Work Horror Stories (2 Hours reddit Compilation)

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people who wax others for a living what's the worst horror story you have of a client my nail teacher told me this one a very large lady would ask for a brazilian wax which includes the butt crack she already had strong body odor and when my teacher waxed the butt crack the wax strip was caked in crap she just about threw up on the client i was a hair stylist and we really only ever did facial waxing and offered to clients as an upsell a regular client of mine was traumatized by a broad waxing experience with a stylist that was not myself years prior and declined well the stylist went to wax her brows and dropped a giant clumper of wax on her lashes then proceeded to take a long time to remove the wax i think like an hour with only water and no oil residue remover that would have made the wax side off instantly my eyelashes just retracted into my eyelids reading this most stories have to do with bad hygiene some with clients attitudes or actions and some will just be plain old problems getting the hair off i haven't had a really bad one in a while or maybe i just am not fazed by it anymore a favorite of mine was the girl who came in for a brazilian and was shaking from nervousness before we even started i'll spare you the details but it took over an hour to finish the service usually takes 15-30 minutes 45 is the most it should ever take and at some point she had a full-on anxiety attack i was being as gentle as i could considering i was ripping hair out of her body and after every pull she sat up cried loudly and then dropped back onto the bed she got off the bed still half naked and started pacing back and forth loudly sobbing and hyperventilating i was trying my best to keep her calm but honestly it was all in her head getting your hair ripped out always hurts but her hair should have been an easy service she let herself panic and the fear got to her after she left i sat in the break room took a deep breath in and starting sobbing lol i was so glad to be done with it she was sweet otherwise no smell easy hair to work with but god that was the most stressful service of my life she actually came back a few more times after that and we finished in 20 minutes no more incidents as much as she struggled to get through it i want everyone to know that no one was telling her she had to i asked if she wanted to stop and she said she was pushing herself to do new things despite her high anxiety no significant other pulling the strings and i certainly didn't force her to go through with it some women do it for other people many i would even say most women do it for themselves my first brazilian i was so nervous i have anxiety and push through it without complaints but i definitely left sweat marks on the table after the next time i was fine i'm like this with all new services of any kind really and i'm happy she felt comfortable with you to keep going back after client story went to a waxing studio i had never been to before and got a brazilian done the lady did this with bee wax i think which you just put on the skin it dries quickly and you pull it off without a cloth paper you have to apply it at a certain thickness for it to work the lady begins and at first everything is going well she works her way to the more private areas but i can tell she works pretty hard i have strong hair and this was after two three months of growing when she gets to the labia the problems begin she can't seem to rip the hair off her solution is to apply more wax on top but still no budging more wax is applied and she starts slightly spreading it out too so i am now covered in warm thick wax almost everywhere which feels a little like wearing a small harness i get a little scared and just hope that she knows what she's doing she however chooses this moment to inform me that it's possible to rip off skin as well and to kind of scold me for having thick hair incredible people skills so comforting luckily she somehow managed to get it off never going back there though which feels a little like wearing a small harness this is a fantastic description story my aunt told me two or three layers of skin came off with the hair it was on a guy's genitals and there was a lot of blood and yelling stop my sister was an aesthetician and refused to do last lips and buttholes because of issues with people's hygiene and how gross it could be her co-workers gladly did them though better tippers in general when you're waxing their butthole and don't hurt them too bad lol sometimes people come in and they're super sweaty and it's hard for the wax to stick to sweaty skin so usually they just pat some baby powder on them and problem solved one day a younger woman came in she was super sweaty so the esthetician decides to haul out the baby powder dab some on and turn to get the pot of wax to do the job i should mention the woman getting the wax was on all fours on the table as they usually are so esthetician turns to get the wax woman on the table lets out a fart just a little slip but still baby powder went everywhere all over the table all over the aesthetician and was hanging in the air i asked if the girl was embarrassed and my sister said that apparently she just played it off like she didn't drop a bomb but the baby powder evidence told the truth plus it freaked but the esthetician was a total pro and didn't even faze her that would have been the end of my waxing career lol i literally got waxed today i'm reading through all of these hoping i'm not the one being talked about carmen if you're reading this i hope i'm not one of your horror stories like i said sarah crapping on the bed while getting waxed is perfectly normal no need to worry about it not a waxer but one time my sister called me crying after an eyebrow wax because the wax was too hot and they ended up burning her skin and ripping it off she had to walk around for a couple weeks with the red burns around her eyebrows it was the first time she ever had her eyes waxed before too so didn't know what to expect needless to say she never got em waxed again after that she started to get them threaded when i was in middle school my mom got a home waxing kit for eyebrows and wanted to test it on me mistake number one was letting get anywhere near my face with hot wax mistake number two was standing up while she waxed because a bit of wax dropped down onto my eyelash and waxed my eye shut i lost a few eyelashes that day it was very painful first time getting waxed i was maybe 16 and i was about to leave for a few weeks to be a summer camp counselor i had my legs armpit and bikini line done i wasn't too worried going into the appointment because i knew i had a high pain tolerance the room i was in was hot to start and after we started the process i started sweating and the paper lining was sticking to me it was incredibly painful but i didn't know any better so i decided to just half it out afterwards i bled out of every pore she waxed i got blood on all the clothing i was wearing my legs looked like tiny minefields i came out of the back to my mom in the waiting room and i was holding back tears it hurt so bad needless to say i never went back and the next few weeks at camp was spent nursing the scabs and sensitive skin i'm not the esthetician i was the person who was being waxed i have a reaction to extreme pain where i laugh the aesthetician said it was better than swearing or yelling at her but i can only imagine the conversation she had with her co-workers after i left i have this same problem whenever i get anxious about something happening to me or i'm in pain i just laugh the first time i gave blood the lady kept looking at me like i was crazy even after i explained myself not me but the stylist who waxes me she told me she had a girl coming with a tampon normally most of stylists are okay with that but they will ask you to hold it to one side or the other while they're doing the waxing this girl let go of the tampon string before the stylist ripped off the wax and the tampon ended up smack against the wall due to the impact of the tampon blood was splattered in multiple places on the wall apparently they had to repaint it she says they both laughed like crazy about it and to her credit the girl offered to pay for the wall to be repainted so i didn't know my skin was insanely sensitive i went and got the whole kit and capital brazilian the lady even did the inside of my butt's cheeks a bit well turns out i'm more sensitive than i thought i was and the severe itching and enormous rash that followed was catastrophic i was so itchy and so miserable i got it done because i had an indiana dunes trip coming up and my boyfriend said that would be so hot it was not hot i was wrecked i did not enjoy the dunes it felt like someone rubbed poison ivy all over my vag and butt and inner thighs no matter how much aloe vera cocoa butter and ointments i costed it with it was a nightmare for like a week before i started seeing results so the week was spent with horrible tossing and turning sleep followed by me waking trying to itch it but going to the bathroom sucked hot shower sucked cold shower sucked everything about it sucked one of the 100 creams i used gave me a ut it was a nightmare inside a nightmare oh i not related but you just taught me it's kitten capital and not kissing capital not a waxer but an eyelash technician one time i had a client come in with crabs in her eyelashes which was obviously the worst thing i've ever seen frequently people come and fulfills and haven't bothered to clean their eyes for three weeks thinking it will make the extension stay on longer resulting in a nice layer of yellow crusties all along the lash line a waxer once told me that she had accidentally waxed a girl's tampon straight out of her pee the string must have got caught in the wax neither of them said anything for the next 30 minutes first comment on ridic ever btw glad it was this that sounds like the world's worst magic trick a regular client of mine that i had been seeing for about half a year came in for her brazilian wax everything is going fine as normal and then i get to the labia and as i'm spreading the wax i notice a golf ball-sized lump deep under her skin i remove the wax and investigate a bit not any grown hair nothing surface related i let her know and she tells me she'll see her doctor asap i never saw her again still wonder if it's something serious on a funnier note had a woman coming for a brazilian who clearly hadn't done any maintenance in a long time i remove the towel that's covering her ladder bits for privacy while we enter and leave the room and i actually out loud said ho they had to have been almost four inches long not my most professional moment client loft though this was waxing myself not others but once i tripped while carrying a hot jar of wax i was naked as i was about to wax my muffin just got a new sofa in the split second of tripping for some mystifying reason i decided that instead of letting the wax get on the new sofa i'd put my body under the spillage i ended up with scolding hot wax stuck to my stomach area it burned me and as i have a pretty deep belly button took a while to cool i couldn't move in this period as i didn't want to spill the wax more when it had cooled i had to spend two hours slowly detaching the wax from my burned skin and tiny stomach hairs that it had welded to i was half laughing at my stupidity and half crying at the pain my mum called during and couldn't stop laughing at me i got my eyebrows waxed after being off accutane for like a month thought it would be fine she ripped my skin off but for some reason kept going i had red skin all along my eyebrows she didn't even do a good job shaping them lol i had my eyebrows waxed at a very posh hotel spa she ripped a strip of skin off my eyelid and wouldn't even admit that it had happened and neither would her boss it was pretty obvious to everyone else who saw it though no idea how she managed to do that i'm a hair stylist but an aesthetician friend of mine said she kept a small container of vicks vaporub in her apron pocket and would smear a bit on her upper lip before doing certain people's brazilians because of the smell ah the good old coroner trick i wax my own eyebrows mustache at home recently i decided on a whim i wanted to wax off the tail of my eyebrow entirely to make drawing them on easier i put the wax on pressed the waxing cloth to it ripped and nothing came off the wax would not stick to the cloth like it usually does i had to pull the wax off with my fingers little by little with each hair of my eyebrow being pulled out individually don't be me something i learned to do is fill in your brows like you normally would and then pluck the browser to unfilled in if that makes my sense it makes it so much easier and faster to do your brows client story not as dreadful or gross as the others here but i tried a new place that promised to do full hollywood in 15 minutes i walked about 10 minutes to the salon on a freezing cold evening the girl slathers on the hot wax all over my front garden and starts to pick off the wax only she can't she laughs nervously and says it's probably because my skin is ice cold still after 10 minutes of humming to herself nervously she calls in the manager who calls in another beautician i now have three women all working together on my lower region while my legs are a kimbo and i'm panicking thinking i'll be the laughing stock of the amd eventually the manager just fricking goes for it without warning and rips it off in one piece ice cream ooh frick off and everyone is suddenly feeling a mix of relief and upset they are devastated how terribly it went i'm devastated because the original girl is still upset i assure them they didn't rip off my labia and henceforth would not be leaving a bad review on google we laugh about it afterwards though they gave me a complimentary treatment which went well and i've been a regular since i went to beauty school for massage therapy and was talking to an aesthetic student during lunch one day she said a guy had come and for a back wax looking like a shag carpet being that there was so much hair in surface area it took quite a while he won upped every conversation with his dungeons and dragons game and even after the service was over kept talking her to death about it and didn't tip he also moved and got a quarter-sized drop of wax on his arm and just left it there the whole time not his job to get the wax off himself though lol i don't do it for a living but i wax myself during swimsuit season i had forgotten to put baby powder down and accidentally put too much wax on my bikini line i decided to pull it off anyway it took a few fabric strips and i ended up having to pull extremely hard i broke some capillaries and ended up bruising extremely bad hurt like a bee to wear underwear for a week i was getting a wax one time i think it was the first time i did it and i was so nervous and i said something totally stupid as the very nice lady was waxing my butthole and she laughs and goes omg you're so cute rips wax strip off i literally just got waxed for the first time yesterday what weird timing the woman who did the service was obviously rushing the job to get to her next client and giving me a sales pitch the whole time about how i had to book that day to come in in four weeks because if i didn't go every four weeks it was pointless to come in at all because of how the hair grows and blah blah blah also it was super important that i buy this teeny tiny tube of cream for twenty dollars about the size of a travel lotion or else i will get infected and disgusting please don't give me a freaking high pressure sales pitch when you are touching my lady bits oh and right before she started with the butt she told me very harshly that if i flinched or tensed up she would immediately stop the service and she would literally have to go get scissors and cut the wax open that's what you want to hear during your first time being waxed well she's kind of right about the four-week thing i always scheduled my brazilians after my appointment for four weeks to the day and i bought any recommended products but i'm prone to razor burn so i was not taking any chances lol during school i trained to be a beautician the salon that i trained and did full body waxing i was the youngest one there so the ladies at the salon would give me the clients that they didn't want one day a overweight lady came in and wanted a brazilian wax she had a foul scent so they gave the lady to me i offered her wet wipes and asked if she wanted to go to the bathroom before i start when i started the smell worsened i also had to ask one of the salon ladies to lift her rolls to get to her lady area a lady area had crusted crap in her lady area hair i was still new to waxing so i ended up throwing up on overweight lady the overweight lady ended rolling off the table and the firefighters had to be called because no one could lift her up the salon ladies offered the overweight lady a free service and refused to keep training me after that i quit my dream of being a beautician and started studying hospitality i was a hair stylist before becoming an aesthetician full-time and i had to do a man's brazilian i'm about 90 sure he did peel lewd modelling or something bc of his body and how exact and picky he was he requested me to wax his shaft and balls like pull it tight and rip the crap off then he asked me to sit there and tweeze any hairs i missed i don't wax below the neck anymore i've also had a handful of women coming for brazilians with toilet paper or other organic matter in their pubies and butt crack hair my waxing lady told me she had a client who tried to do a brazilian at home the client did a small bit then changed her mind she hopped in a hot bath to wash off the wax and got stuck in the tub the client then called to flatmates who couldn't pull her out her flatmates then called the ambulance who called the fire service who cut part of the bath out then the ambulance took her to hospital where they removed the bath piece and wax with solvents welp can you imagine waxing story i'm a male high school girlfriend said i had too much pubic hair let her wax me as she wanted to be a professional stylist one day she didn't do it correctly and ended up well yanking not an aesthetician but a client i got a manzillion wax once and accidentally leaked a tiny bit of cement during the wax i was horrified and it wasn't even my first time i wasn't aroused or anything and it just happened i apologized profusely and she said it was fine and that she'd give me a towel and step out the room to clean up it was made even worse because i had just minutes before asked her about her horror stories now i'm hoping i'm not one of hers once had a lady who was rather large always had awful hygiene and smelled as though she hadn't showered for days she had those red scabby lines in the folds of her fat and when she lifted on her skin to stretch for the wax removal a rotten stench would be released from the crevice she had eczema and very dry scaly skin around her bikini line and anus sort of reminded me of lizard skin on guy used to dread the days she was booked in with me i was doing a brazilian wax for her btw i'm no professional but i tried an at-home bikini wax by myself and i covered my lady bits in wax and when i started to rip i decided i couldn't handle the pain i obviously didn't do it right ended up walking around with those on me all day and eventually soaked in a bath to get them off don't know why i didn't think about doing this at the time of ripping lol last week a friend told me this one she attended this girl who was a bit shady about her last waxing shaving she asked the girl how long ago it had been or if she had recently been to another spa according to the story the girl's parts looked hand badly so after some questioning and talking she decided to wax the girl first strip and the labia skin came off she went pale and immediately saw what was going on the client had recently had a laser treatment a bad one the girl finally accepted and spilled the truth at the same time she adamantly asked for a proper waxing because she had an upcoming event my friend sent her off with a burning sensation and a warning not a waxer but i've worked in a salon before just so everyone is aware if you are stinky or exceptionally hairy or have gross grooming habits the aestheticians will talk about you once you leave one of the clients who came in didn't wipe her bum properly reportedly and the girls all referred to her as stinky bum they thought she was a pretty crappy client not me but my niece who was about 19 at the time right out of high school was working at a nail salon waxing place she usually just had to do regular waxes on women but this particular day was an elderly man around his seventies and asked for a wax they go to the back waxing room and this guy gets bust naked she was horrified i guess his balls were hanging between the bottom of his thighs i have a friend who was a waxer and she had a client comment for a brazilian during the service she noticed something hard and bright yellow in the lady's vag she asked about it because she was afraid of hurting her the lady nonchalantly said they were duplo blocks and that she put things from around the house up there for her husband to randomly find and he loved it a friend said it was absolutely bizarre not a story but us are for those who use face creams with retinol be careful if you get your eyebrows waxed there's a good chance you may lose a layer of skin made that mistake and thought it was odd the lady didn't show me my brows afterwards she was likely worried i'd be horrified and blame her poor girl it was my fault and i accept full responsibility i have pcos this means i can wax mine and anyone's butt crack or anywhere else with ruthless efficiency my funniest story was when i waxed myself but the cleaning fluid leaked or disappeared i was 21 in my apartment with a girlfriend and my guy we couldn't get the extra wax off this was back in the day products sucked so i am cyclic about herbs chemicals and products for whatever reason i said tiger's bomb will get it off poof my legs were smooth and tingly and we went to the party smelling like tiger balm reminds me of a sunburn and knocks him on then party from a friend this guy's comes in with like three of his friends one of them reeking off weed the guy wanted to get his chest a sweater basically waxed and his friend were there for the lols so she gets him set up for the waxing and put on the wax the guy starts crying after the first strip he taps out after another five or six strips while yelling and swearing at her through the pain his friend were just dying from laughter anyway he leaves with a mostly unwaxed chest bleeding through his shirt turns out he was a virgin doing it to impress girls or something dude was like 40. hot topic employees have read it what are your horror stories my high school gf worked their way back in the day she said the worst part of the day was having to collect merchandise from the fitting rooms and cleaning the fitting rooms apparently all sorts of nasty women would go in there and try on the panties not use a liner and just generally leave them all crusty and bad smelling they would also leave pads and tampons all over she said they had to throw away so much merchandise that was left in that condition i feel like this may be a problem anywhere they sell clothes but then again hot topic may attract a different type of customer so it might have happened more often i worked in the softlined section of target for a couple years my manager found a swimsuit with a used tampon in it in the fitting room i remember people getting very angry when we told them they couldn't try on the underwear i always wondered why they would want to try on underwear that someone else had potentially tried on i worked at a hot topic in 1999 to 2000 we used to get a fair amount of strippers that came in because we were the only place around that sold see-through vinyl bikini tops and six-inch stacked boots and crap like that anyway our fitting room was basically a hole cut in a wall with a mirror and a thick curtain that had to be pulled close just right this one day a stripper came in to try on a bunch of stuff and really didn't even bother with the curtain apparently she was so used to people seeing her naked that it wasn't a big deal for her granted this was a weekday morning and she and her boyfriend manager bodyguard or whatever were the only people in the store besides my manager and me at one point she just stopped using the fitting room altogether and was just using the full-length mirror on the door to the stockroom office my manager and i really had no idea what to do because at this point she's got about 1 500 to 2 000 worth of merchandise that she's probably buying and this lady is good for both business and morale she didn't seem to be worried at the prospect of anyone seeing her and the way our store was set up was really narrow and long and the display fixtures were tall and bulky it was very difficult to see into and out of the store unless you were standing in the center aisle it made loss prevention a nightmare but really allowed this lady to let her freak flag fly she finally puts her clothes on at the cash wrap as she's checking out my manager gave me so much crap after that because i was so embarrassed that i couldn't even make eye contact with the customer while i rang her up that was the largest transaction i ever rang up in my time there and paid for it with the largest wad of cash i'd ever seen in my life up to that point tl dr a stripper came in on a slow day and treated the store like her own private dressing room honestly you probably made her dail mayo stripper clothes are expensive half apparently i worked at hot topic about eight years ago for the most part the gig was the best part-time job i ever had great managers great co-workers great customers only two instances stand out in my mind one this was around when twilight was big middle-aged women would come in and ask where the edward jacob merch was and then just start fawning over them in the most uncomfortable way two my actual interview it was a group interview one of the questions was something about either a difficult customer service moment or something this one guy obvious htc type proudly talks about the time he worked at a bookstore and sucker punched a female customer in the face for calling his style weird freaky something i never saw that guy again so i don't think he got the job he undoubtedly went straight to corporate i worked for two years at my local hot topic and the worst stories both involved the fitting room our fitting room used to be a self-service room in the back of the store with a red curtain in front of it an employee noticed four feet in the room and opened it to find two people having sex in it and had to clean up the remnants a second incident came when a smell wafted from the same room it was later discovered that someone had actually taken a dump in the room when they went in to try on clothes we ended up fitted the room with a galvanized piece of chain and a master lock to keep the curtain open luckily shortly thereafter we got a full store overhaul that put in actual fitting rooms my current boss was a former store manager at a hot topic and he told me that he caught one of his employees stealing a shirt he had stuffed into a sonic cup from then on out everyone had to check bags and beverages for merchandise i work at a ups warehouse and there's a story that goes around about a guy who smuggled diamonds out by putting it in his water and saying it was crushed ice so now they make us dump out our drinks before we leave a petite friend is currently a manager at one and her issue is always a customer that become too often repeat customer obsessed with her or another female employee currently it's a guy that swears they would have everything in common because he likes all the things in the store too as if she curated it and now has to stay 500 feet from the store thursday is actually my last day with hot topic after four years in general the company is amazing to its employees and i've met some incredible people but boy do i have stories one i once found a condom on our anime section it was open and filled with something too we had a girl who i am positive had some mental issue because she would get into the fitting room and try to lure anyone in there to help her then try and seduce them she was actually pretty but young and filled to the brim with crazy three alice cooper came into the store once totally unannounced and brought a teacup pig absolutely wonderful person gave our metal head associate tickets to his show and this dude about lost it four also met machine gun kelly mayday parade we the kings and max green nov escape the fate mgk and the vocalist for wtk were buttholes five we had a guy get thrown against the front gate on the morning of a funko pop release in general the job has taught me some pop collectors are grads a buttholes six had a woman ask me if she should go back to stripping after her c-section then lifted her shirt to show me the scar and her tea seven we found out there was a group of mal rats who wrote fanfiction about the staff at our store i never got to see any and i'm glad for that you know it doesn't really surprise me that mgk is in butthole not a horror story but a ridiculous short one i had a woman come in with her sleeping infant and screamed at me to turn off the music while she strolled around the store i mean if your baby is sleeping and you want them to continue maybe don't come to browse the store that you can hear music blasting from the other side of them all idk what's to tell you how i've been in a few hts though where the music was so freaking loud it was actually hurting my ears i made me feel old maybe that's the gatekeeper if it's too loud you're too old to shop here i was working on the sales floor and this guy at least in his 30s and pretty high starts making sexual comments to me about this 15-ish girl that was checking out i asked him to leave and nothing more came of it but it was chilling also had a co-worker get fired because they were selling weed out of the back room she'd sneak it into their bag while they were checking out also had a different off-duty co-worker come in hammer late one night to tell everyone working how great we were that was actually kinda nice besides that it was a lot of kicking out vaping teenagers and letting the quiet girls from my school try on skimpy harley quinn bikinis in the dressing room worked there for 13 years sue much weird but that's just retail in general caught a guy masturbating into women's shoes in the dressing room people had sex in there more often than you'd be comfortable with i worked for them when columbine happened we carried a brand of clothing back then called serial killer which featured pop culture picks references and some edgy saying like a pic of bruce lee that said revenge or something like that the morning after columbine happened we got an email to pull all the serial killer clothing line off the sales floor as well as every trench coat in the store by the end of the day i'd already had to call security twice due to people showing up at the store and harassing me for supporting those psychos and training the next ones then the tv networks showed up and pretty much camped the front of our store harassing every customer as they walked in out asking them why this dark lifestyle attracted them the mall ended up having security just hang out in front of our store and walking our employees to their cars for a week afterward honestly it was the best job i ever had the company was really supportive at the corporate level i still have friends that work there they pretty much left me alone so long as i made sales so i had carte blanche to set up my stores the way i wanted even if it didn't look like the planned merchandising setups they sent out i had direct access with every debt so if i felt my stores couldn't sell something they sent us they'd let me transfer it somewhere else and vice versa get more best sellers in honestly if it wasn't for the working every weekend and closing a lot stuff i would have continued working there comma honestly it was the best job i ever had the company was really supportive at the corporate level that's rare in retail i've experienced it but as you said the hours are terrible still my best job was a retail job former employee i worked a whole three months in summer so all the kids were out and about i was stocking disney merchandise and i couldn't help but notice a kid underneath one of our clearance racks i heard some strange noise coming from there too so i crouch under and look at the kid he had a button needle and all in his mouth i asked him where his parents were and before i knew it he swallowed the pin and ran out of the store but i couldn't leave and go search for the child so i'll let security know about the button kid never knew what happened after that i can't seem to forget button kid though spent almost five years working at one in the early 2000s being in the midwest we had a ton of jugglers but they were actually pretty nice people in general i had a group of kids ask what i would do if they set some clothes on fire and flicked a lighter multiple times we mostly got weirdos who wanted to bang in the dressing room or lifted up their shirts to ask me what gauge their nipple ring is we had this one girl who came in weekly and i don't think she was all there she would sit at the listening station for way too long and then leave one day she sat down and put the headphones on she had a plastic bag with her filled with empty glass bottles and peaches yes the fruit we noticed it was leaking onto the floor but just let her do her thing she put the headphones back and looked at her leaking bag she had a mildly disappointed look on her face but immediately looked at her watch and yelled i'm going to miss my bus she ran out of the store and up to her trash can outside the store she held the bag up high and yelled peaches meet your fate threw the bag in the trash and sprint it off that job was weird comma she held the bag up high and yelled peaches meet your fate as much as i'd like to judge the girl in your story for this it sounds exactly like a thought that my internal filter would prevent me from saying out loud [Music] former employee of a couple years in high school i love that job the biggest horror story that sticks out in my mind was this guy that would always come in with his kids he was a huge ike fan and from the looks of it he let his kids both boys they were i'd guess maybe seven and eight at the time listen as well they always had hatchet man stuff on and pretty [ __ ] in haircuts they always misbehaved just running around the store screaming sometimes crashing into stuff and the dad gave no freaks he was often pretty rude to us in the store about not having specific merch or being out of stuff in his size he was a large guy i had and still have no business in what that guy does with his kids but i always felt a little bad that there was a good chance they would end up in a bad way other than that reoccurring instance for the most part our store was really fun sounds like a legit jagallo story had a friend who was into them i busted his balls constantly for it i worked for hot topic for about seven years my store was apparently the jagallo store of the district and i think the state working for that company as long as i did i was pretty used to ignoring people's crappy taste but the juggalos were different this is in central florida so it's on average about 90 degrees most days and always humidness heck these kids were always very overweight wearing a massive black-eyed tee those ridiculous 30-pound black trip pants with huge pockets and all their hardware chains and straps hanging from them and they were drenched in sweat their hygiene was almost always awful they always seemed to show whenever a new iked shirt or collectible would arrive and would smell up the store and pay and wad it up sweat soaked money it was just all around unpleasant the smell would linger for a bit after they left it was not pleasant wadded up sweat soaked money no thanks [Music] this is my time to shine i was helping a lady at the disney section she was pretty particular about the things she wanted and was asking if they looked okay enough for her being my first job i was really enthusiastic about being a salesperson and i really do love disney so i was hyping her up the best i could and we're laughing together getting along really well then she says yeah i wanted to get all the same things my boyfriend's baby mama has is that weird literally did not know how to respond i said it wasn't and cashed her out quick i want to look just like her cumin article laughing cue black and red dramatic lighting hutrixy metal shrinking down behind the service counter this was my first job in my college town and generally i absolutely loved it you're treated like some super cool mini celebrity by all the little mall rats the management was generally great to their employees and the work wasn't too hard in my small low volume store however there was the issue of valentine's day that year they were promoting all these different corsets and lingerie as well as the get in our pants campaign for the skinny genes management wanted the employees to try and show the corsets not just as lingerie but as fashion items may be paired with the skinny jeans increase sales and all so there i am valentine's day in a black corset in tight black skinny jeans and boots were a more sexy than 18 year old me with a still developing body was comfortable with in comes creepy mc creeper a 50 plus something dude who says he wants to buy something for his wife but wants some help picking it out not once did his eyes look at my face the entire time i'm helping him he's staring at my butt or chest and making weird comments about how i remind him of his daughter or being uncomfortably comfortable telling me explicit details about his wife's body he then asks me to try it on and show him so he could see how it would look on his wife luckily shy 18 year old me awkwardly laughed it off and got him past the register and out of the store i loved that job but jesus did it draw some windows maybe not so much horror but just terribly annoying cringy one i was wearing a hellblazer shirt that had a cover of the new 52 revamp on it i had two neckbirds come up and start trying to get to keep me on if i was really a fan of hellblazer john constantine it included the actual questions of well what's your favorite arc who is your favorite writer artist two halloween is coming up it's the halloween season after suicide squad came out so we have both versions of the joker's outfits the other from the dark knight both versions were unreasonably expensive in total for the dark knight costume if i remember correctly was about two hundred dollars altogether because you had to buy the coat the undershirt the pants etc the fabric of the costume was just a little bit better quality than the 50 version you get at any halloween setup store we had a guy come in about 30 minutes before we closed for the night and wanted to try on the dark knight version of the joker's outfit the costume was hanging up on the tallest rack so it required me getting a pole and pulling down each one because the size he needed was a large and each component of the costume he tried it on enjoyed it and wanted to buy it i went ahead to go ring him up and then when he saw the price of it he started flipping out he started complaining that he could find this costume in anywhere else that he wanted at a cheaper price he wanted to know if there's any coupons or if i could give him my employee discount i told him there's no way i could do that he starts flipping out and says he needs his costume tomorrow and he doesn't have that money now he took me about 45 minutes after closing to finally leave he did not buy the costume even before suicide squad came out working halloween around hot topic was always cringy with all the joker and harley quinn people i don't understand people that try things on with the intention to buy without checking the price and the audacity he had to ask for your employee discount lol wow finally one of these where i have an actual personal story i worked at one for about a year you would see a lot of crinky stuff just because of the base it attracts but nothing terrible horrible usually besides one time i was working a saturday afternoon shift it was about 3 30 p.m and the store wasn't busy at all there were only two wee boo looking guys in their 20s in the store then a group of four teens walked in giggling and looking suspicious they go up to the wee boos and start singing the 9 cat song me and my co-worker are like what the freak one of the wee boos gets aggressive and is like step the frick back step the frick back he then freaking grabs a chain wallet and starts swinging it at them i call security and my co-worker is just screaming hey hey hey trying to stop it one of the kids calls the weeboos fat asses as he's still trying to hit them with the wallet and respond to their insult by calling them daddy's cm stain be asses by now three security guards come in and break it up while the silent weibo is saying the kids started it both parties are escorted out different exits while we give a report on what happened never saw any of them again weeds versus scene kids a fight i'd pay to see my sister worked at one for a little while one day two grown men were fighting over a pop it's like a collectible figure like a legit fight she said it was like the comic book guy from the simpsons fighting another comic book guy from the simpsons my sister called ball security and nope the heck out of their way neither one of them got the pop my sister had to put all the stuff back that they knocked over i used to work at funko you should see how people act in the customer service side of things it's especially bad because customers can only email us about their crap worked at one seasonally for about six years through high school and college absolutely loved working there we had a customer come in who claimed he was a vampire he dressed like an extra from interview with the vampire on a tight budget and went out of his way to insist that he was truly a vampire he would occasionally corner employees to berate them about this it happened to me while i was helping him find a new pair of boots he cornered me by the changing rooms told me all about the women he enthralls and spoken metaphors at me for about 15 minutes i tried to be as polite as possible and feigned interest but eventually he must have noticed i wasn't falling prey to his glamour so he switched to complaining about how he has two different size feet and finding footwear is hard outside of customers we once had an absolute idiot as a manager dude would come in and fall asleep on the tables in the stock room or spend hours at a time in the bathroom and have us tell anyone looking for him that he's on a conference call he'd also occasionally try to find ways to get mos and merch out to his car once back when we had a cd changer for the in-store music he brought in a bunch of cds from his car to play one was blink 182 is take off your pants and jacket none of the albums he brought in were censored which we didn't actually think about until the intro that the bonus track fricker dog came on the store was pretty full we both panicked and i ended up jumping over the counter to get to the cd changer in time to hit skip my toe caught the counter on my way over throwing me off balance and causing me to drill my other foot toes first into the floor still skip before anyone knew what was playing though well i worked at the pacsun two stores down but knew the ht people pretty well as they were the only ones who also smoked cigarettes if either were out of smokes we could get one from the other hung out with the manager a few times at his place to smoke out etc he was super into coheed and cambria and we'd jam out to that had a wife and kid who was super nice and cook dinner for me when i was there end up moving and on a trip back home i stopped in to see if anyone i knew was still there ask about manager dude and the person's face just drops turns out dude was in prison for freaking a 14 yo i got excited because i saw coheed and then i kept reading that's super gross glad this dude is in jail e spelling i didn't work there very long but i remember on my second day of the job a lady came in looking for something to buy her daughter told me she was a fan of janice joplin jimi hendrix that kind of stuff so i walked around with her for maybe an hour showing her all sorts of things she might like this was back when hot topic was more music oriented in the early 2000s we picked out a few really awesome things i thought she might like and then the mom spotted a marilyn manson miniskirt after hearing how her daughter dressed and what kind of music she listened to for upwards of an hour i tried to tell the mom that her daughter probably wouldn't like that skirt but she insisted and ended up getting only the skirt it was my first retail job something inside me died a little that day mom was embarrassed to be shopping for herself i worked in a hot topic in a small town where it was really controversial for the store to be moving in i worked there about six months after it opened and we saw a lot of older folks eyeing us and they store as they walked by one time this high school girl was in buying a band t and as she was checking out her grandma came in yelling something about devil worship then proceeded to fall to the floor speaking in tongues security was called i was there for four years so i'll have to think about this for a bit first story that comes to mind was my first halloween corporate sent out calendars that were only on the shelf for maybe three hours each month was a different serial killer it had a picture stats and sayings from each one for instance one month june i believe was edgine it had his kill count listed and then basic bullet point fact about him this was the first and only time i ever saw corporate had us field destroy merchandise to this day i wish i had kept a copy i worked here seasonally in high school around 2006 and honestly the cringiest part of the job were my co-workers constantly telling me i'm not punk rock enough i would wear band tees and jeans and had a nose ring sorry i didn't want to shave half my head and die at orange for a mall job they would literally jeer at me to go work at hollister literally being the people they claim to hate this was why i never had the balls to apply didn't work there but i can bet your butt a hot topic employee cringed and laughed at me when i was 10-ish i really love to write i was also going through that edgy phase i think apple levine was getting big right around then i was looking around the store not really knowing what half the stuff was they always had awesome bumper stickers and i picked one up that said alcoholic because i like to write you know with ink and i told the cashier as much when he asked me what the sticker meant that was one of those things that i completely forgot about until several years later when it randomly popped in my head and i realized how wrong i was i hope he got a good laugh over me a 10 year old buying an alcoholic bumper sticker because they like to write you know with ink is one of the most adorable things i've read in a long long time gamestop employees of reddit what are some of your horror stories four come to mind a woman comes into trade in an old xbox 360 in a box i open the box and the smell hits me rat droppings grime cockroaches and all have spent time in this thing luckily my manager noticed and we were able to decline the trade spent five minutes disinfecting the counter before i helped the next customer one time i was trading in a ps4 i think we were chatting while i was wiping his hard drive and commenting on all his achievements sometime during this conversation he got nostalgic and changed his mind but not before i had already deleted all his data felt terrible one homeless looking guy comes in during one of the few times i'm alone in the store he was dragging around a trash bag and i was doing my best to keep him an eyesight as he was all kinds of sketchy he managed to stuff an xbox 360 in the bag and walk out but i ran out and asked him to give it back which he did saying please don't call the cops i did the last one kinda shook me this woman comes in with a gaggle of kids maybe four they were all terrors running around to different parts of the store yelling grabbing things and rearranging them seemingly causing distractions while this woman tried on three separate occasions to get behind the counter they end up buying something but then i notice under this big box the oldest kid has picked up he'd stuffed his hands full of the little ds games that were on the goblet section on the counter there was more here but i've lost some of the details but it really gave me the impression this was all coordinated by their mother it's one thing to see adults steal to see kids who are encouraged to do so just terribly terribly sad i was an assistant manager when one of the madden games came out oh for maybe we were doing a big midnight opening for it and everybody was having a great time waiting for the game which we were picking up from another store about 30 miles away around 11 o'clock after people had been waiting for two hours after the mall closed i got a phone call the game wasn't coming i almost broke down sitting behind the register dreading the thought of telling everybody that they just wasted their time to make matters worse another store within walking distance of us got their games i just wanted to die that night i am so grateful that our customers took it well and didn't get too angry had a couple come in to return a sesame street video game and a controller they had a receipt from over a year ago the game was scratched to heck and the controller was full of dried soda they said it didn't work anymore shocker and were furious when i wouldn't give them their money back like standing there screaming at me i was the manager so i had no one else there to back me up it was crazy their kid was bawling the lady was swearing like a syphilitic sailor and the husband couldn't finish a sentence pretty sure they were both super high too so that was fun when the ps2 came out i was assistant manager and my manager would sell them out of the back room at a markup such a snake i took the demo xbox home with a copy of halo before the system launched one night and had a four player all night party one of our other local stores had someone dig through the outside wall and steal everything out of their back room also when you get done alphabetizing the wii games and notice your hands are covered in mystery sticky stuff from all of the filthy children handling the cases that was pretty gross one time a woman screamed at me because her kid was tearing open a toy before paying for it and i kindly told him to wait a little bit she seemed on the fence on whether she wanted to buy the toy or not for her kid so you know i wasn't glad that her kid was already ripping it open she then proceeded to scream at me for being really awful with kids a horrible person bad at my job etc also she wanted to complain to the manager if i ever talked to her kid like that again she then angrily paid and walked over the store also people tinkering modding their console and then trying to return it because it doesn't work anymore and angrily insisting on having it bought that way in the messed up oh my god the people who broke their consoles trying to mod i had one woman start throwing crap at me when i refused to take her return she also called 9-1-1 because she believed the police would make me take it back it did get a cop out there but he cited her for misuse of emergency services worked part-time at gamestop while i was in college the best story i love to tell is the mom and son story forty-six moment seven ten-ish boy come into the store in a large strip mall with lots of stores don't even look at merchandise come up to the counter and ask to let the kid use the bathroom clarified she's not there to buy anything but has spent thousands of dollars in our store previously we politely tell her we can't let customers use our bathroom because it's in the back of the store with lots of high-priced merchandise that's the policy we have cameras and corporate reviews the footage another story i have where i was wrongfully terminated substantiates that one additionally what we don't tell her is that all the used game consoles that people sell back to us were stored in the bathroom there was one month prior to christmas i had to do some impressive yoga to get to the toilet i'm sure those consoles were a hazmat but i digress but not to be unsympathetic to this kid's plight we tell the mom that the pizza place next door lets people use their bathroom if they buy something and the cheapest thing is a one dollar soda bottle of water she starts flipping out on us and spewing expletives telling us she's paid our salaries 10 times over and that we're going to heck yada yada yada then no joke tells her son to just go kid actually unzips and pees all over the carpet in front of my register then they left i've never been so grossed out and unfounded had to close up for the day and half the next day while gamestop paid to have our carpet sanitized resulted in a loss of pay for the weekend wonder what happened to that kid he's got to be in his 20s by now tldr mom let her fully potty trained son urinate on the carpet in front of the registers when we didn't allow him to use the employee bathroom in our store when there was a perfectly good bathroom for him to use in the pizza restaurant next door note to self don't buy used systems from gamestop as they may have spent more time in the bathroom than i have former employee two wonderful stories one older lady brings in a bag she looks like an addict and she wants to sell her wee i put my hand in the bag and it's soaking wet cat pee she was furious i wouldn't take it from that day forward made every customer take all trades out of bags themselves two my first store was long and i had a kid and mom in back mom wasn't paying attention at all eight-year-old walking around gets really really quiet then mom rushes the kid out of the store go back there and he took a crap on the floor watch the tape mom finds him squatting lets him finish then takes him out kid sat on the floor in my store too but we had no cams in the store and they were long gone before we noticed a gentleman comes in to buy one of our old 360 bundles used the old system that required the hd he brings it back a few days later and complains that it doesn't work we start our normal troubleshooting methods in store we couldn't figure anything out so i do a swap take his old system in as defective then sell him a replacement bundle i go through and try to wipe the system so we can ship it back to the warehouse cockroaches start crawling out of the system instead i freak out throw the system in one of our giant shopping bags throw that in a box tape it shut and throw that in another bag my manager tells me to just shrink it out meaning we take the loss and destroy it in the back i take it out to the parking lot and have to throw it around to destroy it these cockroaches freaking scatter like marbles on a floor i'm dancing around the parking lot on my tiptoes to avoid the flood it was awful second story one of my regulars was a skunk farmer i will say no more eta okay skunk farmer i worked at a store that boarded two states in state a where the store was located we were in a nicer area we were extremely close to state b's rural community state b had its own store an hour away from ours but we were only 15 minutes from the state line it was easier for state b residents to come to us rather than go to their own store mr skunk farmer raised skunks i don't know why or how but every time i'd see him about twice a month he'd show me some photos of the babies or of their new pens or of whatever shenanigans he was trying out on the farm i remember he wore overalls that he had his wife embroider a skunk onto the front pocket or something i worked at gamestop for 3.5 years we all have seen some strange things i promise you all that get the frick back here and say more about the skunk farmer not an employee but i was waiting in line to buy a game and a guy came in with his eight-ish yo child i assumed was his son and pointed the kid to the nintendo section as he went over to playstation i was daydreaming off in my own world and it took me a second to realize a moment later that i was hearing water splashing i turned around to see the kid projectile vomiting all over the floor in the nintendo games the employee at the counter the lady in front of me and i all just watch this child empty his guts onto the floor before the father comes up to the sun you okay bud yeah all right let's get out of here and without a word or even looking at anyone else the two leave the store once gone the three of us exchange wild looks and the employee tells us it's his first day running the store on his own and he doesn't have any cleaning supplies or know what to do poor guy parents please don't let your kids throw up in game stop apparently when i was about six i threw up all over some ladies fur coat in a department store cashy's line worked at gs a long time ago but i'll never forget this one one night a guy brought in a really dusty and dirty gamecube wanting cash of course i asked him if it worked and he said he didn't know because he hadn't played it in a long time i told him that we have to check every console and when i turned it on and opened the lip about a hundred roaches came running out all over the counter i worked in a store where theft was a very common occurrence but this one dude he nabbed one of the cheap controllers off the wall from the back of the store puts it in his backpack then comes over to the counter he reaches across the counter opens a drawer and steals a brand new game out of the drawer takes it away from the register opens it waits in line trades the game in for 25 bucks then he asks me to look for something in one of the bottom drawers and he steals back the game he just traded in a second time after that he immediately left the store before i could notice he was gone i gotta give him credit he had some slick balls so many other sketchy things too but this one i just had to laugh at i got two stories quick one is a guy who would come in all the time to ask about by obscure vita dating sims and asking inappropriate questions like if the next dragon age at this time would have been in position was going to finally have sex scenes in it next one is new year's day miserable i'm working already it's super early and first customer of the day of the whole year is this like seven foot tall guy who comes in asking for a v cables for a ps4 cause the one he just bought didn't have one we immediately tell him the ps4 only uses hdm iron so it wouldn't have av cables even confirming with him you mean those red yellow and white cables he start getting mad and asks again for the cables which we again tell him don't exist maybe there's an adapter or something but i've never seen one and we don't have them here regardless maybe check best buy guy immediately starts screaming you racist m get me this cable i'm homeless i just bought this thing for my grandkids you're all racist white devil suckers thankfully i froze in fear and confusion and my boss took over and just scooted the guy out the door heck of a way to start the year origins had sex scenes in a way i used to be the azam of a gamer stop but nothing really out of the ordinary happened there just a lot of lingerers when i was the manager of a local game store though there was definitely a lot of wild stories the one that sticks out the most is this old dude we called psycho sexy who would come in every monday morning try to sell me or whoever was working bootleg p dvds he would tell us they were good for busting fat butt nuts to and that he'd sell them to us super cheap every monday he'd come in open up his duffel bag of bootleg p get refused then leave and come back the following monday this went on for almost three years i was hired to help open a new store a store where the manager was male and everyone he hired female he was definitely trying to cultivate a hot game stop kind of situation word got around and we had people coming in to visit ours when they had other stores much closer to where they lived they didn't really buy anything they kind of just lurked around for hours at a time chatting the staff up there were days when they'd wait for us to close up that was kind of scary i was eventually let go for not being friendly enough which was apparently about three months before the manager had a total screaming meltdown during store hours declared himself high archangel threw some crap at a customer and was later picked up by an ambulance so i guess my horror story is the whole dang job at this local supermarket i sometimes visit literally all of the cashiers at all blonde women i suspect that's not a coincidence either my first job was at gamestop early 2000s i stayed for about four years from when i was 17 21 started as a part-timer and ended up as a shift supervisor but then boyfriend later husband now ex-husband was our store manager for a while the point is i have seen some crap my favorite one it is a weekday afternoon so a slow and short staffed it's just the two of us my boyfriend and i and maybe a customer or two someone is playing the guitar hero demo someone is browsing the wall the door jingles and in walks a guy with a huge backpack i give the customary greeting hey welcome in let us know if you need anything and he doesn't acknowledge or respond i shrug to my boyfriend go back to cleaning disks or stripping cases or whatever the guy looks around for a few minutes and we think nothing of it finally he comes up to my boyfriend and gestures for the stack of post-its he's using to label games we're putting in the disc buffing machine boyfriend obliges guy says nothing just writes on the post-it he puts it on the counter in full view of both of us and in all capital letters is the following message i have gun give money boyfriend and i turn sheet white and realize we are being robbed and this guy has a gun in his giant backpack we are teenagers with no manager and no silent alarm under the desk and we are freaking terrified the guy is already putting down the backpack and unzipping it the other customers are totally unaware and off doing their own thing and we are going to get murdered in a game stop at 1pm on a tuesday over the 100 bucks we have in our tiny butt till in the safe neither of us have the combo for he reaches in the backpack and withdraws a light gun for a sega dreamcast turns out this guy is deaf and wants to sell us a freaking light gun tl dr a deaf guy came in to sell us a toy gun and decided the best way to communicate that was to write on a post it that he had a gun and wanted money one of my other favorites was when the playstation one got ray released with a little pop-up screen and someone came in to trade their original one i took it in the back to test it out and quickly realized that it was completely inexplicably utterly full of maple syrup i once had a lady and her teenage son come in to trade in several dvds and games they had just stolen from the walmart behind the strip mall where our store was walmart employee calls me to ask if they are in my store and says the cops are on the way so stall or do what you can to keep them there i said sure i told them the cash versus store credit value of their items without mentioning that i can't even take them because they are still wrapped in the cellophane i walk them around the store and talk about which games are the best value for the money etc if the cops show up and ask them to step outside and i just smile and go back behind the counter and they followed the police out and one officer comes back a minute later to get the merchandise last i heard about it not a horror story but definitely weird then there was this wealthy couple who had three kids and each kid had a wii a ps3 and an xbox 360 they would pre-order every major game that came out for each system always a deluxe edition they spent a ton of money in our store and they were crazy so abusive to every employee they cussed at us and called us stupid they would ask for things they knew they couldn't have and then throw a fit they would scour their receipts for anything that could be a mistake and make you explain it to them over and over i went to work at a different company and they came into my store there and got in line for my favorite cashier i immediately called the manager over when it was their turn to check out explained how i knew then and that there was a 99 chance they would make the cashier cry he went over and just as he got there they were beginning to raise their voices about some supposed mistake luckily that manager is super good at handling people and got them out without letting them get a word in edgewise i practically had ptsd from dealing with them i think they got off on abusing people together they would sometimes be laughing as they did it if they found a legitimate mistake in anything their faces would just light up truly evil people retail employees actually do get ptsd from this nonsense former gs employee here worked in a store on the edge of a super sketchy part of akron ohio back in the ps2 era a guy brought in a box of trades there were three games leisure suit larry playboy the mansion the guy game the rest of the box was nothing but p on vhs he was politely asked to leave he asked us why my co-workers response had me keeling over because there's jizz all over your crap he left this was 2007 or so gamestop had a used game return policy seven days no questions asked full refund people would abuse this constantly like a rental service we knew it and we were able to flag people who did it too often and declined them the returns manager policy not company policy then there was this 1b old lady gaggle of grandkids seemed so sweet was very nice to this while in the store asking for help recommendations etc bought them a ps2 and a freaking gigantic stack of games like had to be 2025 at least her total came out over 400 i rang her out handed her the multiple bags of stuff and said to the kid something along the lines of wow you guys are lucky to have such a great grandma this many games will last you months the grandma chuckled and said oh they're only in town for the week you guys have that seven day return policy i'll see you in six days and then they realize just how crappy of an idea that was today a customer brings in probably the grossest playstation 4 i've ever seen i think oh no please don't have roaches i hold it on end and tap it against the floor and nothing falls out nor is there and rustling of things moving no telltale signs i take it in my co-worker decides he needs to find out why it is so dirty before cleaning it and opens it up inside is the world's first deluxe roach hotel managed to keep the horde contained in the box the console was going in that console is gone now why are people gross i got scolded by management for helping a woman for 30 minutes she bought 12 games and was looking for good recommendations for her son who was on the spectrum i found every game on her list and a few more to surprise him those surprise games were okami and katamari damacy she was overjoyed that her son was going to have lots of good games to play why were they mad over such a large sale oh because they weren't freaking used frick that store that woman wanted to make sure her son was happy and i was tasked to do so i know i did a good job and you guys can close shop never was an employee but on the night grand theft auto 4 came out i was waiting in line and this kid rode up in the parking lot and starting bragging about how he got the first copy and held his copy out the window after about 10-15 seconds of bragging and holding it outside the window another kid ran up from behind the car yanked the copy from his hand and ran into the woods behind the game stop they never found the kid who took it and the kid in the car starting crying immediately never dangle anything from car that you don't plan to lose items limbs people not a horror story but it always makes me laugh when i think about it i worked at a big box store similar to best buy when the wii u first came out after months of we use being impossible to find we finally had some stock in i was helping another customer on a busy day when a guy stopped me to ask the price on the wii u customer how much is the wii u console me it's 400 canadian dollars plus tax customer yeah that's too much money can you do any better on the price me yeah for sure for you i can give it to you for 399.99 customer that's much better i'll take two that's way cool it went from the 400 s to the dollar sign 300 just by asking i'm going to start shopping at your store i had a guy call me a terrorist i am middle eastern we had a buy to get one free sale on pre-owned games he wanted to buy the two cheaper games and get the expensive one free when informed that's not how it works he flipped out we had to call security in the mall we were in to get him to leave he called corporate corporate told us he was documented so any negative reviews on the next few weeks would be flagged my manager stood up for me that day i miss that guy we also had a fire break out in the back room got rid of a lot of old inventory happened on halloween we were closed for a few days to clean and stuff i used a fire extinguisher that day first time ever i worked at gamestop as a razer and sm for four-ish years i have so many stories of creepy scary and rude customers some highlights i once got asked out on a date at the register i'm young and naive and awkward and i kind of stop in my tracks and tell him that i'm working and i can't answer that i work another four hours or so and close by myself and he was waiting in the parking lot for me to leave i had a family that would bring their son in every saturday they explained to me that he had severe autism and he was non-verbal no problem except they would stand in a corner and text or whatever while he'd knock over stands rip things from walls and even run behind the counter and try to bite you i had to get permission to ban them from the store but i was tired of trying to not get bit edit for some clarification just because a customer was awkward does not mean to me that they were creepy this guy was a special case hence why i wrote about it i met friends i will always love when they were customers i met people i worked with in the gaming industry in other capacities i met my ex etc i am about to get my degree to specifically work and study children with disabilities i have no problem being kind and patient with anyone including children but i don't want to be bit by a kid that i have no way to protect myself or my employees from if y'all could stop sending me hate mail about being a nervous 19 year old kid with a 40 year old man leaning on her car at night that would be awesome also the other people's stories about seeing disgusting stuff is true i saw more peon ps fighters then i want to admit i found drugs in game cases and mostly i just saw a ton of systems filled with cockroaches day in the life i guess barbers stylists hairdressers of reddit has anyone ever sat in your chair with a head so nasty that you didn't even want to touch them what is your horror story one of the first shops i worked in there were two individuals who would regularly come and four cuts both of them were physically so dirty it changed their skin tone and they absolutely wreaked off cat pee being close to them made my eyes water and it was extremely difficult to breathe as the smell of ammonia was just plain overwhelming we never turned them away and we were always as polite as we could be but frick if those haircuts didn't feel like they lasted three hours i've always heard that m users often give off an ammonia cat p smell long time ago but i had to wash and cut a teenager that hadn't washed his hair in what looked like months salon policy was to wash after a men's cut and the smell was awful after his cut i tried to wet his hair in the shampoo bowl and the water just ran off his hair because of all the oil buildup i had seen a lot during my years as a stylist but that was the worst experience imagining water not being able to penetrate oily hair is the grossest thing i've heard of in this thread older ladies that came in for a wash and a water while that had a helmet of hairspray of four weeks old was pretty normal had one client that had really bad psoriasis and no hairdresser wanted to help him he was also very ashamed so he made the deal that he could come in after closing time it was really bad and most of the equipment combs clip sex were disposed instead of disinfected as someone with this condition thank you for not turning him away it's not contagious at all but can freak the heck out of people i've been lucky that when mine has been pretty bad on my scalp my hairdressers were still okay with working with me but i think the longer hair helps mask the problem a bit my husband is a barber one day he had a guy come in with dreads wanting them all shaved off he parted his dreads looked at his scalp and noticed it was green he touched it and saw it ripple asked the guy when he'd last washed his hair he replied about three years ago my husband realized the guy's whole scalp was covered in a layer of pus sent him straight to a and e to have it drained and treated with antibiotics bye my sister is a hair stylist and got scabies once from a kid apparently the mom knew the kid had it too just didn't tell my sister until they were leaving yuck horror story of mine i used to babysit for the neighborhood one day i got these kids that were scratching at their heads after taking them outside but because they were playing in the sandbox together 13 and 8 i figured that there was sand in their hair and reminded them to shower when they got home go to get my hair done the next day hair was down to my mid-back and i asked for a short bob just below my ears halfway through the hairdresser stops and loudly announces to everyone in the shop people i knew were there that she could not continue to cut my hair because i had lice i was so embarrassed you could have at least taken me to the side and explained instead of making me feel dirty if i had known i would have dealt with it especially if someone was gonna be dealing with my hair i still blush when i think back on it sound like the time a bank teller shouted at me i couldn't hear her through the thick glass and tiny holes drilled for her voice that i had bounced to check the entire lobby heard her because she not only turned on her little microphone but shouted into it as well my dad was a hairdresser before he passed when i was young i had really bad psoriasis on my scalp my dad has been the only one to ever curse my hair past three months ago and i can't bring myself to get my hair cut even though it's desperately needed in my 25 years on this planet and i can remember a few times sitting in his chair where he was literally combing and cutting out large chunks of dead flaky skin it was the most embarrassed i have ever been in front of him because no matter how many topical remedies i tried i couldn't get it to go away eventually grew out of the psoriasis but i still hold on to this moment as one of my favorite moments where the love my dad had for me really shone through my mother was a hairdresser in the 1960s for vidal assassin during the time of the beehive customers wouldn't wash their hair for weeks they'd just keep spraying it to keep it in place as it was such a complicated do this meant a lot of fleas lice and on one occasion cockroaches that had to be washed out for some reason this never bothered my mother all that much but hearing about it made sure i never ever wanted any kind of hands-on customer service job i used to work as a receptionist at a high-end salon one day a lady called and asked if we had anyone who specialized in cutting curly hair i matched her up with someone asked the standard questions and made the appointment which turned out to be for her granddaughter when the family showed up the mother and grandmother were white and the granddaughter was african-american but they obviously didn't know and didn't bother to learn how to take care of the girl's hair because it was in a giant waist-length ponytail that was completely matted she also had a bit of a developmental disability and they claimed she would not wash her hair herself i could smell her as soon as she walked in but when the stylist got her hair wet at the shampoo bowl the smell quickly permeated the entire salon it was like a punch to the gut the hair stylist had to keep coming up front for fresh air she said giant flakes sheets of dandruff and build-up were basically crusted to the girl's scalp and threw out her hair the matted ponytail was the worst of it what should have been a simple 45-minute service ended up taking over four hours the girl looked great when she was done i felt terrible for her because it was pretty obvious that her mom and grandma had no intention of keeping her hair maintained i got the impression that they basically only took her for a haircut when things got completely out of control i was horrified that they apparently weren't even bothering to wash her hair at home they bought a bunch of products that the stylist recommended but ended up returning everything a day or two later that poor child my hairdresser says she had one lady who brought her kid in for haircuts and the mom never brushed the kid's hair ever so my hairdresser had to spend upwards of 45 minutes trying to comb the knots out of a squirming kid's hair i think she eventually fired the client because it wasn't worth the cost of a kids haircut to spend the better part of an hour just on combing we had that happen in a salon that i worked in because of the way that the mom treated the little girl we ended up calling cps i left that job before i ever saw any resolution though i think about that little girl all the time way back in the day my mom was a hairdresser she told me a story once of this guy coming in who had bird [ __ ] all over the top back of his head i guess he got pooped on and didn't notice or something i had a young man coming with his mother he was about eight years old and had tight curly hair his mother asked me to shave down to a zero zero zero zero zero that is the shortest you can go with clippers i said sure it was my last cut of the day and i was eager to go home i start the service and notice barely one stroke three rd in that he had a lice infestation under the tight curly hair i mean these guys were huge probably why his mother needed me to shave it off so i discontinued the service and spent the next three hours disinfecting everything in sight the boy's mother called the barbershop later to complain because i wouldn't finish shaving her son's hair we tried to explain that it was illegal for us to continue the service as it might spread lies to others and recommended a specialty shop that could take care of this for them but she demanded that it was because we were racist that was fun i once had to turn a lady away after she booked in for hair extension removal the micro bonded type your stylist should tell you last three months maximum nobody told this lady they had been in for seven months my boss booked her in with me the extensions weren't done in my salon i took one look at it and told her i couldn't help there was a chunk of hair about six inches wide that was matted with bits of hair glue not what we use poking out to me her options were shaved or cutted almost to the scalp some hairdressers shouldn't be allowed bit of a different horror story but my stylist once had a woman with hair past her butt who wanted to donate everything to locks at love everything this woman with hair down nearly to her thighs says she wants a pixie cut and is donating everything else after checking multiple times to see that she was positive she wanted a pixie and not a short bob or anything the stylist starts cutting and the woman sobbed the entire time like shoulder shuddering sobs in the dressing chair with her sad little haircut cape on stylus kept asking if it was okay but the woman was determined to help people with cancer and told her to keep going and to ignore her tears my stylist said it was the most awkward experience of her life other customers kept coming in and probably assumed she was naming this poor woman side story when you donate hair to locks of love the hair doesn't go to cancer patients it goes to make high-end wigs that are sold in the proceeds of the sale go to buy wigs for cancer patients not that this is bad just the fact i'm not a stylist for humans but i do groom dogs and i have seen some things that make me want to never give these dogs back to their owners my worst experience was when i had someone bring in their two-year-old she tzed you she was down as a mini groom that's where we only trim the face feet and private areas so i'm thinking this will be an easy groom wrong this woman walked in with her dog wrapped in a towel because she doesn't want to touch him and i can see why the dog is a mess the dog's hair is one solid mat including his face and there is a deep giant hole in his coat where the poop has exploded through his hair meaning he has been pooping into his own hair for so long the build-up finally busted a hole through his hair so i have to shave him before he can get any kind of bath so i find a spot i can break through and start shaving this is very bad on my tools by the way once i finally release this dog from his mat prison which came off almost in one solid piece he ends up having so many sores on his skin he was shaking his head so much he was starting to cause hematomas on his ears his butthole was infected and he is infested with fleas i'm so upset at this point i feel so terrible for this poor dog but all i can do is bathe him get rid of the fleas and inform the owner that he needs to go to the vet ro i didn't even think about pet grooming i bet that can get crazy i feel bad every time i take my dog to the groomer and there's a small mat somewhere when i was an assistant at my first salon right out of school we had classes every wednesday night and well one week i couldn't find a model in time so my mentor had someone she knew come in and be my model so the model comes in seems perfectly normal she sits in my chair i start the consultation and start looking through her hair to see what i'd need to do apparently this young lady had not washed her hair in what i'm assuming was weeks because her hair was so greasy that every time i touched her hair my hand came back drenched in grease and the smell oh man i'll never forget that smell it was the worst thing i've ever had a displeasure of working with i asked my mentor if i could shampoo her before starting and was told that i couldn't so here i am working on this girl who almost literally has grease dripping from her hair i must have washed my hands 10 times that night needless to say i had my own model for every class after that one i have other stories from my time teaching as well lots of lice and people leaving the school bleeding tl dr couldn't get a model for class was supplied one with an oil slick on her head my cousin is a hairdresser one time a woman brought in her special needs son he had some hygiene issues and his ears were covered in blackheads while all the other hairdressers recoiled in horror my cousin gritted her teeth and gave that kid the best haircut she could i really respected my cousin after that that poor kid i wonder if his mom just ignored it or if she couldn't do anything about it because of his condition not a hairdresser or my story but when my sister was young elementary school aged she didn't like to brush her thick hair and it was always a source of grief my mom took her to get her hair cut and after the hairdresser tried to brush her hair for a minute she said that sister needed to brush it herself so my sister had to sit in the lobby with a brush until the tangles were gone it was some pretty effective social shaming lol i hated brushing my hair as a kid but it never got that bad if it had i'm pretty sure my mother would have just cut it all off herself my wife once worked at a store that hosted princess parties for young girls normally around ages of 4 10 they would all put on gowns get their hair styled and have a tea party whatever as my wife started styling one girl's hair the host queen of the party naturally she noticed something on the end of her comb lice head infested with tons of crawling white lice being the awesome professional my wife is she quietly stopped combing washed her hands and threw the comb away she then pulled the girl's mother aside to the little girl's chair and quietly informed her of what she had found the mother apparently wanted this day to be awful for her daughter she started screaming and rushed to the chair digging into her daughter's hair the mother was not quiet about it she was screaming she has lice over and over while her daughter started crying in the chair with all her friends gawking at her like a free freak show this is why therapists make money jesus what sort of monster parent does that to their own child i had a woman come in one day who had hair halfway down her back she just wanted a trim i got her shampooed into my chair and began combing her hair and noticed a peculiar smell and what looked a bit like dry scalp but not quite i looked a bit closer and the flakes were actually little translucent knits lice eggs i could see tiny black things where dresses are of course not doctors so we can't diagnose which means i had to tell this woman that she needed to go see a doctor and i couldn't do her hair but i couldn't come right out and tell her she had lice i told her it looked like it might be lice and she worked with kids so it was a good guess she was so embarrassed i had to throw away a really nice cape along with several towels and had to disinfect everywhere she had been i had some people over about eight years who had crusty stuff on the scalp and around the ears they tended to go a while between baths which you can tell because people develop a funky smell in their hair the hair gets a distinct aroma little kid hair has a similar smell it takes a lot of washing to get that odor off your hands you can actually place the cape in a sealed bag for so many days and the light will die that way you won't be throwing capes away because this will happen many more times i would just toss the combs though if necessary this was while i was still in school dirty looking woman came in needing her hair washed and probably cut too she had open sores all over her face and neck which meant she probably had them on her head too her hair was completely dreaded into one huge red from how dirty and tangled it was i was in the middle of putting conditioner on her when she informed me she was hiv positive for over 15 years nope not a hairdresser but i think i might have been the nasty client i desperately needed a haircut but i also had a cyst on my head that was fairly large my hairdresser was very quiet for once and that's never a good sign with a hairdresser in my defense i tried to get a doctor to fix the cyst but she wasn't able to dig all of it out of my scalp and it grew back and maybe a week or two after the haircut i popped the sikes like the nastiest pimple ever known to creation seriously the amount of stuff that came out put me into a bit of shock and my hands looked like i'd been messing with a gunshot wound on the bright side popping the sykest managed to blow the whole thing out it never regrew and my hairdresser was happy with me again when i was in school i had a regular client who was around 90 years old and pretty sassy she had a growth on her head that was at least four inches long and two inches wide it was irregular and black and red and is what i would draw if you asked me to draw melanoma she refused to accept advice about going to the doctor for it i gave her a perm a couple of times and just tried to pretend it wasn't there but i can still see it 10 years later i used to be a dog groomer and i had a golden daddle come in matted to crap and the entire strip down the hair literally was all one piece i could have theoretically worn it if i wanted to owner got mad because i went shorter than what she wanted fun times customary not a hairdresser but i just have to share this story when i was a brokebutt student i was in a place like walmart getting my hair cut an old lady comes in and sits in the chair beside me she says to the hairdresser oh yes and by the way i have a large boil on the back of my neck where dresser says okay old lady says yes so can you squeeze it the hairdresser started looking around for tweezers or something and i looked firmly at my lap and tried not to bath the answer to anybody dating can you squeeze this should always be no just know i am a hair stylist and have plenty of stories about clients but this was a story told to me by a former co-worker who was also a stylist we will call her jen well when jen first got out of school she also did nails one day she has a manicure coming to her salon and was getting ready to soak her nails takes the ladies and notices dried dirt or something lodge under nails jen tells her to go wash her hands before they start and the woman makes a comment how she had her period that gunky crap under nails was dried period blood this happened in hair school and i wouldn't say it was entirely my fault but i guess that is for you to decide so i was told the end of my time in school and i had been out on the floor taking clients for a couple months a woman came in with very long very dry looking hair and told me she wanted a perm at this point i was already beginning to get nervous but i figure i might have time to talk her out of it for anyone who doesn't know perms can be really harsh on your hair not a lot of stylists i know like to perform them because they take a long time to rap they stink they can turn frizzy really easily and they are super hard on the client's hair i can't tell you how many girls have brought in pictures of taylor swift and expected me to give them a perm that will come out like her natural curls or her iron curls so this woman is sitting in my chair with her hair probably measuring three plus feet long and she wants a perm but so i do a quick integrity test on her hair to see how strong it is and if it can handle the chemicals i'm already predicting that her hair is too weak for the solution but i check anyway low and behold her hair breaks off in my hand at this point i have my instructor come over and help me talk to this lady about the possible risks of her hair falling out or breaking off or becoming super frizzy and this lady is having none of it so per school procedure we have her sign a waiver saying that we made her aware of all the potential risks and that it may not come out how she wants it and we are not liable and we're just students blah blah blah she happily signs the waiver and sits back this whole time i'm freaking out because waiver or not i did not want to be the one responsible for freaking up her hair i ended up going to the director of the school because i didn't feel comfortable performing the service and she told me to do it anyway or go home and lose hours so i walked back to the chair and spent two hours wrapping a freaking piggyback perm on this lady and when i finally get her to the shampoo bowl as predicted her hair begins to break and fall out my instructor and i worked for another hour and a half rinsing and styling her hair and when we were done it was horrific to say it looked like crap would be a massive understatement i was on the brink of tears and my instructor was stressed and exhausted but this lady was as happy as can be she paid gave me a big tip and disappeared into the night tl dr in hair school i am forced by my instructor to perform a perm on a client with long brittle hair and she comes out looking like an ugly poodle haha not me and technically not hair but my best friend went to cosmetology school and said the majority of pedicure practice came from old men who would come in to get their toenails cut because they were too old to do it couldn't reach them whatever one girl is cutting some old man's toenails and one went flying right into her mouth i think i just mentally buffed nurse here but had a patient once with not so much dreadlocks as a single dread cap i thought neurosurgery had occurred because she was admitted wearing an or hat it was to hide the mess beneath the facility hairdresser had to give her a crew cut i did a stint of barbering school last year before my wife and i split she is a hair stylist and i only did it to appease her anyway i had some nasty haircuts during my time there the most notable was this group of guys that came in and they they were all family i think and older maybe 40s but look like man children so i get this one guy who is in sweats and looks like he hasn't showered in a good two weeks he sits down and i could instantly smell him it was putrid and it wasn't like dirty homeless bad it was like super bio greasy stank i keep him up and he clearly has no idea what he wants so we go back and forth and he wants a trim or whatever as he had like maybe five inches of hair i wet his hair and i kid you not it was one of the nastiest smells of my entire life for those of you who don't know hair smells when wet and if you have dirty hair it's amplified a lot it was foul so at this point i'm at arm's length fully leaning back as far as i can to keep away from the stink i'm breathing sporadically to try and not gag his hair was thick and coarse and greasy you ever leave lunch meat in the fridge for too long and look at it and it has a slime over it that's what it was like touching his hair so i make it through the cut and of course he's being difficult at the end making me take it shorter and shorter until i got to a point where i think i used a garden just buzzed his head i clean him up and he stands up and the seat is just sweat stained like thick coated in booty sweat but not like normal sweat it's like sticky and glossy looking so they leave and i tell my teacher i need some lysol to wipe my station down and at this point i can feel he hair grease all over my body my hands arms face i feel like it was in my pores i washed my hands and got a new cape and pretty much wanted to light myself on fire to feel clean it sucked and i told them i'd never do that guy again even if they gave me a zero for the cut there were some nasty ones but that was the worst in cosmetology school we used to do a program where homeless and shelter people could come and for free services i thought the program was fantastic if they wanted a haircut or shave etc unfortunately a lot of these people would take advantage of it and get unnecessary services because they were free one of my worst nightmares was a teenage boy whose mom made him come in for the afternoon to get whatever he wanted so he got a haircut okay then he wanted a shave also okay then a manicure mech kind of unnecessary then a pedicure his feet were disgusting i don't think his socks were washed in a month and then he insisted we do french polish on them it was awful then he decided he wanted a facial and a back facial omg i am going to die at this point and i can't turn him down because that's policy at the school so this kid had the worst acne in the world and here i am just massaging his face and then back and it felt like crater town and while giving the facial he kept his eyes open and was smiling the whole time while staring at me it was the worst four hours of my entire life to deal with this kid then when his mom comes to pick him up she actually said to me oh you gave him a facial you should have popped some of those pimples he had oh no thank you alrighty i am officially done with this thread pizza guys girls does your shop have a no delivery list what houses are on it and why we had a guy and two girls order separately then grab the pizzas and run the girls had picked the food up and left while the guy was paying after 30 seconds the guy bolted it was a 100 order my manager who is a frequent gym goer left the counter and gave chase the two girls had gotten into a car with the food but when they saw my manager they drove off leaving the guy my manager chased him three blocks and was gaining on the guy when the girls pulled up and the guy got into the car unfortunately all three of them went to school with a kitchen hand at the store so we had names jobs addresses and facebook accounts we contacted them all on facebook and got them to pay for the pizzas the next morning under threat of contacting police we also put them on the no delivery list i'm imaging arnold schwarzenegger chasing jonah hill around and i'm laughing tai i delivered for a while in college and there was two we don't deliver their neighborhoods the manager actually allowed it to be driver's choice but pretty much everyone said no i actually had a friend who grew up in one of these neighborhoods and i knew it wasn't just drug dealing murdering psychopaths running rampant so i said yes and i delivered to these neighborhoods one time i was delivering to an apartment that was part of a treeplex or quadplex and some kid outside probably like five or six years old stuck his finger at me and said this is a robbery give me your money i just chuckled and kept walking while i was giving the person their pizza i heard from behind me the heck do you think you're doing boy don't you know he the only one who deliver here then as i was walking back to my car he was standing on the sidewalk mom several feet behind him and he said i'm sorry it's really cool that she realized you were the only person willing to deliver there and corrected her kid okay we had a really nasty apartment complex in one area of sacramento totally a no one night a new guy took an order and actually accepted one from there i was about to call back and say no i was assistant manager at the time bid running pizzas that day when in come two cops to pick up their pizza they listen in and offer to tag along i was dumb and crazy then so we made the pizza and i loaded into my little truck and drove out there as soon as we pull into the parking lot the cop turns off all his lights and coasts into the spot next to mine i walk up start the spiel and start listening to their story of this guy or that guy ordered it i started to walk away and one of the shady dude steps out of the bushes next to me where he'd been hiding instantly every light came on on the cop car flashes both spotlights pointing right at me the cops getting out of the car fast dude steps way way way back i walked back to my car and a couple cops got an extra free pizza that night and i got a great story when i worked at a pizza place we just had one person that we wouldn't deliver to because he would always refuse to pay and hassle the delivery guy saying the pizza was cold took too long wasn't the right order whatever he probably got a couple free pizzas at least before we stopped bothering sending him anymore i used to deliver sandwiches for a shop we had to blacklist this one lady who would call up last minute and demand 5100 sandwiches for her meetings and she wanted them delivered in 15 minutes we explained things to her over and over again that this was not how it worked but she still demanded her order so when it showed up 45 minutes later than expected she became a monster causing a scene not tipping sending in complaints to the district manager etc this happened so many times and finally one day she called in an order for 200 sandwiches wanted it in 15 minutes i delivered it myself and she took the sandwiches from me for her meeting i sat there and waited for her to sign the receipt and waited and waited turns out she took the sandwiches into her meeting and booked the heck out of there not signing the receipt she then called her bank to cancel the charge on her card and called us in for fraud she had the nerve to call up our district manager and said that we owed this to her since all of her orders were late she was blacklisted after that and my district manager finally apologized for not believing me on this story drug reps are the worst i probably would have followed her inside for that signature i worked at a little caesars when i was a teenager on a really snowy night one of our drivers got into a car accident and sadly lost his life on his way to deliver the pizza the customer called in a little while after we learned about the accident and absolutely lost his crap that his pizza hadn't been delivered when the manager explained the situation he stated he did not give a freak and wanted his pizza delivered for free needless to say he got an earful from my manager and then was put onto a no serve list apparently our entire complex is on the do not deliver after dark list at a local pizza place that was encouraging to find out a week after moving in that sounds like a good way to vet a new apartment complex call local delivery and see if they go to that address at night our delivery store has a woman who used to come in every so often or order delivery who did not want black people to interact with her or her food at all one of our drivers a really nice old black dude delivered to her and she simply slammed the door in his face another time she walked out on a black cashier because she swapped places with the white driver who was originally taking her carryout order finally the manager put his foot down and told her not to come back or order from us ever again ugh i am on the no delivery list of two restaurants because my roommate is a freaking idiot and can't math to save his life he once sent a driver away after a heated conversation with a 25 cent tip unfortunately i was in the shower at the time it wasn't until afterwards that he was explaining the situation to me that i realized what a [ __ ] he was the bill came to 20 dollars and 25 cents he gave the guy twenty dollars and thought it was a good tip because we ordered two sandwiches that were basically seven dollars a piece and a one dollar soda for a total of fifteen dollars so five dollars tip in actuality the sandwiches were 7.99 the soda was 1.99 so 18 right there then there was a 2.25 cents delivery fee so 20 and 25 cents unfortunately the delivery guy spoke almost zero english so all he could say was not enough to my roommate and my roommate is in a chat who wouldn't read the damned receipt he is no longer allowed to answer our door i used to be a delivery driver for pizza hut i used to work the sunday afternoon shifts and would have the same man order a supreme pizza every week but i was always the one to deliver his order because most of the time i was the only driver on duty at that time of day alan was a nice quiet man who had a lovely front porch one day i didn't take his delivery for some reason poor marvin took the delivery instead on the day that alan decides to open the door stark naked allen wanted to show me a small red-headed girl the goods not big black marvon allen never got another delivery haha that's awesome i used to deliver meals on wheels and it's amazing how many guys would try to pull crap like this yes i worked for a pizza place in high school one of my friends was killed during the delivery apparently the husband had been in trouble before for domestic violence or something i heard stories about the wife answering the door with fresh blood on her face black eyes that sort of thing a couple other guys actually called the cops after delivering their pizza anyways my friend shows up to deliver the pizza and i guess the husband thought he had called the police a few nights before the husband shot and killed my friend there was an older man who suffered from dementia that would order four fountain drinks and nothing else from my shop then would tip about 300 every time after hearing about it a couple times i told my manager and we all agreed to get in contact with his family let them know we wouldn't take orders from him and that they'd have to take some measures to keep him from doing the same with other establishments god only knows how much money that guy gave away that was kind of you a lot of other people would have kept taking advantage of that situation don't work there anymore but we had a nasty 50-plus year old woman that would always answer the door naked who was blacklisted and a five-block area we wouldn't deliver to because it was the ghetto capital of our city and people had been robbed i delivered pizza in nj i went on the porch to see a snarling rottweiler behind the door not a big deal happens a lot i'm a stranger the dog is just being a dog the lady pushes him back we do the pizza transaction and as i'm turning to go the lady said oh my god he's out the back door was open and the dog was charging around the house about to come on the porch i quickly opened the door to run inside but the lady screamed no the really bad one is inside and i see a bigger rottie just inside the hall so i stick myself between the screen door and the real door and i'm trapped in an angry dog sandwich the outside dog bites my calf because i can only close the screen door so much not much damage but i'm bleeding the manager goes to talk with the lady it is like one stroke eighth of a mile from the store or that lazy bastard wouldn't have bothered and rotties up end up out back as soon as the lady starts talking to him another small mutt dog zips out the door and bites him on the hand he made the call on no more pizza for them i shouldn't laugh but the no the really bad one is inside is a brilliant line we marked off an entire section of town on the big map in the back of our store because there were too many shootings and murders in the area some parts of that section we would go to if it was daylight but wouldn't deliver to after dark others we just didn't go to at all it was such an exciting way to make money during college our greedy butt owner refused to develop such a list even after two of our drivers were mugged at the same house they wouldn't let us avoid neighborhoods no matter how unsafe no matter what time of day neither snow nor rain or heat nor robberies nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds worked at a hungry howie's pizza in college they are basically a cheap discount pizza chain we had a few stores in a college town mine served the local college campus and the areas out west and south these included the bad parts of town we had a list of about 10 or so neighborhoods or streets we did not deliver to because drivers had been robbed one of which was a rather large government housing project that never went over well when i had to explain it to people they often bitched me out like it was my idea or called me a xenophobe we also refused to hire female drivers because of an incident before i was hired a group of people made multiple fake calls throughout the night to different addresses until the female driver showed up when she did they kidnapped her and violated her for days she lived the cops spotted the car a couple of days later with four of her attackers in it it was in florida another story one of our drivers was a kind of crazy homeless guy who had some anger management issues one time a dude pulled a shotgun on him while he was still in his car he was having a bad day so he just grabbed the barrel pointed it forward and floored the gas pedal he also used to sunbathe in his white briefs in the nasty parking lot behind the store while laying out on old pizza boxes kidnapped and violated what the frick in the late 90s i was still living in detroit and in between desk jobs so i delivered pizza as a part-time gig detroit's neighborhoods have been rough for a few decades now but the 90s seemed like they were on their own level i won't say the specific neighborhood but there were some really rough ones this one house though this house was just an awful shape i kind of figured this would be bad even as i was driving down the street to get there every other house literally was either burned out or very obviously abandoned this one was just crappy looking but i tried to be optimistic i walked up to the door awning kind of drooping over my head and knocked almost instantly the door cracked open and all i saw was a dark hand with what looked like a glock leave the pizza and walk away i complied obviously and told my manager that i wouldn't be delivering to that neighborhood anymore still stuck around with that job for another six months or so but that was probably the only thing on that level i've seen we had a few blacklisted numbers addresses mostly were for people who wrote bad checks or would constantly complain return orders make threats one address that was on the absolute edge of our delivery area a business all by itself on the edge of town got blackballed because people from outside the delivery area would give that address and meet us there a couple of bad neighborhoods including one that was literally six dilapidated trailers in the middle of a field with a two-track going back to it nothing but sea heads with pitbulls and rotties with no leash were blacklisted too my house was actually on a no delivery list back when i was a kid mom ordered pizza parents took some me by the time the pizza guy came by my mother and father were so out of it they couldn't pay the pizza guy he waited for 40 minutes us kids had to apologize to him because we couldn't pay him ourselves a very embarrassing moment to have when you're 10 years old anyways we couldn't order from that pizza place for the rest of its existence no child deserves to grow up without pizza one time i worked for this lady that owned naden's pizza in a tascadero ca she was the worst person ever no one ever worked there longer than a couple months and she just crap on everybody she didn't have a no delivery list but what she did have that was even worse was her own personal whitelist delivery book that had every single good tipper in the world on it example delivery boy gets back and goes well that guy tipped me 20 bucks owner then writes down that order name number in her book next time that guy calls to order a pizza she doesn't let anyone else deliver she takes the delivery no one knew knew this trick and she just kept taking orders from all the newbies i worked there for about four months and caught on after the first month or so after that i spent the next few months claiming that the horrible tippers were amazing tippers i would watch her go to these repeat customers and come back with a disgusted look on her face i would ask her what's wrong but she didn't want to talk about it tl dr pizza owner would write down all the big tippers she would only deliver to them not share tips or nothing i eventually started claiming the people that tipped horrible to be amazing tippers hilarity ensued this needs to go in our pit revenge as a standalone post my house got put on the air deliver first sort of list because we ordered so much and so often eventually they would know people's phone numbers and knew the address automatically and sometimes give us a discount it's not official but there's a house in my area that times you for your tip which we would be pretty p about normally but he's a good sport about it and an average run over there will get you about seven dollars so we always book it over there first if we're taking more than one at a time worked at papa john's the only place on the no delivery list were bounced checks we had one driver get his knee bashed sideways with a baseball bat and money stolen i delivered to the same place the next night they didn't care about getting robbed because the driver is only supposed to have 25 max on him all times so everything over that 25 the driver had to pay for this driver i think had to pay around 125 after being assaulted i wanted to clarify about carrying cash we were told for this very reason that after every delivery usual two three houses when you come back to the store you put all money in your dropbox obviously if you got 60 cash on a delivery the store wouldn't make you pay for that but they had a record of how much the order was and how they paid delivered pizza in high school living in ny there was a couple neighborhoods that we had to be escorted by police who were permanently stationed on the corners there when you got to the building we had to wait in the security booth that had bulletproof glass this was all because people would call delivery places and just rob the people of the money they would carry sometimes the cars too yo i am hungry and need money order some pizza that's a wicked 2 2-4-1 prior to my freshman year of college 2002 i was delivering pizzas for pizza the hut in a decent suburb outside of cleveland i was the typical stoner partier easy going delivery guy as a little background one afternoon my manager requested i go change several hundred dollars for smaller bills for our register as i'm leaving the bank after getting change and getting into my car i send someone approach from behind and suspect they are going to ask me for a sig nope instead it's a dude with pantyhose and his head and a knife and demands the money i have in my pocket and my keys i oblige and he ultimately runs off and tosses my keys in the parking lot where i can see when i run into the bank no one at all saw the incident and wouldn't you know when they pull the footage there is sungla in the exact spot on the window where my car was parked the cops interrogate me and search the car but seem to conclude that in fact i was telling the truth my manager even vouched for me saying how i was a good kid flash forward to about 10 years and i'm telling the story at a party and bam it hits me my manager who often dated unsavory characters set up the whole thing considering i was robbed in front of a bank in broad daylight on the busiest street in my town who the heck would know to rob me especially since i hadn't put my car topper on at this point that's fricked up i delivered to the dorms when i was in college back before credit cards could be used to pay for pizza in the largest men's dorm we had a war with some of the residents after they got p when we wouldn't accept an expired coupon for a 14 pizza order so they kept calling us up with ghost orders and making life hack for us over the course of a few weeks but so we stopped delivering to anyone in that dorm as we were the cheapest pizza in town that did not go over well with them the ras got every student in that dorm together and told them to knock it the frick off or get kicked out so we tried to deliver again and the same crap happened so we banned that dorm forever it was cool by me because those idiots would place 520 pizza orders and tip two dollars it was the mid-80s and there was no caller id most of the students used the wall of pay phones we had in the lobby but some rooms had their own phone but regardless there was no way of knowing who was calling no one deserves to be deprived of pizza except those guys such buttholes a co-worker and friend of mine got a delivery one night before he left our manager pulled him into the office gave him a pair of latex gloves and instructed him to use them to put the money in an envelope he was confused but didn't ask many questions he says when he got to the house there was actual caution tape around the yard and a sign that said something like warning infestation he is somewhat of a germaphobe to begin with so at this point he really does not want to go up to the door but he has to deliver this pizza the woman who answers the door is grotesque and is covered in red splotches and potentially bites of some kind he quickly hands her the pizza carefully takes her money with the gloves on and stuff sit in the envelope and sprint back to his car he threw a fit when he got back to the store and the manager felt so bad she put the house on the blacklist he said he scrubbed his hands till they were red afterwards thinks it was bed bugs or scabies or something we'll never know that is a horrible situation but looking at it from the woman's point of view she can't leave to get her own food and she had the decency to warn the store when she called i had a roommate that ordered from one of my favorite chinese places around he ordered then fell asleep pee them off hard they wouldn't deliver to me anymore so i had to go into the restaurant speak with the owner and beg to get him to deliver to me anymore i had a code word that they knew and if i didn't give that code word no delivery my roommate was a piece of crap and stole all my pots and pans when he moved out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 84,452
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Keywords: work horror stories, horror work, horrible work fails, true work horror stories, reddit work horror stories, terrible work, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: t87LvzCR4G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 7sec (7267 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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