Beating Pokémon Shield With Only Magikarp

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Magikarp is one of the most iconic Pokemon ever created but it never gets the respect it deserves and I'm sick of it so I'm gonna beat Pokemon Shield only using a single Magikarp fish I hope you're ready for The Incredible Journey we're about to go on Lulu can take down a god Splash do your thing so you love the sea buddy okay yep one hitkayo move I got it back against the wall you know what to do [Music] fish is gonna step up when it really matters a legendary unleash the mighty Splash oh no I am running out of pure fear you scared it away fish per usual just regular fish things this is where fish really proves itself ha was beneath fish Jake is fish's first challenge here's the real Splash attack [Music] you're probably yelling at the screen here's a potion well no items in battle are banned because it would make it way too easy in a Pokemon like Magikarp needs a challenge remember a move what do you mean when does Magikarp learn an attacking move level 15. what am I supposed to do I'm not giving up on Magikarp yet it's one of the most powerful Pokemon I will prove it wait a second you get experience when you catch Pokemon in this generation as long as we don't use the Pokemon we catch we should be good let's see if this works 39 experience I don't know if I have enough Pokeballs [Music] okay [Music] experience oh come on [Music] yes one rare candy away I know we could do it I'm so happy I found this rare candy my fish there we go just the three words I wanted to see how about now little man bye squint you don't mess with Magikarp you just don't you think ha is tougher than fish you think a crying lizard can take on the legendary fish everyone was laughing when fish only knew Splash but with tackle nothing can stand in our way I honestly hate how important this is to the run but you know what these might be way too good for using items in battle but it's not above having a held item what do you mean fish is evolving why would a Pokemon this powerful need to evolve buddy there's no way you're prepped for the power in might of danger oh my God fish buddy please fish oh no thank you kind lady time to get back to training normally in a situation like this I would just over level fish to get by bead with ease but I can't risk getting EVs and stats I don't want to get them in the only option I can see is beating hundreds of squoven so I can get Maxi bees and HP at least 252 score that later this is the most excited I will ever be here for a Pokemon to learn flail that we can finally make it to the first gym maybe for over 12 hours in and I'm still not at the first gym you won't you you me you don't understand what I've been through [Music] it's holding up to this fish Endeavor you've Fallen straight into my trap flail like a fish out of water you just gotta live one more fish one more yes that's what you'll love to see time to find out if it was all worth it go the first gym it took a while but it's finally time to prove yourself fish no one thinks you can beat the grass gym leader all by yourself but I know you can gossipler we out speed let's get some damage let's see how much this does that's some good damage right there it was a crit though how much does this do I I we're still in this we're still in this okay that's fine one one somehow only one left to go hi Elder guys we defeated over 252 squoven for this exact moment it's time to unleash our secret weapon big feet single Pokemon on this planet is more powerful than [Music] that didn't go as planned we were so excited Big Fish we've been talking about this for for years now decades what happened oh Dynamax level I'm gonna need to get some Dynamax candies aren't I if there's one thing fish knows what to do it's dismantle early route normal Pokemon I'm not catching the sorry Pokemon no thank you experience candy time packs candy and rare candy this is like my birthday oh my God wait a second a fellow fish Enthusiast what a special day we got four rare candies from all the max raid battles you're getting all of them fish and the Dynamax candy did get us all the way up operation big fish is now Unstoppable turn one they're gonna go for the max strike we're gonna get necessary damage we're gonna protect we'll do it again Bing Bang Boom game over no okay they did go for the grass move it's not over but this is not ideal they did absolutely they went for the wrong grass move I think we have it this one fish to live I thought we had it I hate that smug man I just want to show the world how powerful magic carp is all right what are you gonna do Milo you got three options what ruins my life what hurts my feelings and one makes you look like a goofball but which one is it which one is it it's the weak one they went for the weak grass move I don't know why but this is perfect 84-98 we need a little bit more a little bit more HP buddy by my calculations you live this 75 of the time I just need you to live right here everything comes down to this moment come on they went for the week one is flail powerful enough to kill from here I don't know I've put in way too much time for flail not to kill I Gotta Throw a Hail Mary if you're not subscribed already please subscribe most people are and maybe just maybe if enough people subscribe play will do enough damage no that's what are you doing Milo yes let's go maybe it didn't make whale do enough but that subscription it's still got the job done it confused the gym leader and people tried to tell me that man was gonna stand in our way nothing and no one can defeat the mighty fish I knew coming into this that the grass gym was going to be one of the biggest hurdles now that we're past that I could possibly stand in my life you say what now I spent all that time trying to beat the grass gym leader and this is my reward mandatory save my battle no no no no the next day what's that move right there hydro pump I wonder what that does it causes death and destruction you're probably wondering how did you get hydro pump on MasterCard let me tell you the Pokemon sword and shield hydropump is a TR you can purchase from the East Lake Axwell watt Trader but it only appears on certain days so not only do you have to get the 8 000 Watts but you have to do a glitch with the max raid battles the change the day on your switch so that you can go to that watt Trader over and over and over and over and over again until Hydra bump is there to be purchased yes the waking nightmare is over it took almost 21 hours to get magic cards a non-normal attacking move now back to your regularly scheduled program let's go meet a gym see in Sun so the wave in Sun we messed this up everything was for nothing that's great we're gonna buy both hey you did nothing wrong but magikarp's gonna kick your someday you might own this gym Magic card let's put on a show buddy Goldeen your old friend you know what you need to do fish And So It Begins one down two for two this is what we came here for Turtle big fish come on fish come on that's what you love to see you got one chance at this Dreadnought you better make it count is that the best you got I thought this would be a challenge I could really get used to battles like this not you again okay come on that was what I was saying you're copying me I'm not in the mood how many times do we have to teach you this lesson am I in danger no right I mean uh we win this easy yeah we win we win this yes yeah we have to come on no fishing come on you wouldn't lose to this fool you wouldn't do it you just wouldn't do it to me fish fish fish fish [Music] there we go fish Magikarp the clutch wait a minute we just got a baby up let's go hydro pump thank you the fire gym leader is so screwed man bring on the gym challenge let's get this over with fish fishes are fish if fish can't do it no one fish this is gonna be so easy man I'm way too excited for this gym battle I'll be honest Habu you don't even have drought nine tails what are we doing here man Arcanine oh no I'm scared all right big fish time this feels cruel I'm gonna be honest right now send this course looks like bait you would use to catch a magic card well this time no one's catching your feet you should eat the might be harder to eat the bug that's not gonna save the bug from getting destroyed a great Pokemon and a great trainer truer words have never been spoken what do you mean stronger Pokemon I have the strong guess Pokemon what else would I catch I hate you so much no don't go it like that when you're as powerful as fish you don't have any Rivals okay no fish wait no sucker punch that did not go the way I wanted it to go just let me buy okay I have way bigger fishing I'm telling you right now hop if that Bird eats a Pikachu and spits it out at Magikarp we're gonna have problems I need to quit so bad come on you know what to do boom there it is let's go fish we still got a chance there we go okay we're still fine oh do they go for soccer Punch or do they heal right here I don't know the mind games are gonna heal didn't go for either they didn't do either of them oh my God half you fools what's the final Pokemon we can beat up a talk Soul yeah I don't know if we're gonna use the rocky helmet but desperate times call for desperate measures and we might need magic carp to take a little bit of a beating Ghost Gym is sure gonna be difficult to be but the Pokemon that only has one non-normal move if only there was a version that didn't have a ghost gym that would sure be a lot easier than this we're not here for the easy way out fish is here to prove to the world that it's one of the strongest Pokemon out there and we're about to do that let's get past these trainers pretty quick I'm ready for the gym are you sure about that could you have any anything beyond the ghost grass Pokemon please another oh come on this is not gonna be as easy as the last few gems oh little rare candy don't mind if I do wait is that shiny yes what that's a full heart shiny who is coming here to level up so I could use the rare candies I got from the max raid battles we could catch the shiny and have it as a trophy you could Hydra pump the shiny and get the experience to level up or you could eat the shiny and absorb its shiny powers and become the ultimate beast Ultimate Fish Ultimate Fish ultimate feast ultimate feast ultimate beast oh I really thought that'd be enough experience to level up well this is awkward I thought we were gonna turn into the ultimate fish and fish would become shiny now I just killed a shiny for no reason are you stupid or something we still found a rare candy and we have two more from the max raids so this is what really matters right Clive one down and hopefully just some regular ghost there we go destroy the stump hello again boom there we go finally didn't have to go against the ghost gym but we wanted a challenge I like this someone shaking in their boots before they have to face the mighty magikarpass if you could send out a few more you masks that would be absolutely perfect just gotta hit this Feast oh let's go one down three to go and that is absolutely perfect because we only have so many Hydro pumps may make you oh that's really gonna eat up our Hydro pumps I haven't missed one yet I hate going against this ability there we go fish come on Chris I really wish that did a bit more you really gotta hit this one come on no no we took the mimikyu out but at what cost we only have one hydro pump left what am I even supposed to do here here that goes pull an ambulance but not for me you thought I didn't have a plan for that if I'm correct and sometimes I am there we go that's what I'm talking about finally okay that's what I like to see perfect and a flashback we're taking down this Ghost Gym and we're taking it down first of course wait no I don't have anything up my sleeve for this we might not be able to win now please you just gotta go for it that is not good wait we're fine with the Dynamax oh we still might have this such a ridiculous looking gigantomax it's giving you a Target come on oh my God wait you just have to live fish we got this you just have to live wait do we live the curse yes we did it we didn't fish oh my God yes let's go after the Ghost Gym I don't see any of these other gyms standing in my way yes yes let the heat flow through you be destroy it if I can meet the ghost gym with one move what do you think you're gonna do against fish what fish you gotta kill this thing jeez wait leftovers oh man don't mind if I do oh no two lapa berries let's go I hate him you are a hater come on why is this harder than the Ghost Gym why I refuse to let this be the battle that breaks me it's getting close destroy these psychic blobs I don't want to see him anymore that's what I've been waiting for there we go fish come on we might be able to Oco no you can't miss again oh no [Music] gotta hit this thank you okay eat the leper Berry this is it yes no oh baby this line of text is killing me you have to hit Hydra pump okay we hit [Music] we did we finally did it you will not be getting it too over no chance I won that Baron Square few more levels on beach than I expected going into this Forest but that thing's saying Splash can I join the party I can't stay here too long I'm not gonna be your successor Beach needs to be champion of the lands if not King and ruler of the land this is not an audition Pokemon with a hat is a strong start but you know what fish let's run the not miss Hydra pump play there we go you can run the play that works too don't get poisoned and we're good to go buddy okay this is a big question the magic user you are not a wizard Harry what you are a wizard Harry ooh go you I fish he ain't missing today and that's all that matters get that thing out of here come on fish come on you know what we gotta do [Music] Big Fish you are the most powerful Pokemon ever created I'm gonna need you to show that right now come on fish please please buddy please let's go fish there's still a chance you lose to a giant cake fish it'll be slightly embarrassing come on 50 and we just need 50 buddy we need a crit we need a crate or we need to be able to live too that did nothing wait no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we might have this we need a crit or we just need Plato to do the damage after this come on there's a chance there's a non-zero chance it might not be a good one oh no hydro pump has a chance to kill yes let's go baby let's go Beach ain't gonna be any fifth gym leader we're going all the way to the top oh I am absolutely here to point and laugh at you magikarp's also gonna splash some water on you yes yes I can I'm over 30 hours into this video I have more than enough time to sit here and laugh at you why I just had so many difficult battles in a row why are you doing this oh you got you've got Trevenant is going to cause a mental breakdown I already know it maybe not sorry no it might no it it no it we killed Trevin in my first attempts that's like actually shocking are you kidding me why have you built your team to beat up beat up cruel oh this is my numbingly difficult at different points I'm just now realizing I have berries that will allow me to make my magikarps EVS perfect it took way too long to realize I had these but I am way too excited about it time to get some special attack EVS I hate him my fish I've trained you up I made sure we've maximized your EVS with those really nice berries get a crit wait a second that wasn't horn leech we have a chance alarms are ringing hydro pump and we have a chance come on fish we have it crit into killing it without losing any health what's going on buddy yeah hey hey yeah there you go fish yeah maybe maybe this will help maybe that's what we were missing yeah trained you up even more buddy let's oh my God buddy I am tired am I doing a good job God I really hope Magikarp likes this yeah we love it yeah magikarp's feeling ready to not hit itself in the face from confusion I'm ready Magikarp you've hit yourself in the face first turn after getting confused raid every single that's enough for today I spent multiple hours grinding Max raid battles so let's get this guy up to level 75 for now and we'll go from there you don't understand what you're doing to me huh this would all be solved if a Magikarp just had access to bounce earlier I feel good about this one okay I think we killed the next one for sure I did a little bit more than I wanted we're barely not gonna be able to kill oh my God we got the gray we can get confused we got the crane I've been waiting so long to get that correct we have to hit this one and then I gotta go to the damage calcs and we gotta make the right decision against Snorlax come on fish come on we have a chance have a chance hydropom good two shot okay we didn't miss which is so huge Camp era Camp era oh my God we have a chance so close stockpile oh my God we're fine is he going to heal Snorlax if he heals Snorlax I'm going to have a mental breakdown and start crying that escalated the only way I can win this is with a crit now but it's possible oh my God this is a battle of the ages oh my God wait they didn't attack they didn't pair us I have to go for flail because we only have so many Hydro pumps left I think I might have it yes yes oh my God oh my God please please please please please okay okay it's gonna be intellion right Italian okay flail does 40 to 47. hydro pump does 46 to 54. but if it does damage to us then I think Flair will be a two shot so I think we flail as long as it can't kill me I think we're fine oh my God I think we have it we hit [Music] homes scared this has been a miracle battle I don't know if I can replicate this again everything went right everything they go for Sucker Punch and I go for flail they kill they go for any other move and I go for flail I win in the past they don't always go for Sucker Punch oh my God oh my God oh my God I never want to hear from you again get out of my face I don't know if I've ever gotten this attached to a Pokemon in a playthrough this thing didn't miss a single hydro pump in the most important sequence I'm so genuinely proud of this Pokemon a little birdie told me that Pokemon Sword has the sixth gym leader as a rock type gym leader and another little birdie told me that rock is weak against water I'll just lie to myself and pretend like this isn't gonna be too bad it's the worst that could happen don't talk to me this is gonna be a piece of cake not actually that was that was literally the last gym never mind let's run the not miss play again okay good start fish Good Start can't let them get too many icy wins off I think one speed drop is five but we need to be able to out speed their next Pokemon there we go fish one down let's go three for three come on taunts I can't use Splash anymore oh I don't know if that affects anything I'm gonna be honest oh without speeds it can't Flinch here no Flinch no oh fish come on buddy that Flinch honestly they could come back to bite us a crit here would be huge we gotta get this penguin out of here come on that's good damage on freeze right no headbutt is gonna come back to bite us we're not even at the difficult part of this battle yet I'm gonna be honest I have no idea how we beat labras that's some decent damage honestly we're gonna need a few more levels but I think I might have an idea I'd have to get to an incredibly high level to Oco the Ice Cube and get rid of that freeze-dry damage but when we put Leftovers on feet we should have enough Health to be able to take on the Lapras I think this is The Sweet Spot I feel really confident about it no this might take a while I'm gonna really need Perfection out of you and I know you can give it come on fish need a big one of these too that's some good damage okay go into that mode it's gonna out speed can't get flinched oh it's let's go oh this is what we needed this is what we needed fish I don't know what it was thinking that's beautiful I'm gonna need you to step up fish I need you to step up please there we go that's huge I think we still need to go for another hydro pump that was a crib I have to hit this hydro pump okay the crit sucked by if nothing else we have a chance come on fish that's damaged this is what I've been worried about this entire time that didn't do anything but it is gonna make it incredibly difficult to get damage off let's get rain going if nothing else it's nothing okay there's there's something one more hydro pump and we have rain no oh sheesh it's not over but that was huge I think that's it There You Go Fish it comes down to this yeah yes we did it you should yeah I'm gonna be honest I don't have time for this I'm going straight to the next no no we're not losing this fool again I refuse we gotta tackle I don't know if he heals here good he wastes hyper potion like a big old stinky dum-dum why you bully me we quite literally can't miss another hydro pump but that's fine there we go that's a sea urchin with a butt for a face I hydro pump that thing into Smithereens things are still going well are they allowed to go well we can beat this up it's a big dumb bird but I won't be able to eat my berry against the big dumb bird I have this under control there we go fish there we go the greatest Pokemon of all time yes I hate this man why do I have to keep battling him wait a second oh I've been waiting for this for so long okay okay there we go I've been waiting to grab this item the entire game this is gonna help out so much wait what do you mean what do you mean I can't get by I didn't know this was a thing in the game why do I need two Pokemon fine hey fish it's your brother here for moral support admittedly fisch's parents were not the most creative in case anyone forgot level 5 Magikarp only no splash quite literally can't used for anything even if I try to use it this is why I didn't have two Pokemon because you have one random double battle in here let's go other B the bm7 guaranteed we're destroying this gym first try [Music] fish I'm gonna really need you to step up buddy we're not missing that's what matters that was close it's just a little sand in your eyes come on obstacoon oh wow I did not expect that this early what does that do again hold up kill it this time fish but I did another one [Music] all right that's actually kind of bad we miss a Hydra pump now we lose we're gonna have to hit this no fees you gotta stop missing buddy you gotta stop missing doesn't the final Pokemon of Sucker Punch he even says sucker Bunch oh man what oh my God you fool you acknowledge the move that you could beat me with what I've been trying to beat this game only using a Magikarp for so long that my face is starting to look like I'm a Magikarp I'm worried this video is making me go insane and I definitely need to remember to wear sunscreen move aside champion of the world Magikarp coming through you mentioned Charizard when you bring up Leon but you don't mention fish when you bring up me what's up with that other fish you simply can't know anything beyond Splash bye-bye I don't know if I've ever been this excited for a gym battle it has taken over 30 eight hours to get here I'm so ready to finish this you could say one of them supports the other some of the clothes were my strategy do you have to have an Obama you get a crit and other fees just gonna Splash to show the world how powerful Splash can be great you're the best beach I don't want to do this no more no one can take on Fish With The Power of Pokemon Camp fish is unbeatable bring on Ryan it's taken so long to get to this moment I am prepped for almost no situations I rely on hydro pump and little else fish you Hydra pump fish you Splash break a crate would be pretty swell oh that's the damage you love to see oh thanks that's what I love to see no one's dropping your attack other fish that's exactly what you were here to do buddy take out the fly gone and this is exactly where we want to be all right perfect we've got to get rid of Santa condo now so it can't paralyze us I'm not gonna let the snake glare at your feet it might think your dinner but in reality you're the Grim Reaper two Pokemon when I got big fish my partner will send Wilson Stadium fly these Gym Leaders run hinge this is why you need big fish in your life one day it will rule these lands but it won't send everybody flying okay I can promise you that get that overgrown rock out of here and bring down the rain I'm fine with that I'm fine with that come on fish come on fish 50 that's all we need there we go you just gotta live one hit Beast one hit oh my god we're gonna do it we're actually gonna do it first try are you kidding me this man needed a two on one to try to take out fish and it didn't work Magikarp is really gonna be able to beat this game by herself it's beautiful you did well other fish I'll miss you but most of all I'll miss your splashes one ticket directly to the Champions Cup please here we are it's time to take on what is this why would you drop me off here what am I supposed to do in this Barren Wasteland it's snowing outside I'm cold am I supposed to train Magikarp up to level 100 I'll do it don't dare me and now it's time for me and fish to become champions of the entire region it took over 40 hours to get to this point but this is where we finally proved to the world how powerful Magikarp truly is so it begins there we go fish [Music] there were men from the dust side come on my fish I'm just saying a crit would be pretty nice it'd be pretty swelled that's fine that's fine please let's go I think she can't be stopped all right this is where it gets tough but when the going gets tough Magikarp splashes harder the kids are always silent this is where things do get a little dicey tackle the Frog and get it out of here there we go fish it's time to bring out the secret weapons just don't hit yourself in confusion and we're good to go Bud there we go hi we just need one more fish you can punch yourself one time just not twice certainly not Thrice and there goes the battle and now it's time for a little Revenge this man has routinely disrespected us and routinely embarrassed us today we end this man's hopes and dreams once and for all let's start with that one hit KO come on that's why you'll love the sea fish get that stupid sheep out of here hey you that thing stinks but this is where things get serious this is where things get for realsies come on how much does this do Max damage or crate would be pretty swell get this thing out of my sight so close but it didn't go over body slamming that's all that matters that's the only thing that matters me that thing caused me so much heartache and it was so easy to get rid of fish I'll let you in on a secret hop I don't respect you when your team's bad and you're ugly and just like that I will never ever have to battle this man again with a singular Magikarp thank thank you on to the real competition no no I know Papa's the only person that could get me this ride I'm not responsible for what magikarp's gonna do to this kid you know what to do fish you got this in your bag I know you do Magikarp that was the last time anyone ever saw beat hey you get out of here you didn't do that you didn't even kind of do that hey it's so announced who understands water types nice oh you don't have a Magikarp on your team because you don't recognize Magikarp as the most powerful Pokemon ever created seems like we're gonna have to destroy you that what do you think you're doing come on see King you're calling that the king of the Seas there's only room for one Queen of the Season gen one and we know what fish really is oh bear a scooter not even a little worried get this thing out of here we know what to do here fish it's gonna bring the rain and you'll bring the pain come on fish come on that's what you love to see one bee versus a very hungry Turtle do not let us down please it all comes down to this let's go there's no such thing as a Super Saiyan crit right and just like that we're on to the next round and we know once and for all who the greatest water Pokemon is we still gotta show the world in the best gen 1 Pokemon is Charizard we're still coming for you hydroboom better get the job done we got one option oh good the lead Pokemon is disabled pressure oh my God we need the super mega double Ultra credit that's fine I can deal with that precious things but that wasn't disabled we're good let's go fish I need you to clutch up in your collection up Chandelure easy come on we're close I can taste the fish I can taste it I think we're done with this battle come on it's giving you a Target fish it's too easy so close spooky oh come on you missed this and we lose off of that full restore I may have a mental breakdown thank you just one more battle for our chance at eternal glory Ryan I honestly don't have anything to say let's just get into this I see you tour [Music] oh we have a chance we have a chance we're gonna need a lot of luck buddy this is a good start um how are you hitting Thunder in the stun I'm very worried how are you hitting in the sun somehow gotta live rain dance Magikarp lives in water man I don't know if you know that print print oh this is brutal oh that was big okay wait a minute wait a minute we're in this we're in this beach I need you to be clutch but wait we might actually have this this is not a false alarm we might have this and this video has to be possible I put so much of myself into this video so much of my life into this I just this kills the rain stops we either need to just live the hit normally or have like lived on one this is super possible come on please game please gotta live somehow wait Max knuckle doesn't do too much oh my God please please please please please please please please please let's go oh my God we did it I can't believe we did it I'm not even gonna pretend like I believe this is the final battle because I need to go battle that stupid idiot with the Pharaoh Thorn dumb stupid C so don't look at me like that cause I'm already upset I'm already worked up this battle is the last thing standing in between me and taking on Leon with a single Magic card everything comes down to this come on fish come on how much does this do Mega horn can miss that's something to keep in mind but it it certainly did not when Pokemon down you dumber stupider see we are screwed really needed to not miss hydro pump oh my God I think the only way we can get through this is lowering attack to Upper special attack EVS this makes my job a lot easier Magikarp has much higher special attack EVs and if this doesn't work I don't know what will man come on fish how much does this do is that enough I have no idea my goal was the three shot this thing I don't know if we're there though we might need a crate is that three shot I don't know oh it is this is what I've been waiting for didn't think this was even in the cards okay we have a chance to do the thing ferrothorne is down fish has no damage on it I am losing my mind it's getting very late at night but we might do the thing that's the thing we done did it I think we we we we we we maybe did done done did I'm so tired there's quite literally no way we could lose I think it's guaranteed there's the berry I think it's guaranteed that did negative five damage and here it is only one remains Leon you know as well as me there's only one gen one Pokemon that can take on a Tornadus and it ain't Charizard just three legendary Pokemon hanging out taking out a giant hand it's time to take down the scariest threat yet gosh there we go the mighty Splash comes through once again I buy for every Tornadus you are not a Magikarp I came into this video with one goal to show the world that Magikarp spent under appreciated for far too long and that it's actually powerful this is Sir that will go down in history it's time to show the world what you're truly made of how much does this do that's the big question half damage that's all that matters can't get the special defense straw that is not good one down I guess good I was worried this would be too easy let's try something a little different let's start off with the biggest fish the world ever done seen us Leon are you intimidated are you scared frightened you're gonna go crying to your mommy you should have said that oh not have said that that's fine that's fine one down that's what matters this is why we're Big Fish we gotta get this thing out of here before it Thunderbolts my face off come on fish come on fish yeah that didn't work out didn't go the way I wanted it to farthest we've gotten in the battle crit would be nice here that's still good damage Let's Go Fish I fish we might need a Bud we might need a crash level one do the thing there we go fish there we freaking go three down what are you doing in my swamp come on that was a huge great Beast that was such a huge Chris and there it goes we just gotta be able to get past the seismito that's all we need why not us why not live with one it's my puppy she makes me happy I love her hello today's bargain thank you now item held by Pokemon at Boost moves used consecutively but only until a different move is used I don't know if this is gonna help but it's worth trying if you could avoid one more fish I mean this will do more or we could get a crit my heart no quick attack no don't have a mental breakdown dude tomorrow I showered I put my Magikarp shirt on I went and got the berries to get rid of HPV so that I could give match carp attack EVS I'm trying literally everything I'm cycling through every item I could possibly put on it I have no idea if this is possible let's find out what happens when I have no HP EVS not great good start I don't have any more Pokemon I hate you come on now what are you gonna do wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute we need crit live on one crit come on please yes that was the normal kill live on one or a Miss it's possible it's there it's a thing yes this is it this is it please you don't understand no one watching will be able to understand please please please come on [Music] yes yes yes yes [Music] we did it there's no way we did it can you beat Pokemon Shield only using a Magikarp yes yes fish can fish
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,445,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, can you beat pokemon sword and shield, pokemon solo run, pokemon challenge run, can you beat pokemon sword with magikarp, is it possible to beat, only magikarp, can you beat, champion leon battle, pm7 magikarp, magikarp only, magikarp solo run, magikarp challenge run, feesh, pm7 feesh, can i beat pokemon shield with one magikarp, solo magikarp, magikarp run
Id: 7OE8Zq-n-Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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