Pokemon World Championships 2014 Finals - Masters [PACHIRISU]

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team pokemon world videogame championships here in Washington DC my name is Evan lund and I am joined for our masters division finals by my co caster Scott glossa we just crowned our senior world champion eagle-eyes Olinsky in an amazing - game set and now the main event we're here to crown the Masters world champion yeah I've been fought all year to get to this point so only two masters left yeah you think about it some tournaments alone you have three four hundred players yeah this one started with Ron sixty we rounded to the two best players in the world they've got one of the favorites from a long time and it had a newer players so an interesting juxtaposition here of one of the old veterans a longtime favorite against the new upstart and we saw in the last round that sometimes those newer players are the ones who come out on top yep and let's take a look at the bracket both of our competitors took to get here you see on the left-hand side Jody as a rally from the United States up against Seguin Park from Korea of course we saw a lot from Judy as the Jody yesterday when he played against Marcos Liu from Germany who then beat real skate Costa gave from Japan but we had seven different countries compete in this tournament and the master division at the top level and now we're down to these to the United States and Korea yeah that kind of makes it exciting starting with so many different countries yep liberal champions is always a tournament that had a lot of different countries participating but so recently the balance of power wasn't as even this year with seven different countries in the top cut like this I really show is that you no matter where in the world you're watching this from you don't you definitely do have a chance at coming here at becoming the world champion this year we get a saging Park facing off with Joe Diaz ireli you seen a lot of Americans in the finals is the first thing we've had a Korean player in the world finals so that should be exciting and especially considering the who these two players are a very exciting match up here between to 10 players yeah let's take a closer look at our two players on your screen is Joe Diaz from the United States of America clearly got some hometown fans here with that Charizard Tyranitar Garchomp Salamence mo Rotom and Lucario is his team his accomplishments 7th place 2014 nationals I believe that should be ours and also 2nd place at the local apex tournament this year in 2014 really the underdog in this match I think yeah absolutely if he doesn't have the storied history this agent does but he'd have a great breakout performance at US Nationals make it to the top cut there has a very difficult tournament to get through one of the first free GC Germans to have two days of Swiss so I mean that qualification stage sort of and then a second they have switched to tier playful players out a little bit more and then that top cut bracket stage so getting all the way to the end there was a huge accomplishment I really showed he was one of the best players in the country it also gave him some great practice here that showed us when the best tours in the world and here's his opponent that sage in part still has some fans in the crowd too you can see on the left hand side lower corner some of the reason why he has so many fans here in the stadium that's Pachirisu on his team Gotha tell Gyarados Garchomp Gardevoir and talonflame and you can see it's got a few accomplishments listed there runner up as a 2011 worlds as a senior fifth place 2012 worlds masters fifth place 2013 worlds masters and now he's finally made it to the final stage here this is a competitor we've seen for every year basically but he's never made it to the finals as a master they say that's not all - I he also is the 2011 2013 and 2014 Korean national champion he's actually won the Nationals there every year but he's needed to win it the only he didn't he had invitation to Worlds from having the edge of the finals as a senior of the previous year so what you're saying is he's kind of good at this game he's all right I know he got eight and a Wi-Fi tournament once so up and down but I totally were the game's legendary players I think that most people in the community the videogame would probably agree that sage is the best player who's never won a World Championship I'm very excited to see if in the finals here with a chance to finally get that crown after accomplishing so much else yeah it's going to be interesting to see who will take it home and here are the prizes they will be competing for again we have over a hundred thousand dollars worth of scholarships as well as that nice pikachu world champion trophy exclusive pokemon world's merchandise as well as a trip to the 2015 World Championships wherever they may be and of course the title world champion in the masters division yeah definitely the most prestigious title in Pokemon there you know a lot of players to beat it simply by far the most attended division very prestigious to try to get just to this tournament at all a little low to the top cut let alone to the finals something that's agents worked a long time for Jody started this this year really making a push for it toward the end of the season here would be a big deal for either these guys to do it and say just case it would be that final accomplishment to prove he really is one of the best of all time and Jody you know it I want to make a big jump into that pantheon of greats that maybe if players hadn't expected him to make so quickly yeah we'll have to see who's going to be able to come out on top it really takes a little special something to get that final push over to become the champion and we're going to hear right now from someone who knows a little bit about that 2013 world champion Arash ramadi yeah Arash is 100% correct this year was even harder than ever to do well at the World Championships and here we have two of the best players you can't even argue it anymore the two best players in the world right now Joe Diaz irelia and save in part yeah I think another interesting point he made was the idea of sharing ideas with friends I know that's one thing that's going to be a big factor this matchup one of sage Ian's most surprising Pokemon in that Pachirisu there is actually a favorite of one of Jodi's friends if anyone's going to know how to deal with the trick since ages back it should be Jody right so it's gonna make this matchup very interesting also I can't like the underdog story Mirage last year he's right that no one was expecting to win it all I think maybe underestimates how well but much of the community knew he was a strong player but Jody's similar surprised to get to this point whereas Asia is the favorite but you know underdogs win we saw it in the seniors and we saw that last and masters so anything could definitely happen in this match anything can happen and I just can't wait to get right into this match let's go right to the stage to introduce our players ladies and gentlemen up next on stage we have the final match of the event the Pokemon video game masters decision from the united states player1 Judy Sage's I love those intros say Jen already announcing to the world the Pachirisu potentially going to be the MVP of this but both of these players coming out with huge fan followings in the crowd I don't know if you could feel it at home but it was basically felt like an earthquake here in the stadium yeah I think these players deserve it to you it's kind of an interesting matchup for the fans here you got se-jin park one of the most accomplished in popular traders of the world I think definitely the most influential trainer in the world as far as any time staging use anything at any point all season a players took note of it it's just at the metagame the rest of the world so someone was a huge following here but he definitely deserves okay and you've got Jody here everyone loves the underdog story and as the American here playing in the capital of the United States here Washington DC certainly expect that a lot the home crowd will be on this side yeah definitely going to be interesting to see if Jody can ride that momentum over a sage in part we sort of touched on this at the beginning but sages definitely considered the favorite coming in here right yeah I think so I mean the Pachirisu falling over there maybe a little things to come but minister early warning I think sages that play the favorite here though I mean he certainly got the experience it's hard to argue against him here and I think that's some of the fun of this matchup whenever you go into a match like this with one a really accomplished player you expect them to come out on top but we've seen all weekend that's not always what happens a lot of the players you very well in past World Championships had really tough runs here both the previous world champions were eliminated pretty quickly here so just because he's the favorite doesn't mean look about on top however I do think that there's a reason most of the community would say he's the most deserving player who's never won a World Championship before I've been very tough opponent for Joni to kind of try to come on top of here but Jodi's come so far for a reason you know he really really came with a big a big breakout performance to the United States national tournament making him a top eight there I was very close to moving on and doing some well here it's a sign that two tournaments in a row like that with such fierce competition he's probably for real right he's going to keep doing this in tournaments so even though he isn't quite built that legacy yet you know every win is someone's first big one and stage it might have to be careful that he's down the wrong side of one here yeah I mean sometimes pokémons all about momentum and when you get hot and if Jodie has just started getting hot at Nationals and he's carried it through the Worlds that's the exact right time to do so yeah I don't think anyone was expecting saging to lose the 2011 World Championship files for the senior division either but I said unique at the second place trophy at that time so I love to see here and say she'll be able to do what he couldn't do the first time and get that first World Championships for him all right we are jumping right into team preview on your screen you're seeing se-jin park from korea's team lead slot Pachirisu got patel Gardevoir Gyarados talonflame and Garchomp Pachirisu chance already starting in the crowd up against Jody as a rally off-screen he's running a Tyranitar a Charizard salamence Garchomp Lucario and Moe Rhoda and going to be an explosive battle absolutely we got a really fascinating matchup here we see the players getting into it quickly here I think it's age inside that Gardevoir which we didn't see the last time he was in stream is likely going to be a big deal here his three Pokemon in Jodie's team that are weak to ferry jump attacks the single book want to see him that resists both ferry and psychic-type so I should be a good matchup for the Gardevoir we did see also staging using that mega Gyarados previously that modem Joe using that we haven't seen all season very good against carrados it's the only road emits neither weak to that earthquake and resistant to that water type attack so it should help him out a little bit here just using use it also a good matchup for that Tyranitar in that Garchomp offensively for Jody though is you have to be very careful to avoid the support Pokemon its agents team with Pachirisu and Gotha terry and just as you mentioned that Gardevoir on the stage alongside Chuck starts re alongside that guard jump up against Jody's Tyranitar and Charizard leads and let's just go one more time the first turn of the first battle let's hear one more time for Jody and sage in year in the studio interesting leads here from Jody leads both of his potential weather setters here up against that Gardevoir and the Garchomp s-someone matchup that will come down to it whether war Jody is probably gonna have a preference between which one of the Chu he wants up but I was out of competing whether he can afford to be a little bit more careful right a little bit less carry out but he does need to be careful about his Gotha tell switching at an inopportune time here especially the couple choice blue on this team it's gonna be really careful about what he lets it do we do see a protect coming out from that Charizard immediately but moon blasts from Gardevoir gets the super effective attack on two Tyranitar but it is going to fire back with a stone edge getting a whole lot of damage there rockslide from Garchomp is going to be avoided by Charizard thanks to that protect feel a little bit of damage led to rant are enough to put it into moonblast ko rage sandstorm not quite enough to get the KO on to Gardevoir their eye creates a complicated decision here force agent umm.yeah Gardevoir with one tick of sin going to be able to knock it out now how do you withdraw the guard alarm because I'm Jody then he's kind of a difficult situation also you want to leave this Charizard in he has to mega evolve it most likely which would negate that sand so both sides have some things to consider here at Rancho has to be careful since it be knocked up by another moon blast for that faster guard of are both booked when showing their choice scarves they're alright this must be careful on this turn but I wouldn't be surprised it one of the two of them take it wrist there's gonna be a matchup where they both have a lot of very offensive Pokemon and give me a lot of high-risk maneuvers I wish every one of them gives them get the most cheap attacks there when opponents expect not expecting it it's probably going to come out with the win here and it looks like Jody is going to which out that Tyranitar for mow Rotom double switching does not like to match up from either of his pokemon in favor of that Salamence now is going to be able to intimidate the opposing Garchomp but Gardevoir is not going to be too worried about that the moonblast is going to come back out from that Gardevoir on to mow Rotom this time dealing some more great damage there as Dragon Claw from Garchomp is going to be used on that salamence the berry is going to help and deal just a very little bit amount of damage there thanks for that having berry and the stand is going to be able to get the KO on Gardevoir right there at the end so Jody has already taking the first Pokemon knockout a stage and choosing to make a sacrifice there I likely expected that to happen there judging by the way you played out that turnout we just hit Sitrus berry activating for Rotom they're healing up there to get Jody in a little better board position there with higher health Pokemon both of his slots I just get the early lead there which is a big deal I think we're moving that Gardevoir is a big deal I mentioned previously that there are a lot of Pokemon on his side of the field that at week 2 moonblast he's brought at least two of them so he really doesn't want to have to deal with that for long periods of time I think that why don't you go so early as dangerous less stages got a great plan here for how he wants to deal with the situation without it because I was able to get three or four moon blasts off it's very likely sage' would win the game they're so huge start for g.od to get rid of it yeah we do see the Pachirisu token on the field and the crowd goes crazy as soon as pottery soon makes it out interesting choice to bring in Petri so is a very disruptive pokemon of course able to abuse that follow me ability to redirect any attacks towards it and a bevy of other support options as well yeah that follow me here is an interesting option in this matchup it's not gonna be able to do too much with its bolt absorb but I will be a little frustrating it's Rotom if it's out against Gyarados later we'll be able to now use that Thunderbolt and fear I'm just healing the Pachirisu and salamence does not want to stay on the on the field scared away from that Pachirisu switches out for Tyranitar that follow me is going to come out from the Pachirisu we will see the rockslide from our shop Tyranitar avoids it but we'll be able to connect with rodent to deal some damage they're very bulky Rotem as you can see in leaf storm coming out onto pachi recent the poor little squirrel only takes about 50% from that and eats it Sitrus berry to heal right back up while Rotom has lost a lot of special attack and a lot of offensive power from it it's impressive a bulky little Pachirisu is uh you look at it to stop there is a tiny squirrel thing you don't really expect it to be very bulky but it takes almost nothing from that leaf storm if you exaggerate you can't exaggerate rather how powerful that is it's the same power as a Draco meteor and just nothing you know Rotom definitely does powerful especially some of the Dragons putting those attacks out but you know the metagame lives in fear of overheat from the full row Tom's brother Rotom heat it's the same base power and we do seek garchomps going to protect letting Pachirisu do everything all the correct prediction there the nozzle from Pachirisu going to be able to get the damage and paralysis on to that torrent or that scorp Durant our is now worthless now paralyzed huge protects coming up in sage' and blocking both the ice punch and the willow with and getting the paralysis on that scarf Tyranitar yeah excellent play there I you probably noticed the cherish ball previously knowing that the Saran Attar's from that promotion only way you can get ice punch so also knows there's no egg moves on the Strand ajar so you get some useful information there it also makes a fantastic play by slowing it down usually gets the knock out on guard chop with ice crunches a chance that survives with some defensive investment but I'm not an issue there now guard shop going to be able to deal with this try an ATAR as it normally would wrote him out jus threatening out in the field now with that reduced special attack from using Leaf Storm so a better position now for us aging to be in and with Pachirisu is going to redirect all targets I'm pretty sure Jody would want to get that off the field right now anyway as we do see car chomps dragon claw is going to attack that Rotom and Willow is redirected away from Garchomp onto Pachirisu now burnt will be taking that burn damage every turn in addition to some more turns of sands as ice punch comes through from torrent are still dealing almost no damage and fortunately first agent that sandstorm is going to subside this turn so that we don't have to worry about any additional chip damage yeah Pat resumed now has to at least be attacked once more or I'll survive two more turns after that burn damage but likely going to follow me and go down anyway that Garchomp probably needs to try to get a knockout on this turn and as it doesn't need to get both in the enemy Pokemon since it can get another one on the next turn after the protection from the follow me but sage is going to need to start picking up Pokemon here as well we can poke him on a Jody's side but he does need to start evening at the Pokemon score I even with a bunch of weekend Pokemon playing from 2-4 down it's gonna be pretty tough however the guard ship still is at full health care we still have a full health Boca one in the back so they just simply setting up to make a comeback here he's trying to win the late game and that is silly just done pokemon score and it looks like sage ins going to protect his Garchomp sending out talonflame as protect comes out from Pachirisu going to try to keep that Pachirisu on the field leave storm into the protect ice punch into that talonflame that's some good damage on the punch gets the freeze onto talonflame it's stuck in mid-air can't do anything really unfortunate break there on the switch in you want to and space floating like that but a really really big freeze there and that's sort of the issue of that Pokemon leave that Jodie started to accumulate there is that one wrong thing happening is this is not enough run to make it up I think if they had got the position where he just had go mostly full health talonflame and mostly full health guard jump out it would have been a good situation there but Pachirisu now only has a turn left let's table to absorb a thunderbolt with that bolt absorb and talonflame is the far as overheat comes out from talonflame Sagan is not playing around over he gets the kale onto the bowl Rotom mo Rotom mo problems at face and goes back to Jodi's go Jodi's trainer Turan Attar is still out though we see the the light bulb from talonflame a super bag from Pachirisu not to cut the paralysis fully paralyzed Sagan was not happy about that turn of fries and Pachirisu finally faints thanks to the burn Petri is a certainly did his job though it's gotten stage into a very manageable position now even though he's facing at Easton Pokemon deficit here he does have a bunch of damage and most of Jodi's Pokemon so it's not a possibly came back from this one however he does still have that Salamence in the back that intimidate will be a big problem for both of these Pokemon but the combination of freight burden rocks lights looking to a lot of damage to chars out here if I say Joe chooses to go that route even though Jodie looks like he has to lead there I don't know if he really likes this position he's gonna have to cut this very very close to come out with the win of course you have to be careful with that talonflame too because it deals just as much damage to itself as it does to you reduce these salamence switching in right now can I get that intimidate off onto both the Garchomp and the talonflame going to be huge coming up as we both of those physical attackers are going to want to abuse their physical moves chars are going to go ahead and mega evolve into mega Charizard y going to summon the drought going to bring the Sun and strengthen the attack of all the fire moves on the side of course up talonflame probably not going to want to be using that anymore but brave bird will come out from talonflame using that ability to make it priority it's going to deal a lot of damage to Charizard a little bit over half hits the recoil damage and the lightboard damage and the rockslide is going to connect and the Salomon's is going to be enough potato on Charizard Salomon still around but chars aren't going down to breed pretty big deal thinks he should be able to take this one and you're that super Fang in the last term by Petrus ooh there it seems like it was so irrelevant only doing 17 damage there I don't know if it's actually going to end up being so with that extra damage there you're going to feel very safe that even intimidated talonflame can finish off this trapping issue I'm Greta Singh that the psalmist has the haben berry not a choice scarf so guard judging Willa finished off when we see the fork Jodi going ahead and forfeiting in staging part takes Game one of his bested preset let's hear it for sage and everybody huge wins decision you always want to take that first game in a series is just all the control is in his pit in his favor now it's going to be a really overwhelming situation for Jodi to try to deal with them now are you in the finals of the World Championships but against the player considered by many people to be the best in the world you have to win two games in a row yeah a very great game by Sage in there such a city won but the way he won he really understood what he needed to do there he planned out the games that he would be able to win in the end it didn't matter if he fell down behind early as far as pokémon remaining I just about it if he could close out the game I think all the time players would get a little too involved with the trading each turn we're just trying to win through tactics like I'm gonna win this tournament I want my poem to get this knockout but the long-term plan isn't there we really see that from Sage and where even though he seemed like he was losing most of the game he ended up in a situation where he won the game cleanly because he always kept the end of the game in the mind not just the beginning yeah definitely strong play Bruce agent we are going to go right into Game two stage one on the top of your screen Jodi on the bottom Salamence and Lucario going to be the leads for Jodi this time as sage ins going to throughout that Garchomp and Gardevoir once again so Jody switching up the leads a little bit and se-jin just decided to go with what works yeah I want Jody switch up here we have saw the mega Charizard throughout all of Jody's previously stream matches however this Lucario can go both ways it looks like it does have Lucario night so it's capable of mega evolution and we see yes yeah mega lucario making its first appearance on the stream here going to go ahead and mega evolve get a lot of additional power on the field for Jody and bullet punch coming up from mega lucario onto garden board not quite not quite enough for the one-hit ko dazzling gleam the choice from Gardevoir super effective damage on Salamence and the earthquake not affecting solomon's or Gardevoir thanks of that telepathy but we'll be able to get the damage onto Lucario is it going to be enough as mega going down the mega goes down turn one for Jody a huge dam bit from him did not pay off but rock tomb from Salim is going to hit that guard jump and slow it down just a little bit yeah excellent play there on sage ins and I don't know if he trained his Pokemon with that Lucario your bullet punch in mind but I think that was one of Jody's main trick to this matchup the ability to use that mega lucario which hadn't been seen before and try to get a quick knock out of that guard amar once again we see it very low and range of Sam storm damage but this time the damage looks like it may have been done guard chops still in great position to try to do some damage here Dragon Claw and Salomon's or earthquake at Rancho do some very serious damage trade shows gonna have to lock into a move here which will help out I saved you significantly planning out the rest of the game gear and getting one more knock out even if it's not in ranch I would prevent it from switching moves again by creating a much more a winnable endgame situation for saging Jodi is going to predict that Salamence does not want to let this dazzling gleam get the KO they're going to deal no damage that settlements but super effective damage onto Tyranitar rockslide is the from Jody that's the play going to pick up the KO on to garter bar get some damage on to guard shop hope for a blintz here could be a huge for Jody the earthquake is going to go through no flinches earthquake onto Toronto is super effective hit it's going to be enough no survives with just 12 HP Solomon's taking some sand storm damage but a good kale okay oh that Jody needed yeah he does get some progress here no only has to worry about that dazzling gleam which could easily knock out both of those Pokemon but he gave up a lot to get a trainer char on the verge of being backed out now Sam it's also very low I guard up easily knock out either of these Pokemon now that tranch r is locked into that rock slide we can see Jody come back from a seemingly unwinnable situation during his top four match with that rock slide shreds are getting some key critical hits and flinches he might need that again here my Garchomp alone is creating a lot of threat right now we haven't even seen two of Sage's Pokemon yet yeah and it looks like it's going to be hot series ooh Pop's you're you on the field capable of redirecting any attack from Salamence now that Garchomp slower thanks to that rock too so it's a great play from sage and to bring that back out yeah I can definitely help out a whole bunch here yeah I quit follow me from in salamanca critic in the real threat here and guard took Dennis's pickup which of the poke but it wants to try to knock out Jody likely going to need to switch one of the two here but the other one's going to be in a lot of danger he's kind of got a hope that sage and guess is wrong about which of the two band he switches out is also the threat to of a superfan gear but we see juicy to follow me yeah follow me coming out from Pachirisu Jody keeping both in rockslide coming out from Toronto have to hope for a flinch on to that Garchomp it looks like we do see some small damage on both draco media from Jody on to that Pachirisu probably originally targeted for that guard jump will connect will deal some good damage we've already seen that pot Denise is so bulky if that mo Rodin's lead storm wasn't proof enough it just tanked a salamence draco meter and no Flint so rockslide does come out from Garchomp that should be a double ko no to HP for Salomon's but fortunately let's see will the sand stick around yes one more turn of sand does pick up the KO on Salomon's so double ko presage in that turn now this give me does get the Pokemon leader a big three one advantage that we still has his redirection available with Pachirisu here so how do you imagine anything Jody can do here I've never thought I'd see the day where patch Arisa was in world champion but it looks like we're on the verge of it here yeah it looks like mow Rotom is going to be Jody's last hope before to keep the world safe from world champion Pachirisu but up against the Garchomp and the Pachirisu Pachirisu of course could take one for the team use that follow me to redirect any attacks from the mo Rotom but instead Pachirisu is not going to do any of that it's going right on the offensive super Fang going to take away a half of both rotom's health dragon claw right back and thank you the masters division let's hear em say body no player in the world deserve the World Championship more than say jinja's I don't think anyone plays the game more I don't think anyone works harder and I feel great for video all right sometimes in these Pokemon tournaments you get results that just either quite sure but you feel like you may be somebody get robbed nobody get robbed today the best player in the world Wednesday I think he was the favorite in both of the last two years world championships I had to figure this guy was gonna get one eventually and it just feels great to see him winning it you know the guy who works to harness the guy who probably is the most clever chief wins it suggested he won music with you on Pachirisu with Gotha Joe yeah I don't a cool trick to this team I even overheat at talonflame not something we see very often VGC really brilliant play really brilliant team and I can't expect a better adventure than when he got here sage and power taking it all at the end yeah and that's easily the most impressive part of sages entire career for me is that he has never compromised he has always played his own game and sometimes that looks weird to us you know no one coming into this tournament would have expected Pachirisu to be the world champion but sage ian has consistently innovated in this game and he finally gets the championship title that he deserves yeah I think anything is interesting about how great sage is you know we didn't see in that series a mega Pokemon si Jin sorry I never brought that Gyarados I think he correctly deduced it did not have a very good matchup but he was perfectly willing to win with his other Pokemon yeah I think that's a mark of a good player in this game that you have to realize that you you're giving up something for that mega evolution right even though they're the strongest Pokemon in theory you know you it isn't always the right choice he picked the best Pokemon for this matchup is able to come out on top as mega Pokemon itself was an interesting choice right you don't see much mega Gyarados at VGC now you're off to see that Kangas guide or mega is that counter it more I clearly like mile like God mega trend it or even mega bucket boil and just that what happens here you know a very smart play by sage in both of the King creation and the way you played this series a very deserving champion and I'm really happy for him yeah me too could not have gone to a more deserving player but of course Jodi as irelia had a phenomenal season as well second place in Worlds nothing to sneeze at we will see both of these competitors back here next year at the World Championship we're going to take a quick break right now but let's hear one last time for both of our finalists world champion station part and Joe Diaz irelia we're going to kick it through a quick break and we come back we'll have more with agent Barton
Channel: TheCanadianWifier
Views: 3,994,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokémon, wifi, wi-fi, battle, x and y, xy, gen six, gen 6, gen VI, tcwer, thecanadianwifier, the canadian wifier, braviary, glaceon, meowstic, meowstic male, keldeo, hydreigon, celewash, celebi, rotom wash, defog, scyther, scizor, defog scizor, World, Championships, 2014, masters, rank, vgc, pokemon master
Id: NOx_Qdc6bqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 17 2014
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