Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - FAIRY Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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Like I said in the title please let me know if you have any feedback good or bad! I'd love to hear from you. Also if you like these challenges you can let me know by subscribing to the channel :)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/qrutledge 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

The video was great, I really enjoyed it. Good job

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_Dragonman 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I started my first nuzlocke, it’s in shield. My starter died to a goldeen, I caught the goldeen and it died to Kabu

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bren20x 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great video, was planning on doing a hardcore challenge for my next run. Really good job!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kingpin_Gaming 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
pokemon sword is a game that i've never actually played in fact i haven't played any pokemon game past gen 5. so i thought it would be fun to try to beat pokemon sword with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only fairy types why fairy types you ask well fairy types were introduced in the sixth generation of pokemon so i've never actually played with them and i thought that would make this challenge more interesting the rules for this challenge are as follows one if a pokemon faints is considered dead and can no longer be used we can only catch our first fairy type encounter per area the battle style is set to set no items from the bag can be used in battle and we aren't allowed to over level the next gym leader's highest level pokemon before entering the battle also i'll be playing this challenge without the isle of armor or the crown 100 dlc so here are all the fairy type pokemon that are available for us in the game pretty awesome roster but there are a few caveats gallerian rapper dash is a shield exclusive along with aromatisse also mimikyu is only available in the post game so we won't be able to catch it and slurpuff we can't evolve because we aren't doing any trade evolutions but don't worry we'll have swirlix the game kicks off in postwar city where we meet our best friend hop and his older brother the pokemon champion leon who starts the game off hot with a sick pose pretty soon after that we're asked to choose our starter this doesn't matter too much so we pick sabal which leaves hop with the fire type score bunny which resists fairy and makes the challenge that much harder there aren't too many more notable things that happened during the intro so let's fast forward right to when we arrive at the wild area and the game really opens up for those of you who haven't played sword and shield the wild area is a huge region at the center of all of galler it's split into 17 different parts and there's a ton of pokemon to be found here so for this challenge instead of going for 17 encounters right at the start i've decided to impose an additional rule we'll start off with one encounter from the wild area and then for each additional gym badge that we obtain we will get another encounter our first encounter ends up being a cleffo which we nicknamed clefunky and is a friendship evolution to clefairy so we get to do this eventually we tickle it enough so it evolves and we head over to the northern part of the wild area this is pretty dangerous because the pokemon here are pretty high level but this allows us to get the moon stone which we can use to evolve clefairy into clefable which is really strong early and before leaving we go over and grab the leftovers which is a great held item and then we head into modestok for the start of the pokemon gym challenge and we're asked to pick a trainer number which i don't know what they expected here nice and we head into the baduin where we meet marny another one of the gym challengers before long our business in modesto has ended and hop challenges us to a battle on the way out this battle is a preview of the repeated whoopings that i'm gonna hand out to hop throughout this challenge not really much to say here just kind of moon blasted everything without thoroughly embarrassed we head into the galler mine where we're introduced to this guy bead who's another gym challenger he has a full team of ok psychic types but these early battles are more like a hoop mixtape for clefunky than really anything else we knock out his whole team and then move on to the next route where we get our next catch eevee which evolves into sylveon this is another friendship evolution which you know what that means whoo once we've had enough fun together it evolves into a sylveon and then we can go into the first gym where they have us hurting sheep what this is just farm work pretty soon we're challenging the gym leader milo this gives us a good chance to show off the setup capability of clefable while we're in the wild area we also retrieve the tr for calm mind which increases our special attack and special defense by one stage clefable also learns moonlight which is a healing move and since gossip floor can't really do that much damage to clefable we had a chance to set up a plus six on both special attack and special defense this allowed us to easily one-shot the gossip floor and was probably overkill in hindsight i just want to be sure you know next up is ace el degas this pokemon is our introduction to the dynamaxx mechanic basically dynamaxx just doubles your pokemon's health and turns all your attacking moves into more powerful versions of the attacking move that alter the terrain and your status moves turn into max guard which is essentially protect but big essentially big pokemon big moves big health anyway one max starfall was enough to take out his ldgos and we secured the first gym badge and we headed east to route 5 where he encountered our next encounter swerlix then we headed the wild area and caught a cue to fly we went east on route 5 and arrived in hullberry and challenged the gym and this is where we encountered our one true love goldeen unfortunately our darling fish was not able to do enough damage to force us to do anything other than calm mind this was another case of us setting up plus six on special attack and special defense which was obviously overkill but you know you just you just gotta be sure okay and with our special attack at plus six which is a four times multiplier moon blast was more than enough to take out the golden next up was arakuta who was faster than us so he got a little bit of damage but ultimately went down to moonblast finally was the ace dreadnought which she dynomaxed obviously this thing also actually outsped us so we did have to live through a max geyser but clefable tanked it like a champ and then we got our own max star fall off which was probably more than enough to take out the dreadnaught second gym badge in the pocket and with that we headed east again into the second part of the galler mine and then bead was waiting for us there and he wanted that smoke i really tried to warn him after taking out two gym battles we decided to give clefunky a rest and let silvion take the lead sylveon has pretty high special attack and really great special defense so it was able to take the hits from the psychic types and dish out its own damage and take out the whole team with minimal effort he did have a new member of his team this gallerian ponyta which outsped sylveon and got a little bit of damage but nothing too scary after getting repeatedly dunked on he finally got out of our way and let us progress we headed out of the mine after a few battles and encountered our next team member a coughing now this isn't immediately useful because it's only wheezing that has the fairy typing so we have to wait till it evolves at 35 so it's on the bench until the fourth gym but this wheezing does add awesome stuff to our team it has great physical defense which our team is severely lacking right now and the poison fairy type is an amazing defensive type we also head back to the wild area and get our next encounter there which is a ralts adding a psychic type this team is a great counter to poison which we're currently weak against next up is the fire gym which is the first gym that i'm actually worried about not only does fire resist fairy type moves but all of his pokemon are actually physical attackers which our team is pretty weak too luckily most of the fairy types in this game learn the move charm which lowers the attack stat of the opponent by two stages also our clefable has magic guard which makes it so it doesn't take any damage from statuses like burn for instance so the ninetails effectively wastes a turn by putting willow wisp on us and this allows us to get a charm off which effectively halves the damage that ninetails can do and with that we start setting up the calm minds and this time around we actually switched out moonblast for the move stored power stored power is a move that gets more powerful the more status that your pokemon has this in combination with calm mind which raises special attack and special defense is an insanely powerful combo i won't go too deep into the math but just know after six call minds this move hits for nearly double the damage of hyperbeam so as you can imagine this takes out the ninetails next kabu sends in his arcanine who outspeeds us and hits us with a move but ultimately it goes down to a stored power finally he sends in his ace ascent to scorch i was worried about the damage from his max move so i used guard first then we get a max mindstorm off which actually doesn't kill so we have to tank a gmax move this doesn't do too much damage and the sense of scorch goes down to the next mindstorm with a third gym badge in hand we're led into hammerlock here we meet the dragon master ryhon he doesn't even remember our name and that's a big part of his job anyway we head out west have a quick run in with team yell and meet opal who has to be my favorite character in this game i mean just look at how slow they made her walk it goes on for so long anyway we move on to route 6 which is full of ladders and there's nothing wrong with that by itself but in a world where there are free flying taxis the fact that the only road that goes out of the biggest city has ladders all over it seems weird to me anyway we arrive and stow inside grab the rocky helmet and then hop wants to fight at this point our ralts has evolved into a gardevoir and we've taught at the moveset protect wish prom mine and cybeing which against hops cramer ant is great because it uses dive often so on the turn that it dives initially we use calm mind and then on the second term of dive when it actually attacks we protect this combined with a few wishes is enough to get us all the way up to plus six on calm mind so everything is going well we hit it with a psi beam i think it's fainted and then it just smacks us in the face with a fish what is that luckily that doesn't do too much damage and he sends in this next pokemon a toxil and this thing is literally in diapers so once i beam cleans it up next up is a silly cobra and we continue the sweep finally score bunnies evolved into a reboot but that doesn't matter too much it goes down to one side beam our highlight reel against top continues opal's back too hey we head into the gym for some weird carnival ride and then we challenge bia going into this gym i wasn't too worried because fairy counters fighting and gardevoir is a very psychic type which double counters fighting so i set up a couple charms on the hitmontop and then i started setting up coal mines on guard war part of the way through the setup i did realize that her second pokemon was pangoro who has a dark type which means that it's immune to psychic type moves so i brought in clefunky to start getting funky with those calm minds with all the coal mines set up we use moonlight to heal up and start unleashing our assault one moon bus is more than enough to take out him on top and then if you thought that was overkill the four times effective moon blast on pangoro wipes it out sir fetch is next and he goes down too finally the ace machamp comes in while it puts on a pretty scary display it ultimately goes down just like its buddies to one max starfall uh it blows up for some reason and then we get the fourth gym badge from here we do some story stuff and then we head into one of my favorite areas in the game the glimwood tangle and we get to add another member to our team a chenotic then we head back to the wild area and grab a toga tick we go to the digging duo and have them dig up a shiny stone which we use to evolve our toga tick into a toga kiss then we head into what i thought was my audition for the local production of hamlet but it's actually the fifth gem opel's gym the fairy gym now this gym has a gimmick where opal will ask you a question every so often and if you get it correct you'll get a stat up that couples very well with stored power clefable's magic guard enables us to stay in against the wheezing even though we're poisoned and we set up a stored power with calm minds and take it out next up is her togekiss which outspeeds us and does a little bit of damage but it goes down to a stored power next she sends in her mall while which this is our first experience with steel type which resists psychic but it goes down nonetheless finally she sends in her ace alchemy which she dynamaxes we actually don't dynamax this time because that would decrease the amount of damage we do because stored power does more damage than max mindstorm so we take it out in one hit then we head back to hammerstoke where bead finds a new sugar mama to say i'm jealous would be an understatement anyway they head off together and we go grab an impotent from the wild area then we head over to cerchester or is it kerchester can't be sure whatever then we do the gym challenge and that happens a lot we managed to brute force our way through and challenge gordy the sixth gym leader his first pokemon barbarical has shell smash which actually makes it so we can't just set up on the first thing instead we take it out with a four times effective giga drain from shinodic next he sends in his shuckle and then we send in our toga kiss this thing has super low attack so we're not really worried about it prior to challenging the gem we taught our togekiss nasty plot which sharply raises special attack and aurosphere which is a fighting type move that uses special attack so we maxed out our special attack on the togekiss and then hit the shuckle with the norosphere it doesn't go down to one because of its high defense and the fact that bug actually resists fighting but the second one is enough to take it down next up is stone jenner who goes down faster than the time it took me to learn how to pronounce its name finally his ace colossal comes in and we find ourselves in another dynamax showdown this is actually pretty scary because shuckle had lowered my speed enough that the colossal outspeeds so we had to take a rock type move giganta maxed which is a little bit scary but we tank it like a champ and then we summon a gigantic fist that flies out of the sky and blows it up six gym badges is secured from here we head out to the wild area and catch them all while it's steel fairy dual type is pretty good defensively and it has high physical defense and high physical attack which is a good addition to the team afterwards we head out and run a paddle boat and then it's on to spike mouth where we get to see mr mime getting down and we get to go to the worst concert of all time i'm with this guy in the front i want it to stop like are they booing they didn't even make custom music for this anyway spike moves gym leader is named pierce and it's actually marnie's older sister and she specializes in dark types which are weak to all of our pokemon that's not going to stop me from setting up though we do have to take out this crafty initially because it has sand attack which could lower our accuracy to a point where it'd be unreliable to hit then malamar comes in and we start setting up nasty plot i'll go ahead and skip to the point where we max out our special attack for this fight we are actually running dazzling gleam because it's a very tight move that dark types are weak to one dazzle gleam and the malomar goes down then the obstacle comes in one dazzling gleam cleans that up too and the skunk tank comes in it has fake out so it does a little bit of damage but next turn dazzlem gleam cleans it up that's seven gems down from here we go straight into the eighth gem to face ryan before this we had zero deaths and at this point this is when the game really ramps up in difficulty especially for fairy types you might think being named the dragon gym leader it would be easy because fairy's immune to dragon type moves but he actually only has a couple of dragons and they all have good fairy coverage moves also this fight is in the doubles format which makes it way harder to set up our plan was to use togekiss as a decoy for gardevoir while together protected and healed itself with wish gardevoir could set up calm mind and then we could use stored power at max power but that went all completely wrong when flygon just smacked gardevoir in the head right off the bat i'm really not proud of the way that i played this fight i i kind of panicked at this point i used gardevar to set up a couple charms on the gigolith and also on the flygon but it took too much damage and we had to send in sylveon in its place didn't really have a plan at this point i was just kind of stalling for time until i could figure out a way to get garterbar back in or i could figure out a way to start setting up with togekiss on this next turn the gigolith for some reason uses rock blast on sylveon even though it has a super effective rock blast on togekiss and gets two crits and a full five hits which takes out two thirds of sylveon's health which is insane because it's at minus four attack we have to bring him all while and the intimidate brings the attack down further at this point we start setting up iron defense on malwale which will make it able to stay in for a really long time we really need to get the attack down on the flygon so we bring in the whimsicott partially because we want to charm and also because together took a lot of damage eventually we swap in wheezing for the mall while because it was taking too much damage we're really trying to loop around a gardevoir and get the setup going again unfortunately because our wheezing doesn't have levitate it actually gets hit by a sand tune which traps it on the battlefield and makes us unable to switch it out and we lose it that's our very first casualty this run we bring in togekiss and u-turn out whimsicott now we're back to the original plan the setup is going well but unfortunately a few turns later gigolith hits a few rock blasts on togekiss and gets a couple crits and takes it out our second death and it's a really big one togekiss brings so much coverage to this team in his name we continue the setup we're gonna blast this team eventually we get to plus six on call mine which is actually important because his ace is dura ludon which is a steel dragon it dynamaxes and also resists psychic moves so just to be sure we're going to take it out in one hit we need to be maxed out we take out the gigalith in this anaconda and then he sends in the dura ludon which immediately dynamaxes this is the moment of truth we hit it with a stored power and it goes down in one hit now all that's left is cleaning up the flygon and we can move on out of this horrible horrible place and with the heavy heart and heavy casualties we get the eighth gym badge and move on to winden where the finals are being held we fight the cafe master for some experience and it's slurpuff knows flamethrower ok killed them all while it's not in its learn set i checked i have no idea why it knows that anyway we go into the tournament in the first round we're facing marnie who's a dark type trainer our plan here is to set up with clefable and use moonblast i get a little bit scared when the leopard uses nasty plot so we end up taking it out early without setting up all of our combines and from here we proceed into what should be an easy sweep the leiper goes down and next up is toxic croak which goes down to a moon blast from here she sends him more pekko which also goes down to a moon blast marnie is now down to her last two pokemon she sends in a scrafty which uses swagger on us and then we proceed to hurt ourselves in confusion three times in a row which does more damage because of the swagger raising our attack and leaves us in a terrible terrible position we end up having to switch in sylveon for clefable and we have to dynomax early just to make sure that this gravity doesn't get too much damage on us before she sends in her ace we take out scrafty and then we're finally on to our last pokemon a grim snarl this is pretty scary because sylveon is more tanky on the special side and grim snarl is a physical attacker and we're at half health you should really just watch my reaction for this one we'll always have that time at camp good night sweet prince anyway we send in whimsicott to stall out the rest of the dynamics turns and maybe hit a charm on it once it's done it takes too much damage to get the charm off and we bring in the shinodic to put it to sleep with a spore from here we use strength zap which decreases the opponent's attack and also heals genotic in the process we use shinodic's variety of healing moves to stall until effect spore actually triggers and poisons the grim snarl at this point it's just a stall game we stall it out and we win the battle but at what cost from here our team limps into a battle with hop this one actually goes according to plan because dub will is so weak that it's just not a threat it allows us to get six calm minds off and just start melting things with moon blast as mentioned dub wool gets melted next up is pink herchen which what even is this little thing get off the screen and then corvinite comes in and okay it's gone his snorlax is actually a little bit scary because it does no heavy slam but it goes down in one hit and then it's time for cinderace cinderace has some pretty scary powerful physical moves that are super effective against us so we use max guard the first turn and then we take a max ooze and then fire back with a max starfall this ends up taking out the cinderace even though it resists the fairy type move at this point the tournament is interrupted by some evil stuff happening and this entire evil team actually uses steel types which are really scary for us and most of the battles end up going kind of like this a scary amount of damage on clefable and then it kills it with a flamethrower at the top of the tower there's the evil assistant who actually specializes in poison types which are very scary for us as well her team kicks off with the frost lass which knows willow wisp and hex hex is a ghost type move that deals double damage when the target is affected by a status condition we do really want to set up on this team because she has some even more scary pokemon down the pipe so we stall with wish and protect until she runs out of hex pp and then we can start setting up our calm mind her loss is actually maxed out on evasion once we get our calm mind set up so it's a little bit scary but we do actually manage to get a hit on it next up is herself who uses a super effective venoshock on us but we do survive with a ton of health and take it out easy peasy with a stored power from here the rest of her team should be a clean sweep melodic goes down to a stored power just like her friends and serena i guess uh i don't know it goes down to a stored power too then she brings in her ace garbador who fun fact is the only pokemon not from galler or gen 1 who has a giganta max form not that it really matters because it just goes down immediately to a stored power and then we just have a gigantic garbage fire on our hands and oleana hits us with the saddest puppy dog face from here we head into the start of the climax of the story which they didn't even bother to animate it's just a series of still images i don't even really care but it's just the principle you know even though there's some real evil stuff going down the next day of the tournament commences regardless and we're matched up against bead who's now a fairy type trainer our plan is to set up against this mall while we get a couple charms off on it and i think everything is going well we just need to not get crit here and oh right and we got okay yep we got crit all right rip gardevoir good thing we have a couple backup pokemon bring in grim snarl and start setting up with bulk up after a couple bulk ups we hit it with a drain punch which takes out the mawl and also gives us a nice chunky heel from here bead sends in his gardevoir which is a non-issue because we have strong physical moves and gardevoir's defense is really low next he sends in a rapidash which has the same issue as gardevoir and goes down in much the same way finally we're up against his ace hatarine he dynamaxes we dynomax right back and take it out in one hit oh yeah and it explodes for some reason next up is the water type gym leader nessa she has a few new team members and she leads with a galicia pod this is a bug water type but it actually only has one bug type move and it can only be used on the first turn that it's on the battlefield so we protect right through it unfortunately it also knows sword stance which is very scary on this thing fortunately we managed to hit a spore on it and start strength zapping it while it's asleep we chip it with giga drain and also keep its attack low with strength sap and eventually we trigger emergency exit which is its ability that brings in pelipper peliper hits a super effective air slash on us that also crits but like the clutch homie he is shromi lives and hits a spore from here we're able to switch in clefable and do the old calm mind setup with clefable all locked and loaded we start our sweep pelipper goes down to the first moon blast and then the next victim comes in sea king he goes down just the same then galicipod comes back in he hits us with first impression but we resist it so it doesn't do too much damage our second and last mod is a barra scoota who you guessed it goes down to moon blast and in the dynomax battle against the dreadnaught max starfall is enough to take him out even the water types explode in this game next up is the fighting gym leader bia who should be the most straightforward fight out of all of these her lead is hal lucha who gives us a really great opportunity to set up our combines once we're all set up we start firing off moonblast halluci goes down sir fetched as well and grap locked her second last month is phalanx who crumbles under the mitochon funky and then her ace machamp comes in he puts on a big display just like the first time but it's not enough he goes down to the starfall finally a fight that went according to plan next up is ryhon this fight is in the singles format but it's still pretty scary he's added a torque hole to his team which is his lead it knows a variety of special moves and has drought which boosts its special moves as well so we set up a light screen he hits us with a yawn which we were prepared for so we switch in clefunky he hits us with a solar beam which barely tickles through the light screen our goal here is to take this torque out without getting clefunky put to sleep and then start setting up on his next pokemon so as it yawns us we switch back to grim snarl and then we switch from grimm snarl tickle funky so that we can keep them both awake and keep chipping away at this torque hole until we can take it out towards the end of the fight we decide to let grimstarl go to sleep so they can set up another light screen and keep clefunke all safe and sound we switch clefunky back in and finally take this thing out of the moon blast his next pokemon is turtonator who just uses shell trap no matter what we do we don't even have a move that could trigger shell trap but still raihan's just in the back there like yes he'll never expect this shell trap eventually we get all set up with plus six call mind and take out the tertinator next up is gujro which we take out in one hit then he sends in flygon who outspeeds us and hits us with an earthquake but it doesn't do too much damage and we get our moon blast off and one tap it finally we get a rematch with the dura ludon this thing actually outspeeds clefunky and has a super effective steel move which we managed to barely live thankfully it didn't crit and we get our max starfall off which i'm clearly happy about so clutch yeah with that battle out of the way we can finally take on the champion no evil plan could stop this battle right uh oh of course so once again it falls on a child to save the world now chairman rose actually has a team full of super strong steel types so this is gonna be a tough battle for us luckily clefunky learned flamethrower as a coverage move and that's four times effective against s cavalier we take it out but he sends in as berserker which is a bit of a curveball we were definitely expecting ferrothorn at this point we get a charm off on it and we have to just pray for no crit on this iron head okay we're good we're banking on this flamethrower taking it out in one hit or else we're probably gonna lose clefunky fortunately it decides to use screech instead of iron head and spares us so the next turn we can take it out with another flamethrower the next pokemon up is the ferrothorn we know this ferrothon only has one steel type move and that move is gyroball gyroball's damage is based off of the relative speed of the two pokemon the slower the user is relative to the opponent the more damage it does so we send in shinodic who's very slow this move also only has 5 pp so we know we can stall it out if we heal enough we just sit in with shinoda and stall out all its attacking moves until it's completely out of pp at which point we bring in grim snarl and start bulking up in preparation for a drain punch it starts struggling and then we actually just let it kill itself we didn't have enough time to get completely maxed out on bulk up but we're plus four so we're banking on the fact that that'll be enough to take out the rest of his pokemon one drain punch is enough for clint clang and then copper raja comes in and goes down to one max knuckle all that we have left now is the eternitis fight and then it's on to the champion turn this is pretty boring i won't show you too much but all you have to know is the only attack it used on me killed grim snarl rip buddy so we didn't actually get an encounter out of the wild area after the 8th gem and my chat told me that you can get a cantonian mr mime from a trade in spike mouth so now we have a team of four strong going in to take on leon oh yeah shinodic died while we were grinding in the wild area rip buddy we head over to the stadium and get ready for the battle after a ton of research my chat and i actually realized that ribbon bee learns quiver dance at 64. this raises special attack special defense and speed the speed is key because leon's team is very fast so we need to get two quiver dances off and then baton pass that to mr mime at that point mr mime will out speed the entire team from there if we can get a couple calm minds off we should be able to sweep the entire team with stored power with our plan in mind we head into the final battle leon's first pokemon is aegislash which is a ghost steel type it has the steel move flash cannon which is super effective against my whole team but it goes for a king shield on the first turn so we get a quiver dance off with no damage the next turn we get a second quiver dance off and all we need is to just live this hit we had equipped a babini berry before this battle which actually weakened steel type moves so the flash cannon's damage is halved it still does nearly a third of ribbon b's health even through two special defense ups and the 50 damage reduction from the berry good thing we use that barry the next turn we use baton pass and pass the buffs to mr mime we know that it's going to attack this turn just from the pattern that it's been playing but we need to get at least one call mind off so we get the call mind off and then tank the attack it doesn't crit so mr mime lives we know that this age slash is going to protect next turn so we use a calm mind and get our final buff we decide that plus four is enough and we start firing off stored powers hopefully this kills and it does from this point we've done the math and we know we have a clean sweep so we just get to watch the mods go down haxorus gets taken out then he sends in dragapolt who meets the same fate next in line is ryperior he didn't even know what hit him poor guy leon's second last pokemon is arilla boom which goes down like the others finally he sends in as charizard who makes a big old show of dynamaxing and looks all cool with his fiery wings and then goes down in one hit from some tiny creepy mime thing and just like that we're the champion this run was awesome i love this game for all the flack it gets i think sword is a great pokemon game with the wild area you have so much access to diverse sets of pokemon and i'll definitely be back to do another one of these runs so let me know in the comments if you want to see any particular type also if you watch this long i have a feeling that you liked the video but have you actually clicked the like button is the question if you haven't go ahead and do that it really helps me out and if you want to see more of these challenges in the future go ahead and subscribe to the channel so you can get them right when they come out anyway thanks for watching till next time [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 144,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, monolocke rules, monolocke pokemon, pokemon monolocke, pokemone firered, pokemon challenge, pro nuzlocker
Id: wYC_Gm8eOFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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