How GOOD was Pachirisu ACTUALLY? - History of Pachirisu in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 4-7)

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what's up everyone next up we have Pachirisu this adorable electric squirrel is of course known by most as the fourth generations answer to pikachu as well as an important member of Dawn's team in the anime but today we'll examine if pachi reaches undeniable cuteness was effective in the competitive scene so how good was Pachirisu actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats lamentably Pachirisu viability in the fourth generation was non-existent its stats are miserable its move pool was barren and pure electric typing is not great defensively as it only resists electric and flying the latter of which isn't too useful and it's also weak to the ever-present ground type attack but this isn't to say that a pure electric pokemon can't succeed there are several examples to the contrary like raikou but Pachirisu z' awful stats and move pole meant that the amount of opposing pokemon it could handle was incredibly low it was outdone by just about every other half decent electric type in the game which were better all-around pokemon with superior stats move poles and quite often a secondary typing and/or ability that would assist with pure electrics defensive hindrances oh you had top-tier choices in Zapdos and the Rotom appliances while magnezone Jolteon and the Afra mentioned raikou were also quite good you use Lantern and regular Rotom were solid pokemon and even an N you Pachirisu was inferior to the host of electrics down there all of which were usable in uu as well like Ampharos Raichu Magneton manectric luxray electrode and electabuzz in fact it was even outclassed by fellow Pikachu clones Plusle and minun because at least those two could potentially make their teammates threatening by baton passing nasty plots sure if you really tried you could get especially defensive set to do some work in nu battles with tricks like discharge paralysis light screen support super Fang to have opposing HP stats and u-turn to get a teammate in for free however realistically speaking Pachirisu was not an optimal choice anyone who used it would be using it because they using it in game and wanted its cuteness on their competitive team the choice to use it wasn't fueled by a desire to win at all costs which made it a gimmick as sad as it is Pachirisu never got any genuine competitive use in Gen 4 Patrice who did gain vote absorbed in generation 5 which is a fine ability on Pokemon that are already good which thunderous Tyrion was and Pachirisu was of course not the introduction of monsters like Taraki on kicked the power level up several notches formerly powerful pokémon like Flygon and raikou dropped down which is part of the domino effect for lower tiers and so on and so forth now this only pertains to Pachirisu in so far that it was even less viable even all the way down in nu now a step lower than the previous generation thanks to the new are you standing above it you'd think it was at least forgettable enough to not have the difference notice completely unveil Pokemon becomes even more unviable with new generation to the shock of no one but this time around nobody even tried to draw up a defensive set that you could justify as having the slightest of slight niches so long as you didn't care too much about winning instead patchy rhesus and new role turned to one of altruism dedicating all of its efforts to giving away its item to its opponent either with bestow or fling for a more aggressive approach it even went so far as to covet a second opponent's item just so it could gift it back so in the Christmas meta game Pachirisu was top tier up there with delibird and Snover but beyond that calling it one of the worst pokemon in the game is accurate though I'm sure it doesn't mind because it's just so darn cute John Q competition might claim that cuteness doesn't win battles but he's just a grouch generation 6 did not offer Pachirisu any of the numerous significant buffs and needed to approach even being semi viable besides the paralysis attack nuzzle a new lowest tier was introduced PU and anyone who even thought about it was sure to not be surprised when they learned Pachirisu resided there although mostly on a technicality because it still wasn't viable even down there sure a super fang seems like a good tool to disrupt opponents Lapage Arisa just didn't have the defensive utility to get into games safely and pull it off or the offensive capability to make the damage stick to anything with a recovery move there just wasn't any competitive reason to use Pachirisu over P use more commonly seen electric like Zeb Strika and Raichu whose superior speed and offense was simply more effective than pachi rhesus defensive ploys not that they stood a chance in the cuteness department especially if Pachirisu busted out the real heartthrob moves such a sweet kiss and fake tears but apparently that's not really relevant or whatever and now of course the moment you've all been waiting for for all of its mediocrity all its status as a peacock load and all its lack of notable traits Pachirisu is still against all exception the hero of what is probably the most famous moment in competitive Pokemon we are talking of course about Stajan park's odds defying Pachirisu the squirrel that face down dragons and live if you haven't watched the 2014 VGC finals yet well if you're watching this chances are you have because what else were the viewers thinking of when they requested this Pokemon stage ins jaw-dropping Pachirisu isn't just the paragon of electric rodents everywhere it's maybe the most famous icon competitive Pokemon has ever played that's famous even outside of the competitive pokemon Oddie in a meta game littered with more destructive power than players knew what to do with featuring such monstrous offensive threats as mega Charizard mega Mawile Tyranitar Garchomp Salomon's and countless others Pachirisu was Sagan's incredible anti meta game pick that allowed him to clinch the world championship and I'm sure you've seen this clip but why do Pachirisu work well in short because it fits agents team perfectly Patrice's main role is one that many Pokemon could fill in 2014 that of a redirector due to its access to follow me throughout 2014 by far the most pedigreed redirecting Pokemon was amoonguss whose rage powder allowed it to do the job admirably well amoonguss has numerous qualities that make it by and large much better suited for the task than Pachirisu much higher defenses an incredible choice of abilities in regenerator and effect spore and of course access to sport one of the best moves in the game Amulius was so impactful that many Pokemon started slapping on a pair of safety goggles to protect them from its powder-based moves but as luck would have it that was one of the reasons Pachirisu was able to succeed over its mushroom counterpart sage in picked Pachirisu specifically because its method of redirection was follow me not powder sage' news Pachirisu alongside a double flying type of tacking core of mega Gyarados and talonflame the Gyarados plus redirector combo was not at all uncommon in VGC 2014 as Gyarados players were eager to divert any electric attacks away from him and as such many of the affer mentioned safety goggles started to go on to set Electric types like Zapdos and Rotom allowing them to bypass a moon gooses rage powder and put the hurt on Gyarados crash types such as Ludicolo came with an innate immunity to rage powder further complicating amoonguss is life stage and discovered Pachirisu specifically as a counter to the counter an incredible metagame pick who with its vault absorbability made opponents think twice about how they would handle Gyarados in addition Pachirisu provided a great safety check against opposing talonflame talonflame rose to prominence in part due to its ability to remove the annoying amoonguss who kept Gyarados safe with its brave bird but Pachirisu electric typing was a huge boon in tanking those brave Birds and keeping the Gyarados safe long enough for its dragon dance to start wreaking havoc because the meddigan was so largely physical sage and trained his Pachirisu to be fully physically bulky matching up nicely with its naturally good special bulk and allowing it to tank huge hits with ease and he'll love with citrus berry but of course and can't be understated that a huge portion of Pachirisu success came from the fact that it was such an unexpected pick Sagan was able to play incredible mind games with Pachirisu switching into electric attacks aiming to pick off Gyarados or talonflame and once that first mind game was set up Stajan could actually forego follow me out of knowledge that his opponent feared volt absorb giving him free turns to attack and it's here that Pachirisu really shown while amoonguss could become fairly deadweight under time only able to maybe mega drain for paltry damage Pachirisu was a rare example of a reed director who barely cared about time sure it couldn't use follow me anymore but Pachirisu was still a huge threat due to its access to super fan and nozzle super fang of course allowed for Pachirisu to have a huge offensive presence even with no investment and horrible base stats nozzle also did damage but it's not the damaged sage and cared about it was that the paltry bit of damage nuzzle did still made it an attacking move allowing Pachirisu to spread paralysis with 100% success even under times Pachirisu fits agents play style extremely well the little squirrel put immense amounts of pressure on the opponent to remove it as soon as possible and sage and played knowing this using all Apache rhesus moves in concert to incredible effect so he could maximize its impacts agents seized his opportunities decisively packing on super Fang damage and paralysis intelligently making Pachirisu just as much of a problem either way if you tried to hit girdles Pachirisu redirect suit then as soon as you decide to switch strategies staging would read you and leave you reeling with the super fang or paralysis sages team was carefully crafted to exploit a hole in the metagame he plainly saw that the rest of the world hadn't quite spotted how he could flip the redirection game on its head and give Gyarados a new life by giving birth to one of the greatest sets of all time his Pachirisu will go down in history as it should and inspired legions of imitations few of whom ever managed to replicate his success plot Charice's one other land tournament top cut came via Jonathan mr. Fox Hillier who used it at the tail end of the 2014 season to support his own squad of electric weak Pokemon including talonflame greninja and mega Aerodactyl and took fifth at the Philly regionals however we said lan tournaments whilst agent certainly gave Pachirisu its highest accolade as he friggin Wan world's Pachirisu did have one other notable achievement before stay Geneva never touched it angel Miranda brought his own unique spin on Pachirisu to the may international challenge a full three months before sages the International challenge was a Wi-Fi based event played to earn points explaining why angel didn't catch as much buzz despite the fact that he placed top four in the US and top 32 in the world if it had been an offline official tournament angel might have exploded pottery Sue's usage before sages especially considering the set here and was arguably even more innovative angels Pachirisu shared three moves and even a citrus berry with sage and bill but in place of protect he ran a move almost never seen in VGC I on Del yuge for those of you who don't know what I on Del yuge does and I don't blame you but it basically acts like one of the eight abilities like arrow layed and pixelate making all normal type moves electric for one turn angel paired ion deluge with his choice specs high dragon to incredible success in two different ways first of all it changed opposed kangas Khan's attacks to be electric allowing high dragon to resist returns and fire back and of course if they targeted Pachirisu it gets the heel all the way up but I on Dell use true power came with another unexpected move hyper beam with ion deluge up high dragon suddenly has a 150 base electric nuke to blow away opposing azumarill who might oppose it so it's like hi dragon posle gigantic cannon out from behind its back and suddenly fires a full power you never see it coming Selin tell Joker but of course giving up protect is a hard call and given that say Jan was trying to protect his Gyarados it's no surprise he didn't want to put more electric-type moves on the field say Jan's Pachirisu will always be the gold standard by which all innovative picks are judged and when you think about Pachirisu he should be the first name that comes to mind but maybe now when you're pondering a certain electric squirrel think of angel miranda second also thank you so much - angel miranda himself for providing this information you can follow him on Twitter here also follows agent why not everything got stronger with generation 7 Z moves and while there was nothing new in store for Pachirisu it certainly didn't have the strength to make use of them which was bad news squirrels given that there was now a rank below PU for those fully evolved Pokemon that couldn't hack him even all the way down there the dreadful purgatory of being on tier if our lovable electric-blue squirrel couldn't find a niche it would end up there and the odds of that were sadly looking likely given that generational power creep knocking everything down a notch or two would make it even more difficult than the previous generation a prospect made even more dismal by pottery shows lack of new toys as if it's not deserving of game freak's endless adulation when it so clearly is indeed there were several other electric types in PU namely the excellent Elektra and Rotom frost as well as the solid or Akari Oh pom-pom lantern and manectric all of them were vastly superior to Pachirisu strictly in the competitive scene of course and the spore Pachirisu plummeted to that awful land of on tier 2 the outrage of anyone with the human heart Pachirisu had completely dropped off the VG seemed at post-2014 and the restricted Pokemon Laden meta game didn't seem like much of a place for it to make a comeback because it wasn't however in the convention defying spirit of its original use Alessio UT bus shadow used it to reach 9th at the sheffield regionals and came in 76 world's overall and we couldn't find much information about the set he used but we give urea all the props in the world for at least having a decent placement with Pachirisu and that's it so how good was Pachirisu actually well if oh you was based on cuteness it would be the most used pokemon in each generation and I mean just look at it but unfortunately oh you is based on superficial qualities like base stats and move poles and whatnot departments which Pachirisu might be a little bit lacking in hence it's utterly non-existent usage in any competitive singles tier ever luckily the world rejoiced when Pachirisu claimed into rightful place at the top in VGC 2014 hopefully if Diamond and Pro actually get remixed the best Pikachu clone will get some much-deserved love in the form of buffs that let it show who the true best electric rodent is thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to fall swag gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and in the comments I want to know what do you think about competitive Pachirisu what would you do to make it stronger do you think you'll ever place decently well again whatever it is let me know in the comments also thank you so much sir patience for continue to part of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well and follow my crew on these social media platforms and it's all I got see you next time everyone [Music] you
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 503,766
Rating: 4.9633288 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon GO, Pachirisu, Sejun Park's Pachirisu, VGC 2014, VGC 2014 World Finals, Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming
Id: RrtfKpd_2xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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