Pokemon LeafGreen/FireRed SPEEDRUN in 2:01:49! (Former World Record!)

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five grand but i the cost isn't what i'm worried about one frame really by the way how heavy was i 270 and i'm about 175 right now yeah 269 is correct thank you for being more correct about my exact fattest weight my good friend leopardon what's the worry well first of all i really don't like being put out or put to sleep or what i don't know what you call it i really hate that feeling as someone who takes hours to fall asleep [Music] 0.2 actually and then like you just pass like i don't know i don't like it i don't like i don't like i don't like it but um and then there's like a recovery period that kind of sucks you like a drain put in your stomach for a few weeks or something like i don't know it's not good [ __ ] am i short nope i am six foot two [Music] you went from 310 to 210 during the pandemic that's [ __ ] amazing bro you should feel amazing good job [Music] lingatario thank you so much for summoning glad you're enjoying it she's [Music] 5'3 [Music] i was exclamation point fat gunner bro you don't have to imagine it you can see it i was quite fat [Music] [Music] only streamer to be able to pronounce my name properly dude it's funny because i messed up like the simplest names ever but i'll i also get that comment where you're like you're the only streamer to ever say my name right like pretty often i'm like on the yeah there's an example right there [Music] [Music] keep working don't stop i think we're i think where a lot of people mess up with weight loss is like you know they have a shitty [ __ ] day and they just like can't help themselves and have something terrible to eat and then the next day they're like well it's all [ __ ] out the window now and then they just fall off and then don't get back to doing it because it's hard to start again when in reality it's fine bro it literally doesn't matter like if you [ __ ] up one meal it doesn't matter like let yourself do that when you need to when you when you lose control or whatever and just keep going never stop your voice was so much deeper wasn't i had a different mic for one ever consider watching one piece nope never once it is it is a mental battle it's uh to go through that you know you feel like you failed there's a whole lot going on there yeah i'm up to date with it dude honestly i don't have great control i am i'm a man of extremes and that's how i succeed i just i don't know how to moderate very well how to how to be a moderate person so like with the diet and exercise i just you know was perfect about it all the time never took any breaks never cheated [Music] [Music] arch mage afro i'm so glad you enjoyed it thank you for letting me know that is pretty funny i've only done that like three times ever see you cheesy lad thank you for watching uh there are plenty of places where gems are open yes [Music] please interact with the old man am i going to take book a guy's stadium world record i am very interested in doing the stadium uh grind and the thing is is that i kind of have to because i'm telling you right now i i am not going to be able to stream on any kind of normal schedule only doing fire red leaf screen speed runs or sapphire or whatever it is so if i want to do streams like i got to do something the thing is though is dude stadium just [ __ ] kills my stream bro like i literally i haven't streamed in over i haven't streamed in over a month and my viewership is like double what it is on a solid stadium run currently and that is just uh that is just not good which sucks because i actually i actually like grinding stadium i can talk to chat a lot like i wish my chat was as active as it is normally when i stream stadium and i'm like i get it i understand i'm not complaining do what you like most i mean that's all good and well but this is also my job would you play mario party uh mario party's a little tough i could do mario party sometimes but uh i just have to put the controller down for the matching games well thank you angel i'm very proud of that run [Music] i've never even played ocarina of time casual play through the main series games i mean i don't know bro do i even know how to be a casual anymore it's hard for me to enjoy those kinds of streams i feel like i i lose my edge as a streamer when i don't have some kind of goal i mean it could be a goal like beat every pokemon game with x requirement or something [Music] yeah that's true tan man being on a run for a really long time is actually tough for my hands right now [Music] like oops accidentally picked up an x-item have to reset not casual enough but oh no resetting that's not casual [Music] either do i have a game plus category you like to watch people speedrun but not run yourself um i was pretty interested in paper mario runs at one point and and super mario 64 as well l4 etc thanks for stopping for 10 months i appreciate you technically the speedrun is a nuzlocke [Music] not true right because you kill route 1 and then kill something on rot1 and then catch it damn that's uh the first i've ever been never made it to the next patch if you look on the on stream chat you can see what cat jam should be if you had better twitch tv [Music] damn this time's pretty funny do you have any balls does that not count then no i've done stadium streams in the past it was i actually think the group streams were like pretty much exactly the same [Music] that's true you do catch both on r1 sometimes that was a more obvious example thank you [Music] ah this sucks you have to risk this okay that's fine great actually it doesn't matter [Music] damn with a good weedle fight and good hp this could have been like a rock world record it won't be now most likely because nidoran [ __ ] blows in this game but more importantly you can't catch it until after route three you already have a war throttle by then pretty much [ __ ] what am i going to hear six oh this is even mild for the extra time say brock well i guess i've been doing that okay so we're taking 16. what the [ __ ] wait you got oh my god you got another huge bone i see [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] yeah that is huge wait hold on let's show the stream the bone well i mean could you even get an x accuracy by then she's so [ __ ] hyped oh my god all right have to watch the bed again i am in michigan yet [Music] nice good range [Music] that sounds scary [Music] okay i think sex dirty it snowed a good bit actually there's been snow on the ground most of the time i've been here what is my hp 15 okay so here we go oh my god yes daddy please god holy [ __ ] bro well that makes up for the last one [Music] look at this time obviously no slaves [Music] oh also cellulose thank you for the five subs sorry i was very distracted 12 53 misty world record possible um [Music] so what is it [ __ ] i don't know what a good two-slave time is [Music] i want to say probably not but we could like get very close [Music] [ __ ] try to be cute [Music] not so bad right now [Music] uh i mean i got a 13 flat with one so yeah it's definitely possible actually i think someone's done it if i remember correctly but i got a 12 29 with no slaves that's [ __ ] crazy the strength could have been that got the poison a little too early though uh like hm slaves fly cut gotta catch a pokemon for that all right what is our uh what is our situation here so if we fight josh we get minion pikachu and speed surge that's actually pretty good but um we're generally gonna be fighting rocket here or no wait no we're pretty much always fighting josh right unless i guess if we take probably three i have to check but i think three fights bug catcher so maybe not actually 1337.2 is good so we're going to be at 49 hp um which is plus 13. so i need to take two damage in fact so yeah so if i if i get hit by the bird then we'll fight bug catcher and if we don't get hit by the bird then we will fight josh but stall on zubat [Music] uh not very much but i did practice like two weeks ago and then also today before stream [Music] and then i did a practice run yesterday too like full run basically because it was just a bad run that i finished [Music] um yeah that's right so misty the misty split will always be like accurate because you always have both slaves by then [Music] all right so we fight josh well unless it breaks out which it could [Music] nice [Music] wait i'm actually going to be at 19 hp wait am i [ __ ] plus 10 19 17. so i need to take three damage no maybe i'm just stupid i'm probably just stupid and didn't compare that correctly well let's get back there today then [Music] so i was 40 not 39 okay see i'm just a [ __ ] and everything's fine not that dude my heart can't take it nice scary stuff it's actually better this way if we get the zubat range that was a good quick attack really want to get this range it's like a pretty big deal actually considering my health [Music] nice what a good [ __ ] josh bro so fighting josh there got us torrent for the next two levels we would have had torn for neither level we're going to be faster than the pikachu in surges gym instead of speed tied with and he has thunder wave and double team and will be speed tied with surges voltorb which um it kind of depends sometimes it's actually good to get hit by voltaire but in general it's probably better to be faster a quick attack killed there yep one and three to die but that doesn't mean that it's wrong to have done this like hello worth it i don't think he could have gotten me there [Music] ah not really i pretty much only listen to anime music honestly at this point but i mean i do like other music too still need a cutter also don't want quick attack here good super good man it's always the milds i swear actually i think all of my likes insane pace runs were mild okay so that was weird i don't know why i did it like that um so i take five and then six so i take 11 and then i'll be at 13 so i can attack in okay that's good okay it's fine totally fine i have to catch a cutter so it's actually monkey right you get 18 though oh [Music] that was scary dude what do i do i think i have to potion actually [Music] because yeah i think i'm just supposed to potion here i mean it's only quick attack that [ __ ] me you can wear candy right yeah i'm worried about dying before i actually get the before i actually get the hit ah i'm dying is slow could also get the jesus i was expecting my repel to wear out but i don't know what i want to do [Music] no [Music] i could also just post on the rattata if i see one [Music] um yeah i mean this time super good and we're getting swift too yeah now we're gonna candy you you always candy here [Music] uh don't candy the wrong thing because you're yep you're always on war turtle there unless you're in this exact situation so good i thought about that [Music] this reset pp no [Music] is this actually a new strat no you always candy here and i just happened to be dead [Music] giving me a waterfall don't you [ __ ] dare dude why with this [Music] that's my girlfriend who's just brought me lunch snappy snappy snappy snappy swap now ain't no [ __ ] all right just don't do it all right seems [ __ ] good bro still not at 24. [Music] [Music] you bet your ass would have made it at 24. confused actually loses a lot of time even if you don't hit yourself new misty world record uh misty world record is 24 f5 to give you some insight into how absolutely insane that run was [Music] [Music] yes uh what is this 15-18 but dad why would you do that [Music] flange so important to flinch here yes wow sick really sick [Music] [Music] so the reason why it's extra important there is because well first of all i'm just arranged to die to vine whip but good quick attack still need a bit more damage though um but the problem is is that even if you survive you have to heal again because rattata always quick attacks if you're dead to it [Music] so weird to rely on a thirty percent you're not relying on it but like you still live and it's still fine it's just a huge [ __ ] time safe because it saves me effectively an awakening and a potion turn to get that flinch all right how much hp am i going to be at 72 73 so plus 12 26 need to take two damage but i can take up to eight [Music] [Music] do [Music] yeah but in this stream those numbers were pretty accurate for a while i mean we literally had 96 rock team hit rate for november [Music] so yeah [Music] [Music] um i did i slept great actually [Music] no [Music] 2020 was like weird because my health problems started ramping up so the second half was like really bad for me but the first half including the beginning of quarantine was like super good because i fired around two thanks dr sprinkles you save me [Music] [Music] no it's a bagel [Music] whoa wait a second babe this dragon fruit is insane did you eat some of this [Music] do [Music] do i mean are you [ __ ] kidding me another wow he stone cold left at me last time this time he quick spun left right as i'm plugging in uh i don't know it kind of looks white and purple i'm scared to answer [Music] h3n thanks for stopping baby welcome to the gun show and sword robins welcome back 41 months oh that was my last quarter gun that's annoying [Music] yeah i didn't do an outro so i got to do the outro this today [Music] i still don't think i know what song that's supposed to be though why no diet because i couldn't stand to look at a steak ever again [Music] i don't know how anyone could say this dragon fruit tastes bad i mean this is just like straight up [ __ ] sweet goodness [Music] me watch a documentary don't be ridiculous wow seven damage i think that's still good hp 73 is yeah that's still a good hp or well rather now it's good hp uh a little over three months please don't miss [Music] [Music] nice i felt pretty good nope that's right androgynous interesting damn it's almost a 34 good run isn't this 19 shouldn't it shouldn't it just be wait what [Music] oh does this not get the good roll [ __ ] i didn't even check yet i just like was assuming i was getting it [Music] yeah okay so this is actually annoying hp but you can't heal it gotta risk that i mean i only did it because of my stomach problems [Music] the white flesh okay [ __ ] you rachel [Music] whoops good news that leo only i practiced the dick out of bikers today [Music] [Music] all right vine whip does 17 to 20 and we have 19. so very munca [Music] uh let's go with yes [Music] clipped that [Music] you could argue to potion here in some cases but i'm already very long potions [Music] do that's fine so now he's super potion instead that was an 18 flinch miss oh don't do it man this will be torrent right please find what [Music] okay okay okay okay okay you idiot miss bro you can't miss that just fine whip okay was i normally getting torn there no i wasn't that was another 18. [Music] right not good but not dead [Music] so [Music] well the problem with leech seed is that the heal makes yes it is shelter uh the heal makes mega kick not kill so you have to switch out obviously super slow i wouldn't count on it mockwing [Music] but we do have some extra speed evs on our bag for this surge gym house but rival not yet but not dead super potion and two awakenings i mean it's hard to even have a chance to get frozen five times i forgot to plug my adapter in [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god [Music] trying to imagine [Music] faster than this pikachu because we caught because we fought josh [Music] and speed type with voltorb wasn't that a one and three chance to hit the second switch yep that's why i saved yellow there is no yolo this fight is just terrible this fight is more yolo than like most risks you take just by virtue of existing i wonder how much quick attack does now probably a [ __ ] load 17 miles 35 to 42 good tank too oh no oh no no confused [Music] please for the love of god wow insane [Music] so don't forget to heal para double team with surge fight your menu is on safe thanks baby [Music] best surgeon remember uh no but close well okay search gym i was thinking search time but yeah no no one's ever gotten a forty-two that is funny i have never hit that tile before it's trying to see subbed [Music] pressure man's like after 18 months that's so many months what's the next challenge uh this split there's a lot of kicking to do [Music] damn that was fast [Music] so was my dream last meal outback cheese [Music] fries [Music] [Music] so lots of cheese mini fry no sorry what's my diet i don't know bro i'm a i'm a diet nomad correct ah do i elixir now i think no because i'm okay with taking the damage nice range [Music] uh pretty much that's all they're welcome back for 12 months that's a good diet [Music] i want to kill myself live commit it's not a lick string it's probably fine what is the audio strange that's a good question let's find out 11 and 16. [Music] get him wow you got him 31 special is so good imagine running thirty [Music] that's one in four kill by the way god i'm so good this one's one in 16 to kill not including grit all right this is the big one what's the most damage we can take 24 please good get him my son all right this is so important so important good [ __ ] amazing dude uh that's a weird never pass it up there [Music] is it it doesn't really matter right unless your cursor being there is better it has been well you have to move your i guess it depends on where your cursor ends up after because don't you have to go back down anyway to get uh candies [Music] [Music] you also get more pp sometimes your bite's a little close [Music] well topo chico is just better [Music] [Music] actually i don't really like the lime toppo chico or it's not that i don't like it but i just prefer the regular one by like a lot [Music] which is weird cause i like got it and i was hyped to try it don't worry i'm not gonna mess it up [Music] it doesn't [ __ ] with my stomach i did not i missed a kick on ivysaur and to kick on oddish uh so i missed two [Music] [Music] thunder creaming himself except i bonked [Music] well i did the dance with darkness correctly it was the part after i [ __ ] up i guess damn son this foot is good as [ __ ] is this gonna be gold this is gold [Music] damn bro what was that that's an insane rock tunnel split 10 42 10 42 with having to heal pera after surge don't forget about that insane split that if i had to guess that's probably world record uh for escape ropes split as in like the segment not the [Music] i i highly doubt anyone has a 1042 it's like super hard to get that i literally got everything to and had good movement [Music] oh sub 11 is great [ __ ] [Music] i mean i don't know i already foretold this prophecy yesterday but i did a practice run since then so maybe it'll be fine and i won't do anything stupid i mean the only thing you can do say for koga is pick up a revive and if you revive then your like run isn't even good but it is possible that i will pick up their life on this run it is possible that is so bad [Music] took some damage but i really need to take more for it to be good [Music] i mean there's no tyranitar in this run it's just round one i lost like six or something [Music] at least five to rival two or champ two it wasn't just tyranitar it was also alakazam yes i will be going for sulfur yeah i need you to link the outro song again though and then for someone else to save it about a year well now it was before reflect strats but yes if you get reflect on the wrong turn it is a run killer no it didn't actually get made [Music] that was tragic that's absolutely tragic yes koga is tough in this category end round two equally tough in fact [Music] when you choose your war total it says it on the screen my man next to all of his ivs [Music] all right somebody save that youtube video for the outro please and then make me do an outro i'm playing on leaf green [Music] yeah we're just going to pair a hill this time uh what is torrent here 29 hmm do i bite sand true nah it's not worth it [Music] i bite i think bites easily better there considering glare [ __ ] what do i actually need to be in torrent here [Music] i'm at 87 i'm evolving to 109. so 36 is torrent i'm gaining 22 54 18 damage that ain't happening [Music] if by me you mean arcadius likes to color code the layout yeah sure your works [Music] [Music] [Music] i've never seen star wars um okay so this is 20 mile so we're taking 25 to 30 here so we're actually dead to two punches most of the time [Music] but we tank lear punch or toe up punch and fake out becomes good here yeah fake out is good [Music] [Music] [Music] dan's game 89 i'll be back for five months [Music] fake out nice [ __ ] nice bro i'll tell it oh i'm not in torrent that's funny i thought i would be in torn i didn't even check oh god don't do it i'm dead aren't i okay uh this is weird health this is actually i can guard spec here and i'll have one hp or no wait yeah i know i take eight i took eight yeah fake out was just bad there was funny [Music] i mean i'm not potioning to 53. all right how much am i taking [ __ ] actually that might be fine i'm taking 24 on average but [Music] so i'll be at 29. maybe i should actually to play around crit too 1 6 17 5 3. oh yeah i should probably potion is 29 hp okay though i don't have enough time to figure it out [Music] yep it's actually ah dude please it's actually perfect dude are you serious yeah so we're gonna potion here even though we're a little i think we have three maybe so definitely potion here [Music] [Music] dude [Music] killing myself [Music] [Music] i mean there's not really much to say my hands hurt because i play a lot of games got to get it fixed or i can't keep streaming like this well i can't say yet yep we would have been [ __ ] if we did the other strat may be [ __ ] anyway though oh my god nice wow perfect like i needed one hp lowered to have the torrent for our canine but it doesn't matter [Music] thank you i'm not worried about tartan now i'm worried about torrent for koga so level 40 which i will have torn for be 39 out of 120 for coca [Music] um the suspense before the mega kick now i have an x accuracy it's 99 to hit i haven't missed one in a really long time though to be fair [Music] no revive is never useful anymore because you deposit your slaves because it's faster also having slaves is bad for bruno because he can roar you in some situations [Music] x accuracy multiplies you're actually by 1.3 [Music] all right 20 mild takes 31 to 37 so quick attack is gun end sub 2 possible no uh sapphire though i don't know if my hands can handle it [Music] friday round two will be like after that i'll definitely go back get off my hands play too many video games now they hurt this is the best i got i i have gotten roar actually uh but you can play around it you just have to know not to do that if you set up to plus three and one stat he'll roar you i mean if i got like got everything from here it's up to i think [Music] favorite pokemon game uh silver have i tried masturbating less yes actually blastoises exclamation point torrent is we'll explain [Music] if you think about how the trainers have to exit the room and how far you have to walk to get like you're walking away from one trainer to get towards another trainer in this room damn i only have exactly enough pulses i had no idea that was the case monk ass i don't have any kicks left [Music] either yesterday [Music] thank you [Music] but then you still have to go to the center of the room charizard and venusaur suck balls actually really just venusaur sucks balls charizard it's pretty good but uh blast always deals with uh brock way better try my dress to fight a bunch of optionals chairman also has some [ __ ] fights in this room all right so there's two pokemon that can quick attack me here they can both do it at a rate of one and four and if if only if exactly one of them quick attacks me we are super boned if both of them do it's fine if neither do it's perfect [Music] okay [Music] uh there is not but thunder can give it to you surely good very good okay that's super super good our hp is all set up now and we're gonna be biting wheezing [Music] biting is faster on average [Music] [Music] nice didn't get cooked they aren't the best across all pokemon games that's funny that you're asking that aries you're very informed but no yep easy baby practice that like 50 times today damn i was trying to react to signed strats but it didn't work [Music] worked in practice ah that was still really good uh haven't they really been able to stream because my hands were really killing me yeah i mean my hands hurt or my arm hurts really what my girlfriend's house [ __ ] revive i don't want the run that revives saves [Music] hell yeah she's here right now [Music] [Music] some weird mistakes [Music] uh she has not had craddock [Music] 12 29 is brought gold slash world record [Music] yes she was [Music] this is the best run uh yep how much it being is an absolute dream i mean it is it has its own personal or uh specific rather set of struggles and personal but uh in many ways it is a dream job [Music] yes the gold split is saved even if the run doesn't finish reckon there's a chance of world record bro i'm a minute and 40 seconds ahead of route yes there is a chance to record but this is easily the scariest fight until elite four it's not close either [Music] nah she lets me do the pokemon plan [Music] all right creating the muck this is the run yep come on bobel exclamation point bite [Music] hit him with it take those okay oh [ __ ] k skip the carbo suck speed buy one hp [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was my coca gold holy [ __ ] okay guys a really good spot there you go for flinch because if you surf and miss the range he heals and it's slow [Music] and very rarely do you actually get saved because you surfed and not bited bit also i don't care if i take damage or not so bite is fine [Music] next run killer's elite four pretty much technically i can die to blame here though because i'm ex speeding no i'm not getting the carbus i need to take damage so it's faster to just x speed there and let the garlic hit me in the torrent [Music] i love when he moves away i could not god that's what i get for trying to pick it up for him perfectly [Music] oh take down that's nice and are stopping nervous i mean i don't know that wasn't really a nervous mistake i know it's hard to believe but it was just a stupid hands mistake [Music] so [Music] [Music] is pretty unreasonable from here tbh [Music] world record has an absolutely amazing e4 [Music] as i personally experienced yesterday comparing against those splits [Music] all right no funny business [Music] i did not though technically i did a full run yesterday that was three minutes behind or two minutes behind so yeah i kind of did [Music] easy baby that's all it takes i know world record has good everything e4 okay we're going to erica's gym not saffron [Music] this is pretty good hp i think i think i will tank [Music] pretty much all always without healing i wonder how much pidgeot does though i wonder if the super is good i think it will be i think just super fine from here [Music] [Music] waiting i have not talked to someone twice yet [Music] if you say yes to bill the run it's instantly over yeah there is no escaping there is it's not time loss it's dead i it's it's a long time you can't you literally can't get off the island unless you have to you have to do side quests it brings you to the [ __ ] islands and makes you do side quests to get back it's literally just over [Music] oh [Music] yeah i would literally be faster to suicide i think it actually puts you back on the island though maybe [Music] whatever run red soft lock percent uh no [Music] i know i thought josh no ice beam is hard to get and no all right pidgeot is doing 17-21 ooh so super potion is not going to be good enough right or wait i'm taking what like 19 three times [Music] so that's 57 from 80 is 23 that's fine it should always be fine going to 80 here i believe this was a two encounter forest good good [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] uh i mean they're all fights not really a big fight you have to hit exact blizzards and missing venusaur is dead but [Music] i made a mini mistake i opened the pokemon menu not the item menu so that's why it wasn't cold [Music] yeah super is fine here so [Music] what [Music] i mean it's not over but what my stupid fat hands i don't know i i i don't know that was much more than 15. [Music] uh yeah you actually have one extra surf no i've never hit that spinner before this is quite silly [Music] [Music] try to keep my head in the game i don't know i i don't know what happened like my [ __ ] finger slipped or something like what can you do [Music] [Music] i mean i don't know it's like super silly but i don't know of all the mistakes i could make like it's just such a weird random one that like was a physical error on my part that it's like i don't know i'm not like super bothered i can still do this let's stay focused [Music] no i you have exactly one extra surf i mean technically you have a lot of extra shirts but the pp route i use uses more surfs than water pulses because surf has less letters and i have one extra i i literally my finger slipped and i hit a random spinner i don't think the xp matters but it was a one spinner mod that died in one hit it's actually not that slow [Music] like that losses that probably lost less time than missing blizzard no i lost one surf and i have an extra [Music] surf yeah let's just hit more [Music] that didn't options me [Music] sweet good thing we have no physical moves [Music] but we won't use it uh [Music] maybe even at this point no bro i'm easily over a minute ahead [Music] yeah it was a one coat spinner that died in one hit [Music] [Music] ah that was polka guy [Music] [Music] so [Music] i don't know that that xp will change anything actually [Music] i wonder if it [ __ ] up my special attacki evies at all well where are you level on agatha is important because of the special attack evie's for gyarados especially with this squirtle because the squirtle wants to do pulse strats [Music] i don't think it matters [Music] you can i don't think you can water pulse [ __ ] [Music] yeah but you're never in the torrent all right so this is 155 is torrent really 158 so that's 52 with 158 max and i am taking [Music] 31 max for mock punch so for guards back let's see i'm taking 34 on average so 34 plus 34 is 68 [Music] or not guard spec struts sorry 34 plus 34 plus a rock tune 4 17 so 85 plus another 34 is 119 so minimum hp for the strat is 119. and max hp is that [Music] plus a mock punch but i still need to take the mock punch from there sorry so and then does 4 star work with this it should right 34 times 3 102 plus rock tomb 120 from 155 is 35 yeah four star works [Music] and [Music] four guard specs strats [Music] i'm taking what 54-ish [Music] and then i need to take a mock punch from 31 so 85 minimum for guard spec strats i got an extra level up there because of the extra xp that's why i lost time [Music] i did find an optional unfortunately [Music] [Music] yeah i was definitely dead there too actually i think i tank psychic from 70. probably doesn't matter though [Music] actually i'm in a level two i definitely tank wow actually not x speeding ain't no [ __ ] way i don't think here [Music] [Music] [Music] cool come on girl [Music] no that is my girlfriend [Music] it's a good run [Music] yeah i want to do sapphire again dude i cannot turn really uh [Music] yeah that was definitely time loss [Music] ah to encounter victory road so [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] you [Music] so [Music] all right deposit to get rid of your slaves so there's no cut scene for them in the hall of fame but also to helius [Music] [Music] that is really bad with the crit i'm gonna have this floor store now [Music] don't you dare [Music] no it doesn't stop flinching rip bro [ __ ] i wonder if i wonder if jinx even kills me from here well yeah i normally heal on i don't know i don't even know the move sucks [Music] yeah but if he kills you he'll use it whatever i i'm not convinced that ice punch kills from there shut the heel on lapras [Music] [Music] so [Music] dude what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] that was a good crit that would not have been enough damage and then if he earthquaked it would have been bad [Music] [Music] so [Music] hp is good [Music] [Music] no but level team cheese double team cheese is always happening good the alternative to double team is she shadow punches and then you have to heal and then your heel looped for another turn and then she double [Music] teams okay see i don't know because i'm not getting this haunters evs does that mean that i can't do pulse strats [Music] or the gengar as well i just don't know but bite is so bad 130 special attack i don't know what the value is [Music] maybe someone does i mean what do you just do you just bite again if it if you get shitty rolls right one special attack point does matter [Music] surf [Music] that did not look like a good bite roll that was good enough uh 20 mild takes 92 max okay [Music] [ __ ] how much does there a doctor do i don't know how much airdactyl does it's [ __ ] close though [Music] i bet i tank yeah 75 max we just got to go don't have time to not go [Music] [Music] i mean i'm using x accuracy for blizzard that's why i'm not missing [Music] five minutes 29 months all right we got a damn good shot [Music] all right pidgeot is 42 max our canine is 51 max still need a good fight here for 201 that's not good that's good [Music] it's very good sand attack it's touring right [Music] are you kidding me i mean sure ah this is so silly i don't really have to heal them and he'd flinch into blizzard hit would be sick i can't die from non-crit don't you [ __ ] dare all right world record [Music] okay are you serious if that cost me two or one no it doesn't so many crits first 201 boys [Music] you oh my goodness that's so many subs [Music] somebody just did a roll off what did catherine say world record at my house [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i have to pee so badly i'm sorry i'll be right back [Music] [Music] maybe you should take a month off all the time [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh okay okay okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna thank everyone oh my god dude my stomach is hurting so much it's been hurting for like the last hour i've been dying i don't know if it's stress or because i ate a big lunch or what but no i'm not drinking any alcohol [Music] back to sapphire i mean dude that is the game i want to play next must feel good i mean it's bittersweet in a way because you know i was so in practice for this game for so long and and you know this was just not a representation of how good i am at this game and also i wanted time better than this but i mean i i don't know i'll probably move on for now just because it's you know it's been so long it's been a year of this game um but i will return to this category if anyone beats me sub 201 is possible [Music] dude we literally have wine and whiskey and guinness but maybe he was talking specifically about beer but i'm not drinking anything today i i can't dude my stomach's been so bad am i gonna castrate a kennel now i don't think so oh you're having an irish comb for me okay [Music] um i don't know if for how long i'm going to take off commentary on this run do i have to i guess i might do that maybe i'll do that tomorrow because i don't really have anything to stream tomorrow otherwise which are the key moments of the run i mean dude there's a lot these splits suck to run against [Music] anything that could have gone better uh i bonked in rock tunnel or sorry i bonked in in victory road which caused me to get one extra encounterable tile which actually i got an encounter for that well he said besides the optional [Music] okay there's literally so many [ __ ] subs here [Music] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] bro i think it was like i think it was like 22 seconds to the 21 even to the optional no i don't have any origami ones uh this run sucks also these splits suck to run against 4408 surge is annoying does this run yeah it's beatable definitely beatable i mean this game is getting to the point where it's just like really hard to get on a run that's like good enough and doesn't die but
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 492,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, LeafGreen, FireRed, Speedrun, World Record, pokemon speedrun, pokemon shield, pokemon sword, pokemon walkthrough, competitive pokemon, how fast can you beat pokemon, can you beat pokemon with only, awesome games done quick 2021, games done quick, gunnermaniac, pokemon nuzlocke, leafgreen nuzlocke, new pokemon snap, pokemon challenge, pokemon go 2021, pokemon world record 2021, pokemon charizard, pokemon blastoise, pokemon diamond pearl remake, pokemon legends arceus
Id: hff0HwyxKsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 39sec (7659 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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