Pokémon Ultra Moon Hardcore Nuzlocke - STEEL Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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earlier i was thinking about some of the coolest pokemon in the series like metagross aegislash clef key well maybe not klefki but i did notice an overwhelming number of the coolest pokemon are steel types so today i'm gonna see if i can beat pokemon ultra moon with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only steel types the rules for the challenge will be up on the screen right now you can pause if you want to take a look they'll also be down in the description before we get into it let's quickly take a look at our encounters by far one of my favorite things about the ultra games is how fun the encounters you get access to are i mean we get ages slash what's more fun than aj slash i mean other than a blissey covered in butter this run had some crazy highs and super low lows so you are in for a treat if i do say so myself our run kicks off and we are almost immediately greeted with our starter choice obviously none of these little guys are steel type so we go with poplio it's mainly because he looked the least likely to spit in my face when hoisted up like this yeah i'm looking at you rowlet but also because this means that hal our rival will choose litten which is a fire type and super effective against all steel types and at this point you already know i like the punishment from here there's a ton of story stuff that we'll skip but we are introduced to two of my favorite characters one of which is absolute mustache goals and from here it's just a little hop skip and a jump over the trainer school where we get our first encounter a magnemite i love this little guy and i love that he evolves into three little homies stuck together we nickname it magnetite and we see that it has the sturdy ability which spoiler challah is so hard getting sturdy here is the only way this run isn't instantly dead more on that later for now we have to graduate from trainer school and the only way we can do that is by beating the absolute tar out of our teacher's rowlet sorry teach at this point we're introduced to the first trial captain elima who is so obviously a boy and i have no idea how anyone could think otherwise and since we finally graduated with a hearty more taurus finally lets us pass from here we head into howley city where we can finally take off that stupid hat and upgrade our fit and with my drip in this mint condition team skull has no choice but to roll up on us i've said it before and i'll say it again team skull is easily the best evil team how and i quickly dispatch these goons and then we're challenged by trial captain elima who at this point is really not too big of a challenge for us we use thundershock to take out his young goose and then the smeargle comes in we resist both his moves so we're able to tank it and then take it out with some thundershocks after a few quick stops we're able to head into the first trial which is against this exceptionally acrobatic rat on paper this totem is okay for us it does have stab dark type moves which we don't resist but our defense is pretty good so barring some crazy amount of flinches from bite we're probably fine turn when we fire off a thunder shock and it hits us with super fang which is just about the worst movie could use on turn 1. after it calls its ally we're at half health against two rats to make matters worse we're mashing a for our attack which if you've ever played this game before i'm sure this has happened to you it makes us target the ally pokemon for whatever reason which is definitely not who we want to be hitting at this point thankfully the totem goes for a scary face which allows us another probably two turns to live the next turn it hits us with another bite which flinches us now we have to live through another bite which we do and we take it out with a final thunder shock this first island is kind of a death trap for steel types with that challenge out of the way we can get our next catch a diglett whose alolan form is steel ground while ground doesn't resist fire it does help us with super effectively hitting fire which is one of our main weaknesses at this point so this thing is a great addition to the team even if it is basically made of paper plus it's one of the most ridiculous regional forms after the totem fight we take care of some stuff that we need to do and then we have our first battle against tau with our new team he leads with linton which i wanted to use to explain how diglett could be helpful for our team but unfortunately i actually forgot to switch our team up before going into the battle no worries though the first turn we outspeed with thundershock and we managed to get a lucky paralysis which leaves it fully paralyzed on that turn we almost take it out on the next turn but not quite so we have to live through an ember which we managed to do and we finish it off on the next turn except his noibat who despite hitting us with a super annoying confusion can't really do anything offensively so we take it out finally it's his pikachu so we get an opportunity to show off our new diglett one magnitude is more than enough to finish it off now we've finally arrived at the most torturous part of this run this old man right here so if you don't know holla is the kahuna of the first island which means we have to beat him to get off of this island not only that he specializes in fighting types which hit both of our pokemon super effectively at this point i'll save you the trouble and show you how our first attempt ended mind you machop is his first pokemon if we're gonna be able to take out holo we're gonna need to rely on our wits our strategy and most of all some really good luck so our first iteration of our strategy involved us using normalium z to use supersonic on the machop on the first turn from here if it hit itself in confusion we'd be able to take it out z supersonic does give us a speed boost which allows us to outspeed the ker brawler unfortunately we still have to rely on high roll damage from magnemite to be able to take it out in two turns even with sturdy which we don't get and we end up losing on his second pokemon this time we tried this strategy 30 or so more times and it just proved to be too unreliable so we refined our strategy over the next 49 or so attempts i don't know who's really keeping track it it was me i was keeping track and over these 49 attempts we realized a couple things first if we ev trained our magnemite to have max speed we would out speed the crawling naturally second if you use a status move on the machop on the first turn the second turn hala is likely to use a full heal instead of attack so if we hit the chop with thunder wave on the first turn there's both the chance of it getting fully paralyzed and not hitting us or the chance of holly using a full heal and if either of these things happen our magnemite should be able to take out this machop without taking any damage that means it'll go into the cabraler with full health and sturdy still active and so we'll be able to tank the z move from the cabraler and take it out in two turns from shockwave and at that point we have something extra special with diglett cooked up for the makahita but as you can see right here this doesn't always go according to plan so we needed to get the correct rng so that we could actually make it happen come on just a couple more tries by the time attempt 53 rolled around we were optimistic we had a good attempt going we managed to hit the chop with the thunder wave on the first turn and then the machop uses focus energy which is perfect this move almost guarantees the full heal from hollow the next turn which he uses and we hit it with a shock wave the next turn we finish it off with another shock wave this is perfect because we're coming into the brawler with sturdy still active so now the cabrillo comes in and we hit it with the shock wave on the first turn we get some low roll damage which is pretty unfortunate and now we have to tank the fight em z move which we're able to do thanks to sturdy now all we need is a juicy high roll on shock wave which we get on the next turn next hollison's and makahita so we swap in diglett we get a safe switch here since this thing always goes for fake out on the first turn which we resist so in the next turn we use a cheeky growl with normalium z this both lowers makihita's attack and increases our defense by one stage now all we need is to live through two arm thrusts which have to low roll each time first arm thrust does so we get a magnitude off and the second arm thrust please don't kill please don't kill it doesn't yes we live and we get a nice high roll with a magnitude 9. notice how many times i said high roll and low roll that's how rng dependent this fight really is and after a quick 53 attempts we're able to finally put that fight behind us hopefully unless we wipe after defeating hollow we earn the ride pager which is my favorite feature of this game and it's at this point that i want to call attention to something very important i want you all to just take a quick look at how stupid how is acting in the background of this scene this is something in a casual playthrough you may not notice but for the rest of this run i do challenge you to keep an eye on him let's get to the bottom of why he acts like this i feel like there's more here than he's letting on anyway with holla defeated we can head to the next island but not before we head over to 10 carat hill and get our next catch i'm all wild which would have been pretty useful in that last fight i will say regardless it's great to have it on the team now and even better we got intimidate on it which is you know one of the best nuzlocking abilities in the game from here we head down to the beach and meet island oak who clearly has never heard of melanoma then we learn how to mantine surf which we very clearly excel at and then we arrive on akala island and with the level cap raise we're able to evolve diglett into this beautiful creature i haven't questioned the devs before but i will never question a lowland dog trio and in the pokemon center in the first city we're able to pick up the protect tm which we teach to pretty much the entire team protect op and at this point we get to have another fight with hal at this point his linton has evolved into a torah cat which is starting to get really scary for our team but thankfully doug sure was able to out speed it and take it out with one bulldoze that's pretty much the only scary member of his team down we take out the noibat with the metal claw pikachu comes in and goes down to a bulldoze then we use magnitude on eevee because variety is the spice of life and after we beat how he just leans back and tries to act all cool i know that you're up to something we're on to you how from here we get to head over to the ranch where we get to experience truly the worst utter physics i've ever seen i wish they had less stiff utters very much agreed quinn and on our way to the water trail we have a run-in with this broody teen gladion and we quickly dispatch him in a pokemon battle his team really just can't do much to us and finally we arrive at the water trail where we face off against this spooky bug araquanid and honestly with magnemite this fight is relatively trivial for us the iraqi does carry a wacom berry which does decrease the damage of our first shockwave but honestly its bubble attack just doesn't do enough for it to be scary even when boosted by water bubble and rain on the next turn we use another shock wave on the iraq wind and we take it out luckily the mass grain doesn't even attack us there and the next turn it uses tailwind and we finish it off with a shock wave and from here it's a pretty quick trip to our next big hurdle the fire trial not only does alola merwack one shot pretty much our entire team but also he calls in an ally selazzle that also one-shots our entire team so this is a little bit sketchy after picking out the thing that's wrong with this photo yeah it's definitely the big pokemon we head into the trial so thankfully our dugtrio has ground moves that hit both enemy pokemon and it's the only thing that actually outspeeds the selazal so on turn one we protect against the marowak and allow it to call in its ally salazzle from here we use a bulldoze which is four times super effective against solazzle and takes it out in one hit and does about three-fifths of the health of the marowak unfortunately it fires back with the flame wheel instead of detecting which it sometimes does which unfortunately gives us a burn and we don't have any good switches so we just have to go for a high world magnitude which we get luckily and we take out this marowak without any casualties an absolutely insanely lucky role and from here we head into the lush jungle where we get to play everyone's favorite game show tree or not tree and after successfully determining whether or not something was a tree we get to challenge the next totem lorantis this lorentis is a pretty interesting fight because it does have low sweep which hits our team super effectively other than mall while but fortunately it can only really just tickle us through intimidate so and i'm not joking here we actually stall out every single one of its moves and force it to struggle to kill itself is it really even a steel type only run if you don't stall things out anyway with that out of the way we head through the diglett tunnel and into coney coney city where we're able to pick up the armor fossil which we then take to this random trailer park where this guy is somehow able to revive the fossil into a shield on in the back of his mobile home i'm not going to question it this thing is the first pokemon on our team that actually resists fire so we'll be able to swap it in especially with this really good defenses and to add all that it also has the sturdy ability which makes it an even better switch if we ever get into trouble and because of its great defenses we'd nickname it hardboy next we head back to coney coney city where we pick up an evia light and we get another encounter a honedge both dublade and aegislash are just s to your pokemon they're gonna be insanely strong on our team we catch it and we name it lady slice and then we have our first run-in with plumeria at this point she's not too scary but she does have this sound it was going to be a real problem once it evolves after we quickly dispatch plumeria we get to challenge the island kahuna the kahuna olivia specializes in rock types which are not really that threatening for our team so this should be pretty easy she starts off by leading with amaranth so we lead with mawwhile and our intimidate is able to drop its attack we go ahead and we set up one iron defense just for safety and then we take this thing out with two rock dooms from here she sends in lily who does have brine which we don't resist and does double damage when we get it below half health which we do on the first turn and we end up taking a pretty strong brine luckily it doesn't do too much damage so our second brick break is enough to take it out and we can leave mall while in for ace lycanroc from here we end up getting flinched by the lychen rock like four times but it doesn't really matter because it can't really do that much damage to us so we take it out with brick break over time and that's the second island done at this point the level cap is increased enough that we can evolve our shield on into bastiodon and magnemite into a magneton from here we're whisked away to the aether paradise where this jellyfish alien creature comes out of a portal and you know what we do our best to reason with it but it just keeps shaking its head so you know we have to take it out the most important thing to note here is how in the background if you don't already know gamefreak thought how's animations were so good that they copied them over one to one from how to hop i don't know man anyway we take out the jellyfish thing and then we head to the third island where we immediately have a battle with hal he leaves a tour cat so we lead with doug trio and take it out with one dig from dimidome next up he sends in leafeon so we swap out our dogtrio and swap in magnaton thankfully it only knows gigadrain which is pretty bad because it has pretty abysmal special attack so we're able to take it out with a couple flash cannons next up is noibat who easily goes down to a flash cannon his second and last mod is raichu who hits us with a pretty strong psychic he hits us again on the next turn which leaves us a little bit low but we hit him with a try attack which actually manages to freeze the raichu unfortunately it thaws out after one turn and it hits us with another psychic but we're all good we take it out with a try attack next up is tauros so we swap him all well to hit it with an intimidate and take it out before we can progress to the next trial the game actually makes us go into a library honestly what kind of video game is this but anyway from here we head out to route 10 where we get our next encounter a skarmory and let me tell you there is a reason why this thing is asked here in competitive pokemon it is a beast it also has a sturdy ability which not only adds another sturdy boy to our team but is very strong and after that it's just a short bus ride up to the top of mount holgulani where we can prep for the next trial but before we do that we're able to head out and catch a beldum which right now won't be very good but once this thing can evolve into a metagross is going to be insane so we nickname it medihos also before the trial we're able to evolve home edge into a dewblade after solving a few puzzles it's finally time to challenge this round boy so togo tomorrow is a steel electric type which means it's 4x weak to ground so we lead with doug trio and actually take it out on the first bulldoze that lands and from here we bring in magneton to clean up the skarmory with the volt switch but this thing actually has sturdy so we're switching them all while who finishes it off with the brick break next we head back to the park where guzman is giving some guff to the professor and you know we won't stand for this so we take him out in a quick battle at this point we progressed far enough in the game to get enough totem stickers to pick up totem togo tomorrow from professor oak not only is this thing normally a round boy but the totem version is even more rotund and since it's a totem pokemon it actually has access to the hidden ability sturdy and for those of you keeping track at home this is the fourth pokemon with sturdy to join the team at this point we're ready to head up to blush mountain where we can evolve magnaton into a magna zone and you know you gotta love seeing three homies get completely fused together we head through a couple more routes until we arrive at tapu village where we're able to catch a sand true this thing doesn't really make the team though it has a lot of really big weaknesses good to have backups i guess he says in the most foreshadowing way possible now it's finally time for the next trial and this is the ghost trial so we head into this haunted supermarket where spooky season is in full swing we play some silent hill mini games until we find ourselves locked in the closet in the back [Music] and let me tell you this mimikyu hates having its picture taken more than a middle schooler the total mimikyu has primarily physical attacks so we leave with malwale to intimidate it and lower its attack in the first term we tank a shadow claw and then hit it with an iron head spreads its disguise and its neck apparently that's horrifying at the end of its turn it calls in its ally banette from here we tank another shadow claw and then banette uses willow wisp on us we were prepared with a lumbery which cures the burn and we hit mimikyu with another iron head it doesn't do more than half so we do actually have to swap out maul while who takes another shadow call and then instantly gets burned by a willow whip from the banette we stand in another turn and tank a shadow claw then blast it with the flash cannon which leaves it on a fraction of health and then the banette uses curse on us curse halves his hp but then makes us take 25 of our hp at the end of every turn this leaves magnazone really low so then we bring in skarmory who takes some hits stalls a little bit with roost and protect but ultimately takes out the mimikyu with an iron head finally it's down to just the ally burnett who we finish off with a couple more iron heads feel like we're lucky to get out of that one with our soul and like the thrill seeker we are we head right back into the haunted supermarket to get our next encounter a cleft key steel fairy is an amazing type and this thing has the prankster ability which lets it use its status moves with priority this thing is going to be extremely strong on this team next we head back to the aether house where how in this team skull grunt seem really familiar hmm and we're challenged by an upgraded plumeria we leave with doug trio because we don't want to have an unsafe switch in against her now evolved selazzle and we're able to take out the golbat with a couple rock tombs now the problem child comes in this selazzle is crazy fast and we don't really have any answers other than this dug trio and you know i really thought our speed up nature 150 speed evs doug trio would be able to outspeed a salazzle that it's over leveled against but no such luck and that's our first death of the run your luscious locks will be missed doug trio so now we're in a bit of a tough spot but at least we do have a couple pokemon with sturdy on the team so we're able to bring in magnazone it tanks a flamethrower and then hits it and almost takes it out with a bolt switch from there we're able to come in and tank a flamethrower with a sturdy skarmory and then take it out with an aerial lace thank goodness for the sturdy mods i guess that's spooky next up we meet up with grimsley on the beach who i really hope brought as sunblock and he just straight up gives us a freaking jet ski that's sick once we finish terrorizing the locals we head over to route 16 where we get another encounter a print plop we nickname this thing penguin which may or may not have been my old xbox live gamer attack and we immediately evolved it into a napoleon which adding more fire resistance to this team is never a bad thing plus empoleon is kind of a wall from here we head to the outskirts of photon route 17 where we're able to catch a bishop and add that to our team as well we're probably not going to immediately use this thing but having dark and ghost resistances is pretty clutch as we're heading into the evil team secret hideout we get ambushed by everyone's favorite apathetic uncle nanu he says some stuff to us and then we head into po town where the spindes are just vibing why don't i live here anyway we head through potown and i must say this is the best designed evil team hideout in all of pokemon i love the aesthetic here it really feels very team skull at the end of all this we head into challenge king goose whose team still isn't really a match for us so we take him out pretty easily and now we get to take over as the leader of team skull and that's the run at least we've accomplished everything i wanted to do but anyway at this point we get to take on nanu the kahuna who specializes in dark types he leads with stabilize so we leave with klefki who has two fairy boots who will hit the sink super effectively and we're able to take it out pretty easily with a drain kiss and a play rough next he sends in croc rock who's really the only scary member of his team because it knows earthquake so reading the earthquake we swap to skarmory who's immune to it and we tank a swagger luckily we're able to hit an x scissor through the swagger and take out the croc rock in one hit next he sends in persian and we're a little bit worried about skarmory because it does have some rock moves that hit us for neutral so we bring in magnzone who actually ends up tanking the z dark move which very nearly takes it out pretty spooky but not too big of a deal we survived so we swap in klefki and we finish it off with a draining kiss three islands down one to go and at this point we arrive at my personal favorite part of the game the hottest new dance of 2021 emphasis nanus he stays with a standing ovation and just like that he vanishes with the level cap elevated we're finally able to evolve beldum into a metagross welcome to the team new superstar then the story takes us back to aether paradise where we're able to pick up the toxic dm this is a huge upgrade for our stall heavy team after a few battles with daft punk we move our way up to the top of aether paradise where we have a battle with an actually upgraded guzma to the point where he can actually give us a challenge at this time he leads with galissapod so we leave with magnazone who just learned discharge which is easily enough to take that thing out in one hit next up he sends in as pincer who knows a fighting move called storm throw which is 60 power but always crits we hit it with a discharge and we're confident that magnazone will live through a hit she does but we're low enough that we feel comfortable switching into skarmory at this point we take a storm throw in a stone edge and then we take it out with an iron head next he sends in vic volt who has an extremely super effective thunderbolt on skarmory so we swap in magnazone who tanks at thunderbolt heals with the citrus berry and then tanks a bug buzz at this point it's taking too much damage so we out speed and then switch out with a volt switch which does about half of the vic volts health which is pretty good this thing is a kind of a menace on our team right now we swapping klefkin luckily it saw a kill with bug buzz so it goes for that instead of thunderbolt and then we protect the next turn and then tank a thunderbolt with klefki but take a ton of damage in the process we are able to get a play rough off in the process but this leaves it very low but still alive and we don't really have a great swap at this point we don't really have any other option other than going for another play rough on the next turn which only has ninety percent accuracy which i don't love but it does hit and we take the vikavolt out next up is his ace masquerade who we bring skarmory in for and we just take it out with toxic from here we have a clear shot to the head honcho lusamine who turns out was evil all along i don't know how you can see a frozen slowpoke and not know your mom's evil we are talking lilly here i guess but anyway we have a showdown with lusimi at this point and she has a really well-rounded team so it's an interesting battle she leads with the colfable who is obviously no match for meteor mash from metagross and then she sends in low punny who despite knowing fire punch uses thunder punch on us on the next turn so we're just able to hammer arm it down next up is melodic who is a bit of a menace with hydro pump so we protect one turn to stall out the hydro pump and then we swap in magnazone who tanks at dragon pulse i don't know why i wouldn't go for hydro pump here but whatever but the next turn we do actually end up taking a hydro pump should have protected here but hard to read this ai we hit this thing with discharge which with its bulky special defense and max special defense evs is not quite enough to take it out and it out speeds magna zone so we have to swap him in polion who's able to tank some hits and then take it out with two bulldozes next up is beware and this thing hits pretty freaking hard so we bring in skarmory and we toxic stall it down next up is liligan who just keeps going for teeter dance over and over and over so we're able to take it out with an iron head and some toxic damage and with loose amine dispatch we head to the final island where we're able to get a dust stone which we use to evolve our due blade into an aegislash one very unfortunate thing is agent actually doesn't learn kingshield on evolution in this game we actually have to get it from the movie learner which is right before the elite four so we're gonna have to use it sparingly another upgrade we get access to on the fourth island is the machamp ride ride pager god look at his back abs they're just like big delicious dinner rolls anyway we head through some story stuff and then into vast pony canyon where we get to challenge a bunch of random ace trainers in a row that threaten our entire team's existence like this kind fella whose banette has access to giratina's signature move anyway we take care of them and then lily confronts her biggest fear of birds on bridges and she finally figures out that while they're scary she can literally just walk right by them as we're reaching the end of the canyon we get to the three trainer gauntlet that's right before the cabela trial and these three trainers are just ridiculous they are absurdly tough i guess actually less so this first guy would take him out without much of an issue the second lady we have some ups and downs with especially with her lead talonflame but empoleon is able to take it out relatively easily the problems really start when we challenge this guy right here this guy has a team of four pokemon that are tougher than pretty much every elite four trainer in this game he leaves with a knockdown which we're able to take out with magdazone relatively easily but it does set up an annoying tailwind and next up he sends in his fly gun we swap in skarmory and we're basically forced to talk to install this thing and we take it out next up is this gengar who outspeeds our entire team is immune to toxic and has max special attack evs this thing is a true menace we protect once and then we swap in klefki who takes an immediate shadow ball and gets a special defense drop though we're forced to make another swaps in polion who tanks the shadow ball pretty well but it ends up in a range where it goes down to crit i think we have to risk it because the crits are only 1 in 32 in this game but unfortunately of course the one time it gets grit is right then extremely unfortunate but switching there actually risks a sweep from this gengar on our team and so it's just a necessary risk but ripping polio on from here we bring in magna zone who takes a shadow ball but it's a special defense drop ugh at least we are able to get a thunderbolt off but it doesn't quite finish off the gengar though we do manage to get a paralysis on the gengar which slows it down a little bit at least triple checker speed is higher than this gengar even with paralysis and then we hit it with a volt switch which we have to use because cursed bodies disabled thunderbolt and this is extremely unfortunate because this last pokemon is slow king which we obviously want magna zone in for but instead we're gonna have to settle for a metagross okay i guess unfortunately it resists every single one of our moves we hit it with the meteor mash which does okay damage and then we take big damage from a skull this is a little bit sketchy and we have to wrist down to a crit burn the next turn but we do manage to get it down to one-third health but unfortunately we get burned which has our attack and i just completely forget about it and make the biggest bonehead play and go for a zen headbutt even though our attack is halved and lose metagross that is a gigantic l and it hurts even more watching it back this time but it's supposed to be a challenge run right magnuson cleans this thing up and we come out of there two pokemon lighter we replace our fallen comrades and then go into challenge komodo who comes in hot just like the champion of the nova region real pokey heads will get that one and it cries out placeholder sound here and we get into the battle pretty cool thing about our team is that we have two fairy steel types and fairies immune to dragon and resists fighting so it's going to hit us with some fighting moves but they'll be neutral on cluff key in malwa we'd leave with kluffke and hit it with a dazzling gleam on the first turn but it has a roselli berry which takes the 4x super effective move and makes it do trivial damage then he calls his ally norvern who knows boom burst and that hits like a truck we ended up staying in for another turn to get a toxic off with prankster on the komodo and luckily klefki lives we used to protect on the next turn but at this point klefki's a little low and it just took a screech so it has lower defense so we have to swap in mall while it tanks a drain punch and then another screech but we use protect on the next turn and then swap to aegislash because we read a drain punch from the komodo incoming and aegislash is immune to drain punch and at this point the toxic has gotten so bad that we just need one more protect and then it goes down now we just have to deal with this noiburn we take a dragon pulse and then we hit it with an iron head from attack form aegislash which does big damage but not quite enough to take it out unfortunately since we don't have king shield we're stuck in attack form so we swap in magnazone who's able to finish this thing off with the thunderbolt getting the win is great but honestly at this point i'm still extremely bummed about losing metagross now it's time for lily and us to play these flutes that open interdimensional riffs for some reason and cause all sorts of horrible beasts to be unleashed on the alola region all the island kahunas take care of it of course my favorite reaction is nanu who just sees this pumpkin monster is like ah but anyway this all culminates in a battle against ultra necrozma who's level 60 and the level cap right now is 54 and this thing has the highest base stat total of any pokemon ever i think luckily our steel type team is pretty well positioned to take this thing out well you might be expecting me to use sturdy and then toxic stall it you'll be surprised to hear i have a very different strategy in store for you i didn't want to be boring and use skarmory to toxic stall as things so instead we use basseodon who learns a move called metal burst which is basically like meerkat and counter in one move so the first turn the crossman uses photon geyser and we basically just say no you we end up taking a little bit under half health and dealing a little bit under half health so we stay in for a couple turns protect stall and heal up with leftovers and then we hit it with another metal burst and that's that necrozma down at this point i'm at the end of a really long stream session and i really just want to get this last totem done so we end up kind of rushing into all these battles for this trial you have to actually fight all the trial captains that you've encountered before before getting a shot at the totem and two of these captains in particular proved to be pretty tough for us we're able to take out mina and elima pretty easily and then we go challenge lana the water type captain at this point we think this isn't any big deal she leads with this lantern but this thing turns out to be an absolute menace the first turn it completely nukes us with the hydro pump which procs our bear we fire back with a flash cannon which does effectively zero damage we still have protect another turn to take a hydro pump pp but at this point we know that we can't stay in we swapped a cleft key who ends up tanking a hydro pump but takes big damage in the process we do have to swap but we protect another turn to take another hydro pump pp now it's down to its last hydrophone so we swap to aegislash who eats the last hydropump no problem the problem is we have no good way to kill this thing because it has lightning rod it goes for a thunder wave which we protect and then the next turn it uses discharge which hits us kind of hard but fortunately we are able to fire back with the sacred sword and get at least a little bit of damage on this thing but now we're stuck in sword form so we have to swap and weirdly enough on this next turn lana also swaps to an iraq when it and unfortunately we've brought in bisharp who takes decent damage from leech life which this iraq when it has so we end up making a swap back to magnazone but this arachnid actually has warium z which i did not even know and that move ends up being more than enough to take out our magna zone rip you will be remembered now we're in a pretty tough spot we bring in klefki and get a toxic off with our prankster ability because we have no other good way to take this iraq arachnid out it hits us with a liquidation which we just barely live on three hp protect for one turn and then we end up bringing in skarmory to finish out the toxic stall she obviously brings her lantern back in at this point so we have to bring into bastiodon we get hit with discharge on the first turn and get it really unfortunate paralysis but over the next couple turns we are able to take this thing out with metal burst finally she's down to jester cloister so we bring in our aegis slash and we're able to smack it with sacred sword and thankfully it went for spikes on its turn so it didn't do any damage to ager slash but again now we're stuck in sword form so we have to swap out and bring in bishop it goes for another round of spikes and then an icicle crash which doesn't do too much damage so we're able to take it out with two brick brakes that was an extremely obnoxious fight but even worse next up is the fire trial and without napoleon at this point all we have for this is bastion kawhi leads with an arcanine so we'd leave bastia down of course the first term we take a flare blitz and then we set up stealth rocks we want to use these to soften up the rest of the pokemon on this team including a talent flame and an alola marowak we take another flair blitz and then use metal burst to deal some damage to this arcanine but we're getting pretty low so we're gonna be forced to switch here in a second because we really don't want to risk losing passion down here we ended up bringing in malwa to hit and intimidate and then we'd also give it an aqua berry so it soaks up the flare blitz but the recoil isn't quite enough to take this arcanine out next in line is skarmory who also has an aquaberry and tanks of flare blitz at this point we're really hoping that this recoil's enough to take this thing out but it is just not quite enough so we have to make one more swap which we do to klefki this thing also has a knockberry so it's able to take the flare blitz and finally the recoil takes this thing down next he brings in his marowak and we protect anticipating a fire mz here and thankfully we are actually able to survive the chip through protect but we're too low so we bring in skarmory it instantly gets burned from a flame wheel which is super unfortunate so we bring in bassion who also gets burned ugh we do expect a four times effective bone marrow to be coming out on the next turn so we bring in skarmory and our skirmish actually is faster than this marowak so we can get a roost off and borrow a crit we can live through the flame wheels we use roost a whole bunch of times and get all the way up to full health and then we're finally comfortable enough to hit a toxic on this marowak from here it's just a rinse and repeat with roost and we finally take this thing down finally he sends in talonflame who immediately uses flame charge but luckily skarma is able to tank and captioning not actually available a stone edge thank goodness finally that battle is over unfortunately for me we are instantly challenged by the hiker and our team is in extremely sorry shape on the first turn bastion is too hurt to stay in so we bring in bisharp who still has an aqua berry so it should be able to tank a fire punch it does tank it with the aquaberry but unfortunately it gets burned which makes it so even our critical night slash on the next turn doesn't kill luckily bisharp lives another fire punch but at this point we are probably going to have to sack him on here after thinking for a long time we make the tough choice to sack maw while rest in peace friend you did well with our free swap we bring in toga tomorrow who's fast enough to finish this thing off with the zing zap we managed to collect the next couple feathers without much of an issue and we do get to sit in on nano's dance crew practice which is pretty nice after they finish up we have a quick battle with nanu and then it's finally time to challenge the totem unfortunately this is the fairy totem so we have a pretty good match up here we lead with age slash who smacks it with an iron head but it's not quite enough to take it out since it does have plus two to all of its stats so it is unfortunately able to call in its allied chansey who will just relentlessly heal this thing so we swapped a cleft key and put a toxic on the ribbon b and honestly that's pretty much the fight we do have to swap around a lot to take all the hits and we do have a pretty close call with bastiat on here but it does ultimately go down to toxic and we do get to get a satisfying whack at this blizzy with our aegislash which is pretty nice now it's time to take on the kahuna hapu and she specializes in ground types which is gonna be pretty tough for us but luckily we have a plan and this plan primarily revolves around this funky little move called magnet rise magnerise plus using skarmory's flying abilities should make this relatively simple for us first things first though she leads with a go lurk that has stealth rock and we can't let that get set up because we're going to be swapping around a ton in this fight so we lead with bishop and take it out with a dark em z on the first turn next up is mudsdale who does have a z ground move so we swapped a skarmory who's immune to it big reads we are immune and we don't end up taking the z damage from here pretty much our only option is to toxic stall this thing so we do that after a full restoring another toxic it finally goes down and the gastrodon comes in and we'd plan this all out down to the move at this point we have to start protect stalling and swapping back and forth to bait earth powers and tank muddy waters something interesting that we did do to make this process easier is we taught everyone on our team that could learn it magnet rise so when we swap into pokemon it tanks the muddy water and then the ai will see that it can get hit by an earth power so we out speed and we use magnet rise which makes us immune that allows us to burn another pp of muddy water with protect on the next turn before swapping we repeat this process through pretty much every other member of our team and then we bring skarmy back in to hit it with a toxic it's only other move it has pp left for is recover so that means it takes forever for this thing to go down but ultimately it does go down to the toxic damage finally she's down to jester flygon who has a dragon move and a ground move so we do here is we swapped a cleft key it takes a dragon breath because it's immune and then we use magnet rise which makes it immune to flygon's other move earthquake behold the unkillable cleft key from here this god tier clef key just finishes this thing off with a couple dazzling gleams now pretty much all we have is victory road into the elite four but before we get there we actually get ambushed by gladion i was totally not expecting this fight and it does go relatively smoothly we do just have this one little hiccup we didn't realize this zoroark has dark mz and so we go for just a random protect we didn't even need to do this and it uses a z move which does more than enough damage to take out our blade form aegislash even through protect and i gotta say i was very tilted by this this was another huge bonehead maneuver by me we didn't even get to use ages slash when it had king shield we try our best to shake that off and dispatch the rest of gladion's team and then head into the elite four at least we have six pokemon i guess losing ageslash made a lot of these fights significantly harder our first stop is against olivia who if you remember specializes in rock types so this one should be a breeze for us really she leads with armaldo and wheelie with klefki not too big of an issue we're able to take it out in a couple flash cannons next up is provopass who's the only sort of challenging member of her team we just end up doing a whole bunch of really dumb pointless stalling with klefki until we get fed up enough and bring in bisharp who unfortunately doesn't currently know brick break but two night slashes are enough to finish it off after the chip damage that klefki was able to do earlier next up she sends in lycanrock it does no counter but if we just don't attack it it won't hit us with counter damage so we take this opportunity while it's just mindlessly countering to set up plus six attack to make sure that we don't die to a counter and as an extra extra safety precaution we end up using our z move on it which is more than enough to take this thing out next she brings in giggleth who does no bulldoze so we go for a magnet rise just to be sure that we won't get hit by the ground move and the next turn we finish it off with the night slash cradily goes down to night slash as well and that's the first member of the elite four down i was a little bit paranoid after losing age of slash i don't know if you could tell next we head into challenge moy lane who specializes in steel types and is gonna be a little bit of an annoying fight but luckily we do come up with a strategy he leads with klefki so weedly with bisharp now normally putting a dark type in against a fairy type would be a terrible idea but he doesn't actually have a fairy attack on this cleft key also dark types are immune to status from prankster which means this klefki can't do really anything against us other than set up spikes and hit us with meaningless flash cannons so we're free to go plus six on attack against it after three swords dances a brick brick is more than enough to finish it off next up is his metagross who normally would be a problem with a fighting type move but we're plus 6 on attack and we out speed it so we take it out with a night slash next up he sends in his ace alolan doug trio and this thing does outspeed us so we're not going to be able to use magnet rise on it so we swap in skarmory who is immune to earthquake and we trade a ton of blows with this thing eventually it runs out of pp on the moves that can hit skarmory so more lane swaps it out and brings in magnazone and if you play competitive you know that magnazone matches up pretty well with skarmory so we swap out skarmory and bring ambassadon we tank a thunderbolt and then hit it with a metal burst and bring it down to about half health and at this point moylan makes another swap back in a dug trio so of course we bring skarmory back in and then he brings magnazone back in this is a fun little game of ai chicken here we bring in toga tomorrow because we think maybe it can tank the thunderbolts and put some decent damage on it it takes a lot of damage from the first thunderbolt so we actually end up swapping back to klefki should be able to take a thunderbolt right wrong we end up getting crit and lose cleft key at least it did its job in the last fight though from here bishop comes back in and karate chops this magna zone and then it brings in doug trio so we bring in skarmory after this garment swap he actually swaps the bishop so we make a swap back to our own bisharp and take this thing out with a four times effective brick break now we just have to finish off this dug trio with night slash from skarmory which we do and that's two down next we move on to challenge acerola the ghost type trainer and this fight is actually relatively straightforward for a change we just set up plus four with swords dance on bisharp and then just narrowly live a crit from a shadow claw from banette and then proceed to sweep the whole team with night slash well i guess not exactly a sweep palestine goes for some weird iron defenses and we go for a magnet rise for some reason so it takes a few hits to take him out but everybody else goes down in one hit the only kind of scary pokemon on her team was frost last but it ended up being a non-factor finally we head into challenge ka'ili the flying type trainer who has a strange amount of fighting and fire type moves on her team her first pokemon is braviary so we lead with toku tomorrow we use a spiky shield and then a zing zap which doesn't quite kill so we have to take it out with another zing zap on the next turn next up she sends in halucha who is super fast and one of the more problematic mods on her team we take some chip damage from spiky shield and then we swap in skarmory who hits it with the old badly poisoned from toxic but honestly it wasn't even really necessary because aerial ace just does so much damage to this thing it almost takes it out in one hit but it's not quite enough so she gets a heal off on it but we do end up taking it out with aerial aces over the next two turns next up she sends amanda buzz for some reason which we actually end up needing toxic stall because this thing's a freaking tank it's really not too big of an issue we end up stalling it out with roost and protect next is our a stew cannon who scares the crap out of me with this beak blast move that totally looks like it should be a fire move my heart definitely skipped a beat when i saw it use that but thankfully it's a flying type move so we put toxic on this two cannon for good measure and then we swap into bishop who's able to take it out with two night slashes from here she finally brings in her fire type oricorio who has revelation dance which is a 90 power special fire move and extremely dangerous to our team so naturally we bring ambassador on we get one metal burst off on it but it just keeps using feather dance on us so we end up using toxic on it just to make sure that it died in a timely manner which it does and with that we just have one fight left oh and what a fight this final fight is it's against howe whose team is powered up and very good against ours he leads with raichu who outspeeds everyone on our team and knows focus blast so it'll one shot anyone who doesn't have sturdy luckily we have sturdy on bastiodon so we go for a metal burst on the first turn which is more than enough to take this thing out from here he sends in tauros and this thing knows earthquakes so naturally we swap into skarmory and do what skarmory does best which is toxic stall and eventually this thing goes down next up is incineroar who is definitely the scariest pokemon on this team so we do have sturdy active this means we're able to stay in and get a toxic off and tank at the z inferno move which is a gigantic win for us here we stand for a little bit longer and then we bring in toga tomorrow who has sturdy which will be able to buy us a little bit more time against this incineroar it finally gets low enough that we know that hao is gonna heal on the next turn so we read that and we go for a toxic which thankfully lands if we miss there we probably lose the run we're able to stand for a few more turns but eventually togo tomorrow goes down to an earthquake rest in peace you sweet round boy next we bring in bisharp which spoiler alert this is kind of just death fodder at this point to stall out the toxic we hit it with a night slash which we think might do a little bit of damage but it ends up not really being that effective and bishop goes down to a flare blitz this is enough with the recoil and the toxic to take out this incineroar so he didn't die in vain next he sends in his leafeon who knows charm and babydoll eyes so he gets our attacks so low that we have to use toxic and aerial lace in order to take it out next up is krabomitable who honestly skarmory just makes quick work of with air lace and toxic finally it's down to just as neuver and so we actually get to use our sand slash for the first time in this run it smacks it with a four times effective ice punch and that's more than enough to finish off how and there you have it that's the run this run was insanely stressful and i really hope that you enjoyed the video if you did it really helps me out if you throw out a like and subscribe to the channel but other than that thanks for watching till next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 406,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon monotype nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun fire nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun fire type only, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra sun hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon fire types, pokemon fire nuzlocke, pokemon fire type nuzlocke, DarkraiTV, pokemon, Twig387, FlygonHG, SilphSpectre, AntlerboyLIVE, pokemon ultra moon nuzlocke, fire nuzlocke, ultra moon fire nuzlocke, pokemon ultra moon fire type nuzlocke
Id: z0Rg_UZPXt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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