Can You Beat Pokemon Scarlet Using ONLY FIRE TYPES?

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I love fire type Pokemon so I wanted to see if it was possible to beat Pokemon Scarlet using only fire types but to make this even harder I added a ton of extra rules on top just to turn the heat up even more could my fire types burn through paldia well let's find out to start I customize a fiery looking trainer and brand him a fitting name Mr arsonist we all love a fire starter but this guy is the fire starter good morning Mr arsonist wait what's that sound ah nothing don't worry about it now we can pick our starter and whilst brigatito would be good kindling obviously Mr arsonist grabbed the portable flamethrower Fuego you two sicken me this game has some awesome fire types so I want to know in the comments which paladian fire type is your favorite yes way Coco now we meet our rival nimona wannabe friends uh I don't think you really want to be friends with someone called Mr arsonist and also you're getting a little bit too overzealous for my liking with our beloved foil secured nimona picks the highly flammable grass cat she has no idea what she's just gotten herself into we battled down on the beach and absolutely incinerate her sprigatito you two seem to be becoming fast friends clavel I set her cat on fire what kind of friendships do you have on our way to school we find something incredible oh my God that's amazing a Hound hour I just gotta catch them oh thanks for scaring away my encounter jerk I'm forced to give up my sandwich to this pest you are one strike away from learning why they call me Mr arsonist and very quickly Corydon struck out because it then scared away a dozen other Hound hour and what's worse when I had a chance to catch a Houndoom it stole me away right let me go get my petrol canister so I lost my chance at catching the Fire doggo however I can still get my puppy fix with the sponsor of this video project mechadoge what if you took the adorableness of a dog along with the awesomeness of a giant Mech combine them both and boom that's this game project Mega Dodge is a brand new free-to-play casual RPG you play as a dog piloting a Mech which is so cool your objective is to defeat the Eternal enemy of dogs everywhere the cats violent cats rule the world and have taken away the doggy's Freedom until now the game supports multiplayer so you can play with your friends work together to hunt monsters and then use the rewards to infinitely upgrade your Mech even more and since it's a roguelike game there's always new challenges for you to take on this game only just launched and it's free to play on both IOS and Android how could you sleep at night if you didn't download this game and didn't help the dogs gain back their freedom so join the resistance by clicking the link in the description to download project mcados right now I know I'll be joining the fight and I hope you'll fight alongside me after setting arvin's squirrel on fire we're punished by being forced to travel with corridon before moving on to Los Platos uh if I were a betting man I'd put my money on the bird it looks like it could swallow that child hole while we're here we're able to find a Fletchling sadly we won't be able to use it until it evolves but hey at least we found something nimono once again challenges us to a battle and once again we absolutely clown on her like seriously this is Meant To Be A Champion ranked trainer but we haven't even broken a sweat against her I'm sure we'll always beat her this easily we finally arrive in misogosa and encounter the miscreants obtained star trying to recruit this girl at first I too was unconvinced but then they told me about how they burned too bright you know what I like the sound of that sign me up but nimona forces me to beat up the recruitment officer who then runs off first the Hound hour then the sandwich and now my team I've lost so much it's hard being an arsonist sometimes nimona also gives us a terror orb but I'm Banning to rationalization just to make this run that little bit spicier besides why would I want any of my fire types to change from their already Superior typing anyway we're given our main quests to defeat the gyms and the five Titan bosses then suddenly Alf bone gets hacked I've come up with a plan to bring down team star and force them to disband for good now we can explore the open world and we're going to start with a bug gym wow that should definitely be a tough one for my fire Pokemon after heading west from misogosa we reached the town of cortondo the gym challenge involves carefully rolling a giant Olive and who knew Mr arsonist could roll olives as well as he burns down buildings this clears us to take on the easiest gym leader in history Katie a battle I was feeling so confident about that I decided to go into it with just my fiery little friend for a Coco Katie leaves with a Nimble which chips away at me a little with double kick before an ember deals huge damage almost taking it out however it's here where I run into a problem instead of using double kick again the AI uses struggle bug which also lowers my special attack while one more Amber crushes Nimble for the rest of this fight I'll be stuck with a reduced Firepower next in is tarantula and we trade blows back and forth but a few Embers take care of that too lastly tediosa and I think we can handle it especially after it tears into a bug type however this demonic teddy bear hit a critical kit Fury swipes Burying my beloved voy Coco oh my God I actually lost to the bug type gym leader if I can't even burn up some pitiful bugs how would I stand a chance against the Pokemon that are actually strong against biotypes this is so embarrassing please don't tell my mum she'll be so disappointed despite losing we were under leveled and I did try to solo the gym with Faye Coco so I knew exactly what we needed a new team member and then I remembered where we'd seen a fire type before now we're cooking after backtracking we're able to jump off this Cliff with the help of Corydon granting us access back into the inlet Grotto and it only takes a few steps inside to find what we're looking for boom now we've got ourselves a Hound hour furthermore we can get the TM for firefang by obtaining some how fangs which to be honest sounds very morbid anyway this lets us teach firefang to our newest devil dog ah good to know I've still got this power with my pyromaniac power still in check it was time for a rematch with Katie and this time things would be different I led with houndour and boosted my attack with a howl nibble's double kick is super effective and hits for a lot of damage regardless it only takes one firefang to take out both Nimble and tarantula now Katie was down to only tediosa a fire Fang does a little over half before a terror boosted Fury cutter finally takes out houndour but from here hueikoku comes in tanks another Fury cutter like it's nothing before incinerating the bug Cub for the victory damn that felt good one badge down on our way to the next gym I hunted for a few new fiery encounters by heading up through the Western Province I was able to find a capsa kid it's a dorky looking grass Pokemon for now so I won't be able to use it until it evolves next I was able to catch a shark at it I love this little guy he's one of my favorite New Gen 9 Pokemon which makes it a shame that it stats are straight trash like it will eventually be awesome but for now it's just gonna be a glorified bench warmer the fan doesn't stop there though because after some training halfway Coco evolves into a crocolor look I'll put it simply does a Pokemon have a fiery Sombrero if so I adore that Pokemon now Bound for artisan and along the way we had yet another encounter as we were able to find a Growler and while this puppy is already a blessed find God looked down on us as we found one with the intimidate ability that is amazing this Trio of fantastic team members made me feel really good you guys not so much anyway now we've made it to Artisan we're our next gym challenge awaits it's a city of artists and all the artwork is made by the townspeople oh wow that's great to know I'm an artist too here's my artwork through issuing some shock-induced trauma we're able to challenge the next gym leader brassius he uses three Pokemon so under the rules of this challenge I can only bring three Pokemon two on top of that the level of My Pokemon can't exceed His Highest before the fight so with a hot Trio of houndour chocolate and Growlithe I stepped up to brassius and oh boy this was wild bratius leads with a pedal ill so I go with Hound hour and set up a howl then pedalil hits a mega drain which does a pathetic amount of damage so I decided to go all in with another howl but unfortunately petalil puts me to bed with sleep powder which isn't too bad except you know what just watch yep that's right it just randomly started raining whether in this game can appear completely out of nowhere and of course it had to be the one weather effect that reduces fire type moves now we're basically hitting these grass types for neutral damage thankfully houndour is asleep for only one more turn before waking up and finishing pedal ill in one shot next up is smolif and I mean come on do you think that this little freak is gonna give me any trouble yeah I didn't think so the real problem is Sudowoodo despite terasterizing into a grass type student weirdo has great stats for this point in the game and with the rain in effect things were looking Grim are we seriously going to lose to another gym fight Handel goes for a firefang which only does a third and you know what we take those Sudowoodo does take out our evil puppy but now it's on the verge of death so our Heavenly puppy is clear to come in tank a rock throw and singe The Not So Sudowoodo for the win that was way closer than it had any right to be but that grants us badge number two oh who's a good boy one life equals one Pat for our certified good boy with two fresh Gym badges our team and I were riding High however we definitely were in for a shock against the Electric Gym as we made our way to lavincia basically the power of iono's Pokemon would definitely Crush our team right now so I needed to power up my squad before even thinking about taking her on just outside lavincia I was able to find a litlio I'm definitely more of a dog person than a cat person but this little Pokemon can breathe fire so it's a-okay by Mr arsonist wow my pathetic legendary Pokemon can't even jump five feet after finding another route I eventually come across a rolly Coley a lot of our Pokemon can hit hard but this little rock is actually capable of also taking a punch you might think that this is enough preparation to take on the gym but unfortunately there's something else I've got to do here something incredibly vital hey how's it going yeah not gonna lie as much as I love melting metal earthworm's goofy presence still found a way into my heart well not enough stop me from melting it with Arvin but it's always good to check in on my buddy on top of that the experience from beating the Titan allowed roly Coley to evolve into cargo who gets a huge defense buff watch your step it's pretty dark ah don't worry Arvin I got this with that taken care of I headed back to lavincia for our next gym I'm gonna share this with all of my followers what aren't you like I don't know five so I found this design a clothes shop and this awesome looking leather gloves but they cost a ton I couldn't possibly waste all my money on a purely cosmetic item with my Sleek new designer gloves I felt as ready as ever to take on the third gym except we can't take on iono right away as nimona forces us into a battle that said come on it can't be that bad we've slapped her around for two straight fights in a row what hope does she have oh dear God no rockruff is a problem for our team fortunately Target is a great counter in this fight as it can burn Rock while it goes for a howl before using clear smog to wipe away the Boost despite a rock throw crippling our fiery little rugrat two nightshades get the KO her poor me is also trouble though as dig buries chocolate but an intimidate from growlith stops pour me in his tracks and we get the knockout with two flame Wheels her newly evolved florigato flinches growlith to get another KO but her starter can't do anything to owls as two incinerates singers her Ace while we did still win pneumonia is starting to bring the heat anyway now we're clear the take on the gym challenge tier 3 sub director clavel appears on stream and we play a game called find the simp kinda cringe I know but hey at least it's not raining oh come on it was finally time to take on iono and let me tell you I got demolished I take down water all no trouble but then comes Reckoning itself belly bolt this chunky friend-shaped frog is a monster it only knows two moves one of which is water gun A Move that drowns out all of my Pokemon it was a Slaughter yikes okay so that attempt didn't go to plan but I'm sure the next one will be better I am in hell I quickly realized that my team just wasn't ready to take on iono so I needed to craft some big brain strats to start Fletchling evolved into Fletchinder a great Pokemon for the future but incredibly useless right now next after some hunting in the nearby mine we were able to find a fire stone and use it to evolve our growth into an Arcanine God I love this giant puppy and finally after some exploring we found a rare tall I love this guy it's another defensive wall that we can use on our team just uh maybe don't get too attached to crack a torgol once I had grinded everyone to level 24 I returned to face iono with a new and improved team in round 3 the fight starts the same as last time I lead with cargol and quickly take care of watral unfortunately when the reaper belly bolt comes out I don't have a safe switch so car call gets crushed now though here comes the cheese vitlio now knows the move Noble raw and this lowers the target's attack and special attack this means I can Nerf belly bolts offense into the ground as lillio lands five Noble Roars before being taken out this lets me safely switch into Arcanine who can then start boosting its attack with Hal as belly bolt does nothing to our big puppy four halves still isn't enough to knock out the chunky Frog meaning we're brought down to half Health by the time that we eventually take out that killer frog iono's loxio follows soon after leaving only miss magius who would out speed and be immune to extreme speed if not for the fact that it terasterizes into an electric type this means we can nearly knock it out in one shot before Arcanine is hit by confused Ray unfortunately confusion luck isn't on our side and Arcanine finally Falls but now it's crocodore's time to shine Miss magius tries another confused Ray but you fool you fell right into my trap because the confusion is immediately healed by a person Berry before crocolor fires off one last incinerate to pick up the W damn that felt good iono was tough but we persevered and got our third gym badge if any of you found our electrifying battle to be shocking go smash that subscribe button you know what iono I agree you better do it I'm so glad that Jimmy's over now we can do something easy what's next okay so I'm just gonna choose to ignore that for now uh so as I was heading to our next town I eventually found some numeral which you know might have been pretty useful for the last two hours of headache I undo it though I'm sure they'll be useful in the next gym it's not like they're four times weak to water or anything I eventually caught a new mail from a terror raid adding another unique type combination to our roster that being said the time has come for a current team member to step up by using another Firestone we could evolve our capsa kid into a sko villain one of the few Pokemon we'll be able to use that isn't weak to water making it very useful for our next challenge once we make it to kaskarafa I was ready for our biggest challenge yet that is until the gym leader runs away and a gym employee delegates what is surely her job onto a literal child I can't believe this happened again another trainer in this town has a Golduck walking over their head and yes I mean again what is with this cursed place we eventually catch up with kofu alongside his incredibly bizarre facial hair I don't know which one or his eyebrows but nonetheless I want to burn both of them off anyway we return his wallet win some imported dank weeds and then we get to challenge him at the gym now while he and his water types definitely sound like they're gonna be tough I'm actually feeling really good about this fight the reason why torkal with the drought ability we can set up the Sun in Battle reducing the power of water moves and giving our team a defensive buffer yep it's really that easy why just look at krakato's summary screen too ah well this is awkward time to find another tall goal so I went back to the East Province where torkol is and then I found this little guy in any other playthrough I would love and cherish this special Pokemon but it's not a fire type so can I get some F's in the comments to pay respects to another shiny lost soon after we find another torcal thankfully this one has drought meaning we've found our winner say hello to krakatookle and now say goodbye to Cracker torcol after grinding some Terror raids we were ready to finally take on kofu he leads with the loser so I go with our flaming tortoise to set up the sun Aqua cutter does about a quarter before lava plume crits for nearly half Health after another turn I then switch into Arcanine who intimidates the loser causing it to do even less damage now I start setting up howls and manage to set up three by now Arcanine is on the brink of death but a boosted extreme speed wipes up Volusia as well as the wug Trio that follows last is crab Bominable and an extreme speed deals about half of the crab's HP before a crab Hammer Bonks our giant puppy into Oblivion torko then re-emerges to set up the sun once again we trade blows and crab vomitable is down to only a Slither of Health by the time that it takes out tokol so our sko villain can come in and finish the job with a huge trailblaze that's a crazy win against probably one of our weakest matchups and we still crushed it on the first try we then take a photo with kofu but unfortunately for the big man he doesn't realize my pal hours to celebrate I give Mr arsonist a makeover some stylish sunglasses and a new hairdo really brings together his immense desire to watch everything burn on our way to the next gym we get a new encounter this cave area is home to salandit but this area is a bit of a sausage fest and I need a female one to be able to evolve into salazzle it took me quite a while but eventually we found Elsa landed after charging through the rain we made it to our next location madali oh a restaurant let's go try it what will you be ordering uh steak for me please my brother Mr Fister always used to make us eat lots of protein and how do you want that cooked I mean come on I fire blast anything I can get my hands on while looking at the map I spotted something very interesting and Evie finding one doesn't take too long and now we've got an adorable new team member I immediately shoved a firestone down its throat causing Evie to evolve into Flareon I'm a big fan of the fiery fluff that we have on our team right now the Gym's level cap is 36 so I did some grinding and upgraded some of my moves during this we get some powerful upgrades to the team as Car Coal evolves into colossal an absolute wall as well as Hound hour into Houndoom a special Cannon and finally crocolor becomes skeletons an absolute monster who now also has a secondary Ghost type I really like the way that our team's looking our Spirits were on fire heading into the fifth gym as we took on Larry whose Spirits looked thoroughly burnt out I feel you there buddy unfortunately for Larry we're about to burn him down even more with the help of a chesto berry to counter yawn after setting up a few howls Arcanine can easily clean up Kamala it does fall to dance bars but then our new fiery Croc puts in work torch song doesn't quite kill duns bars but it boosts our special attack so one more torch song on the next turn takes out the devil slug while also giving us yet another boost finally Larry sends out staraptor and while I was feeling good about having Larry on the ropes suddenly the tide turns the chef cheers on Larry as at least 10 people appear to Galvanize the leader from the sidelines I'm not feeling too confident about this especially when staraptor to rasterizes it hits an area lace for decent damage as skeletos tries a torch song and ah with the lucky crit we had easily earned badge number five however you know what's not too easy our rival fights because when we finish the fight nimona immediately forces us into a fight with her except as I had a team size of three to match Larry since nimona has four Pokemon we're already at a disadvantage add on to that the fact that her newly evolved lycanroc counters my whole team this is looking rough even after an intimidate accelerock crashes our Arcanine within three turns I then switch into colossal who uses a tar shot to increase the damage of our fire moves this was a huge difference maker as two flame Chargers take out the evil Rocky doggy next is Gumi which thankfully is quite useless we hit a Smackdown for half health and then Goomy uses wait water pulse why does this game hate me with colossal drowned out it all comes down to skeleters two torch songs melt the goo ball as well as buff our special attack then Pomo comes in and hits our skeletors with a spark and paralyzes come on we managed to fight through and hit our flamethrower but things were looking Grim as nimona sends out her final Pokemon miascarata except she throws a critical hit flower trick barely does half of my remaining Health as a final flamethrower scorches that waifu bait honestly the fact we won that is a miracle just goes to show the true power of Mr arsonist where hurtling towards the end game now as the next three gym leaders are pretty much back to back so we take the long journey up glaciado Mountain before eventually arriving in montevera you know I may be an arsonist but I do love snom what a precious little bean wait what all right snom I see we're sworn enemies now hyper training get it here uh looking at Obama's nose eyes I think I'm good by giving my team a mountain of candies to snack on we get a bunch of Evolutions like numeral into camerupt litleo in the pyroar to land it into solazzle and Fletchinder who hasn't been seen at all evolves into Talonflame it's still not the time but trust me it's coming all right you prick let's talk about our massive weaknesses mine seems to be game crashes and let's learn about yours the Ghost type gym challenge is fairly straightforward we take on a few double battles to liven up the crowd and then we can take on the gym leader rhyme after a lot of strategizing I decided to bring these four Pokemon two physically defensive walls in camerupt and talk all with resistances and immunities in our Houndoom and Pyro after watching this elderly woman crush the dreams of a small child right to their face it was time to battle Ryan leads with mimiku and Banette and I go with Houndoom and talk all these two are great Pals because Houndoom can boost its special attack with nasty plot while torkole uses lava plume and thanks to flash fire this Powers up houndoom's fire type moves on top of that it also breaks mimiku's disguise ability unfortunately the cheers from the crowd give Ryan's team a speed boost so wanting to keep my Pokemon safe I protect with Houndoom and iron defense with torcol our team's HP has whittled a little but Houndoom absolutely scorches mimikyu for the KO whilst lava plume finishes off Burnette Ryan then sends in her last two Pokemon houndstone and toxicity I once again protect with Houndoom and poor rhyme her talks choosing to use as discharge which hits both my torque hole and houndstone but paralyzes only her own Pokemon lava plume nearly takes out the haunted puppy but the game decides it hates me again the crowd's cheers give rhyme's team an omni boost allowing toxicity to hit a discharge which takes out literally everyone city is scary but now it's a 2V1 as I bring in pyro and camerupt with my final two Pokemon both doubling into toxicity with a crunch and lava plume we finish off Rhymes Ace six badges down although it was looking a bit spooky at the end there now the intended gym order has grusha the ice type trainer last however I'm a sucker for pain and want a challenge so I'll do you a deal I take on the ice gym under leveled and you like And subscribe thanks champ hey you dropped this but before that nimona is back for a battle and once again ruins my day her lycanroc is a demon it out speeds and one shots my Houndoom great just as planned but to make things worse she uses sand attack against my camera up and then I miss followed by a rock slide on the next turn which wait for it makes me Flinch ah this start has been a disaster I try to change things up by switching into talk all but unfortunately rockslide Just Hits way too hard and crushes our tortoise in two turns now that nimona has burned all of her good luck I go into sko villain who is immediately hit by sand attack again and I missed I hate you I hate you I hate you but then as if the sun's rays are The Shining Light Of God itself lycanroc misses a rock slide and trailblaze hits it's not enough to kill but the speed boost means that I knock it out on the next turn thank the Lord in comes her sligu and three crunches would be enough to knock it out but one misses due to the accuracy drop from earlier just one final middle finger from lycanrock the 4-2 Dragon pulses take me down from here our fire types are able to gradually burn through the rest of nimona's squad but that was a hellscape of RNG I hope we never have to battle you again spoiler we did after that experience I needed to release some stress with that out of the way now we can challenge grusha despite having the type advantage we're significantly under leveled he leads with frost moth the father of that evil Abomination earlier Frost moth sets up a Tailwind however a quad-effective lava plume from my tortoise absolutely eviscerates it next comes bear tick who does big damage with earthquake and lava plume isn't enough to take it out so we fall on the next turn but a quick extreme speed from Arcanine gives us an instant Revenge KO this brings out to Titan and even in the Sun a flame wheel doesn't do a lot thanks to thick fat we trade blows and I initiated big brain mode to calculate whether we would live another attack I thought Arcanine was as good as dead so I fired off one more flame wheel as the Titan lands its final blow Arcanine lives on one HP that means we can flame wheel uh never mind Cole also comes in and even though it's four times weak to liquidation it just hangs on activating its steam engine ability maxing out its speed this boost helps us finally take out the killer whale last is ulterior and I hit it with a tar shot to lower its speed this means that when our Killer Croc hits the field we're faster and two flamethrowers finish the fight that gives us the win over the hardest gym leader after the battle Elite Four member Rika introduces us to Poppy a child who is also an elite four member first I was conscripted to give kofu his wallet and now a child is an elite four member the child labor laws in paldia should have all of you in jail the final gym uses psychic types and after the ridiculous battles we've had recently it was nice to actually Breeze through a fight for a change tulip may be hot but my fire types are way hotter we burn her psychic types down to ashes without much trouble giving us our eighth and Final Badge of Victory Road but don't get it twisted our fire type still had their biggest threats of this run ahead of them to help prepare I think we needed one more piece of the puzzle one piece of armor perhaps I learned at this point you can approach this guy in zapioca to trade bronzer fragments for auspicious armor which in Scarlet evolves our very useless chocolate into a very not useless armorobe it's a fire psychic Pokemon which is an awesome combination I then did so much grinding and prep that Mr arsonist looked like director clavel by the end of it with our team of hot heroes ready it was time to see if my fire types could conquer the end game of Pokemon Scarlet the first Elite Four member is one of the most troubling rika's ground types are concerning and even more so when she leads with wiscash however this is perfect for our Pepper with a seed bomb from their sko villain drowning that fishy a flamethrower on the dawn fan does a little over half before Stone Edge crushes out peppers a flare Blitz from Talonflame just fall short of getting the KO but Stone Edge misses I finally had some luck go my way allowing Talonflame to finish the job on the next turn against Doug Trio I activate my big brain mode and use Tailwind to double our team's speed Talonflame is shot out of the sky in the process but the speed boost means that amarok can come in and mine Crush dog Trio with a psychic after some switching armor Rogue can also clean up camerupt but then Rika sends in her most powerful monster King Claude a flamethrower does just less than half before King Claude fires off a huge earthquake and amarok holds the line just surviving on three HP a second flamethrower doesn't get the kill and our Knight Falls but at this range skeletos can clean up King Claude one down that was stressful if only we had someone weak to absolutely dunk on well what do you know poppy uses steel types and if there's one thing I know about steel it's that they have a crippling weakness too Turtles my talk all went Ultra Instinct melting down Poppy's first three beloved Steel type Pokemon before her very eyes with an onslaught of sun boosted lava plumes tokol eventually Falls but the rest of my team has no trouble in burning the rest of hoes to the ground it was not pretty that's another one down Hey kid uh sorry about your Pokemon and all that they probably just need a potion or maybe a blacksmith our next battle is against Larry and while this one is harder than poppy his flying types weren't too hard to handle my fire Pokemon gradually burned up their wings with some real heat can I interest anyone in some roasted bird while those last two fights were clean the next one is an entirely different story Castle's dragon types are deadly not only are they powerful but dragons resist fire so this was not going to be easy hassle leaves with Noivern so I go with Cole also we immediately lose half of our health to superbang before setting up a rock polish a dragon pulse has colossal barely hanging on before I polish my rocks for a second time now we outspeed Noivern and hit some luck with rock blast connecting five times for the KO next is dragalge who we also hit with a huge Rock blast but it's not enough and a hydro pump extinguishes our lead Talonflame picks up a quick Revenge kill with Brave Bird but is hit by drogaldi's poison point in the process third is Haxorus and this guy is deadly strong with its attack fortunately with a U-turn Talonflame can pivot out into torque goal who eats the incoming rock turn we trade blows and while torkhold does go down it's done its job because now Talonflame can re-emerge with Brave Bird finishing off yet another of hassle's dragons on top of that flapple dies immediately leaving hassle with only his back's caliber a superpower pseudo dragon that also can't be burned I would need some big brain strats to deal with this so I decided to whip out out the cheese after landing a big Brave Bird Talonflame Falls to its own recoil I send an Arcanine next to Landon intimidate before immediately switching out into pyrol a terror boosted blade Rush would have killed if not for the attack drop but this allows us to land one Noble raw before pyro Falls I then bring out our fiery camel who also barely eats a glaive rush before landing yawn camerup does go down on the next turn but now back to caliber is sound asleep so Arcanine is clear to come in and two play roughs are enough to slay this incredibly deadly dragon with that close win Mr arsonist had burned the Elite Four to the ground but now we're confronted with the hardest battle to date we had to defeat the top Champion Gita who's a higher level than us and has a diverse team once my roster was assembled it was finally time to see if Mr arsonist could become a champion Gita leads with Horus bartha so I go with Houndoom who is immune to psychic a dazzling gleam does about a quarter of our health before I set up a nasty plot except since has the ability opportunist it also gets a special attack boost not great while sparthur's dazzling gleams do big damage it's not enough to take me out so a Shadow Ball from Houndoom could finish it off for some strange reason Gita sent in avalog next which uh yeah that didn't work out too well next she sends in wait what king Gambit how are you the top Champion even the literal toddler knows how type advantages work a flamethrower Burns King Gambit to a crisp giving us a nice early lead now Gita finally brings in her water type the loser I switch into sko villain but we get hit hard by a liquidation I thought this was the end for our Peppers except they outspeed and Crush for loser with a seed bomb Go goat is incinerated by a few flamethrowers and now Gita was on the ropes in a 6v1 glamora did manage to take out my sko villain and the absolute nerve of Gita to Trash Talk us after we've completely dunked on her this whole time since it's a rock type her glamora is dangerous and quickly rips through half of my team but eventually amarogue clutches up by surviving a terror blast on just 5 HP before finally finishing glamora with psychic with that Mr arsonist had embarrassed Gita and my fire types had become Champions but we weren't done yet because I wanted to see if my fire types could go all the way and beat the hardest final boss of Pokemon Scarlet we do have to take on some other trainers along the way and most of these were pretty straightforward except for director clavel I thought this would be a clean sweep Houndoom can set up on his orangaroo and sweep through the rest of his team except for quavo not only is it a water type but it also terasterizes and uses Aqua step which increases its speed every time with this devastating combo quavo was basically a firefighter and the flamboyant duck proceeded to counter sweep my whole team how embarrassing in a rematch my plan was to do it all again but this time I rely on arcanine's Extreme Speed to take care of that deadly duck first try baby another fight worth mentioning is our final showdown with nimona she has been an absolute pest in this run so I wanted to burn her team down once and for all she leads with lycanroc who thanks to my intimidate deals less than half of arcanine's HP with a drill run then with a single close combat Arcanine pummels that puppy into a pulp maybe it should have tried to use sand attack my eternal love earthworm comes out next but close combat crits and kills it immediately nice seeing you buddy we then traded Pokemon back and forth until skeletos hits the field and decided to establish its dominance with a string of torch songs skeleters incinerates the Mona's next few Pokemon then once she was down to only home yaskarata our Killer Croc tanks a shadow claw before one last flamethrower finishes the fight nimoda's team was burned to ashes and revenge has never tasted so sweet with our Pals we then descended down into the paldia crater to meet Professor sarda but area zero is really messed up like seriously I thought this was bad but even some of the Pokemon are suffering this poor venomoth is the wrong color don't worry little guy I'll put you out of your misery one like equals one prayer for shiny venomoth to be healed of its discoloration anyway once we reach the bottom of the crater we confront Professor SATA the final boss of Pokemon Scarlet who will have to beat to complete the challenge she has six Pokemon all with insane stats and packed with powerful moves this was going to be by far Mr Arsenal's toughest fight yet and let me tell you I got destroyed sarda's Pokemon have incredible coverage and are insanely powerful extinguishing my beloved fire types one after another it wasn't even close alright round two starter leads with a disgusting ancient Volcarona who ditched its fire type for a fighting type as punishment for disrespecting the fire type like that Talonflame immediately crushes it with a quad effective Brave Bird so far this is just like attempt one but now we have a new key member in the team and it's not who you'd expect camerupt who I just realized I never nicknamed um I'm just gonna call you Doug Doug pretty easily especially after some recovery from leftovers so after a tone of protecting we survive another Power gem before landing a yawn protect then buys us another turn to put flutter Maine to sleep while it's having a snooze our camel is clear to earthquake its heart out with two of these burying the evil ghost next is ancient amugus who immediately tries to Sucker Punch me on the next turn I expect another Sucker Punch so up for yawn which I'm able to land for free since sucker punch fails once the mushroom is asleep two lava plumes take it out and we're looking much better this time around except this is where things go downhill because Sandy shocks is a problem it out speeds my armor Rogue and I'm crushed by a power gem my choice of how Doom can return big damage to the cursed Magneton but my demon dog also falls from here Arcanine can finally finish off the ancient magnet with an extreme speed sarda then goes with screentail who doesn't really have much for skeletush so I can safely switch in and land a burn to Nerf's down image output after switching into Talonflame a roost followed by a Brave Bird is enough to decimate the prehistoric puffball things were looking good but now Sada was down to her ancient salamance roaring moon is an absolute beast and to make things worse it gets an attack boost thanks to its ability to deal with it I then tried pivoting intimidates to Nerf this demigod I lost a few Pokemon in the process but weird nerfed the ancient salamance into the ground Arcanine comes in one more time and I know that we can tank some hits so I cross my fingers click play rough and ah at the worst possible time salamance gets a critical hit losing like that sucked but it did show me one thing this was possible round three we deal with slithering and flutter main just like last time but when brute Bonnet comes out that's where things go differently this time it didn't seem to want to Sucker Punch me and I need to preserve Cameron so I switch into Talonflame who comes in for free on an earth power but I get sucker punched which means that while my Brave Bird did finish the mushroom I also felt a recoil in the process I expected Sandy shocks to come in next just like last time however sarda sends in screentail as I go with Arma Rogue this is perfect and it's here that I can redeem myself for last time play Ruff barely touches my knight especially after I burn it with Willow Wisp from here amarogue is completely clear to Carmine for five turns in a row giving me some insane stat boosts this allows amarogue to slaughter screamtail before the Demonic magnet returns Sandy shocks hits a super effective earth power and amarogue just holds on before an armor cannon scorches that magnet straight back to the past but we weren't done yet asada still had her roaring Moon who ended our last run amarogue instantly goes down to salamance but now we can execute our plan I gradually pivot Arcanine in and out stacking intimidate Nerfs onto salamance bringing it from plus one down to -1 then I bring in skeletos and stone age doesn't even do half now our day one Croc eats a night slash before landing a willow wisp now roaring moon was nerfed into the mud once skeletos Falls I Stand Out Houndoom and stardust earthquakes aren't even doing a quarter as Choice car flamethrowers are dealing damage I start to get a bit teary-eyed a Hound hour was our first encounter taken away from us yet it was this encounter that won us our first badge and it was this Houndoom that would win us the final fight after tanking one more Stone Edge oh how do him you suck how way better dog Arcanine comes in one last time and a final extreme speed takes care of that demonic dragon with that Sada Was Defeated Mr arsonist and his fire types had burned through all of Pokemon Scarlet jump into this video next for more Pokemon content take care and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 3,280,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Challenge, Scarlet, Violet, Monotype
Id: H2RNzey5N4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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