teacher and said in English that's bulls the teacher looked back and relay and said also in English what did you just say my friend and Frances Monsieur he got kicked out of the class in French class we had one guy say to his friend oh you bastard right as the teacher walked in front of them and the whole class got quiet we thought they were in for it instead she goes and Frances se batted in middle school in history class this happened girl hey mr. C how do you spell word I'd er mr. C D IC tion rry she writes it down stares at it for a moment trying to comprehend why it doesn't look right gets mad a teacher class is dying teacher laughing as well my sister who is a teacher was taking her kindergarten class through the lunch line well this day was st. Patrick day so there was green cupcakes my sister told the class jokingly don't eat too many cupcakes or your turn green a young black boy looks up at her and says miss Carey I ain't never seen a green brother before teacher said now where is McHale friend blurted out in Enfield in biology during high school the teacher was teaching us about food chains in a very the house that Jack built Manor he got two cats eat mice but what eats cats although he was referring to fleas I being Chinese immediately said Chinese people the class burst out in laughter but then I had to stand up and apologize to all the Chinese people in men's choir in college we were singing the little drummer boy the director stopped our singing and explained something to us he got distracted and went off on a tangent for about five seven minutes then he pulled himself back around but couldn't remember where he had stopped he asked himself out loud hum now where were we someone and the basses said I think we were on pom the whole choir just lost it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 14,229
Rating: 4.6588235 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, school stories, teacher stories, techers, high school, college, students
Id: HT4Z-nqeP1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 47sec (4367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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