Police Men, What Is the Most Horrifying Situation You've Been Called To?

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policemen women of reddit what is the most horrifying situation you've been called to i am not a cop but the man i work for is a retired police officer one day that will always stand out to him was when he got a call to go to a house when it sounded like gunshots went off he came to the scene and entered the house what he found was a man who he blew his own head off with a 12 gauge that was horrific to him but he later found in the house the man's children with holes in their back as well as the man's wife with a hole in her back the man killed his family and himself he was stunned by it the chief of police gave him the rest of the day off obligatory not me but my dad was a cop he was the first responder to a grisly accident where a young girl speeding had struck four girls and flung them very far two of the girls were doa and when my dad arrived he saw that my sister was one of the girls hit my sister survived but was badly injured he was on the force for 25 years and saw a lot of gruesome crap but he still says that was the worst day he had in his career not my story but my dad is a fireman his first day they had to go to a call about a suicide the lady was threatening to light her house on fire when he finally went into the house with some other guys they went to the top floor where she was standing in the middle of the room doused in gasoline she lit herself on fire and the flames swarmed her immediately they saved her life but her body was pretty fricked up turns out she did it all because her boyfriend broke up with her i was in 11th grade and a local lady came to talk to our school about the dangers of drunk driving to us kids who thought we already knew how bad drunk driving was it sounded like this was a waste of time the woman told us that her daughter had a flat tire and was calling her dad for help while pulled over on the side of the road while talking to her dad the phone suddenly went silent a drunk driver had swerved his 18-wheeler off the road and hit her the worst part he hit her so hard that her head was found more than 200 yards away from her body i sobbed like a baby the assembly ended and we went to our next class but i just couldn't stop crying i left the room and walked back to the assembly hall where i found the woman sitting in the dimly lit auditorium packing away her stuff i walked up to her hugged her and sobbed for a good 10 minutes she cried i cried we just sat there crying she told me that if only one person was convinced not to ever drive drunk that speaking about her experience was worth it from that day on she came to every home football game i played for the rest of my high school experience she wore my number sat with my parents and cheered us on win or lose she always gave me a big hug at the end of each game to this day i never have and never will drive after drinking thank you my uncle was killed by a drunk driver and watching my grandfather cry over his adult son's casket as he calls him my baby is something i will never forget not me but the absolute worst story i have ever heard and saw pictures of was one my instructor in the police academy told us he just had us huddle in close and told us want to hear the worst thing about our jobs he was still is a sheriff's deputy and was responding to a car accident where we live if a deputy is the first one on scene that means the accident was way out in the middle of nowhere and this one was he said it took him a while to find it because the two cars involved had hit head-on and their headlights were out finally he saw a guy covered in blood waving him down it was the driver of the car that caused the accident a black tahoe the driver had been drinking and had his whole family in the car he said he was looking for his daughter his girlfriend and two other kids had been strapped in and had minor injuries the driver of the other car who coincidentally as they found out later was also drunk had a pretty bad gash but was okay but he and the tahoe's driver couldn't find the oldest daughter so the deputy who was the only responder at the time began searching he was searching close to the wreck but found nothing he told us that finally the wind died down and he could hear what sounded like a kitten in a blender it was the daughter she was asleep in the car unseat belted and the accident launched her out of the car off to the side of the road and out into a field she landed in barbed wire there was a barbed wire fence on the property next to the accident and she went straight into it deputy took out his multi-tool with wire cutters and each time he cut a piece of the barbed wire the others would just get tighter he got her out just as the fireman and first ambulance got there and he ran with her in his arms to get her to them somewhere in the 30 or so feet he had to run she died i don't feel good firefighter here working with law enforcement we got called for a suicide attempt we have a six feet one russian women in amazing shape that got hammered drunk and cut her left arm to shreds we try to hold her down but she is crazy strong super flexible so i am holding that bleeding left arm and my fingers slide into the open cuts of her arm i have gloves on but jesus it's creepy as she twists her arms around it trying to get free she starts screaming my victory will be glorious and cattling like some kind of satanic animal so i'm struggling to get this arm tied down and suddenly she just stops looks me dead in the face and says where did you get those green eyes at this point she is on a stretcher with six eight cops and firefighters holding her down some of the cops don't have gloves on so they don't want to mess with that bloody left arm she slowly overcomes my strength and in slow motion reaches for my zipper of my pants i can't stop her and my hands are covered in blood she manages to unzip them but i now have my butt up against the wall of the ambulance so she can only get the tips of her fingers in my pants as she's training to reach inside we finally did get her tied down but jesus it's one of my most memorable calls i've ever had the cops said the same i've gone on stuff way worse than this but this always sticks in my mind as my fingers twisted around inside some lady's arm midway through this story i had to stop to check and make sure your username wasn't something like slowly becomes porn started as a ride-along during the academy summer of 2006 had to complete a couple hundred hours the academy was through a college so they had slightly different requirements but still got post certified showed up to do the row and was immediately smiled at by the officer i rode with not a good sign come on man let's go this takes place in a small town in the potato state usually really quiet with a weekly drunk calls and some drugs too this was different we showed up to the already cordoned off house and walked in there was blood everywhere csts csi had already been there and collected the stuff they needed to so we didn't really have to be careful where we stepped other than to preserve our own clothing shoes we walked around the house and it was like someone had taken a pain roller with red paint and hit it with an air compressor red spatter in every room but the kitchen and dining room the stench hadn't set in yet because it was just a short time prior i later learned we eventually made our way to the basement where the worst scene took place it truly looked like tomato soup with rice in puddles on the floor and spat her on the wall what happened husband found out the wife had been cheating on him so he went to his buddy's house and asked to borrow his shotgun he waited had breakfast at a local restaurant then went back home he knocked on the door and the wife answered he shot his wife point blank in the chest while quinton tarantino sp has it wrong with all the gore it's still fairly close when it's point blank he proceeded up the hallway and killed his kids in their rooms the cheetah confronted him in the hallway and he hit him point blank too he then went to the basement turned on the radio and shot himself in the head i specifically mentioned turned on the radio because it was on softly as we entered the basement i guess no reason to turn it off so the csts didn't i can't hear if you're going through hack by rodney atkins without memories coming back tl dr first murder suicide scene won't eat tomato soup or listen to country ever again heck of a song for that situation though one of my first weekends on my own got a call to assist ems thinking no big deal this is usually for extra hands or to help lift somebody i get there and they say the door was open when they got there and the hallway is covered in blood so i have to clear the house as i enter the house i notice the back four open and items from the house were on the back patio now i'm thinking home invasion call for backup and due to call volume one get told i have no backup just great now there are two directions to go right towards the garage or left down the bloody hall knowing my destined location was the bloody hall i had to clear the rest of the house first so i do so and it's terrifying thinking someone could be in there worst part is i can hear my victim screaming for help but not a normal scream like a painful hot and muffled scream by the time get to the end i find two locked doors she's behind one of them which could very well have the suspect as well and the other i don't hear anything so i end up kicking both in and only finding her she was flayed open all over her body still alive we got her extracted and she survived come to find out this was a house used for migrant workers 15 people lived in a three-bedroom house one of the guys got fired and came to the house looking for the boss but found my victim he assaulted her with a machete fled to honduras directly after committing the act i'll still never forget the screams or how much blood there was and all as a rookie lol i got to welcome aboard rook from my supervisor right afterwards not me but my mom used to be an emt and a few years ago she got called to go check on a homeless guy someone thought was dead they got there and turns out he was fine and awake except for his foot it was being eaten by maggots like fully covered in maggots with bone showing through my dad and two uncles were called to pull a body out if a major river where we lived in the middle of winter but it was my grandfather's body he had jumped off the bridge after losing his job during the recession my one uncle threw up the other one was immediately pulled to shore and my dad tried to keep a straight face to help his brothers but when we walked through our front door i saw the biggest tough guy i know sobbing uncontrollably on the floor they all say they've never felt anything more shocking horrifying or traumatizing than pulling their father's bluish purple body out of the river i remember hearing stories during the recession similar to this where a father who lost everything killed his family and himself citing in a note that he did not want this children and wife to go through poverty it's hearing stories like yours that i understand the injustice many feel about big bankers amd politicians getting off easy my dad is a police officer one of the stories he told me that has stuck with me was of a husband slitting his wife's throat he used a bread knife and sawed his way through in front of their grandchildren i believe she survived the event but later died in hospital how painful i always imagined this being awful not me but back in high school we would have an assembly where officers talk about the dangers of drunk driving share grew some images taken of accidents caused by drunk driving etc they would always have a q and a afterwards and someone would always ask what their worst story was this officer would always share the same story starts out as a typical teen story where someone is drunk and causes an accident only this time the officer arrives on scene and finds a girl who's been ejected from the car and was basically cut in half but somehow still alive of course she's scared and in shock and asks if she's going to be okay and of course he lies to her knowing that she's going to go at any moment he sat with her even after she'd faded and waited until paramedics arrived because he knew this girl and would have to tell his daughter that one of her closest friends had died that night not sure about the other students but that story shook me up every time it was fire depth rather than police but here it goes my dad and one of his best friends were volunteer firefighters in the 90s my dad still is 40 plus years active at the age of 63 his station got a run called in for a bad accident a semi-truck fully loaded with sugar beets had run a red light and absolutely destroyed the geo metro that had entered the intersection at this point in time the way the call procedure was set up was that there was a designated group of guys who would go to the station to get the actual fire trucks and the other guys would carry their turnout gear in their own vehicles and go straight to the scene the intersection this accident occurred it happened to be the closest major intersection to both my house as well as my dad's friend's house so they were the first two guys on scene it turned out that the woman who was driving the car that got hit was my dad's friend's mother he arrived and found his own mom decapitated in what was left of her car he quit the fire department shortly after that and policy about going to the station first was revised as well this story is about a friend of mine though he is a firefighter and not a police officer the house was on fire and they managed to pull a woman out safety but she started screaming that her kids were still inside so my friend headed back into the house after about 10 minutes of searching he found the two kids huddled up in a closet on the second story he wrapped his arms around them in an attempt to pick them up but their flesh fell off in his hands he quit after that call hasn't been the same since my oldest brother is a deputy sheriff he went on a suicide call that he described to me as this guy who tried to suck start a 12-gauge shotgun he described it as looking like a flower blooming from the neck up with some teeth you could see now that's a creative phrase not police myself but interacted with police on this one was sitting in my apartment very nearby to a major street in my town at about 2 a.m i hear a massive crash sound from outside and all the power in my building goes out instantly i rush outside and it's dead quiet and pitch black street lights were all out a ways off i see the silhouette of a car wrapped around a telephone pole and start walking toward it about 50 or 60 feet from the car in the middle of the road i stumble across the driver's body right about this time i'm trying to figure out what to do to help and i feel like i'm going a bit crazy because something seems off about this body a bunch of people from my apartment complex are running out to where i am right about this time and i'm just stooped over the body kind of in shock a woman comes up behind me and starts screaming then someone else starts shouting at me did you check for a pulse check for a pulse do something that must have snapped me out of the shock because as i'm searching for the person's neck i realize there's no head that's what was so off about the body still stooped i look down the road a bit and there's a person gently prodding something round and coconut-sized with their foot head found so i stand up and start to walk back to the sidewalk the person yelling at me to check for a pulse is still raving and i just take them by the shoulders and say there's no pulse because there's no head in hindsight it wasn't very delicate of me to say it that way so i head back to the sidewalk and the fire department and cops are pulling up right about this time pretty quick response time since we were very close to both stations they asked who was first on the scene and a few people pointed to me they asked me if i found the body that way and if i saw or heard anything useful for them i told them simply that i didn't have anything to add that they couldn't plainly see for themselves and asked if i could go back to my apartment they were kind enough to let me without needing to take a statement or anything at the time i was dating a doctor who worked in emergency medicine and when i spoke to her about it the next day she was a bit concerned about how it was affecting me i said that it was probably nothing compared to what she saw every day and she said she agreed but she knew that most normies don't see that stuff often the whole ordeal just made me sad and the idea that there are people who have to deal with it every day made me even sadder god bless the folks who help us pick up the pieces after the horror my husband is an officer one time he was following another officer into a house they had to beat down the door immediately upon entering gasoline covered them luckily the flame ignition didn't work on the guy's booby trap so pretty terrifying for me i asked to only hear the nice stories about being a police officer after that one probably working the death of an eight-year-old little girl she died from neglect and malnutrition she only weighed 30 pounds there's a lot more fricked up crap that happened with this case that i'd rather not go into that's been the worst for me though my two-year-old weighs 30 pounds if anyone needs a reference i worked as a crime reporter in nyc car 2010 i had a few very memorable nights first night out a guy had committed suicide by jumping off a 30-ish story building that landed headfirst near a playground luckily at night it was a mess i teamed up with a local newspaper guy i was tv to collect facts i was full of adrenaline running around like crazy the newspaper guy was a veteran of this crap after 20 minutes or so he came back and said he left a note he was depressed about losing his custody of his kids he's was just a waiter though nobody important i can't blame the other reporter in hindsight you've got to be callous to do the job i quit after less than a year suicide by subway the body was in three separate pieces it was taken out in three bags woman burned to death in her apt her upper torso literally looked like shard bbq chicken she was alive as they wheeled her out the sound she made struggling to breathe were freaking terrible and on a positive note i responded to a shooting outside of a barber shop tons of cops and a few detectives we newspaper guy and i get our shots shell casings emergency vehicles street signs etc a civilian comes up to us and says hey there's a few drops of blood on the sidewalk over there i tell a partleman and point out the spot in no uncertain terms he calls me an idiot for showing him a ketchup splotch on the sidewalk partner and i follow the splotch which keeps getting larger and larger and begins to grow into a boot print which leads us into a multi-story tenement building the elevator floor is covered with blood and the elevator is out of order it's a hot day so my partner and i look at each other and resign ourselves to hauling butt up the stairs we hit the third floor in the air reeks of pennies outside of an apartment door there is a towel a boot and a ton of blood just as we get there apartment starts jogging down the hall towards us to kick us out but we had you lewis beating nypd to the scene got our shots and left turns out the guy had been shot in the leg calf and rather than wait around for someone to try a second time he hopped his butt to a family member's house wrapped the wound and called himself an ambulance he was laid up in the hospital but came out just fine my dad was a guarder irish police officer and late one night he came across a hit and run where a drunk driver had hit a bus carrying a lot of teenage students home from a trip he came across it because they were checking out a creepy pink glow which turned out to be the headlights that the blood had spilled into in another instance he had to sit in an ambulance with a body from a flaming car wreck and for the hour-long drive he had to look at the bone sticking out of the guy's leg and said it put him off having roast lamb for years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 28,164
Rating: 4.9331741 out of 5
Keywords: police, police stories, cops, police horror, police horror story, police horror stories reaction, police horror scene, worst, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: q69y506Of7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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