Pokémon Ultra Moon Hardcore Nuzlocke Dragon Types Only

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pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon are widely regarded as some of the hardest pokemon games out there so today i decided i wanted to attempt a pokemon ultra moon hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types the rules i'm gonna use for this run are on screen now so you can pause if you need to read them and with that being said this is my first ever playthrough of these games so i'm gonna have a lot of trouble evaluating totem pokemon and just crits and stuff like that in general when looking at my encounters you realize this run doesn't get any easier as all of my pokemon evolve at level 48 or higher this is gonna be dreadful to deal with as i'm gonna be stuck with basically baby pokemon for the majority of the game with that being said though before i can actually get into the game i've gotta start it first so i name myself xango and i make my way to get my first pokemon pokemon ultra moon doesn't actually have a dragon type until after the first trial this means that i'm just going to speed through the game so i get my fake starter raleigh catch kakui doing some questionable things in his cabin and after this i beat the first trial and catch my real starter noibat i name noibet snickers and then find out that lily can't control her cosmog and because of this i have to go find her and i experienced the hardest battle in the run because of this this battles against a ferfrew who's extremely powerful and because she's extremely powerful i can only win this battle through confusion overall defeating fur fruit takes me about 16 resets which doesn't seem that bad until you realize that the cutscenes in this game are so long after all that i give cosmog back to lily and she's hardly even thankful regardless i don't really care much because this means that i can get my next pokemon this pokemon is a one percent background encounter that i catch pretty swiftly and i name trolley now that i have two pokemon on my team i get ready to challenge the first grand trial holla leads the battle with machop as i lead with noibat i go for a super sonic to confuse michop and right away machop hits himself with confusion on the next turn i go for a gus doing a ton of damage to my chop as he sets up with the focus energy machop being extremely low gets finished off by another gust as next out comes makahida makahida flinches me with a fake out on the first turn and on the next run i go for a gust not really doing that much damage as i get hit with an arm thrust five times i then go for another gust bring makahita down into the red as i get hit with another arm thrust four times this makes me eat my oranberry and on the next turn because i'm really dumb i go for an absorb and makahita heals this means that it's gonna take three more gusts to finish off makahita and while i'm using my gus i get hit for nine arm thrusts thankfully they don't end up killing me and i finish off makahita with a third gust with that hollison's at his final pokemon crew brawler and right away i go for a gust doing about half as i get hit with a pursuit bringing me down to 2 hp this allows me to finish off kerbroller with another gus and with that i win my first grand trial i'm almost 100 sure hala could have killed me with a z move there but i don't really know why he didn't go for one either way i'm happy he didn't as now that allows me to continue my run and head to akala island while heading to akala i've gotta do some mantine surfing which is actually a lot harder than it seems and after i do this i meet up with the gang and have my first real rival battle how is so threatened by me that pretty much right into the battle he hits me with a z move this c move pretty much does nothing though so i'm able to sweep his team right after this once i do that i've then got to fight gladion his team is actually quite under leveled so i'm able to defeat him pretty easily after this i head into the second trial site and get ready for my water trial this trial could have been really hard but it actually ends up being really easy i lead the battle with snickers as i go for an air cutter right away doing almost half to araquanid as i get hit with an orosphere bring me down to 9 hp mass grain then comes out and for this i simply just go for another air cutter this air cutter finishes off aracondid and leaves mass grain in the red with mass grain so low i simply just switch into trolley and finish her off with that easy trial out of the way i've got to make my way towards the next trial well on my way towards the next trial i run into team skull and they look absolutely ridiculous after i defeat them i do the battle royale and challenge my third trial toto marowak is actually pretty difficult to fight right away i lead the battle with snickers and i go for water pulse it gets blocked by a detect and after that selazal comes down i figure i should take her out as soon as possible so right away i go for a water pulse doing a little bit over half as selezal hits me with the torment on that same turn i get hit for some pretty moderate damage with the flame wheel and on the next turn i go for an air cutter finishing off salazal as marowak protects with the detect i then go for a water pulse on marowak actually hitting this time doing about a third as i get hit with another flame wheel bringing me down to 14 hp because at this point i'm getting a little bit scared i decide to switch into trolley and go for a crunch right away this crunch brings marowak down into the red as he hits me with a brick break but because it did so little damage it really doesn't matter as on the next turn i finish off marowak with another crunch as that wins me my third totem battle with that tone finished up i make my way into the next rounds of the game where i meet mr mustache like seriously look at that stash once i'm finished admiring i head to the fourth totem this total ends up being remarkably easy considering lorantis has only not very effective moves against noibat this battle does take a little bit longer than expected just because i've got to keep spamming ruse so that i don't die either way after finishing off lawrence's and winning my fourth totem i'd do some more story while heading towards the grand trial of this island i catch lily impersonating me for god knows what reason and i see a little crack open up in the sky once that happens i go back to the lush jungle where i'm able to catch my next pokemon goomy that i named skittle after this i find myself in the next town and what would have been my next encounter of the run if i was playing pokemon ultra sun i'd be able to get a tyrant fossil here but since i'm playing pokemon ultra moon all i can get is a sail fossil which obviously is not a dragon type this is pretty annoying not having that one extra encounter but i'm pretty sure it won't be that big of a deal in the future turns out in this olivia fight it was that big of a deal i lead the battle with skittle as olivia leads with anoreth in order for me to win this battle i've gotta hope my quick luck pops on the second turn when fighting anereth if it doesn't pop then i just simply lose so i've really gotta hope for this one and at around the third attempt when trying i finally get my quick lot of pop on the second turn allowing me to beat anarath and move on to the next pokemon when fighting this thing i've just got to hope for dragon breath to do a ton of damage and hopefully paralyze it ends up doing a pretty good amount of damage bringing that thing down to half and after that happens i switch into trolley sadly because i didn't paralyze i end up getting hit on the switch in and on the next turn i'm able to finish off that thing with a brick brake with that olivia sends in her final pokemon lykan rock and for this i've just gotta hope i don't get flinched by a bite bite hits me and thankfully i don't get flinched and this allows me to finish off lycanrock with an all-out pummeling and that wins me my second grand trial pretty much all of that would have been avoided if i just got a tie run either way without my tie run i still win the battle so i don't even care after this i head to the aether paradise and do a little bit of story there in the aether paradise this ultra beast pops out of this ultra hole and i'm not about that life so i completely run out of that situation sadly destiny still arrives and i've actually got to fight this ultra beast but right when i get into battle i just run anyway so i guess that's a win on my part once i'm out of the aether paradise i evolved trolley into shell gone and i have another rival battle how actually does some pretty big damage in this fight because i can't actually do a lot of damage with the pokemon i have already and pretty much every single pokemon i have gets one shattered by turos i've gotta send out trolley and hope he can take out all of house pokemon sadly shell gun takes a lot more damage than i expected so i end up having to switch into skittle later in the battle to finish off tauros and actually finish off this battle for me at this point you guys should be able to see my struggle as pretty much every single one of my pokemon does very minimal damage at this point in the game and these trials coming up are going to be extremely difficult as i have no pokemon that can really hit hard speaking of hitting though if you guys could no no that's not right no if you guys could hit that no no that's not right either only five point nine percent of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you could please subscribe that would be greatly appreciated thank you and let's get back to the video yeah no that was pretty good that was pretty that was pretty good after the rival battle i find professor grakui and i meet up with lily in the library after realizing i'm completely literate i pass her and make my way towards the fifth trial on the top of mount hokulani i can get my next pokemon axio i get my axiory through the island scan and i name her warhead once warhead gets on the team i immediately evolve her into fracture and at this point i witness this chargebug run for his life and after this i start my fifth trial against totem togo tomorrow i lead with warhead and right away i set up with a dragon dance as togo tomorrow goes for a spiky shield since that basically gave me a free turn i decided to set up with another dragon dance as tomorrow hits me with an iron head and i get hit with the torment on the following turn i go for a shadow claw on skarmory one shotting in the process with a critical hit as tomorrow hits me with another iron head at this point togo tomorrow goes for another spiky shield as i set up with a third dragon dance and i end up going for a shadow claw getting another critical hit and finishing off together with a one shot winning me my fifth trial after that trial i meet up with hapu and she gives me a ride pager so i can make my way towards the next trial before getting to the next trial my gumi evolves into a sligoo and after this happens i basically can just start my next trial while going through the trial i end up seeing this spooky cutscene and then i fight totem mimikyu i leave the battle with trolley as right away mimikyu hits me with a play rough bringing me down to 73 hp and i set up with an iron defense mimikyu calls down bayonet for help and i've gotta take her out right away with a crunch as i get hit really hard with another play rough by mimikyu because i have leftovers i end up taking less and less damage in this fight and i end up setting up two more iron defenses i throw a scary face on mimikyu and then i try and start to do some damage with crunch crunch ends up doing pretty much nothing so i just decided to switch into warhead once warhead goes in she's actually able to out speed because of the scary face i set up earlier and at this point i'm able to go for a corkscrew crash finishing off mimikyu and winning me my sixth trial with that trial down there's not really that much more i have to do in this island i do a couple of simple things such as catching a gap bite that i named twix and after i catch my gabby i look at its nature and it actually ends up being jolly which is the best nature possible for garchomp the next thing i do is fight guzma and this battle ends up being quite a bit of an issue in order to win this battle i've gotta have a really specific strategy or else i'm definitely gonna lose this i lead the battle with twix as he leads with glycopod and right away i go for a protect just to protect myself from first impression on the next turn i go for a rock slide that does about a fourth as glycopod gets flinched this in turn allows me to go for another rock slide on the next turn and after this glycopod switches out due to emergency exit masquerade comes in next and immediately i get intimidated but it really doesn't matter as i have an adrenaline orb and this actually helps me once my speed is raised i go for a rock slide and finish off masquerading glycerot is then sent in again and i go for a protect just so i can't get hit by that first impression and after that i go for a rock slide but in turn i get hit with a sucker punch bringing me down to 67 hp and with my rock slide i bring lysopod down to a sliver after that i get hit with another sucker punch bringing me down to 10 hp as i go for a slash finishing off glycopod then pincer comes out and for this i've got to play this really weird switch game where i switch in between pretty much all of my pokemon eventually with an air cutter i bring pincer down to one hp and at this point i'm super scared because if i don't kill him this next turn pincer has a very good chance at killing one of my pokemon i end up switching into skittle and right when i do i get hit for some big damage with a throat drop and on the next turn i get hit with an x scissor bringing me down to one hp after this i'm able to go for a sludge bomb and finish off pincer and defeat guzma after that stressful event you'd think things would get normal from there but they really don't as after this i'm gonna save lily because she can't seem to stand still and i then have to fight the island kahuna i leave the battle with warhead as nano leads would save a lie on the first turn i go for a protect just so i don't get hit by a fake out and on the next turn i set up a dragon dance on that same turn i get hit by a shadow ball that actually does a pretty good amount of damage and lowers my special defense either way on the next turn i finish off save a light with the dragon claw next up comes kurukurok and this means my attack is going to get lowered because of intimidate but it really doesn't matter as i could still one shot creep rock with the dragon claw with krug rock down nano sends in his final pokemon persian and right away he goes for his move black hole eclipse but thankfully i decided to go for a protect so i'm able to live on 11 hp very very close very close very very very close right there i think from here i could just switch into skittle and hopefully skittle can tank the rest of the dark pulses that come out uh right away i'm gonna go retire i gotta regain a little bit of hp i'm gonna regain a little bit right here i'm thinking i'm gonna set up a rain dance before i actually end up going for uh muddy water just like i just to get some hp like not even not even the rain damns hp but the uh muddy water should do double the damage so here we go let's see what this does it only does that which isn't that much but as long as i can get off one more i'm good i think i'm safe from a crit at this range as well so oh i flinch though this is scary this is scary right here if i get flinched one more time i lose i let's go if i got flinched or i missed right there i would have lost nanu is down after my third grin trial i move on to the aether paradise while i'm in the aether paradise every single one of my pokemon evolve this means that my team is absolutely ready for this next guzma fight that's coming up after gladion lost somehow i don't really know his team was absolutely easy to beat for me and after this i've got my battle with loosamine after we find out lucia means been freezing pokemon in blocks of ice for some reason i don't really know why this has no prevalence to this story at all either way after we find this out i battle her and this battle actually goes really well after snickers takes out liligan and lusumi moves into her ultra wormhole i'm able to move on in the game and go to pony island once on pony island i evolve my sligoo into goodra and at this point there's a lot of useless story that i have to go through either way after i make it to executor island i catch myself an executor than a named milky way after i get executed i move on to the grass and pony canyon and i end up catching a jiang moho i swiftly evolve him and do his final evolution and i name him airhead once i do this i start my next trial and this ends up being the easiest yet now that my team is fully evolved i can easily use snickers and finish off this entire battle with pretty much no issues whatsoever after the seventh trial there's actually this really cool cutscene that i just thought i might mention real quick i really do love this scene either way after this i end up having to fight ultra necrozma there is no way that i beat this battle without absolutely cheesing necrozma out so right away when i lead with milky way he almost gets one shot and thankfully i have a focus sash and i end up setting up a toxic necrozma then absolutely obliterates milky way with the dragon pulse and that ends up being my first death of the run necrozma will 100 one shot every single one of my pokemon the only pokemon he can't one shot is goodra so i send him in i try and protect stall for as long as possible but eventually i do get hit with the dragon pulse bringing me down to 66 hp as i go for a dragon pulse on my own bringing the crossman down to a sliver and he gets finished off by toxic damage after the necrozma fight i returned to the normal world and i then realized that i have my hardest trial coming up this fairy trial involves me having to fight totem or bomby which is gonna be very difficult i leave the battle with salamance as right away rubonbee sets up with a quiver dance i go for a toxic on that same turn as she calls down a pelipper because i know pelipper really likes to set up in these battles i decide to go and stay in as long as possible my main goal is to stall for as long as possible so i go for a protect and on the next turn after the protect i go for a steel wing on rabonbay to be honest with you doesn't do that much damage and robo then goes for a dazzling gleam and it does a lot of damage it brings me down to 12 hp and thankfully pelipper sets up again i then go for another protection where bomi can take even more toxic damage but at this point i really need to switch so i switch into goodra who tanks a dazzling gleam and a spit up surviving on 10 hp and with that rivami goes down to toxic damage and i'm able to finish off peliber with a thunderbolt winning me my final trial of this run with pony island behind us i move on to executor island to fight the final kahuna hapu this child stands no chance to my team she leads the battle with golurk as i lead with snickers snickers immediately brings goliath down to half with a shadow ball and on the next turn growler just goes down to another shadow ball after doing absolutely no damage with that she brings in her next pokemon flygon who gets flinched by an air slash on the first turn and on the next turn just goes down to another air slash mudsdale is hapu's third pokemon but he actually can't do that much damage to me he's got ground type moves that can't hit me because i'm a flying type and his z move is a ground type move and because of this he can't use it to one shot me so i'm able to freely get off a couple of heiress lashes to finish him off finally hapu sends out gastrodon who's taken out by a combination of snickers and trolley and honestly this wins me my battle pretty easily i don't even know why she thought she had a chance now that my team's fully evolved i basically wreak havoc on every single trainer along the way to the elite four once i make it to the top of mount lanakila i challenge olivia in my first elite four battle she leaves the battle with armaldo as i lead with airhead right away i set up three consecutive bull cups and i then go for a brick break finishing off armaldo with a one shot next out comes provo pass who gets hit and almost one-shotted by a brick brake but she's saved by sturdy and healed up on the next turn to be honest with you this is only really delaying the inevitable as eventually i take out the provo pass with a few brick brakes and next out comes lycanrock lycanrock doesn't end up being nearly as hard as i thought it would be i end up one-shotting with a single brick break just because i have speed this allows gigalith to come out next and because gigolo has sand stream instead of sturdy i'm able to one-shot him as well with another brick brake olivia sends out her final pokemon cr great cradly the grass thing i i don't know i don't really care either i just end up one shotting with a brick break and that wins me my first elite four battle next up is acerola and she leads a battle with bayonet as i lead with snickers before this battle started i gave snickers a spell tag just so my ghost type moves could do some more damage this decision ends up being pretty solid as it allows me to one-shot bayonet and that means frostless is coming out next and i end up one-shotting her as well this trend ends up breaking when delmise comes out but i end up doing some pretty big damage anyways leaving dell mines with about a third dell mice goes for a shadow ball and hits me for only 60 so on the next turn i'm able to finish her off with another shadow ball palace and gets sent in next and i'm a little bit worried about a z move coming out so i decided to switch into skittle and thankfully i'm correct about the z move and skittle gets hit for actually not that much damage this allows me to slowly recover some hp with leftovers and eventually finish off palace and with two muddy waters after this driplum is sent in next and it's just a ton of thunderbolts over and over and over again eventually driftwood goes down to one and that wins me my second elite four battle next up i decide to fight melane and for this battle i lead with airhead as he leads with klepke klefki's a pokemon that really likes to set up a ton so that's exactly what i decide to do as i set up five consecutive bull cups as i don't get really hit for that much damage with my hp down to 94 i decide to finally go for a break break that ends up taking out klefki with a one shot now that klepki's down metagross gets sent in and i get hit immediately with the zen head butt bring me down to 82 hp as i go for a brick break bringing metagross down to a sliver malay then heals as i go for another brick break bring that it grows down to a sliver once more after this my lane heals again and i then go for a dragon claw just to do enough damage so melane won't heal again at this point i get fully paralyzed and i'm able to take out metagross on the next turn with another brick break after getting hit with another zen headbutt doug trio is then sent in and i go for a single brick break finishing him off with a one shot but sharp comes in and experiences the exact same fate as doug trio getting one shot at after all that magna zone gets sent in last and for this i simply just switch into goodra and go for a couple of muddy waters winning me my battle against mullane with the three previous elite four members beat i'm ready to challenge my final elite four battle kihili leads the battle with braviary as i lead with trolley braviary hits me with a brave bird as i go for a crunch doing about half riviera is then switched out for some reason as i decide to go for a roost and heal up all of my hp this allows me to go for a fly on the next turn and finish off fallujah with a one shot then braviary gets sent in again for some reason i don't really know what kahili's plan is right now it's really confusing either way this allows me to finish off raviery with the dragon claw when manda buzz gets sent in i decide to set up with two roosts as i get hit with a brave bird in the process and i get hit by a flatter this confuses me and raises my special attack but since i'm not really using special attack i decide to go for a dragonfly anyways i end up hitting myself in confusion and on the next turn i set up with another roost manda buzz is just an annoyance at this point and eventually after a ton of turns i end up taking up manda buzz with the dragon claw with mandalas down kahili sends out two cannon and i'm very scared at this point i know that i'm gonna get hit with a z move here and i know that none of my pokemon can survive it so i decide to switch into airhead and stack them this allows me to get a free switch into warhead and once i'm switched in i go for a dragon club that almost one shots two cannon sadly it's an almost and i end up getting burned and hit for a ton of damage this means that on the next turn i'm not strong enough to take out two cannon and i've gotta switch again i move into snickers and go for a boom burst finishing off two cannon as that leads into kahili's final pokemon oricorio for this i'm simply able to switch into twix and go for a single rock slide winning me my final elite four battle with the rest of the game behind us i get ready for the final battle of this run here we go the final battle of this run i'm 100 ready for this since i didn't play through this game i figured kikui would be the champion again but obviously i'm wrong how does how i guess took over the throne he definitely shouldn't because his team isn't nearly as good as professor kaku is either way he's gonna lead the battle with raichu as i'm gonna lead with trolley trolley should be able to do some immediate huge damage with crunch in fact i think i just one shot uh i'm correct there we go there's a one shot even without the critical hit i think i one shot in anyways uh next set is chrome bombing able and to be honest with you i'm not upset that i'm gonna get killed here i'm just gonna go for a fly come down hit hopefully it does a lot of oh my gosh i one shot it that's huge that's really good okay now i'm in a real really weird spot i'm gonna go i'm just gonna go for another fly actually no big deal come down it's oh that's actually that did a fair bit now i think we're gonna switch into skittle and go for a thunderbolt because i think that's probably what's best for me i think it's gonna kill i don't think it it's not going to yeah there we go amazing now noise runs out neutron's to go for a dragon pulse or a super fang should go for a dragon pulse but yeah it's gonna hurt not do that not do an insane amount of damage though allows me to one shot tauros is now out taurus has a pretty strong selection of moves so i'm just going to do as much damage as possible with the dragon pulse whatever that i don't even hit my dragon pulse either way the recoil damage is enough to uh make me feel confident about switching into another pokemon i'm okay with switching into uh you know i'm gonna switch into warhead allow warhead to do some you know what even better i think warhead can survive a double edge so i'm gonna go for a dragon dance bring my attack up make sure basically 100 i'm faster now so dragon claw should kill perfect and with that i think because i set up i think i just one shot this flareon i do that wins me the run baby let's go baby 100 that was that was good that was a good run that was really good [Music] i how is just not nearly as good as professor kakui was i remember having so much trouble beating kakui in my first playthrough of uh sun and moon that wins me the that wins me the champion [Music] my citra just crashed right literally right after i won the fight my sister crashed that's so funny if that would happen mid-battle i would have been so upset oh my gosh wow it would have been so mad that's the end of this run i really hope you guys enjoyed because i sure as hell did and with that being said that was my attempt at a pokemon ultra moon hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types
Channel: Zango
Views: 281,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ahINmH-rRnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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