How I Survived the Most INSANE Pokemon Fusion Rom Hack

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the other day i came across an insane community made rom hack called pokemon fuse dimensions which includes over 200 unique bizarre incredible pokemon fusions things like galazard hongidir and yes sadly also spigma this game is based off of fire red but includes fusions with pokemon up to generation 8 mega evolutions the fairy type and a bunch of moves added from later generations as well and today i want to find out if i can nuzzlock this thing if you aren't familiar with what a nuzlocke is basically it's a self-imposed rule set for playing through a pokemon game that makes the whole thing more difficult the rules for this challenge are as follows we can only catch the first pokemon that we encounter on each route if a pokemon faints it's considered dead and can no longer be used and finally the battle style will be played on set and with that out of the way let's get into the run this game basically follows the story of fire rep so we kick our runoff in the usual way being greeted by professor oak and dear god what is that thing alright this is gonna get weird huh anyway we do our usual early game thing and almost immediately we get to choose our starter our three choices are the charmander ralts combo raltmander the bulbasaur zygarde combo bulb core and the squirtle air infusion squiren while bulk core does seem pretty awesome we end up going for squirent because the other two seem like they would be fine on their own and this little guy looks like he needs some help plus water steel is maybe my favorite type combo in all of pokemon unfortunately that does mean that our rival will have an ace that is half zygarde which definitely won't come back to bite us later anyway we have a quick battle with our rival gary which we do manage to win then we set off on our adventure through this wonderful twisted world we run an errand for the professor then return to get our pokeballs and on the first route we run into a disgustingly named bungalow of all things which we subsequently use all of our pokeballs on and completely failed to catch off to a great start so far so we buy some more pokeballs then on the next route we do manage to catch the next encounter which ends up being a sci tada which we nicknamed daffy then on the route after that we find another bungalow which we actually managed to catch this time and nickname whole for no particular reason next we move on through the forest where we find and catch the shrimish paris combo mod true rest which we nicknamed shroobs and from here we have a few battles with some bug catchers with various webras and caterfields yeah nothing off here just a regular old playthrough of fire red finally we arrive at the next town which is home to the first gym we fight off the gym trainer and his alien invader beltrue then with a cup full of completely unfounded confidence we head right in to take on brock but before we get into that exciting chapter of this story i do want to take a second to ask that if you're enjoying the video you take a moment to do the old youtube fusion sub bike which of course is liking the video and subscribing to the channel it just takes a quick second and it really does help me out a ton thanks anyway at this point we challenge brock we managed to take out his lit dude lead which funnily enough is what they used to call me back in high school then he sends in his jello encased a salonix we trade some hits then swap out because drippy gets too low and this thing proceeds to systematically take out whole daffy and shrubs since i'm playing this semi-blind i am allowing items from the bag to be used in battle so we bring drippy back in and heal with the potion then finally finish off this rock snake next he brings in his gionegge which side note has to be my favorite fusion so far and we finish it off with a couple water guns now just like that we have the boulder badge but at what cost really anyway we move on out of town and grab our encounter on the next route which turns out to be an exaril which we nicknamed iggy then we demolish a trainer with his disgustingly named speedmuth yuck and from here we head into mount moon where we grab a litt dude which we nicknamed litmus but our first medallio which just looks like a metapod eating a celio and that is a truly terrifying thought i don't know if i mentioned this yet but shiny odds are boosted in this rom so before we make it out the other side of the cave we actually run into a shiny lit dude which we catch a nickname litmus 2 and a shiny geone edge which i am so excited that we actually found of course we catch it and nickname it ween now after beating up the greedy fossil nerd and his griddu vol troopy and sweet sweet boy coughlin drippy evolves into a wartron which is a super badass name for a super badass pokemon definitely my favorite so far anyway our next stop is cerulean city where we heal up then obviously not having learned our lesson from brock we head straight in to take on misty she leads with a sweet and i mean sweet little thing dweb dirt drippy proceeds to mercilessly demolish then she brings in the unibrow queen herself her ferracuda who goes down without much issue and finally her last mon ends up being a bass fetch i don't know who decided that farfetch could mate with whatever fish it wants to but it was definitely a mistake anyway we get some chip on it but drippy is too low to stay in so we swapped a ween who tanks an aquajet at one hp like a king then gets big damage with the rock tomb earning us speed control so we swap back to drippy and finish it off easy was never worried next up we head to the nugget bridge where we fight gary again we take out his lead her fairy and luckily his bulb court hasn't evolved yet so after getting hit with a sleep powder and swapping around a bit we're able to finish it off then the rest of his team is pretty trash so it goes down easy from here we fight through the nugget bridge sequence which ends with our good friend from team rocket here and his ekencham after defeating him we find a shiny loaf in the grass which we managed to catch and nicknamed pupper next up is this field full of trainers blocking our way to bill's house these trainers do give us an opportunity to see some more new ridiculous pokemon including electron fenuran and my personal favorite apoc we also evolved pupper into a her fairy then we finally arrive at bill's house where this dummy has somehow managed to transform himself into a clefairy and you know what this time we decide we want no part in whatever this strange experiment is later bill good luck nah just kidding we literally can't avoid helping here so we do and now that we can progress we take out this rocket grunt with his rocket shop grab him the alba puss which we nicknamed cat then arrive at vermilion city we immediately head out to the route east of the town and catch a monstrous peak loom which we of course nicknamed yuck battle a trainer with the new main character of my nightmares butter rain then finally head on to the ss anne where we dispatch gary and his newly evolved ivy guard which is starting to become really dangerous and finally we help the sick captain with some back rubbies anywho this charitable deed earns us access to the cut hm so after catching a shiny little guy in the diglett cave we head right in to challenge lieutenant serge now this fight is something special and to no one's surprise ended up being way more difficult than we expected we lead with pupper against his tim kid which we managed to take out in one hit with the play rough then he sends it as mein korino which hits us with an iron tail but goes down to a four times effective dig now this is where his team gets crazy he sends in his ace ryploom so we swap to drippy to be immune to the super effective sludge bomb then protect to scout a move which ends up being sleep powder we trade a giga drain for an aqua tail and trigger the heal from the lieutenant then thanks to a lucky miss on a sleep powder we take it out with another two aqua tails and finally he sends in his last pokemon rylosum which is arguably stronger than his ace so we swapped a yuck who thankfully has just learned toxic and for some reason the ai just keeps going for sleep powders that don't work on grass types so we have enough time to chip it down with the poison and a few digs that was a scary fight that could have easily ended our run but we managed to avoid it thanks to our killer instinct anyway at this point we secure the thunderbadge then backtrack a bit and head into the rock tunnel to head to lavender town on our way there we managed to catch a few new pokemon see some new fusions including meowpeder and laranet who never asked to be born and were able to evolve wean into a grab blade then we use the special link chord item to immediately evolve it into a goal slash next we head into the rock tunnel where we see some more new pokemon like cupcata and snowpoke and right as we're about to exit litmus 2 evolves into a lampler then we use another link chord to evolve it into a chandelier and that's two huge upgrades from our golem friends the last thing we do is we make our way across the world is catch an app poke which we nicknamed slow girl oh and we also get a free medinja which we nickname a bunch of question marks because it confuses me how cool this pokemon is now finally it's time to make our way past this creepy old man out front and head in to challenge the gym leader erica she leads with the lilla tails and we lead with litmus 2 who outspeeds it and takes it out with a rock tune then she brings in her electrum who gets some chip damage with magical leaf but goes down to an ember from litmus so at this point i know we've seen plenty of cursed stuff in this rom but let me just warn you that her next pokemon jinzika easily takes the cake for the most cursed anyway we get pretty lucky with it missing two sings and take it out with ember then finally her doug turn comes in and we swapped a pupper to clean it up now with the rainbow badge secured we head to the game corner then into the super secret rocket hideout in the back corner where we have fun so much fun the only cool thing about this place is seeing the new fusions like kabuki cough cobra and sabslash which is a really cool fusion of mega sableye and alolan sandslash anyway this whole thing all culminates with us popping a squat next to giovanni to challenge him to our first of many battles where we take him his marriage ask and metru out easily now with the rocket threat dealt with for the time being at least we head to saffron city where we take on this imitation gym which gives drippy enough experience to evolve into the girthy girl blastron we also witness various crimes against humanity such as lycan chan lycan lee and claimier then for some reason we get the choice between an ab duo and an abdreo as our reward for beating the trainers here and i have no idea why anyone would choose the lower evolution different strokes i guess so we grab the abdrio then we head back to the pokemon tower where we smack around a very under level gary but this does give us a chance to see his team taking shape and you know with his newest addition cervidos i don't really like the shape it's taking personally but that's a problem for later at this point we make our way up the pokemon tower catching a dust gun and a shiny my mask then we free mr fuji from team rocket which gets us access to the pokeflute and we head on our way on the next route we encounter a fisherman with a lil dean which makes me hate goldeen even more than i already do which i didn't think was possible then we wake up the snorlax which actually turns out to be a wii's conda which we catch but don't end up using and finally we arrive at fuchsia city where we head right in to take on the gym leader kova we leave with drippy against his wii's mecco and take it out with some iron heads taking some pretty big damage in the process but this does give us an opportunity to set up a shell smash which allows us to one shot this wheeze condo with an aqua tail then he brings in his mukkarel and we swapped a litmus two who misses a few earthquakes as it sets up minimize and our candle ends up poison so we bring in ween to finish it off then he brings in his apple king which goes down easily to wean now with koga defeated we head into the safari zone where we find and catch a chameleon which we nicknamed curmudgeon we come across a leaf stone which we use to evolve slow girl into a flat brow and we get the hms for surf and strength before we head out of town from here we head to saffron city and go straight into the nonsense itself go and i'll spare you having to watch the horrible teleporter madness that went down in here we messed around we found the key we opened the doors then we have our first very serious fight against gary he leads with a stout fable which goes down in one hit to slow girl then he brings in his venoguard so we swapped to litmus 2. then we find out this thing knows earthquake now rip litmus 2. next we bring in pupper to avenge our fallen comrade with a couple play roughs at this point he brings in his biedrazam who goes down to a rock tomb from ween next up is his serpentos hoop goes for a couple dragon dances and luckily ween is able to live through a boosted aqua tail and chip it down with rock tomb which allows us to avoid another casualty from this fight finally his last pokemon volpoi goes down easily to drippy and honestly i'm gonna need this team to chill out a little bit gary getting a little bit too strong okay anyway after replacing litmus 2 with curmudgeon we head in to take on giovanni for the second time nothing too notable happens in this fight and we're easily able to dispatch the head honcho is this the last time our hero sees giovanni who's to say anyway at this point we head in to take on the sixth gem and after some more teleporter madness we arrive at the gym leader sabrina she leads with a carrapno who goes down to a shadow claw from our mystery man then she brings in biedrazam who proceeds to freaking mega evolve honestly did not see that coming at all and didn't think it would know shadowball either so we instantly lose our favorite team member but we bring in drippy who cleans it up with some iron heads then she brings in her tentazone so we swapped a slow girl for some reason and get blocked in on the first turn then we land a yawn i probably should have known that it would have a psychic attack and not done this swap but here we are so this thing lands an extra sensory then falls right asleep alright good crisis averted right nope sabrina has a full heal which she immediately uses to wake it up and unfortunately it's able to take out our slow girl rip but not before getting poisoned so on the next turn it goes down to the chip as we bring in we and sabrina sends in her final pokemon brave jeremy who goes down easy to some rock tombs so now with sabrina defeated and the badge secured we proceeded to struggle for so much longer than we should have to find our way out of the gym but we get there then as we're doing some backtracking before heading to cinebar island we find and catch a gas key which we nicknamed yaki and we managed to evolve curmudgeon into the rule 34 hero that we didn't know we needed gardazard now finally we arrive at cinnabar island where we have to deal with the whole pokemon mansion thing before the gym and some really interesting stuff goes down in here first we catch a smiley boy coughlin then we run into the real encounter we want here a shiny volpoi which is one of my favorite fusions in this game and has an awesome shiny as well so we catch it and nickname it blue then proceed to train it up until it evolves into a nine target also as we're training yaki evolves into a honga deer and in the basement of this horrible place we have some truly horrifying battles against the nauseating pokemon muto this is a killer design but boy is it gross now after securing the key from the basement we're finally able to head in to challenge the gym leader bling he leads with the helion against drippy and on the first turn it sets up a substitute but we're able to get through that then take it out with an aqua tail before it becomes too much of an issue next up is his abamar which side note looks like something straight out of where the wild things are anyway it goes down to one aqua tail easy unfortunately we do take a burn from its flame body ability as blaine brings in his ace pidgeoken which proceeds to mega evolve as we swap to wing its speed boost ability is pretty scary but thankfully we're able to weather that storm and take it out with some rock tombs before it gets too out of hand now finally he sends in his fear cargo that goes down easily to a four times effective rock tune and with that we've secured the seventh badge so we head back to the second town that we visited on our adventure viridian city to take on the mystery mia gym leader as we're fighting our way through the trainers in the gym we do manage to evolve yaki into a hilariously named ganinja then we arrive at the gym leader so it turns out that the absentee gym leader was giovanni the whole time wait let me get this straight after openly running a criminal organization kidnapping multiple people and some other horrible crimes that i won't mention here this man just gets off scot-free and is able to return to his life as a gym leader what whatever i guess all i can do is challenge him so we do that and we lead with drippy against his lead doug turn we're able to take it out with a couple iron heads as it sets up a sandstorm then he brings in his marajask who hits us with a bone rush but goes down to an aqua tail now next up is this job of the hutt looking fish wistar who's able to tank an iron head and land a critical earthquake but we really aren't too worried about its damage output so we take this opportunity to set up a little bit with shell smash after one shell smash we finish this beast off and giovanni brings in his dig growth we miss an aqua tail on the first turn so we take a bulldoze but we survive and land an aquatale to take it out on the next turn finally he brings in his ace meta slash which mega evolves turn one but thankfully we land our aqua tail so we never have to find out what this thing is capable of and now with all a gym badges secured we have a tight-ish battle with the thankfully under level gary then head into victory road where we defeat the ace trainers complete the strength puzzles then finally arrive at the elite four after some light training and preparation we head in to take on the ultimate challenge first we're up against the ice type trainer lorelai she leads with a mr race and we lead with yaki then this thing proceeds to just go for super annoying teeter dances until we thankfully manage to take it out with surf next up is her sad slash so we take the opportunity to swap in blue and set up a nasty plot after taking a foul play which does way more damage than we expected we finished it off with a flamethrower then loralyte brings in her snorting which thankfully goes down to a flamethrower as well next she brings in her ace globro which mega evolves then lives through our flamethrower and takes out blue with the waterfall rip blue hopefully that early loss doesn't come back to bite us in the next four battles right anyway we finish it off with drippy and wean and then take out our last pokemon frost king with lorelie defeated we move on to challenge the next trainer bruno we take out his lead brelsack with a flamethrower from curmudgeon then thanks to a lucky miss on the first turn we managed to take out his next pokemon eromitable with a couple psychics and make it out alive after a crab hammer next up is his lycan chance so we swapped a yaki and take it out with a serve same with his gigachamp who takes two serves this time and finally he brings in his ace galazard who proceeds to mega evolve after looking this pokemon up in the docks we realize that it's part dragon so we swap to pupper who barely lives through a critical brick break and takes it out with a four times effective play rod and with that we move on to challenge the ghost type trainer agatha who is probably the toughest trainer in this whole building her lead dusk on 2 is a tanky menace with its insane normal ghost dual type move set consisting of will wisp curse shadowball and most annoyingly recover plus i'm pretty sure it's holding an eeveelight so yeah let's just say i'm glad we researched this fight beforehand we'd leave with gardazard against her dusk on 2 and hit it with a taunt on turn one then swap the pupper who's immune to its ball so we landed talks then proceed to stall it out next up is her medinja who is by far her weakest pokemon so we take the opportunity to swap to drippy to set up iron defense and max out our attack and speed with shell smash from here we take this thing out with an earthquake same with her next pokemon dusk on z and her mr grigas then she brings in her ace ga ninja which mega evolves and thanks to our boosted speed it goes down to an earthquake before it can do anything too crazy with agatha defeated next up is the dragon master lance who leads with the prettiest executor i've ever seen hunted her and we lead with curmudgeon we make a calculated gamble that with the sun we'll be able to survive a hydro pump from this hunter so we set up sun with sunny day and thankfully it misses its first attack so we don't even have to test our theory then we swap to pupper for free as it goes for a dragon rush which our fairy fella is immune to from here we swap around a bunch kinda not sure what to do which results in us taking huge damage across the team until we finally just toxic stall this thing with pupper healing with moonlight but right as it's about to go down lance uses a full restore so we swap to drippy and try the old shell smash thing out which does work in our favor and we're able to get off a couple shell smashes then take it out with an earthquake next he sends in his ace venoguard who instantly mega evolves and incredibly takes almost no damage from our not very effective shell smash boosted earthquake then it fires back with an earthquake of its own taking out our sweet sweet drippy being down bad and desperate at this point we swapped a pupper who does pull off a super lucky crit play rough to take out the vena guard then lance sends in his crobaria who goes for a paris song as we chip away at it with play rough and after taking a super effective cross poison straight to the dome we have to swap pupper out and bring in ween who thankfully is immune to poison then since the kroberia's perish count is at one lance swaps to his intellige who goes down to a stone edge after landing a super effective liquidation next he brings his crobaria back in and it also goes down to a stone engine finally we outspeed his last pokemon flap bro and finish this fight with an earthquake so that's everyone in the elite four uh narrowly defeated but turns out there's a new champion that we have to take on this freaking gary guy again so with four pokemon to our name we head in to face our rival with his stupid strong team of six we lead with wien against his stout fable and managed to get off two swords dances as it goes for cosmic power then we're able to take it out with an earthquake and a stone edge burning a full restore from gary in the process next he sends in his phoralia which we managed to out speed in one shot with an earthquake and now he brings in his venoguard who of course mega evolves in a super scary fashion but we stay in and tank the four times effective earthquake which we're sure will live because of our ability sturdy then we fire back with a stone edge and thanks to the high crit ratio we're able to one shot this thing with a critical at this point he brings in his serpados and thinking our steel boy has served his purpose we decided to stay in and get a free switch after sacking our friend to a leaf storm thank you for your service win from here we bring in pupper to do the old toxic thing and after swapping the team around a bit to spread out damage we do manage to take this snake out even through a couple full restores from gary next up is this beedrazam who thankfully goes for a future sight and a calm mind allowing us to take it out with play ruff and finally he's down to just his last pokemon 9 target which goes for a couple very scary nasty plots as we land a toxic on it after stalling for a bit we managed to narrowly survive a fire blast on 5 health and finish this thing off with a play rough which means that by the skin of our teeth we have pulled it off we have successfully beaten a nuzlocke of pokemon fuse dimensions this rom hack was awesome and i highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for a fun interesting challenge anyway till next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 619,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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